Mustafa Abu Rayyan – Story Nights The Chosen Family – Story Of Ale Imraan

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The segment discusses the struggles of women during pregnancy and the importance of being a leader and role model. The Prophet lobby for praising the culture of shaitan pokes and the importance of worship and family. The speakers emphasize the need for awareness and guidance in achieving success in worship, the importance of acceptance and being recognized for being a good person, and the importance of praying and communicating with Allah in one's life. They also touch on the topic of " sights" and "the" meaning "has," and emphasize the importance of being both men and women. The segment concludes with a discussion of blessings and opportunities for people to tell about them.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
Wa bihi nasta'eenu ala umuri al-dunya
wa al-deen.
Wal aqibatil mutaqeen wa la'udwani ila ala
Wa sallallahu wa sallamu ala nabiyyina muhammadin wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een.
Insha'Allahu ta'ala, as promised, tonight's talk,
lecture, is a reflection over the story of
a remarkable woman mentioned in the Qur'an
and her family.
This family that we're going to talk about
is so important that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala named a whole chapter of the Qur
'an after them.
And there's a lot that we can learn
about this family.
And this is the third surah in the
Surah al-Imran.
Surah al-Imran.
And al-Imran means the family of Imran.
And for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
pick one family out of the thousands and
thousands and thousands and millions of families that
ever existed and name a whole chapter after
them, we have to ask ourselves what makes
them so special.
And this family, when we say ahl al
-Imran, who are we talking about?
We're talking about a man and his wife
and their daughter and their grandson.
A man and his name was Imran.
His wife whose story is told in the
Qur'an but Allah just calls her Imra
to Imran, the wife of Imran.
But according to other sources, we know that
her name was Hanna.
If you look at the Christian traditions, they
call her Ann or Saint Ann, Hanna.
And Imran and Hanna were married and eventually
they have a daughter.
And that daughter ended up being the greatest
woman to have ever walked this earth, Maryam.
So now you can tell me who their
grandson is.
Who's their grandson?
Prophet Isa.
Because Prophet Isa has a lineage I guess
through his mother's side.
His mother Maryam and then Imran and Hanna.
So that's ahl al-Imran.
Allah says in the Qur'an وَآلَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ
وَآلَ عِمْرَانَ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ Allah mentions some people
that he chose.
اِنَّ اللَّهَ اصْطَفَىٰ آدَمَ Allah chose Adam.
وَنُوحًا Allah chose Nuh.
وَآلَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ Allah chose Ibrahim and his family
and lineage.
وَآلَ عِمْرَانَ and the family of Imran عَلَى
الْعَالَمِينَ above everyone else.
They were very special.
And when Allah chooses people it's because they
are deserving of that choice.
They are the most pious, the most devout.
Allah immediately speaks about the wife of Imran.
And she is almost the main character that
you learn about.
Of course it ends up becoming more about
her daughter Maryam and her son Prophet Isa.
But the mother of Maryam Hanna very special
Very special woman.
And Allah shows us a conversation that she
has with Allah.
Allah tells us about an incident that happens
between the mother of Maryam and Allah where
they are speaking.
And you see a conversation.
Maryam speaks to Allah often.
Not Maryam often.
Hanna, the mother of Maryam speaks to Allah
Now when we tend to talk about Allah
we tend to talk about making dua to
Each one of us here has made dua
to Allah.
Oh Allah grant me Jannah.
Oh Allah grant me health.
Oh Allah forgive my sins.
We make dua.
But what you find here is Maryam is
not making I keep saying Maryam.
Umm Maryam, the mother of Maryam is not
necessarily just only making dua.
She's talking to Allah.
She's talking to Allah.
And that's something that a lot of us
miss sometimes.
Are you the kind of person that speaks
to Allah?
And you're like, Sheikh Bahauddin, I speak to
Do you mean read the Quran?
Do you mean pray?
No, no, I mean speak to Allah.
Look, she says She's
saying to Allah, Oh Allah, if I get
pregnant and if I can give you the
back story they were trying to conceive for
a very long time.
If there's anyone that is struggling to conceive
and has been married for a long time
you'll find in the Quran many great people
that also struggle to conceive.
You'll find Prophet Ibrahim and his wife struggling
to conceive until Allah gives them the glad
tithing with Ishaq.
فَبَشَّرَّهُ بِإِسْحَاقِ وَمِنْ وَرَىٰ إِسْحَاقِ يَعْقُوبِ So after
a very long time, Allah blesses them with
You find Zakaria struggling to have a child
and we'll mention this later.
You have now the mother of Maryam and
Imran they were struggling to have a child
and some of the traditions mention that there
were many miscarriages.
So there is this worry and this teaches
you something immediately which is that if you
are struggling if you have a miscarriage if
you're struggling to have a child or any
other number of calamities one of the biggest
lessons we learn from the Quran when we
read the stories of the people that came
before us the righteous people that came before
us and they struggled is that struggling in
life does not mean Allah does not love
Because the people Allah loves the most struggle
in life.
