Mustafa Abu Rayyan – 08 Tafseer Surah alBaqarah Verses 5359

Mustafa Abu Rayyan
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AI: Summary ©

The historical context and actions of the story of Banu Israel and the actions of his people are discussed, including the importance of learning from historical context and actions of the people involved. The history of shrooming and worship during the time of the Bible is also discussed, including the use of "will" to describe actions and actions that will cause death. The wandering of Islam during the pandemic is discussed, with advice on avoiding mistakes, forgiveness, and knowledge. The importance of learning from history and avoiding punishment is emphasized, as well as the need to show proper behavior and avoid punishment.

AI: Summary ©

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			This is our, 8th lesson
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			where we were studying the tafsir of Suratul
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			And last time we stopped at verse
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			number 54.
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			We were speaking about the story of Banu
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			Israel, the people of Musa alayhi salam or
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			the children of Israel.
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			We know by now who Israel was, that
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			was prophet Yaqub alayhi salam. Whenever we say
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			we're talking about his descendants.
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			We know again that this surah is a
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			and you should always remember the context behind
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			these conversations
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			and what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying.
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			Allah the prophet is
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			speaking to the yahood
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			of Medina.
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			And they are being told to not fall
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			into the same error and mistake
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			that your people, the ones that were with
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			Musa Alaihi Salam fell into.
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			And they are being reminded of the blessings
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			Allah gave Banu Israel.
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			And we are also learning about how Allah
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			blessed Banu Israel,
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			how they were ungrateful,
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			the mistakes and errors they committed,
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			how they were punished.
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			This is number 1, a reminder
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			to the yahoo the prophet was speaking to
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			from his time
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			to not fall into the same error as
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			your forefathers.
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			It is also a reminder to everyone else
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			and any reader
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			to ponder over whenever Allah blesses you, whenever
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			Allah gives
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			you a khair and blessings and barakah, then
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			you should be grateful. When Allah commands you
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			to do something, you should do it. And
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			when Allah send messengers, you should follow them.
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			Do not end up
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			like those who disobeyed.
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			Those who didn't listen, do not end up
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			like Belu Israel.
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			We spoke about how Allah
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			mentioned that the Belu Israel were the people
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			that were given a lot of virtue over
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			other nations.
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			And Allah says about them, I've preferred you
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			over all of the And we mentioned that
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			they were among the best nations
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			and they were given among the best blessings
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			yet they were ungrateful and they fell into
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			grave mistakes and errors.
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			Allah then reminded us and reminded,
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			them about all the good that was done
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			for them such as
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			the being saved from enslavement
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			and the torment
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			of how Allah
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			saved them through miraculous means. Musa was sent
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			to them, the sea was split for them,
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			they were saved, the enemy Fir'awn was drowned.
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			talked about how when,
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			they when Musa went
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			to the appointed time with Allah
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			for 40 nights, how when Allah was giving
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			him the Torah
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			that while this was happening that the people
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			whom he left Harun in charge with, they've
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			committed by
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			the the calf or the cow.
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			And how
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			Allah forgave them
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			verse 53 or 52 when Allah is saying
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			and then we forgave you and pardoned you
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			after committing shirk.
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			that you may be grateful.
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			Then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions another blessings
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			that was given to them and that blessing
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			was the blessing of revelation. And
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			and when we gave Musa
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			Al Kitab the tawrat,
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			the criterion
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			so that you may be guided.
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			So here Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is talking
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			about this great blessing of them receiving revelation
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			from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			And yes, receiving guidance from Allah is among
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			the greatest blessings.
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			Even us when we reveal when we receive
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			the Quran that we have in front of
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			us, it is the greatest blessings. In Surah
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			Al Rahman when Allah
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			is speaking about some of the blessings that
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			he has bestowed upon us, Allah says, Ar
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			the most merciful.
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			Alhamal Quran, he taught the Quran.
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			created mankind.
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			And he taught him and speech and eloquency.
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			Here what's interesting is
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			that the first thing Allah mentions
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			that he has given us and blessed us
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			with in Surah Al Rahman Al Quran, the
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			fact that Allah taught us the Quran.
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			Revelation is among the greatest blessings
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			that Allah can give a people because it
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			teaches them right from wrong and teaches them
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			the best way to live. Here Allah is
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			saying to among the blessings
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			mention and remember when we gave Musa
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			Al Kitabah
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			the book.
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			This book is referring to the tawrat.
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			And we gave him the
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			so that you may be guided. Now what
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			is this Furqaan referring to? The Furqaan, the
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			scholars have a few opinions on this. One
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			is that it's just another description of the
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			Allah is saying, I remember when we gave
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			the Torah which is a furqaan. And a
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			furqaan is the that which is able to
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			distinguish truth from falsehood and right from wrong.
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			Other scholars said,
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			and remember when we gave Musa the tawrat,
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			and we gave Musa these miracles that which
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			distinguishes truth from falsehood.
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			The staff of Musa was truth. That which
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			the magician conjured up was falsehood. The,
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			miracle of splitting the sea, all of these
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			things that one the the one who looks
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			at those will immediately understand that Musa is
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			upon the truth. So we gave him the
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			that you may be guided.
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			Another blessing, so we're still counting the blessings
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			that Allah has given.
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			Earlier we mentioned
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			when we saved you from the people of
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			Firaun. Then Allah said
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			when we split the ocean for you. Then
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			we forgive you after you committed shirk and
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			the cow. Then Allah says, and remember when
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			we gave Musa at the tawrat again for
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			your guidance. These are all blessings that Allah
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			is giving them.
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			Ta'ib. Now Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling
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			us in more detail
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			what transpired
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			with regards to the worship
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			of the the the golden cow that they've
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			created, that Samiri made, a man called Samiri.
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			Allah explains his story in a lot more
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			detail in Surah Al Taha.
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			if I could sum it up quite quickly,
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			there was some jewelry that was left,
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			that the people of,
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			the Banu Israel, when they left Egypt, there
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			were some jewelry and gold that they they
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			had with them
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			that some scholars say they borrowed and others
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			say they stole, Allah knows best. And then
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			this was gathered, and then he melted this,
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			and he formed this bull or this cow,
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			which and then he took
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			He took,
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			Angel Dibri alaihis salam who was on a
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			wherever his horse would step on it would
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			produce greenery
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			and he would take this. Samuel saw this,
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			he would take this, and he added that
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			to whatever he was making or he he
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			would put it in in the bull's mouth,
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			and then it started making
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			this noise. It's
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			just And then he said
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			Remember, Musa is gone. Musa is on the
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			journey, the track that he made to receive
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			the Torah. While he is gone, Samiri is
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			creating this
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			idol and telling the people
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			This is your Lord, your the one worthy
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			of worship, you should worship this this this,
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			bull or this cow and and you should,
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			and it is the Allah of Musa as
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			well but he forgot. So this is what's
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			happening while Musa is gone. Who is amongst
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			the people? Harun alayhis salam. And Harun tries
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			to stop it but they don't listen. They
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			don't listen then Harun stays among the Bal
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			Israel although some of them many of them
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			are committing shirk, others were not and he
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			stayed with them although they were falling into
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			this heinous crime of shirk.
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			Then Musa comes back, and he comes back
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			with the tawrat. This is when he sees
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			what has
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			happened and he is extremely upset. He's extremely
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			upset. And,
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			in fact Musa is told by Allah Almighty
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			that his people have committed
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			and so
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			mentions that Allah tells him what that that
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			while he is while while Musa hasn't come
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			back yet, he is informed by Allah what
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			his people have done. But then when he
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			comes and he sees it, he becomes extremely
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			upset to the point where the tablets that
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			he received of the Torah, he throws it
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			out of anger.
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			And what's interesting is
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			the prophet hadith
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			The prophet mentioned this story and then the
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			said a statement that is used out quite
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			Which means
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			being informed about something is not the same
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			as seeing it.
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			Right? So, Musa knew what his people have
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			done. Right? And Allah tells him that. Allah
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			tells him that they have fallen to.
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			when he arrives and he sees it, Musa
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			becomes extremely angry.
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			Although, he already knew what happened but actually
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			seeing them bowing down and worshiping and and
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			the ayah they've created, this upsets him to
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			the so much and the prophet then said,
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			and see hearing about something is not the
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			same as seeing it. It's interesting this this
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			is said quite often but people might not
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			know that this is a statement from the
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			prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in reference of
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			this Qiswah. Anyway,
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			so this is the background of how they
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			came to worship the Ijil.
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			And of course this is shirk and we
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			know that shirk is among the worst crimes
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			one can commit and especially Baru Israeel who
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			saw the miracles of Allah Almighty,
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			who were with a prophet, who were told
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			and taught to worship Allah Almighty alone, they
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			fell into the shirk. So Allah subhanahu wa
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			ta'ala forgave them but how their forgiveness came
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			about is what we're going to learn about
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			insha Allahu ta'ala. Allah says in verse
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			And remember when Musa said to his people,
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			You call me O my people
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			indeed you have wronged yourselves
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			by taking the calf or the or the
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			cow as a
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			By taking this cow as a god, you
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			have wronged yourself.
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			So what are you supposed to do?
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			So repent to your lord, your creator.
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			The word it
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			and some scholars say it means
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			It means the one who created without,
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			who who who is the first to create.
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			So so
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			you have committed by
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			worshiping this idol,
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			Now, repent to your creator.
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			Repent to your creator.
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			And kill yourselves.
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			That is better for you with regards to
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			your Lord.
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			And then they did that,
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			they killed themselves,
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			then Allah accepted your repentance.
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			Allah is the tawab, the one who accepted
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			the repentance. Ar Rahim, the most merciful.
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			Taib. So what does this verse mean?
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			So Musa,
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			when he saw what his people committed, the
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			shirk they were committing, first he became extremely
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			upset at Harun,
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			and he said to Harun, when they did
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			this, why did you come with me?
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			If you saw the Sheikh, why didn't you
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			just leave them? Why didn't you join me?
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			And he became upset at his brother Harun
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			alayhi salam. But then Harun
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00:12:39 --> 00:12:40
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			was worried that you would have said you
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			split Ben Israel into 2 camps.
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			And this shows you the importance of unity.
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			Although they were committing shirk,
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			Harun was worried about the unity of Bani
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			Israel so he didn't
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			leave them. He stayed among them although they
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			were committing shirk. Al Muhim then Musa dealt
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			with Samiri and that story
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			perhaps you can talk about it another time.
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			But what this eye is referring to is
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			their repentance.
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			How did the people who committed shirk
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			And that is mentioned in this verse
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			kill yourselves. This
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			is referring to the punishment
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			for the that committed shirk, and their punishment
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			was that they were they were put into
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			2 camps.
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			And there are a few different opinions that
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			Amoufasir have mentioned. One is that everyone was
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			told to kill one another
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			and one would kill whoever would come in
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			front of him whether that be his son
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			or father,
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			and there was a massacre and a slaughter
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			that happened.
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			And they were told to keep on killing
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00:13:44 --> 00:13:47
			remaining each other until their repentance came, and
00:13:47 --> 00:13:50
			Musa and Harun were asking Allah almighty to
00:13:50 --> 00:13:52
			forgive them. And finally when many of them
00:13:52 --> 00:13:55
			died, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgave them. Those
00:13:55 --> 00:13:58
			among them who died died as martyrs and
00:13:58 --> 00:14:01
			were forgiven, those among them that survived, their
00:14:01 --> 00:14:02
			repentance was accepted.
00:14:02 --> 00:14:05
			Other scholars have said it meant a
00:14:09 --> 00:14:11
			So those who so remember there was a
00:14:11 --> 00:14:14
			group of the that didn't participate in the
00:14:14 --> 00:14:14
00:14:15 --> 00:14:16
00:14:16 --> 00:14:19
			the the punishment was those among you that
00:14:19 --> 00:14:22
			didn't do shirk, kill those who did.
00:14:22 --> 00:14:23
			So this is what happened
00:14:24 --> 00:14:27
			and then again this was their repentance. So
00:14:27 --> 00:14:29
			they were forgiven. They were forgiven.
00:14:35 --> 00:14:37
			So those among them that died as a
00:14:37 --> 00:14:39
			mountain and though among them that that, and
00:14:39 --> 00:14:41
			they were forgiving and like Allah saying here,
00:14:42 --> 00:14:44
			so that is the the event that's transpired.
00:14:45 --> 00:14:47
			There, the punishment for,
00:14:47 --> 00:14:50
			not following Musa alaihi salaam, following into shirk
00:14:50 --> 00:14:51
			was that they were put to death.
00:14:52 --> 00:14:54
			And this was an extreme form of repentance,
00:14:54 --> 00:14:57
			but Allah accepted their repentance. And the scholars,
00:14:57 --> 00:14:59
			they also highlight that this was better for
00:14:59 --> 00:15:01
			them. Why? Because Allah said so here that
00:15:02 --> 00:15:04
			this is better for you. Why? Because if
00:15:04 --> 00:15:06
			you live upon shirk and you die upon
00:15:06 --> 00:15:08
			shirk without your repentance being accepted you will
00:15:08 --> 00:15:11
			be in hellfire forever. But now, yes, they
00:15:11 --> 00:15:13
			went through this punishment, but they were forgiven
00:15:13 --> 00:15:14
			by the almighty.
00:15:16 --> 00:15:18
			So this is how Allah forgave them.
00:15:19 --> 00:15:21
			And remember when Moses said to his people,
00:15:21 --> 00:15:23
			You call me, oh my people. So he's
00:15:23 --> 00:15:25
			speaking to those who committed shirk and worship
00:15:25 --> 00:15:26
			the kaf.
00:15:27 --> 00:15:29
			Indeed you have wronged yourself
00:15:31 --> 00:15:32
			by taking this
00:15:32 --> 00:15:34
			as a god and worshiping it.
00:15:36 --> 00:15:37
			So repent to your creator.
00:15:38 --> 00:15:39
			And kill yourselves.
00:15:41 --> 00:15:43
			This is better for you with regards to
00:15:43 --> 00:15:43
			your lord.
00:15:44 --> 00:15:46
			The repentance was accepted.
00:15:47 --> 00:15:48
			Allah is the acceptor of repentance
00:15:49 --> 00:15:50
			and the most merciful.
00:15:51 --> 00:15:54
			So kill yourselves means kill the wrongdoers here,
00:15:54 --> 00:15:56
			not themselves actually, but to kill the wrongdoers.
00:15:58 --> 00:15:59
			Then Allah
00:15:59 --> 00:16:00
			mentions another verse,
00:16:01 --> 00:16:02
			another blessings.
00:16:11 --> 00:16:14
			And remember Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, remember
00:16:14 --> 00:16:16
			when you said to Musa,
00:16:16 --> 00:16:18
			we shall never believe you.
