Quranic verses that change your life #01 Alhamdulilah

Musleh Khan


Channel: Musleh Khan


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The host of a series on hamdu Lill explains how the Quran teaches them to behave and how they can improve their life by reading the verses. The series is designed to help students understand and apply the lessons of the Bible to improve their life. The use of "ham ham" and "ham ham" in the title of the series is discussed, and the importance of praise in Islam is highlighted. The three meanings of "meditation" in the Bible are also discussed, with the first meaning being to]].

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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala MB mursaleen Nabina, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala early, he was happy he he married and buried. First of all, welcome to a brand new series on hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen, we finished our series that we've been doing almost for a month, which was how the Quran teaches us to behave. This brand new series, guys, I hope that you'll appreciate and it's called, how the Quran changes us how we can change your life. These are verses in the Quran that are absolutely profound, they stand out and they literally can change your life. So the series is Koranic verses that change your life, change

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your life, in what way change your life, obviously for the better inspires you and encourages you. And when you come across these verses, you're like, Wow, I didn't even know that was in the Quran, or I never understood it that way. Now I know what a lot of you might be thinking, the entire poor end changes your life. I mean, everything in it is profound. So what are we actually doing here? So let me explain. When you journey through the Quran, you'll notice that there are many verses, you'll simply read, and it'll cause you to reflect there's a lot of knowledge and wisdom that's jam packed in a particular story, particular sutra, on a particular verse, a page, a theme, a subject, you name

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it, and the core and gives you a little bit of everything. So it'll give you a story that you can reflect on, take lessons from and learn from, then it will cause your mind to to think and ponder and reflect on a particular subject, like it'll talk about the planets, or it'll talk about this worldly life, it'll talk about the sky, the trees. And the reason why it does that is so that when next time you look at the sky, you look at a tree, you start reflecting and thinking about certain things, and had mentioned about those particular objects. When the Quran talks about people, it focuses a lot on behavioral aspects and attitudes and how we speak to each other how we conduct

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ourselves in specific situations. So it gives you a little bit of every aspect of your life. But then there are verses that immediately when you read them, you can apply those verses in any place of any circumstance at any time. It just keeps talking to you why this is how you know that that particular verse is having an enormous impact on your attitude and the way you think and the way you live. Those are the verses that we're going to target in sha Allah, those are the verses that we want to extract. And the goal behind this series is very, very simple, everyone. And that is, I'm hoping, and I'm praying that insha Allah hoteller, when you hear these verses, it'll stimulate

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something in your heart in your mind, that something has got to change for the better. Or even if you're living a good life, and you're content with the way that you're living fine, that's between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala. But then these verses help you to excel even further, that I can continue to excel and I can continue to improve and I can just continue to be the best Muslim that I can be. And what that will translate in is not just your life starts to change for the positive, but your relationship with the Quran increases. Now you want to read a little bit more about that verse. Now you want to read the verses that came before and after that particular area. And so this is what

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the series is all about. It's about giving you the small dosages but dosages that are meaningful that are that will impact you your life and in sha Allah, the way that you live all for the better. So let's begin in sha Allah hotevilla with today's first episode with the first verse, and of course we're going to start with sorbitol Fatiha and of course, we're going to start with the very first area where Allah subhanho wa Taala begins his revelation in terms of order of the poor m he begins his revelation by the very first surah of the Quran. And this is really important because when the reader opens the door and for the very first time, what is the reader going to read and expect that

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the first message from Allah subhanho wa Taala? What is it going to be? Now for you and I whenever we try to introduce Islam to somebody, normally what happens on a lot of people that try to give Dawa do this, the first thing that they begin with is that they're either answer questions that somebody has, they'll respond to those questions. That's fine to an extent. I mean, you don't want to get too deep in some of the theory and theological issues that require some background and some foundation. The point is you answer some of these questions and or there's a problem

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you resolve the problem, somebody has, you know, a confusion, you try to unconfuse them as best as you can. So the point is you tackle whatever is in front of you, the core and doesn't begin that way. It's not going to tell you if you're not praying, pray, you know, if you're not Muslim, be Muslim. If you don't believe in Allah, then believe in him. Now, it doesn't start off with that message immediately. But what is absolutely beautiful is the choice of Allah subhanho wa Taala made it to begin his book, The very first sentence that the student of the Quran or the reader is going to come across and that is, of course, Alhamdulillah he, Robin, Bill O'Reilly me, let's talk about

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this a little. Now, keep in mind, this series is going to be an actual TIFF sealed. So every verse that I share with you, it's going to be a Tafseer of that verse. So we're going to try to delve into the verse as much as we can, and try to extract as much of the lessons and the knowledge behind it. Insha Allah huhtala so here's the first point when it comes to this beautiful opening verse of the Quran. Allah azza wa jal says Alhamdulillah, not, not medela, not medela. So it doesn't speak in a verbal context. So it's not telling you now is the time that you should be praising Allah, it doesn't commend you to praise Allah. So it doesn't say medela praise me. Because why all of those

