Musleh Khan – Understanding Surah Al Kahf Class #1

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of learning Islam to remove confusion and improve understanding of its meaning, while also reciting the Surah for a whole day. They stress the need for flexibility and humility in learning and practicing life, as it is impossible to achieve everything. The conversation also covers the historical context of the movie and emphasizes setting boundaries and love for one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Kamal hamdu lillah wa salatu salam, ala Rasulillah were buried. So once again, welcome to

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echoes from the cave, which is somewhat the official catchy title of this course. This course is a study of a suitable calf. And it's not just the Tafseer, we will be doing a lot more than just the Tafseer of the surah. We will be looking at reflections of each a at what they mean to us how we relate to each of these verses. When Allah subhanaw taala gives us a lesson How to internalize that lesson how to understand to implement that lesson, day to day lives, making suitable Cath come alive, bring it to life in our day to day lives. That's the goal behind this. And I have certain ways and certain things that I like to focus on to help do that. So today, before we jump into the

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Surah, we're not going to jump into sooner right? This very moment. We may not even start it today. Because there's a lot of introductory points that I want to share first and foremost, right to prepare ourselves for the surah. But the first thing that we can look at is for those of us that are you know, writing and following along online is the first thing that is why we are here and the purpose of learning. Islam. Can somebody told me if I were to ask you what is the purpose of learning Islam? What would you say was the first thing that comes to mind?

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To learn your deen, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Why should you do that? be closer to Allah serve humanity, tell me something else. Educate yourself educate. Knowledge, we need to know, what's the purpose of the knowledge, what's the knowledge supposed to do to us?

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Okay to follow the path of Allah, anything else? It's supposed to help us. Help other people. Okay to help others as well. Wisdom and networking that it's not about us. Good. Okay.

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Anything else? So direct message from your video creators? I want to know what to tell me something a little bit more personal. Why are you here learning your deen not just to sorta like you're learning your deen while you're doing that.

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Realization and confirmation that this is temporary. Okay, good.

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To be a

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to be a true believer. Hoka is reinforcing? I think we know it. Sometimes we still so.

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So look,

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all of these answers you've given.

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They're great. They make a lot of sense, a lot of some of the answers about you know, striving to help others help yourself and those around you is very standard in anything that you learn that's meaningful, whether it's a slum or just knowledge of the world and living here and so on. But there is one goal about learning Islam never forget this, okay? Because this has everything to do with your intention and why you study religion, Islam to begin with. And that is the number one main reason why you study knowledge is to remove ignorance. That's why you study in, you study knowledge of Islam to remove ignorance. And that's why the Scholars they say, if you don't study Islam,

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then one of two things will happen. You were either remain ignorant. So you will never know what you should know. And so therefore, the things that you all mentioned, it will never come to life, or it will come to life and it will become fluid. So you would think that you can help yourself or others with tools that you essentially don't have, but you can't see that because why you've never actually studied this information. You can't see in yourself that I don't understand what I'm doing. I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong. So that's why you have like people who say things like Well, I grew up and in my household in Islam, though when we practice Islam, this was okay. My

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parents taught me this was my country that I come from. This was not a big deal. Why is it now a big deal to you? Why is it now that I live here, I'm taught something all of that goes away. Because why you start to develop your knowledge of Allah's deen and whatever it is,

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It sounds different, or you new.

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It's it's foreign, you've never heard such a thing. The first thing that it will tackle is that that part of you that is empty without that knowledge is now filled with something, it starts to remove that ignorance. That's the goal of every every believer. Unfortunately, lots of Muslims come to classes like this with all sorts of wonderful goals and intentions. for some bizarre reason, I'm not really sure why this about removing my own ignorance is really it's something that a lot of students I have don't think about. I don't want to say that it's careless on their part. It's just something that doesn't really cross their mind until it's really laid out. And it's explained to them, then

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they can set their priorities right. So when you understand that you're here to remove that ignorance, then immediately Who are you working on first and foremost, the people around you or

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is not the goal?

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Aren't we supposed to refine ourselves as believers? Like we're supposed to always like how we say look in the mirror? Before we give advice to others, we give it to ourselves. There's a verse in the Quran yet you will lead the unit and eliminate taco Luna mulata falloon Are people of Eman? Why is it that you say things that you yourself? Don't do? Like Allah asks us these questions in the Quran? Because that's what you're supposed to think about. So just remember that when you're in here, and here's why I bring this up. SUTA tell KEF would you all agree that this is a common Surah that many Muslims know about? Forget about if they can read it or memorize it? We all know unheard of Surah

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tell calf right? What's really the main thing that you really think about? Or you know, when you hear SUTA toecap? What comes to mind? Protection? And then what's that? What's that special day that happens tomorrow? What is it called? Somehow sort of though? Cafes linked to Fridays? All right. All right, so protects you. And then it blesses you and forgives you from one Jomar to another, and so on and so forth. So there's this connection that most Muslims have with this surah? And then how can we forget? How can we forget? The infamous home? The suta, if you read or memorize the first 10 verses, we'll talk about all of that, what that means. And you know what, these first 10 verses are?

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You get a protection from whom? The what the dead gel, right? So we're going to talk about we're gonna have a whole session just on the dead gel, we're going to study what the dead gel is why Allah sent the dead gel? If the gel is already here, are there different forms of this dead gel? Right, and things like that. So don't worry about that, that will come much later on. Okay, so the fact that this is a quote unquote well known Surah, what are the things from shaitan? Is this strictly from shade line, is to make you think you already know this surah, or you know, some stuff about the surah. So why waste your time taking a class and studying it all over again,

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if you if that ever pops into your mind, you are the one that's going to be at loss. You know, the great scholars they would say past and present, they would always say, every time we hear a subject being addressed to us that we've already studied, unlearned, we get excited why? Because we're still in the same position as though if we were in a classroom or in a sub listening to a subject we've never heard ever in our lives, we're still in the exact same position. Because that's what this Dean is, this is what this is one of the biggest separators of Islamic knowledge is that no matter how many times you hear a subject, you will always learn something new. So no matter what you know,

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about too little calf, consider that as you begin this journey, that you will learn things that you have never known or thought about in sort of telecom. And that's just not for me, that's from you. That's from your intention. And then when you hear about suited calf being taught to elsewhere, or lecture or some sort, don't first, second, deny yourself of the opportunity to hear another perspective on the subject. It's from shaitan when you convince yourself and then I've already taken a class on that.

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Okay, so that's the first thing why we're here. The number number two is, well, we've already talked about how it should affect you. How do you guys feel that studying this surah should affect you like, should it do anything for you? Are we going to become really smarter about soda telecasts? Or is there more to this?

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Is this just going to be like knowledge? Or are we hoping for more than just learning about so little calf? We remember all the blessings of studying and reading the Koran.

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Does everybody know like if you study or read one letter of the Koran,

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how much rewards do you get for that?