If you're going through marriage problems if you're
going through health problems if you're going through
financial problems it's never an indication that Allah
does not love you.
Rather, it could be an indication that Allah
does love you because Allah tests those who
He loves the most and that's such a
beautiful thing to know.
So now, some of the narrations they mention
that one day she saw a bird feeding
its young and she looked at it and
she wishes she had that which is natural
a woman would love to have a child.
And this inspired her to make dua and
you'll find a theme here of inspiration to
make dua and to speak to Allah.
So she is inspired to ask Allah when
she sees a bird feeding its young that
she wishes she could also nurture someone.
So she asks Allah.
And when she's asking Allah she's already pregnant,
she doesn't know and her husband passes away.
Imran passes away.
A few things I should mention about Imran
Imran was not a prophet but he was
a scholar and he was among the people
that were leading the call to Islam and
was in charge of Baitul Maqdis.
So he was an important figure.
And around that time you also have Prophet
Zakariya who was alive at that time as
And there's a relationship between Zakariya and Imran
because Zakariya will have a son called Yahya
and Zakariya was married to the sister of
So Hanna's older sister is the wife of
Prophet Zakariya.
So when eventually Prophet Zakariya has Yahya what
are Yahya and Isa to each other?
Jazakumullahu khair.
And the prophet said so.
Last night I was doing the seerah class
and for those of you that don't know
we run regular classes throughout the week.
Every Monday there's an aqeedah class every Wednesday
there is a fiqh class and every Friday
there's a seerah class which I highly encourage
all of you to attend if you're not
I do see a lot of faces that
are regulars.
So we mentioned that the prophet during the
night journey he meets Prophet Yahya and Prophet
Isa and they're together.
And one of the riwayats mentioned that he
said I met the two cousins.
So we'll talk about Zakariya later.
Let's go back to the mother of Maryam.
She's pregnant and then she makes a promise
to Allah.
She makes a promise to Allah.
Oh Allah I pledge to you that whatever
is in my womb will be in service
of you always.
And this concept of I vow to you
oh Allah what's in my womb will be
devoted to you and to the service and
to worship and to baytul maqdis.
There's a question here.
Can a mother make that pledge to say
oh Allah the child that will be born
to me will be in service of your
ibadah and that's it.
In other words it will not pursue any
worldly matters and will be devoted to the
masjid to worship.
The ulama say in the previous times this
was a right that the parents had.
They could do.
They could just pick one of their children
and pledge it to baytul maqdis.
But now if you have a child and
also we don't have that concept of someone
that has just pledged just to be in
the masjid and to worship.
The ulama of Muhammad s.a.w as
much as you commit yourself to the dawah
and to the masjid and to worship you
also have worldly responsibilities that you devote yourself
to as well and we balance the two.
But back then you had people that would
just solely be there to worship and to
preach and to learn.
Does that make sense?
So she's making that vow.
And she's saying to Allah oh Allah whatever
is in my womb is going to be
dedicated to you.
And back then this type of dedication was
only for men.
For men.
Men would do this.
Not women.
Then she's pregnant.
What happens?
And then she says innaka anta samiul alim
She mentions this.
She says rabbi inni nazartu lakama fi patni
muharra Oh Allah I have pledged what's in
my womb for you and to be in
service and in worship for you.
fataqabbal minni Oh Allah accept this from me.
So this is a dua Oh Allah accept
this from me.
Why oh Allah innaka anta samiul Indeed you
are the all hearing.
al-alim the all knowing.
And this is very important the word in
Allah you say samiul alim will circle back
to these names.
Then what happens?
Allah mentions that she gave birth.
And then falamma wada'at when she gave
birth she says rabbi inni wada'tuha umtha Oh
Allah I gave birth to a female to
a woman to a girl.
wallahu a'lamu bima wada't And Allah knows
best what she gave birth to.
Allah is the creator.
Then she says walaysa dhakroo kal umtha Oh
Allah the boy is not like the girl.
wa inni samaituha mariam Oh Allah I named
her Mariam.
Is this a dua or is she just
telling Allah something?
What do you guys think?
Is she making dua or is she telling
She's saying Ya Allah I named her Mariam.
Ya Allah it's a girl not a boy.
Ya Allah She's having a conversation with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
You'd imagine that's the kind of conversation you
would have with someone.
But this is really important.
It teaches us something.
My brothers and my sisters Allah hears you.
Speak to Allah.
And get into the habit of speaking to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Do you not have troubles and struggles?
Do you not have wishes and dreams?
Ya Allah You know me and I have
been struggling with this.
Ya Allah I would like this.
Ya Allah This happened today and speak to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Allah comes and tells us He is Samee
'un Utilize this and learn this from the
mother of Maryam.
Allah is showing us how comfortable she was
to converse with her Lord.
And wallahi sometimes when we distance ourselves from
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala you feel almost
like a void that you can easily fill
by coming back to Allah after Salah when
you wake up at night when you're alone
in your car whatever it is and whenever
it is.
