Mustafa Abu Rayyan – 46 Tafseer Surah alBaqarah Verses 211213
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We're continuing the tafsir of Surat Al Baqarah.
stopped last time
The Ayahs preceding this one
the importance of entering into Islam
That you cannot
choose the aspects of Islam that you're going
to apply and live by.
Once you say, La ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasulullah,
once you submit to Allah
that means that you commit yourself to every
single aspect of Islam,
every single statement
that is mentioned in the Quran and in
the sunnah, we commit to believing it.
So when we are told something in the
grave is going to happen, we believe in
it. When we are told about angels, we
believe in it. When we are told about
the hereafter, we believe in it. When we
are told something about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
we believe in it. And we also
believe in the justice
and the completeness
and the the perfection
of the word of Allah
You also commit yourself to submitting.
Submitting means that you accept responsibility.
All acts of worship that are upon you,
that you deliver on them, that you do
them to the best of your
ability. Now there's going to be shortcomings.
to submit means to commit to doing these
acts of worship
and asking Allah to forgive you and repentance
when you fall short.
All of Islam.
You cannot say, I don't like this aspect
of Islam.
That takes you out of the fold of
You cannot pick and choose. Some people will
say, I like the aspects of worship in
Islam, but not the governance.
You can't do that. Or I don't like
political Islam.
Or why does Islam care about how I
buy my house?
What what what what what who am I
harming if I'm committing to interest?
You can't do this.
Once Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the messenger
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says something, we
accept it. That's why Allah says in this
Enter into Islam wholeheartedly,
Then what are some of the things that
will prevent you from doing that? The shaydhan.
So Allah tells us do not follow the
steps of shaydhan.
And what are some of the things that
will happen as a result if you follow
the shaydhan, who is our clear enemy? That
we will go astray? And when we go
astray, when did we lose out on day
of judgment? So Allah reminded us in the
Are they waiting? Those people that go astray,
that follow the shaitan, that don't enter into
Islam wholeheartedly.
Are you but waiting for the day Allah
will come?
And we spoke about the attribute of Allah.
Allah will come on their judgment, and he
will judge between the people.
And those that will have good, Some
will go to Jannah. Some will go to
Haafaiyah. May Allah protect us.
Taib. Then Allah
the children of Israel, the people of Banu
Surah Al Baqarah,
a lot of time the Banu Israel are
referenced. In fact, in the beginning of the
surah, the many, many lessons that we had,
it was all about them. And Surat Al
Baqarah speaks a lot about them. And the
reason Allah speaks about and references the is
for us to take lesson from them.
They went astray.
They earned Allah's anger because they did this
and this and this and this. So don't
do those things.
In other words, when Allah teaches us about
Islam, a lot of times it is
to teach us of their mistakes. Like people
say, a wise man learns from his mistakes
but a wiser man learns from other people's
mistakes. So what Allah tells us about to
be Israel is to avoid the pitfalls that
they fell into.
This is why they didn't inherit the earth.
This is why they are not the they
are not getting the pleasure of Allah
This is why a lot of them were
cursed. Why? Because they refused to follow. In
other words, they refused to
to completely
get into Al Islam.
Allah mentions
Are you believing in some portions of the
book and denying others? Meaning,
are you only entering into Islam halfway?
This is not how we should do things.
We should enter into Islam completely. Yahuwlullah
salbani Israel, ask
the oh, prophet of Allah, ask the people
of Israel, the Banu Israel. Who is Israel?
Israel is prophet Ya'Ub.
is prophet Ya'ub. And the Banu Israel are
the descendants of prophet Ya'ub.
This is what Allah in Surat Al Imran
That all food was
not prohibited. It was allowed to be except
that which had which,
Israel prohibited from himself. Who Israel here? Prophet?
This is why,
the term Israel
is a respectable term.
The term Israel
is the name of a prophet.
Many prophets were
from the descendants of Israel.
Among them, his own son, Prophet
Among them, all the prophets of Bal Israel,
like Musa. Right? Like Isa, alayhi salam.
How was Isa a descendant of Bal Israel
when he didn't have a father?
How was he a descendant of
of Bel Israel
if he wasn't if he had if he
didn't have a father? From which side?
From his mother's side. From his mother's side,
Mariam was El Israel.
