Munir Ahmed – Session 63 Reliance in Hardship

Munir Ahmed
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The conversation is difficult to follow, but the speakers discuss the idea of the sincerity of Islam and the concept of the spiritual aspects of Islam. The conversation is difficult to follow, but the main point is that Islam is a human experience and a person has to face it. The conversation is also difficult to follow, but the speakers stress the importance of asking questions and the need to ask questions in a session. The session is supposed to end soon, but the next session is expected to be completed soon.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala MBI Well, mostly what was happening here in Ahmedabad are your liquid liquid. A Salam aleikum? Wa Rahmatullah.

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I think somebody else is having a problem saying won't allow me to join that's momtaz Anyway, I'll let you deal with that.

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I'm not bad. But that's all that Allah

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When you consider undressing, yet, necessarily will be ill monastic What is the worst it was he that was a lady who must see, well I hold Allah Quwata illa biLlah Hillel them

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Praise be to Allah Lord of the world's peace and blessings on his prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, after St. Slum to you all brothers and sisters.

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We begin as always by asking Allah to accept from us our efforts to purify our intentions to forgive us and guide us always.

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On him we are totally dependent to Him is our return and there is no power Mike except that of Allah.

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We're cutting all with Hadith at Tasha Asha, nineteen's, as

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in my novel is 40 Hadith compilation. And just to quickly remind you of the Hadith,

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which is reported by telemovie. In this authentic version, the first one that Mr. Timothy mentions

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I'd be a bus. I'm delighted to be Ambassador Geula one whom I call call to help and to be Salallahu Alaihe Salam Yeoman fatale will have in me or Aleem, okay, Kelly Marie and for the

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fob lahad pagid who to Jack is a CELTA fussily learn what is the first time in the world

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and the wisdom at Allah that all can be seen lemmya infallible cabbage levy che in CoD the kettlebell love who like when he stomped out when and you do Ruka be shaved?

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Lamb you do ruca Illa Bucha encoded cutterbar who are who are like rufiyaa till Appalam what Jeopardy so forth.

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This one

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blunderbuss reports, I was behind the Prophet of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam one day meaning other on a camel or on a horse or a mu. And he said Young man, I will teach you some words. Yeah, be mindful of Allah. And He will protect you be mindful of Allah and you will find him in front of you. If you ask, ask him Allah, if you seek help, seek help of Allah know that if a nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you. And that if they were to get together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something which Allah had already prescribed for you. The pens have been

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lifted and the pages have dried. Now, the second version with the medicine I already clarify, is a weak version. And the authentic version of that which is very similar in words, but we took the authentic version, which has similar beginning to this, the one I've mentioned with a few additions and that one needs enactment

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for them now embossed again.

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So all the beginning of it is basically the same as this one that I've erected, and after mentioning about that, no one can harm you with anything except what Allah has already ordained. In this one. It mentions that the prophesy Islam said why I love it. And this sobre la Takara Who are you going Kathy, you know that surely in patience and steadfastness Yeah, on that which you dislike.

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There is great, great benefit. And no, that surely and surely, victory comes with fortitude and steadfastness someone and that and

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ease comes with affliction, and that,

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with every difficulty comes, is with every hardship comes ease.

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The previous one was with every

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affliction comes relief, slightly different words, meaning similar meaning. So last time, we only got as far as if we take the first Hadith because the additional part will take from the other Hadith the end we got to the part of the Prophet saw some said Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. And we covered that in the last session. So we move on to the next part in which

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the Prophet sallallaahu Salam says

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if Avila F Avila turgid who to Jack and in the other version, turgid who am Arabic same meaning be mindful of Allah. Yeah. And you will find him in front of you. Yeah, this is a bit different to saying and He will protect you You will find him in front of you. If a graduate says that this particular caution really is saying talking about Allah's Presence and accompanying yeah and his presence and accompanying and being with the people Yeah. And this man here as the as is called in Arabic, yeah.

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Accompanying of Allah.

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For the one who is mindful of the boundaries set by Allah smart Allah and the rights meaning in following haram haram and halal being weary and doing the duties that Muslims are supposed to do, both in the bad and in character, when keeping the boundaries. So finding Allah in front of you meaning with you. So that kind of have

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an idea of positiveness a love being with you and also an idea of warning as well.

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So, for example, Allah says in surah and Neville, verse one to eight he says in Lahoma I Levine, how will Lavina whom not seen on surely Allah is with those who are mindful of of Taqwa in him of course. And those who are mostly known doers of good deeds. Yeah, so this here, Matt, Olivia, I love being with those is Bushra is blood tidings, isn't it? Allah is there. In other words, to protect them, to give them the Tofig and the ability to do more good. increase them in demand and to support them. Yeah, that's the positive meaning of that. So, even radio divides the Almaviva this accompany of Presence of Allah, wherever we are, into two categories, one he calls and maybe to hasa which is

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Accompany and presidents of Allah and support of Allah. And that you could really say is for a cause the examples it is for messengers and

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Ambia Russell. So for example,

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when Musa Lisa Maha goon I mentioned and when they're going to go face Pharaoh, Allah says laughter Hoffa in any mahkumat a smell what are all

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saying to them? Both of you, don't be afraid.