And sometimes we complicate it when it comes
to our communication with our Creator.
We complicate it I remember one time and
I think I've told the story before I
took a group for Umrah and there was
this Bulgarian woman with us.
Mashallah she was so dedicated very dedicated and
she was insisting on she was quite old
as well but she was insisting on not
using any support or anything like that.
And she had a stack of papers with
her and in it were transliterations of du
She has so many of them with her.
And then when she's making tawaf she's doing
this and she's struggling and she has to
stand and check and I told her get
rid of these papers.
But she said but these du'as I
said no Allah understands you.
Allah understands you.
Allah understands every language.
Allah knows what you want before you even
Just make du'a.
Just make du'a.
Raise your hands, ya Allah in any language
you want.
Pour your heart out.
Ya Allah, forgive my sins.
Ya Allah, help me.
Ya Allah, you know the troubles I have.
Ya Allah, I need you.
English, Urdu, Somali, Arabic it does not matter.
And sometimes we make it so difficult on
Not only should you make du'a to
Allah but you should speak to Allah.
Oh Allah, I named my daughter Maryam.
She says.
It's like someone saying today Oh Allah, I
named my son Abdullah because I want him
to worship you.
Oh Allah, I named my son Muhammad because
I love my Prophet and I want him
to be like him.
Oh Allah, today I got the job that
I wanted and I wanted to thank you
and praise you.
Oh Allah, thank you for allowing me to
go to the masjid today.
Oh Allah, today my family are all safe
and healthy.
I praise you and I thank you.
This is what we need.
This is what it means to have a
relationship with Allah SWT.
The most important relationship you will ever have.
رَبِّ إِنِّي وَضَعْتُهَا أُنثَى She says.
Oh Allah, I gave birth to a woman.
She has no idea at that time that
she gave birth to the single greatest woman.
Allah says about Maryam.
يَا مَرْيَمْ وَقُنُتِي لَرَبِّكِ وَسْجُدِي وَرَكَعِي مَعَ الرَّاكِعِينَ
Allah mentions about Maryam how special she is.
وَاذْكُرْ فِي الْكِتَابِ مَرْيَمْ Allah named the whole
surah after her and tells her story over
and over again.
Allah calls her Siddiqah.
وَأُمُّهُ صِدِّيقَةً Maryam was a Siddiqah.
Just like Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
She was someone who reached the highest point
of faith and Iman.
That day, she gave birth to Maryam.
Now, what is her concern?
That she wants to devote this child to
Baitul Maqdis, to Al-Aqsa.
But the only people that would be devoted
used to be boys.
Now, she gave birth to a girl.
She doesn't know what to do.
وَاللَّهُ أَعْلَمِ مِمَا وَضَعَتْ وَلَيْسَ ذِكَلُكَ الْأُنْثَى وَإِنِّي
سَمَيْتُهَا مَرْيَمْ Then she makes a dua.
وَإِنِّي أُعِيذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ Oh
Allah, I seek refuge in you to protect
her from the shaytan not just her, but
her children as well.
Who will be the children of Maryam?
Prophet Isa a.s. So you have now
the grandmother of Isa making dua for Isa
before, right after the birth of Maryam.
Look at the vision the prophets had.
They wouldn't only make dua for themselves or
their children.
They would make dua for their grandchildren and
generations to come.
Generations to come.
Look at Prophet Ibrahim a.s. A moment
where Prophet Ibrahim Allah gave him one of
the greatest gifts.
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ When Allah says to Ibrahim
إِنِّي جَاعِلُكَ لِلنَّاسِ إِمَامًا After Ibrahim did so
many great acts of worship so many acts
of devotion after Ibrahim passed all the tests
Allah said, Oh Ibrahim, I reward you by
making you for all of mankind a leader.
Isn't that a great occasion?
Allah said to Ibrahim I'm making you a
leader and a role model to all of
إِنِّي جَاعِلُكَ لِلنَّاسِ إِمَامًا The first reaction would
be الحمد لله Immediately what does Ibrahim say?
قَالَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِي What about my offspring and
my children?
What about my offspring and my children?
Because they wanted to pass down blessings and
So not only should you be in the
habit of making dua for yourself and your
children but their children and their children as
She said وَإِنِّي أُعِذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ
The Prophet ﷺ told us a fascinating thing.
The Prophet ﷺ said when every child is
born the shaitan pokes them.
That's why they cry.
A shaitan pokes every child when they are
born except for two.
Which two are they?
Maryam and Prophet Isa.
And then Abu Hurairah narrates the hadith that
Maryam and Prophet Isa the shaitan did not
come near them when they were born.
Because Allah accepted the dua of the mother
of Maryam, Hanna.
وَإِنِّي أُعِذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ And then
Abu Hurairah said if you want, read the
وَإِنِّي أُعِذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ Allah
says فَتَقَبَّلَهَا رَبُّهَا بِقَبُولٍ حَسَنٍ Allah accepted it
from her.
