Mustafa Abu Rayyan – S02 E07 Seerah – The Year Of Sorrow

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The speaker discusses the importance of learning the Prophet's life, including his exile, harass, and struggles with Islam. They also discuss the importance of not letting one's uncle go too far for fear of going against their beliefs and the struggles of the Prophet's life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of protecting one's religion and not being criticized for their actions. They also mention the importance of re Texts in the spiritual world and suggest attending upcoming night conferences.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
Wa bihi nasta'eenu ala umuri al-dunya
wa al-deen.
Wa al-'aqibatil mutaqina wa la'udwana illa ala
Wa sallallahu wa sallamu ala nabiyyina Muhammadin wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een.
Insha'Allah ta'ala this is our 7th
lesson for season 2 of the Seerah of
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and our
14th lesson overall.
And alhamdulillah we managed to cover quite a
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept it
from us and make us among those that
act upon and benefit from the story of
our beloved salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
I mentioned in the beginning that there are
certain objectives you are trying to reach from
learning the Seerah.
It's just not another story.
And who can tell me what a major
objective is behind learning the life and story
of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Why do we do it and why is
it so important?
Yeah, I'm looking at you Akhi.
Or anyone else really.
Why is learning the Seerah important?
Who wants to have a go at it?
You know brothers, the younger ones tend to
have a lot more energy.
But we all came here to learn.
And like I said last week, I'm going
to start naming names now.
Learning your names and start calling you out.
Yes, you raise your hand first.
What's your name?
Mashallah, you're named after a great companion.
Why is it important that we learn the
So that we can be more like the
That's the perfect answer.
So that we can be more like the
Indeed, within the Prophet lies the best of
How do we know, how did he handle
problems, how did he worship, how did he
pray, how did he exhibit patience, etc.
The main thing is that we increase the
love of the Prophet in our hearts.
Because our Iman will not be complete until
we love the Prophet more than anyone else
on this earth.
More than yourself, more than your parents, more
than your children.
Okay, we left the Seerah.
We were in the 9th year of the
Of the B'ithah.
So it's been 9 years since the beginning
of the mission.
To summarize, of those 9 years, the first
3 years, the Prophet was calling to Islam
in secret.
Then he made the call public on the
Mount Safa, and that's when his uncle Abu
Lahab interjected, and that's when our position started.
And then that continued, and then the struggle
for the Companions started.
You had the Hijrah to Abyssinia, which many
of the Sahaba did, and some stayed.
And there were many events that we covered
that happened.
Including Quraysh trying their best to convince the
Prophet to leave off his mission.
Sometimes they would entice him with wealth, with
Others they would try to put fear in
him, but the Prophet ﷺ would refuse each
time, because this was a mission given to
him by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the
call towards la ilaha illallah.
Then you had key individuals accept Islam.
That was a huge boost to the Muslims.
We spoke about the Islam of the Prophet's
uncle Hamza, and the Prophet ﷺ's second, if
you will, in command, Umar al-Khattab ra.
So you have all of this happening.
Then Umar became Muslim at the 6th year
of the Hijrah.
And then after that, they went into exile.
The Prophet, Bani Hashim, and Bani Abdul Manaf,
they were exiled into a valley, and boycotted
to the point where they were starving.
And this was a punishment not just upon
the Muslims, but anyone who supports the Muslims.
And this lasted for three years.
And we were at the 9th year.
Things are getting a lot more difficult.
Bani Hashim and Bani Abdul Manaf, the Prophet
and his family, are finally allowed back in
Mecca, and people are selling them stuff again.
They can now trade, they can eat, they
can live.
So, it seems like things are getting better.
It is around this time that there was
a huge event that happened in the Prophet's
life, and that year, the 9th year, is
known as the year of sorrow.
Why is it called the year of sorrow?
We'll get to that insha'Allah.
I know you know.
I know you know.
But before that, before we get to that,
one more incident I want to share with
Quraysh is now very agitated, and they just
want Islam to go.
They've harassed Muhammad and his mission, they've harassed
these Muslims, they keep increasing, it's caused them
anxiety and problems, more people entering into Islam,
they tried every single trick in the book.
What can they do?
They finally went to Abu Talib.
They went to Abu Talib, the Prophet's uncle,
and his main protector, and the one who
raised him.
Abu Talib.
