Mustafa Khattab – AdabulKhilaf Etiquittes of Disagreement in Islam 5
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Don't talk behind their backs.
We know that in Islam,
the Kaaba, for example, is what is the
most sacred place on Earth, the first house
built on Earth for the worship of Allah.
Nasi, laladi bukata mubarakan Muoodaalil Alami.
It is a very sacred place, but the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in a hadith,
he was making ta'af around the Kaaba as
reported by Abdullah ibn Omar, may Allah be
pleased with him and his father. And And
Imam al Albani says, it's an authentic hadith.
It is collected by Ibn Majah.
The Prophet
was making talks around the cave. He said,
He was making tawaf, and he said, oh,
by Allah,
you are the most sacred place.
You are the finest place. You are the
best place.
But the Muslim,
the honor, the dignity of a Muslim is
more sacred and the sacred in the sight
of Allah than you. His blood,
his money, and his dignity.
If you attack a brother,
if you backbite him, if you say something
bad about him to other people,
this is worse in the side of Allah
than saying something about the Kaaba for example.
We have to be careful.
The concept of shura
is very important in Islam.
If you are not sure about something, if
you are not sure about the best decision
you should make, talk to people.
Talk to one of the knowledgeable pro brothers
in the community. Take talk to the iman.
Talk to your wife.
We see this in the Quran, in the
sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam. In
the Quran, wa amruhum shoolah baynam.
They conduct their affairs by consultation.
The Prophet
consulted the Sahaba in Raswad's Basile in Raswad,
Al Uhad and Al Khandak.
He spoke to the people. He He would
say, for
example, Oh people,
give me your opinion. He was talking to
Al Ansar,
before, you know, one of the bad news.
And the people will give him their opinion.
We know in Surah Al Khadaiyah, for example,
when the people were not happy when the
made Surah agreement with the people of Mecca,
he told them to make,
you know,
They were not going to make an Umrah.
They showed, you know, the umrah was over,
and they should go back. And this Sahaba
were not happening. People like Umar Khattab. You
we traveled for 250
The idiots of Makar are telling us to
go back 250 miles. Next year, they will
come for Umrah
250 miles. They will go back 250 miles.
This is a 1000 miles
to make Umrah for 30 minutes.
So they were not happy.
So the
prophet went to his wife, Sophia, and he
said, hella goodness. The people are destroying themselves.
And he told his wife about what happened.
She told him, you know, you go out.
they see you, you know, cutting your hair,
if they see you offering your sacrifice, they
will follow follow your your example.
One of the sahabas said,
they followed the example of the prophet salallahu
alaihi wa sallam when he did this.
When they were cutting the hair of one
they were doing it so fast,
to the point that they almost killed one
So the prophet
the advice of his wife. He made consultation
and he followed her opinion.
Number 10.
you know for sure
that you are wrong,
you should not be arrogant to say, I'm
wrong. I'm sorry. You should say it.
And Nabi salallahu alayhi
There are 3 qualities. If someone has them,
then he has
perfect faith, iman, in his heart. And the
first one of them,
To give the people the rights from you.
If you wrong them, for example, you say
If you are wrong, you say I'm wrong.
If If you are wrong, you say I'm
wrong. Don't be arrogant.
Oh, Allah.
When imam
Shabei would say,
every time I have a debate with someone,
I would say,
O Allah, put the truth
on this person's heart and tongue.
Put the truth in his heart and tongue.
If I am right, O Allah, make him
follow me.
If he is right, O Allah make me
him. So, there is no arrogance. And we're
not talking about Imam Shafa. He is one
of the most knowledgeable,
one of the biggest scholars in the history
of Islam. They have no arrogance.
Number 11, and I conclude with this inshallah.
The topic is very rogue and, you know,
I chose only a few,
When you talk to the people, you should
not use
bad language.
You should not use
to scratch people's dignity.
I like this concept of euphemism.
To say difficult things with very nice words.
And they use this, you know, style all
the time in America. They use euphemism in
every in everything they do.
Riba or bank usury, they call it interest.
you know, alcohol, they call it spirits.
Adultery and fornication, they call it making love.
or adulterer, they call him my boyfriend, my
girlfriend. They make it look very nice.
Whereas, when it comes to Muslim,
you know, terminology, they make them look terrible.
Things like Sharia.
ter you know, terroristic or terrorism law.
When you talk about, you know,
defending yourself, Oh, Jihad, holy war. Terrorism.
we have to be careful about the things
we say. When we speak to brothers or
sisters, we have to use nice words.
I remember,
story, and I conclude with this, inshallah, from
one of the brothers from India.
He told me about one of the kings
who used to live in India.
The king saw a vision.
So he invited many people to interpret, you
know, the vision for him.
all of them said, basically,
all the people in your family
will die very soon, and you will die
after them. So that was the interpretation.
The king got so angry, he killed these
So he got a very wise man.
He told him, you know, interpret this dream
for me. Explain it to me.
So the the man knew about the faith
of the guys who went before him. So,
you know, he thought about it for a
while, then he said,
My dear king,
Mashallah. Allah has blessed you with a very
long life.
All members of your family will have a
long life,
and you will live the longest among them.
He said what the other people said,
that the king will be the last to
die in his family, but he said in
a in a nice way. The other guys
said exactly the same thing,
but, you know, they were not thoughtful about
the way they said it or the choice
of words, and this makes a huge difference.
So we have to be careful
about, you know, the things we say to
the people. We ask Allah
to give us the best in this life
and the best in the life to come,
and to give us sincerity in everything we
say and and do, and to help us
follow the example of the prophet
and his noble companions,
and to forgive us anything we have done
by ignorance, mistake, or forgetfulness,
and to accept our good deeds, and to
reward us for them according to the best
our intentions.