Muslema Purmul – A Construction Worker Who Want To Marry A Princess
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the sweetest of all. The worker also talks about the importance of finding a partner to pursue a romantic relationship with Allah.
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There's a young man who's a construction worker, and he's
working on the construction of a masjid of a big grand mosque. And
at the completion of the construction of this masjid, the
Sultan who ordered the construction of the masjid, he
wanted all of the construction workers to leave. And the reason
is because his daughter had asked him, this is the princess, the
Sultan's daughter. She made a special request that after the
construction of this big, beautiful, grand Masjid is
finished, she wanted to be the first one to go into that masjid
and pray to rakaz in the musallah with no one else there. So this
was the request of the princess. So it's the masjid is finished.
The construction workers leave, and this one construction worker,
he was falling behind. He was late, and he didn't realize that
everyone else had already left, and they had allowed the princess
into the masjid to go pray.
So as he's leaving, he catches a glimpse of the princess inside the
Musala of the masjid praying two Rakas of NAF. And the scene was
just so incredible to him. It was such an amazing scene. And he
basically just fell in love with the princess. It was just a very
beautiful image to him. And he fell in love with her. And it
became more than that. He became infatuated with her. So when he
came home, he told his mother about what had happened, and he
said, You have to go to the Sultan and ask for the princess's hand in
marriage. And the mother said, I can't do that. You're a
construction worker. No one's like, you know, the Sultan's not
going to have him. His daughter marry you, but this construction
worker became infatuated. He couldn't work, he couldn't think,
he couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep. He was just in a miserable
state. And the mother out of fearing for her son and his well
being, she was she realized that if she doesn't do something, he
may die, because he's refusing food and water at this point. So
she goes to the palace, and she asks to speak to the Sultan. And
you know the guards, they turn her away, and she insists. And she
says, My son is going to die. I have to talk to the Sultan. So
finally, they let her talk to the Sultan, and she mentions the story
to the Sultan, and the Sultan asks that she come back with the
construction worker so they come back together. And he tells the
construction worker, after everyone leaves the masjid at
night time, after Aisha prayer, you have to come and pray. PM, in
this masjid for 40 nights, if you come and pray. PM, in this masjid,
for 40 nights straight, I will let you marry my daughter. And he said
there will be someone there to make sure that you come. And if
you miss a day, we'll know about it. So in 40 days, I want you know
if you fulfill your end of the bargain, I will let you consider
my daughter for marriage.
So the construction worker is excited, you know, this is a
chance at life. So he goes the first day, and he prays Qiyam in
the masjid after everyone leaves, and he goes the second day and the
third. And after a few weeks, he notices that he's getting better.
He's eating again. He's drinking again. He cares about life again,
and eventually he starts to really, really enjoy coming to the
masjid and praying Qiyam when everyone else has left to such an
extent that he starts to pray to Allah, that Allah never takes away
these beautiful moments that he has with him, alone in solitude,
praying to Him in the night. So 40 days pass, 50 days pass, 60 days
pass, 70 days pass, and eventually, the Sultan asks to see
the construction worker, and he says, How come you didn't come see
me? You fulfilled your end of the bargain. You prayed all 40 nights
we saw that you prayed. How come you didn't come and see me? And
the construction worker turns to the Sultan, and he says, before I
saw your daughter, my heart was empty, and the first thing of
beauty that my heart was exposed to was your daughter, and that's
why it grabbed onto that experience. But then, after I
started praying in the masjid for 40 nights, my heart witnessed a
beauty that was much greater than her, my heart witnessed a beauty
that it has never felt before.
And he tells the Sultan, he goes on to say, thank you so much for
offering me your daughter to consider, but I am happy where I
am, and I am in no need of her. And he goes on his way, and he
doesn't marry the princess because he had found a love and a beauty
and a happiness that was much greater than
just seeing the princess that one time.
Him. And this was the love of Allah subhana wa taala. This is
the beauty of a close relationship with Allah subhana wa taala. This
is something that only the one who has experienced it can really talk
about it, or can. And even if they were to try to talk about it, it
doesn't do it justice. And Ibn Taymiyyah, he talked about this,
he said the one who does not enjoy the Jannah of this life will not
enjoy the Jannah of the next life. And the scholars talked about,
what did Ibn Taymiyyah mean? And it's to this, this to be in a
state where the slave of Allah loves Allah so much and is pleased
with their Lord, and Allah loves his servant so much and is pleased
with his servant. And this is mentioned in the Quran radiallahu
anhu wahraduan. This is referring to the Companions, but it's this
mutual relationship of love with the Creator. When we talk about
the categories of sweetness of iman, that to love Allah, subhana,
wa Taala more than we love everyone and anything else,
including ourselves, is something that brings the sweetness of iman.
And you could think, how could loving someone other than myself
bring happiness only when it's Allah a.