Murtaza Khan – Sheikh Seven Under The Shade Of Allah
![Murtaza Khan](
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The speakers emphasize the importance of learning and finding out who is truly in control in the culture of the United States. They stress the need to remove clerics and misunderstandings, read the book of Paradise in the Bible, and strive towards the end of the world. They also touch on the negative consequences of not being able to carry out certain characteristics and the importance of finding the right person to pray with. The speaker emphasizes the need to rebuilding their youth into their faith and read the commandments to achieve their goals.
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rotting in the desert in a monastery monastery.
When are we learning Korean fusina when say Dr. Medina
may actually be level for them all together or may you live together
for shadows it
Why don't I share the color? Why should I do more harm than I'm doing what I sold
my bargain for in North Dakota howdy Tiki turbo flavor had you had you Mohammedan sub de la vida de le was lm watch our movie more, to have more color more desert in beta, or could be dark in bada that in
the name
of the phrasing of loss of Hunter,
sending humans greetings and salutations upon the final prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The main focus of our discussion meeting later on today
is to look at the role of the youth
extracted from this famous Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
About seven individuals seven types of categories of individuals being under the shade of a loss of candor Allah, whereby there will be no shade.
That main theme
of those young individuals that we find is we're going to come to inshallah,
many of the youth for the young individuals, they think
that they are the only ones who are facing the temptations of facing the desires are facing the difficulties
is that time that level does change. Environment does have a big impact. But every single individual goes through those feelings or goes through those changes.
That nuts of the individual
has temptations placed within it.
And the more the temptations are aroused, the more that a person places themselves inside a temporary us environment. The more that feeling begins to develop and the more the dangers begin to develop in the mind of the individual.
And that's our role as teachers as practitioners is to take people back to purity. That's the essence of a Muslim, especially young Muslim, to live a life of purity. It is very, very, very abnormal, for Muslim, to live an immoral life, which unfortunately today has become a common practice amongst many Muslim young Muslims especially to live a life disobedience, corruption, where harsh, illicit behavior misconduct, and then they return back to Allah Subhana Allah
whereas hamdulillah for many of our generation, you find it was against the norm for person to fall into the for Hush, illicit behavior, the misconduct that we find which unfortunately has become common practice.
Possibly because there has not been enough engagement for many of us in trying to help happy but
where's the Koran tells us come to Cairo matino collegiate Ines that morona bill Murphy return home
You are the best people ever raised up you audit a good and you forbid the evil. And then some six verses data that we find in sort of alien brand was 110 was coming home at the Rhode Island Hey, we have Maroon morona bill Murphy William Home Guard and
they arise amongst your group of people who ordered a good and forbid even so maybe they may have been a lapse in ordering the good and forbidding the evil. That today we find the pitiful state of many Russia Babel many of our youth likewise we know that we are surrounded by such slogans and statements which have been documented inside the Quran. Afraid you Allah loot in Korea at home, in our home or nursing at our own, get rid of the people of loot and I sell them. They are people who want to be purified. These are the slogans that we even find today. The people who are calling to chastity, towards purity, living a good life we need to expel these individuals. These are the
fundamentalists these are the radical individuals who tried to destroy a good way of life the enjoyment that we have, we need to get rid of these people. And unfortunately we find not just some
Muslims, we find this perception is thought amongst some Muslims as well, that we need to remove these religious clerics or these religious people who are preventing us from following a life of desires and temptations. And that's the Quran warns the Muslim civilians in the lead in a boon and Tashi alpha to fill Edina among lahoma added a name of a hero. Those people who love to spread advice for why hash bad behavior amongst those people who believe now marhaba Elliman fit dunya fulfiller for them will be a severe punishment in this world, and likewise inside the IRA. So that is severe warning for Muslims to begin to think about the actions and their role and the impact of
their actions upon the wider community around them. Likewise, we find that we need to develop this control. Because to gain paradise isn't something easy as as many of us we may begin to think that's if you go and read the book of Paradise in Sahih Muslim, but obviously Sahih Muslim manifesto may not be able to complete the reading this magnimous work, but there are certain chapters certain quarters that we can go back and extract them and read them in our life to see the for wide and the benefits. Read overland. Firstly kita will email read the book of Eman by Sahih Muslim. That is how he begins his compilation. And as some of the early map gone to the view that Sahih Muslim in his
30s and his collection of a hadith at times is more fruitful than the say of Eman Buhari. Even the Imam Bukhari without a doubt is the strongest book in authenticity. But some are preferred because of this certain added that Mr. Muslim collects and the way that he makes his 30 Winnie's collection. There are many ways that can be extracted from it. So read Kitab. Eman, the book of Eman in the beginning. Likewise towards the end, read the book kita gentlemen, are safer to marry me oh and Nina with a book of Paradise and the blessings and the characteristics of the people of paradise. So then you begin to understand what is my journey upon this earth? The Quran as it begins by talking about
a man a Latina, you may know behind the believers the motorhome the pious individuals are those who believe in the unseen because the whole of the journey the plan is a journey of the unseen things that we cannot imagine we cannot see that we find the potency or adapt to the rebellious saga he mela I know. What are autumn on semi Willa hopper Anna Basha, I prepared for my servants the pious individual but no I have seen but no, he has heard and the feeling and perception the thought hasn't come upon the heart of the mind of any individual. That's the journey the whole life of a Muslim that many things have been taken away from this earth. There are at times now more Bushra Phil Hyatt
in dunya. Bush was given to the believer because we need that encouragement to carry on inside our life. But the real push for the real ending. The real goodness is stored for the believer inside the earth era. So that we need to read about those blessings that have been restrained or kept away from us. So we know that our journey isn't a wasted journey. That's how you find the more weaker the Eman regarding Jomon Earth era, the more weaker the journey becomes, the more stronger one that one's belief, one's perception, one's devotion, the most strength in that journey, while Lisa live in Sandy in them as well. And so one young sofa euro, man will only have that which he struggles for,
and every man will see his end result. The efforts that he made upon this earth will be shown but most pandaren will fail. That is not the body of his seminar. So novelist panda Allah upon this earth as well. you strive towards Cofer towards disbelief, you'd be entering into more fulfilling disbelief. you strive for the dungeon, you enter more into the dunya you strive for the world, and the pleasure the word and open that dunya those pleasures of the individual That's the sound of a muscle Paragon upon in general. And likewise, he finally strives for the earth era, in the last time that we showed the person the parts of this dunya and likewise, a puff of the earth will lead in
Asia has rufina nsdn dome sabudana with stripes in our past we showed him our paths, the paths of hate of goodness upon this earth, and likewise the end result of those believers inside the Astra. So this is the struggle that the man has to believe in the struggle towards Sarah. That's why the remedy mentioned men fell into it the benefits of belief in human Earth era is a person begins to struggle
We'll even more begins to strike even more in that return back to the loss of panel data. The so called unmentioned about those individuals will begin to follow actions. Because some people they believe that animal actions have nothing to do with email, an email, what the staple will be, or will be semi. Some people believe as long as I have the conviction in my heart, and I drink my tongue.