They said, O Abu Talib, you are the
eldest among us, you are the leader and
the Sayyid, and indeed Muhammad came with something
no one has ever come with before.
So, we have harassed him.
We are done with Muhammad and his mission.
Either you restrain him and you stop him,
or we will confront him until one of
us perishes.
Another narration, they said to Abu Talib, Abu
Talib, listen, what's one son?
What's one son?
Because Abu Talib saw his nephew, the Prophet,
as his own son.
We'll give you one of our boys, for
you to have, give us Muhammad.
Give us Muhammad, allow us to get rid
of him, i.e. kill him, and if
you want someone, we'll give you one of
our boys.
Look at their ridiculous offer.
Abu Talib, of course, he comes to his
nephew, the Prophet, and says, Muhammad, it's getting
too much now.
Muhammad, what do you want?
Think about it.
They were in exile for how many years?
Three years, starving, torture, problems, you know, conflict.
Now, Abu Talib is speaking to his nephew,
the Prophet, Muhammad.
What is it that you want?
The Prophet said, Ya Amr, Ya Amr, oh
my uncle.
One word.
One word.
I just want one statement.
All I want, from my fellow tribesmen, all
I want from Quraysh, all I want is
one word, one statement.
If you say it, oh my tribesmen, oh
Quraysh, if you say this one word, مَلَّكْتُمُ
الْعَرَبُ وَدَانَتْ لَكُم بِهَا الْعَجِبُ You'll be the
king of the Arabs.
You'll have the whole world.
Allah will open doors for you.
You will reach places you've never done before.
Just say this one word.
Then Quraysh is like, one word?
We'll accept ten.
We'll accept ten words.
One word.
All of this.
What's the word?
And he said, It's لا إله إلا الله
وحده لا شريك له That there is none,
and to leave of the idols, none has
the right to be worshipped, to be devoted,
to accept Allah سبحانه وتعالى Almighty alone.
And they got so upset at that.
Because they were idol worshippers, and they loved
their idols.
They got so upset.
The beginning of surah Saad, صاد والقرآن ذي
ذكر This surah is about this incident.
Until they say, أَجَعَلَ الْآلِهَةَ إِلَاهًا وَاحِدًا Have
you made the many gods into one?
The many gods we worship, you want us
to worship one?
إِنَّ هَذَا لَشَيْءٌ عُجَابٌ Indeed, that is a
bewildering thing.
They said, no.
That's the one thing we cannot accept.
Do you want to change?
So, this one word, لا إله إلا الله
was the cause of that conflict.
But لا إله إلا الله will also be
the cause of great victory and the cause
of salvation in the next world.
In other words, do your worst, Quraysh.
We're not going anywhere.
Then what happened?
The Quraysh leader angrily rejected and left.
And when they left, not too long after,
Abu Talib started to get sick.
Abu Talib, the prophet's uncle, remember he's not
a Muslim.
He loves the prophet.
He protects the prophet as his nephew, not
as his prophet, as his nephew.
And of course, there is familial ties.
Abu Talib gets sick and the prophet loves
his uncle.
The prophet desperately tried to bring him to
And the prophet ﷺ would say to him,
sit next to him, he's lying on his
bed, يا عم, يا عم Oh my uncle,
oh my uncle, oh my uncle.
قُلْ لا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ Say, none has
the right to be worshipped except Allah.
كلمة, a statement.
If you say, I will intercede for you
on your behalf.
Just say this one statement and I will
make dua and intercede on your behalf.
As he was saying this, Abu Talib, the
other men from Quraysh, the Abu Jahls and
the Abu Lahabs, they came to visit.
And they kept on saying, Abu Talib, don't
you dare leave the way of your forefathers.
Don't you dare dishonor yourself and disgrace yourself
by following your nephew Muhammad.
And then, he was caught between loyalty to
his tribe, loyalty to Quraysh, loyalty to those
that he considered friends and the truth of
لا إله إلا الله.
What was Abu Talib's last words?
Abu Talib's last words were, أنا على ملة
عبد المطالب I am on the way of
my father عبد المطالب.
In other words, I'm gonna die upon either
I'm gonna die upon either worship.
So, the Prophet was so deeply saddened by
Not only is his father figure, his uncle,
his protector gone, he died upon disbelief.
And the Prophet ﷺ said, والله لأستغفر لك
ما لم أنهى عن ذلك By Allah, I
will ask Allah to forgive you anyway.