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You get 10 Hessonite for one letter

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So we're going to go through 1000s. So you are rewarded, just by listening and hearing and following along whether you get the full 10 headset, or you get a portion of that, just by sitting here alone and listening to me. And listening to the lesson is enough that you're constantly being flourished with reward, and even forgiveness. Okay, so that, what sort of effect should that have on you?

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Like, what's the benefit of knowing that? Oh, man, I'm being blessed. Just being here, this feels good. This should change you in any way. Should that affects you in any way.

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Yeah, it should, it should encourage you to love your Creator more. So therefore, it sparks something in you to want to learn more. And more and more, I see this every single class. And it's really, really is one of the saddest things you see, as a teacher. When you see your students come for the first few sessions with all this excitement and thirst and hunger, and how that appetite slowly starts to disintegrate as time progresses. That's why the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam told us that it is from shaitan. When you start something and you don't complete it, that doesn't mean you have to complete it with me. If you start to have a calf with me, but you for when

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something happens, right stuff happens. Somewhere down the line, you can't be in here no more. But you make it a point that you will commit that wherever you stopped with me, you will continue somewhere else and make sure you get to the end. If not, it is from shaitan what does that mean? Shaitan conquered a part of you, God control of a part of you. It's the part where when you open that book, you can't get past the first two pages. That part of you, when you start something you're not finishing it and and it starts to trickle into everything. Like you'll start a chore and you can't finish the chore like your started journey, a hike a bike ride, an exercise for and you can

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get to the end, it starts to trickle in every aspect of your life. So a lot rewards and loves when the believer really dedicates themselves and makes a sincere intention that they start and they finish. You know they reach that goal. That's one of the things that really separates us as Muslims from everyone else.

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Let's pause here and we'll resume after salatu

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salam aleikum

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Hola. So

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just finishing up the previous conversation right last thing is I want to talk to you about and then we'll jump into some points about the story is how to study a surah of the Quran. Okay, does anybody know how to do that? Does anybody have any thoughts? How do you study a surah?

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Do you just take a course? Do you just read a tiff see it? What do you do? Is there a methodology that scholars have used? And scholars use till this day of how to study a surah? And absolutely, there is. Now for students like yourselves,

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I'm going to ask very quickly, has anybody here studied the entire Quran,

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So because of that, so there are so students or sections of the Quran that are still outstanding, that inshallah part of your journey you will get to at some point in shallow, right?

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The first thing that you do when you study any Surah, is you have to have a reliable Tafseer, or explanation of that of the Quran, in your language that you're comfortable with. So if it's English, you've got to have a reliable English exegesis, or tafseer of the Quran. Okay, some of the famous ones are, of course, if Nokia theatre, it's very long, it's very comprehensive, I believe it's about what 11 or 12 volumes in English. So if you don't have that, I think you can download even the app, and you will have that as well. The point is, is that you need to have some kind of reference point that any gaps that you get, or you you miss out on in class, you go to a reference that you can

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always rely on to to do two things, fill in the gaps, and number two, to confirm what you've learned. So do you see that as students of the poor, and it requires more than just being here, this is a huge responsibility on you all. If we're talking about, you know, other fifth issues, like if I was teaching you guys about salah, or about marriage and divorce or something, we would have a totally different introduction to that. But because we're studying a surah of the Quran, there's a methodology that all of us have to be on, we all have to have the exact same mindset and approach to this. So if you don't have a particular Tafseer in English, an explanation of the Quran that you

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look at and you rely upon, and you turn to for anything, if you need to understand something, whether it's something we studied here or something on your mind, then you need to make sure you have that, like I said, Ibuka theory is one of the most reliable go to two fields of the Quran in English that you have access to. And like I said, I believe it's also in an app, I don't really use those apps very much, so I'm not too familiar with them.

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So that's the first thing number two, those of you who have studied with me in the past, I always tell you, there's one word it is the secret ingredient to studying anything in Islam. What is that one word? It begins with a see.

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Oh, yes, very good. Right? Commitment. That's the secret ingredient to studying anything in Islam, especially a surah. You got to have a commitment. If you do that with poor n.

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That's the rest of your life pretty much. You make a commitment, I want to memorize one surah, it's 100%. Guaranteed if you do that, that one surah will turn into two. And then you're gonna be like, Well, I did two, might as well just finish the whole, just while I finish one, just, you know, there's 30 more to go or 29 more to go, I can probably do the rest. And that's how it starts that mindset, you have to have a commitment. When you start this, you've got to finish it in sha Allah. Okay. And then the of course, the other thing that scholars really rely upon and advise us when we study a surah is to ensure that, you know, of course, you apply the knowledge into your own life and

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even the bare minimum. It's not something that you physically apply into your day to day life, that at least it's something that you think about and you reflect upon, so it stays within your heart and mind. That's the bare minimum. There is no such thing as just studying a surah. And then it's restricted as just information you just got this knowledgeable to say and that's the end of it. There's no such thing, every single letter and a and word of the poor N has some point of reflection at

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Maybe to two, that's important is something to think about. Now, if you restrict the knowledge to just, you know, intellectual, you're just learning knowledge, you're just downloading information. Does anybody see a problem with that?

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Does anybody see a problem with that?

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If you just study the knowledge,

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if you don't implement that,

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you know how they came in a lot of Muslims that do this, a lot of them all over the world, not just here. Like, everywhere I go, I meet like, these highly intelligent Muslims that want to have deep theological conversations about you know, so what really is the our shadow of Allah, and let's talk about that, you know, this, and they'll start giving me all these sorts of quotations and things like that, it's great. It's, I guess, it's beneficial in some way. But um, you know, have these conversations, but these are the same people, like, if you see them pray,

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like, they'll have no clue what they're doing. That's just kinda like, you know,

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just just pray, probably have never, ever or cannot recall a moment of their life where they just sat with the Koran and read a surah.

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The year think about those things, like when was the last time somebody just decided to be in the state of will do just because they love that state.

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Read is thorough, just because you know, I was bored, I had nothing to do and I just didn't want to sit there and just browse or whatever. So I just started reading a soda, I read, suicidal falak took me about five seconds, but I did.

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Like those little moments are the things that patch up the mistakes and problems in your life, that you don't have the ability to repair, you don't have the ability to go back to and think about the mistakes the flaws that you make you and I we make in our lives, we can't sit there and keep track of all of them. So you know how you repair all of that. And you give yourself you put yourself in a great position in front of Allah is you always take advantage of using the knowledge you've learned to constantly purify yourself. You're constantly constantly working on youth and you purify yourself, whether it means you sit, you read something you memorize something you recite, it doesn't

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matter, something that connects you back ultimately to Allah. That's really when I say to you apply the stuff I don't like to just leave the conversation there. Just practice what you've learned, okay, that's what you need to do. I still think that there's a huge huge gap between how Muslims interact and internalized knowledge of Islam. There's a huge gap in that in this day and age and I meet students like this, like I said, all the time. So Inshallah, you know, as we go through each of the verses, in sha Allah Huhtala I will walk you through some some points of the verse that I think are important, and that and how we can implement them in shallow cap. So any questions with anything

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with regarding to our quick intro? Okay. pseudotyped KEF

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Sudha tell Caf.