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Look where they're going. They're meeting the tyrant and most cruel tyrant ever lived. Yeah. And they're going to go and give the message to him. And so Allah saying that the half Do not be afraid. Surely I am with you both. I hear and I see Yeah, that kind of oh

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oh Allah Allah says to Musa alayhis salam and interested in the Quran from his mouth. He says in nama you're not be so yeah, Dean, surely my LORD is with me. And he will guide me. Yeah, he will soon guide me.

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And then you find a similar

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finding a live front of you the idea to support and to protect with when the Prophet SAW Salem is escaping from Mecca. Abu Bakr

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Radi Allahu Allah Sadiq is with him and they hide in the lorry soul

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And when they're in this small cave

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the prophesy Salam said as you mentioned hottie Muslim, this hadith the Prophet Syslogs says to have a bucket, Island Nabi SallAllahu Sallam like me Buckaroo wa Houma feel hard when they were both in the cave marizanne nuca b If name Allahu Sally to Houma What do you think Abu Bakr because I was afraid. I will look is not the Prophet. Yeah, despite strong beliefs, I will because the frayed and as many Allama say recruiting he wasn't afraid for himself he was afraid for the profit side stuff he's all behavior on that he's right is showing that so that's not just something made up. He was afraid for the profit size to him. So the pocket size somebody's coming and we're buckled down

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saying what do you think once you when you think

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about to and with them the third is Allah Yeah.

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Lotta has an in Allah hermana Yeah. Do not, do not fear Do not be afraid. Surely Allah is with us. And that is also of course brought up in the Quran.

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When Allah slotland mentioned in surah Tauba so the nine verse 14

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For your reference

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and this one

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soloqueue for colonists or

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for Raja who live in GAFA Roussanne Yes, Nene is Wuma Phil war is who mafia war if the pool only soft AB Safi has sent in Allah

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Allahu Sakina while he was a year ago who will be to know the lamp Tarawa?

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Raha wotja Allah Calima vena cava kefalos su Fleur can email to Allah he

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will log was ease on the hierarchy

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it will matter little if you do not help the prophet for Allah surely helped him when the disbelievers drove him out of his home. Yeah. When the threw him out, we drove him out to his home. And he was but one of the two when they were in the cave.

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This is the Quran saying it. And when he said to his companion, meaning the prophets Aslan set Abu Bakr do not grieve Allah is with us surely. Then Allah caused his tranquility to descend upon them and supported him the prophet that is with host with hosts you did not see that simulator time in the battle in other words in battle, and he humbled the words Yeah.

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Of the disbelievers. As for Allah's word is inherently uppermost. Allah is all powerful, all wise. So that's also the idea of for the last budget who to judge a man by the special Maya or presence of Allah was fought for the prophets Allah as Busan huddled before them

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even read them Ben says my YouTube ama

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a jungle knowing our last presence

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when of course this hadith when it mentioned this is from me when the Hadees says fr will have to do to Jack It's not mentioned it in a negative ways it is not listening in in a way that be mindful Allah

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the mic on somebody

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you're muted.

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I didn't mute.

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Okay, my

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data for myself. Yeah, so be the Hadith. If you're still with me, when we look at that portion of Hadith when it says our bill had to do to jack or a man but be mindful of Allah, you will find him in front of you. It's not given it as a warning. Because the one who was mindful of Allah then they're given glad tidings of Allah being in front of them or with them Yes. To positive it's not gonna say, be mindful of Allah will be to you, is it so?

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When you've been ready have mentioned the other kind of togetherness which is not special as it was for prophets and men.

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cinches. Nevertheless, it's mentioned in the Quran it comes in two ways it comes out in a way of warning.

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Yeah, or in a way of blood typing or both, actually. So if we mentioned for example, when Allah azza wa jal I mentioned

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in surah, Al Majid Allah which is

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sort of 58 Verse seven

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then Allah subhanaw taala

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he says

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them Tara Allah Hi yah lol Murphy some our MFE Oh my yeah go no mean that you were fellas in

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some setting in this home? Well

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mu vaniqa

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extra Illa who am I?

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So my unit be ohm Bina, we all know

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in no longer be cliche in.

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So, if we look at this ayah Allah says,

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do not realize that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Never Is there any? Yeah, whispering amongst three, but he is the fourth Allah, therefore, nor among five, but he is their sixth company of this meeting is in the sixth in the company, no fewer, no more than that, but he is with them wherever they may be.

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And then he will tell them on the Day of Judgment, all that they have done. Surely Allah knows all things knows everything. So this this idea can be a good news and a warning as well because on the Day of Judgment, he's very informed on what they were whispering about whether it was good or bad. So it has both meanings. similarly

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when Allah says in surah, Al Habib, WA who are mad at Nana Kuntum wala who be mad that maluna But see,

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he is with you, wherever you are. Surely Allah sees all things.

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Double check that is silly, unless it's all things

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literally just here

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right at the beginning of Surah Al Hadi

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will not come to Walla will be Montana University yet he sees all that you do.

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So here he is with you, wherever you are, and sees all thing is again, both can be a mixture of warning that you can't hide away from Allah for anything is with you always. And also in the way of can be aware of blood tidings for those who are there was a good Allah C's of everything. You do a good in secret. Allah sees all things he's with you all the time. Nobody has to know enough to go on social media and do a selfie and say, Look, I'm doing this

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afternoon stories.

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Whatever nonsense we're doing seems to go on it. So we shouldn't waste our time with that kind of thing. Anyway, the point here isn't that the point here is that Allah knows. And that's the whole idea of sincerity and not doing it for sure. Allah says in another words, which again gives the idea so you can I don't want to take more time with this. But

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suffice it to say diversity is to do with warning of Allah's presence and to get us is not the objective of what this part of the hadith is saying this is me saying it because this happens when it says Allah is you'll find him in front of you is a positive is a glad tiding for those who are being mindful of him. Yeah, so it's giving them good news. Then the Prophet says to him said to us, he'll Allah He federal heart, yah de Fuca fish Shiva.

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And here he says, and no Allah. Yeah, in prosperity.

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Tog Rafi lillahi Feld Raha he already forgot fish into this park actually helped me clarify

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for you

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From the pull to me upon it

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this part of Elon a lie he said Raha Yadi forgot the ship that is in this first this

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those of you got the Hadith open in front of you

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ma'am no waves

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come on so

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many people with me nine anybody got there and now we open up in front of them

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is this part there? No Allah in prosperity he will know you in adversity

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it says in the one with revile that the right term is a with a low dodge.

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You didn't join us at the beginning soil. You missed it. So I sent a week variation, isn't it? It's not the one I'm dealing with the first which is the first one. Okay. Okay. No, it's not in the first and remember when I said we have an alternative to the secondary Sun, which has those thoughts in it. And I mentioned it at the beginning of today's session in Ashman you will find that this park to La he fed Raha Yadi fuca fish ship that is that?

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Yeah. What I'm going to consider this big. We're not taking it from the first at least remember, remember both the Hadees Yeah, the authentic one intermarry. And the authentic one that I mistake from Azmuth. And his Muslim are of the same incidence, same companions, same story. So some of the narrators have got a bit more of the information than other narrators. And they're not two separate instances. It's the same teaching that the Prophet saw some give at that particular instance when unblinding a boss is sitting behind him that's how we understand it everybody with me?

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So to complete get the complete teaching you bring both of those hobbies together to have the the full thing that happened so of course we have in the authentic one to have Eli he's slightly he Lola he said meaning know Allah in prosperity he will know you in adversity. What does that mean?

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said I'm safe. Usually we remember Allah when we are in trouble. So we then start calling for him giving sadaqa but when we are happy, usually we forget him. That's my understanding. Yes, very good. That's right.

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Okay, let me just mention something which I didn't like in one of the shots. Mr. Duffy, I don't think he liked his comment either. I'll tell you why. When it came to this big no Allah in prosperity will know you know adversity. He says a month off he said and I made a note to discuss his comment he says you are no notice how he says it as well. He says it is said

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okay, he's not reporting from anything famous from anywhere he says it is said in the lab either to unlawful Allah He thought it fit Raha some other fish should call loca Allah have a salt reasonable

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what is that lemme Hakuna Matata angry funny lady. All of us. So Laurie for the oval. Oh, come up here. Walla who Allenby swab. Booth. He says, It is said that Well, surely when a slave

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knows Allah. Yeah. By being obedient. And, and and following his guidance when he's in prosperity. And then he calls the time of trial and difficulty. Allah says, this voice I recognize. Yeah. And if he doesn't know him when he's in times of prosperity, then Allah says this voice I don't recognize leave him alone. Or, or something similar to this is sent this email to me saying, Allah only knows what is correct. Allah knows best what is correct. So he's not he's not fully convinced by the statement himself. That's why he said it is said Yeah, or something similar. He said, and then he when he says, And Allah knows best. Yeah, whether this is right. He's got problems with it. I've

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definitely got

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problems really.

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This gives the impression of Allah doesn't recognize the slave. I mean Subhan Allah if a person killing 99 people, nevermind just in prosperity or life and come back and play with Allah, Allah recognizes and forgives. What about this person? Yeah, so it's not a hadith it's not similarly wise. Kabhi Eid kabhi or Sahabi? I don't agree with that statement at all. The real idea here

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is similar to

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sincerity of calling is Shiva in difficulty. So the example the Quran gives are people who are not sincere. You all know if somebody's drowning at sea. And you can apply that example to any other situation where somebody is in great turmoil, and they have nobody else to turn to. Yeah, except God. Above the only film that I can think of where that idea comes out. Is anybody seen the grey

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with Liam Neeson?

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Any of us,

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Anyway, maybe saying next Sheikh is recommending us to watch shows. Yep. I don't mind you watching that one. But here he is alone at the end again, and he has no one else left. And he's in a dire situation of death. And he calls out to God, but it's not very pleasant way calls up to God in this case. But that's typical Hollywood.