Fini, this is sufficient for me. This is a mistake in appeal of Andersen while I'm in the jury actions of the limbs just a minute email that is an upgrade of an Asana in a nutshell, belief conviction inside the heart testimony upon the tongue and you carry out the action to show that you are believer when amen yeah z to be party or young possible mount CFE Eman goes up by obedience and it goes down by disobedience. You understand this? you've understood the creed of Amazon as simple as what is modernistic? Yuda people they come and they say that actions are not important. Why is the word of God and is replete in the ladina Where am inside your head that for those who believe in
the righteous actions, you always find it put together, you never find it separated and just about action. So somebody is modernistic Muslims are falling into the trap that is just about believing it's sufficient. This is a demon view that eventually drifts you away from the creed of Arizona. So the Muslims are those individuals who believe and carry out the actions. masala comfy soccer, what made you end up going into soccer or soccer Minnesota Indiana, or lambda pumila mousseline they said we never used to bother pray. Well, I'm not gonna remotely scheme, while cananda who do moloko I've been woken can do beyond me. He had to attend and we never used to bother printing. We never used to
feed the poor. We used to waste that time with the people just wasting the time, until what they need the time or the reality came upon us. Imagine that mode, then the person begins to reflect and begins to think so why did these people end up going into jahannam? They never used to bother praying in their life. So Muslims who believe I don't need to do certain actions, as long as my heart is clean, that is sufficient. What does the Quran say? The Quran says Allah, Allah Muhammad, Allah wa will not be able to have beer does not understand that nobody is created. And he's the most subtle, the most aware, these people in essence are actually challenging us to pander by saying that
my heart is clean, a lot pantallas needed to do laws, regulations, we have to follow those laws and regulations because Allah Allah created us and that was the nature of the human being. Xena Nessie fukushi her work in Milan he said he will Bernie will panoply in comparative may not be what filter will hide him was a woman he will like me will have daddy kamatera hierarchy dunya what what we're in double Huisman zoo. You know, the naseeha Boucher working with Mr. Man has been created with love what women, children gold, silver, property, branded horses, the land. So a person comes along and says when the Shetty talks about this, or talks about this, but I don't have that feeling inside my
heart, there is no me mixing with women or talking to women or doing this or doing that because a lot of that knows my heart is pure.
Either you align or the Quran is simple. If you say the poor are designed for her the tachycardic animal that takes up the whole of Islam. The Quran highlights that natural nature of the human being. So the Muslims should be vigilant of not falling into that trap to begin to challenge a muscle Canada. So these people these people that we find the follow between Morocco and
Morocco in their hearts is a sickness and the last pandemic increases sickness inside the heart that people begin to say that my Islam the almy Muhammad Ali be everything is inside my heart or in the La la la rue de la serie Come with me Come well I came to La jambu illa colo becomes the hide behind this hadith. Allah doesn't look at your faces doesn't look at your image doesn't look at your clothing, but rather it looks into your hearts. But go back and collect all of that I had this was the barbed wire that we find while asking the young guru either to become one enter the code, but it was one that looks at your heart and looks at what your actions. So this Hadees goes against them.