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So, I will start off with a couple of introductory notes and this should take us to towards the end of today's session. And hopefully, we may start this first a year I'm not so sure yet. So I'll just leave it there as a reference, right? But here's a couple of introductory notes. Number one, for those of us who are writing these are important so write these down number one, it is a Mechi Surah matki Surah ma KK I met ki surah. Very quick question, what is that Mechi surah.

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That's revealed in Mecca.

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So there is a Surah also part of the Sunnah revealed in the city of PIF. What do we call this sutra then

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PIF is more towards Mecca, but it's a city all by itself. It's about 90 kilometres north of Mecca. So it's a city all by itself. Do we call it a PA Fe surah? No.

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So to categorize a surah as a mecca Surah because it was revealed in Mecca is not correct. You can't do that. Because we have students that are revealed outside of Medina and outside of Mecca gota. So what is the answer to the Mechi surah is a sutra that was revealed before the migration to Medina. Okay, so all sutras that are met keystores meaning they were revealed before the migration to Medina, and all sources that were revealed after that migration are called Madani Soros

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I even Edina. The reason why Mecca and Medina are used as the reference point is because the majority of the Koran is revealed in the city of Mecca and in the city of Medina the majority. So that's why it takes that title. Okay, but at least you know that that is how they categorize, categorize, before and after the migration. So sutil KEF is a mecca Surah here's a couple of things you need to know about a Mechi Surah a

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Mechi sutras are primarily

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dealing with the foundations or the fundamentals of Islam, mucky sorrows, primarily focused on or deal with fundamentals of Islam. So an example of that is, you know, who Allah is establishing our faith or creed. We in Arabic, we call this al Qaeda,

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knowing about the Day of Judgment, * and heaven, knowing about

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accountability, he said, who Allah is where Allah is, His names, his attributes, all the things that are fundamentally important, every single Muslim must know. Okay?

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Those are some qualities or characteristics of Mechi saunas.

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Here's the second point, not about the Mechi surah. But here's something else to know about. Now, let's focus our attention specifically with so little calf. Everybody knows what the word calf means.

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A cave. So there are several words in Arabic. For a cave, a several words KEF is more like an indent. It's not a deep cave that walk when you walk into it, and you reach its end, it's completely dark. Or if you stand in front of the cave, you can't see the end calf, you can stand in front of the cave, and you can see the end. So it's just like a small indent indent somewhat. Right.

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So just so you understand when you hear the word KEF specifically, the imagery that should pop into your mind. And don't think of like these massive caves that you see or see or you hear about around the world. No. Okay. Now, here's a couple of things to know about this surah.

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The Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam told us that whoever recites this surah Allah gives them a light that beams betweens between the heavens and the earth, Allah gives them a light that will illuminate or beam between the heavens and this earth, heavens and earth. That's the first part of the Heaviside continues. But let's just pause there and understand what does that mean. You're blessed with some sort of node and some sort of light.

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We don't know what that light looks like. We don't know what that light is equal to. We can't compare it to anything, because it's not a light that we actually see. We can't visually see it. But it's more the element they describe. And they say that it's more of a spiritual light. It's a light of Eman. It's the light of faith, somehow it brings you closer to Allah. Now, there are some physical traits of this light though. Yeah.

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Yeah, I'm sorry. So when you're praying salah? Do you believe there's a connection or a light that you have with you and Allah? Okay, so let's tie that into this conversation. Okay, so there is some sort of light that believers have, we will never see this light in this world. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam describes there are several ways you get this, this light, and it's it seems like it's something that's constantly added in our day to day lives and some of the things that we do so for example, every time you perform will do a light is given to this light is every limb and part of your body that you wash in will do will be illuminated on the Day of Judgment brighter than the sun.

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So this light is truly something magnificent. Some of the scholars they say that there are some remnants or some signs that this light exists somewhere on on on the believer. They say the first thing about them is that you will always notice a sense of calmness and peace when you look at somebody who has this light. Now, I think all of us know somebody like that. I want you to do this. Take a second and think about somebody

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that when you look at them, I don't know it just it just feels nice to look at them, to see them and to just be in their presence. Maybe it could be their smile. Make it it could just be the sound of their voice. Make it a beat maybe could just be the calmness in their eyes but there's something about

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Have them this is like, I feel really nice and calm and at ease being around this person. And we're talking about just the believers, this spiritual light as a spiritual like given to only the believers. So we're talking about Muslims and believers. We all know somebody like that. I know somebody like that. And I have an every time I run my route, this person I see that I feel is the kind of one of those persons that where I like to spend hours and hours with him, literally hours and hours, brilliant scholar, brilliant individual. But when I asked him, I say, you know, what do you do in your spare time? You know, he says to me, he says,

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it goes, It's between me and Allah. And that's all I will say to you. And I know exactly what he's talking about. Right? He's in prayer. Right? These are the people that wake up in the night Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam also told us that when you wake up in the night, again, Allah blesses you with his brilliance on your face. Nobody else will have it except that people who wake up and sacrifice their sleep during the nights, and the people who have it, they know they have it as well. Alright, it's really tough to explain. We don't have a knowledge, too much knowledge or detail about this. But we do have some Hadith and even some ayat that allude that there is some sort of light, and it's

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primarily on the face of that individual. This surah, whoever recites it, remember, not memorize it, you're reciting, not reading the translation, you're reciting the Arabic, they get this light, and this light beams between you and the heavens above us. And then the Hadith continues. And it says that the believer is also protected from the trials of the grave, the hardships of the grave. So that's the first narration, this surah protects you and I from the trial ends and the pain of the grave itself. There is punishment in the grave. We know this right? There are many punishments that are narrated to us in the grave, but because of somebody just simply reciting this surah and

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reciting in a way that they appreciate it, and they love it and they wanted to reward this is just some of the rewards it continues. There's another Hadith our Prophet alayhi salatu salam tells us sins are forgiven between two Germans. When the surah is recited, all your sins are forgiven between this Giovanna and the next Jumar.

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The scholar say it's all the minor sins, okay? does not include the major sins, the major sins, we will have a conversation about the difference between the two a little bit later on. Okay, that's not our conversation right now. But the minor sins, okay.

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Which is great. Read one student minor sins are wiped out from one job to another. It's amazing. It doesn't stop there.

