Mustafa Khattab – Allahs Mercy & Forgiveness

Mustafa Khattab
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including the use of Krishna's name for forgiveness and grace periods for sinful behavior. The speaker also mentions the story of the river river Akha, where the rain is causing no water to flow, and the use of Krishna's name for forgiveness and grace periods for sinful behavior. The speaker concludes by reminding people to be forgiven and accept their good deeds in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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So sometimes, some brothers, especially the youth,

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those who don't come regularly to the, those

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who will pray, on time, some of them

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they come and they say, okay, we have

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committed something horrible,

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Dating and drinking and doing drugs and so

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on and so forth.

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So they ask, are we for doing this?

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And the answer is always the same. If

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some Muslim commits

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something like a major haram,

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a major sin in Islam, this Muslim is

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not carried. He is a sinful Muslim,

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and the open the door is always open

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for you to always come to Allah

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and ask for his forgiveness.

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Allah says, I will grant my forgiveness

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and tell them to those who after they

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commit sins

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out of ignorance,

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they come back to Allah

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soon and Allah

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will forgive them.

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Wa Ta'ala is that he covers you when

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you do something wrong, and he gives

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you a grace period, he gives you time

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to come back and ask for for his

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forgiveness, and he will forgive you.

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Some of the scholars say,

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if sins have smells,

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like for example, if someone steals,

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he or she will smell like a skunk,

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or if you do so, another thing on,

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like, if you lie or cheat,

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you, you smell like rotten eggs, so people

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will know every time you do a sin,

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when people die, no one will bury anyone,

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and no one will walk in anybody's jannahs.

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Because we know at that point that all

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of us are sinful, so we will not

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bury each other after we die. Because we'll

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hate each other. He is sinful. He is

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sinful. He is sinful. So this is from

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the Alayma of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Wa Al Insan,

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If you do something wrong in this life,

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then you make Tawba Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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will not expose you in the next life.

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So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, if he covers

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you in this life while you are sinful,

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he will never expose you in the next

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life if you make taww. But

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if you die without making tawbah from the

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at Asia Asia saw the Bil Asr. Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will expose you if you

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haven't made tawba in front of all the

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people from the time of Adam

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all the way to the day of judgment.

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But if you make tawba, your board will

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be clean. Nothing will be on your record

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on that day.

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So in the Hadith,

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we know the story of Musa alaihi wa

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sallam, there was famine and drought, there was

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no * for a long time.

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So Musa Alaihi Salam gathered the children of

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Israel in one valley, and they started to

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make dua for this Isqaat,

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so no water came.

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So Musa spoke to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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and said, oh Allah, we prayed to you

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for a long time, no rain came down.

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So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said, the rain

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is not coming down because there is a

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sinful man among you. If he goes outside,

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then the rain will come down.

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But the man didn't go outside,

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but all of a sudden the rain started

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to come down.

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It started to pour.

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So Musa Alaihi Salam said, oh Allah, no

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one went outside, why the rain is coming

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down? So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, because

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my sinful servant has made tawba and I

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accepted his tawba.

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So Musa alaihis salam,

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oh Allah, would you please let me know

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the name of that person?

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So Musa alaihis salam said, Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala said, yeah Musa, I didn't tell you

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his name while he was sif,

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Now do you want me to expose him

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and give him you give you his name

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after you have made tawba? No.

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I covered him while he was sinful, and

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after he has made tawba, I cover him

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too. Now. So that's all you need to

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do. If you make something wrong, all you

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need to do is come back to Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala as soon as possible, and

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make Istifar, and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will

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accept you. And as mentioned in the Hadith,

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even if your sins

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fill the distance between the heavens and the

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earth, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala still, by his

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grace and Rahmah will accept you and forgive

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you. We ask Allah

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to forgive our sins and to accept our

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good deeds, and to give us the best

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in this life, and the best in the

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life to come, and to give us sincerity

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in everything we say and do.

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