Mustafa Khattab – Dawa to Muslims 2of3

Mustafa Khattab
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The speaker discusses various advice and advice on how to handle evil behavior from a person. They suggest showing concern and showing kindness, not denying one's actions, and not criticizing one's brother. They also advise against publicly reassuring someone and not criticizing one's actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and protecting one's actions from evil behavior.

AI: Summary ©

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			Because he feels like he is the outcast
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			of the sight.
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			He is isolated.
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			So why should he do anything? Nobody loves
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			him. But if you approach him in a
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			nice way,
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			try to show him that Allah Subhanahu Wa
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			Ta'ala is Merciful, and you can do better,
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			and you do it this way or this
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			way, He will accept from you.
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			In another hadith,
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			one of the companions whose name was Abu
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			Allah, as reported by Imam Abu Khayy, was
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			brought to the crowd
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			again for drinking.
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			And he was left.
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			One of the companions said, Laanaullah,
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			May Allah curse him
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			every time they bring him to be disciplined
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			or punished. So the Prophet
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			Don't curse him because I know for sure
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			that he loves Allah and loves this messenger.
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			So don't curse him.
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			Number 3,
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			being kind to them.
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			Show them kindness.
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			The person who is not practicing
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			is like some person who is has,
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			some kind of sickness.
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			And he deserves your pithi, and he deserves
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			your kindness.
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			when he is telling Musa and Harun, Moses
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			and Aaron, in the Quran to go to
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			speak to Firaun,
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			the pharaoh.
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			The same person who says, Analu Abu'lal,
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			I'm your Lord the Most High.
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			The same person who said Ma'alim tu lakumilillainuay.
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			I don't know of any other Gods for
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			you except myself.
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			Allah is telling Musa and Harun to go
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			to speak to him,
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			Go and say a nice and kind word
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			to him.
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			Maybe he will remember Allah or fear
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			the presence of his Lord.
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			A nice and kind word. And this guy
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			is claiming to be a God.
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			So imagine.
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			Number 4.
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			Not to expose them.
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			To disgrace them in public, and to speak
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			about them.
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			Sayyida Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her.
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			She said, whenever
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			someone did something wrong, a particular person
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			did something
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			wrong. And it was brought to the attention
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			of the Prophet
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			He would talk to the congregation
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			and tell them he wouldn't say,
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			why did this particular person did so and
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			He would say,
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			Why some people do this and this? And
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			he never
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			names the person. He never gives his name
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			in public.
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			But he would talk collectively
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			about some people, so he would teach
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			the people,
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			and the person
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			in question also will be included among the
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			Number 5. Giving the people advice
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			in secret. Because advising some somebody publicly is
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			a sword of disgrace.
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			You will hurt the brothers or the sisters
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			feelings if you talk to them
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			pride, but not public.
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			Umu Darda, one of the companions of the
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			Whoever gives advice to his brother
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			in secret,
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			he's honoring him. You honor your brother. But
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			if you talk to him publicly,
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			this is a sort of disgrace, humiliate
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			him. And again, you expect him to listen
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			from you after you disgrace him,
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			alarus al Hashem, in front of all the
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			Number 6.
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			If something bad happens to him, and he
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			is not practicing,
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			don't feel happy in your heart
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			that he is having a miserable life, or
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			he's having a misfortunate
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			situation. Shamata in her.
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			Imam al Khortobi
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			radhiallahu anhu says,
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			And this is reported by Imam Turmili, and
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			they said this is a good hadith.
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			The prophet
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			says, when something bad happens to your brother,
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			don't feel happy in your heart because maybe
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will remove it from
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			your brother and give it to you.
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			Number 7, and this is very common.
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			When you see someone who is not practicing,
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			someone who is not praying properly, or fasting
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			you look down upon him,
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			or you make fun of him.
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			You make fun of him. And this is
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			not acceptable.
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			Ibn Affa, a secondari, one of the great
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			used to
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			say, So this is very deep. He said,
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			maybe if someone does something wrong,
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			this will make him regret
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			and feel bad in his heart, so he
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			will make tawbatullah.
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			This person would be much better than someone
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			who is doing something good,
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			then he feels in his heart like he's
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			doing something big.
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			He will stop doing good,
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			and he will be proud,
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			arrogant because of the good deeds he's doing.
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			So in the sight of Allah,
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			the first person is good.
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			So not every evil thing that happens is
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			bad. It might lead to some good things.
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			And not everything that good that happens
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			is good because it might lead to something
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			wrong. We ask Allah
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			to forgive our sins and to accept our
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			good deeds, and to give us the best
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			in this life and the best in the
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			life to come. Ask Allah to listen.
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			When you see your brother
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			doing something evil,
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			don't help the shaitan or the devil against
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			your brother.
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			Your brother. Don't curse him.
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			Ask Allah to protect you from the evil
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			he is doing, or to ask Allah for
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			hidayah or guidance for him. This is what
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			you should do.
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			We would never judge someone.
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			This is in the Mas'ud radiAllahu, he would
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			We would never judge someone by his actions,
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			but we