Mustafa Khattab – Abu Zarr 2
![Mustafa Khattab](
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The negative impact of Islam on people's lives is discussed, including their ability to achieve goals and their perception of themselves. The importance of leadership is emphasized, along with the importance of trust and avoiding giving people too many opportunities. The speaker also addresses issues such as race, religion, and the lack of qualified leaders in Muslim countries. The message is that if someone is not qualified to lead, Allah will be there for guidance and guidance.
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And I was saying, basically, that this happens
with people who give a lot of talks.
Like, in the past week, I gave, like,
20 talks in this message in another place.
So sometimes, because of all the mental activity,
sometimes you go crazy. Sometimes and sometimes you
Doctor Soma Khizazi was one day invited to
give a talk before somebody got banned,
and that was after us.
the message was full of scars and great
So he started to speak. He spoke for
a few minutes about
marriage, and most of the songs was dedicated
to the greatness of the day of John.
Like, that Allah Subhanahu alaihi wa'b started the
creation on Friday,
that the hour will be established on Friday,
and was created on Friday. He spoke about
and how great it is for people to
get married on Friday. And all of a
sudden, after 30 minutes, a little kid came
to him and said, uncle, uncle,
my mom is giving is giving you salons,
and she's telling you that today is Tuesday,
not Friday.
We're still talking about Abu Bakr,
last time, we said that he was one
of the first people to have said Islam,
and we mentioned some of the changes in
his life. What he was before Islam according
to some narratives, a highway robber, like the
rest of the people in the tribe of
the family.
after Islam, he's chained completely.
And I'll mention at the end of the
when he died at at the time of
his death, they couldn't even find a shroud
for him.
That shows you how decent life he lived
after he became Muslim
and I usually
pose this question.
Of course,
we mentioned the story of the Sahaba so
we can learn from them.
By giving you these stories, I don't mean
to entertain you
because if the purpose of these lectures is
to entertain,
Ali, I shouldn't be sitting here. You should
go watch movies or hockey or play video
The reason why I'm telling these stories is
to learn something,
I focus on the things that are relative
to our lives in Canada as as Muslims.
Russian. They lived a life of decency.
But after Islam, it's kind of like a
made a change in your in their lives.
So what about you?
I want you
before you go to bed today,
to sit for just a couple of minutes
and ask yourself,
am I a Muslim?
Did Islam make an impact on my life?
Islam is not only about fasting for 30
days in the month of Ramadan because
telling you the truth, quite frankly, if fasting
is all about
not eating, not drinking during the day,
then, candles will get more and worse than
you because they go for months without food
or water.
Islam is not only about making a hash.
All these things I've mentioned
Islam. That's what it did
in my mind. I've seen it in Musa.
Islam is not about I mean, it is
good to practice
to look like a Muslim,
to practice your religion as a Muslim, to
have a strong relationship with the lost Muhammad,
didn't jump to conclusions and he started to
make statements.
It also wanted to listen
to what he had to say before he
made a judgment. So Abu Dhabi said, yes.
Oh, prophet, I I insulted him with his
mother. So the prophet
you are a person who still has some
remnants or qualities of the pre Islamic times,
And you shouldn't have this in you because
technically, if you are white or yellow or
brown or black,
what difference will it make?
If you have a red apple, a yellow
apple, a green apple, what difference does it
The skin color doesn't matter. What matters is
the core, the sweetness of the inside. And
this is what the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
Allah does not judge you by the way
you look or how handsome or tall or
big you are.
Allah judges you by the purity of your
heart and the sincerity of your actions. This
is what matters with the lost of Hannah
I studied African American history for 3 years
for my masters on the nation of Islam.
And back then in 19 fifties, in the
19 sixties, if you heard Malcolm X and,
centralized movement,
there was this common saying back then,
if you are white,
you are white.
If you are black,
go back. If you are brown, stick around.
If you are yellow, you are middle.
So they are basically judging people according to
their skin color and Islam
abolish, to to, to, destroy all these things,
to abolish
these racist behaviors and racist teachings.
Till today,
in some Muslim countries,
and this is the sad part. This is
the sad reality.
In some Muslim countries, till today, people will
respect you based on your skin color.
The lighter color you have, the more respect
you will get.
And some people respect you because of your
Your passport. If you have an American or
Canadian passport,
even if you are a shining guy, they
will respect you in these Muslim countries. But
So we have to be careful about these
Then when,
admitted that he insulted
Bilal with his mother, then
Give me a city or a country or
a town to be the ruler of,
you know, to make use of my skills.
