Mustafa Abu Rayyan – What Is Covered In Season 3 Of Al-Binaa

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The speaker discusses the Al-Backage learning program and its success in the third season of the season. They also mention a Siqaf Salah program covering the Prophet matter and their own work in key moments in the life of the Prophet. The speaker invites everyone to attend and continue learning.
AI: Summary ©
Alhamdulillah, we are on our third season for
For those of you that don't know what
Al-Binah is, it is our learning program
that happens in the masjid on-site, but
you can also view it online every single
We'll be going through the same topics, Aqeedah,
Fiqh, and Seerah.
However, there is something special with this season.
We are doing the Siqaf Salah for the
Fiqh program.
For Aqeedah, we're covering the pillars of Iman,
from belief in Allah, to belief in the
angels, to the Hereafter, to Qadr, and everything
And for Seerah, we are in key moments
in the Prophet ﷺ's life.
We'll be covering the night journey of the
Prophet ﷺ, where he went to Allah ﷻ,
the Battle of Badr, the Hijrah, all of
these major moments in the Prophet ﷺ's life.
So I'm inviting all of you, come and
invite your family and your friends, inshaAllah, see
you all there.
Let's continue on learning.
BarakAllahu Fikum, As-Salamu Alaikum.