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forms of hand or praise with a lot have a time and a place. So if you say no medela or not medulla, you're asking or you're saying to the person that at this very present moment, you are in the praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala you're doing it right now. But that does not necessarily mean that you're going to continue doing it. It's going to have a limit, it's going to stop when you stop praising them, the praise itself stops. If you say, Mr. dilla, you're commanding somebody to praise Allah. It means Okay, at that moment, here's the command, respond with following the command. And then it's done. What happens before that and after that, it doesn't matter. So that wouldn't make sense

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either. But Allah azza wa jal says, Alhamdulillah This is a factual statement, Allah is declaring that all praise that is considered to be praised, that is worthy praise belongs to and is owned by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that's literally what Alhamdulillah is. So let me say it one more time, all praise, that is praised or considered praise, belongs and is under the ownership of Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning now, whether we praise a lot or not, Allah is the ownership of praise. Whether we decide to do it today, tomorrow now later, what have you. Praise will always be continuous and Allah owns all forms of praise to him subhanho wa Taala now here's a clear here's a

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clear example. So you really understand this point. When a lesson or when somebody comes to you and says, Man, you know that that hope Bay you made Mashallah was great or they say Mashallah, you have a nice car or Mashallah, you look beautiful or Mashallah, you recited? Well, whatever the case is, the point is, is that they're complimenting something or they're praising something about you something that you've either said, or you've done or if you accomplish, what have you. The point is, what are they actually praising? They're actually praising, not something that you achieved on your own. Because in another verse later on in the court, and which we'll come to in sha Allah, we say in

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the law, what in LA Roger own to us we belong to Allah, meaning we are under Allah's ownership, and eventually to him is our ultimate return. The point is, that verse highlights that we actually don't own anything, everything that we have belongs to and is under the control and ownership of our Creator. So when somebody comes and praises you of something, or you praise someone else, what you are actually doing is you are praising a blessing that Allah bless that individual with. So you are actually saying Masha, Laura Al Hamdulillah. So again, the thing that you're impressed with that you're complimenting that you're praising, you are actually indirectly praising the one who blessed

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that individual with that thing. So all praise, even the compliments that we make with one another belongs to him. subhanho wa Taala. Do you see how beautiful this is? So we could just be having normal day to day conversations. We could just be talking about things here and there. But the point is, we're positive we are appreciative. We have gratitude we give shellcode we give thanks to people we give thanks to Allah. But in essence, all of this belongs to us.

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hamdu Lillah so this is the true praise and true praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we've already established now that what Allah azza wa jal is doing here is he is giving us a statement or a fact not a verb, not a command, none of those things. It's a fact that this is always the case. All praise belongs to and is owned by him. subhanho wa Taala. One last example what's even more beautiful about Alhamdulillah

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is that this was the first word that was uttered by Adam Isley his Selim is our Prophet alayhi salatu salam told us the first statement uttered by a domani Salim was he literally said Alhamdulillah you all know the story that when you read his story when Allah subhanho wa Taala gave or blowed the room or their soul into him, he sneezed. And immediately when Adam it, he said, I'm sneezed. What does he say? Alhamdulillah? How did he learn that? Where did he get that from? This is how Allah subhanho wa Taala inspired Adam Isley. He said, at the very beginning, at the start of creation of the creation of mankind, that the first word or statement of a human being ever uttered

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in the history of mankind was All praise belongs solely to Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, here's the next point Alhamdulillah no one is worthy of independent praise. So this is an extension of the examples that we gave you. Nobody by existence is worthy of any praise. But as a matter of fact, what we do is that we live a life where we are praising a lie. So a job by enjoying and showing gratitude to the things that we have, and we interact with, or we are receiving those blessings. And we are grateful that Alhamdulillah it's here, Hamdulillah, I have a family, I have children, the point is everything in my life. Alhamdulillah. So you're not here, I'm not here, none of us are

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here. Because we did something that brought us to this extent, we did something out of our own freewill out of our own choices that allowed us to be the people that we are people who praise Allah subhanho wa Taala as a result of x, y, and Zed no allies. So Adele says, just your existence alone, the fact that you are here is something that is praiseworthy to me in the sense that you will live a life that you your existence is in constant hemd with me. And that's just absolutely beautiful. Because what does that do? here's the here's the point of all of this, this, what it does for you and I is that it gives us an introduction to the core and that is very positive, it's meaningful, we

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connect with a lot immediately. So as soon as Allah says on hamdulillah Yeah, you're right, that Alhamdulillah it's positive. And that's the way that we use Alhamdulillah with each other, we don't say, to the left are terrible things when they happen or hamdulillah. Because you know, my life is so messed up. No, we actually say Alhamdulillah for all the positive things that even when we take a situation or a thing that is negative part of the process of trying to interpret and change that into something positive, I'll hand is part of that process. So the point is, I hope that now and shout low Tyler, this is a this is a reminder and that we can appreciate just how beautiful at