But they want to just take those ideas and try to defend hide behind it that my actions have got nothing to do with my email. So all of us need to strive in strengthening and strengthening our actions in that return journey back to loss of power of data. So we read the book of Paradise we begin to see the fruits of our Eman And obviously a loss pantalla will not talk at in depth with the ATO he may not want us to handle the handle a lot. Pantheon is a one that you
The person the ability to carry out one's actions and as the person will become more grateful for less than the other while in shockula as he will be grateful to Allah so Canada and a lot can increase that individual, whether it be the world but even more will be those actions and coming closer and closer towards Allah Subhana Allah advisement myself and the rest in respective buddy sisters to read that chapter paradise and likewise a chapter of a man and go back and read the verse should have heard of the Redeemer any other howdy they want to extract from the book of Paradise is a famous at least we're not lots of other any created paradise and created the Hellfire and dust we
find that when Jupiter in early Sam came and he saw paradise, he said that whoever sees paradise, the beauty the embezzlement the glitter, the glamour want to do what dive straight into paradise. And whoever sees gentlemen, the anguish, the punishment, the torture, the rage, the fire will want to do what to stay away from it. So loads of time to
cover up paradise with obstacles. Hopefully agenda to be Macquarie surrounded, Paradise is surrounded by obstacles. Well hopefully know the shadow word, cover up the fire which word every part of desires and temptations brings you closer to what? Towards the hellfire. So, the lesson here to get into paradise there are obstacles that we need to overcome. Mm hmm No Are we explaining any Sahih Muslim Islam 1819 volumes that you find explaining this hadith he highlights centuries ago, there are four obstacles we need to overcome to come into paradise. The first obstacle that we need to develop we need to overcome inside our life is he heard about that is to strive regarding our a
bet that the fundamentals of I believe the fundamental actions that we need to be preserving them and guarding them. As for example the prayers that we find kind of fatal Allah Salah working or salata Cusco or comunale, carnitine God your prayers, and especially the middle paverpol of logic, the most accurate statement is the middle pray, Salat Lhasa, and stand in front of Allah, Allah in a state of devotion. Likewise, Ramadan performance of Hajj that we find giving upset here, these are all
the persons who strive and struggled in perfecting if a better and striving towards a muscle panadapter. The second thing that he mentioned, is what's known as optimal health,
literally swirling one's anger. So obviously, many of us may do the best that we are comfortable with our rituals. But these characteristics you find many Muslims, or many young Muslims are not able to control their anger literally means to be able to swallow one's anger. That's the second obstacle one needs to overcome to get into paradise. The third obstacle he mentions is an afro is to be able to forgive people, which once again is a very difficult obstacle to overcome. So many of us could have that regret that many of us get angry, for reasons which are trivial, which are not for the sake of lust, Panda, and then even if it is for the sake of Allah spandana were not able to
pardon was mentioned that the Buddha Buddha pious individuals are those alladhina Buena Vista right.
Those who spend their time of hardships in times of goodness, we can muster may be able to do and read the rest of the characteristics, while Cal the mean and those who swallow the anger while are female and a nurse will boggle your head boy, merci Nene, those who swallow the anger and will pardon people. Forgive them overlook the mistakes of people where people may say towards them was not my sin in a lot of the duties of God. Some of us were not able to carry out these characteristics. Some of us have fallen short many times in his characteristics because we only stick to certain things. You have to take Islam, any shamans, try your best in everything to develop
that not just to work upon certain elements and stick to them. The fourth thing that you mentioned concerns us written centuries ago is a suburb and he showered, to have patience to stay away from temptations and desires. So centuries ago, Imam nobody says that the meaning of this had been to gain get into paradise.
The dislike thing for the obstacles of Muslims to overcome to get into paradise are these four main elements to become observant regarding your religious duties, obligations, you have to carry out to be able to swallow your anger, to be able to forgive mankind and to be able to control yourself not to fall into desires. So this is a lesson any for all of us, the young and the only thing you need to focus upon this. And that's refine that we know that the environment has a big impact of what earlier mentioned was known as the hurry is a need a shot Well, the desire
A person has any within themselves. And the wider community the more is full of temptation desires will begin begin to have a big impact upon the the nuts of the soul of the individual to come to board salaries or comfortables, or desires. But once again, if you go back to the prophetic traditions, you find the advice of the Prophet Muhammad some how to tame the desires within oneself, what do we find, learn how to ride a horse, learn how to raise, then how to wrestle, use a sword, use a spear. All these formats, what we find is learn how to swim are all elements that tie in the body, any form of physical exertion that you find, I've talked about that medicine as well, they
will burn and they will drown the desires of the individual. In other words, any form of hard labor, any type of physical combat sport, will break the desires of the individual and bring them down to a low level, you can see the state of many Muslim youth do not engage in anything is either one extreme to another extreme, either just mental ability, or its social ability, or it's just spiritual ability or just physical ability. The Muslim in every single ability, one's mind, one body, one soul, one's email, everything that Muslim tries to strive to Excel to become any ID any human being or the individual. And that's refined what many of us may have studied in medicine etc,
the level of testosterone is higher in men being classified with a higher level of testosterone is placed inside meant that they have a easy opportunity or the desires are built upon easily, even though I mentioned that in the North American bee suit in the marinara be, you know, the nuts all of us misplaced inside that environment will come through to none of us are angels. And you look at the context of these it is talking about use of La Salaam what took place that the soul is given the opportunity will come towards even so even use of Addison when he was tempted. And then when he saw the evidence and whether or not the facility begin to discuss what did he see? Some say that there
was a baby the unit spoke, some say that he saw the image of his father and spoke to him other thing you heard the voice, whatever it may be that really multifaceted collected, but what we find that he was able to overcome the inclinations, the whispers that were coming towards him the temptation you surround it environment of food temptation, whereby the wife of the disease in a donor solve in a beauty, and she shut the doors and expose herself to him. But he was one who restrained himself. And that's to the end of the story I mentioned in nonlinear dumpee when he asked for in number 11 do a drama scene whereby patient fear of a loss panda Allah duck was the element that takes a person away
from so many different things when they get dumped in
Maharajah, when you have to lay omega to work on a loved one you
will face a loss on the other hand that provides a way out for that individual and gives a person sustenance whereby they cannot imagine. So the four wide of taqwa Samora taco are many that use of La Silla, in Noma, tequila spear. We have a phase of Las pantallas patients patient and just kind of manipulate the action to do the good go to waste. And as we can see that how the woman has helped acknowledge her mistakes, older women acknowledge the mistake and you
made burdine made free from what they attribute it to good use of it salon. Another lesson that we can extract regarding young individual side, sort of use of Ra salami find a tough chapter on a side point, those of us those of us who may not read the surah It is the only one surah in the Quran, that begins with a story and ends with a story. It's the only one surah begins with the story and travels all the way until the end of the sword and the end sort of begins to talk about some other topics. But in general the some 100 or so are yet that we find are talking all about the life and the story of use of alley Scylla. And some of the element diversity you'd have mentioned the
disorder sent it down what is described as Mr. kosan The year of grief upon the Prophet Mohammed said that he was going through difficulties while he just passed away and the hardship that he placed upon him so loss pantalla sent down the surah on the Prophet Muhammad's ism to see look at how the previous proper use of RSM what he went through and the difficulties that he went through. And not to sound too mystical at times or feeling upset or sad. Go back and read the surah and you'll see that the problems are very we face in our daily life a very trivial to what use of Allah he had to go through any his life. Anyhow, what concerns us here at the beginning, the surah is the
bredrin of use of Annie Sarah, that they decide because the jealousy towards him that they decide either to kill him or they decided we should throw him into the well. And then what do they make the statement? What a cool woman Barbie home and saw the thing. After we do this even action, then we're going to come back and become what righteous and pious individuals that mountain that logic that existed centuries ago. You know what it exists even today.
Because how many Muslims think exactly the same? How Muslim they think I'll do haram all my life or when I become an airhead, you'll become enlightened at the age of 40, whatever it may be, or marry or settle down, and then I'll come back and become a good Muslim. That's what many, many of the youth they think in emotion they know better than us was Heller was heroin. Many people they know better than us, because they telling us what a coating I had, it was coating on to us, telling us teaching us every single day. But once again, gamble is not there. Or they try to play games with the loss of data. That's what I mentioned when I takuna Kundalini number one for someone with an ego
manifest your own. Don't become like those individuals who forget Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah make you forget your own selves. What is the meaning of forgetting of love and the other forgetting means is turning away from the Shuri of Allah subhanaw taala turning away from that which is harder and going to that which is haram, then a lot kind of makes you forget your own self, what your intent is, and what you're doing. Likewise, the Quran mentions harsh words that whoever, well, woman are harder and decrease in Allahu meryton Blanca, we're not sure who you're meant to, but the Allah, Allah Masha, Allah, Allah, Allah dedicated to Nirvana, Sita waka gallica Yama tunes. Inside Surah
Taha that we find women are ordered on victory, we were turned away from the dhikr of Allah Subhana Allah turns away from it, you find two promises of Allah and Allah, that person that individual will have what marisha can dunk will have a restricted life will have a troublesome life. There will be no peace, no tranquility, no serenity, nothing exactly like what I'd like you to paneled Allah upon this. That's the first promise of Allah subhanaw taala you can study that in great, great detail in people who turn away from Allah Subhana Allah and come to us. second problem is
when I show yo Pia Mati Kathy's Daria. It was kind of raised about the de judgment blind color dilemma. Hasha Deanna Oh my Lord, why are you making me blind today? Welcome to placebo. I could see that upon this earth. I had the visible visibility to see why am I blind today? The answer is given because you know upon this earth, our signs were shown to you what are their iron condor other iron conium the heavenly signs all around us. So now we have a yaquina Phil he was the unforeseen has taken by yellow and now when we show them as signs all around them in the heavens, the earth the horizon, it established that almost from Ghana is the truth is the reality the only one that needs
to be worshipped Lhasa pandadoc Wolfie unfussy comb, Tomasi rule, even within your own cells, we show you a science you begin to recognize Can you see them that a lot crammed down is the only one that needs to be worshipped in the vehicle this summer working with wahida lady wasn't there yet can be only alladhina kurunegala Yamamoto Rue de maga to be in whatever Karuna is summer work you will have bernama haka bar pillar. So behind that of Sakina Indeed, the creation that happens in the earth, the changing of the night and the day, a science for men of understanding those who stand those who put the bow down those who postpaid reflect over all of this from the nama holla tada
bomdila overload, you haven't created this in vanity, there must be a purpose. These are all a year to komiya that drives the individual begin to reflect and recognize Allah Subhana Allah, a fellow young guru in an EPG kcur fully but what he does ek for woofie. But don't you look at the hump of the cabinet, I stores the water, don't you look at the headwinds that land all of these assigned for the individual to come back and reflect and to recognize about Ghana, there is one meaning of a year to blossom, Canada Allah and the meaning of if I had to put on the verses of the Koran which are clear that a person doesn't see the signs. The verses have a lot of time that have an impact upon
the individual. Because the Quran that we find is very powerful in the nature that we find in this Quran. The same idea it's a total hash, it was the end. The ones in the huddle, under allegedly, that are at the hashimotos of the umbilicus Shetty the tin can do not drink alcohol in nursing home It is a Corona we sent this Quran down upon a mountain it will turn the mountain into what into dust into crumbs. That's the power of the Quran. But the Quran has come where upon the hearts of as human beings and that's a monster first parallel periban is a sort of buffer that we find that they are stones stones that you find that with water gushing out of them, some of them you scrape them, you
find that water gushing out them and amongst them any yeah bitumen has shifted the some of the stones, rocks they fit a lot under under How can a rock fit and muscle Canada and
but a lot of those created that even the rock
Recognize that must come to enter. What is the intent of this method, this paradigm? That if our rock fears of loss of Canada, then why does it the soft heart of the human being? fear of loss of Canada and lm yet needed? Let me know. And dosha Upolu mimicry leguminosae dominant, how has the time come for the hearts of the believers, that the hearts will come So,
with a decree of Allah Subhana Allah, that's the power of the eighth of August from the levena. Herman will
be the creme de la creme de la ne the believers are those individuals their heart, mind, tranquility and rest, with one with a dhikr of Allah Subhana Allah, those are the real believers. And levena wanted to follow boom, the hearts begin to quiver and shape with the ayatollahs from the other way, they're too late to that to that one, man, why not a big metal, aluminium and herbicide to them upon them, increases them in the man and they place your trust upon a Lost Planet, Allah. So those are the iron that Allah Allah has shown and highlighted to us. Likewise, in the night journey that we find the Prophet Muhammad who sees a person coming out of the of the water surrounded by blood, and
every time the person is rocking, be thrown into that face or into the head of that individual. Who is that individual, the end of the day that we find that is an individual, as they're the inner American, or the person who learn to put on slipped away from the mind and never implemented? an agenda not open get in the alley. The Quran is in evidence for you or evidence against you know, just the re citation of Koran is the implementation of the Quran. So that is dangerous turning away from the ayatollahs panda Allah, because you turn away you for what the idea of Allah spandana waka Delica, Yama, tuncer that's today you will be forgotten. But last panel, but there are other so we
failed to understand the time in the maximum opportunity or focus of the life of the individual is in that prime time in that opportunity to focus oneself towards Allah Subhana Allah that you find these strange Hadith one Obama for an interrupt Dr. Dr. Ajay Boucher, the sebata novel indeed a lunchtime gala Marvels at a young boy, a young individual loss of what Allah who has no any demand Allah yummy New Zealand however, doesn't go towards desires. mm and Munna we explained this today. So I have a folder called the mentioned the in the header, any shape on it, or shape or Nadia, this is something very, very rare because most people want to come to desires. So Allah Subhana, Allah is
praising the one individual or a young individual who breaks one's desires and doesn't come towards them. So this individual was praising this individual and this is something very rare, but it's not something which is any impossible. Like was a discussion begins to take place amongst the realm after skia that a person who makes a mistake and then repents and becomes a better individual is that person, young person, a better individual or a person who never ever entered into anything wrong? So long discussion begins to take place, some of them begin to favor person never ever journey through her arm is far better than the person who may have done something incorrect fall
into shock or desires and, and then they need repented. But what we can extract that obviously the task is what it is a difficult task. There is no doubt it is a difficult task, especially the new 21st century that we live in a modern world that we live in, it's become even more difficult. But that difficult task means what an immense reward. What is the immense reward that we are given to those individuals, and that it has been mentioned, the seven individuals of the category, the types of individuals under the shade of Abbas Candela sobre todo lo de Lune melodically will be your modal window in the window. seven types of individuals will be under the shade of a loss from the other
whereby there will be no shade amongst the seven individuals that we find in mamoun Arden just mm mm or sharp one natural ability to come down with concerns us here, the young boy or the young girl who spent their life worshipping Allah Subhana Allah not the end of their life, or an elderly individual, a person from the age of 50 or 60. That's normal interest no matter individually and getting gets excuse expression one foot inside the grave to begin to make Toba to begin to repent to come to the masjid frequently that's normal. That's something hiding something good, but a lot pandadoc doesn't want that. Because that's a normal only a senile person would stay away from a
loved one died that end of their life, but it's the prime time of one's life. shabu Najafi invalid days today's panel they added a second category. This will complete the head These are called boo mala conville massages. A man whose heart is linked to the must've had these
Another handy to find which is which is weak but the believer finds himself in a machine like a person in the ocean and in the heart is open. But a Muna finds himself inside that machine Like what? Like a bird in a cage. So, you come to the machine you find any product, you find restriction, you find difficulty find confusion within you. So why am I inside the machine? To have a note one minute is the element of prophecy. That believer finds tranquility happiness. Inside the House of Lords panda is a man whose heart is attached to the machine. And so he had used that we find the individual who visits that must should frequently first had double email, testify the individual has
what he meant, will come to the machine frequently. So many people once again the common they say send out to Jamaica anywhere you can go and pray. Possibly true. So what's the point in building the machine then? If you go out to Jamaica, wherever you want to go and pray, wherever you are with a jamara the most the intent of the masjid Why do we find but she Rupa shereena the lady, give the time the individuals will walk in the night, the depths of the night. What is the depths of the night. So let them forget until after the issue that you're still coming towards the masjid. That's a sign of emotion. A sign of hypocrisy is what the person drags themselves to campus. A lot of it
doesn't want to preach it out and forget or didn't want to come across a lot of the issues at the masjid as an element of hypocrisy. sign of a man is a person wants to come to find that person begins to question himself need to read the life of the Sahaba in one that Miss Salatu jamara they would hide. You'd hide from the other companions, they missed it and then secretly go hide in the crevices and secretly go and pray. And as they used to conclude, anybody who missed Salah to Gemma, either they were traveling, or they were severely ill. And you know the side point, even the morphea own never miss prayer behind who behind a Prophet Muhammad's of seven less than be spotted. And what
do we do today? We don't care much about him. Every day we miss fudger. With Giamatti. It's not that important. doesn't mean much mystery shopping America isn't much. What do you mean? It doesn't mean much. That is a sign of a man. That's a sign of the pillar of Islam of devotion, or the flat moon and let me know the Salah theme cause your own successful that the individuals, those pious individuals are submissive inside their prayers. Those who got their prayers preserved their prayers, that's an element so many of us may begin to fall into other issues and begin to worry about them which is good which is higher and then we begin to lose track and focus upon this
element. Industry find that even more Pavani in my overlook Maggie has with Abdullah Yama, Yama is a salad Oh, come on. Salalah said and the first thing the person that asked about the judgment will be the prayers first thing then everything else then everything will come after that. So we're not really bothered about it. We find it triggered we find it something petty or what's this got to do with the impact of the rising of the Muslim Ummah whatever it may be. Then you can see that there will be no rising even the blessing of Philistine at the moment may sound very very harsh go and see how many people come to us a lot of legit Mashallah though, and see how many people yeah, the mood
of the solder to Him, who are worried about their prayers focus upon their prayers. The answer is very simple in the Sharia is very simple. Yes, we have external enemies, whatever it may be, but our biggest enemies who is our own knifes our own sense, that's what needs to be conquered and ruled and governed over that we begin to understand the element that these are the elements of dignity, the rise the Muslim Ummah, once again towards an end success. Likewise, just to complete the habit of define, what are you learning to have the filler each term Allah for Raka led to individuals who come together for the sake of Allah trying to enter the separate upon that they haven't come
together because of wealth, or poverty, of a friendship of on this dunya they've come for the sake of Allah and Allah, and they separate upon that. That's the only reason why they be and they are together that you find that is born, or who are Islamia that you find that sometimes the static brotherhood makes a stronger link between oneself and another individual even in your own blood brother. That's what a man does in the man momina what was in the believers are brothers to one another. That's the bond of faith that you find that naturally a person and a person is upon you need to go for South Asia even happy to be your own blood relative what happens you find a repulsive
feeling towards them. You don't want to be with them. But people have imagined that you want to be what they are closest to you than even your own any blood relatives and your ties that we all have for free by the word you don't have to embrace that Oman Serbian What do you imagine the color in may occur football, once again concerning a young individual that I believe