Allah accepted her dua initial dua of wanting
a child.
Allah accepted from her her promise to dedicate
her child and one of his womb to
the service and the worship of Allah.
Allah accepted from her to protect Maryam and
Isa from the shaitan.
وَإِنِّي أُعِذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ فَتَقَبَّلَهَا
رَبُّهَا بِقَبُولٍ حَسَنٍ وَأَنْبَتَهَا نَبَاتًا حَسَنًا وَكَفَّلَهَا
زَكَرِيَّةً Now Zakariya is mentioned in the story.
So what happened?
Maryam's mother, Hanna has dedicated Maryam to Baitul
Maqdis and that's where she was.
From a young age, that's where she was.
And one of the thing was she was
so special and her father was so special
and her father and mother were known to
be devout people.
And again here you learn another lesson which
is the importance of being someone that is
known for worship in the community and goodness
and righteousness because this brings about more barakah
to your life that you are a family.
Like you do it for the sake of
Allah but it's very important that as families
that you are never known for evil and
you are known for khair and good as
a family.
This family gives Allah charity.
This family is known to be connected to
the masjid.
This family is known to be trustworthy.
Maryam is born and that promise still stands
and she is devoted to ibadah and to
Baitul Maqdis.
Now what's important also to appreciate my brothers
and sisters is the whole story is about
worship being devout and being in service of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
What makes Hannah happy is to have a
child that is dedicated to the worship of
Not a child that is rich.
Not a child that's prosperous but one that
is dedicated to the worship of Allah.
That is more important than anything else.
If Allah gives you children and blesses you
with them there is nothing better than instilling
in them the love of Allah and la
ilaha illallah and that you are part of
continuing on the legacy of those that say
la ilaha illallah.
There is nothing better than that.
Wallahi for your child to be one that
knows Allah loves Allah, worships Allah is greater
and better than if they amass millions of
wealth but they don't know that.
And one of the reasons why we should
have children is that why was Prophet Zakariya
and we will get to him in a
second why was he so desperate to have
a child?
In Surah Maryam Allah mentions the story of
Zakariya first.
And Allah mentions that Zakariya he asks Allah
for a child.
Who inspires him?
And we'll get to that.
But the wording he uses is very fascinating.
He said I want a child because he
inherits me.
He inherits me and inherits from the family
of Jacob.
And may Allah be pleased with him.
Oh Allah, I want a child that inherits
When you hear the word inherit what comes
to your mind?
Land, property, money, right?
But prophets do not leave inheritance.
The Prophet Muhammad told us that we the
prophets we are not inherited from Prophets did
not leave wealth for the next generation.
They will not allow you to do that.
So now that we know prophets do not
leave inheritance what is Prophet Zakariya talking about
when he says I want a child that
inherits me?
He's talking about the legacy of worship.
The legacy of prophethood.
The legacy of being people that spread la
ilaha illallah.
That's what he was concerned about.
That he wanted someone that is from him
that continues on.
And that should be all of our motivation.
May Allah make us and our children and
their grandchildren and generations to come people that
live by la ilaha illallah and call to
la ilaha illallah.
Say amen.
So now Maryam ended up under the care
of Zakariya.
Why and how?
They drew lots.
And the way they did that was they
all took wooden pen or pencils and it
would be thrown on the sea and whichever
one floats would be the one that was
going to take care and be in charge
of taking care of Maryam.
And it ended up being Zakariya like Allah
swt said Now what happened?
Maryam at an early age is someone that
is connected to Allah.
She learned from her mother.
And I want to say something here for
our sister specifically.
Look at Look at this family.
Imran is married to Hanna.
Allah is putting the focus on Hanna.
And her dua and her conversation and her
Allah gives her a daughter Maryam.
And Allah swt decreed that Prophet Isa would
be raised by a single mother.
And that single mother was Maryam.
Of course there is a miracle here to
be born without a father.
But Prophet Isa was surrounded by women.
He was surrounded by women.
And similarly you'll find Prophet Musa in his
young age also surrounded by raw mothers that
were women.
In the Quran when you read the story
of Musa you have Ummi Musa.
Again Allah swt talks about this is again
very fascinating.
Allah talks about the mother of Musa.
Musa as a child.
Allah talks about the mother of Musa.
Fascinating coincidence.
Musa's father is also called Imran.
Musa's father is also called Imran.
That's why he's called Musa Ibn Imran.
And what's Maryam's name?
Maryam the daughter of Imran.
It's not the same person.
It's not the same person because there were
many generations between them.
And the name Imran was a name that
was used a lot.
Now you have Musa's mother.
And then you have Musa's sister.
وَقَالَ لِأُخْتِهِ يَقُصِّيهِ Right?
Allah mentions Musa's sister.
And then when he is raised in the
palace of Firaun who grabs the baby Musa
and wants to raise him?
And who else is the house of Asiya?
The Mashita.
The hairdresser of Firaun.
The Mashita and Asiya and his sister and
his mother.
He's surrounded by righteous women.