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I don't think it'd be calling out either. But anyway, the idea is that since insincere person who calls up to God when they're drowning, and when what what Allah says in the ground when they get back and Allah saves them? Yeah, so unless decision if he serves them, but if he does, then they go back on what they said, and then carry on living the miserable life that they were living of disbelief and disregard, as they were doing before. So that is

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that that's the idea of the sincerity. That's partly the idea here that Allah will no university. Yeah, if you are also following that kind of attitude when you are in prosperity, not just when it comes to difficulty, you suddenly turn to Allah and then you forget to embarrass, that's called two faced, isn't it in our own language, yet, the idea this person has to face and this has been to faithful Allah, not with a human being we witness this, you know, imagining that in a human sense, I'm just thinking,

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I don't get any call from this person for years and years. And then they call me because they need money, or they need dire health. So I help them, right. And then they disappear again, for a long time. And then I hear from them again, when the in similar adversity and any money from me, and then I don't hear from them again. Yeah, and it happens more, you people, that kind of behavior is not positive behavior. It's not positive behavior.

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so the idea is of knowing Allah in prosperity, that is also knowing Allah meaning, still being mindful of Allah knowing Allah in prosperity means that you, you do shocker and gratitude to Allah and you still follow His guidance. Not only when it comes to difficulty, even though you may well.

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And there's nothing wrong with this actually, because this is the idea of IP killer, isn't it? Ship the onion killer. And that's why so many a hadith come about trials and tribulation, Allah gives trials and tribulations for those he loves. And the greatest of trials and tribulations given to who

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you're all saying profits, of course, which is correct, I can't hear you, but I can be in my mind that you must be saying that. Yeah. So the idea therefore is that shift that will always produce greater and greater turning to Allah Swatara then you would normally do, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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Because you're not going to be in a similar situation as you are with prosperity. But the idea of in prosperity is not to ignore Allah completely and be doing all sorts of becoming selfish and just run after dunya.

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So shit that

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the idea is for a good person is to make them do more about the Madhwa to Allah. Yeah, which brings them closer to Allah smart Allah often our tribulations bring us closer to Allah smart Allah. Is that bad for us? Good for us. It's actually good for us. Yeah.

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And all human beings know that.

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The best human beings in character, those who've gone through trials and tribulations that I mentioned in underneath before, and the ones who are the, you know, what do they call them the snowflake generation. And I don't mean everybody in this low funnel flat snowflake generation, but people who have had no trials and tribulations and a very you know, silver or golden spoon everything on a play, well, you often produce in the worst kind of selfish individuals, not people of character, people of character come through trials and tribulation hardship.

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even read him says there are two kinds of knowing of, of the object of the slave knowing his or her Lord, one is a general one. That is the fact that he or she has imagined. Yeah, and confirm Eman inside them. That is, knowing Allah having Imam means recognizing, you know, when you say I should have liked Muhammad Allah. So you're declaring that? Yeah, you're recognizing your Lord is Allah and he's the only one worthy of worship. That is a matter of knowing Allah. And he said, then there's a special one, which is more than that.

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Which is inclining, the heart inclining towards Allah smart Allah. It's an inner one. The kind of thing that Imam Muhammad Ali would talk about, yeah. What are the secrets? What's the spirit of worship? What's the spirit of Eman and how you find contentment and solace in remembering Allah in the Dhikr of Allah. And in, in being

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modest, as though Allah is with you watching and seeing what you're doing, and some element of fear of Allah, that is of the Day of Judgment, yet so that's also knowing Allah Subhan Allah and the Lord but it's more than just a man.

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But so and then he says, there's two kinds of knowing of Allah Yeah.

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Remember the Hadith says he will know you in Shabda. So no two kinds of Allah Allah has knowing of his or his slave

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agenda general one and that is his Allah's knowledge about

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all his event. Yeah.

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But that's not what this this this is talking about. Even though I am already with making these two types from Allah the hadith is not talking about this first time this is the one that the same idea from earlier while

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he's with you wherever you are all human beings or Allah seen what you've just sat like a Barbie unmeet well that would be more for again

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for a positive one so I wouldn't be able to use that I would use Well I found a colonial Insano and that no matter what space will be enough so when national Accra will be lay him in heavily worried indeed we are the ones who created the human being we know that which whispers inside his soul Yeah, what whispers are going on inside his so we are nearer to him or her then the jugular vessels when after acquirable even have a little worried. So this is the knowledge that Allah has of all his creation

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bucks in this Aviv, we're talking about Allah's recognizing annoying his slave a special one, which is really to do with the Mahanta a love of Allah for his, his slave. Yeah. The one who, yeah, the one who knows Allah in prosperity and in difficulty. Yeah.

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And that will be brought about that's to do with Allah's Maha love. Yeah.

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Back to his slave. And that idea we brought about more in another Hadith that we're going to cover in future Hadith number 38. In no ways

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as the consequences of Allah, Allah has, recognizing that kind of slave are just amazing.

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And linked with finding Allah in front of you. Yeah. And they're all positive and they will come out when we look at that hadith in more detail. Now.

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Nevertheless, also, we have a

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Yeah reg of them mentioned Hadith which is transmitted by Timothy and it is a good Hadith Hassan from Stratford Maharsha who's an from Abu Huraira raviolo I'm gonna call on a solar light Salallahu Alaihe Salam min Sun Rahu and yesterday Billa hula in the shutdown for you, Phil.

