Mustafa Khattab – Fiqh of Fasting

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The speaker discusses the importance of witnessing the month of Guinea, which is when the month of Brah is recognized. They explain that if someone eats or drinks intentionally during the day of Guinea, they are considered a loser, and that their fasting is valid. They also discuss the importance of fasting during the day ofhair, including the importance of not drinking unintentionally and not brushing one's teeth. The speaker also mentions that the day is a severe punishment and that anyone who tries to eat or drink during that time is considered a loser.
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious,
most merciful,
I bear witness that there is not worthy
of our worship except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is
the seal of the prophets and the final
messenger to
So the month of Ramadan has arrived.
So take advantage of this
unique and special time to get close to
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and to get your
sins forgiven.
Whoever witnesses the month and does not get
his sins
or hears sins, forgive it. This person is
a loser.
So the prophet
says in the authentic hadith that whoever witnesses
the month of Ramadan and does not get
their sins forgiven, they are losers.
So this was then the hadith and al
al muf mufad by al Bukhay. The prophet
as narrated by Anas ibn
Malik climbed the member one name.
So he said, Ami, then Ami, then Ami
3 times. So the sahaba said, oh, prophet
of Allah, why did you say Ami 3
So he said, Jibril, Gabriel, came to me
and said, whoever witnesses the month of Ramadan
is a loser, so say Ami, and I
said Ami.
Then, Jibreel Alaihi Salam says, whoever
witnesses his parents
or sees them and lives with them in
their old age and he doesn't serve them,
he is not good to them. So in
this case, they don't take him to Jannah,
then he is a loser. Say, Ameen, I
said, Ameen.
The Jibreel Alai Salaam says, whoever whoever
your name is mentioned in front of him
or her, and they don't,
send Allah's peace and blessings on you. They
are losers, so say, Amir. I said, Amir.
today, inshaAllah, we'll talk about some of the
basic rulings
related to the month of Ramadan. Some of
some people are not familiar with these rulings,
so I'm gonna mention them briefly, inshaAllah.
So some things some people do, and these
days will invalidate their fasting, and they have
to make another day after Ramadan.
So number 1, if someone
eats or drinks intentionally
during the day of Ramadan, they have to
wake up the day of Ramadan.
they eat or drink unintentionally and this happens
most of the time in the first couple
of days, people are not used to fasting,
so they eat and drink unintentionally.
So in this case, the person would have
to continue their fast. If they ate or
their fasting is acceptable.
So if someone throws up intentionally, they would
have to wake up the day after Ramadan,
but they, they throw up unintentionally.
Their fasting is valid, and this is what
the prophet
says in
Number 3. If a sister starts her monthly
period during the day of Ramadan in any
time, she will have to
finish the fast, and she will have to
make up the day after Ramadan. And the
same is also true for a sister who
gives birth to a child during the day
of Ramadan. She will have to make up
the day after Ramadan.
If these sisters continue the fast, their fasting
is not valid, and they have to make
up the fast after Ramadan.
So number 3,
if someone has a relationship with his wife
during the day of Ramadan, they would have
to make up the day,
and they have also to fast 60 consecutive
days after the month of Ramadan. It's a
severe punishment.
And this was in the khanib and Bukhary
and Muslim. A man came to the prophet
said, oh prophet of Allah,
I destroyed myself.
So the prophet
said, how? He said, I had * with
my wife during the day of Abala.
So the prophet
said, can you free a slave to compensate
to make up for the sin you committed?
He said, I can't. I can't afford it.
Then the prophet said, can you fast for
60 consecutive days after Ramadan? He said, can
I can't? Look, I tried to fast Ramadan
30 days, and I couldn't hold myself.
What about 60 days? So the prophet said,
can you feed 60 poor people? He said,
I can't.
Then a plate of dates was brought to
the prophet
So the prophet, sasallam, gave it to him
and said, take it and give it as
a charity to someone. So the man said,
by the one who sent you in truth,
oh, prophet of Allah, as the poorest person
in the whole world. So the prophet smiled
and said, take it and eat it with
your wife.
If a pregnant lady or a lady who
who is nursing their baby in the month
of Ramadan,
if she can fast, fine. But if she
is not able to fast, then there are
3 options.
She can only feed poor people, one poor
person for every day she breaks in Ramadan,
or she can make up the days after
Ramadan, or she can feed and fast the
days. The 3 options are available. Any one
of them is okay.
So some of the things that happen in
the day of Ramadan, so they these things
don't invalidate the fasting. And one of them
is wet dreams during the day of Ramadan.
Say, for example, someone is asleep
and they have a wind dream, then this
person does not make up the day. The
fasting is is still valid.
Number 2, brushing your teeth in the day
of Ramadan
or using this wax does not invalidate the
fast. But, generally, it is better if the
person does not brush their teeth because the
prophet says, the smell of the mouth of
the person who is fasting is better in
the side of Allah than must.
But sometimes, the smell gets very bad,
and the mouth smells like a a dragon
mouth, and people just fall down when they
smell your mouth. Then in this case, no
problem if you brush your teeth or use
miswipe. No problem. And the prophet
sometimes use miswipe when he was fasting, so
it is accepted.
So number 3, using injections or shots, like
insulin for those who are diabetic,
the fasting is acceptable, and any other injection.
Also, the eardrops, the nose drops,
they don't,
invalidate the fasting. Using the puffer while you
are fasting does not invalidate the fasting.