00:16:21 --> 00:16:24
			Until we see Allah plainly with our own
00:16:24 --> 00:16:25
00:16:28 --> 00:16:29
			And when you said this,
00:16:31 --> 00:16:34
			then the thunderbolt or the lightning took you
00:16:37 --> 00:16:39
			while you were looking. You were seized by
00:16:39 --> 00:16:42
			the thunderbolt while you were looking. Here Allah
00:16:42 --> 00:16:44
			is referring to another story,
00:16:44 --> 00:16:47
			that happened and this is that, some scholars
00:16:47 --> 00:16:50
			say this is related to the 70 men
00:16:50 --> 00:16:52
			that went with Musa alaihi salaam, the chosen
00:16:53 --> 00:16:54
00:16:55 --> 00:16:58
			When insurutarraf Allah mentions that Musa chose 70
00:16:58 --> 00:17:00
			men who went with them. This is when
00:17:00 --> 00:17:01
			he was going on his mikat.
00:17:01 --> 00:17:04
			And it was during this time that they
00:17:04 --> 00:17:06
			will say and these were among the best
00:17:06 --> 00:17:07
			of his people, subhanAllah.
00:17:08 --> 00:17:09
			Then they will say,
00:17:12 --> 00:17:13
			show us
00:17:14 --> 00:17:16
			we will not believe you, we will not
00:17:16 --> 00:17:18
			follow you, we will not believe you
00:17:20 --> 00:17:22
			Until we see Allah
00:17:26 --> 00:17:26
00:17:27 --> 00:17:28
			with our own eyes.
00:17:29 --> 00:17:31
			They requested to see Allah or they wouldn't
00:17:31 --> 00:17:32
00:17:33 --> 00:17:34
			This shows you,
00:17:35 --> 00:17:37
			how far gone almost
00:17:37 --> 00:17:40
			the the the were and and how arrogant
00:17:40 --> 00:17:42
			they were in what they're asking. Now one
00:17:42 --> 00:17:43
			might argue,
00:17:44 --> 00:17:46
			Musa had asked to see Allah as well.
00:17:47 --> 00:17:49
			So why is it bad when the Bani
00:17:49 --> 00:17:51
			Israel do it but it is okay when
00:17:51 --> 00:17:54
			Musa did it? And this is very simple.
00:17:54 --> 00:17:57
			When Musa asked Allah Almighty to see him,
00:17:57 --> 00:17:59
			he was asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
00:17:59 --> 00:18:00
			see him.
00:18:04 --> 00:18:07
			He actually wanted to meet his lord out
00:18:07 --> 00:18:07
			of love,
00:18:08 --> 00:18:10
			out of hope. He wanted to see Allah
00:18:10 --> 00:18:12
			almighty, and this is something that we believe
00:18:12 --> 00:18:14
			in. One day, the believers when they enter
00:18:14 --> 00:18:16
			Jannah, they will see Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
00:18:16 --> 00:18:17
			Like, this is mentioned many place in the
00:18:17 --> 00:18:18
00:18:18 --> 00:18:20
			alluded to and is also mentioned by the
00:18:20 --> 00:18:20
			prophet when
00:18:21 --> 00:18:21
00:18:23 --> 00:18:25
			said, you will all see your lord.
00:18:25 --> 00:18:28
			So this is what Musa wanted but then
00:18:28 --> 00:18:30
			Allah tells him you will not see me.
00:18:30 --> 00:18:33
			Why? Because it is not from the nature
00:18:33 --> 00:18:35
			of this world that you see Allah Almighty.
00:18:35 --> 00:18:37
			But when the yahood or the bal Israel
00:18:37 --> 00:18:39
			are asking Musa to see Allah, what is
00:18:39 --> 00:18:41
			the statement that they said right before? They
00:18:41 --> 00:18:41
00:18:43 --> 00:18:44
			we will not believe you.
00:18:45 --> 00:18:47
			And some of the ulama of the seer
00:18:47 --> 00:18:49
			they mentioned that this was when he received
00:18:49 --> 00:18:50
			the tawrat.
00:18:50 --> 00:18:52
			They were like, how do we know you
00:18:52 --> 00:18:53
			didn't write this tawrat? How do we know
00:18:53 --> 00:18:55
			it's from Allah? We're not gonna believe you.
00:18:55 --> 00:18:57
			We need to see Allah first.
00:18:58 --> 00:18:59
			That we can see Allah
00:19:00 --> 00:19:01
00:19:01 --> 00:19:03
			and manifest with our own eyes.
00:19:04 --> 00:19:06
			Other scholars, they mentioned also another which is
00:19:06 --> 00:19:07
			the word
00:19:08 --> 00:19:09
			can also mean
00:19:10 --> 00:19:11
00:19:12 --> 00:19:12
			and they said
00:19:14 --> 00:19:17
			show us Allah. They actually said that jahratan
00:19:17 --> 00:19:18
			speaking loudly.
00:19:19 --> 00:19:21
			It means this is such a bad thing
00:19:21 --> 00:19:23
			to say. How dare you say I'm not
00:19:23 --> 00:19:24
			gonna believe until I see Allah?
00:19:30 --> 00:19:32
			It's So Allah is saying remember when you
00:19:32 --> 00:19:33
			said that?
00:19:33 --> 00:19:35
			Remember when you did that? When you requested
00:19:35 --> 00:19:37
			to see Allah or else you wouldn't believe?
00:19:40 --> 00:19:41
			Then the thunderbolt
00:19:42 --> 00:19:43
			seized you. Now the word
00:19:44 --> 00:19:46
			is something that you'll come across the Quran
00:19:46 --> 00:19:48
			quite often. Some of the scholars say the
00:19:48 --> 00:19:50
			is a fire that will descend from the
00:19:50 --> 00:19:52
			heavens and will destroy them. Some say it's
00:19:52 --> 00:19:55
			a lightning. Others say it is a loud
00:19:55 --> 00:19:57
			explosion that sees them and they die as
00:19:57 --> 00:19:59
			a result of it and Allah knows best.
00:19:59 --> 00:20:00
00:20:02 --> 00:20:02
00:20:03 --> 00:20:05
			the sees you and it resulted for as
00:20:05 --> 00:20:06
			for them to die.
00:20:08 --> 00:20:09
			While you were looking,
00:20:10 --> 00:20:12
			so each one was seeing the other man
00:20:12 --> 00:20:15
			before him fall to the ground and and
00:20:15 --> 00:20:17
			and die and they all died.
00:20:18 --> 00:20:19
			This was their punishment
00:20:20 --> 00:20:21
			for this blasphemous
00:20:21 --> 00:20:24
			statement when they said we will not believe
00:20:24 --> 00:20:25
			until we see
00:20:30 --> 00:20:31
			And the sawaka seized you and took you
00:20:31 --> 00:20:33
			whether we call that lightning or thunderbolt
00:20:35 --> 00:20:37
			while you were looking. So then what happened?
00:20:39 --> 00:20:41
			Then we resurrected you Allah said. So these
00:20:41 --> 00:20:44
			men who dare to say this blasphemous statements
00:20:44 --> 00:20:45
			of, oh,
00:20:45 --> 00:20:47
			we will not believe you until you saw
00:20:47 --> 00:20:48
			us Allah.
00:20:49 --> 00:20:53
			They were killed, they were destroyed and then
00:20:53 --> 00:20:54
			they were brought back.
00:20:55 --> 00:20:58
			Then we resurrected you Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
00:20:58 --> 00:20:58
00:21:01 --> 00:21:03
			after you after your death. We raised you
00:21:03 --> 00:21:05
			after your death. Why?
00:21:06 --> 00:21:08
			So that you may be grateful
00:21:08 --> 00:21:11
			and these men are among the few who
00:21:11 --> 00:21:13
			were caused to die by Allah and brought
00:21:13 --> 00:21:16
			back. And in Surat Al Baqarah, you will
00:21:16 --> 00:21:18
			come across many of the such stories.
00:21:18 --> 00:21:21
			Soon, we'll come across the story of the
00:21:21 --> 00:21:22
			man who was killed,
00:21:23 --> 00:21:26
			and and the the Musa alayhi salam and
00:21:27 --> 00:21:28
			and the are trying to find out who
00:21:28 --> 00:21:30
			killed him, and Allah
00:21:30 --> 00:21:32
			revives him. We'll talk about that. Hopefully, we'll
00:21:32 --> 00:21:34
			get to that story next week. So this
00:21:34 --> 00:21:37
			is another time where Allah revived one who
00:21:37 --> 00:21:38
			died and he will point out his killer.
00:21:39 --> 00:21:39
00:21:40 --> 00:21:41
			Allah caused
00:21:42 --> 00:21:45
			to die and then for a 100 years,
00:21:46 --> 00:21:48
			Allah brought him back is also mentioned in
00:21:48 --> 00:21:50
			the Surah as well as in
00:21:52 --> 00:21:52
00:21:54 --> 00:21:55
00:21:57 --> 00:21:58
			the 1000 whom Allah
00:21:59 --> 00:22:01
			took their souls and then brought them back.
00:22:01 --> 00:22:03
			Similarly, we'll come across the story of Ibrahim
00:22:03 --> 00:22:05
			alayhi salaam who will ask Allah how oh,
00:22:05 --> 00:22:06
			Allah, how do you resurrect?
00:22:08 --> 00:22:10
			And then Allah will tell him to take
00:22:11 --> 00:22:12
			some birds
00:22:12 --> 00:22:14
			and and then Allah then Allah he will
00:22:14 --> 00:22:15
			cut them and then Allah will bring them
00:22:15 --> 00:22:17
			back to life. So in Surat Al Baqarah
00:22:17 --> 00:22:18
			you will come across many
00:22:19 --> 00:22:22
			of the dead being resurrected. Again, this should
00:22:22 --> 00:22:25
			reaffirm the believer's faith that Allah is able
00:22:25 --> 00:22:27
			to resurrect the dead,
00:22:27 --> 00:22:29
			which he wear on the day of judgement,
00:22:29 --> 00:22:32
			of course. Faib. Allah says, so after these
00:22:32 --> 00:22:32
00:22:33 --> 00:22:35
			made the statements, show us Allah
00:22:37 --> 00:22:40
			then the the thunderbolt sees them, the seized
00:22:40 --> 00:22:42
			them and they it caused them to die
00:22:42 --> 00:22:44
			and each one saw the other one die
00:22:44 --> 00:22:47
			and then Allah resurrects them after they were
00:22:47 --> 00:22:48
			dead so that they may be
00:22:53 --> 00:22:56
			grateful. And then we raised you after your
00:22:56 --> 00:22:57
			death so that you may be grateful.
00:22:58 --> 00:23:00
			The scholars they say this was their punishment
00:23:00 --> 00:23:02
			for their statement and then they were brought
00:23:02 --> 00:23:03
00:23:05 --> 00:23:08
			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then mentions another Ni'amah.
00:23:24 --> 00:23:27
			And we shaded you with clouds
00:23:28 --> 00:23:29
00:23:30 --> 00:23:31
			we sent down upon you
00:23:34 --> 00:23:34
00:23:36 --> 00:23:38
			And then it was said to them or
00:23:40 --> 00:23:42
			eat from the lawful things we have provided
00:23:42 --> 00:23:43
			you from.
00:23:45 --> 00:23:47
			And Allah says they have never
00:23:47 --> 00:23:48
00:23:48 --> 00:23:50
			us, Allah says, because they cannot wrong Allah.
00:23:50 --> 00:23:52
			They cannot commit injustice with regards to Allah
00:23:52 --> 00:23:54
			subhanahu wa ta'ala, but
00:23:57 --> 00:23:59
			they used to wrong themselves.
00:23:59 --> 00:24:00
00:24:00 --> 00:24:03
			this wrong themselves is referring to all the
00:24:03 --> 00:24:04
			heinous crimes they've committed,
00:24:05 --> 00:24:08
			the blasphemous statements, the bothering of Prophet Musa,
00:24:08 --> 00:24:11
			the not obeying, the falling into shirk, all
00:24:11 --> 00:24:13
			of these. Who are they actually harming? They
00:24:13 --> 00:24:16
			can't harm Allah, they're harming who? Themselves.
00:24:17 --> 00:24:18
			What is this referring to
00:24:21 --> 00:24:23
			and we have shaded you with clouds?
00:24:24 --> 00:24:27
			This is referring to the 40 years of
00:24:27 --> 00:24:28
00:24:28 --> 00:24:30
			And to understand this, you have to understand
00:24:30 --> 00:24:33
			the the context. So we know that initially
00:24:34 --> 00:24:35
			prophet Musa is sent
00:24:36 --> 00:24:38
			to free the people of Israel alai as
00:24:38 --> 00:24:41
			Israel or or the Banu Israel to free
00:24:41 --> 00:24:42
			them from enslavement
00:24:43 --> 00:24:46
			and from torture and torment and
00:24:46 --> 00:24:48
			this is exactly what happens. He calls them
00:24:48 --> 00:24:51
			to Islam and to Tawhid and also they
00:24:51 --> 00:24:52
			flee Egypt
00:24:52 --> 00:24:54
			and then, Musa,
00:24:54 --> 00:24:55
			Firaun is destroyed.
00:24:56 --> 00:24:57
			So after this,
00:24:58 --> 00:25:00
			at one point, they are told to enter
00:25:00 --> 00:25:03
			into the holy land or the holy city.
00:25:04 --> 00:25:06
			And this is mentioned in quite more in
00:25:06 --> 00:25:08
			more detail in Suratul Maidah
00:25:08 --> 00:25:09
			where where they were told
00:25:11 --> 00:25:15
			enter into the the blessed land, the holy
00:25:15 --> 00:25:15
00:25:15 --> 00:25:18
			And this is referring to Baytul Maqaddas.
00:25:18 --> 00:25:20
			Right? Or or Jerusalem.
00:25:20 --> 00:25:22
			So but there is Khalafin as well. Some
00:25:22 --> 00:25:24
			of Asin have mentioned, he was referring to
00:25:24 --> 00:25:26
			another city, and Allah knows best. So when
00:25:26 --> 00:25:27
			they were told to get into this land,
00:25:27 --> 00:25:29
			this was a land that was conquered from
00:25:29 --> 00:25:31
			them and they were told to conquer it
00:25:31 --> 00:25:33
			back. But then they didn't want to do
00:25:33 --> 00:25:35
			that. They were very cowardly people. They don't
00:25:35 --> 00:25:37
			want they they don't wanna take back or
00:25:37 --> 00:25:39
			or do anything really. And they said to
00:25:39 --> 00:25:41
			Musa or they they said to Musa and
00:25:41 --> 00:25:42
			we all find it in Surah Al Maida.
00:25:46 --> 00:25:47
			They said, and and they will
00:25:49 --> 00:25:51
			say the people whom we are supposed to,
00:25:51 --> 00:25:54
			fight against, they are stronger than us. They
00:25:54 --> 00:25:55
			are greater than us. So they were people
00:25:55 --> 00:25:57
			that were very cowardly. And then they say,
00:25:57 --> 00:25:59
			Musa, why don't you and your lord go?
00:26:00 --> 00:26:01
			Why don't you fight?
00:26:03 --> 00:26:04
			You will be sitting here.