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Phil Raha whoever is hopeful. Yeah, I'm happy that Allah should answer him or her when he is going through difficult times, then he or she should increase their dua when they are in times of prosperity. Okay, that's an encouragement from the prophets. I said not to forget Allah subhanaw taala. Yeah

00:36:06 --> 00:36:08

yeah, okay, let's move on.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:10

The next bit

00:36:13 --> 00:36:14

prophesized some says,

00:36:15 --> 00:36:21

what is their cell death best cellular? What is this diameter first time biller?

00:36:22 --> 00:36:32

And if you ask us so ask Allah and if you seek help, then seek help of Allah

00:36:33 --> 00:36:34

seek help of Allah

00:36:44 --> 00:36:47

even Roger, quite rightly pointed out as did

00:36:49 --> 00:37:01

you Imam to fee as well and remember, you're going back to the sixth and seventh century, they both mentioned but this is similar to what we do when we recite Surah Al Fatiha

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in our Salah and so on Fatiha we say a boo will do what he can is the You alone we worship you alone we ask for help. And so, even Raj of Alma Sofia saying that this is what the meaning is here you are alone we ask. Yeah, and you will normally ask for help. You will only 22 to make dua IATA now both remember so when you ask

00:37:35 --> 00:37:42

to ask is to make worthless worthless isn't it? Fair meaning as well? Yeah. So

00:37:43 --> 00:38:07

when you ask us only of Allah so He can have the meaning of dua because when you ask a lot of that is dua but the so I'll have from others is going to have a wider meaning as we'll see. And asking help us only of Allah thus we say You alone we worship and it was You alone we make the world come to ask you alone we ask for help. Yeah, yet means you alone.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:43

Interesting that a few 100 years later than the famous book by him is Madonna just selling 18 Boehner er cannot wait to like you're not gonna stain, which is a few volumes. Actually. I have. I still haven't read that. And I hope to in the future because they're very spiritual book. The Stations of the seekers, between er cannot do I can sustain the app. So this is a volumous work. A very famous a very spiritual work.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:57

And he's got, you know, similar ideas are there a few 100 years later of the importance of this idea, ie I can go do it I can stay interestingly, isn't it but

00:38:59 --> 00:39:05

who's heard Prime Minister Imran Khan's speeches in the last few years

00:39:08 --> 00:39:11

even bits of them any offers

00:39:16 --> 00:39:19

come on you can put your mics on and respond anyone

00:39:21 --> 00:39:29

just a few offer no one no one very few often. Yeah. So how does he start his speech?

00:39:34 --> 00:39:42

Yeah, sorry, don't recall that now. He says Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim. Then he says he cannot get over er can stay.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:57

So all of you, you will notice that when you listen next time, don't restart. Oh, yeah. He just says it'll just start with the economic light. Yeah, can assign that he stops. Which is interesting, isn't it?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

I'm okay, so this asking where are we return we're returning this asking

00:40:12 --> 00:40:16

has a general meaning if you ask us only of Allah.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:33

So asking, and as we'll see from one or two leaf I'm going to mention the province are so encouraged, encourage believers to become independent and not dependent beings, but dependent only on Allah.

00:40:35 --> 00:41:02

So when I say independent, I mean independent from asking others, and part of asking is begging. But it's not only begging, is even asking for help for other kind. The encouragement was that be self sufficient stand on your own feet. In other words, help others instead of asking for help. That's why we know and authentically these days said that the upper hand is

00:41:03 --> 00:41:04


00:41:05 --> 00:41:08

is better than the lower hand. What does that mean?

00:41:14 --> 00:41:19

Probably earlier, you'll only a high, high, low middle, your use of

00:41:21 --> 00:41:47

the hand giving is better than the hand receiving exactly the same idea. So that's the same idea. So prophesy Salam, in same way in this part of the hadith is saying similarly, if you ask, ask of Allah alone, here, and that asking, So asking for for others, in a general sense.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:24

Of course, we go and ask for a job. Of course, we got asked to seek knowledge from teachers and things like that. Of course, we are dependent on each other. In the end, we can't do without teach that we can't do without parents. We can't do you know, because that's the way Allah created us. But yeah, where we have a choice and we are not that dependent, it is better to be as independent and standing on your own feet, but only be dependent Allah for us not the idea of of a turn to Allah to us because everything he controls anyway.

00:42:28 --> 00:43:10

So talking about why this is similar, if you ask Allah is as ER cannot work, you will only worship the prophesy Islam said a dua which is asking Allah in the case of asking Allah is Allah isn't it? So the province is not authentic, that is a dua who will either do is embed Yeah. Then he recited which I mentioned this before as well in other sessions. Then he recited Salah leissner from the Quran. While all around boo Komodo oni as the GB Lancome in Alladhina. Yes, spec a ruler and a bad cheese say the whole owner jack

00:43:11 --> 00:43:46

up when he recited and your Lord says I said oh the only call on to me. Especially welcome I will answer you surely don't only those who are arrogant from my Ibadah arrogantly stay away from my EBA so notice that the calling of Allah Yeah. On one side is replaced by the bad for the arrogance, which means it's the same thing. That's why I use that as an evidence.

