Musleh Khan – Tafseer Sura Ar-Rahman #2 Verses 3 – 4

Musleh Khan
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The speakers discuss the importance of being aware of moments in a culture and reminding individuals of obligations. They stress the need for consistent communication and language skills, particularly in regards to Islam. The speakers emphasize the importance of respect and appreciation for non-English speaking people, and urge listeners to keep these verses in mind and pray for their health and success. The holy bus is a reference to the culture of Islam, and the dean's visit to the mushroom sp Cup and Meccans is mentioned as positive signs.

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			Our ob la mina Xing banyuwangi. Bismillah. Whoa, man yo he amo
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			holla con
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			al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah salam woman WA, Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi
wabarakatuh. So brothers and sisters, I know that it's been a few days. And so I apologize for that.
I mean, it's not as fluent as it used to be. And this is because you know, I hamdulillah I have a
new job. So it's keeping me really busy. And this is why at times, you will see me that the
background will be different. I will post a live from my workplace as often as I can. But sometimes
it's just logistically, it's impossible for me to do. So I apologize for that. But nevertheless,
here we are, we are on verse number three and four today of this beautiful sort of sort of document.
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			So let's get right into it. Now, you'll notice right away that of course, we're talking about one or
two verses per session. That's only the first two episodes. As for tomorrow's episode, and moving
forward in sha Allah, things will start to pick up the pace will pick up and so just keep that in
mind. It's just really important and crucial for us to capture what truly the sort of represents and
the message behind it. It lies in the first three to four verses of this suta. Now, today, we are on
Haleakala insan Allah created human beings, the word that Allah subhana wa Taala uses for human
beings is an incentive. an incentive has primarily two meanings. Number one incent means somebody
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			the creation that is compassionate, that is merciful. And so we as a creation, we are compassionate
to one another, at least we're supposed to be, we're merciful to each other, if I'm feeling down, I
go to another human being, to find peace and comfort and to confide in. If somebody is upset with me
those emotions, we work through them, and we talk to each other so that we can live happy and at
least leave calmly and stable and you have a sense of peace and contentment, we need those emotions
to be in place so that we can get along. But at animals, they don't have to go see a psychiatrist.
You know, a cat has no problem. If it loses all its siblings, it somehow to an extent moves on with
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			its life. But not for us, we will go through that grieving period will miss what will will truly
have a sense of loss and emptiness within somebody in our lives is missing. But in the animal
kingdom, generally speaking, it's not that case. So this is the first meaning of the word insulin is
that we need each other to complete one another. And so it's remarkable this first mirror meaning
because it truly captures and it separates the creation of human beings and who they are and what
they represent to everyone else. The second meaning is insane, comes from the word nesea. And nesea
means the one who forgets the one who forgets and we by nature, we forget, forget all the time.
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			That's why we need calendars to write things down. We need alarm clocks to remind us of things. And
usually, you know, even sometimes, you know, for the things that are important in our lives, the
obligations that we have to perform and be part of, we need reminders as well. Sometimes I wouldn't
might forget that I have a talk tomorrow I have an exam coming up. You see some guy just playing
video games, and his friend comes in, you know, taps him on the head is like what are you doing? You
haven't examined three days, you're like, Oh, yeah, I completely forgot. So we lose sight of the
things that we're supposed to remember that are really important. And that's perfectly normal. It's
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			part of human nature. And so as a creation, this is one of the reasons why or n is called a vehicle.
It is the book of remembrance, because this is what we need. This is one of the reasons why in this
sort of 31 times Allah subhanho wa Taala will tell us one sentence one a and when we come to it,
we'll break it down and explain it in sha Allah. So I don't want to mention to it right now. But 31
times one verses repeated over and over, when non Muslims read this stuff is that how come this poor
and you know, it's so repetitive, repeats things all the time. Because we're inset and that's just
our nature and this poor and came to be a victim to remind you that when you can when you get caught
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			up in this world, and you get caught up with all of the responsibilities, all of your obligations,
your routine, the things you have to do the things that you're
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			You know, constantly preoccupied with this poor man is always there behind you like an alarm bell,
reminding you, hey, there's a greater purpose. Hey, don't forget it's solid time, hey, don't forget,
you still have to pray, you still have to say you know, these are certain things are still how long
you can change the there are still laws that you need to follow. So this call this poor and came to
do that it is a profound reminder and this is one of the reasons to because of our own nature as a
creation that forgets why Allah subhana wa tada encourages us to constantly review and recite the
Quran. This is why we read this book all the time. We do that because we need its reminder, without
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			its reminder. Look, it's really, really distinct and clear. When you speak to somebody who has no
connection with the last book. They don't read this. They never sit in classrooms, they never listen
to talks. And their strange warped version of what religion and Islam and less expectations on me is
like, as opposed to somebody else who's sitting in classrooms, who's going for Hajj was trying to
practice everything they know, and they've learned about the deen and they recite and read and study
the Quran. And it's a part of their life. These two Muslims are completely different from one
another. And of course, you know, in traditional orthodox, Sunni Islam teaches us and calls us that
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			you need to and must have a consistent relationship with Allah zbook and the Prophet alayhi salaatu
wa Salaam teachings, you know, his methodology, and his teachings and his traditions, were not
something that were was revealed once upon a time, no, these are things that are just as applicable
today as they were when they were being revealed. Sure, certain versions of it some some cultural
influence influences might change that. So for example, some of the things that he wore back then
the way that he dressed, certainly things like that, when it terms in terms of how we dress is very
different. But the concept itself is the same. That you know, when you wear clothing, it has to
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			achieve certain things it has to cover a certain way can be transparent, it can't have this or that.