Isa is surrounded by righteous women because my
sisters as mothers and as sisters and as
You have a great impact on the people
that you raise and the children in your
More so sometimes than the fathers.
And that's why it's extremely important that that
responsibility is one that you instill in yourself
because you can have a huge impact on
your children.
Of course, Maryam is now dedicated to be
in service in worship in Baitul Maqdis, right?
She doesn't leave, she's there.
And Zakariya is in charge of her, the
prophet Zakariya.
Zakariya enters upon her and he finds a
And that miracle is that Maryam she would
have fruits with her that were not in
It's summer and these only grow in the
winter, how do you have them?
Or it's winter and these fruits you have
and this food you have only grows in
the summer.
How is that possible?
Zakariya is surprised by this.
كلما دخل عليها Zakariya المحراب وجد عندها رزقا
Every time Zakariya would enter upon Maryam and
see her, she would have things she shouldn't
And he asks a question.
أَنَّا لَكِ هَذَا Where did you get this
What did she say?
From Allah SWT.
إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَرْزُقُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ Allah
SWT gives to everyone and provides to everyone
without his account.
So now you see Maryam already the fact
that she is special the fact that Allah
is giving her things the fact that she
is exhibiting these types of miracles it inspires
Zakariya is inspired by Maryam's statement by Maryam's
dua he is also inspired by her generally
and he sees a righteous young girl and
he wishes he could have a righteous هُنَا
لِكَ دَعَى زَكَرِيَّا رَبَّةً Here Zakariya makes dua
Zakariya right there and then immediately he made
dua again you see people whose instinct and
reaction is speak to Allah and then he
makes dua Oh Allah in surah Maryam you
have it in more detail he says وَإِنِّي
وَهَنَا الْعَظْمَ مِنِّي وَاشْتَعَلَ الرَّأْسُ شَيْبًا وَلَمْ أَكُن
بِدُعَائِكَ رَبِّ Oh Allah I have grown old
my hair has grown grey I have grown
old and my hair has gone grey is
that a dua or a statement of fact
it's a statement of fact what do you
see there the way they speak to Allah
the way they speak to Allah Oh Allah
it's like you for example say Ya Allah
I am tired Ya Allah this job that
I go to they make it difficult for
me to pray Ya Allah I wish I
had a better job the way you speak
to Allah that's just an example of someone
struggling for example at work or someone that's
we have to appreciate that we have Rabbul
Alameen who is the creator of everyone and
everything, who knows you better than yourself, who
knows your thoughts, your secrets your problems, your
needs that you can regularly speak to and
that's what Zakaria did and he mentioned his
reasons I want a child وَجْعَلُهُ رَبِّ رَضِيَّ
and then Allah speaks to Zakaria يَا زَكَرِيَّ
إِنَّا نُبَشِّرُكْ بِغُلَامٍ إِسْمُهُ يَحْيَا Oh Zakaria we
give you the glad tidings it was the
angels that came to him to give him
the glad tidings that his wife will become
pregnant and that he will have a child
and that child's name is not up to
you Oh Zakaria the child's already been given
a name and that name is يَحْيَا it's
a very fascinating name يَحْيَا means to live
يَحْيَا means to live and it is said
that Zakaria's wife will have many miscarriages and
every time يَمُوت يَمُوت يَمُوت but this one,
يَحْيَا he will live لَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِن
قَبْلِ سُمِيَّا no one before him was ever
called يَحْيَا the word سَمِي means one of
you have the same name as so someone
called مُسْتَفَى another person is called مُسْتَفَى that
person would be your سَمِي لَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَهُ
مِن قَبْلِ سُمِيَّا so now Zakaria believes he's
gonna give a child because Allah told him
so but he is confused of how because
he is old and his wife is old
not only is she old, she's عَاقِب she's
not able to have children and then he
is told الله فَذَلِكَ اللَّهُ يَفْعَلُ مَا يَشَاءُ
that will happen and Allah does whatever He
wants and here is a reminder for you
and me that when you are speaking to
Allah and when you are making du'a
to Allah you are making du'a to
the one who can make anything happen and
sometimes we forget that and why is that
important my brothers and sisters because that way
there is no such thing as this is
not possible for Allah إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ
شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٍ and when the way you speak
I'll give you guys an example because to
be honest the story of this chosen family,
the story of Ali Imran, the story of
Zakaria and Yahya, the story of Maryam and
her mother and Isa a lot of it
revolves around du'a and your relationship with
Allah now if you need something to be
done and you're speaking let's say you're going
to the local mayor's office and there is
something that if the mayor agrees it will
definitely happen but then you go in and
you're speaking to the deputy or even before
that you're speaking to his secretary and the
secretary tells you, listen don't worry, this is
done, this is done, it's going to happen
I'll let him know, he already gave us
the go-ahead don't worry about it there
may be a part of you that's a
little bit worried about it because you know
I need to hear it from because I'm
not sure, are you guys with me?