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hamdulillah is. And finally Allah says are below the mean. Rubber is the most significant relationship between us as as his creation and Allah subhanho wa Taala. When Allah azza wa jal uses the word of Rob in the portal, and it's very personal, it's a very intimate relationship. That's why every prophet and messenger whenever they complain to or they were in a desperate situation, and they called out to Allah, immediately, all of them use the rub. When use of Allah, his salon was cornered, and he was being tempted by the wife of disease, and a banquet hall filled with people with women that were literally throwing themselves at him. What does he say, she's the wife of the

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disease threatened use of a slum. If you don't do what we all want to do, then you're going to be humiliated, you're going to be of the ones that are embarrassed, you're going to be jaha, you're going to be crazy. In other words, you're going to be the loser of town, like your reputation is going to be ruined. And people are just going to look at you as this sort of sub human being kind of guy. And I hate to say it that way, but at least to make a point here, Yusuf Ali his Salaam responds and says called out of decision. He says, rub the prison is more beloved to me than what they're calling me to the point is, what does he do? He calls upon Allah with hoorah au barley center.

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Rub the Prophet alayhi salatu salam o Rob, Rob banner, Rob, Rob boo summer wet every time you see it up, it's always like this personal one on one intimate relationship. And there's desperation that's involved. Now there's three meanings of ODL in the Quran. The first is, and I have some of my notes in front of me here. So the first is our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we say Europe, here's number one. A rub means ultimate ownership with Allah, he ultimately owns anything and everything. Number two, the one who is obeyed. So when we say hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen, meaning All praise belongs to and is solely due to Allah subhanho wa Taala, the robe of all of

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mankind, meaning the robber, that I worship, though, Rob, that I obey. And we use this linguistically as well that when we say, you know, I'm the owner of the house. So linguistically, I'm the owner of the home. So my rules in this house, this is what you follow, this is what you do. So that's how it is used. And the third meaning, of course, is that the one who takes care of or who nourishes. So rubber is used to nurture something to care for something. And that's why Rob is sometimes translated as the guardian. So you take care of your children, you take care of your family, you take care of people, you take care of whatever you take care of things in life, you

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nurture people, you nurture things, these are the three meanings of Rob, all of that is captured that Allah subhanho wa Taala is a rub of all of mankind. So he owns everything he owns, all of us, we are under his ownership. So in essence, we don't even own ourselves. Number two, we obey him as a result. And number three, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that nourishes and takes care of all of mankind. So at the end of the day, everything that we rely upon and we need in our lives to live a normal and healthy life, all of that is captured under the word of rub. So with that being said, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Think about it next time when you use the word Alhamdulillah. What

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are you really saying? You are re emphasizing and re attributing something that our father Adam, Allah His Salaam said since the very beginning of time, the first phrase ever uttered by a human being inspired directly from Allah azza wa jal himself. The first thing that he says is Alhamdulillah is he praises Allah, that introduces a lot to us in a very positive way, which is very different from how we might introduce a lot to our children. You know, when they do something wrong, they immediately Allah is going to be angry with you. If you you know, spoil your dinner, Allah is gonna be angry with you that you didn't listen to mom or dad, we introduce Islam to people to our

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own family and children by just focusing on the punishment, the shout out to the negative things, but the core n actually does the complete opposite. It focuses on all of the positive things that are helpful, that are inspiring, meaningful, that are nurturing to our heart and soul. And that's why one of many wisdoms, that is why the poor and its opening sentence is all praise solely belongs and is owned by Allah subhanho wa Taala, the rub of all of mankind, what a beautiful way to start your day. What a beautiful way to change your life that you look at, and you experience things in the most positive way possible. What a beautiful way to train the heart and mind to always think

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positive of Allah, despite how this world might feel, despite what the media and propaganda and social media what they might, you know, their own perceptions and their own opinions about things. This is happening as a result of A, B and C. This came about because of result of this and that, for the believer, no matter what the reasons are, you are always in this positive attitude mode with your Creator. This is how you start to build trust with Allah. This is how you start connecting with him more this is how you start to get to know him. So this is like the opening sentence of the biography of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that the first thing that he tells us about himself is All

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praise belongs to him. So with or without us, he will still have this praise because he's the owner of that, but it also gives us this sort of positive attitude, everything that we say and do we always end up with Alhamdulillah so Alhamdulillah we started this new series Alhamdulillah we are finished this first episode, and hamdulillah for all of you that have taken the time out of your day to listen to this poor miskeen soul slave of Allah azza wa jal metalizer, which will bless

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All of you and reward all of you and keep you all positive focus and keep you in the right spirit in the right mind that everything that you experiencing you do and you hearing you see in your life that you always see al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen in all of those situations Allahumma me, such as ECMO Hydra Hayden, let me know what you guys think of this brand new series of verses that can change your life. Tell me what you think about it. If there's a particular verse that really had a profound effect on you, by all means, just put it in the comment section and we'll get to it in sha Allah weiteren I'll put that as part of the list of verses that I have. And we'll take a look at it

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and we'll explain it and share some thoughts and wisdom behind it but as they learn, such as ECMO lo halen everybody May Allah azza wa jal bless you all, let's do this with a little hand with Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh