Musleh Khan – The True Slaves of Allah Class #4 The Slaves of ArRahman-1
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The "haring point" in Islam is a sad and evil place to live in, and is used as a punishment for actions and behavior. The concept of " Mad" is used as a punishment for actions and behavior, and is used to execute it in various ways. The negative impact of spending on alcohol and remorse is discussed, along with the importance of balancing spending and income for graduation. The speakers suggest trying to avoid wasting spending and avoid "anything you buy" in graduation, as it may lead to "anything you buy."
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraful, Umbria you will mursaleen Nabina Muhammad Ali he of Talos sada will attempt to slim Maberry Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. So, we're going to continue our journey through
suity photo con, but more towards the end of this surah. So what you see on your screen in front of you is, of course, the PowerPoint slides that we've been using thus far. But this is the first handout of today's lesson. And there is a lot to unpack today as well. Okay, so there's a lot that we're gonna go through. Just a quick recap of some of the things we've been talking about. So we've been here in the last session, right we've done this. We I believe we did start this as well didn't we?
We talked about those who spend a good portion of their night prostrating themselves instead of before a lunch so we talked about tahajjud then we came to this area,
a number 65 We're Lavina Kowloon Otto Benesse, refiner either Jahannam in either her can a lot on this a highlights for us that one of the most important doors for a believer is especially in their tahajjud is that they are asking Allah for protection from the fire. But the wording is very important. The wording it says here,
Robin Nasri fine, I see this word here sort of is sort of sort of a means to like, whatever it is that you're doing in your life, now that's leading towards the fire. You're asking Allah to steer you off of that road and take you back onto the road of guidance. That's why sonofa is used here. Like slightly shift your focus shift you off of this lane into the righteous lane. So it's very specific wording because why? You know, sometimes, not even sometimes for most people, their experience with Islam is like that. Like they are not able to do everything that Islam expects of them. So they will do certain things about for the deen and then there will be parts of their life
where it's not so Islamic. They need some improvement. That's why you use an area like this, rub their nose through foreigner or the jahannam. So this sort of fear is Oh ALLAH even those bad habits that I have amongst the good habits. I want you to
Take me away from those bad habits and keep all of my habits on a path of righteousness and goodness in sha Allah. So Rob then asked if I'm either Jahannam
so steer us away from the punishment of the gentleman in the back can a hot Amen. Indeed, the punishment of the Jahannam is unrelenting. So we we mentioned very briefly this word hot on Karana something unbearable a lot on that is the kind of punishment that sticks and holds onto you and then doesn't let go. This is one of many words throughout the Quran that describe how punishment is executed in jahannam. Another word that's very common is that Allah describes that the punishment of the Jahannam will be like a methadone. Mad is like when the mother cry when the mother she cradles her baby. And when you hold the baby, and you just Rockabye baby sort of cradle and you hold the
baby tight, let's call it Magdalene. That's actually one of the descriptions of the punishment of Jahannam is that when it grabs that individual it holds on to them. And as the punishment is being executed, it also cradles that individual like it literally wherever that individual tries to run, it's stuck on to them just like the cradling of the baby. So it's very, it's quite intense. It's very specific, the wording, you don't want to these days in Chicago, I hope that somebody gathers all of the C fat of Jahannam, and Jenna, all of the words that are used in the court and to describe how punishment is executed in Jana, in Jahannam, as well as blessings in Jana, and I think that
would be an interesting study. So this is the most important and common door out when you're praying your 200 you ask Allah steer you away from the path that is leading towards the fire and onto the path towards you. Because the path of the fire is unlike it's it's unforgiving, unbearable. Okay, now, those of you did just arrived to remember this right. So I do have a handout for you, but it's unfortunately not here with me. It's sitting on my desk at home.
So I have a tear on the screen for you. So we'll try to like fill in a lot of the stuff that we're going to be talking about here. And then in sha Allah I'll just I guess I will get a reprinted and you'll just have all of this. So whatever notes you are taking that's great and these are just going to be some additional notes for you as well. Next day, but there's one short a a here that we could look at
the center what happened here in the has set at the most so called wrong one more common, it is certainly an evil place to settle and reside. What is this idea talking about?
What is it referring to
the hellfire. So there's two things that are being highlighted.
It is a sad place or it's an evil place to number one this word Musa Cora and number two more calm, Mr. Cutter and more calm.
More staccato
is this word? When you settle somewhere and you decide, okay, here's where I'm going to stay more common. This is your permanent place of residence. Most staccato can sometimes also refer to some place that is temporary. Okay, so think of it that way more staccato, temporary, more calm, permanent.
So Jahannam
even if somebody says, Well, if I get punished just for one deed, one bad that I've done. Allah might just take me in Jahannam for one day, I think I can handle that. Like, there's an extreme group of the Jews during the time of the prophet Ali psychosom and from Benny Surah eel, some of the followers or some of those who criticize Musa alayhis salam from Benny Surah 11 They said the same thing they said that
fine if we follow you and all the wrong that we do Allah is just going to punish us for a Yemen not to do that like just for a few days and we can handle that you know what's really sad about that statement even Muslims say that
I I've heard it countless times that even some Muslims believe you know, what's the big deal? Okay, fine. I said one wrong thing. I did one wrong haram you know, I committed this particular sin or I'm doing so much in my life. Okay, there's one bad habit in my life. So what's the big deal? Allah is going to take me and punish me for that. Even if I go there temporarily, no big deal. So that's the problem. This same attitude. Muslims unfortunately
As many of them have adapted the same approach with Islam. Like, as long as I'm doing all of the basic fundamentals, then it doesn't matter. Like Allah is not going to nitpick all of my other issues and my other struggles, that attitude for iba to Rahman they don't tolerate, they don't have that attitude. They look at even the little things, even the little things or big things, even the things that are temporary, like once in a while, at the big once a year family gathering, you know, things might get a little crazy, they probably get a wedding invitation, and there's some no good that's happening at the wedding at the reception or something like that, for the bedroom, and they
still feel uncomfortable. Even if it's just for one night for just one moment. There's a huge, enormous level of discomfort. By the way, they are the men, they say that anytime you find yourself uncomfortable, whether it is that whether you're doing something wrong, or there is wrong that just revolves around you, the moment you start to feel uncomfortable, it's one telltale sign that you're on the right path. Because a true believer never gets comfortable with sin, even if the sin is just around them and that they're not involved in it. You know how sometimes you'll go somewhere?
And you'll just be around like some people and I don't know. So they might be just like talking trash using certain words words, or just people might be acting in a certain way.
That's all all of that surrounding you the the unsettling feeling that you have is a sign that your Eman is on the right track. Okay, now, every time you fall into that particular sin
or that maybe different types of sins you feel uncomfortable every single time after is that also assigned but or is that like just us being like falling into a pattern and just like, oh, at least I'm guilty, or at least you know, I feel unsettled and then not repent. So, the first step towards Toba and repentance. One of the first conditions is remorse and guilt. Okay, so it's actually not this area, but two more verses. We're going to talk about how the true believer makes Toba to Allah. There's one area that we'll come to inshallah today. It is the most remarkable verse in the entire Koran that gives you a step by step get a guide of how to seek Toba HOW TO REPENT and repent
correctly and properly. So we're going to talk about the same, the same I added to that as long as I feel guilty, I'm okay know that guilt has to lead to another step. Right? It can't just be a feeling and that's your Toba. That's not enough in the sight of Allah, Allah requires from us much more than just a guilty feeling. So we're going to come to that in a second. But at least you understand this problem here. This problem was the problem of disbelievers during the time of Musa alayhis salam but also, even during the time of the Prophet Ali's salat wa salam, he dealt with people, especially in Medina, the Mona Lisa Cohen had the same attitude as well. Like, what's Allah like? What's the big
deal? So like, the developers acted like, they didn't fear a little punishment. They thought, Okay, fine, I'll take it. You know, I'll take my burn for a day or two or weekend and I'll be good. But for the believer, they don't settle for that because even the smallest amount of punishment in the Jahannam is major.
Well, Latina either and fekola, muesli for Well, I'm Jaco total. What can I be in Ehrlichia column. So let's look at this handout. Will Latina either and Felco.
There are those who spent neither wastefully nor stingily, but moderately in between Okay, so lots of things are going on here. This is going to talk to us about this. The etiquettes with money transactions and business in general. Okay, that's what this so now the attention is shifted from individual in a bad debt. So from prayers, and Dora's and all of that and being a true slave of Allah. Now it's going to target specific areas in your life and in my life. The first is money, wealth. Well, levena is infallible. So, the next quality is that they have their EBA dual Rockman is that when they do spend, this is the word that's used for spending, by the way, see that there and
Felco comes from the word Neff aka NEFA car means that you spend,
spend on your obligations. So if you have bills to pay, you have a family to feed you have children to take care of. That's called Neff alchol. In fact, I'm taking this money that I've earned or this wealth that Allah blesses me with and I take care of my responsibilities.
I've got a car to pay for, I've got insurance, I've got all these bills, then I have a family to look after that's called an f up. So the believer, when they take care of CC, it's not talking about anything outside of that. It's not just talking about general spending, you know, buying some clothes going out to eat doing that sort of thing. Not really. The believer when they do spend even on their obligations, look what happens. Lemon UserInfo and a Miaka total. So they don't spend wastefully. You guys know this word usefully for from sort of like a Seraph, which means to
exaggerate. So to waste to buy or spend
more than you need to, that's literally what is their office. Or that is when you purchase and you buy something, you can afford that same thing and buy it elsewhere for a much more reasonable price. But you choose No, I'm just going to buy this more expensive item, just for the heck of it. That's called a slot off. And it's set off to be to exaggerate and to be wasteful, spending more than you need as haram. And even there are several areas in the Quran that Allah says well, a 234 in Allah, Allah, you will mostly feel like Don't be wasteful, because Allah does not love the people who are wasteful. Now, this brings us to a couple of fix issues. Okay.
So what if I want to buy a bottle of water that cost $15?
What's What's your response to that? I can afford it. I make a million dollars a year. $15 is like 50 insensitivity. So I want to buy the most expensive water I can find. Do you say to that individual? Well,
you're the NFL? Well, I'm usually like, what are you doing can waste. And you say like what a lot of Muslims will do? Like, listen, you can take that extra money just donate it to the poor? Or do they have a right to spend the extra money in earnings that Allah gave them? Can they present an argument that way? Well, it's nothing for me, I can afford it. I don't feel like I'm wasting my money buying a $15 bottle of water. Well, so how do you understand this subject? This concept of is sort of being wasteful. How do you how do we understand this?
So we say a thing with my friends like everyone's in a different tax bracket.
Like to someone $100 might be a lot for someone $200 might be a lot for pair shoes. So it depends on like, for example, I know if I'm spending $15 in a bottle of water, it also depends on the situation is that am I at the airport? And do I need water like or depends on I guess where your time and place but I guess it also depends on your intention, your feeling. Okay, so let's add one thing to this is Seraph can only be a Seraph
when it happens out of choice. Like it's not in a situation where there's necessity, like you're at the airport, you're stuck somewhere. This is the only store on this route, you're on that you stop that and they're just gouging people 15 $20 For water $10 for like a doughnut or something, right? Because they know nobody else can go anywhere. So it's sort off cannot apply to situations where it's necessary for you. You're compelled to purchase what you need. When there's a need. None of these rules apply anymore. It's your life, right? is thrown off, only counts when you have other options available, but you choose not to. And here's the thing that will answer the scenario of $15
is not a big deal to me as it would be for somebody else. Because Allah blessed me with so much income. Your response to that is the scholars, they say that what is thrown off in one culture and place is not in another culture in place.
And your income has everything to do with what you can afford. So if you're extremely wealthy, you want to buy some, you know, $15 water, you don't go out and have exotic shrimp every other day with the family. That's fine. But it's not an open door just because you can afford to do so and you don't feel any financial burden. Scholars, they still say that the true believer is still conscious and aware. Most people can't do what I'm doing. So maybe I should put my desire elsewhere for something more meaningful. Maybe instead of us coming to this restaurant every single month and spending $1,000 on an evening. Maybe we should consider once in a while. Let's give some of that
money or Let's go somewhere a bit more affordable. Maybe once in a while we should do that. So what our LMS say is that no matter
matter how wealthy you are, you should always try to balance your spending, no matter what it is, if you can afford everything and anything, that's fine. But just try to also balance your mode of spending once in a while, if you want to buy something lavish and expensive Alhamdulillah if ALLAH blessed you with it, go for it. Nothing wrong with that. But don't be like the person and be like, oh, you know, my car got dirty. So I just traded it in just you know, I don't want to wash it.
Yeah, just, you know, I got a flat tire. So I'm just gonna buy four brand new tires just for the heck of it. I don't want to deal with a flat tire, you know, like that kind of silly, unnecessary, completely wasteful, doesn't make any sense. And you're going literally, you're just throwing money away, that's totally unnecessary, whether you can afford it or not. So you see how a Seraph can be very technical in certain scenarios. But for us here,
it's thorough off is very obvious in the sense that it's very clear because of the level of income, the the the income that's needed to live, like an average normal person in this city, with all of the prices with what it takes to do groceries and pay your bills. More than likely, most people don't have enough to commit is sawed off here. Anyway. Most average citizens here in the city don't have that anyway. Yep.
Yes, spending for wedding was nothing at that time. It's like a different attitude that we have. And then we could spend like $100 and get it and go for like, five, six outfit like that. We're able to afford things like it's just a one mate. Yeah. And that's totally fine.
That's totally fine. No, no, no, not necessarily. So it's a good question in case for our viewers online, that, okay, let's say, you know, we're just planning on nice wedding, or my daughter or my son's getting married. So we want to buy all, you know, nice suits, all the bridesmaids, and all of them want to have matching outfits, like these are extra things that we're purchasing that, really and truly, they're not necessary, you have two ways to look at this. Number one is, if you spend and you want to do this sort of, let's just use the word, although it may not be the right word for every scenario like this. But if you want to go and have sort of a lavish wedding, okay, go the
extra mile, because as you mentioned, it's just a once in a lifetime thing, one day thing, if you want to do it, and it doesn't put any financial burden on the bride or groom, then generally speaking, that's okay. Most of the time, that's not the case. You know, they're going they're going to go into debt, especially where we live. I mean, I perform weddings all the time. And I don't I can't even recall meeting a couple that didn't have debt from the wedding after their marriage. Okay, I don't know anybody. I can't think off the top of my mind. The only people that I know were able to do a wedding that they could afford, and they don't have to worry about the debt afterwards.
And that's the second option is those who did a wedding that was within their financial needs. If you keep it within your financial means and you don't put yourself in a difficult situation that that's the Hadith. The Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam is that when you make your expenses, particularly your Mahara, easy and affordable for the groom, then that is the most blessed wedding. That is the most blessed merit marriage, the marriage that is affordable and easy for both, especially for the group because it's technically his responsibility to ensure and pay for all of these things. Right? So she says, Well, yeah, you know what? I don't mind if we have our wedding?
You know, at the masjid. Fine. It's it's way cheaper. But I want to be flown in on a Concorde.
And I want you know, my Mahara. I know you're working overtime at Walmart. So 100,000 would be great. All right, those things she has every right to ask for that. She says she wants a Concord.
She has every right 100% Khaled. But if he's like that's a totally different planet, he just never can get there. That's the hadith of Stalin was like, Listen, if you want a lot of bless your marriage, make it as easy as possible and as affordable as possible and spent as minimum as possible. Right? That's the Student No, Eddie, does anybody know what your guest list is? We're talking about this what the guest list should look like in accordance to the Sunnah.
How do the prophesy highly sought was salam? What What kind of guest list did he have for weddings? And when companions got married, who did they invite to their weddings
Okay, those that are poor and will come
anything else? Yeah. The entire guest list was just the poor, literally people that were living on the streets. That was the guest list. Can you apply the same style here?
Because it could potentially be what
can be dangerous, right? Like, you'd have to screen people like, I mean, these are people that are on the street, like you don't know what they're bringing in what they're doing. You don't know how they would respond. Reason why I'm bringing all of this up is over the years, I have like, met some brothers that really took that. That idea of having the poor to an extreme. And they would say things like, you know, this is not a wedding from the Sunnah. We should invite the poorest people, the homeless, all of those should be here, whether they're Muslim or not. That's the Sunnah. Yeah, so you're gonna play security. You can stand by the door and screen all in and make sure no alcohol
comes in no weapons coming in. Because why? This is kind of like, these are people you don't know you don't interact with. So it immediately becomes a safety concern. The second thing is usually the culture that we live in right now is back then those that were poor did the Prophet Iseult was salam Northam?
Yeah, he was acquainted with everybody in the city. So all of the marriage rules came in Medina. So everybody in Medina that was involved with Islam, was involved with the Prophet, he knew or at least had heard of each and every one of them. Because the prophets I send them there are famous narrations of him taking care of the homeless, like the famous story of July before the Aloha, right. So in Mecca, this man was a homeless men and promises tell him not only knew of him, but helped him get married and found him a wife, right and made sure that they got married, so he was very well in tune with people that were close to him. So that element should also be there. The
reason what the point that I'm getting at is, you know, Inshallah, those of you that are not married, that inshallah will get married someday. Don't walk around downtown and just start inviting random people. And just be like, Listen, I'm just trying to fulfill something called the Sunnah in my marriage in my life, so could you just show up at my wedding? Don't do that. Okay.
So you now understand what a sawed off is? Right? A Seraph is you buy something that costs more, but you can get it cheaper elsewhere? Okay, that's generally and then, you know, some exceptions behind that. So the price tag in this part of the world is not going to be the same of people living in Dubai, living in other countries where at least the standard of living is a little bit higher. Then you have the opposite, which is equal to total
equal to room
is somebody that is stingy. Okay. A penny pincher. Ben. Sure. Is that Is that right? No.
Yeah, I think that's okay. So someone like a penny pincher, right. So somebody that goes to like the grocery store and be like, oh, you know, we need