00:43:48 --> 00:44:08

Some people and even read them did the same as well and it's very famous but it is I just want to mention it they mentioned instead of a dua for a burger they say and two are more equally bad. Do R is the brain center of EBA this hubby's always famous is dice.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:13

It is not authentic. So there's no need for using it. Just use a dua who Alibaba

00:44:20 --> 00:44:35

Yeah, even Roger, as is his habit. And I mentioned the book but he did this in as well and he doesn't even in in this his shots of the of the 50 Hadith as well. You mentioned a few weeks at least one of them.

00:44:37 --> 00:44:42

I don't. It is in athma and telemovie.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:59

And it is weak Hadith from Abu Huraira saying the prophesy Sam said Mala Yes, Allah, Allah Sallallahu yellowtop Allah He whoever doesn't ask Allah

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

A lot is angry with that person.

00:45:05 --> 00:45:07

This belief is not authentic, they know that these are

00:45:09 --> 00:45:12

similar to it, but we can understand it from one aspect

00:45:13 --> 00:45:31

that if you don't worship and do a bout of Allah and ask him know, we're asking for forgiveness and never tend to worship Him than Allah is not going to be pleased with such a slave, Izzy. Yeah. So even that idea is in a sense, correct.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:48

In a authentic hadith, which is in the site and Muslim, the prophesy salons took Bey up from a companion, a group of companions.

00:45:49 --> 00:45:52

And in them was Abu Bakar, Abu Hassan Sorbonne and others.

00:45:54 --> 00:46:01

What he took back from them is just missing part of the heavy because you're short of time.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:06

He said, on that you worship

00:46:08 --> 00:46:11

only Allah and don't associate a partner's with him.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:30

And you will commit to find daily praise, and to obey to obey Allah and His messenger. Well, that's Allah mas che. And also give back your agreement that you will not ask people for anything. Yeah.

00:46:31 --> 00:46:46

And there's no Hadith similar to that in Muslim then it mentioned some of these companions, but the way they used to behave that if one was for example, on a camel, or on a horse, and his

00:46:48 --> 00:47:18

whip, you could say a what they had stick fell out their hand, they would not ask a person on the ground to pass it to them, they would get off the animal and pick it up themselves. So this is mentioned in in say Muslim, specifically as how the Sahaba behave, keeping these teachings in mind of not becoming dependent on others. Yeah, helping others but not asking all the time for help from others.

00:47:19 --> 00:47:22

And that keeps people in humility as well,

00:47:23 --> 00:47:24

in a sense of

00:47:28 --> 00:47:49

and not making them feel that they are high and mighty and that others should run around, making them. This doesn't take away from the fact and we mustn't misunderstand of having servants in the house, for example, Prophesy someone had a hard time in the house, and we're allowed to have servants in the house to help

00:47:50 --> 00:47:58

who we take care of and we pay. Yeah, that's a different ballgame. So don't get the two things

00:47:59 --> 00:48:04

mixed up. As far as further asking Allah for help.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:13

We have

00:48:17 --> 00:48:24

we have the Hadith which I mentioned many occasions of Allah subhanaw taala coming down in the last third of the night,

00:48:26 --> 00:48:46

on the heavens channeling the earth and calling out. And one of the things he's calling out at that time is anyone who is asking something of me as should truly Surely I will grant it. Yeah, surely I will grant it. Right. So this is the asking of

00:48:47 --> 00:48:56

Allah subhanho wa Taala and the idea really is complete and utter dependency on Allah. There's a famous Hadith that is often mentioned in this

00:48:57 --> 00:49:01

the meaning is fine, but the hadith is actually weak.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:05

And this study is mentioned

00:49:07 --> 00:49:07


00:49:09 --> 00:49:09


00:49:13 --> 00:49:59

If asked Allah Yeah, for all your needs. This is in top Ronnie Timothy and they burn it Nick unbanned said it was authentic, but it is actually more so weak. You can take even the headbands of Beaufort if you wish. The meaning is alright from understanding the prophesies. And I've said Liesa Docomo robber who Jetta who had died yes Ella who she said Nathalie he is in Qatar. Yeah. That You Should we all each one of you should always ask his or her Lord for all his or her needs for their needs. Yeah, even ask Allah

00:50:00 --> 00:50:16

For the strap if it breaks off the sandal or the shoe Yeah, this is some people translate it as even for shoelaces you can use that meaning but really meant the * the sandal same idea

00:50:18 --> 00:50:22

to ask even for something meager like that

00:50:24 --> 00:51:09

of course asking Allah doesn't mustn't give us the impression and the Saba never behave that way that you sit at home with your arms folded after your prayer and just look to the sky and keep asking ya Allah send me Fooled ya Allah send me money. Ya Allah do this for me. That's nonsense. Nobody understood that from this. Yeah. So just to clear that idea of this is not what's understood by depending on Allah swamp law, and that utter dependence in broad terms up in the DUA, isn't it in the statement? La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah Yeah, there is no power mighty extent that Allah Allah Allah controlled everything that's why he's known as these words as from the treasures of

00:51:09 --> 00:51:09


00:51:27 --> 00:51:31

Hadith in athma the Muslim and the Saudi from above alright, I love your level one.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:45

But the province Isom said well McMinnville are we Hi Ron, we're a Hubble Hubble Illallah he may or may not have dice this is famous at least as well.