So those concepts and those parameters still exist. And so when you have a consistent relationship
with this book, then you start to remember this and it starts to manifest in your life. And that's
the key here. That's why we need these remembrances constantly. Because we want to see that when
we're reminded of one thing so often that others can see you know, it's working. No, he or she's
practicing this stuff. Allah subhanho wa Taala can see in you and I yeah, you know, when I taught
them the quarter and in our previous episode I lemon quarter and when we taught them this quarter,
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			and I can see the teachings of the quarter and in their decisions and in their lifestyle. So hello,
Paul Insan. Remember now this sutra, as I mentioned to you is Allah's divine list of all of His
mercies to mankind, all of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to mankind, a list of those mercies
from Allah are all found in the surah. Then last I lemma will buy in, that he taught them or him I
lemma who, meaning human beings, he taught them at bay in Albion, again, you generally speaking if
there's two main definitions of Albion and ban means number one, clarity, and number two,
communication. So the first is clarity. Now, so far we're learning in the sutra, in the first four
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			a, the two of those as a lot taught us something. So the second a Allah Tada, stop or end. Now the
fourth a lot taught us communication and to communicate clearly put it together. That's what the
whole end does.
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			That's what the poor end does. It brings clarity, not just in your speech, but your ability to
communicate and teach the rest of mankind, the deen of Allah. How do you do that? How do you get
through and how do you navigate certain cultures and traditions and habits? You stick to this book,
and Allah will bless you with clarity. You know, this is not the first time Allah subhanaw taala
reminds us that he's teaching us by n. y. Adam usma. Allah taught Adam alayhis salam nouns, the
names of things. So Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him and gave him knowledge
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			knowledge in this so that he had the ability to communicate the names of things to those that came
after him a lot gave him that ability to communicate and the ability to have speech so that he can
eloquently express what these things are around him represent. So I lemme who will buy it, to
communicate clearly. And I never know who will buy in, so that when people when you speak, Allah
subhanho wa Taala blesses that others who are listening to you, they're able to understand they're
able to comprehend, they're able to internalize, okay, I get what he or she is saying, you know,
this is one of those areas where we don't really, we don't really pay attention to, you know, it is
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			a miracle of Allah subhanho wa Taala that I can take this, you know, I can take sounds, and stretch
them and raise the volume and lower the volume in certain sounds. And as a result, create a form of
speech that you you, the listener can understand. It's an it's amazing, I mean, because language at
the end of the day is a combination of sounds, you know, it's a combination of sounds. So here we
are using this combination. And now we can understand each other, I know what you like and dislike,
and you know, what I like and I dislike animals have their own communication as well. You know,
they'll bark, they'll, their, how they'll make certain sounds, and that's their way of
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			communicating. You know, other other animals and creatures Don't make a sound from their mouths,
but, you know, they'll let out certain forms of communication. And, you know, they'll cause a
vibration, you know, they'll stand a certain way, they'll act a certain way. You know, there, there
are certain species of birds that in order to communicate their desire for another bird, they start
dancing, they literally start dancing. And you know, this is one of the, this is one of the
blessings of watching animal planet and National Geographic, you learn this stuff, and you're just
amazed. Look at how, look at how What's clear, and a form of communication for one species, for one
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			creation, creation is completely the opposite or different or far fetched for another. And so the
miracle of speech, and the ability to talk and understand one another, is truly a miraculous miracle
from Allah Subhana, WA, Tada. Now put these two together, unless says that he taught you the
quarter. And then he taught you the ability to communicate and understand. That means that we are
supposed to respect each other. And our ability to communicate and talk with one another, the same
way we respect quote, an Subhana Allah, Who thinks about core and this way, we think about speech
this way. And that's why you have to really be careful, you know, if you backbite or if you, you
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			know, are loose with the tongue, and you you're careless with what you say and careless with what
you listen to. Now, this is a true Amen. This is a complete trust from our Creator. This is really
important that Allah subhanho wa Taala, the fact that he taught us two things, and he uses the same
word, I lemma.
