Muslema Purmul – Beauty And Seduction In Islam
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be in a good state. They use the example of the movie Lord of the Rings to explain the meaning behind "hamster's shay " in Islam. They stress that eduction is harmful and should not be used in a society that doesn't separate the two, even in Eastern cultures.
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And you should feel beautiful in your hijab, but you should not
feel sexy.
And that's a different concept. That's a different concept
altogether, and that's ugly, and that's seductive and that's
harmful. Seduction as a concept is something where the person who is
seeking to do it is seeking to control someone else's behavior.
It's not goodwill. Goodwill comes from a desire to give and let
people be good and to be in a good state. And it's consideration, and
it's wanting them to be safe. It's wanting them to be protected.
That's goodwill. Seduction is I want this person to be affected by
me in a way where I can control you know that interaction as an
example I like to use sometimes with young people, is in the movie
Lord of the Rings.
What does the elf queen? Is it Lady caladria? What does the elf
Queen say when they put the ring of power, when Frodo puts the ring
of power in her hand?
What does she say? Essentially, the ring represents the voice of
shaytaan. Right? What is, what is, what is her sisters? What is our
enemy? Telling us? What is our enemy tempting us with, tempting
us with,
I want all men to look at me and despair.
That is the voice of shaytaan. It's seduction, and it comes from
needing to have power over other people. And it is not even like a
more, I mean, a more benign intention would be that a sister
just wants to get married and have a spouse. That's a benign
intention. But this is, I don't even care about you, but I want
you to be desperate for me.
That is evil, that is, that is, that is quintessentially evil. And
that's, you know, a society that's, again, the Western society
really promotes the culture of seduction, and it promotes the
seducers, you know, that so and so can be this. You know, they're so
powerful because they can do this, this female actress or that male
actor. And we are the opposite. We have a completely different
paradigm. And the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he said that every religion
has a distinct characteristic, and the distinct characteristic of
Islam is Hayat.
So again, Hayat coming from Goodwill, from actually not
wanting to harm creation, from wanting that creation to be at
peace with it, with its brother and its sister. And that doesn't
mean that if a person again, because everything has to be this
is like a very, you know, thick topic. If someone is not intending
to be seductive and someone else is attracted to them, that's not
your fault. And in Islam, being beautiful is not a wrong
intention. So in Allah, that Allah is beautiful, and he loves beauty.
Beauty is a very important spiritual concept in Islam, and a
man or a woman can and can and should feel like before they leave
the house. They should look presentable. They should have a
beautiful appearance. There's nothing that is wrong with this
concept, but they should never intend seduction, because
seduction is harm. And we have to separate the two in a society that
doesn't separate the two, and we have to separate the two, even in
Eastern cultures that don't separate the two, all right, so
you separate the two, and that every morning a sister, when she's
wearing her clothing, she should feel beautiful, even with hijab,
even with you know, hijab is not about covering beauty, as we call
it. Hijab is redefining what beauty is. Hijab is saying, I'm
going to be I'm going to do what is beautiful to Allah, and so you
adorn yourself with clothing that is beautiful. You.