00:51:46 --> 00:51:48

Surely here

00:51:50 --> 00:51:57

strong A believer is more loving to Allah than a weak believer

00:51:59 --> 00:52:02

was the cold in height and yet in all of them is good.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:13

That's not to make the weak one. And this is not talking about weak in a man by the way. Yeah, because the both movement Yeah.

00:52:16 --> 00:52:16


00:52:17 --> 00:52:31

then a weak one. And both of them have good in them. I asked Miss Alhama young phulka was that in biller? Cherish and be eager for that which will benefit you. Meaning strides

00:52:32 --> 00:52:47

work hard for the weak one to become strong they have to do some exercise and walk around rather than sit and become a couch potato and say I'm just weak. Yeah, so work needs doing and hard work.

00:52:48 --> 00:52:54

That's the idea of what would benefit your worst time biller in other words yeah then ask

00:52:57 --> 00:52:57


00:52:58 --> 00:53:00

interrupted me

00:53:03 --> 00:53:03


00:53:05 --> 00:53:08

sorry brothers sisters can be found in the middle of it.

00:53:10 --> 00:53:42

Yeah, so notice again, this is a bit like at kill her whatever to tie it and then trusting have to Auckland Allah. So here, be eager cherries to on that which will benefit you be active and do what Stein Billa and ask Allah for help. While that urges and do not feel helpless, or lose heart, we're in Assam Ibaka che fala taco. And if any calamity befalls you

00:53:43 --> 00:53:49

don't say lo omniva out to Kanika there whatever while acting

00:53:50 --> 00:54:31

after it's already happened. Don't say lo Oh, if only I'd done this or done that this would happen this would happen. Yeah. However say Well, our team will, however say cut dot Allah who amassed fat. This was the color of Allah. What has already happened? Yeah. Don't cry over spilt milk, god but Allah who this was the founder of Allah, this is what was meant to happen. Whatever Allah wills happens for in their low prophesized for surely saying low or in English, if only for the past

00:54:32 --> 00:54:35

year. That's the whole mlsa plan.

00:54:36 --> 00:54:41

opened up the doors of the DS for a bliss and Showtime to come in.

00:54:44 --> 00:54:57

Now, here my point of mentioning this was asking for help. The second point here is not to mean that you have a fire disaster.

00:54:59 --> 00:54:59

Had your own

00:55:00 --> 00:55:09

morale? And then the government says, Yeah, under Allah who, when I shot a file, it just happened and just carry on the same.

00:55:10 --> 00:55:35

Yeah, not to learn the lessons from it, how we can avoid the fire in future not to take any measures. Yeah, that would be against the first part of this, which says, be eager and cherries to what will benefit you. You don't take any. So you learn from the lessons, but you, you don't fall into regret and despair. of all if I'd done that.

00:55:36 --> 00:55:58

Yeah, this one and then just stay there. In that situation. Yeah. Because you're also not accepting the other of Allah when you wish to remain in that situation of regret. Yeah, of low. And that's why I've always I've always from Shaytaan. Before did this, and just going over it again, and again and again. And that can happen with

00:55:59 --> 00:56:01

a loved one dies.

00:56:05 --> 00:56:12

You know, 2007, my father passed away. And I remember afterwards, some of

00:56:14 --> 00:56:38

it's not a big simple thing. I'm just mentioning it as people start thing up, perhaps only we've done that, if only we'd taken him two days earlier. And this and that, you know, of course you think about that, but you don't dwell on this kind of thing, because it's very negative. It can only lead to not accepting that Allah has taken him and that was his time. Once it's happened. Yeah.

00:56:39 --> 00:56:42

So this has to be tread carefully.

00:56:43 --> 00:56:48

This idea of low because it can open a door to shutdown and despair

00:56:50 --> 00:56:56

and not accepting the order of Allah subhanaw taala for those things that are already happened and passed,

00:56:57 --> 00:57:15

which is the next part of the Hadith, interestingly, because that's exactly where it goes to raffia tilaka which is sort of and we'll deal with the rest of the two or three parts next time in sha Allah, the pens have been lifted. The pages have dried that and a few other things which come from the second Hadith.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:25

Before you all say that we've gone well over the hour for give you a chance to some questions on what we've covered so far. Today

00:57:35 --> 00:57:36


00:57:37 --> 00:57:38

open for questions.

00:57:56 --> 00:58:35

Zack Galicia, Spain here. So just to commend that remember him in prosperity and he will remember even adversity. So again, the concept doesn't apply to non believers for example, there's a law not help those who do not remember them at all remember him at all, so he does help them in any way. So it's not like tit for tat. If you're going to do and in all distress we still returned to a loss for forgiveness and ask for his help and we get help from him regardless if we have remembered or not remembered him in prosperity was just a point.

