Mustafa Khattab – Eid Khutba Dont Sacrifice Your Kids
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So InshaAllah as I said stick around for
just about 10 minutes InshaAllah for the Khutbaturaid.
I'm going to talk about something very important
and before I forget inshaAllah after the Khutba,
we have lots of toys for the kids
downstairs for boys and girls so make sure
inshaAllah you join us downstairs for the toys.
So it is the Sunnah of Allah
to honor his servants,
and to reward them after a major act
of worship.
So after the month of Ramadan, Allah
will reward us with the day of Firth,
Eidul Firth.
And it is His Sunnah to reward us
close to the end of the Hajj, with
the reward of Eidul Adha.
So inshaAllah, as I mentioned, we'll keep the
Khutba Khutbah very short because I know the
haroof is waiting,
for you to go and take care of
Today InshaAllah, we'll draw some lines
and we'll take some lessons from the life
of Ibrahim not in the traditional way that
you have been hearing since,
We'll talk from a different perspective
Ibrahim alayhi
salam was an immigrant.
So if someone here is is from Iraq,
Ibrahim alayhi salam was from your land.
Hajarah, Milil Iraq, ila,
Ibrahim Alaihi Salam was an immigrant,
and he was always on the road. He
traveled from Iraq to Palestine to Egypt to
Mecca and so on and so forth, everyone
knows the story.
Just like you,
you came from every corner of the Earth.
You came from Asia, you came from Africa,
you came from Europe, some from you, from
Latin America, and so on and so forth.
We came from all over the place,
just like Ibrahim Alaihi Salam.
Why did he do it?
Waqara inni muhajirun
ila Rafi.
I'm immigrating, he said, I'm doing hijra
for Allah and to serve Allah
That was his purpose of hijra.
The other thing is, Marufin Ibrahim alaihis salam,
urdiya, umarib Masa'ib, umashakir, wa al kufinna
Just like Ibrahim alaihis salam, he was opposed,
he had some,
to he faced some issues and some challenges.
He was thrown in the fire.
Some of you have been through
things. You had to leave your country, there
are issues there, social problems,
economic problems, political corruption,
and so on and so forth. And this
is why I see people from all over
the place. We're here together because mostly because
of this, and some of you came here
to seek a better future for your kids,
which is a noble cause Alhamdulillah Wa Ta'ala.
One thing that Ibrahim Alaihi Salam did, that
I don't, I don't want you to do
because his was a special case, is that
he was told to sacrifice
his son.
Ibrahim Ibrahim Umayra and Udahya Bib Nihi.
But I don't want to tell us sacrifice
your kids.
So if there is anything that you can
learn from my Khubba today,
don't sacrifice your kids, and I will talk
about this, this is the focus of the
Khubba. La'adudah Hu Bi Ab Nahikum.
La'adudah Hu Bi Ab Nahikum.
I've been an Imam for 11 years now,
and I'm doing counseling,
and parents come to me with their kids,
and they have issues.
I like that.
For some of the parents, they come to
me and they complain.
Like, they came here,
and they made the sacrifices,
and they faced so many challenges,
they left their families back home, they left
and they traveled tens of thousands of miles
to come here, to secure a better future
for their kids.
And now what is happening with their kids?
The parents have some concerns, and some words.
Some of
you, I know, you were doctors back home,
you were engineers,
other good jobs, and you came here, you
can't you couldn't find a good job. And
and of course, for you to get your,
you know, the final test to be able
to practice,
You have to do some menial jobs, in
construction, you carry stuff, you do stuff, Uber,
and so on and so forth.
And and some of you are disappointed, but
you stay here to secure a better future
for your kids. And sometimes,
some of our kids
do not appreciate these sacrifices.
Ma'am, for some of the parents come to
me and they say,
my kids are talking back to me, because
for some reason someone put in their heads,
that if you bother them, they will call
911, and they will fix you out for
I'm am I making this up or this
is the truth? Because people come to me
and they talk. Right?
They talk back to you.
You tell them you have been watching video
games, or you're playing video games, watching movies
for 12 hours. Let's take 5 minutes and
make salatulthu,
then start whining,
Come on, man.
Been clang for 10 hours. We're asking for
3 minutes to pray salah.
Nothing difficult. Right? Why are you complaining?
You make me miserable, you make my life
difficult. Right?
And when they go to high school, it's
a total disaster.
Now the girls, the drugs, this that, because
they learn from their friends. Right? And SubhanAllah,
some kids, and I've been talking to some
families, not many,
And if you also are Kafir al Saeeda,
So there are so many families whose kids
are Mashallah, they're excellent. I know them, I
see them. They memorize Quran, they pray, they
know halalalalal Haram, they respect their parents, but
there are some among us,
I'm I'm worried about them. Yeah. And some,
they come to you and say, well, after
18, I'm gonna do my own thing. Right?
Some parents come to me, oh, my daughter,
man, she is dating a guy, Muslim or
non Muslim. Or my son is dating a
girl, Muslim or non Muslim. Right? I'm worried.
And some of them will say, oh, just
like a month ago, I had to visit
someone because his son had some worries about
Islam, and he has some questions.
So he's not sure about certain things. So,
Manfai, I told him, What are the questions?
He said, This, this, this, this, and I
told him, I've been studying this my whole
life. This is what
missionaries do. Your your son is hanging out
with some people who are putting some doubts
in his head. This is what this is
all about, because there's no way in the
world your son who is 17 or 16
can come up with these questions.
Someone must have put these questions in his
So, take care of your kids. Make sure
inshaAllah you teach them. We want them to
be successful Canadians, and we want them to
be good Muslims.
Right? We want them to be successful Canadians,
to reach their prime, to reach their potential,
and to be good Muslims.
your connection with Islam is 90%
because you just came, you know, from from
your country, from the plane, or off the
boat, your connection with Islam is 90%,
for sure, and as I said remember my
beautiful face?
Your kids connection with Islam would be 50%,
and their grandchildren would be 10 or 5%.
I know some of the brothers,
they go to homes, they do them jobs
painting or fixing and stuff, and they go
to someone's house,
and they see pictures on the wall, the
Kaaba and stuff, and and their kids,
when these brothers have to pray the Dhulmur
Asad there, and the kids were like, one
of them told me that the grandchildren told
them, SubhanAllah,
like, we saw our parents or grandparents who
prayed like you, but we don't know what
you are doing, but they used to do
something similar like you. They don't know what
Salah is. They don't want know what Islam
is. Right? So the connection gets weaker and
weaker after every generation. So make sure you
connect your kids with Islam.
So teach them Quran, haral and haram. You
connect them with your own language.
This is my recommendation, make sure that your
kids speak your own language, your parents' language.
They will learn English. Don't worry about English.
They will learn it. It's very easy. Make
sure they learn English,
sorry, they learn, Urdu, they learn Turkish, they
learn Arabic,
whatever language you speak, make sure they speak
that language.
And if you motivate them, and if you
encourage them,
with whatever candy you take them, you buy
them gifts and stuff, with a little bit
of motivation,
they can do it. And I really commend
the, India Pakistani community and the Turkish community
for taking care of this. They make sure
that their kids speak their own language and
plus English. And the studies show, I'm not
making this up, the kids who speak 2
or 3 languages, they are smaller than the
kids who speak one language.
Director of Photography today. Heino Le Mesheel.
More good. So he's a member of our
Dawah team, we have so many brothers and
sisters in the team who go Dawah and
Alhamdulillah, people are taking shahara.
In the last year, we have given shahada
to over 20 people. In Toronto and other
places, people come to Islam, Alhamdulillah, take beer.
And, on one side, you see people coming
to Islam, highly educated,
highly intelligent people are coming to Islam,
and on the other side, I see some
kids in the community, oh, I have doubts
about Islam.
Come on, man. This is very it breaks
my heart. Right? So you have to keep
your kids connected to Islam. Like Ibrahim alaihis
salam, the the one I mentioned at the
Then Allah mentioned Yaqub who is the grandson
of Ibrahim through Ishaq,
was teaching his kids about Islam and about
Tawhid. And in Surah Yusuf, so we spoke
about Ibrahim and his, Ishaq,
the son,
of Yaqub, who mentioned Yaqub. His son Yusuf,
he left his father, he was taken away
from his father at the age of 12,
he went to Egypt to conquer our al
and he was making Dawah.
Why? Because of his father, his grandfather, his
grandfather, they were teaching him from a young
age about Islam, and so many people accepted
Islam in Egypt at the hands of Yusuf
Alaihi Salam at the end of the story
according to Mufassarom.
Connect your kids with Islam, take care of
them, and if there is anything that you
take from the Khutbah today, do not sacrifice
your kids. Do not sacrifice your kids. Laatulaha
Khubi Abnaikum. I know, you come, you have
to provide for your family,
30% in tax,
GST, you have to send money to your
mom back home to buy laptop, and all
that stuff. I know, you have financial obligations.
Kids are the most important thing in our
lives. Wallahi. If I ask any one of
you who is married with kids, what is
the most important thing in your lives? For
sure you will say, My kids.
because of the financial obligations, we don't spend
as much time with our kids.
Make sure you spend time with them, play
with them,
teach them, become a friend of theirs. Right?
And this is the philosophy,
you should do this with your kids.
Spend twice as much time with them, and
spend as much half money on them.
Every kid is made up of 2 things,
Khadas, I got 20 seconds don't shoot.
Ayi Al Tif,
fee 2 components of Ansari Faiat.
And also, Al Awal, Hawal Al Gazzat, we're
also lathani Huarruh.
So every kid or any human being for
that matter is made up of 2 things.
So you have the body, the physics,
physical body, and you have the Ruuh, the
spirit or the nafs inside.
In a computer terms,
your kid is like the computer. So you
have the hardware,
the monitor,
and the hard disk, and and so on
and so forth. And there is the software,
Microsoft or Apple, whatever software you have.
Most of the time we take care of
the hardware.
You make sure your kids eat good,
dress good, you take them to the YMCA
to play Taekwondo,
swimming, all that stuff.
But most of the time we don't take
care of what is inside the Rooh.
the software or operating system. Let me put
it this way. So make sure you teach
them Taskeet Un Nafs Halal and Haram Ghahla.
Soon Allah Muhammad SAW. You teach them about
Islam. So this is my message today.
I hope I didn't ruin your aid, but
always remember what I said today. I want
your kids to be successful Canadians, and good
Muslims, and I expect some of your kids,
to be the next Imam, to be the
next of president of this Masjid, to be
the next doctor, the next engineer, the next
and I expect some of your kids to
be the next journalist,
the next politician,
the next Prime Minister of Canada. Why not?
We have the potential to be in these
places, and to speak out for ourselves, and
represent the Muslim community. It is not difficult,
other communities are doing it, we can do
it with the help of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
give you a blessed Eid, and to put
Barakah in your families, and to make your
kids good Muslims, righteous, and caring. Insha'Allah.