And that's why he's considered from the prophets
of Benu Israel.
Zakariya and Yahya and others as well.
Sal Bani Israel asked the people of Bel
How many clear signs did you bring to
Allah is teaching us
so many signs
were given to the Banu Israel.
Those signs included miraculous signs that they saw
with their own eyes.
The splitting of the sea with the provision
of Allah by Prophet Musa.
The all the, plagues and the punishment that
was sent to the pharaoh.
The provisions that they were getting from Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala during the years where they
wandering. The fact that Allah would give them
water from a rock that Musa would hit
with a staff.
The fact that many of them saw others
being revived.
Allah hovered a whole mountain above them.
And they were they saw these things.
How many clear signs have you brought to
Now, the refusal to believe,
and the refusal
to submit
and the refusal to follow the prophets
is a denying of a blessing Allah has
given you. So Allah says,
Whoever exchanges the blessings Allah gave them,
after they have received it,
what are these blessings that they received?
What is an example of the blessings that
the blessed has revealed, has been received? Number
1 is the fact that the prophets were
sent to them.
It's a great blessing for prophets to be
sent to you. Number 2, they were given
They were given guidance.
All of these, not to mention the the
the the miracles that they witnessed, all of
these, the blessings Allah gave them, they they
denied all of that. They refused to submit.
They refused to follow. And Allah says whoever
the niyamah of Allah after it has come
to them,
Then indeed Allah is turn in His punishment.
May Allah protect us.
Here you learn a few things. Number 1,
when Allah gives you a clear sign,
then you must accept that and and believe
in it. If you reject it, then you
are held accountable to
the sending of prophets and the receiving of
And this could be guidance from the prophets,
of course. But an example of that would
be someone today
let's say you are a Muslim,
but Allah has given you knowledge.
Allah has given you more knowledge than the
And you know right from wrong. And you
know halal from haram. And you know the
rights of Allah. And you know what to
do. Is this not a niyama? Is this
not a blessing?
When you don't reject that, when you don't
act upon it, when you don't respect it,
have you not exchanged
that? Have you not rejected that?
What are some of the things that will
lead someone to go astray?
Among them
is a love for the duniya.
A love for the duniya.
Because the duniya distracts you. Work and money,
homes and houses,
amassing wealth, these are all distractions that distract
you from your goal.
Ayah. Allah says,
the life of this world
the life of this world
is made to seem glamorous
and beautiful to the disbelievers.
This world
is not glamorous,
and a Muslim is never
meant to look at it that way.
This world is a test.
Every morsel of food that you eat, every
moment that you enjoy is a test. Will
you be grateful? Will you do the right
We live in adaar that is iptila, it
is bala. It is a test.
And we live
in this world
to ensure we have a good life in
the afterlife.
That's why we are here.
This is not the goal. This is this
is just a
small moment in your existence
where you're meant to prepare for a longer
But the shaitan beautifies its world for us.
The word zugina,
it has been made glamorous. Who made it
The shaitan.
The shaitan.
He the shaitan is the one that makes
this world look a lot more important than
it actually is. Which is why if you
really think about it, if you give your
time if you give yourself time to really
think about this dunya,
how long do you have?
60, 70 years? Less less than?
Then you'll die,
and then you have an eternity waiting for
An eternity.
An eternity where you can be in Jannah,
where you can enjoy the pleasure of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, where where Allah Almighty can
be happy and pleased with you.
Imagine someone says,
I will compromise that
for these 60 years.
That person would be declared insane. Right?
But yet everyone almost does that.
We are all compromising on our hereafter for
this dunya.
Allah subhanahu wa'ala said, well,
The hereafter is better for you and everlasting.
Are you choosing that which is,
beneath that which is lower for that which
is better?
It is incomparable.
It is almost inconceivable
for someone to compromise their akhil.
An eternity of bliss
for the duniya.
But why does this happen?
Because it has been made what?
Elamorous and beautiful.
So the kuffar,
all they know is dunya. Allah says,
Those that do not hope in meeting us.
And they are pleased with this lowly world.
And they find tranquility in this lowly world.
And they are the ones who are hid
as it relates to our ayat.
That shouldn't be you and I. We shouldn't
be heedless. We shouldn't be distracted. We shouldn't
be pleased with this world.
I believe was said that Ali used to
Be from those the children of Al Akhirah.
let your mind be there not here.
Ahmed Muhambal, this great imam,
he was extremely engaged in Ibadah and worship
to the point where he was I believe
it was his children or someone said to
him, when will you rest?
And why don't you rest?
And he said, allahi, I'm doing this to
I'm doing all this fasting and all this
praying to rest. Rest where?
Rest in Jannah.
So we have to really,
change the way we view this world.
The life of this world has been made
glamorous to these believers.
And they laugh and mock.
To those who believe.
Not only do they find the kuffar, the
disbelievers, those that don't believe in Allah, they
don't believe in the prophet, they don't believe
in this faith, in this deen. Not only
do they find this world beautiful, not only
are they mesmerized and distracted by this world,
not only do they find happiness in the
but even worse.
They mock and laugh at those who believe.
Subhanallah. Allah says in Surat Al
Allah was talking about the the the Suratam
of the Quran about Quraysh and their treatment
of the Muslims in Makkah. That's no different.
That's no different than what happens today.
People are mocking for your faith. Sisters are
being mocked for wearing the hijab. Brothers are
being mocked for asking for prayer rooms. We
are being mocked for our values. We are
being and and what's ajeeb is that.
What's being mocked is the and the truth.
Those who are the
the criminals,
the disbelievers,
can who they were.
There was those who laughed at the believers.
And when the believer walks nearby at a
to paint each other and poke each other
look at these believers and making fun of
them, wink at each other, like making fun
of the believers. Now I want you to
imagine in Makkah, someone
they pray for Hamza Day, and then the
idol worshipers, the the the the the worst
of the worst, drinking, committing zina, and and
adultery, fornicating, worshiping idols, the lowest of the
dare to mock the followers of the messengers.
The lowest of the low dare to mock
the followers of the messengers. But Allah say
that one day
Allah mentions,
And one day
those who believe,
will be laughing at the disbelievers.
The tables will be turned on their judgment.
The tables will be turned.
In the duniya,
they mocked. They didn't only mock. They tried
to kill the messengers.
We mentioned in Surat Al Baqarah, often when
messengers were being threatened,
the followers of the messengers were being threatened,
mocked and laughed at for believing,
for behaving the way they meant to, for
But on day of judgement, the table will
be turned. Here Allah says,
This world lowly, worldly life And why am
I saying lowly?
Because the word duniya
comes from that
which is low.
That which is low. That which has not
a lot of meaning, a lot of value.
That's why it's called the duniya.
So those that the world this world, this
this lowly world have been made glamorous to
them, they mock those who believe.
When you mock someone,
you believe you're better than them.
That's where mockery comes from. We're not allowed
to mock in Islam.
Do not let a group among you mark
another group. Or a person, another person.
This person might be better than you. This
is Haqq here.
They are marking the believers who are a
1000 times better than them.
And they are marking them because they think
they are above them.
We with our values,
we with our shirk,
and our filth believe we are better than
The superiority complex that they had, Quraysh had
it, Fir'awn had it, and Amrud had it,
the Kfar today have it.
Those who fear Allah
and are God conscious
and are mindful of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The believers
will be above them.
On day of judgement.
On day of judgement, again, the tables will
be turned.
You you thought you were better than the
and thus you mock them.
On day of judgement, those who have taqwa
will be above you.
They will be above you literally because they
will be in the highest of the high.
Near the throne of Allah
the disbelievers, those who mocked
and made fun of the believers and their
ways, they will be as well as suffering
in the lowest of the low. So they
will be literally
above you and they will be also better
than you.
You perceived. You thought you were better than
them because they follow the prophets and you
follow the shaytan.
You thought you were better. You were not.
But the believers are actually better.
Waladira taqawfawwwwqahumya
mal qiyaba.
What is ajib isikhmanifila?
This is very interesting.
Once a person submits to Allah, believes in
Allah, they are by definition better than the
one who doesn't submit to Allah and doesn't
believe in Allah. Correct?
Yet we don't mark. We're not allowed to
mark. Marking is not from the behavior of
the believer. You don't mock the kuffar. You
don't mock them. You teach them. You call
and choose the truth. You show them mercy.
Is mockery an Islamic artistic?