00:58:37 --> 00:58:57

Yes, and that's why I didn't like that comment of Imam trophy and I don't think he liked it. That's what I mentioned that specifically because that that's what that gave the idea of, didn't it? Yeah. And we know the fact is, otherwise, you can be a disbeliever all your life and you do Toba at the end. Allow turns to you yet. Yeah.

00:58:59 --> 00:59:16

So so the real idea was allows trying to explain about sincerity. Yeah, and of course, encouraging believers to be mindful and do good deeds, even in prospectively greatcoat to make dua as the Hadith of the prophets Arsalan do lots of blog.

00:59:17 --> 00:59:21

Yeah, at times of prosperity in other words, don't forget God because he's talking to believers.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:42

So that you're so that Allah gives you more reward more likely to answer what you're asking for because it's showing your sincerity with Allah, doesn't it? And that's why I gave the example of a person who only knows you and called you only when they need something otherwise they're not interested.

00:59:43 --> 00:59:45

They're not seen as a sincere personality.

00:59:47 --> 00:59:47


00:59:49 --> 00:59:59

I think that's the that's that's where we really need to understand it from that point of view, but Allah is merciful and this encouragement of good character, isn't it the bobby sighs I'm encouraging it

01:00:00 --> 01:00:23

Of course, of course and then then you remember some grand Coronavirus, mentioned that force I mean, I'm just trying to recall that when when they're in trouble, they will remember me and pray to Me and when it comes to that they are taken out of that trouble. They just forget me. Remember I mentioned that the Quran mentions about a drowning person. That's usually what Allah mentions and two or three places in Surah

01:00:24 --> 01:00:28

Yunus for example, it mentions it. Yeah, yeah.

01:00:30 --> 01:01:13

Sure, a UNESCO. cerebra him. Yeah. Well, that's the idea. And then when he saves them, yeah, weathering the storm. Yeah. Allah save us and I will follow up and do this and do that. And when last and we have an those aren't the only examples from every day life only those. I mean, nowadays, you get these Hollywood typical films where they show people in that kind of situation never ever mentioned. God. Yeah, don't be fooled by that. Because nobody was actually there when that person was on their own. And even if it's the best or true story is a bunch of lies. Yeah, human nature human being when they're on their own whether for a short while, or a long time in that deep

01:01:13 --> 01:01:17

distress and obviously, they will turn to God they will call out to God. Yeah, yeah.

01:01:22 --> 01:01:34

Somebody who che just want to do is it because of the fitrah that time of that whether the unbeliever still a colorful person, right, you're right.

01:01:36 --> 01:01:42

It is indeed. Reality comes. Remember, Cofer is covering up

01:01:44 --> 01:01:45

covering up

01:01:47 --> 01:01:52

Yeah, and it's a distortion and covering up even though fitrah Allah subhanaw taala put it enough cetera

01:01:54 --> 01:01:58

and ever since human beings arrived, they always look up to the heavens.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:12

Yeah, no monkey, no Chimp, no gorilla. No pig. No shark. No dolphin. the cleverest of animals ever looked up to the heavens? Yeah.

01:02:14 --> 01:02:15

human being did

01:02:17 --> 01:02:18

some zero right

01:02:23 --> 01:02:24

any other questions

01:02:31 --> 01:02:43

to the extent you talk about that, I mean, isn't it sad? How duped and deceived shutdowns deceive so many human that they don't remember God

01:02:44 --> 01:03:03

they purposely ignore God they mentioned God just to deny him which means he's still there because he's still they have to spend time just going around saying we don't believe in God because of this this this we don't believe in God. So God still there they just can't get away from the idea and then the general populace

01:03:06 --> 01:03:25

not mindful never remember God when some calamity happens not when when actually good news happens they never remember God. They think they do it themselves. But when calamity happens many occasions you'll sit here people say what kind of god is this? You did this to me? I lost my son. I lost my daughter.

01:03:27 --> 01:03:29

Yeah, look at the irony.

01:03:30 --> 01:03:46

And then yet they want to still think that they're gonna see that daughter and son one day Yeah, the daughter and son is flying with the bird somewhere in the nice heavenly place with flowers and trees. Yeah.

01:03:47 --> 01:03:49

Yet the reject paradise reject tell

01:03:52 --> 01:03:54

try and decipher that Outland.

01:03:56 --> 01:04:04

The last Thursday in the Quran, they gave themselves a good place in paradise themselves despite the fact that they deny

01:04:07 --> 01:04:08

the quandary of human

01:04:10 --> 01:04:11


01:04:14 --> 01:04:16

This is the duping and

01:04:17 --> 01:04:23

deceiving of set on that does this to people May Allah save us from that and guide those people

01:04:28 --> 01:04:29

any other questions

01:04:37 --> 01:04:42

Nope. I'm pressing too hard now for you to ask question. That's fine. It's Allah.

01:04:43 --> 01:04:53

If you're all okay, then we will come to the end of our session inshallah. All right. Yes, check just like no written questions I've missed out on or anything. No.

01:04:55 --> 01:04:59

Okay, brother, sisters, Dracula Hara hope it wasn't too painful for you.

01:05:01 --> 01:05:06

Remember the need to ask and inshallah we'll try and complete this hadith in the next session

01:05:08 --> 01:05:13

well if you don't want to humbly layer below the mean solely for us

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