00:26:04 --> 00:26:06
			Why Musa, you and your lord go take
00:26:06 --> 00:26:08
			care of it? Something that is again very
00:26:08 --> 00:26:08
00:26:09 --> 00:26:11
			and something that is very rude and it
00:26:11 --> 00:26:13
			shows you the kind of people Musa alaihi
00:26:13 --> 00:26:15
			salaam was dealing with. And it also gives
00:26:15 --> 00:26:19
			you a very beautiful contrast between whom Allah
00:26:19 --> 00:26:21
			gave prophet Muhammad to be surrounded by. These
00:26:21 --> 00:26:22
			great companions
00:26:23 --> 00:26:24
			who said to him at the battle of
00:26:24 --> 00:26:25
00:26:29 --> 00:26:30
			They said we will fight with you, oh
00:26:30 --> 00:26:32
			messenger of Allah, and we know how close
00:26:32 --> 00:26:34
			the companions were with the prophet and how
00:26:34 --> 00:26:35
			much they were willing to do for the
00:26:35 --> 00:26:37
			prophet and how much they obey the prophet
00:26:37 --> 00:26:40
			sallallahu alaihi wa sallam compared to what Musa
00:26:40 --> 00:26:41
			is dealing with here. So
00:26:42 --> 00:26:43
			they refuse.
00:26:43 --> 00:26:45
			They refuse to to enter into the holy
00:26:45 --> 00:26:49
			land. They refuse to, conquer the city, and
00:26:49 --> 00:26:50
			they they just sit.
00:26:50 --> 00:26:51
			This is when Allah
00:26:52 --> 00:26:55
			then punishes them with 40 years of wandering
00:26:55 --> 00:26:57
			the desert. So for 40 years, they were
00:26:57 --> 00:26:59
			wandering, they wouldn't be able to settle down,
00:26:59 --> 00:27:01
			camp somewhere, live
00:27:02 --> 00:27:04
			a settled life. They will always be traveling
00:27:04 --> 00:27:06
			and and wandering for 40 years. This is
00:27:06 --> 00:27:09
			something that is known. The so while the
00:27:09 --> 00:27:11
			wandering is happening, now you know the context,
00:27:11 --> 00:27:13
			they were told to enter into the city,
00:27:13 --> 00:27:15
			the holy land. They refused to do so,
00:27:15 --> 00:27:18
			then they were said then, their punishment was
00:27:18 --> 00:27:20
			to wander the earth which is what they
00:27:20 --> 00:27:20
00:27:21 --> 00:27:23
			during this period of
00:27:25 --> 00:27:26
			or the wandering,
00:27:26 --> 00:27:28
			the aimless wonder this is and Musa alaihi
00:27:28 --> 00:27:31
			salam is with them. Musa is with them.
00:27:31 --> 00:27:32
			It is said and Allah knows best that
00:27:32 --> 00:27:35
			Musa died during this time, do during the
00:27:35 --> 00:27:36
			time of the wandering. So he actually never
00:27:36 --> 00:27:38
			got to enter into the.
00:27:39 --> 00:27:39
00:27:42 --> 00:27:44
			so now this verse, verse
00:27:44 --> 00:27:45
00:27:45 --> 00:27:48
			is referring to while they are in the
00:27:48 --> 00:27:49
			state of wandering.
00:27:50 --> 00:27:51
			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said while you were
00:27:51 --> 00:27:52
			in that state,
00:27:53 --> 00:27:55
			of course, now they are,
00:27:55 --> 00:27:57
			fighting the elements.
00:27:57 --> 00:27:58
			It is extremely hot.
00:27:59 --> 00:28:00
			Right? They are in the
00:28:01 --> 00:28:02
			the the hot desert.
00:28:02 --> 00:28:04
			They need shelter.
00:28:05 --> 00:28:07
			Allah shelters them. Allah says, and remember
00:28:10 --> 00:28:10
00:28:13 --> 00:28:15
			we shaded you with clouds, So Allah subhanahu
00:28:15 --> 00:28:18
			wa ta'ala, although they just refused
00:28:18 --> 00:28:18
00:28:19 --> 00:28:22
			conquer the city of Jerusalem, although they just
00:28:22 --> 00:28:25
			refused to obey Musa, although they made another
00:28:25 --> 00:28:27
			blasphemous statement when they said, why don't you
00:28:27 --> 00:28:28
			and Allah take care of it and we'll
00:28:28 --> 00:28:29
			sit here? Allah
00:28:30 --> 00:28:33
			made them wander the earth for 40 years,
00:28:33 --> 00:28:33
00:28:35 --> 00:28:36
			they were shaded with clouds.
00:28:38 --> 00:28:40
			Protect them from the heat of the sun.
00:28:43 --> 00:28:45
			And the scholars, they said it was cool
00:28:45 --> 00:28:45
00:28:46 --> 00:28:48
			The weather was always kind to them. It
00:28:48 --> 00:28:50
			was never too hot or too
00:28:51 --> 00:28:51
00:28:52 --> 00:28:53
			Then Allah
00:28:57 --> 00:28:59
			And we have then sent down for you
00:28:59 --> 00:29:01
			something to eat. And what was this? This
00:29:01 --> 00:29:03
			was Alman and Asalwa.
00:29:04 --> 00:29:04
			So the
00:29:12 --> 00:29:13
			So Allah
00:29:15 --> 00:29:17
			would provide them with,
00:29:19 --> 00:29:22
			heavenly delights that Allah would send down upon
00:29:22 --> 00:29:22
00:29:23 --> 00:29:25
			They wouldn't have to farm. They wouldn't have
00:29:25 --> 00:29:28
			to hunt. Allah would feed them and Allah
00:29:28 --> 00:29:30
			would give them sustenance and provision.
00:29:30 --> 00:29:32
			And they were called
00:29:32 --> 00:29:32
00:29:33 --> 00:29:34
			these two words
00:29:35 --> 00:29:37
			are discussed a lot by our scholars of
00:29:37 --> 00:29:39
			tafsir and you will have a lot of
00:29:39 --> 00:29:39
00:29:40 --> 00:29:42
			interpretations of what they mean.
00:29:44 --> 00:29:47
			We shaded you with clouds during the period
00:29:47 --> 00:29:50
			of wandering the earth, the 40 years. And
00:29:51 --> 00:29:54
			when we sent upon down for you. So
00:29:54 --> 00:29:55
			let's explain first. The word
00:29:58 --> 00:29:59
			it refers to,
00:29:59 --> 00:30:02
			some scholars say it was something sweet that
00:30:02 --> 00:30:03
			they drank.
00:30:03 --> 00:30:05
			Something sweet that they drank that would descend
00:30:05 --> 00:30:08
			from the from this from the heavens almost
00:30:08 --> 00:30:10
			like like snow that would fall
00:30:11 --> 00:30:13
			during the evening, and then they would take
00:30:13 --> 00:30:15
			it from the leaves, and there will be
00:30:15 --> 00:30:17
			something that they would collect and drink and
00:30:17 --> 00:30:19
			eat. It was sweet like honey. A
00:30:20 --> 00:30:23
			gum like substance that was sweet like honey.
00:30:23 --> 00:30:25
			That this is Alman. Other scholars have said
00:30:25 --> 00:30:26
00:30:26 --> 00:30:29
			is everything that Allah was giving them
00:30:29 --> 00:30:32
			that was something they didn't have to work
00:30:32 --> 00:30:34
			for or look for. Right? Even that came
00:30:34 --> 00:30:36
			easy to them is men. So it's a
00:30:36 --> 00:30:38
			general word that is referring to all that
00:30:38 --> 00:30:39
			they consumed
00:30:39 --> 00:30:41
			that was easy for them. As Sunwar, the
00:30:41 --> 00:30:42
			scholars say,
00:30:43 --> 00:30:44
			it is a bird
00:30:45 --> 00:30:47
			that would resemble some of the bird like
00:30:47 --> 00:30:47
			a small,
00:30:48 --> 00:30:50
			sparrow or or it was a bird that
00:30:50 --> 00:30:52
			was easy to catch, and they would eat
00:30:52 --> 00:30:54
			from that bird. So Allah would provide for
00:30:54 --> 00:30:55
			them a and
00:30:56 --> 00:30:58
			So it was something that we eat that
00:30:58 --> 00:30:59
			was honey like
00:31:00 --> 00:31:00
00:31:01 --> 00:31:02
			was the meat that they would eat that
00:31:02 --> 00:31:04
			was a certain bird.
00:31:04 --> 00:31:06
			So, they were enjoying this
00:31:07 --> 00:31:08
			while they were in the period of wandering
00:31:08 --> 00:31:09
			the desert.
00:31:10 --> 00:31:13
			Clouds were shading them, they were having this
00:31:13 --> 00:31:14
			honey like substance,
00:31:14 --> 00:31:16
			and they were having things that they don't
00:31:16 --> 00:31:19
			have to work for or look for,
00:31:20 --> 00:31:22
			and they were eating from this bird meat
00:31:22 --> 00:31:23
			that was very tasty.
00:31:24 --> 00:31:25
			Allah then says,
00:31:34 --> 00:31:36
			they did not wrong us, Allah said, because
00:31:36 --> 00:31:38
			they can't wrong Allah Almighty. They can't oppress
00:31:38 --> 00:31:39
			Allah Almighty.
00:31:41 --> 00:31:43
			But truly they used to wrong themselves.
00:31:44 --> 00:31:45
			So now you've
00:31:46 --> 00:31:47
			learned some
00:31:47 --> 00:31:50
			of the many blessings that Allah gave Barun
00:31:50 --> 00:31:51
			al Israeel.
00:31:51 --> 00:31:53
			If you just start counting them, number 1,
00:31:53 --> 00:31:56
			they were saved from Firaun and his people.
00:31:56 --> 00:32:00
			Number 2, they were the the sea was
00:32:00 --> 00:32:00
00:32:01 --> 00:32:02
			for them.
00:32:02 --> 00:32:04
			Number 3, they were forgiven
00:32:05 --> 00:32:06
			after they,
00:32:06 --> 00:32:07
			worshiped the,
00:32:08 --> 00:32:09
			cow. Number 4,
00:32:11 --> 00:32:13
			they were again resurrected
00:32:13 --> 00:32:16
			after they made the blasphemous statements and the
00:32:16 --> 00:32:16
00:32:16 --> 00:32:18
			struck them. Number
00:32:18 --> 00:32:21
			5, although they were on the although they
00:32:21 --> 00:32:23
			were wandering the earth, Allah would cloud them
00:32:24 --> 00:32:26
			with Allah would shade them with clouds. Number
00:32:26 --> 00:32:28
			7, Allah will provide them with and.
00:32:30 --> 00:32:33
			So these are all blessings after blessings after
00:32:33 --> 00:32:36
			blessings. Number 8, Allah revealed upon their prophet
00:32:36 --> 00:32:37
			the taurat, which is a
00:32:38 --> 00:32:41
			to distinguish truth from falsehood. So Allah gave
00:32:41 --> 00:32:43
			them knowledge and guidance. All of these were
00:32:43 --> 00:32:45
			blessings that Allah gave Manu Israel.
00:32:46 --> 00:32:48
			Now Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says again,
00:33:00 --> 00:33:01
			And remember Allah
00:33:02 --> 00:33:03
			said, when we said
00:33:05 --> 00:33:06
			enter this town Jerusalem.
00:33:09 --> 00:33:11
			And eat from it with pleasure
00:33:12 --> 00:33:13
			and carefiness.
00:33:14 --> 00:33:16
			So, eat from it,
00:33:17 --> 00:33:19
			where wherever you want, wherever you want.
00:33:25 --> 00:33:27
			And enter into the gate of the city
00:33:28 --> 00:33:28
			while bowing.
00:33:31 --> 00:33:33
			And enter into the city saying the word
00:33:33 --> 00:33:35
			which means forgive us for our mistakes, oh
00:33:35 --> 00:33:36
00:33:38 --> 00:33:39
			If you do this,
00:33:40 --> 00:33:41
			we will forgive you for your for your
00:33:41 --> 00:33:42
00:33:43 --> 00:33:46
			And we shall increase the reward for those
00:33:46 --> 00:33:48
			among you that excel and do good.
00:33:49 --> 00:33:50
			Here you have
00:33:52 --> 00:33:55
			a after the 40 years of wandering.
00:33:55 --> 00:33:56
			So the
00:33:57 --> 00:33:57
			or the
00:33:58 --> 00:34:00
			are being spoken about in this verse
00:34:01 --> 00:34:02
			are not the same as the one that
00:34:02 --> 00:34:04
			was speaking about earlier. This is very important.
00:34:05 --> 00:34:07
			They are perhaps the same, but this is
00:34:07 --> 00:34:09
			many gen few generations or the second generation.
00:34:10 --> 00:34:13
			Remember last time I mentioned or the last
00:34:13 --> 00:34:15
			verse that we talked about when Allah was
00:34:15 --> 00:34:17
			shading them with the clouds and Allah was
00:34:17 --> 00:34:19
			providing them with almen, which he said was
00:34:19 --> 00:34:21
			a honey like substance that they would eat
00:34:21 --> 00:34:23
			from, and the scholars have different tafsils for
00:34:23 --> 00:34:25
			it. But it was something that they would
00:34:25 --> 00:34:26
			drink that was sweet,
00:34:27 --> 00:34:28
			or eat that that was sweet.
00:34:28 --> 00:34:31
			And, a which was a type of bird
00:34:31 --> 00:34:33
			meat, this is what they would eat as
00:34:33 --> 00:34:36
			a blessing from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
00:34:36 --> 00:34:38
			something they didn't have to strive for or
00:34:38 --> 00:34:39
			look for.
00:34:39 --> 00:34:42
			This is the ones who refused to enter
00:34:42 --> 00:34:43
			into Jerusalem,
00:34:44 --> 00:34:46
			and they were then told to wander the
00:34:46 --> 00:34:49
			earth for 4th years. After this was over,
00:34:49 --> 00:34:51
			they are again told to enter
00:34:52 --> 00:34:52
00:34:53 --> 00:34:55
			and this by now, by this time
00:34:56 --> 00:34:58
			it is prophet that is with them.
00:34:59 --> 00:35:01
			Is mentioned in the Quran. He is the
00:35:01 --> 00:35:03
			young boy that is with Musa Alaihi Salam
00:35:03 --> 00:35:05
			when he travels to to Khadr
00:35:06 --> 00:35:07
			in Surat Al Kahf.
00:35:08 --> 00:35:10
			Yusha becomes in charge of Ben Israel
00:35:11 --> 00:35:13
			and he is there when they are told
00:35:13 --> 00:35:15
			to enter into the city of Jerusalem.
00:35:15 --> 00:35:17
			This time this is the second time. The
00:35:17 --> 00:35:20
			first time they failed, they refused, and they
00:35:20 --> 00:35:21
			were told to wander the earth and Allah
00:35:21 --> 00:35:23
			blessed them while this was happening by shayin'
00:35:23 --> 00:35:25
			them with clouds, etcetera, etcetera. Now,
00:35:26 --> 00:35:28
			many many many years later, it is Prophet
00:35:28 --> 00:35:30
			Usha and some of the people of Barisal'il
00:35:30 --> 00:35:32
			that are being told to enter, and they
00:35:32 --> 00:35:34
			did. They conquered the city And then they
00:35:34 --> 00:35:36
			are told, when you're going to enter the
00:35:36 --> 00:35:36
00:35:36 --> 00:35:39
			Allah says, enter into the city and eat
00:35:39 --> 00:35:41
			from it wherever you like, freely,
00:35:42 --> 00:35:45
			then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala puts one condition.
00:35:49 --> 00:35:51
			When you're going to enter into the city,
00:35:51 --> 00:35:54
			enter in a state of humility.
00:35:54 --> 00:35:56
			Yes, you just won, but enter into the
00:35:56 --> 00:35:57
			state of humility.
00:36:00 --> 00:36:01
			Lower yourselves. Bow down.
00:36:03 --> 00:36:04
			So it means,
00:36:05 --> 00:36:08
			that they sujidun means the regular prostration. You
00:36:08 --> 00:36:09
			don't want to make sujood. That's what it
00:36:09 --> 00:36:11
			means. But now they're told to enter into
00:36:11 --> 00:36:13
			the city while making sujood, and the scholars
00:36:13 --> 00:36:15
			say because that is impossible, you can't make
00:36:15 --> 00:36:17
			sujud and and walk at the same time.
00:36:17 --> 00:36:19
			They said this was mean this was meant
00:36:19 --> 00:36:21
			by bow down. Bow down when you're entering
00:36:21 --> 00:36:21
00:36:31 --> 00:36:31
			Oh Allah
00:36:32 --> 00:36:33
			wipe our mistakes,
00:36:33 --> 00:36:34
			forgive our sins.
00:36:35 --> 00:36:35
00:36:35 --> 00:36:38
			lower yourselves, bow down to Allah in humility
00:36:39 --> 00:36:41
			and in worship and say oh Allah forgive
00:36:41 --> 00:36:44
			us. This was the instruction given to them.
00:36:47 --> 00:36:49
			If you do so, what will happen? Allah
00:36:49 --> 00:36:50
00:36:51 --> 00:36:52
			We will forgive your mistakes.
00:36:55 --> 00:36:56
			And we will give more reward for those
00:36:56 --> 00:36:57
			among you who excel.
00:36:59 --> 00:37:00
			So what happened?
00:37:00 --> 00:37:02
			They did they didn't enter
00:37:03 --> 00:37:03
			the city
00:37:04 --> 00:37:05
			while bowing
00:37:05 --> 00:37:07
			nor did they say the word they were
00:37:07 --> 00:37:08
			told to say.
00:37:09 --> 00:37:10
			So they were told to do a
00:37:13 --> 00:37:13
00:37:14 --> 00:37:16
			end into the city in a certain way,
00:37:17 --> 00:37:18
			do a certain action, and say a certain
00:37:18 --> 00:37:20
			statement. They did none of them.
00:37:21 --> 00:37:22
			So Allah
00:37:22 --> 00:37:24
			says, again, one more eye one more time
00:37:24 --> 00:37:25
			with the verse.
00:37:25 --> 00:37:26
			And remember,
00:37:28 --> 00:37:30
			enter into this city. Which city is this?
00:37:30 --> 00:37:31
			We said there is calaf, but the majority
00:37:31 --> 00:37:33
			of the scholars of tafsir, they say it's
00:37:33 --> 00:37:34
			referring to Jerusalem.
00:37:38 --> 00:37:41
			And eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight
00:37:41 --> 00:37:43
			wherever you wish.
00:37:44 --> 00:37:47
			And enter the gate in prostration meaning bowing
00:37:47 --> 00:37:49
			down and in humility.
00:37:51 --> 00:37:53
			And then say, oh Allah, forgive our sins.
00:37:56 --> 00:37:57
			If we do so, we will forgive your
00:37:57 --> 00:37:58
00:38:00 --> 00:38:01
			And we will then increase
00:38:01 --> 00:38:04
			the reward of those who excel and do
00:38:04 --> 00:38:04
00:38:07 --> 00:38:09
			So, now when this is happening,
00:38:12 --> 00:38:13
			they refuse to do both.
00:38:14 --> 00:38:14
00:38:16 --> 00:38:16
00:38:18 --> 00:38:20
			but those who did wrong,
00:38:21 --> 00:38:23
			those who did wrong changed the word
00:38:24 --> 00:38:26
			to a to one that they were not
00:38:26 --> 00:38:27
			told to say. So
00:38:31 --> 00:38:33
			but those who did wrong changed the word
00:38:33 --> 00:38:35
			from that which has been told to them
00:38:35 --> 00:38:35
			to another.
00:38:36 --> 00:38:38
			So rather than saying, they
00:38:38 --> 00:38:39
00:38:39 --> 00:38:40
00:38:42 --> 00:38:44
			or or other statements. So instead of saying,
00:38:44 --> 00:38:45
			oh Allah,
00:38:45 --> 00:38:46
			forgive our sins,
00:38:47 --> 00:38:49
			they said something that they were not supposed
00:38:49 --> 00:38:50
			to say.
00:38:50 --> 00:38:52
			Meaning, they start
00:38:53 --> 00:38:55
			mocking the the this the commandment of Allah
00:38:55 --> 00:38:57
			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They said
00:38:58 --> 00:38:59
			Instead of saying
00:39:01 --> 00:39:02
00:39:02 --> 00:39:05
			the reason they did this was out of
00:39:05 --> 00:39:05
00:39:06 --> 00:39:06
			and arrogance
00:39:07 --> 00:39:08
			and refusal to obey.
00:39:09 --> 00:39:11
			And also when they were told to enter
00:39:11 --> 00:39:12
			into the city,
00:39:13 --> 00:39:14
			like in Bukhary,
00:39:15 --> 00:39:17
			there's a hadith where it's mentioned that they
00:39:17 --> 00:39:19
			actually went in,
00:39:19 --> 00:39:21
			walking, sitting on their behinds
00:39:22 --> 00:39:22
00:39:22 --> 00:39:24
			So they did the exact opposite of what
00:39:24 --> 00:39:25
			they were told.
00:39:27 --> 00:39:29
			And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then said,
00:39:35 --> 00:39:38
			and we send upon the wrongdoers. A rich
00:39:38 --> 00:39:39
			Rich is a torment,
00:39:40 --> 00:39:42
			a punishment. Some scholars say it was a
00:39:42 --> 00:39:43
			disease that,
00:39:43 --> 00:39:45
			would turn their skin almost inside out.
00:39:46 --> 00:39:46
00:39:47 --> 00:39:50
			punished them for their blasphemous statement again.
00:39:51 --> 00:39:52
			Do you see a recurring theme here?
00:39:53 --> 00:39:55
			They say to Musa, we will not believe
00:39:55 --> 00:39:56
			you until you show us Allah.
00:39:58 --> 00:39:58
			Then they are resurrected
00:39:59 --> 00:40:01
			after they went through the Sahih Khan.
00:40:02 --> 00:40:04
			They when Musa left, they worshiped the ajir.
00:40:05 --> 00:40:06
			Now here,
00:40:06 --> 00:40:07
			when they were told enter into the city
00:40:07 --> 00:40:09
			in humility, they do the opposite. Can you
00:40:09 --> 00:40:10
			compare this
00:40:11 --> 00:40:12
			to the
00:40:12 --> 00:40:15
			conquest of Mecca where prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
00:40:15 --> 00:40:16
			wa sallam
00:40:17 --> 00:40:17
00:40:18 --> 00:40:18
00:40:19 --> 00:40:22
			after 10 years after the prophet salam had
00:40:22 --> 00:40:24
			to abandon Mecca and migrate to Medina
00:40:24 --> 00:40:27
			because of for his own safety and Allah
00:40:27 --> 00:40:28
			commanded him to do the hijrah,
00:40:29 --> 00:40:32
			Uraish was adamant in killing the prophet sallallahu
00:40:32 --> 00:40:34
			alaihi wa sallam. 10 years later, many events
00:40:34 --> 00:40:36
			happen and finally the prophet with an army,
00:40:37 --> 00:40:38
			with a strong army,
00:40:39 --> 00:40:42
			comes and enters into Makkah and conquers it
00:40:42 --> 00:40:42
00:40:42 --> 00:40:43
			He conquers it peacefully.
00:40:44 --> 00:40:45
			And, subhanallah,
00:40:45 --> 00:40:48
			the the the hadith mentioned is that the
00:40:48 --> 00:40:49
			prophet when he was entering and he was
00:40:49 --> 00:40:52
			on his, the camel and he was entering
00:40:52 --> 00:40:54
			into the city, he lowered himself.
00:40:55 --> 00:40:57
			He lowered his head so much to the
00:40:57 --> 00:40:59
			point where his nose was about to touch
00:40:59 --> 00:41:01
			the back of the animal he was riding.
00:41:01 --> 00:41:04
			Out of humility and humbleness to his creator
00:41:04 --> 00:41:07
			Allah Almighty who gave him this opportunity,
00:41:08 --> 00:41:11
			who helped him conquer the city, who elevated
00:41:11 --> 00:41:12
			the status of the believers.
00:41:13 --> 00:41:14
			This should be the state of the moment.
00:41:14 --> 00:41:15
00:41:15 --> 00:41:16
			have humility.
00:41:16 --> 00:41:18
			Always be humble in front of your lord.
00:41:19 --> 00:41:20
			Compare that to these people
00:41:21 --> 00:41:21
00:41:22 --> 00:41:23
			when they conquered the,
00:41:25 --> 00:41:26
			they are mocking
00:41:27 --> 00:41:28
			and playing around.
00:41:29 --> 00:41:31
			Being told to say one thing, they are
00:41:31 --> 00:41:33
			saying another. And because of this Allah subhanahu
00:41:33 --> 00:41:34
			wa'ala punished them.
00:41:34 --> 00:41:35
			Allah says,
00:41:37 --> 00:41:39
			And what's important to remember is it wasn't
00:41:39 --> 00:41:40
			all of them. This is why
00:41:43 --> 00:41:44
			And and those
00:41:45 --> 00:41:46
			some among them,
00:41:47 --> 00:41:47
			they wronged
00:41:48 --> 00:41:50
			and they they committed injustice
00:41:50 --> 00:41:52
			and they changed the statement that they were
00:41:52 --> 00:41:54
			supposed to say. So it wasn't all of
00:41:54 --> 00:41:54
00:41:54 --> 00:41:57
			Allah says for those of 2 those among
00:41:57 --> 00:41:58
			them that did do this,
00:42:00 --> 00:42:02
			and the word reads, ibn Abbas mentions that
00:42:02 --> 00:42:03
			whenever it comes into the Quran, it means
00:42:03 --> 00:42:05
			adab. So Allah send an adab to them
00:42:05 --> 00:42:07
			a punishment from the heavens, from the from
00:42:07 --> 00:42:08
			the sky.
00:42:13 --> 00:42:15
			Because of their engagement
00:42:15 --> 00:42:16
			in corruption,
00:42:16 --> 00:42:18
			because of their fisk,
00:42:18 --> 00:42:19
			because of their wrongdoing,
00:42:20 --> 00:42:21
			they were punished.
00:42:23 --> 00:42:23
00:42:24 --> 00:42:25
00:42:25 --> 00:42:27
			there are many lessons that can be learned
00:42:27 --> 00:42:28
00:42:28 --> 00:42:29
			If you notice something,
00:42:31 --> 00:42:34
			every single time a punishment happens, it's preceded
00:42:34 --> 00:42:35
			by a sin.
00:42:36 --> 00:42:37
			Every single time
00:42:37 --> 00:42:40
			they it's preceded by a sin. They worship
00:42:40 --> 00:42:42
			the cow then they get
00:42:42 --> 00:42:44
			they are told to kill themselves.
00:42:44 --> 00:42:46
			They say a blasphem statement and say we
00:42:46 --> 00:42:48
			will not believe you until you show us
00:42:48 --> 00:42:49
			Allah or until we see Allah with our
00:42:49 --> 00:42:52
			own eyes. Then the happens to them. They
00:42:52 --> 00:42:55
			were then told to enter into the city
00:42:55 --> 00:42:58
			and they refused, then they were told to
00:42:58 --> 00:43:00
			wander the earth and never settle for 40
00:43:00 --> 00:43:00
00:43:01 --> 00:43:03
			Although all when all of this is happening,
00:43:03 --> 00:43:05
			Allah has shown them mercy, shayin them with
00:43:05 --> 00:43:07
			these clouds, providing them with men and salwa.
00:43:07 --> 00:43:09
			Then when they are told enter into Jerusalem
00:43:10 --> 00:43:10
00:43:10 --> 00:43:12
			and they are told to say,
00:43:13 --> 00:43:14
			and they will be forgiven.
00:43:15 --> 00:43:18
			Again, they mess about. They they say statements
00:43:18 --> 00:43:18
			they were not supposed
00:43:19 --> 00:43:20
00:43:20 --> 00:43:21
			When he's speaking about this verse, he has
00:43:21 --> 00:43:23
			something quite interesting. He says,
00:43:23 --> 00:43:25
			they were told to say and they said
00:43:27 --> 00:43:28
			which means,
00:43:28 --> 00:43:29
			a or
00:43:29 --> 00:43:30
			or, it means,
00:43:31 --> 00:43:33
			grains or or barley. So they said instead
00:43:33 --> 00:43:34
			of saying, oh Allah forgive us, they said
00:43:34 --> 00:43:35
			something completely different.
00:43:36 --> 00:43:38
			And he said they added one letter.
00:43:39 --> 00:43:41
			And he said, for just adding one letter
00:43:42 --> 00:43:43
			they were punished.
00:43:44 --> 00:43:46
			Imagine those that add words and statements to
00:43:46 --> 00:43:47
			the Quran and the sunnah,
00:43:48 --> 00:43:50
			those who add innovations to the religion,
00:43:50 --> 00:43:53
			Those who, introduce matters into our faith that
00:43:53 --> 00:43:56
			is not part of it. Those who deny
00:43:56 --> 00:43:57
			Allah's names and attributes.
00:43:57 --> 00:44:00
			Those who alter the meaning of Allah's names.
00:44:00 --> 00:44:01
			All of these people.
00:44:01 --> 00:44:04
			So he mentions that you would just add
00:44:04 --> 00:44:05
			with just
00:44:05 --> 00:44:06
			changing one word,
00:44:07 --> 00:44:08
			they were punished.
00:44:09 --> 00:44:12
			So it's very, very dangerous if someone changes
00:44:12 --> 00:44:13
			the meaning
00:44:13 --> 00:44:16
			or the, of the deen, something to be
00:44:16 --> 00:44:17
			very careful about.
00:44:18 --> 00:44:21
			I'm gonna stop here at ayah 59 tonight
00:44:21 --> 00:44:23
			and we'll carry on with ayah 60
00:44:26 --> 00:44:28
			with next week. We'll stop here.