And they are so misguided in their mockery
because they think they are above. Allah tells
Those that have taqwa, the believers will be
above them and better than them in their
And Allah provides immeasurably for whomever he pleases.
And who will be provided with immeasurably?
The believers and those who havetaqaw. May Allah
make us among those.
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala talks to us
the beginning
of misguidance and how it started.
And the the the wisdom
and the purpose behind the the revealing of
the Quran and the sending of messengers.
Why did Allah send messengers?
Why did Allah reveal books?
And why are some misguided? These are the
questions that the eye is gonna answer. Allah
Mankind was a single community.
They were 1 Umma.
Mankind were
1 Umma.
And this is referring to the fact some
ulema'di say, this is referring to the beginning
of mankind, Adam and Eve, Adam and Hawa.
And they had children
and their progeny
grew. And for generations, their people were upon
They were upon
tawhid. They would worship Allah alone. Were they
perfect? They were not perfect. And nor are
you mentally perfect, but they were all believers,
and they will only worship Allah. 4 generations
you'd the concept of this belief did not
exist within humanity.
The concept of this belief did not exist
for how many generations? I can read that
Adlaha Abad is 10 generations.
That's 10 centuries.
For a 1000 years
the people were upon what?
They were 1 umma.
misguidance crept into the umma
through the door of idolatry and shirk. The
shaitan worked on them hard.
Right? And step by step, they inched towards
worshiping other gods. And the moment that deviation
happened, the first messenger was sent which was
who? Prophet
Nuh alaihis salam.
So who's the first messenger?
Nuh. Before that, how come there were no
messengers before that? There was no need because
the people were all upon guidance.
That's why Nuh is the first messenger.
How do you know he's the 1st messenger?
On their judgment. On their judgment. May Allah
protect us.
When Allah gathers all of mankind
and they are awaiting
their judgment,
they they they will run towards different prophets
and messengers.
Asking them to ask Allah to start their
Asking them to ask Allah to start the
the judgment.
This is called the shafa'ah.
So one of the prophets that they go
to is Prophet Nuhr.
And they say to them, You Anur,
you are anta'uul ar Rasul. You are the
1st messenger.
They say you were the first
messenger. From this we learned that he is
what? The first
messenger, Taweeb.
Now, Allah says,
Then Allah sent nabiyeena
Allah sent prophets. There's a hadith that mentioned
how many prophets were sent. Abu Dhayra mentions
a 124,000
prophets were sent. And how many messengers?
and 313
messengers. The Quran mentions about 20
20 and and and 22, 23
Right? Messengers. Maybe a bit less are mentioned
in the Quran. But there were more.
But there were a lot more prophets. There
were a lot more prophets.
One of the, ways to distinguish between prophet
and messengers is that a prophet is is
is is affirms a message that came before.
He doesn't the prophets never brought their own
books but the messengers, they would bring a
prophets would then teach. And for example, prophet
Musa came with the Torah and he was
a messenger.
And the prophets after that would teach the
Torah and spread it until Allah sent Isa
Alai Salam.
So they, if if if you and if,
for example Prophet Zakariyah and Yahya, they would
be teaching the Torah.
Do you have a question?
What is your question? Why would people twist
the truth? Why would people twist the truth
after the truth came to them?
Well, there's many reasons why.
Sometimes people would twist twist the truth
it suits them.
So they
wouldn't want to
follow certain acts of worship because they find
the matter too difficult,
inconvenient, and they would want to take advantage
of that. So they would choose the truth.
That's one example. And there are other reasons
as well. Sometimes they would be too arrogant.
there were many reasons why they would.
it always starts with 1. What's your name?
Yes Ya'qub started, Halas, a chain now everyone.
As a messenger? In which I am?
As a messenger?
No. No. Just because you mentioned the Quran
doesn't make you a messenger.
Prophet Adam was a messenger.
He was a prophet.
Who was he sent to?
Who was prophet Adam sent to?
If the first messenger is Nur, first messenger,
Rasul, is Noor,
and before him was Adam,
was Adam a messenger or a prophet?
The word nevi
is a prophet.
Rasul is a messenger. These two things,
nevi and Rasul.
when we when I said earlier
that Nur was the first Rasul.
Rasul. Awalu Rasul.
That doesn't mean that before they were not
prophets. They were prophets.