I will ask Allah to forgive you anyway,
unless I am forbidden to do so.
Later on, it was revealed that if a
person dies upon disbelief, then you're not allowed
to seek forgiveness for them.
And the Prophet was so deeply saddened, I
couldn't even guide my own uncle.
I couldn't even guide my beloved uncle.
And then Allah reveals, إنك لا تهدي من
أحببت ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء O Muhammad,
إنك لا تهدي من أحببت O Muhammad, you
do not guide who you love.
That's not how it works.
Just because you love your uncle does not
mean he's gonna be guided.
ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء But it is
Allah that guides whomever He wills.
My brothers and my sisters understand this.
A lot of times, someone will come to
me or to the shuyukh.
My brother is not practicing.
My sister is this.
And I've tried with my son.
I've tried with my daughter.
It's not working.
I'm the only one in my family that
What do I do?
Make dua.
And remember, you can put the effort in.
You can put the effort in.
And you should put the effort in.
The Prophet wasn't at home.
He's sitting next to his uncle.
Please say, لا إله إلا الله.
The same thing for us.
Please pray.
Please come to the masjid with me.
But remember the Prophet's character.
Remember the Prophet's beautiful character.
That's how you get people onto Islam.
But not always.
And just because you love someone does not
mean they're gonna be guided.
Because the guidance comes from Allah.
إِنَّكَ لَا تَهَدِي مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَهَدِي
مَنْ يَشَاء If you have a family member,
if you have someone you're responsible for, if
you have a son or a daughter, if
you have an uncle or an auntie, someone
you wish were guided, but they're not, you
put the effort in and understand.
If it doesn't work, إِنَّكَ لَا تَهَدِي مَنْ
أَحْبَبْتَ You're not gonna guide just because you
love them.
That's not how it works.
The Prophet's uncle dies upon disbelief because that's
what his uncle chose.
Second lesson from this, my brothers and my
Watch out for bad friends.
It is very likely that if the chiefs
of Quraysh who kept on goading Abu Talib,
don't you dare disgrace yourself and dishonor yourself.
If they were not in the room with
him, that he may have listened to his
nephew, the Prophet ﷺ and said, لا إله
إلا الله Your friends have an impact on
you and they can impact your Akhirah.
The Prophet ﷺ said, المَرْءُ عَلَى الدِّينِ خَلِيلِهِ
فَلْيَنْدُرْ أَحَدُكُم مَنْ يُخَالِلْ A person is upon
the way of his religion, so be very
careful who you befriend.
You are on the religion of your friend,
on the way of your friend, on the
pathway of your friend, so be careful who
you surround yourself with.
How did the death of Abu Talib impact
our beloved Prophet ﷺ?
It's not just losing an uncle by the
Many of us may have lost uncles that
we loved or people that we were close
Prophet ﷺ lost a critical supporter and protector.
Abu Talib was one of the main reasons
why Quraysh, although they would harm the Prophet
ﷺ sometimes, it was the main reason why
they kept it at gear two and weren't
going on gear five fully like they were
going on Bilal or the others.
Because of respect of Abu Talib, now that
protection is gone.
And it was narrated, أَنَّ إِشْتَدَّتْ أَذَا قُرَيشٍ
بَعْدَ وَفَاتِ أَبِي طَالِبِ the punishment and the
persecution increased after the death of Abu Talib.
And this teaches you something.
Think about this my brothers and my sisters.
Abu Talib was a disbeliever.
He did not believe in the message of
the Prophet.
Abu Jahl is a disbeliever who did not
believe in the message of the Prophet.
Are Abu Jahl and Abu Talib the same?
Do we even view them the same?
Why not?
They're both disbelievers.
They're both idol worshippers.
But one of them had justice, kindness, and
And it is important that when we see
people that are not upon Islam, you will
have your Abu Talibs and you will have
your Abu Jahls.
And it is important that we are able
to see what one is and what the
other is.
Or the Prophet ends up calling them both
to Islam.
They're both rejected.
But some disbelievers are a lot more vicious
towards the believers than others.
And you'll see a few examples of that
today inshallah.
So Abu Talib has passed away.
This is the ninth year, the year of
Earlier I said to you, why is it
called the year of sorrow?
It's because the year the Prophet lost his
beloved uncle Abu Talib.
The Prophet ﷺ, if I were to ask
you, for those of you that, who was
here since day one?
Who was here since day one?
