Mustafa Khattab – Beauty Of Jannah
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we're talking about Right now. Mhmm. I'm not
why Jannah is a good place.
One of the scholars
was asked
what is the best thing about Jannah?
What is the best thing about Jannah?
said Muhammad
is there, and this is enough.
So this is enough of a reason. So
now when you read about the prophet
his biography,
Prophet Abu Bakr is here, Umar is here.
You know, all these emotions and all these
come, and you are overwhelmed.
So now imagine when you are in Jannah,
and you're standing in front of the Prophet
and he's shaking your hand, and he's asking
you what's your name, and you tell him
my name is Hussein or Fatima, you know.
It's a good thing. Right?
Also, when you walk in Madinah, like you
go to Uhud, alhamdulillah, I've been there before.
I I've seen the mountain, and I've been
to Madira and the other places, Kaaba. And
you know for sure
that 1450
years ago, the Prophet
was walking in these streets, and again overwhelmed
with these emotions. Now when you go to
every time you want to see him, you'll
be able to see him, and you'll be
able to see the Sahaba,
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Abdullah, Mas'ud, all
these great names. You'll see Khadija,
Zayin, Fatima, all the great personalities.
You'll be able to see Yusuf alaihis salam,
read about him in the Quran, Surah Yusuf.
You read about Ibrahim, you read about Musa
and Aisa, you will be able to see
them face to face.
Isn't that something beautiful?
Yes. Okay. The other thing is, in Jannah,
no one gets sick.
Yes. It's a good thing. You don't have
to worry about flu shots.
You don't have to worry about insulin shots.
You don't have to worry about going for
No diabetes?
No diabetes. Nothing.
And the most important thing, at least for
me I have no ground.
No taxes.
Also in Jannah,
no jealousy,
no hatred,
no envy.
Because when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala describes the
people of Jannah, He says when they will
be sitting on their, thrones,
they will be facing each other, face to
Why? They say because in dunya,
when you hate someone, when you don't like
someone, what do you do when you see
them coming this way? Give them your back.
But in Jannah,
no jealousy, no hatred in your heart for
So this is why people will be facing
each other. Right?
The other thing about Jannah or akhirah in
general, when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala describes the
Day of Judgment,
it says, It will put everyone in their
because here in in in Dunya,
some of the liars, some of the corrupt
people, they make it to the top, and
some good people,
scholars and innocent people and good people, righteous
people, they end up in jail, or they
have a hard time,
problems, and so on and so forth. But
in after Allah
give one everyone justice.
The situation in dunya, when you see some
of those bad people up there,
not all politicians or business people, but some.
Some. I'm not saying everyone. Right?
So the situation in dunya, when you look
at the, sea or the ocean,
you know the pearls?
Where are they? At the top or the
bottom? Bottom. Bottom. Bottom. Bottom. What about junk?
The top or the bottom? Top. Top.
Top. The
all the
Chicken. The plastic bottles
Glass bottles?
Dead animals,
they float on the top. But the pearls
and the gold, if there's a sunken ship,
there's a treasure, they always land at the
bottom. And this is a situation for a
lot of good people in this area.
They are down to earth.
Some bad people, they make it to the
top. Some of them get elected to office,
and they not been building a wall, you
know. Oh. You know? No. He does like
this. No. He does like this. He'll build
the wall.
Good job. So Shamsan is heat,
Zam Hariyyah is freezing below
30, below 40, below a100.
You will not see any of that. It's
temperate all year long.
also the other thing about Jannah,
in dunya when you have money
and a good health,
you have kids, a good family, you have
two concerns,
every one of us.
Right? The good things would be taken away
from you,
so someone will die in the family,
you will lose your money, you will lose
your health, or you will die and leave
everything behind.
So these are the two concerns that most
people have. In Jannah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
gives you this assurance,
it's guaranteed
that once you're inside,
you're not getting out of Jannah, and you
will never die.
So the good things will be always there
for you, and you will never leave, you
will never die, you'll be there for eternity.
Questions at the end.
when you think about Jannah, it should give
you motivation to do good things,
like praying 5 times a day.
I know some of you when you are
here, and ask you to pray, but when
you go home,
you lose motivation.
And this is what I hear from some
of the parents.
My kids pray in the masjid that when
they go home, they get busy, video games,
homework, they don't pray. Right?
So this should give you motivation,
because in the end, when we go to
you see the reward and the honor you'll
you will say, well, I wish I have
done more.
Right? It was worth it. Fasting in Ramadan,
it was worth it. This is what we'll
say. So I'm gonna conclude with this story,
someone who was
motivated by Jannah. This is a brother. It's
a true story. It happened in a Muslim
this will need a couple of minutes.
his brother was a youth,
and, it was summertime, so when he was
getting ready to sleep, and his room was
in the 2nd floor,
he loved to read about Jannah and Jahannam.
There are some books like a tafkurah for
kurtubi and other books, you read about Jannah,
Jahannam, so you can get the motivation to
go to Jannah and stay away from Jahannam.
Every night before he slept, he would read
a chapter about Jahannam and Jahannam.
The description,
the reward of the believers and the suffering
of the bad people.
So one night
he slept, he had a good meal before
he slept, he read about Jannah, Jahannam, masha'Allah,
he had a very good meal, biryani or
something, very good meal, masha'Allah.
Anything. Then he went to bed,
and you know, in many cases, I'm not
sure if this is scientifically true, when you
eat a lot,
you have dreams.
At least this is what people in my
village say. So he had this dream
that it was judgment day.
Sometimes when you think about something, it always
comes to your mind. It's in your subconscious,
but it always comes back in your dreams.
Because he was reading about Jannah and Jahannam
all the time, so he had a dream
about Jannah and Jahannam. So what happened?
So this is the dream, and he told
the story.
Of course, before the story,
he was in a hospital with a broken
leg and a broken arm,
And the doctor noticed that every time someone
came to visit, they tell him, oh, we
feel sorry for you, Abdullah. It's so bad.
What happened? You know, you broke your leg.
You break your neck. It's so bad. And
as soon as they leave the room, they
start to laugh.
They crack jokes.
Right? So the doctor was confused, and he
went to Abdullah, and he said, okay. What
happened? Why do people when people come here,
they they feel sorry for you, but as
soon as they leave, they start to laugh.
What happened? He told him the story, I
had the good meal, I read about Jannah
and Jahannam, I went to bed in my
in the second floor of my house, and
I started to dream about Jannah and Jahannam.
So after judgment,
I was told that I was going to
So, we were in a bus, and the
bus was taking us to Jannah,
the driver was on the highway to Jannah,
and it says
hour. And for some reason, because we're district,
we wanna go to Jannah, man. You know,
Jannah is good, we wanna go fast.
So it says 100 miles per hour, and
the driver was the driver was very slow,
like he was going like 30
miles per hour, and everyone was telling him
to go fast, go fast. He said, no,
this is the you know, I like it
this way.
500 miles to Jannah, 450
to Jannah, 400,
350, 300 He was getting close to Jannah,
and the driver was getting very slow, like
driving very slow, and the people were asking
him to go faster, and he didn't listen.
10 miles to Jannah,
they were they could see Jannah from there,
and all the pleasures, and all the birds,
and the good things, and the water,
Then, for some reason, the driver didn't stop
in front of Jannah, and he moved on.
And they saw the sign that says, Jahannam,
5 miles ahead.
And the sign was,
the speed limit is a 100 miles per
hour, and the driver was going at 250
miles per hour. He was going fast, you
know, he started to drive fast and he
was going very fast. 450. You know, 500
miles to Jahannam, 450,
400, 350, and the driver was going like
Fast. 20. Super fast.
20 miles to Jahannam, and they saw the
fire, and the screaming, and the horrors, and
the smoke, and all the horrible things.
And the driver was going very fast, and
the people were asking him to slow down
and he didn't listen.
10 miles to Jahannam,
now it's getting very serious now, and the
people were scared.
What are we gonna do? He's not listening
to us, and the doors were locked. What
do we do? And so someone said, okay.
Whoever has a window next to them,
jump out of the bus.
This is when the brother, brother Abdullah, jumped
out of the window of his house in
the second floor.
True story. So when the doctor heard this
he said, I feel sorry for you, brother,
you know, and he went outside,
and he locked the door, and he told
the nurses, come. I'm gonna tell you a
funny story, and, yeah,
started to laugh about it. So, again, Jannah
should you give you motivation inshallah to, do
better inshallah, to be patient.
And, tomorrow inshallah, we'll have a special guest.
Shh. Brother Akbar Ali We're not done yet.