So we say Nabi yuallahi Adam. The the
prophet of Allah Adam. We don't say the
messenger Adam because he wasn't sent to anyone.
Does that make sense?
Good. The the the does that does that
make sense now? Good. So those are the
2 different wordings.
I knew it?
Every messenger is a prophet.
But not every prophet is a messenger. That's
the qayda. So every messenger
is a prophet but not every prophet is
You can see that in the Quran. What
does Allah call the prophet?
Allah calls the prophet both. In fact interesting
interesting fa'id. Interesting benefit now that we've been
Interesting fa'idah.
Oh, Allah when Allah was addressing,
Allah says,
Allah calls him by his name, Ibrahim.
And Allah mentions,
Allah calls him by his name.
Allah says,
Right. Allah calls them by his
Allah calls him by his name. Allah does
not call our prophet by his name ever.
Allah always calls him
Oh prophet of Allah.
Oh messenger of Allah. And this shows a
degree of of of of respect that Rasool
and the degree how Allah is addressing him.
Allah only addresses him by his title.
All addresses him by his title. And what
an honorable title they are, Rasul and Nibi.
Barakall Afiyikum. But yeah. So Rasul is messenger
and Nibi is
prophet. Barakall Afikum.
Kern and Nasud the people were umatan wahida.
They were
one community.
They were upon one faith. They were all
worshipers of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. That doesn't
mean they were perfect
because the killing,
the sons the 2 sons of Adam killed
each other. Right?
So sin was happening, murder was happening, but
what was not happening? Kufar and Shirk was
not happening
so Allah sent
to do what?
They would give galah tidings.
What is the job of the messengers and
the prophets?
They give
galah tidings. They bring good news.
They bring good news.
And they warn as well. So what's the
good news that they bring? And what's the
warning? The good news is if you follow
the guidance that we bring you, you will
receive eternal bliss and you will go to
paradise in Jannah and Allah will be pleased
with you. What is the warning that they
bring? If you don't follow that guidance that
we bring you, then you will be held
accountable and be punished by the Almighty.
So they are Mubashireen
and Mundireen.
Allah mentioned the bashara first. Allah mentioned the
gana'a tidings first.
Because the message of Al Islam, the message
of the prophets is the one that brings
good news first. Right?
Right. And this is very important.
But it also warns you
to bring good news and warning.
And Allah sent down with them, with those
prophets, the
With the truth. So two things. Prophets and
these prophets came with
with scripture.
Prophet Ibrahim came with scripture. Prophet Musa came
with scripture. Prophet Isa came with scripture. Prophet
Muhammad came with the Quran.
Why? Why did they bring the scripture?
The people were all upon guidance,
then they would deviate it. Then some of
them were misguidance,
and some of them were unguidance. Some of
them stayed upon the truth, and others
The prophets came to to to solve this
Are the ones who worship one god right
or the ones who commit idol worship? The
ones who go for marriage or the ones
that commit adultery? The ones who want halal
or those who want who's right?
The ummah is always disagreeing. Mankind is always
today we are disagreeing.
Right? This is right. This is wrong.
This is correct. This is incorrect.
The job of the books and the messengers
was to tell, okay,
these are the things that are right,
and these are the things that are wrong.
Biza'ik Allah says, wa'an salama'ahu Allah sent with
the book, the scripture, with the truth.
To judge between the people in their disagreements.
In their
Interest is good. No. It's bad. Let's go
back to the book. What does it say?
It says it's bad. Does that make sense?
Whatever people disagree with
is referred back to the prophets
and their message
and that will clarify
the truth from the falsehood, the haqq from
the party. The soul. In other words, the
judge, the hakim is the prophet and the
After the the book came, after the scriptures
came, after the prophets came and they clarified
idol idolatry, worshiping other gods, disbelief is wrong,
was right is to wahid and belief,
sin, don't sin, rather obey. All these things
were clarified.
Allah says, yet it was only those
to whom it was given
the book and the message.
After it clear science has come to them,
did they disagree in it because of the
jealousy and rivalry?
So why now it should be in other
words, it should be very easy.
People who are upon guidance
all of humanity was upon guidance.
And then
they disagreed
because of the misguidance of the shaydawn.
Then they became 2 groups, believers, disbelievers.
Right? They became 2 camps, if you will.
Allah then sent messengers to clarify it.
Books to teach. This is the truth. This
is the way you should go back to.
Then once the messages come,
once the guidance arrives, it should be very
easy. Khallass, okay, now we know what's right.
Everyone come back to the right side and
we'll continue being 1 Umba.
Why didn't that happen?
Why didn't when the guidance came when prophet
Ibrahim came with the guidance, why didn't people
say, okay. Thank you very much. We believe,
we submit, everyone let's be on Umma again.
Why didn't that happen?
What caused it? Allah
tells us here. Allah tells us here, Allah
It was a rivalry,
between them.
Abu Jahl
couldn't take following prophet Muhammad,
because that
would compromise his dunya,
What did he earlier say? Zuyanaliliyinikafaru
al hayas duniya. What has been made glamorous
to the Kufar? This worldly life. Abu Jahl
couldn't take it. He was the chief of
Quraysh. He was the chief of his tribe.
He can't if I believe in Muhammad, I'm
gonna lose all that I have. Today you
have some people that will say, I agree
with the message of Islam
If I become Muslim But
what's happening here is you are choosing
yourself and your desires over the truth.
You're compromising your hereafter for that.
So Allah mentions,
And then Allah mentions,
Then Allah
guided those who believed.
Allah guided those who believed to the truth
that people have differed over. Some examples,
The Jews and the Christians differed over Ibrahim
alaihis salam.
They said Ibrahim was a yahood. No. Ibrahim
was a Christian. Allah says in the Quran,
Ibrahim wasn't a Yehudi. He wasn't an Asrani.
He was Muslim.
Hanif. Right?
They differed over the nature of Jesus alaihis
The yahoots said, he's a a child out
of wedlock. He's not even a prophet. We
don't believe in him. We deny him. So
the Jews, they don't believe in who? In
prophet? Isa. They deny him. And what did
the Christians do? They turned him into a
son of God or God Almighty Himself. Right?
Allah and the Quran comes and Allah guided
the believers to the Haqq. He is an
prophet of Allah.
Right? The truth came and Allah guided. Another
one is the Friday. The day of Friday.
The yahud, they
took Saturday as their day and the the
the the, the nasa'ala took Sunday. And Allah
mentions that the most blessed day the prophet
said is the Friday and Allah blessed this
ummah and guided this ummah, that fellow prophet
to the best day in the week.
Meaning, there are so many things that we
have been guided to
answers and the guidance and the truth comes
with the messengers of the prophets. I'll give
you guys a general rule.
We know our history.
There are if you go back in history,
you know,
if you if
all the way I mean there are figures
that we people venerate,
historical figures that people talk about. You can
go as bad people, good people. Right? You
can go very recent history, people say. Or
you have,
figures like,
Nelson Mandela or you have figures like, this
person or that person. You have figures like
Malcolm x, who's a Muslim, and you have
Martin Luther King, who's a Christian. And you
go further back, and then you go further
you go further back, and you have kings
and and and and and queens and and
and presidents and people and and writers and
historians and scientists, and the Tariq goes further
than that. You know, let's go all the
way back. You have people like Aristotle and
and and and,
Plato. And you have you can go further,
Alexander the Great. But throughout history, during these
times, Heraclius, all these people that you have,
you know, Roman kings, you know, Caesar the
Caesar of Rome, historical figures, politicians, and scientists,
and writers, and authors, and peep
throughout humanity.
Right? You can go ancient Egypt. You can
go Mesopotamia, if you wanna go even further.
History is written. Right? It's there.
In within this history,
you also have the history of religion.
The history of religion and faith.
And as far as mankind can look back,
you will always find people that were calling
towards a message and a faith. The prophets.
So and there was always 2 groups. There
was always 2 groups.
Very simple. Allah tells us here in the
in the ayah, there are 2 groups.
Those who followed the prophets.
Those who rejected the prophets.
Right? And today you have those 2 groups.
You can say there are a 1,000 groups,
but in the end they're just 2.
Are you in the group that followed the
Or those that
deny the messengers?
And remember what we said last lesson. And
Allah says,
enter into Islam
the message of the prophets, the morality of
the prophets, the akhlaq of the prophets, the
tawhid of the prophets,
the prayer of the prophets. It all has
to be that that's the team you want
to be on.
That's the team you want to be on.
And this goes with everything.
someone says to you, today we live in
the modern world, we are not in need
of religion.
We say this is the time you need
religion the most.
Depression is an almost as as as an
all high. Sadness and anxiety is at an
all high. People have no purpose. People don't
understand who they are. People don't even know
what gender they are. People don't know,
what's right and what's wrong. Values are,
they don't know where to get their values
from. They are constantly contradicting each other. There's
no structure to their life. There's no guidance
to their life. There's no happiness in their
lives. There's no purpose in their life. They
are desperate
for guidance.
Desperate for guidance.
Because we need this guidance like we need
We are we need it. That's why Allah
gave it to us. That's how we understand
life. It makes sense.
Now, if every debate that happens,
people will say now right now in the
World Cup, why are they not allowing us
alcohol? Why are they not allowing us the
rainbow flag? Why are they not allowing us
this or the other? It's very simple.
There's a line in the sand.
We wanna follow the prophets.
Do you want to know the story of
We are all familiar with the story of
Right? If you had to choose now, which
camp do you want to be on? The
camp of Lot that was saved or the
other camp?
What would you say?
You wanna be on the camp of the
because that's the truth.
That is that that that's the hack. It's
very simple. It's not hard.
idolatry versus tawhid. Which camp do you wanna
be on? Tawhid.
Right? Marriage, zina. Which country do you wanna
be on? Marriage.
Interest or honest trade? Which one do you
wanna be on? Honest trade. The message of
the prophet is clear.
And there's a line in the sand. Don't
and and we need to make it very
clear that not only should we be comfortable
in our side.
Look behind I I am in this this
side of the aisle and I look this
way and I have all the prophets from
Ibrahim and Issa and Rasool Allah and Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the great companions.
I'm very comfortable here.
People are saying, no. No. No. No. You
need to come to this side. You say,
actually brothers and sisters, you need to come
here if you wanna be saved. And we
need to be honest, clear about the message.
We are in
we are following the way to the best
of our ability. We're not perfect. The way
of the prophets.
Their values,
their morality,
their way of life.
Where do we get it from? Scripture.
What did Allah say?
That the people were 1 single community. 1
ummah upon guidance. We want to be part
of that ummah.
Then what happened? Allah sent messengers and prophets.
We want to be with those prophets and
With them Allah sent
books and scriptures. We wanna read, understand,
and follow those scriptures. Why? Because they came
from Allah and Allah was best for us.
Very simple. Right? Then the people differed over
and some rejected.
Out of jealousy, hatred, anger, whatever you want
to call it. We do not want to
be among those. The prophets were giving good
news, Mubashireen, wamunzireen,
and they were warning. We want the good
news. We want the warning. It's very simple,
ikhwanfilah. This is our faith. We need to
be proud of our faith. We need to
follow our faith. And more importantly, we need
to call others towards
it. We need to call others towards it.
Right? And one time I was having a
discussion with someone that wasn't a Muslim, and
I asked him,
who are the most celebrated people in history?
Who are the most celebrated people in history?
They they are prophets,
and saints and religious people. It's very simple.
Maryam, one of the most celeb celebrated human
beings to have ever lived.
Maryam mentioned in the book of Allah, mentioned
in the scriptures, the mother of a prophet,
Baeib. She used to cover up.
She used to cover up. So when a
woman cover up, they're following the most celebrated
human being, one of the most celebrated people
on this Earth.
Right? Mariamat Al Adra. Right? The pure.
Whom Allah blessed and praised and made a
whole chapter after.
When when when they ask us,
why why do you grow your beard? Rasulullah
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam had a thick beard.
Right? The man the greatest man whom Allah
has created.
That's who we are following. We have to
have that sense of pride and honor.
It's it's it's an honor to be among
these. And you read you read the ayats.
Right? And you come across
what's kulfilkitawismail
Nabiya. Allah mentions about Ismail that he used
to pray. This great prophet of Allah, the
son of the son of Ibrahim used to
pray. They I'm gonna pray. I wanna I
wanna be like him.
They are our heroes,
our role models, and this is the mentality
that we have to preach and teach to
people the way of the prophet. I'm gonna
conclude there, InshaAllah.
We'll continue next week.