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Then there are also an additional three extra days that are added. So you have from one Joomla to another, then Allah subhanaw taala will add more days to that. What those days are? Are they consecutive? Are they before? Are they we don't know, we just know that three days are added? Is this three days, somehow connected to the one Jumar to another? Or are they three days later somehow in your life, or in your past? These three days can be any three days, but there's an additional three days. And then this is the one that most of you know as well and that is the protection of the digital. Next week, we will talk about the Dutch Shell. So I have a separate PowerPoint slide for

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that. And we will just go through in detail what the Dutch Shell is and all that good stuff. Okay. So the one thing I will highlight here that the gel we all know is what's what's his name in English, the Antichrist, right? And he is one of the major signs of the Day of Judgment. And he's also one of the last signs of the Day of Judgment. His presence will be an indication that the Day of Judgment literally will be days away perhaps maybe months away, but it's very, very close and exact timeline. Nobody knows. Okay,

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another Hadith.

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This light the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam says that this light will also be beam between you and Baitullah. artique What is by Tolyatti the house of Allah tip

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was anybody would be told RT plus. What's the name of the Caribbean Jana

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Bayto RT

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so this light another Hadith explains an ad something about this light. This light will beam between us here all the way to this carrabba In Jana, Beto Latif. Yeah. Isn't that the same thing that actually hits the Yeah, the same?

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Right. And there's a whole beautiful conversation about this between it

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But what it is and how it looks at so on.

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Okay, one more thing about this.

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About this surah one more blessing if you would like about the surah. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam also told us that whoever recites the entire Surah with

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me with Deborah with reflection, they just don't you just don't parrot all the phrases like you read it, and you really think about it, and so on, take some time to really reflect on it

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enters gender

01:00:33 --> 01:00:34

enters gender,

01:00:36 --> 01:01:25

just by reading, see nothing about understanding its language, nothing about getting into a Tafseer. This isn't just a reading the surah. That's all. This is what you get for just connecting your heart to the surah we're going to look at and when we start the sutra why these blessings are given to the surah. Almost every a a will highlight something unique about the Surah, which some of our scholars say this, these are the reasons why this surah has these blessings attached to it. One hint is of course, the Day of Judgment is a huge part of this surah is the Day of Judgment, right? But we'll come to all of that. So here's a couple of main points about the surah you don't necessarily have to

01:01:25 --> 01:01:39

write these down. It's one of the most recited sodas we all know to recite it of course, every Jomar what is the Sunnah, by the way of reciting it on Jumada what is that prophetic tradition of reciting algebra? How do you do that? When do you start reciting it?

01:01:41 --> 01:01:47

So the after Salah to the mother of just now and that runs until when? Tomorrow when?

01:01:49 --> 01:01:50


01:01:52 --> 01:01:54

Tomorrow time,

01:01:55 --> 01:02:41

so motive tomorrow, okay. So runs it till tomorrow, you have this time to attain all of these blessings. But there is one Hadith which we will come to because there are two versions of this hadith, that whomsoever recites the first 10 verses and then there's another Hadith that says the last 10 verses of Surah till calf you get the protection of the jinn that gel now that till recitation has to happen before the Jumar okay to get this reward, but some of the elements said no, because we have another Hadith that allowed this to continue all the way they said that it was no problem there's no Hadith to restrict it that it can go all the way to the next mother up tomorrow

01:02:41 --> 01:03:26

tomorrow Margaret time. So the most correct opinion usually you need to most correct opinion is You have until tomorrow model the time to recite you're still little calf. But however you should try to do it before joumana Because that is the most common and favored practice of the Prophet Thalia, salat wa salam. It's the most common and favorite practice because all the Companions would do it before. That's why when you sit down before the Jomar, do you not notice that people beside you, and even if they have on their phones, they'll be reciting it? You shouldn't read any other sort of except that one surah and that's all you do for Joomla. When in terms of recitation, what is the

01:03:26 --> 01:03:38

most beloved act that you should perform on the day of Joomla? Aside from the reading SoTell calf, what's the most blessed thing to do throughout the entire day?

01:03:41 --> 01:04:23

I'm hearing it Yeah, sending some solid insight into the property cycle some Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala al Muhammad Kamal Seletar laboring while early Ibrahim indica Homido Majeed that is more beloved in reciting por en on the day of Jamar, but doesn't mean that the Koran is not as blessed. It just means that everything has a time and place, the time and place for solid and Salam is Juma Friday. So when you're finished, you're suited a little calf the rest of your day Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad Allahumma Salli ala Allahu as much as you can. Those of you who have gone for Umrah and Hajj, remember lebay kala whom Allah bake la bakerella, Shri Rama, you were saying that

01:04:23 --> 01:04:29

you kept repeating that's how Jumari Fidlock with Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad, okay. So

01:04:38 --> 01:04:58

they're both correct, by the way. So yeah, if you recite the first 10 or the last 10, and you get the protection from the digit they're both correct. But there are 11 Say, because you have to hadith of both. You're not going to read the first 10 and then jump to the last 10 They say read out the entire soda and then then you don't have to worry about this difference of opinion anymore.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

Just a side point.

01:05:02 --> 01:05:04

If you haven't memorized so little calf

01:05:06 --> 01:05:50

doesn't matter how old you are. Okay, and stop thinking that because of your age, you can't memorize things. Okay? That's cultural. It has a lot to do with shaitan as well. I wouldn't disagree with you. If you said to me that it's a lot harder. Yeah, it is a lot harder. It's not impossible, but it is a lot harder. I get I agree with that. And a prophet Titus was said and told us that as you age, it's like riding on water. Like he quickly forget things. But you can do it enough where if you implement in your review, and you have a routine, don't be surprised that if you read pseudo telecast for an entire month, every genre, that's four times, don't be surprised. If at least you

01:05:50 --> 01:05:55

end up memorizing half the sutra, and you didn't even know you did when you just did it for the first month.

01:05:57 --> 01:06:01

So if this is not a routine for you get into this routine.

01:06:02 --> 01:06:14

When you go home today or tomorrow, whatever you want, just get into the routine and finish the whole surah. And don't be surprised that it starts to just become like polo ahead, you know, you're just anywhere you are, you're just reciting it.

01:06:16 --> 01:06:20

This particular Surah has, of course, huge merits that we just mentioned,

01:06:21 --> 01:06:59

the primary theme of the surah is this materialism, which we're going to see how and why the primary focus or theme of the entire social, it comes with four main sections, four main stories, and all of them are interconnected to this theme. And we'll see how and why. We already talked about the you know how it protects us from dead gel. And you know, one of the prime goals of that gel is to link us to materialism, or to bring the dunya in this world upfront and after life and judgment. And all of that becomes secondary or forgotten. So there's a huge link to the theme of the surah enter the detail as well.

01:07:01 --> 01:07:23

The status of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that he was allowed to travel, travel miraculously to meet other prophets but also to meet Allah subhana wa Tada. So when this surah was revealed to him, was also very close to the time of the famous miraculous journey, what is it called? The SRR and Mirage, okay, the surah was really revealed roughly around that period as well.

01:07:24 --> 01:07:33

Some of the LMS state was before he met Allah before the actual just very close to but just before the surah and marriage itself.

01:07:37 --> 01:07:39

Okay, two things.

01:07:40 --> 01:08:08

Two more things that I will share with you. There are only three sutras, or it's it I should say this way, this is the third Surah of the Quran in terms of revelation that starts off with Al hemtt, like Alhamdulillah. So this is ranks as number three of the students that start with a hand in a way that it's organized. So obviously you have Fatiha, then you have so with that an arm, then you have this particular soda, okay?

01:08:09 --> 01:08:14

And that's important to know, and we'll show and we'll talk about the link or how they're all linked together.

01:08:16 --> 01:08:30

There is always a different lesson. When we talk about Alhambra. Does everybody know what Al hamdu means? All praise or gratitude is belonging to a lump. Yep. So there's always a beautiful lesson every time Allah mentions that Hamed in the Quran.

01:08:31 --> 01:08:36

So, we will appreciate this particular way and how it is highlighted in this surah.

01:08:37 --> 01:08:52

And this sort is one of the more distinguished sources there are certain lessons that are found in this surah that are just simply not found anywhere else in the entire Quran. So, I would like to start the first a

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at least is that okay guys? Because I don't want to like do too much because, you know, until you guys have your booklets with you, right, so I'm aware of that and I won't jump the gun too much in the first session today. Okay, so shall we.

01:09:10 --> 01:09:12

Okay, Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

01:09:14 --> 01:10:00

Allah now begins Alhamdulillah he Lizzy and Salah Isla IBT Hill keytab Oh, LM EHR, Allah who are Elijah, by the way, all you will see on your screen there is just the surah and it's translation. These notes are important because I have additional notes and were put there for us that we will discuss. So again, we'll stick to just the first day there's a lot to unpack here. Okay. When you say Alhamdulillah when we say Alhamdulillah what we're saying to Allah is that we attribute all praise that he owns Alhamdulillah he doesn't need or want Alhamdulillah he has ownership of Alhamdulillah why that's important to say that

01:10:00 --> 01:10:19

My way is that immediately tells us and it tells anyone else, that Allah gets nothing when we praise Him. It doesn't benefit out of our praise to Him. What's the proof for that, that Allah owns unhemmed. There are other sources where Allah says,

01:10:21 --> 01:10:24

when Allah says, well, the less Ill hand.

01:10:25 --> 01:10:53

So it will say those of you who study Arabic, you will know that the grammatical breakdown of that sentence is basically there is a lamb that's attached to Allah's Name, and it means ownership, it attributes ownership to something so basically, hum is owned and it belongs to Allah, that eliminates that Allah gets anything out of us when we, when we praise him. Why is that so important? Have you heard a question that sounds like this?

01:10:54 --> 01:10:57

Why do I have to praise Allah? Like, why does Allah like,

01:10:58 --> 01:11:07

telling me that I have to praise him? It's weird. When I praise people here, they're like, stuck up. So what's this, Allah all about?

01:11:08 --> 01:11:20

That kind of question. A lot of non Muslims ask that kind of creator Do you have? What kind of Lord Do you worship? It always needs to be praised? You asking that question? Because you think that he gets something out of it.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:25

He doesn't get nothing out of it. So why do we have to pray? Because we're told to do it.

01:11:26 --> 01:11:33

That's it. That's enough of an incentive and reason why believers do that. Because we were told by Allah to do this.

01:11:34 --> 01:11:37

There's a hidden secret behind praising Allah, what is the

01:11:38 --> 01:12:12

humility? What are you reinforcing in your belief system, always, that there is always a higher entity that has above you, no matter what you have gotten and achieved in this world, humility will always be firm in your life. Because why you always remind yourself with Alhamdulillah that you are a slave, and that there is a higher entity worthy of worship worthy of praise, no matter how much you get it in this world. This was the starting of fit arounds problem,

01:12:13 --> 01:13:05

fit around, wanted his followers to save a call and out of bucola, he wanted them to acknowledge that he was their true Master by saying that he is Rabu como Ariela. Like he was like, above and beyond all the kings and masters of the world at that time, you're not going to find anybody better and higher and more powerful and stronger, politically more powerful riches and wealth more than me. So praise me and worship me above and beyond everyone else. His whole life as fit around began, because he crossed the line without hand at hand only belong to Lilla. So that's the first thing it proves or preserves humility. It reminds us that we are slaves of Allah. And we all know the

01:13:05 --> 01:13:38

benefits of that when we when somebody has humility. And I watched a video a couple days ago, of a famous, you know, leadership expert from the United States. And he was asking him a question he was what are the three qualities that every great leader must have, even when he says, humility, humility, humility, and he mentions all three of them. He says, once you have that you are a true master and leader of anything that you do have anything that you belong to. And subhanAllah it's one of the first first qualities of a believer is to our humble

01:13:39 --> 01:13:41

Prophet alayhi salatu salam.

01:13:42 --> 01:13:47

So many times people try to assassinate him and kill them.

01:13:48 --> 01:13:53

And they failed. And there's one famous story of a man who came from Yemen.

01:13:54 --> 01:14:05

He says, I was sent to kill the Prophet, I decide to sub so he walks into Mecca into all the marketplace. He's asking, Where's this man who claims to be a prophet? Where is he? Where's he?

01:14:06 --> 01:14:09

And guess who he walks by in front of

01:14:11 --> 01:14:28

the Prophet alayhi salatu salam walks literally right in front of him, and he's like, where's this man? Where's this man? Is he over there? Everybody's talking. Yeah, go over there. Go over there. You'll find him there. They basically steered him towards his tent, where you know, his security and bodyguards were there and they kinda like dealt with the guy.

01:14:29 --> 01:14:59

But that narration alone taught us that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam humbled Himself and lived just like his people at the same level, but many argue well below. He was never out there. He was much much below and are several stories about that. You guys all know the famous story about the two stones tied on his stomach right? There are several stories of him that his humility and his

01:15:00 --> 01:15:22

selflessness in the sight of Allah was above and beyond the average people. He suffered the most. He was the most kindness. He never said no to a human being except when he was repeating a shed. Like, who lives like that. All of that starts off with Alhamdulillah. All of it starts with Alhamdulillah. So don't trivialize that. Now.

01:15:23 --> 01:15:36

The SUTA is supposed to protect us from the gel, and it's supposed to also illuminate a spiritual light in us that beams from here to the heavens and beyond.

01:15:37 --> 01:15:38

Everybody's see how it starts.

01:15:40 --> 01:15:41

It's not by chance.

01:15:42 --> 01:16:31

So it started off by reminding us what we are. And if you remember, that you are literally nothing. We were literally other words that were slaves of Allah we could be replaced and Allah will put someone else here. Allah needs nothing from us. When you remind yourself of who you are in that capacity, then it starts to make sense. What is the real ingredient needed? So you become a candidate of this light? What is it? Humility, you must be humble. If you want Allah to bless you with this light and this protection, you must be someone of humility. That's why in other places now in the Quran, Allah says in Allah, what's the opposite of humility? By the way, you have Eagle

01:16:31 --> 01:17:02

pride, right? In Arabic We call this kibbled What does Allah say about people who are prideful and have an ego in Allah, Allah, your hibel Most tech Vereen, Allah hates he doesn't even like not even a fraction of the people who will have any sort of pride or kibbled inside of them. Man oh man, I know some brothers and sisters who need to have that reminder on their cell phone every single day of their life. They forget that very easily. Just to be humble,

01:17:03 --> 01:17:42

just because maybe you have a position or you have some authority makes you what you you die just like me. We go into dirt just the same exact way like Be humble, you own nothing. So Hamdulillah. Now how do we get this? They understand the wisdom they understand why the stock the connection between us and all of the virtues of the sword. How do we get it a lot the nzlr Allah Abdi Hill Kitab al presen is belongs to Allah Who sent down the book or sent the book down upon his slave. Okay, do things to right here. Number one, the difference between n Zilla so everybody see this here.

01:17:43 --> 01:17:44


01:17:45 --> 01:18:03

you also probably heard Nasrallah there's an Zella. You don't have to write the Arabic you can just kind of write it in your own words and Salah and masala and Zillah means bit by bit piece by piece. Nasrallah means all at once.

01:18:04 --> 01:18:40

The Koran is both, it is revealed and sent down to us piece by piece, but it's also sent down all at once. Okay, so it is sent down into level hallmarks of the Preserved Tablet all at once. But it's brought down from the preserve tablet, Djibouti rallies land access, and gives us a process and that happens in the span of 23 years in bits and pieces. Very quick question though. What is the benefit of knowing that the Koran is sent down to us gradually, in the span of 23 years? What's the benefit of knowing that

01:18:42 --> 01:18:45

as a student of the Quran, what do you learn from the

01:18:47 --> 01:18:48

times that

01:18:49 --> 01:18:49


01:18:51 --> 01:19:09

Okay. Think keep it in context like this port n is given to you and I in a span of 23 years, the province has seven gets why non Muslims will ask this a lot too. Why? Why do you have to wait so long and just get all the whole Koran all at once? What was the wisdom behind that? Yeah.

01:19:15 --> 01:19:26

Okay, so you could pace yourself and study. But why couldn't you just have the whole core end in your hand from the very beginning and then you can pace yourself study?

01:19:30 --> 01:19:30


01:19:32 --> 01:19:44

Look, look, here's the gap between a lot of students here, like in this part of the world in particular, that we lose out on when we're trying to connect with Cora.

01:19:45 --> 01:19:54

It's not necessarily the students fault, right? The society in a culture which we belong to as it revolves, and it's built this way, right.

01:19:56 --> 01:19:59

When you do things in portions when you get dosages of

01:20:00 --> 01:20:00


01:20:01 --> 01:20:39

you can take the time to internalize, study, reflect, ponder and really truly take time to understand. But we we live in a society where everything has to be done very quickly. If you're given a booklet you need to study it you need to cram it all in you prepare for something, whether it's exam or job or what have you. culture which we live in, doesn't prep us that way. Ends Allah the benefit for you and I as students of the Koran, is to remind us, you will never get this por en all in one chunk. You have to live with the score and

01:20:40 --> 01:20:49

you'll never achieve its end you'll just be taking portions of it for your entire life and that's all you will get you'll never get the whole thing

01:20:51 --> 01:20:56

is that like disheartening? To know that we'll never really understand the whole RN

01:21:01 --> 01:21:06

K, you'll always be thirsty and hungry to do more. But what does that do for like someone's confidence to not well,

01:21:07 --> 01:21:10

you can study your whole life, you'll never truly understand this book.

01:21:17 --> 01:21:17


01:21:19 --> 01:21:21

listen to the mindset of almost like

01:21:22 --> 01:21:29

the mindset of a Muslim is I don't care. I trust that Allah will give me everything I need anyway.

01:21:31 --> 01:21:58

So you see, you don't get into me, I would lose out now. You're right, maybe bummer. You know, I wouldn't get the whole court and I don't know what I'm gonna what I'll do. You don't think like that? believer it? What did it start off with Alhamdulillah you create for whatever Allah gave you hamdulillah a lot of you are in this area where you haven't been able to study the entire Koran yet. You haven't gone through a Tafseer of this whole?

01:22:00 --> 01:22:41

Like, what does that mean? I mean, I have 100 that went through it several times. But it's, it's part of my study, it's part of my training as part of my work. So I am constantly encouraged to study the whole court all the time. But that doesn't mean anything in the sight of Allah, if I don't have a hunt, like if I don't attribute all of my effort and your effort that you're grateful at the end of the day. So as long as you never forget how this sort of started, Allah will always keep teaching you, you will always be given what you need to survive spiritually, in this world, Allah will give you those tools, which you have to be grateful and you have to be humble. And you have to

01:22:41 --> 01:23:00

take this course and in portions as it comes. One of the big mistakes, I think it's like, you know, it can be a mistake in many ways. But there is there's a lot of good is you know, how we introduce the court and to our kids, like when they're like five and six years old, we put them into youth programs. Like that's a great start, we build some connection, but

01:23:01 --> 01:23:20

lots of parents really want them to just memorize, like, memorize that book, man just just get it done. Don't worry about it. Who cares if your skeletal falak doesn't really sound like sore it'll follow as long as it's memorized. And then it had like that big celebration at the very end and invite hundreds of people and just go crazy for

01:23:21 --> 01:23:26

like you lost the whole purpose of what this book was for. There's no Baraka in that

01:23:28 --> 01:23:49

there's a good chance that the child that's been encouraged that way to memorize for those reasons will forget it very soon they will lose you there's no way that you can keep the cord and like that it has to be a part of you and you have to study and review it and be connected to it in portions at a time. One last thing I'll mention a wisdom behind that is poor and heavy like spiritually heavy

01:23:50 --> 01:23:51


01:23:52 --> 01:23:54

you've read some yet and you're like God

01:23:57 --> 01:24:06

you've read a lake there does anybody have an A off the top of their head like that just like man when you hear when you ever whenever you hear that you're like Subhan Allah

01:24:09 --> 01:24:10

Well awesome

01:24:13 --> 01:24:23

necessarily we'll we'll get to that in a second right? Why I'm saying this right. But is there an area in the Koran or sort of for you guys there's just like oh my god this surah

01:24:25 --> 01:24:25


01:24:28 --> 01:24:29


01:24:30 --> 01:24:35

very strong. Having a total corsi sorry, I see.

01:24:39 --> 01:24:44

So the Rockman certain mob social worker worker, the sewers are like

01:24:46 --> 01:24:51

see these sort of zero they they really hit a spot inside of you in

01:24:55 --> 01:24:56

the final revelation

01:24:59 --> 01:24:59


01:25:00 --> 01:25:00

In a

01:25:03 --> 01:25:10

previous situation Yeah, really probably does reason why it takes so long to reveal because this will probably

01:25:13 --> 01:25:56

reveal to them what happened before Yeah, that's that's one reason so the Koran is separated in three sections and one of them is history and stories of the previous nation. So that's one aspect why it's given in dosage but the point here is, is the good thing about having half in the class right? If I need an idea, Bada bing bada boom, right it's just it's right there. In NASA nuclear Lake Cumberland que la right, Allah told the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, we're going to give you listen to the A, those of us even if you don't know Arabic, just listen to it in a single player i Laker Alesis Polen not in a single player. alayka Surah 10 or a 10. Allah says we're going to send

01:25:56 --> 01:25:58

on you a word.

01:26:00 --> 01:26:40

And it's going to be a word that is third pillar. Again, if you know Arabic, if you say 30 You learn it means heavy or a burden. But if you say the key law that he learned you have the two LF at the end, it's the highest form of emphasis you can put to that word. So when Allah Now put it all together, we're going to send you a word. It could be a live lamb meme. That's it. We're going to send you a leaflet meme. And it's going to be an enormous burden on you. You can't describe. That's the Prophet of Allah. So what about us?

01:26:42 --> 01:26:44

Here I'll tell you something really amazing bottle this

01:26:46 --> 01:27:03

one or something really amazing. I always I've been thinking about this thing for years. Well, may one my teacher taught me in Sri Lanka. ponents that I felt like really disheartened. I felt like miserable. I felt like I really didn't have what it takes to learn this. Then he taught me something else.

01:27:05 --> 01:27:11

He taught me a verse from Sudha tell who gerat not excuse with an aqua zap.

01:27:12 --> 01:27:20

where Allah says it nah, Otto, Amanda. Allison a word while adult will G Bell.

01:27:22 --> 01:27:23

Bina a middle Neha

01:27:24 --> 01:27:31

What a shocker nemenhah And this was the part will hammer the * insane. Okay. Allah said

01:27:32 --> 01:27:34

that he will give this book

01:27:35 --> 01:27:37

to the heavens

01:27:38 --> 01:27:39

to the earth

01:27:40 --> 01:27:58

to the mountains. They all said no. Fat urbane is the we can't like no don't give us this horse. Too much. What happened when a little bit of the poor or people who had poor and in them walk the amount of what happens with the mountain? You all know the story.

01:27:59 --> 01:28:03

Famous companions walked onto a mountain. That mountain what did it do?

01:28:04 --> 01:28:45

It shook and it started to crumble and it started to disintegrate into dust. Because why it was the weight of this book. It's Allah's words. That's you know we say that to each other like when we say something like if somebody chooses like specific words and tell us you're like, Man your words really hit me. Your words really hurt what you're saying is those words were heavy we you said to me what I heard they were heavy. That's it's like emotional and spiritual heaviness. This poor animals too much for the skies and the earth. The mountains, the strongest structure we have in existence said no, we can't handle this. So Allah then said, Well, hemella Hill incent human beings carried

01:28:45 --> 01:28:45


01:28:46 --> 01:28:54

So Allah gave us the ability to carry something in our hearts and chest, mountains and the earth and the heavens can do it.

01:28:56 --> 01:28:57

What does that do for your confidence now?

01:28:59 --> 01:29:01

Kind of makes you feel Alhamdulillah

01:29:02 --> 01:29:27

I feel good about that. Fire went from feeling like really down I'll can't memorize coriana can do this again. I was like, Wow, I feel so honored that I know one surah let alone all of them. I feel so good about that. Allah says well hemella Hal insane like he gave the ability for humans to carry this. You know, it's amazing to Allah didn't say well hammer the * Muslim.

01:29:28 --> 01:29:29

Allah said incent

01:29:31 --> 01:29:36

all people sometimes some non Muslims will recite like a little chord of C to you or something you know.

01:29:38 --> 01:29:48

That just doesn't happen by chance. If they can just recite Fatiha to or although it's not by chance, Allah put that in them again they can carry it to us just by Allah's mercy.

01:29:49 --> 01:30:00

So NS Allah Allah already next is this. I'm only doing this by like the first few eight by the way, word by word. We're not doing this in the whole Surah right, we're eventually I'm gonna go to the first

01:30:00 --> 01:30:32

Section of the story, the first story and then we're going to concentrate on there. I'm only doing this as an introduction, because I need you all to internalize the first i It sets the tone for the whole surah. Okay, talking about humility, praise, we're talking about the poor and it's going to come to us in dosages, and it's heavy, every single area has a weight to it. Then Allah says Isla de upon his slave, only one thing I will say to you about this. If I call you a slave, or you call me a slave, it's the most humiliating thing.

01:30:33 --> 01:30:38

But when Allah calls us a slave, it's well, it's the greatest honor ever.

01:30:39 --> 01:30:42

That Allah calls us this life. So

01:30:44 --> 01:30:57

Allah says that he gives it to his slaves, Al Kitab. This book while image I love where Elijah, and it doesn't have any a witch. So here's a couple of things, write down this word, a watch right here.

01:30:58 --> 01:31:02

This is the key word in this entire area, you watch

01:31:03 --> 01:31:09

or you watch, literally and figuratively, it means something that deviates or something that's crooked.

01:31:12 --> 01:31:18

So if you have like a road that has bumps like these potholes, and so that's called every watch.

01:31:19 --> 01:32:02

Alright, where if you have a stick that's like curved, it's our ruler that's slightly bent or curved. That's called a wedge. So some kind of crookedness. Something that's unstable. All of that fits into a wedge, figuratively, which is also like there's a flaw or a fault. So let's say if I were to walk in this hallway, and there were like three tiles missing in the middle, so we had to kind of walk around it because all the dirt and cement was exposed. That's called every widget as well. Like there's a flaw and you can't walk as you normally would. You can't use that path as it's normally that you normally you just walk straight, no, it's broken now because the tiles are

01:32:02 --> 01:32:11

missing. So you have to walk around this and find another way to get going. That's called the religion as well. Now Allah says that this poor man has known a wedge.

01:32:12 --> 01:32:16

You see this a Yeah, should really make you feel right now.

01:32:18 --> 01:32:28

All those debates, all those critics of the poor and all those who claim that there's a contradiction here and there, it will never be true.

01:32:29 --> 01:32:36

No matter how technical how sophisticated and intellectual, it's presented to you.

01:32:38 --> 01:32:39

It will never be true.

01:32:40 --> 01:32:43

It's not possible. Why? Because of this.

01:32:45 --> 01:33:00

Allah set, there's no flaw in this entire book, zero. Now, if you find a contradiction, or something that make doesn't make sense, in this Koran. How do we deal with that?

01:33:01 --> 01:33:03

Like, how do you respond to that?

01:33:07 --> 01:33:29

Because like, like, if somebody says to you, like quotes an area to you about punishment, and they say to you, the punishment, you know, that's mentioned in the Koran, like, stock can't be that's like 1000s of years ago, it's real archaic and real old time stuff, man, I can't do that anymore. What's your response to that?