A few of you were, right?
A lot of you joined later.
If I were to ask you, out of
the people that were, who among the Prophet's
family, or those that are close to him,
was with him from day one?
Who comes to mind?
Day one, literally.
Khadija, barakallah fik.
Khadija bint Khawailid.
She was the first day the Prophet met
Angel Jibril.
The first ayats were revealed.
He rushed home.
Who was there?
Khadija bint Khawailid.
From that day, until her last day on
this earth, she was the Prophet's protector, wife,
she was his source of love, comfort, care,
the mother of most of his children.
She died in this year as well.
The Prophet ﷺ did not only lose his
external support, outside of the house, but that
inner support inside his home as well.
Soon after Abu Dhalib's death, the Prophet ﷺ
faced the death of his beloved wife, and
our mother, Khadija bint Khawailid.
The Prophet used to say about Khadija, Aamanat
bihi khina kafran nas.
She believed in me when people disbelieved.
And she accepted my word as truth when
others saw it as lies.
And she supported me with her wealth when
others withheld from me.
The Prophet ﷺ loved her very much.
And she was not just a wife, but
truly a companion and a pillar for the
Muslim community in Mecca.
Khadija's virtue is known.
And when we're talking about the greatest companions,
she should definitely be listed among them.
The Prophet ﷺ used to say, the greatest
woman in Jannah is Khadija bint Khawailid.
And then he mentioned Fatima bint Muhammad, his
daughter Fatima.
We met Fatima already.
Who can tell me in what context did
we meet her in?
What did Fatima do?
And what was happening when she came in?
Do you remember?
When Abu Jahl put that dirt on the
Prophet ﷺ, who was there defending him and
insulting the enemies and protecting her father?
It was Fatima.
Fatima bint Muhammad.
The Prophet ﷺ said, these are the following
women that are the greatest women in Jannah.
Khadija bint Khawailid, Fatima bint Rasulullah, Asiya, the
wife of Fir'aun, and Maryam bint Imran,
the mother of Prophet Isa ﷺ.
Some of the ulama, they asked the question,
how does Aisha fit into this, these four
women, the greatest women to have ever walked
this earth?
Khadija and Fatima, Asiya and Maryam.
Where does Aisha fit?
The Prophet ﷺ hadith that the virtue of
Aisha over all women is like the virtue
of Tharid over all food.
And Tharid was the best food that the
Arabs would eat.
In other words, Aisha is even better than
the ones mentioned.
That's one view.
And others say, she's up there among them.
She's up there among them, and Allah knows
The main thing is that Aisha is considered
among the greatest women as well.
She's just not mentioned in that particular narration.
But the Prophet did say that she is
compared to other women, like the best food
compared to other types of food.
Khadija was the first to believe in the
Prophet ﷺ.
And she was also the mother of most
of his children except for Ibrahim, whose mother
was the mother of Ibrahim, the Prophet's son,
Marya al-Qibtiya.
Marya al-Qibtiya.
Yeah, next time inshallah.
So now, the Prophet ﷺ, what is going
He lost his uncle, and he lost his
The Sahaba, they narrate that when this happened,
the Prophet ﷺ used to come out a
lot less.
He used to spend a lot of his
time at home.
And it really affected him.
It really affected him.
The loss of Khadija, and the loss of
Abu Talib.
His uncle, his father figure, and his beloved
Khadija, رضي الله عنها.
And now that he lost his key supporters,
and the Quraysh were more emboldened, the Prophet
ﷺ started to think, perhaps we need to
look elsewhere.
Perhaps we need to look elsewhere.
Maybe Mecca is not where we start.
And the Prophet ﷺ decided that he would
go to a city called Taif.
Which is about 80 kilometers away from Mecca
on foot.
He went on foot, and with him, is
someone very special.
This person is the one companion of the
Prophet ﷺ mentioned in the Qur'an.
Zayd ibn Harithah.
Very good.
Zayd ibn Harithah.
And who is Zayd ibn Harithah?
Yes, you want to tell me?
Who Zayd is?
He was captured by some people and brought
into Mecca, and in the end, he ended
up with who?
With Khadijah, and then later with the Prophet
So yes.
Talha, what were you going to say?
The adopted son of the Prophet ﷺ.
Although, when we say adoption, we mean something
very different.
The Prophet ﷺ fostered him, but he was
not considered a son of the Prophet.