So the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam tapped
him on the shoulder and said, listen, Abu
you are a weak person.
He was talking about his leadership and administrative
not his faith or his level of iman.
So the prophet of Asallam said Abu Dharr,
You are a weak person
and leadership is a trust.
And on the day,
will be a source of shame and disgrace
for those who take it and they are
not qualified for it. Except for those who
become leaders and they are qualified to lead.
And, Marshall, if you look at those countries
10000 miles away,
there are some guys who are in leadership
presidents and leaders and princes and kings.
And I personally wouldn't hire one of them
to to run my candy shop.
The prophet
says that if someone
comes to a leadership position and people are
requesting him to be in this position, then
will be always there for his assistance and
But for those who take over
leadership positions
and the people who hate them, then Allah
will make them rely on themselves.
Allah will make them rely on themselves, and
Allah will not support or assist them. And
this is a very powerful Hadith. So the
prophet is saying, if you are not qualified
to lead, whether you are in school, whether
you are in a company, whether you are
running a country,
if you don't think you have the qualities
to lead your people,
then you should step aside and let someone
who is more qualified to lead.
A former
man in the house, and the 6 6
And he told the Sahaba
to move from one house to the other
and ask people, men and women, to vote
which one of the 6 they vote for
to be the Khalifa,
the next leader.
And of course, we see in this narration
that women in Islam have the right to
vote, but who should lead them?
This right was obtained
by women in Canada
and the US only in 19 thirties.
That is 75,
77 years ago.
Some people came to Omar al Rahman and
they protested. They said, may Allah have mercy
on you. Why didn't you put
Why did you put him in the list?
He said it is enough
for the family
of Khattab,
for one of them to come in the
day of judgment carrying the burden of the
people on his shoulder.
I don't want 2 people of my family
to come and stand before Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala for judgment.
If someone died in prison
because someone threw him in in jail,
you know, wrongly,
I would be questioned about
this. If someone dies because they couldn't find
the medicine, I'll be questioned about this.
If someone dies because of hunger, I'll be
questioned about this. If someone stumbles on the
and breaks his leg, I'll be questioned about
this. So it is enough
that one only one of my family will
stand in judgment before Allah for
this. I don't want my son to share
this journey. Now, look at those leaders
in those countries.
Every single one of them in in in
Muslim countries, they want their children
to come after them to leave. Their grand
grand grandchildren to leave. Even if their children
Okay? But still, they think that their children
qualify. And the way I see it, these
guys are so corrupt.
They like to stay in power forever
to cover for the corruption
and they want their children to come after
them to cover for their
less portioned than me.
And this is very important because
you will better appreciate what you already have
if you always look at those who are
less portioned than you are.
You have a fever or if you have
a flu
and you have to go to the hospital
and you see people who are paralyzed,
people who have heart attack, people who have
cancer, you will appreciate
what you have and be thankful to
Allah because it could have been worse.
And not to look at those who are
more fortunate than me because this will make
you disappointed.
It will always make you question and protest
what Allah
has given you. If Allah gives you,
you know, 10,000
2,000 bucks a month, if you look at
those who get 7 for 10, you will
always protest what Allah
gives you. However,
the scholars say,
it is your community to look at those
who are better than you in terms of
a bad and righteous.
Like, you go to the masjid one time
every day. But you see this brother, he
goes to the masjid 5 times. It is
good that you envy them in this respect
that you wish you had the time, the
power, and the energy to go 5 times
a day to the masjid.
And the role of him
and advised him to always have good relationship
with his relatives.
let's look after your relatives.
Even if you live far away from them,
technology makes it very easy to call people
and to check on them every now and
then to see how they're doing.
Bite. If they are poor, help them out.
You can give them some of your charity
and your zakat.
And he said that the prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam ordered me never to ask anyone
If I need anything, I just raise my
hands to Allah
and ask me for assistance
and not to rely
on people. However, if I happen
to need something from someone, like I fall
sick and I go to the hospital and
the doctor gives me treatment,
then I should believe in my heart that
the recovery comes from Allah and not from
the medicine and not from the doctor.
So this is what he meant.
And he said that the prophet, salaam, number
5, ordered me to always say the truth
even even if it hurts.
Have always to say the truth even if
it hurts.
If you have a love in your side,
then you shouldn't care about who is against
you if you're telling the truth.
If you're obedient to Allah,
you shouldn't worry about who is against you.
But if you have Allah
against you,
it doesn't matter who is with you
it's it's no good.
Number 7, and you already to always say,
There is no power, no might,