but if the person that can make the
thing that you need happen a hundred percent
there's no one else, this is the person
that if they say okay, it's definitely going
to happen would you feel a lot more
content if they give you the go-ahead?
well let me give you another example you
want to propose to a sister you want
to marry a sister and not your sister,
a sister, a woman, you want to marry
a woman is that what you heard?
la ilaha illallah all the women in the
world are our sisters in Islam does that
make sense now?
good so if if her cousin tells you
don't worry, it's done, inshallah ta'ala we're
going to sort it out is it the
same as when the dad tells you, khalas
I'm going to give you my daughter, is
it the same?
it's not the same, right?
when are you the most confident?
who gives you the permission?
why does that carry more weight than a
sibling or someone else?
because who in the end of the day
gives her away?
who has the ability to give the nikah?
the father, right?
and all of a sudden when you're in
front of the dad and he's giving you,
you feel there is confidence in you Allah
is teaching us in this qissa that when
you're making dua to Allah you are speaking
to the one that can make the impossible
happen so make dua and speak with confidence
do you guys see what I'm saying?
don't, don't hesitate don't think it may not
happen don't have that, you're speaking to Allah
telling you, I am Sami' I am Alim,
I am I can literally do anything and
there you have, when Zakari was inspired to
make dua at a very old age, and
the state of his wife Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala gives him what he wanted, and
Allah reminds him Allah does whatever he wants
and there is no such thing as something
Allah cannot do so that job that you
really want Allah can make it happen that
child that you really want, Allah can give
it to you that hajj that you've been
hoping for that you wanted, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala can make it happen for you
because Allah can make everything happen you need
to make dua, and when you're asking Allah
you need to be filled with confidence that
the one you're asking is not only hearing
you not only near and close, but he's
also capable that's one of the major lessons
that you learn from this then Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala promises them something similar happens
to Maryam and you have, subhanallah in this
story you have a lot of children children
being born Maryam is born Yahya is born
Isa is born of course different timings, but
it's all in this qissa you see the
forming of ala Imran you see the forming
of families all devoted what do they have
in common what makes them special why are
we learning about them because of la ilaha
illallah they lived by call to words la
ilaha illallah that's it that's what it's all
about wallahi my brothers and sisters our life
is all about Allah our existence is all
about Allah the people that are celebrated the
most are the ones who loved Allah the
most, worshipped Allah the most obeyed Allah the
most and this is important that we instill
this in our hearts and instill this in
our children Allah mentioned in surah Maryam Maryam
grows up and she is someone that Allah
chose وَاَسْتَفَاكِ عَلَىٰ نِسَاءِ الْعَالَمِينَ O Maryam Allah
has preferred you over the women of the
world O Maryam Allah has chosen you more
than all of the other world women in
the world that's why Maryam is considered to
be the most beloved and the greatest woman
of all women and you have others as
well of course there is a hadith that
mentions some of the greatest women that ever
were and it's Maryam bint Imran it's Asiya
bint Muzahim the wife of Firaun it's the
prophet's wife Khadija bint Khuwailid the prophet's other
wife Aisha the prophet's daughter Fatima these women
are considered to be the role models of
most of mankind meaning they should be role
models for both men and women so as
Muslim men when you see the story of
Maryam it should inspire you how devoted she
is, how pious she was and her piety
and devotion was so much that when she
is pregnant with Aisha and she gives birth
and she brings this baby that has no
father and people are addressing her and they
are doubting where this child came from they
said to her oh the sister of who?
Harun it doesn't mean that she was the
literal sister of prophet Harun although their dad
has the same name that can be an
easy confusion someone could make by the way
oh the one whose worship was like Harun
because in Banu Israel the Banu Israel when
someone is really devoted in Ibadah and worship
they used to call that person you're just
like Harun because prophet Harun was known for
that so prophet Harun was so famous and
known for his dedication for Ibadah that he
ended up being almost like an example when
someone is you're almost like prophet Harun oh
the one who was like Harun and look
what they say to her I'm jumping ahead
to give you an image of how Maryam
was perceived in society not her but also
her family when Maryam comes with baby Aisha
and people are saying where did you get
this child from?