That's why he's not called Zayd ibn Muhammad.
He's called Zayd ibn Harithah.
He's called Zayd ibn Harithah.
So the Prophet and Zayd go together on
this trip to Ta'if to see if
the people of Ta'if will accept Islam
or his message in a better way than
the people of Mecca.
And they go, and they travel, and when
they arrived, the Prophet ﷺ requested to meet
with their elders and the most important figures,
and then he was instructed to sit with
three men whose father was known, and he
sat with them, and he invited them to
Before I continue this bit, what I'm about
to describe to you is what our Prophet
ﷺ considered the most difficult day of his
After the Battle of Uhud, we haven't gotten
to Uhud yet.
After the Battle of Uhud, in the Battle
of Uhud, the Prophet ﷺ's face was injured.
In the Battle of Uhud, the Prophet's uncle
Hamza died.
The Battle of Uhud was, 70 of the
Prophet's companions died.
So Aisha one day said to the Prophet,
O Messenger of Allah, was the day of
Uhud the most difficult day of your life?
And the Prophet ﷺ said, Aisha, no.
It was a day even worse than that.
A day even worse than the day his
uncle was brutally murdered, his companions were brutally
killed, he himself was injured.
A day worse than that.
And he said, it was the day I
went to Ta'if.
It was the day I went to Ta
The Prophet ﷺ sits with them and he
calls them to Islam.
Very simple message.
Leave off idol worship.
Come to La ilaha illallah, the one deserving
of our worship.
They mocked him.
They rejected him.
They insulted him.
One of them said, could Allah not find
someone better than you to send?
Could Allah not find someone else when he
sends you to us?
Another one said, if you're a prophet, then
I'll do this and this.
Meaning again, mocking him.
And you know rejection is one thing, but
to mock the Prophet ﷺ in that manner.
Then he had to walk away.
May Allah humiliate them.
He walks away, and that's not enough for
They instruct the townspeople to chase the Prophet
ﷺ and pelt him with stones.
Forcing the Prophet ﷺ to flee until
they were both injured.
Zayd is trying his best to protect the
Prophet ﷺ.
I want you to imagine the Prophet ﷺ.
He just lost his uncle.
He just lost his wife.
He traveled so far to save these people
from the fire.
To save them from idol worship.
And they not only mocked him, they not
only ridiculed him, they tried to injure him
and humiliate him.
The Prophet ﷺ sat somewhere in pain and
And he did what any one of us
should do.
When you are, when you feel low, when
you feel down, you look up.
When you think the world is against you,
you look up towards Allah ﷻ.
The Prophet ﷺ raised his hand and he
made du'a.
اللهم إني أشكو إليك ضعف قوتي وقلة حيلتي
وهواني على الناس يا أرحم الراحمين أنت رب
المسضعفين Oh Allah, I complain to you my
weakness and my limited resources and the humiliation
I face.
You are the most merciful.
You are the Lord of the oppressive.
You are my Lord.
Oh Allah, who do you leave me with?
Who do you leave me with?
Oh Allah, if this doesn't make you love
the Prophet ﷺ.
Alone in the middle of nowhere.
And he says something very important my brothers.
He says, إِن
لَم يَكُن بِكَ عَلَيَّ غَضَقٌ فَلَأُوا بَالِي Oh
Allah, as long as you're not angry with
me, I don't care.
And that's very important because it doesn't matter
if the people hate you as long as
who loves you?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Allah wanted to teach our Prophet something very
And we have to understand, right?
Life has ups and downs.
Life has ups and downs.
At this very moment, for the Prophet, is
it an up or a down?
What do you guys think?
But that's not always the case.
Prophet's message is true.
And as he's sitting there, making the dua,
having fled and being chased, Angel
Jibreel comes down.
The Prophet so far only met Angel Jibreel.
This is the first time he sees another
Angel Jibreel says, Allah sent this angel to
For you to command it.
And the angel of the mountain said, Oh
Muhammad, if you tell me to take these
mountains and crush them into Ta'if and
make Ta'if disappear, I will do so.
The whole town.
How dare they do this to you?
If you command me to make all of
Ta'if disappear, I will do so.
Prophet s.a.w. said, No.
I have hope that these same people that
are rejecting me, their children, will say, La
ilaha illallah.
What's fascinating is, who not just too long
ago, rejected to say La ilaha illallah and
died as a disbeliever?
Abu Talib.
His children.
Ali ibn Abu Talib, Ja'af ibn Abu
Believers or not believers?
Who was instructing Abu Talib to not become
Who was there?
And Abu?
Abu Jahl's son, Ikramah, becomes a Muslim.
Who were some of the most staunch enemies
of the Prophet?
Al-As ibn Wail.
His son, Amr al-As, becomes a Muslim.
And on and on it goes.
Waleed ibn Mughirah hated the Prophet.
Khalid ibn Waleed loves the Prophet.
The Prophet, when he said, I hope that
their children will become Muslim, it actually happened
and he saw it.
Most of his enemies, their children, became Sahaba.
And now look even further.
That same place, that treated the Prophet that
way, if you go to the city of
Da'if today, in Saudi Arabia, Adan, everywhere.
The same place they tried to humiliate our
Prophet ﷺ and throw rocks at him.
You drive in it, you go to it,
all you hear is what?
Shadu an la ilaha illallah, shadu anna?
Muhammadur Rasulullah.
Every other person is called Muhammad.
Allah promised the Prophet that Allah will make
high your mansion.
These trials the Prophet is going through, it
was just a period of his life.
Not only that, that's the future, hindsight is
2020, but look at what's happening right there
and then.
When the Prophet ﷺ forgave and said, I
have hope that their children will become Muslim
and the angels left, there were two men,
Utbah and Shaybah, who had a vineyard near
where the Prophet was sitting at that time.
And they realized who the Prophet was and
that he is from Quraysh, they were Quraysh
as well.
And they felt bad for the Prophet.
They are not believers, they felt bad for
the Prophet.
And when they felt bad for the Prophet,
they had a Christian servant, a Christian servant,
and they said to him, take these grapes
to him.
Who is taking the grapes?
A young boy called Addas.
He grabbed these grapes and he goes to
the Prophet and he gives them.
I want you to understand the Prophet's emotional
state right now.
He has just been preaching, everything was rejected.
ﷺ Then the Prophet, he takes these grapes
and he says, Bismillah, in the name of
Addas says, إِنَّ هَذَا كَلَامٌ مَا يَقُولُهُ أَهْلُ
هَذِهِ الْبِلَادِ What you just said, the people
here don't say it, Bismillah, knowing people don't
say it, why are you saying this?
The Prophet looked at this young boy, what
religion was he?
He was Christian, he wasn't an idol worshiper.
He says to him, مِنْ أَيِّ بِلَادِ أَنْتَ
وَمَا دِينُكَ The Prophet said, where are you
from and what's your religion?
He says, I am a Nasrani, I'm a
Christian, and I am from Nainawah.
Nainawah is in Iraq, it's also where Prophet
Yunus was from.
The Prophet immediately realized and says, مِنْ قَرْيَةِ
الرَّجُلِ الصَّالِحِ يُونَسِ ابْنُ مَتَّهِ You're from the
same place as Prophet Yunus.
Now at that time, the people there did
not know who Prophet Yunus was.
Adas knows because he's from there.
He's surprised.
He says, وَمَا يُدْرِيكَ مَنْ يُونَسِ How do
you know who Yunus is?
The Prophet said, ذَاكَ أَخِي Yunus is my
brother, because all the Prophets are brothers.
كَانَ نَبِيًّا He was a Prophet.
وَأَنَ نَبِيًّا I am also a Prophet.
Adas was so moved by this.
He started to kiss the hands and feet
of the Prophet ﷺ.
And when he came back to the men
that sent him with the grapes, they said,
don't tell us you're going to also change
your religion for him.
And Adas says, لَيْسَ عَلَىٰ وَجْهِ الْأَرْضِ خَيْرٌ
مِنْ هَذَا رَجُلٌ There is literally no one
on this earth better than that man.
What's the lesson there?
Adas, young Adas, becoming Muslim.
Allah wanted that and made the Prophet make
all that trip.
It wasn't for the people of Ta'if,
it was for this young man.
And subhanAllah, if Allah wants guidance for someone,
they will be guided.
And subhanAllah, it's also to teach the Prophet
Muhammad, for just as many as there are
those that want to pelt rocks at you,
there are those that will kiss your hands
and feet.
And for just as many that hate you,
there are those that love you.
May Allah make us among those that love
the Prophet ﷺ.
So then, the Prophet ﷺ, he has to
return to Mecca.
He has to return to Mecca.
Now, Mecca is a very hostile environment now.
He doesn't have the protection of his uncle,
and he doesn't know if he should go
or not.
He doesn't know what will happen to him.
And he figures out ﷺ that he could
benefit from protection.
I mentioned this before, I believe in my
previous classes, that sometimes someone could give someone
else protection, and that would mean that as
long as they're in that city, that person
can't be touched.
So, the Prophet ﷺ then, he actually went
into hiding for a bit, waiting to see
if there's anyone that is willing to provide
him with promised protection so that Quraysh's heads
do not come after him.
And finally, the Prophet ﷺ, he sent word
to a man called Al-Mut'im ibn
Al-Mut'im ibn Adi.
Al-Mut'im ibn Adi heard the Prophet
ﷺ's request for diwar.
It's called diwar, protection.
And Al-Mut'im agreed.
He ordered his sons to go to where
the Prophet was and escorted him into Mecca,
then went to the Kaaba, called all Quraysh,
and declared that from now on, Muhammad ibn
Abdillah, Muhammad is under my protection and my
family's protection.
And Al-Mut'im's protection was a very
big gesture during this very difficult time.
The Prophet actually never forgot this.
One of the first things that happened, this
is a very important lesson, Abu Jahl says,
are you a mutabi'a?
A mutabi'un ant amtujiruhu?
Mut'im, are you following Muhammad or just
providing protection?
He says, bal ujiruhu, rather I am just
giving him protection.
And that was a sigh of relief because
Abu Jahl, the worst thing he would want
is what?
That more people become Muslim.
And then he says, ajarna man ajart?
If you give him protection, we'll leave him
If you give him protection, we'll leave him
And the Prophet came back to Mecca.
The Prophet, at the Battle of Badr, and
inshallah ta'ala we'll get to the Battle
of Badr in the next season, inshallah.
I guess, spoiler, the Muslims win.
I guess you already knew that.
And we'll tell the story properly, inshallah, when
we get there.
There were many captives from Quraysh.
And the Prophet was gonna ransom the captives.
So the family paid some money to the
Muslims and then the Prophet released them one
by one.
The Prophet said to his companions, if Mut
'im was alive today, because Mut'im died,
he didn't die as a Muslim either.
Mut'im, who just gave him protection to
be in Mecca.
He said, if Mut'im was alive, and
he would have requested from me, lau kan
al mu'ti hayyan, thumma kallamani fee haa olaa,
I would have freed them.
The Prophet said, if Mut'im said to
me, free all the cats of Badr, I
would have freedom for him.
What does that tell you?
The Prophet really remembered, warmly, the good treatment
Mut'im ibn Adi gave to the Prophet.
Mut'im ibn Adi never became a Muslim.
What did I say to you earlier?
Many of the people that rejected the truth,
what happened to the children?
They end up becoming Muslim.
There's a great companion called Jubair ibn Mut
Jubair becomes a Sahabi, and a Muslim as
Now, my brothers and my sisters, this, there
is another incident that happened that is also
worth mentioning.
As the Prophet ﷺ was coming back from
Ta'if, he was praying, one night he
was praying, and as he is praying, you
had the jinn, for the first time, hear
وَإِذْ صَرَفْنَا إِلَيْكَ نَفَرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقُرْآنَ
فَلَمَّا حَضَرُوهُ قَالُوا أَنْصِتُوا Subhan Allah.
And then he said, قَالُوا يَا قَوْمَنَا إِنَّا
سَمِعْنَا كِتَابًا أُنزِلَ مِنْ بَعْدِ مُوسَىٰ مُصَدِّقًا Something
very fascinating happened.
The jinn hear the Prophet praying.
They start calling each other, listen to this.
A new book has been revealed.
And then, they listen, and they believe, and
they accept Islam.
The jinn accept Islam.
What's the lesson?
Oh Muhammad!
Oh Muhammad!
If Quraysh reject you, their children will accept
Oh Muhammad!
If the people of Ta'if pelt you,
you'll have someone like Adas there.
Oh Muhammad!
If mankind rejects you, the jinn will accept
In other words, the Prophet is learning that
his message will be accepted from places he
does not expect it from.
And his message will go far and wide.
And Subhan Allah!
As the Prophet ﷺ went through this difficult
time, this difficult time, losing his uncle, losing
his wife, experiencing the humiliating things that he
experienced in Ta'if.
Coming back, not even knowing sure can he
enter Mecca, trying to find jiwara and protection.
Finally, his home.
My brothers and sisters, this, it is after
this that the story of Isra and Mi
'raj happened.
The night journey.
And if you, I guarantee each one of
us here has heard about the night journey
Am I wrong?
But in this context, it makes so much
more sense.
Ya Muhammad!
Oh Muhammad!
If the people on earth reject you, you
are accepted where?
In the heavens.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at this time
with the Prophet ﷺ was in a very
difficult time.
In the year of sorrow, at the back
of it is when the Prophet is taken.
Angel Jibril comes, wakes him up.
They go on the Buraq.
They travel to Jerusalem.
Allah brings all the Prophets.
Oh Muhammad!
If you think you are the only one
that experienced rejection, look at all these Prophets.
The Prophets stand behind him.
They pray behind him.
Muhammad, the greatest of men, are praying behind
And then he goes up.
He sees all the Prophets.
He meets Prophet Musa, Prophet Isa, Prophet Yahya.
He meets his great great great great grandfather,
Prophet Ibrahim ﷺ.
He goes all the way and meets his
greatest love and our greatest love, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And Allah gives him the five daily prayers
as an obligatory act.
Prophet ﷺ was so shown Jannah.
He spoke to Allah.
He spoke to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The Isra and Mi'raj is such a
key thing for the Prophet to be rejuvenated.
To be rejuvenated.
To feel that the rejection of those that
reject should not hold you back whatsoever.
And from then, insha'Allah ta'ala, you'll
see everything going uphill.
Not always.
Sometimes it will go downhill.
For every Badr, there is a Uhud.
And many challenges will happen.
But insha'Allah ta'ala, we'll continue the
story in the following weeks.
I'm going to conclude my lesson here, insha
'Allah ta'ala, and take any questions that
you guys have.
I guess you guys can guess then.
Who can guess what is the first lesson
The story of what?
The story of?
Isra and Mi'raj.
The story of Isra and Mi'raj.
First question here, what books are you using
for Seerah?
I recommended several books.
You can go back to the first lecture,
insha'Allah ta'ala.
And what I use is the classical books
of Seerah like Ibn Hisham and others.
And then, but I recommend all of you
guys to read either Rahiq al-Muqtum or
When the Moon Split.
Did the Arab believe in jinn?
Yes, they did, and they know about it.
Sheikh, you mentioned that only Allah guides his
If a woman is married to a man
who doesn't pray, should she leave him or
continue making dua for him?
My sister, this type of question is better
asked face to face so that we can
look at your situation.
As general rule is that the salah is
such a key pillar in Islam, it should
be non-negotiable.
As for what decision you should make in
your particular situation, it will all depend on
your husband's willingness to stop praying.
And yes, you should keep making dua for
him and you should be reminding him to
And it all depends on his personal situation.
Is he refusing to pray whatsoever?
Does he even believe in the prayer?
Is he praying sometimes, leaving it sometimes?
And that is something that is assessed by
an imam that you visit and you explain
the situation to rather than just a general
question that I answer here.
And it's important, my brothers and my sisters,
that you can distinguish between the kind of
questions that require a lot of explanation and
detail and nuance where you sit with the
sheikh and you explain your circumstances versus a
general question that I can give you an
answer to.
But in any case, may Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala guide your husband.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept your
dua for him.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala put
barakah in your marriage.
Did the Arabs believe in or knew about
the jinn?
They didn't know about the jinn and that
was something that they were aware of.
How can we attain the Prophet's intercession?
You gain the Prophet's intercession by doing the
things the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told
us to do.
First of all, be as good as a
Muslim as you can be because his intercession
is for the believers of this ummah.
And there are certain things that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, whoever does
this is deserving of my intercession.
One of them is the dua that you
read after the adhan.
Never miss the dua after adhan.
Of course, tawheed is key.
Tawheed is key.
Saying la ilaha illallah with certainty and believing
in it, inshallah.
I'm going to stop here, my brothers and
The winter conference is next week on Tuesday.
Everyone, please make sure you attend the shiurah
visiting us.
And I'll see you all inshallah wa ta
'ala next week.
Follow our social media for more information.
Everyone, there is no session next week.
There's no session next week.
There is a gathering to discuss what we've
covered so far.
But the shiurah class itself will be next
May Allah bless you all.