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			I lemahieu. At Bayern, I love it. I love it he gave you in the quarter and gave you the ability to
communicate. And so you have to cherish that ability, that blessing. And you have to be able to
nurture it in a way and how do you nurture communication, you stay away from the things you know,
are wrong, are displeasing to you to others to Allah subhanho wa Taala things that you shouldn't
say, big Sally Smith was better than email. Allison says that, you know, it's a pity for somebody to
other names of things that are hated and disliked by Allah subhanho wa Taala after they've been
given Amen. In other words, this is one of the verses of the poor, and it's telling you to be
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			careful now because you have men, there are certain things you can't say you can't just curse at
anybody. You can't just talk foul language to anyone. You have to stop doing that. Why? Because you
have email. You know, every time I see on social media, and it's pretty sad, you know, and on those
Tick Tock videos, you'll see like, hey, jammies on they'll be singing, they'll be doing their
things. And before you know it, you know, they'll be cursing a song. They'll be swearing, they're in
like full fledged hijab. Brothers, like, you know, he's he's a Muslim. His name is like Muhammad,
and he's hopping around like a kangaroo and he's just doing all of this stuff and you're like, oh my
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			god. Is that what you would do if the Prophet IE so it was Sam was standing in front of you.
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			I often think about like, what if the Prophet Ali's thought was Salah was here and he saw social
media, and he sat there he like clicked a YouTube video of members of his own. He went on tik tok,
and he saw, like fellow Muslims, what his reaction would be, what he would say and think, that has
to resonate for people who do this stuff is you just have to ask yourself, the real simple question,
what I do and the choices that I make, would I make the same choices if the Prophet alayhi salatu
salam was with me, I was part of his own, and I was a companion to him. Because at the end of the
day, no matter what version of Islam, you think, or you follow, at the end of the day, we all love
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			the prophets are the salt of Salah, we would all respect him, especially if he was alive and he was
here. So what would you want him to listen to? What would you want him to see? And these are some of
the things that are captured in a dilemma holy ban, Allah gave you this incredible blessing and
ability to communicate. And you can take the A literally for what it is. Allah subhanho wa Taala did
not give the ability to every single human being to speak
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			to listen to, to understand and comprehend No, not every human being has that ability to do that.
And Allah subhana wa tada for whatever reason, doesn't give that to everyone. And so you have to
respect it and appreciate the same way respect and appreciate our dean. Now with that being said,
one of the last arguments of polish is the date argued to the Prophet artists or to some when all
was said and done in the meccan phase. They basically said, Well, look, I not going to believe it
until I see it. Lots of non Muslims do that till this day. Oh, yeah, she'll be Jenna. Mia show to
me. Let me let me see we're okay. Oh, what's this afterlife? Okay, this is good. dig up a grave and
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			see what this afterlife thing you keep talking about is sure I won't believe it until I see it
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			So the next verses shampoo well Palmer will be husband onwards as Allah subhanho wa Taala calling to
the mushroom spoon and the Meccans. Okay, you want to see it? You want to see this poor and manifest
you want to see signs of Allah subhana wa tada his existence? Okay, fine, I'll show it to you. And
that's what we're going to do tomorrow. So keep in mind tomorrow in sha Allah, Most likely, we will
take about five or six verses or maybe even more, so the pace will start to pick up. Secondly, of
course, I don't want to keep these episodes too long. I am trying my best to keep them maximum 20
minutes, I've done a terrible job at that. So I'm just keeping that in the back of my mind wherever
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			I can. That's the max that we want to keep it but if you go above and beyond that, I hope and I pray
that Allah subhanaw taala allows it to be something rewarding and beneficial for all of us to be in
the lead hytera. So with that being said, well, let's just pause here and allow these first few
verses to resonate with us because it really gives us a strong introduction to this insight, entire
sutra and then as of tomorrow onwards, then we're going to start to pick up the pace and really take
chunks of this water at a time in Sha Allahu Allah. And so with that being said, my brothers and
sisters I pray that Allah subhanaw taala keep us safe, keep us healthy, and keep us consistent that
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			we continue to study his beautiful Deen al Islam a lot. I mean, just like malachite and brothers and
sisters have a wonderful weekend are Salam alaykum. warahmatullahi wabarakatuh