Mustafa Abu Rayyan – What Is Covered In Season 3 Of Al-Binaa

Mustafa Abu Rayyan
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the Al-Backage learning program and its success in the third season of the season. They also mention a Siqaf Salah program covering the Prophet matter and their own work in key moments in the life of the Prophet. The speaker invites everyone to attend and continue learning.

AI: Summary ©

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			Alhamdulillah, we are on our third season for
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			For those of you that don't know what
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			Al-Binah is, it is our learning program
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			that happens in the masjid on-site, but
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			you can also view it online every single
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			We'll be going through the same topics, Aqeedah,
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			Fiqh, and Seerah.
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			However, there is something special with this season.
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			We are doing the Siqaf Salah for the
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			Fiqh program.
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			For Aqeedah, we're covering the pillars of Iman,
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			from belief in Allah, to belief in the
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			angels, to the Hereafter, to Qadr, and everything
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			And for Seerah, we are in key moments
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			in the Prophet ﷺ's life.
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			We'll be covering the night journey of the
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			Prophet ﷺ, where he went to Allah ﷻ,
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			the Battle of Badr, the Hijrah, all of
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			these major moments in the Prophet ﷺ's life.
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			So I'm inviting all of you, come and
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			invite your family and your friends, inshaAllah, see
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			you all there.
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			Let's continue on learning.
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			BarakAllahu Fikum, As-Salamu Alaikum.