Mustafa Khattab – Closer to Allah 2 Basic Knowledge Ramadan 2011

Mustafa Khattab
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The speaker discusses the importance of learning the holy Bible and the optional knowledge of magic and belly dancing. They also mention a person who was not practicing medicine and was seeking information on the holy Bible's holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy. The speaker also discusses the importance of taking time after eating during the day of holiday.

AI: Summary ©

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			No. Yesterday, we spoke about the mechanical worship
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			and and we said that the mechanical worship
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			that has no heart in it, it doesn't
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			have an impact
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			on you.
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			The genuine
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			worship is the one that is coming from
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			your heart, and it makes you a better
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			It makes you a better you.
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			Proper knowledge of Allah and his attributes.
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			So the scholars classify
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			knowledge into 3 groups.
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			So the first one is the obligatory knowledge.
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			You have to know it. If you are
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			a Muslim, you have to have this knowledge.
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			So this knowledge includes knowing Allah and
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			his attributes, how to worship him,
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			what is halal, what is hamal, the sunnah
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			of the prophet
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			his guidance.
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			And this is the obligatory knowledge. This is
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			what the prophet
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			meant when he said in the Hadith that
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			is narrated by Anas and it is an
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			authentic Hadith, seeking knowledge is an obligation in
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			every Muslim,
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			male male or female.
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			The second type of knowledge in North
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			the second type of knowledge is the optional
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			Just like studying medicine, engineering, and so on
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			and so forth.
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			And medicine and so on and so forth.
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			But the scholars say, once you specialized
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			you are specialized in one of these optional
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			types of knowledge, you have to be an
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			expert in this field. Otherwise,
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			if you are a doctor and you don't
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			know what what medicine is all about, you
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			would kill more patients than Hitler did in
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			World War 2.
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			Yeah. It's a joke.
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			So the third time, they know
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			belly dancing, and all that stuff.
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			So, inshallah, I'm giving you just very few
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			examples of how people try to push him
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			a lie, get close to him, and they
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			are ignorant.
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			For example,
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			Shahad, that there is only one god, Allah
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			and Mohammed in his property.
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			So this person,
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			he negates
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			the very meaning of Shahad.
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			was not practicing.
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			And at some point, when he got older,
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			he started to, practice and to get close
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			to Allah and to to make tawba, but
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			he was ignorant. He used to say in
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			his after he made tawba, oh Allah,
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			forgive all my sins, those of which you
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			know and those of which you don't know.
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			He is ignorant. He doesn't know the meaning
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			of shahab.
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			So one sister, she told me that for
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			a very long time, she used to pray
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			a boom like 2 hours before the because
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			she was afraid that by the time she
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			would get out of the university,
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			the time would be made.
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			Because one condition of salah, you have to
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			pray with the
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			made, not before.
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			If you pray after,
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			you will give them a word, but before,
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			more reward.
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			In Zakat.
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			So regarding Zakat, for example, there are millions
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			of people who gives
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			after the day of Eid, and the prophet
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			said you have to give it before. Otherwise,
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			if you give it after, there's no reward.
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			They don't know.
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			And for during Ramadan, she used to take
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			Iftar at 8 in the morning that is
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			like 2 and a half or 3 hours
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			after sunrise.
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			Because she saw, she thought that you take
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			Iftar with it's a home when you wake
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			up in the morning. She didn't know that
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			you have to take it before Friday.
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			Now this is a song. And Hajj had
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			So one brother told me that he saw
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			a brother who was making talks around the
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			sacred house in Mecca from the outside.
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			Outside the building itself, not around the carpet,
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			but from the outside. This is what he
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			So one brother told me he was in
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			the Hajj, and he overheard
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			Ayan here asking him his mom, mom, why
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			are we circling this black place,
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			this, black hue? She said, because the prophet
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			is buried here.
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			the last one is by Shemrit who are
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			making tawaf in in Oman many years back,
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			and this brother of mine was with me.
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			And we we wanted to kiss the black
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			and of course, you know, for those who
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			did the Hatuah Omba, that the black stone,
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			the area is always very crowded.
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			So I looked for him. He was not
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			there. When I tried to circle the other
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			side, he was there by himself.
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			There is the golden door and there is
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			a golden,
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			step, a green step below the golden door,
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			and he was kissing it, smooching it. It's
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			it was a lot of the claims. So
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			I said, what are you doing, man? He
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			said, I'm kissing the black stones.
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			I said, laha, this is not black. It's
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			since that thing happened, I always
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			ask him, teasing him, I will tell him,
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			what is the color of the black stone?
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			And he always said, green.
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			It's a very tough question. So
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			look for it hard. So the question for
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			today is a brother and his wife, they
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			are traveling, and they are fasting during the
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			day of Ramadan,
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			and they have an intimate relationship while they
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			are fasting
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			during the fast.
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			What should they do after Ramadan? It's a
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			very tough question. Take your time. Email me
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			the answer before tomorrow. AssayshAllah
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			at my email, [email protected].
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			[email protected].