look what they say to her they are
referencing Hanna and Imran your father Imran was
not a bad person neither was your mother
a lady of the night they were good
people, righteous people so the righteousness of her
parents were known of course what they don't
know and they should know is that Maryam
is even more righteous that Maryam she ended
up becoming even greater than both of her
parents Maryam Allah SWT says to her we
have preferred you over all women oh Maryam
Allah says devout yourself to your lord make
sujud and pray with those who pray with
those who pray Maryam is someone who was
an example when it came to Ibadah when
it came to being devout when it came
to being chaste when it came to being
chaste Maryam Ibn Imran was the best we
breathed in her from our souls and she
believed in the words of her lord and
his books and she was of the devout
by Allah the way Allah speaks about this
woman Maryam is so special my brothers and
sisters now what happened one day Maryam is
visited by Angel Gabriel because Allah decided to
create Prophet Isa in a miraculous way where
he will be born without a father remember
Allah can do anything he wants so one
day Allah sends Angel Gabriel to Maryam she
sees him and she is worried and concerned
about this man that is approaching her and
she seeks refuge she seeks refuge from him
if you are faithful leave me alone she
thought this was a person that was going
to harm her and then he tells her
no I have been sent by Allah to
gift you a pure child who is that
pure child Isa may Allah make all of
our children pure and make all of us
pure as well Allah decreed for her to
get pregnant and she got pregnant right there
and then a reminder that the one who
created us can do everything but Allah wanted
to make Isa a Hujjah and she becomes
pregnant in this very miraculous way but she
is concerned now and this is something very
fascinating that happens to her why is she
concerned she is concerned although she knows she
has done nothing wrong what is the assumption
people will have that she made Zina and
then one of the things that she says
is something that is really powerful remember this
Ya laytani mittu qabla hadha wa kuntu nasyan
mansiyah Ya laytani mittu qabla hadha she was
so worried and concerned over her reputation and
what people would say about her and how
she would explain this I wish mittu qabla
hadha that I died before this wa kuntu
nasyan mansiyah and I have become something that
is forgotten now again she is expressing how
she feels which is perfectly fine from this
we learn that sometimes it is possible that
you find yourself in such situation where you
wish people say this to be honest we
say this sometimes too lightly I wish I
was never born have you heard this saying
before to be honest if you are saying
that you better be saying that because you
are going through something very very big but
even then don't ever wish for that because
Allah has given you life, given you faith
given you iman but she was so concerned
over the reputation damage should we be concerned
about our reputation what do you guys think
yes we should we should be concerned about
our reputation and we should do our best
to protect our reputation within society because people
are not very forgiving people are not very
forgiving and you will not only bring a
stain to yourself but a stain to your
family as well because people look at us
as units it's important that the biggest priority
you have is how Allah views you but
that does not mean that you don't care
how others view you as well and sometimes
I'll give you an example one day the
prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam after doing i'tikaf he
was visited by his wife and our mother
Safiya and Safiya he was walking her back
to her house, it's the prophet walking with
his wife there were two men from the
sahaba from the ansar that see the prophet
salallahu alayhi wasalam with this woman and it's
dark, it's at night and then they walk
really fast as if they're trying to kind
of avoid the situation and the prophet calls
them and the prophet said come here he
calls them and he says this is Safiya
this is who?
Safiya and they say ya Rasulallah we would
never be concerned with you the prophet says
to them the devil the shaytan goes through
our veins meaning that we are easily influenced
by the shaytan and we easily assume things
so then he said to ensure that you
guys don't assume just so you know, the
person I'm walking with is who?
Safiya so now the ulema say a lot
of times sometimes you're in a situation where
you want to clarify something, right and what
are we trying to ensure that people do
not think of us or assume of us
something that is bad if you can get
ahead of something, you should am I making
sense here?
but the opposite is also true, don't assume
things don't assume things right one of the
salaf said if you hear someone say if
you hear someone say ana rabbukumul a'la
what does that mean?
I am your lord the most great, right
assume he's reading surah an-naziat why?
meaning assume the best even in the worst
situation, does that make sense?
oh that person was with someone it's probably
his sister we should be as charitable as
possible when it comes to our assumptions so
that we don't assume worst of people we
should also do the best we can to
ensure people don't assume the worst of us
what Mariam is experiencing is that where she
is thinking when I come with a baby
to my community they're not going to believe
me that I am this was a that
an angel came to me and blew it's
rooh into me and all that, they're not
going to believe that so she's going to
spend about that, are you guys with me?
but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protected her
she brings the child and then what was
she told?
she was told fakuli washrabi wakarri aina eat
and drink and do not worry and if
the people ask you say to them inni
nazartu inni nazartu subhanallah I made a vow
just like her mother once made a vow,
she made a vow that I will make
sawm she comes with prophet Isa as a
child, she gives birth to prophet Isa and
when she goes to prophet Isa she comes
back to her people and when she goes
back to her people they want an explanation
where did this child come from?
but she made a vow of silence inni
nazartu lil rahmani sawm a vow of abstinence
abstaining from what?
from speaking sawm and this is a benefit,
sawm means to abstain sawm means to abstain
why do we call when we abstain Ramadan
what do we abstain from Ramadan?
from food and drink and relations right?
so that's why it's called sawm inni nazartu
lil rahmani sawm when you read the ayah
don't assume that she was fasting because that's
an easy assumption inni nazartu lil rahmani sawma
it means that she was being silent then
what can she do?
fa asharat ilayhi she pointed to prophet Isa
and then Allah made prophet Isa speak and
he said words that are extremely powerful he
started by saying inni abdullah inni abdullah ataani
al kitab waja'ani nabiyya waja'ani mubarakan
aynama kunt wa awsani bis salati was zakati
madumtu hayya wabarran bi walidati allahu akbar wabarran
bi walidati may Allah make us bar and
dutiful to our parents he says I am
the servant of Allah how important is that?