For a woman of lineage of honor dignity passes makes a pasture individual and likewise could be the opposite the woman could be tempted as well. And what is the person saying? Or any half woman? I feel bus panda is another individual or that taxi that will be under the shade of a bus panda Allah whereby there will be no shade. What are you doing? dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah Mishima Lu Martin Fukuyama, a new person who hides the giving of the charity giving the world that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is spent. And 73 we find what are you doing Corolla hollien but I am a person who remembers a lot bandanna with sincerity on his own on our own and the person
begins you need to shed tears remembering a busman's holiday in the same in the same vein of Imam Bukhari and Muslim. These are the seven seven different types of individuals or the categories. You find an Imam, one of the elements wonderla Imam, Abdullah Abdullah andalusi. He mentioned in that hadith of Donal Hadith, in football in the best book, or the best heavy on football on virtues is this one Howdy. That's one of the Redeemer he wrote more than he wrote two complete volumes, each volumes on 500 pages was so sharp, had heavy and the essence of those 1000 pages is this one Hadees that he shares begins to expand this one, he's talking about these three individuals. And what do
these individuals share? What is it that all of these seven categories that they share that Allah, Allah has placed them under the shade of Atlas panda Allah is stearalkonium FEMA holla. at him, they all share of breaking their desires. Each one of them breaks their desires to gain it. Mr. Meredith, why are just a man because you know most of the country political that around us meaning any outcome that we find would be fine around us. Or they just are they fair? So adjust Imam is very interesting, because that person knows that when I'm empowered to control the Sorbonne, he can do whatever he wants to do, he can punish whomever he wants to torture maybe wants to take from
wherever he wants to do whatever he wants to do. But that just does what he breaks his desires. Because he's doing it for him, the law is apparent that either she breaks that control the power that ego is in that we find many of these people around us is the ego the ego is driving them the ego is something very, very dangerous. You can't place a price tag upon the ego of an individual and that's what some of these people that they have people may hint to them people may advise that people may write something in a mild manner or point to something and what happened you find that people's heads will begin to roll because this is a threat towards my kingdom ship towards my
sovereignty was my power my government is not ruling my authority these people need to go so that's mmm added that just imagine will be one under the shade of a lost friend Diana. Like cozy fine, Sherbourne, who grows up in the worship of Los Angeles breaking the desires as we began with every young individual has desires. If a person says I don't have desires, it must be something wrong with them. So every individual is sharing that break it and decide like what one was spending, his wealth is breaking, decide the person loves wealth, lengthen and build a commitment to him boom, you never get to attain piety and don't spend on the things that you love. So all these individuals are
sharing that element of breaking the desires and moving away from the desire so they can come under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala likewise, you find that in general, all of us will be asked by last time about our life about our wealth of knowledge and even more so what will happen when shabby females Now regarding when we were young, what did we do with our young days? So not going to ask about our later days? What did we do so as people move on the day judgment into the ask about all of these five elements What did we do what were young individuals? Did we worship and last time data or spend any life any appropriate leave in the tsunami mom you need it maybe that's the fundamental set
of essential mentioned such statements. Yeah, Marsha Schubert among all young individuals carry of actions striving eating action for a new ride to the Harmon Fisher Bobby anyhoo well, indeed I've seen that in actions was a young individual his strength is power is dignity just like the sun you find the chumps that you find for shampoo Latham de Luna herpes, three comma m Lo, fi, a one E, the sun that we find any in the beginning of the sun. going past the meridian is the peak time of its life as it begins to descend and it begins to come down and begins to lead the time just before that we find it still classified as a son, but it's weak. The most powerful time of the Sun is right in
the middle like
is a powerful time of a young individual is when the sun is rising a powerful point. That is when a young individual strives in serving others from the other like what other individuals have mentioned. Any you find that the young individual The human being is like a tree. And that's you find that a tree to the end of his life it loses its its fruits loses benefits, there may be some trees that get away at a later stage at the end of their life, but in general, so none of us is there a certain peak time that it gives its fruits then after that, it just becomes worship just becomes an empty bark just becomes a void, still could be called a tree, but it's just cost doesn't
have much to get to offer. So when is the tree life of the human being? A tree that the human being is when it gives it fruits, it gives the blossom, it gives the benefits is when when the person is young. After that, we still could be a tree, but you are an mp3, that that is a tree that we want to be the tree that gives foods at all times when we're young. And those foods begin to begin to develop. Later on inside at the end of life as well. That you find inside Abraham you find the parable is given of the good the tree. The godly tree is the tree that you find leaves upon the life of Kadima Paiva lives a life of any Polo fabric, like the llama Humberto Rasulullah does, you find
that the good word is that a good tree that you find has a stone firm in its roots a firm in the earth, and its branches going up in the heavens, what took the open Hakuna hain in Vietnam, Bihar, and every so often begins to give its fruits give its benefits. So when we will be able to develop those benefits, especially when we are young Guinea and focus on each other in individuals. So we need to go back. Look at the role of those individuals that came before us. The role of the youth that previously came, as I mentioned, and Latinas dejavu delay when you were soon those who responded to the call of Allah, and the messenger, sallAllahu wasallam, who were most of those
individuals, if you look carefully, they were young individuals, more animals Sahaba most of the companions were what they were young individuals, we go back and read the Syrah in great, great detail, the sacrifices they made and what they overcame, and serving any other and then he served in the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem. Likewise, you find inside sortal cab as well, before we move into the main field of the companions, you look at sort of gap, what do we find those young individuals in?
Manipur have been was it no good. They were young boys, young men who believe in the Lord and we did what we increase them in guidance. So the army is praising that the young individuals remain focus that we increase them inside knowledge and understanding and increase them and in devotion and commitment. Likewise up the seal so to bhuj you read the series sort of to see to me Kathy, what do you find the main theme, talking about? Al Malik palolem, the boy and the king, one boy, a young individual, devoted to Allah Subhana Allah, that makes what happens, what takes place, a whole empire crumbles, the whole kingdom crumbles because why have these young individual remaining
steadfast there was no way to kill him, except for the way that the boy highlighted. You have to take an arrow from my quiver from my dad from my SAP, take an arrow and then you take that arrow with my boat, and you say in the name, any of the load of the any of this boy, and then aim the arrow towards any my forehead, my temper here, and you'll be able to kill me. And when the king does that, he shoots that arrow and the boy dies. What do people begin to say? We believe in the Lord of the boy, we believe in Allah subhanaw taala mission has been completed. That is exactly what he said exactly what he said. And that's exactly what began the need to take place. But it was an image of a
young individual who carried out the promise of Allah and Allah remains steadfast all the way until meeting and he Allah Subhana Allah, lack of dimension look at the message the companions read through the life young individual Mahajan. jevelin errorlevel has illuma will help it will harm Magellan young boys classified is what the most knowledgeable regarding halal and haram. Today what we find a young do we find that we find young individuals aspiring to be four to be Redeemer? Do you find that very rare now there isn't it? Most of us couldn't care less. So we can see what begins to take place inside the future. Like what you find any even our best living our best young individual
classified is what tocumen for under one we explained the foreign because the profit moms have placed his his mantains clock over him and prayed for him. A lot of people have indeed why limit that we give him deep understanding of the deal.
With that we managed to see and give a deep understanding regarding the Quran because he had the best understanding of the Civil War and
thus his famous student Mr. Mujahid said, you need the Quran verse by verse, every single verse at least three times. And I've got the explanation from even from the Lord.
Why? prayed by the prophet Muhammad Salah Salem for this young individual leading the people inside prayers a young, unique individual, these are the companions that we find a way to go back and read in life and begin you need to understand you need about them. Osama bin Zayed the age of not more than being 20 the final expedition of the Prophet Mohammed salami places who are some have been seen as the leader of the whole of the army. So even some of the elderly companions begin to think in how's that possible a young boys at the age of 20. We've got so much experience. How can the Prophet Mohammed and place or some have been saying that position? The Prophet Mohammed son passes away from
this dunya. So maybe that's an opportunity to change play somebody more experienced there? What does Abu Bakar do? Guess what? He keeps a sama bin Zayed because he's been chosen by the prophet Mohammed ism, there's no need to remove him in respect of his age. But it must be wisdom. There must be devotion must be commitment that the Prophet Muhammad some selected ly qualified many individuals, I think that may be the companions don't know about a good life. They don't know about the modern world of dressing when looking when enjoying this dunya read the life of most of Abraham, I read about his life, how he used to dress, his silk garments. His perfume is to come from Yemen, if you
walk past in the marketplace in Makkah, everybody knew every you that, you know most humans are made to just walk past us. That's the life that he lived that he had. But then when he became a Muslim, if you read through the syrup, not mistaken the back of any of that we find whereby he's his arm is amputated, his left arm is emptied and eventually falls to him. And you find that what happens to companies when they go to bury him. And they find that is a cloth. When they cover his head, his feet begin to show when they cover his feet, his head begins to show and suddenly begin to weep and think this is the same Muslim roommate who bought the best garments, who the best clothing and today
we cannot even cover his body today. So they asked the messenger yard also the law, some of us and what should we do is it covered his head, so lots of them and leave his feet in place. If you need the green grass upon his feet and bury him in that manner. Many of the companions they went this is the same individuals happened to him today. But obviously made a Greek in Germany. So they made many sacrifices don't think we are the only ones that we see the things of the dunya. And we're facing difficulties, the companions, as we mentioned, they had those desires, they had those temptations many of them they they overcame them. And that's they became those fine individuals. As famous
quotations I find the people that were lost were people that weren't any barbaric people that we we weren't. And we find that Islam took us from you know, the controlling of the restriction of this earth and took us back to the light of glorious victory. And as you find the companions, this is in history. This is the reality for 14 individuals, disabled state ripped clothing, you know what they did? They conquered this earth. That's what they did. Because why? Because the man and that faith that they had, and that's the Islam the blessing of Islam was a greatest thing that they discovered Alhamdulillah a lady had done and he had one couldn't do that. And under the law, Praise be to Allah
and Allah guide us to this to Elise Islam. That's the greatest ultimate blessing upon all of us. If Allah guide us to Islam, we don't know where we would be coming mushy goon, disbelievers atheists, Japan, for whatever person could be. But Islam is the one that came and reformed those individuals and reformed all of us to bring out the best of the individual. And that is exactly what we reformed the youth. When people talk about projects of this importance of that. It's just the simple message of Islam. The beauty that overlooks Islam, when it automatically reformed the youth, our youth, you may be bad may be evil, or whatever it may be. But in comparison to many of the companions that you
find still trivial, the type of life that some of the companions you live, you'll be shocked at what they carried out throughout their life and how he started gaming and purified them that you find a lonely lead in your home. You know Nobu mattina. Allah is the Wendy is a protector of those who really takes him out from the realms of darkness and brings them to the light of Islam. Like was we the life as a conservative lady been serving the Lord and was the one who described you so right for the Prophet Muhammad and right before and preserve it. And as we finally look at the combinations of Quran inside the beginning, Sahil Buhari that we find the beginning of the compilation the Quran
Booker went to who? He went to a different sample, and asked him to write. And what did you say about him? He said in Colorado,
you are a young individual and we have no blame upon you and you are intelligent and a sharp witted individual and we want you to write the commandments again. So he was a young individual who wrote for the Prophet Mohammed now writing once again at a time, and he also be, don't be a lot of anime, and hassane one Hussein Coronavirus what the two young individuals, leaders of the young individuals were in paradise to read about their life and their devotion and commitment. Likewise with the life of other young individuals, Omar Abdullah Aziz has been classified as a fifth Khalifa read about his life.
You find the mama Ubisoft yearning event Michelle fury, Eman Malik, Imam Ahmed read about their life. mm soufiane authority, imams of young Indian are really no way to delight young individuals, how they were devoted towards the loss of data with the knife, remember, no we, as we began with at the age of 10, if you don't pick up the other side, if he read the introduction, and we'll cut them or talk about his life at the age of 10, while the children were telling him to come outside of play, he used to cry. He didn't want to play with it kids. He went to get on with his studies. I'm not saying we should stop you from playing football or whatever it may be. But we need to create
work upon certain individuals that we begin to train them to become people have lofty goals and lofty aspirations that we just think of becoming the average Muslim, then it will be the average results. And the Quran mentioned was become a sober old as we may know who should have patience and commitment and devotion. Like the five bless it and beer beginning with new Hani Salaam and then moves on Ibrahim Marisa wanna be you know, how much of a lot more insular, remain committed read about the life of these individuals, Ibrahim and some read about his life, a young boy who challenge the ideas who spoke out against his people. And as they said that indeed we heard about a young boy
who's done this to our idol speaking Elijah, I didn't bring this young boy in front of us. Hi, remain committed, no had a salon, talk to these people for how long 950 years, or have been meted out to me later.
Oh, my lord Akuma people day and night in public and secret. Every time I call the mistress the fingers in their ears, they took their garments, and they placed it over their head. That's how rude the people were. But what did he do? He prayed that he came to that journey. Recently. Some of them attributed to him, that you are the son of a woman who committed adultery, he put a bow that carried on his journey. And as he praised his mother that she was a pure woman. And likewise, most of them, who is the most amongst them whose difficulties most are Islam, and then you find the Prophet Muhammad. So they all persevered in their life. And that's the lesson that we take from the life to
persevere, to carry out that journey towards any loss of
life or defined if it wasn't any amongst people may think about the scholars and these blessing individuals. I bet look at the life of some of the conquerors go look at their life. You find amongst him a humbling cosmic coffee was known as 30 or 30, or Cindy with Hynde humbling to pass him the one who conquered and ruled over the land of sin at the moment, the area of two sided Buxton that we find on the hill in India as well, who ruled and govern and conquered At what age 17 years old. 17 years old, is classed by the person who conquered the whole of that vision, like what you read about the life of union workers are so darn humbling.
At the age of what 14, his father made the lusitano at the age of 10. And an age of 14, he takes out his first troops. And then he's fine. He calls his father his father's gone into retirement seclusion. His father says no, I'm not going to come out and lead this battle. You know, just your tasks now. So he says to his father, that if you made me this whole time, then not as your son as a salon, I command you to come out and delete his Batman expedition.
Look at the understanding that young individuals are young individuals, concreteness was taking place in the world, as long as we get our fish and chips and whatever it may be, and enjoy our life. That's all that concerns us. I'm not saying that we should go out and we should bail or whatever it may be. I'm trying to hide it at the end of the day, we want to gain lofty goals is taking 150 years to dismantle that people like to break it all apart. So it's going to be a very long journey to build the bridge once again.
So we need to build that bridge. The future will always be bright with what with the Shabaab with the youth if the Shabaab become corrupt, and that is the downfall of this Muslim. So we need to revive that once again about the youth and the young individuals. And a side point inshallah we all young because according to Sherry, linguistically, anybody under the age of four
Tea is classified as what a young individual so those of you might be slightly 40 don't put your hand up, you're slightly going beyond that limit the rest of us in Sharla are very close you know, some of the very close to 1400 in the summer almost found that it was all the toffee and ability to become amongst those individuals. And then the next time you're on the older Will you forget that the owner has to know hear the words of the last prime data and follow it to the best of their ability inside their lives. And we pray to last time that our take our youth away from the facade and the corruption to bring them back to life of purity and devotion and commitment to keep all of
us away from the house he doesn't know the same for ya smell baramulla warmer button. A whole coffee had never stopped food and he will have him when he can be Muslim. He never stopped food. No one of the four Rahim to take children
to a football faithful