01:33:30 --> 01:33:37

How would you deal with that kind of, you know, criticism or feedback about the poorer?

01:33:39 --> 01:33:40


01:33:42 --> 01:34:25

Yeah. Or ask the people of knowledge if you don't know fine, but yeah, our were limited. I don't know why that's in the Quran. It's a perfectly good response. I don't know why it's there. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's not something we implement now. But it's there and I believe it and I believe that that is what the Creator, the true Almighty Allah wants from us. That's the way that punishment should be or something similar to. So you see, my point here is because Allah says that there is no flaw or crookedness in the book, means you have to be confident in this message. Even the prophet Ali salat wa salam had to reinforce his confidence. You have you heard of this verse,

01:34:25 --> 01:34:59

and then our souls will be met when Xena la he met Robbie he will not be known at the end of Soto Bukhara and then sort of Bukhara de la EMF is similar to when I feel that part. Allah told the prophet I saw to some M and o Rasool, like, you have to believe this before you go and tell it to others, you have to be confident that this is the true message. So people who like to catch Muslims off guard with this stuff to show that yeah, there is some crooked as there is some inconsistencies usually target the people who are not confident in it who don't know it.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:01

who don't have knowledge in it?

01:35:02 --> 01:35:10

Yeah, be careful. And don't be afraid to say well, I don't know. I'll ask somebody though. We'll ask somebody who knows. Okay, one last point and then we'll pause inshallah.

01:35:12 --> 01:35:14

Does anybody have any questions on any of this so far?

01:35:16 --> 01:35:23

Okay, so the Koran is divided into three sections. So one has mentioned already stories, the others. The other is

01:35:25 --> 01:36:10

well, it's all in the stories. Okay, all the stories is our history. First section of the Koran is the three sections. The first is belief or fundamentals. So you're going to have all the Day of Judgment who Allah is praise of Allah, gratitude to Allah, all of that stuff that we mentioned about Mechi sutras. There's the first third of the Koran is dedicated to that conversation. That's why Fatiha starts off with Alhamdulillah Rob Delilah, Amin, then Allah describes who he is Rahman and Rahim, what does he do Maliki OMA Deen, what are we supposed to eat yak and our boudoir? Er can establish that. So everything's about setting the base and the fundamentals of foundation in our

01:36:10 --> 01:36:58

connection with Allah. Okay. The second part of the poor n is the stories so that the second third of the Koran is all the history, all of the stories of prophets and messengers and pious men and women and so on. That's another third of the Koran is only about those who came before us. And obviously, you know, despite the this is history, it's certainly you know, the lessons we extract from that is certainly relevant in our day and time right. The third part is all of the halal and haram the fifth of our lives, the halal and haram so the Salah, the rules for marriage, it was for wills, inheritance, all of that stuff, Salah, zakat, all of those details about halal and haram.

01:36:58 --> 01:37:02

That's another third part of the Quran.

01:37:04 --> 01:37:08

Perhaps maybe 90% of the Fortune is all attitude.

01:37:09 --> 01:37:44

And a 10% is actually telling us what to do. Everything else is all about a mindset and attitude. All right, it does have head on and hold on. But all of the halal and haram would live would be linked to a frame of mind and attitude that you have to set a heart that needs to be purified. So if Allah talks to us about her Sure, put a fella helmet mean on a Lavina. One thing solid to him harsher on. So success is give it to the believers, those who have who sure when they pray, what's who? Sure they concentrate? How do you develop concentration? What do you have to do?

01:37:45 --> 01:38:12

You have to do something up here. And here. You can't concentrate unless you work on something up here, and their concentration won't work. So that's what I mean, when I say every literally 90% of its instruction will connect you back to an attitude. It'll connect you back to your heart, they'll connect you back to an etiquette or something that needs to be refined internally, which I think is really is really remarkable.

01:38:13 --> 01:38:24

Right? If only Muslims like it'll generally if only we really came and use the Koran in that way where it was emotionally and spiritually internally purifying us.

01:38:25 --> 01:38:50

Nothing would break us in this world. Nothing will destroy us. And you'll see remnants of that from time to time. See the tragedy that happened in Morocco, and Libya. And then you see it in Syria and all the other Muslim countries right. Do you see occasionally where somebody will come on the screen? And they will say yeah, I lost all of my family all of my uncle's my aunts my parents made sure everybody I lost 15 of them.

01:38:51 --> 01:38:52

And hamdulillah

01:38:54 --> 01:38:57

how in the world do they say Alhamdulillah laughter Allah

01:38:59 --> 01:39:12

because there's something there's our n like this Deen does to their heart that gets them to do that, that they can say when the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam died, who's the first person to stand up and speak to everybody and get them together? Their emotions were all over the place.

01:39:13 --> 01:39:14

But Chris

01:39:16 --> 01:39:21

told everybody like relax, if you used to worship him, he's gone. Worship Allah.

01:39:22 --> 01:39:47

You gotta relax. Now he's dead. He's gone. Like set the tone. Only Abu Bakr or the Lavon could do it or not, is there in tears and he's arguing with everybody, or some man can't speak. Ali can't move. Abu Bakr then stands up and he just speaks you know something? We probably all see that Abu Bakar person at funerals

01:39:48 --> 01:39:56

you'll always notice there's there's that one person that just really knows how to keep it together. They're connected close to the to the deceased, but

01:39:58 --> 01:40:00

it wouldn't surprise me that maybe that person

01:40:00 --> 01:40:31

There's one of you sitting in here. Like you can just you can handle certain things that a lot of people can't emotionally. And you could just be the strong one all the time. That's not from anything that's like, that's a less gift. Why? Because you connect to this book, you make your heart connects to it, you don't just use it as information or you just use it as an instructional booklet that you connect your heart to it. So Allah gives you strength when nobody can explain how in the world does he or she do that? Okay, anybody have any questions?

01:40:32 --> 01:41:11

Okay, that's the intro of storytel calf. Please have this you'll see it, it's online, it looks like this. It has a nice pretty decorative cover. Please have this however you want it. I'm still old school. I don't like reading off screens or nothing. So I printed out and I make my notes and everything and I write I just you know, let you know how we say there's some things you just you should never change. As for me, this is what I got to keep writing and writing and writing. Alright. And I find it's a lot easier for me to memorize things that way. So please have that with you next week in sha Allah and all the other things about your student portal and so on. I will get that

01:41:11 --> 01:41:25

sorted out for you in sha Allah. Okay, so I've just let the first session go Okay, guys, Subhanak Allahumma will be Handicare shadow Allah, Allah Hey, learn to stop Hirokawa to Bucha like so we'll pause there today in sha Allah. And I will see you all next week so that Marley Kamara have to look

01:41:28 --> 01:41:34

I just noticed this thank you to whomsoever dropped this from the sky.

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