first words, inni what?
abdullah how unfortunate is it that there are
so many people that see him as the
one to be worshipped when he proclaimed and
the first thing he said was that he
is a worshipper of Allah how unfortunate is
that inni abdullah ataani al kitab he will
give me the book and he was given
the injil, waja'ani nabiyya and he has
made me a prophet waja'ani mubarakan and
Allah has blessed me this is very fascinating
Allah has blessed me waja'ani mubarakan prophet
Isa was blessed now for something to be
blessed in Islam we believe that blessings there
are times that are blessed who can tell
me a time that is blessed a time
that is blessed Ramadan is a time that
is blessed very good, Ramadan is blessed the
mornings are blessed the prophet said Allah has
put blessings in the mornings of my ummah
so the morning is a better time than
than the afternoon because there is more baraka
who can tell me a place that is
blessed Mecca, Medina Al Aqsa, what does Allah
say about Al Aqsa?
Allati barakna hawlahu we have blessed its surroundings
so you have places that are blessed and
you have times that are blessed and you
also have people that are blessed right now
what does Allah say about Isa?
waja'ani mubarakan may Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala bless everything for us say ameen ayna
ma kuntu awsani bis salahati wazaka again prayer
and charity is mentioned there as well showing
you the importance of these two as long
as I'm alive and then he mentioned that
he is dutiful to his mother to his
mother, why not his father?
why is he not dutiful to his father?
because he doesn't have a father he doesn't
have a father interesting question is prophet Isa
from Bani Israel?
he doesn't have a lineage that goes to
Bani Israel so how is he from Bani
from his mother's side so you can be
attributed to your mother's family although the main
attribution is to your father's family you can
be attributed to your mother's family as well
there's a lot that can be said about
these people, the family of Imran let me
just quickly kind of gloss over or summarize
the main point that I wanted to share
tonight and the reflections that I had number
one is Allah chose to name this whole
surah, Ahli Imran of this family Imran Hanna,
Maryam and Isa and what made them special?
they were devout and devoted to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala and what is a common
theme in their life?
prayer and dua and communicating with Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala what else do you find?
that a lot of their duas would manifest
itself in miracles and acceptance and that we
should be inspired another theme is that they
keep inspiring each other Hanna was inspired by
a bird to make dua Allah gives her
a child that child inspires Zakaria to make
dua Allah gives him Yahya so if you
don't take anything else away from the story
take the following away be inspired to make
dua to Allah for all of your needs
not just to make dua but also to
converse and communicate another thing those among you
that are parents those among you that are
parents look at the priorities of this family
look at the mother of Maryam when she
had a child immediately saying oh Allah I
vow that what's in my womb will be
devoted for you will be in service of
you that we make similar devotions to Allah
we make similar commitments where we try our
best to instill belief, iman, worship good character,
love of the deen in our children before
we think about anything else that we appreciate
that both men and women have this in
common the responsibility of worship and obedience and
adherence to the Qur'an and the Sunnah
is something both men and women are equally
responsible for and this is why when it
comes to the worship of Allah there's no
such thing as man and woman we are
both expected yes we have certain different responsibilities
but fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters men
and women, we all have that one thing
in common, we all need to pray we
all need to worship we all need to
fast we all need to make hajj, we
all need to make umrah we all need
to learn the deen when it comes to
the deen we have all of that in
common whether male or
female right, while a believer Allah says we
will give them a good life so when
it comes to following the prophets when it
comes to becoming role models we have that
in common for those among us, our mothers
particularly to the mothers you have a great
duty to your children because mothers have an
impact on children that sometimes fathers don't, and
fathers have an impact that mothers don't take
inspiration from the mother of Maryam take inspiration
from Maryam as the mother of Isa and
take inspiration from the great mothers in our
deen and many of you are doing great
start with the intention start with the intention
just like the intention of the mother of
Maryam and inshallah, father up with action and
make lots of dua for your children may
Allah protect our children from the shaitan the
prophet would say to his grandsons he made
lots of dua for them and he used
to say I seek Allah's protection and refuge
for you to not be affected and impacted
by the shaitan he would often make dua
I seek refuge for the both of you
so the prophet teaches us the importance of
making dua for your children we see the
mother of Maryam making dua for Maryam, and
also we learn that their lives was not
completely easy Yahya ends up being killed Zakariya
was being killed so they were not only
people that were devout but they also sacrificed
and there should be an element of sacrifice
we have for our deen as well may
Allah make us among those that follow and
benefit from these people Allah chose to tell
us their story not just so we can
talk about it but we can find inspiration
in it that we can be those that
follow them and I'm going to conclude at
this point which for me was the main
point of this lecture for me this following
point was the main point of this lecture
Allah teaches us how the mother of Maryam,
Hanna would communicate with him regularly, and speak
to him openly, let that be the relationship
you have with Allah where you speak to
Allah and you talk to Allah and you
truly believe that he hears you he sees
you, and he's able to do all things
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh