Mustafa Abu Rayyan – Jumua 06-12-2024

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The importance of praying for the Lord and spending one's own money on good deeds is emphasized in Islam. It is also emphasized that individuals and their deeds are important in stopping subscale deaths and achieving their dreams. The speaker emphasizes the need to invest in one's past and future events, to create a source of good deeds, to reward individuals with reward, and to ensure their success. The importance of raising children properly and creating reward for them through various projects is also emphasized.
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Brothers and sisters, we have a funeral prayer
straight after the Jummah prayer.
So please, don't pray your sunnahs, just wait,
and inshallah, the funeral prayer is straight after
the Jummah prayer.
Jazakumullah khair.
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar I bear witness that there is
no god but Allah I bear witness that
there is no god but Allah I bear
witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah
bear witness that there is no god but
Allah And
it is through this piety and this taqwa
that we gain in this world and gain
in the next world.
We will do good in this world and
we will do even better in the next
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions that when
you are pious and you have taqwa, that
Allah will give you a way out of
your difficulties.
وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ يُسْرًا
That Allah will open doors for you and
give you a way out of your problems.
وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا That Allah
will forgive your sins and expiate them.
وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يُكَفِّرْ عَنْهُ سَيِّئَاتِهِ وَيُعْظِمْ لَهُ
أَجْرًا That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
allow you to know right from wrong and
make it easy for you to distinguish falsehood
from that which is right and upright.
وَمَن يَتَّقُ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ فُرُقَانًا May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala make us among those
that are pious and have taqwa in this
world and those that benefit from it in
the next world.
My brothers and sisters, in this world, as
we live day by day, our days are
Not only are they numbered, we don't know
how long we have.
Each one of us, there is a day
that we will perish and die.
That could be today, that could be tomorrow,
that could be in a week, in a
month, in a year, in several years.
We do not know when it is.
And there is a question that we have
to ask ourselves all the time.
Are we prepared for that eventuality when we
pass away?
And what have we done to ensure that
our good deeds are more than our bad
That what we call it for us is
more khair than it is sharr, more good
than it is evil.
That we have fulfilled our obligations, that we
have amassed enough reward to gain Jannah and
the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And we know, my brothers and sisters, that
the day you die, your actions and your
deeds will stop.
إِذَا مَاتَ الْإِنسَانِ إِن قَطَى عَمَلُهُ When the
human, the person dies, their deeds stop.
There is no more subhanallah that you can
There is no more salah that you can
There is no more charity that you can
There is no more Quran that you can
There is no more umrah that you can
go to.
It is over.
And this is something that we have to
live with.
Now you have the chance.
Now you have the chance to pray tahajjud.
Now you have the chance to repent from
your sins.
Now you have the chance to give sadaqah.
Now you have the chance to make hajj
and umrah while you are alive, benefit from
Especially charity, because Allah mentioned in the Quran
that those that die and their ajal comes,
فَإِذَا جَاءَ أَجَلُهُمْ When their ajal comes, Allah
of the most say, that they wish they
could come back فَأَصَّدَّقَ so that I can
give more charity.
However, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is Rahmanun
Allah is the most merciful, the giver of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has even opened
up opportunities for those that have passed away.
And there are ways that your deeds can
continue after your death like the Prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam told us in the hadith,
that is Sahih Muslim narrated by the great
companion Abu Hurayr رضي الله عنه where he
said, إِذَا مَاتَ الْإِنسَانِ قَطَى عَمَلُهُ إِلَّا مِن
ثَلَاثَةٍ Indeed, when the person dies, their deeds
stop, except for three types.
And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned
three things.
The first one was صَدَقَةٌ جَارِيَةٌ The second
one was عِلْمٌ يُنْتَفَعُ بِهِ And the third
one was وَلَدٌ صَالِحٌ يَدْعُولَهُ A charity that
is ongoing, knowledge that is benefiting others, and
a righteous child that makes dua for you.
I want us to focus on these three
points, my brothers and sisters.
This is a way for you to invest
for your akhira.
I want you to just think about this
right now.
Right now, if your life were to come
to an end, how much صَدَقَةٌ جَارِيَةٌ do
you have at this very moment?
How much knowledge have you propagated?
Or been the cause of its propagation?
How much صَدَقَةٌ جَارِيَةٌ have you invested in?
Any wells?
Any mosques?
Any mushafs?
Any waqf projects?
Have you done that?
Are your children raised in a manner where
you are sure or it is likely that
they will remember you in their duas?
This is what you need to think about.
How often do we come to this masjid?
How often do we pray in this masjid
and every Friday we are here?
There are people that took part in the
creation of this masjid.
Setting it up.
It's build work.
The walls.
The carpet.
The rent.
The purchasing.
Some of them have passed away.
If not many of them have passed away.
And every time you come here and you
pray, there is some reward that is going
to them.
Every time you come in and pray, there
is some rewards.
These mashafs that you see, there are people
that were the cause of it that we
read in Jumu'ah.
No doubt many of you here were reading
Surah Al-Kahf before the khutbah started.
The Quran that you were reciting from the
Someone brought it into the masjid.
And they are reaping those rewards.
In sha Allah.
They are reaping those rewards.
Every masjid you've ever prayed in, people were
involved in setting it up.
Every musalla, every masjid, every mushaf, all these
ibadat that you see.
Every time there are people, there are wells
of water that are being drank from.
And the people that set them up have
long perished.
But the reward is going for them.
Should we not be thinking the same way?
And similarly my brothers and sisters, there are
people that have died and there is nothing.
All they have is the deeds they died
No children making dua for them.
No knowledge that they have propagated or taught.
No charity that they have been involved in
that is ongoing.
That's it for them.
truly their deeds, just what they died with
and that's all they have.
That should not be our fate.
That should not be what happens to us,
my brothers and sisters.
So stop planning now, since you do not
know and I do not know when our
end is going to be.
Repent from the many sins that you have
Prepare for the hereafter and act upon this
hadith of the Prophet ﷺ starting with the
sadaqah jariyah.
You don't have to invest a lot, but
invest in your akhirah.
We plan for our lives as if we're
going to live forever.
Wallahi you will not live forever.
And we spend hours working, thinking of businesses,
trading, waking up early, going to work, building
our businesses, and we will die.
Our banks will have those same accounts and
the money will be there for your family
to inherit and you will die.
Think about that.
When you are in your grave, what do
you want to go with you?
Think about that.
Think about the fact that there is a
likelihood that you have more sin than good
deeds and that you'll die upon that.
And if it isn't for Allah's mercy, you'll
be held accountable for your sins.
But imagine you ensure that you invested in
your akhirah.
And over time, 10 years, 20 years, 100
years, 1,000 years, that now all of
a sudden those good deeds are ongoing.
Those wells that people pay money and they
are built all over the world.
Wallahi it's not just the people that drink
from it, the animals, the birds that drink
from it.
There is khair and reward coming to the
person that took part in it.
This is the rahmah of Allah.
You can ensure that your reward continues.
So invest in the sadaqah jariyah.
Umar ibn al-Khattab r.a, he came
to Prophet ﷺ after khair.
And he said, Ya Rasulullah, this land that
I have is the most beloved to me.
And the Prophet ﷺ said to him, Put
it, make it waqf.
Make it waqf.
So that other people can benefit from it
and the reward can come to you.
Ongoing reward.
Ongoing ajr.
And the best type of sadaqah, my brothers
and sisters, is saqyulma.
It is to give water.
So the next time you come across an
opportunity to dig a well, and we know
there are certain countries that are deprived, that
are struggling, that raise their hands to Allah
every single day and you could be the
answer to their dua, if Allah makes you
the means.
And not only can you then help them
and do that which Allah loves the most.
Allah loves the most when we put happiness
and joy in the hearts of believers.
Not only do you put joy and happiness
in them, where maybe they had to walk
so far for water, and now it's closer.
They can drink from it, the children can
drink from it.
But not only that, if you die, that
reward continues and continues.
Sadaqah jariyah, my brothers and sisters.
Do not let that opportunity go to waste.
Do not let that opportunity go to waste.
From today, start planning.
Even if it's something small, it is not
about the amount, it is about the intention,
it is about the fact that it's ongoing
and people are benefiting.
And it's important also that we, when we
hear the word sadaqah jariyah, that we understand
what it means.
It's not just wells, it could be hospitals,
it could be anything, it could be orphanages,
anything that's going to continue benefiting people generation
after generation, take part in it.
It doesn't have to be a lot of
money, but get into that mindset, invest in
your akhirah.
Invest in your akhirah.
The second thing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, is the ilm yuntafa'u bihi.
Knowledge that is benefited from.
In another area, knowledge that is acted upon.
Each one of us here, and I want
you to think about this.
Who taught you surah al-fatihah?
Who taught you ayat al-kursi?
Who taught you how to pray?
There is someone there that will come to
your mind.
Maybe it was a parent, maybe it was
a teacher, maybe it was a mentor, whoever
it was.
If you're a convert, who called you to
That person has done such a great service,
not just to you, for what you know,
but every time you recite, every time you
pray, that reward goes to them, even if
they've passed away.
And you want the same.
You want the same.
So, if you have knowledge, spread it.
This doesn't just have to be something that
you teach someone.
Nowadays, the way to spread knowledge are many.
How many of you get a WhatsApp message?
You get a WhatsApp message that reminds you
to do something khair.
And then you know what?
It is the last hour of Jum'ah,
let me make some dua.
Someone sent that, someone wrote that.
Thousands of people are seeing that and then
they will make dua.
And not only will they make dua, now
they build that habit, and they're doing that
because someone decided to spread that knowledge.
I just talked about Abu Hurairah's hadith.
How long ago did Abu Hurairah die?
How long ago did Abu Hurairah die?
When we are now saying here, after a
thousand and four hundred years, we are saying
Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet shallallahu alaihi
wa sallam said that when a person dies,
their deeds, we mentioned in the hadith, he
chose to share that to his students.
And today, after more than a thousand years
of his passing, in a khutbah, in a
country far away from the one he was
born in, thousands of people are listening to
that same very hadith.
And if we stop acting upon that, that's
a portion of the reward going to Abu
Hurairah in his grave.
This is what it means to spread beneficial
Each one of us knows something.
Spread the knowledge.
It could be that you purchase books for
those that learn.
It could be that you support madrasas.
It could be that you sponsor a student.
It could be different ways.
It could be that you teach your children.
علم ينتفع به Think about that my brothers
and sisters.
This is something that will continue ongoing for
you even after your passing.
And the most beloved deed to Allah SWT,
generally speaking, the most beloved deed after the
obligations is the seeking and the acting upon
ilm and knowledge.
So again, change your mindset.
Start thinking, what are some other ways I
can invest in khair, in my akhira, in
my hereafter.
علم ينتفع به And then finally, the Prophet
ﷺ said, ولد صالح يدعو له A righteous
child that makes dua.
The ulama, they say, one of the signs
of righteousness is how often you remember your
parents in dua.
One of the signs of salah and righteousness
is how often you remember your parents and
your grandparents in dua.
How often do you remember them?
Because if you're the one that's making dua
for them, then you are ولد صالح.
And they benefit from that because no doubt
they raised you.
No doubt they taught you.
No doubt that you remember them and you're
now asking Allah to show them rahmah and
And the Prophet ﷺ told us in a
hadith that there will be an individual on
day of judgment and he will see mountains
of good deeds and reward and he will
say, Where is this from?
Where is this from?
And he's told, This is the dua of
your children.
This is the dua of your children.
أقول قولي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم ولسائر
المسلمين من كل ذنب فاستغفروه إنه الغفور الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين وبه نستعين على أمور
الدنيا والدين والعاقبة للمتقين ولا عدوان إلا على
الظالمين وصلى اللهم وسلم على النبينا محمد وعلى
آله وصحبه اجمعين My beloved brothers and sisters
We were going through the hadith of the
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم of the three
types of deeds that are able to benefit
us after our passing The last one was
وَرَدْ مُصَالِفٌ يَدْعُو لَهُ A righteous child that
makes dua for you Immediately there you learn
the importance of to strive to have children
if it's possible To get married and to
have children and raise them right so that
they can be a source of goodness for
you That they can be a source of
goodness for you And that is where the
importance of having children and then raising them
right starts And this is why you'll find
in the Quran the prophets they would make
dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
the righteous people for their children to be
rectified and to get righteous children not just
children but righteous children so that they can
then be a source of goodness for others
and for them as well It is also
important that we raise our children in a
manner and in a way where they understand
that the priority for us is not the
dunya but the akhirah and they are the
kind of children that when their parents pass
away they don't only think of inheriting the
wealth that their fathers and mothers have left
but rather how can I benefit them and
their akhirah How can I exemplify what the
prophet said of being a righteous child by
remembering them in my duas by doing waqf
projects for them by giving charity on their
behalf by paying off their debts by servicing
my parents that like Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala ordered me to do so and especially
be good to your parents You can be
good to your parents even after they have
passed away Something very small that each one
of us can do is that those among
us whose parents have passed away that you
make dua for them when you're making dua
for yourself Every time after salah or in
the evening or whenever you're raising your hands
you remember them You can do so much
for those that have passed away and generally
speaking the dua that we give why did
Allah mention the children particularly because it is
those children that tend to remember their parents
often but even if someone doesn't have children
there's a very powerful story by the great
scholar Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah rahmatullahi alayh
and this is actually an example of the
one that I gave before about knowledge Shaykh
al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah rahmatullahi alayh did not
have any children He did not have any
children because he never got married and he
did have many students and the day he
died one of his students stood over his
body and looked and cried and said verily
you did not have any children but we
are your children we are your children and
what did they do they continued passing on
his knowledge they continued making dua for him
that is the power of knowledge that even
though ibn Taymiyyah had no regular legacy of
children today again hundreds of years later he's
being remembered people are making dua for him
and benefiting from his works this is the
power that knowledge has it continues your legacy
even if you do not have any children
in any case my beloved brothers and sisters
I want you to understand it is our
responsibility to plan for our akhira when a
man came to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam and said when is the hour the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam replied to him
what have you prepared for it so let's
prepare for our akhira by repenting from our
sins doing as many good deeds as possible
ensuring that our scales are filled with righteous
actions and that there is little sin there
because we are constantly repenting and that we
also plan that we can continue to gain
reward after our passing with the advice of
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
has commanded you Allahumma make us of the
righteous Allahumma honor Islam and Muslims and humiliate
the polytheists Allahumma humiliate the polytheists Allahumma humiliate
the polytheists and destroy the enemies of Muslims
O Lord of the worlds and the end
of our call is to praise the Lord
of the worlds Allah
is the greatest, Allah is the greatest There
is no god but Allah All
praise is due to
Allah, Lord of the worlds The Merciful, the
Compassionate Master of the Day of Judgment It
is You we worship and You we ask
for help Guide us to the straight path
The path of those You have blessed Not
of those who have incurred Your wrath Nor
of those who have gone astray Ameen And
when My servants ask You about Me I
am near I respond to the supplication of
the supplicant when he calls upon Me So
let them respond to Me And let them
believe in Me So that they may be
guided Allah is the greatest All
praise is due to Allah All
praise is due to Allah, Lord of the
worlds The Merciful, the Compassionate Master of the
Day of Judgment It is You we worship
and You we ask for help Guide us
to the straight path The path of those
You have blessed Not of those who have
incurred Your wrath Nor of those who have
gone astray Ameen Indeed, We have given you
abundance So pray to your Lord and sacrifice
Indeed, your enemy is the one who tries
Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you
Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you
And this is in honor of the reminder
that One day Insha'Allah it will be
one of us That you are standing over
So may Allah grant us steadfastness, thabat And
ease our journey and grant us all Jannah
May Allah grant our family patience and sabr
as well Please make sure you close the
gaps And you line up Insha'Allah properly
Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you