Muiz Bukhary – Turn Over A New Leaf

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The history and character of Islam is discussed, including the use of the term "ham commendation," the return of Islam to America, and the use of Congress's title to protect citizens. The segment also touches on the upcoming return of Islam's son, Islam's son, and the son of the god's son. The return of Islam is emphasized, and the use of Congress's title is discussed. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a product.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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in Alhamdulillah

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in Alhamdulillah Hina Ahmed who want to stay in who want to stop Pharaoh who want me to be here when I told ya

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when I will do billahi min surey and fusina woman say Lena mania the healer who Fela moody letter woman you deal for her dearly.

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When I said one La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika lang

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when a shadow nessa Gita now when I be Jenna Mohammed Abdullah heeta Allah wa Soto salvato la he was why didn't you either early he was happy he woman to be on whom the signing Isla Yomi Dini back for the court along with a Baraka one time fee for analyzes brother who will be let him in a shaytani r rajim.

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We'll call it either. Yeah.

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Want me to

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be commenced by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala who is no doubt our Creator sustain and nourish, protect and cure? We asked him gel Avaaz to shower his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala he was seldom his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his birth with utmost sincerity until the day of clear,

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Madeira respected elders and brothers in Islam. First and foremost, I advise myself admonish myself and then all of you all present here to adopt a life of taqwa. And that is to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala and to be conscious of him gender wise, during every single second of our lives, if we wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of taqwa. May He make us from the victorious and successful ones. The topic for today's hotaka inshallah Allah is turned over a new leaf turn over a new leaf, I would like to,

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at the very inception,

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mentioned a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and authentic hadith if I'm if I'm not mistaken has been recorded on the book of Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah. We also realized that a lot while he was writing was seldom is reported to have said in a law her per year in ilaha

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illa Jeeva that Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is good. Allah subhanho wa Taala is pure La Ilaha Jeeva and he does not accept anything except that it be pure and good. He only accepts that which is good, that which is pure. And in that Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he went on to mention the words of our maker subhanho wa Taala who states

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halaby Nah, man okonomi

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Tony Bertie mahabharatha gone? Yeah. Yo holla Deena Amano? Oh, you have brought any man or you who have believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And just as a venomous rhodiola one was reported to have said whenever Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses us as Yeah, you have levena ama No, we the believers, we must listen attentively. Now that that does not mean that we do not listen to the other verses attentively. But here we are supposed to listen more attentively. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala is either going to command us to do something or prohibit us from something Yeah, you hola Dina. Mmm. So now let us listen attentively to the words of our maker. Or you who have

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brought in a man kulu me Toshiba Chima Rosa Kanaka. Eat from that which is good and pure, ie that which is lawful kulu momento de batty Maharaja kanakam from that which we have provided for you all as a form of sustenance and in the same Hadees also the lines that along while you leave asylum, he goes on to describe a man, a man who had journeyed far who had journeyed far. He is now dusty, disheveled bedraggled, he raises his hands on to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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He cries out the Arab Arab Arab Arab, whilst Mata mo haram Mashallah Boko Haram melesa. Who haram? Well, who is he or bill haram? Why is his food is haram is that which is prohibited or perhaps from prohibited sources, but I'm ohan Omar shabu haraam, his drink, that he quenches his thirst with his harem or from prohibited sauces, Melbourne Zoo haraam, the clothing that he has on him is haram or perhaps from prohibited sources. Well who is he or bill haram? Basically he has been nourished with all that which is haram or prohibited by Allah subhanho wa Taala. For use to Jabba the supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam caps of the narration by asking a question, how can that individuals do is

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be answered? How can his supplications be answered but Allah Subhana Allah Allah for now used to jab Allah Allahu Akbar, Mr. Mohammed even handle Rahim Allah, he mentions an incident in his book a zoo. About the best of the companions are in one la hidayatullah la Jemaine Clement de la creme the best of the best was none other than Abu Bakr Mr. de la Noir. He mentions a beautiful incident a beautiful story that captures and illustrates the level of taqwa the level of warra righteousness of Abu Bakr Siddiq of the law while Abu Bakr the along one, he had a servant, who used to generally bring him food, and he had the habit of inquiring about the food. Before consuming it. He had the

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habit of inquiring about the food before consuming it to determine and make sure that the food had come in from halaal good and pure sources. But one day, due to the pangs of extreme hunger, eating away at him, Abubakar de la wine,

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he forgot to ask his servant from where he got the food from. He consumed the food, only to find out later that the food had actually come in from ambiguous sources. No sooner he found out that the food had come in from a questionable source. He My dear respected elders or brothers in Islam, literally put his fingers into his mouth and purged all that which he had consumed, or the other one. Now, this story very easily illustrates the taqwa, the water, the righteousness of Abu Bakr Siddiq of the law, one that he had so much to the extent that he did not want anything, not even a morsel of food to enter his body and contaminate his spiritual well being. He did not want any form

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of prohibition to enter his body and contaminate his spiritual well being to contaminate that beautiful divine link that he was enjoying with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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As we see the Hadith that I mentioned initially, that if you are nourished by that which is haram, if you nourish yourself or perhaps if your source of income is not that which is in accordance with the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala you are not going to be answered but allies of Agile if you do is not going to be answered but Allah subhanho wa Taala you do not have a link with Allah as a virgin.

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And this is in and of itself. The essence of taqwa, what is Taka? Taka stems from the root Wakabayashi require, which means to put up a barrier to put up a prevention to put up a protection to protect you from what to protect you from the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect you from the anger of Eliza gel. So how does one go about doing that? One goes about doing that by adhering to the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala and staying away from that which Allah azza wa jal has prohibited May Allah subhanahu wa taala make us all from the people of taqwa. I mean,

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so many respected elders and brothers in Islam, it's never too late. It's never too late. It's never too late to turn over a new leaf. It's never too late to turn back to Avast subhanho wa Taala and that turning back to Allah azza wa jal is a concept known as Toba. Now, remember, Toba is not something restricted or reserved for the sinners. It is not something reserved for the transgressors. There's this misconception that we think that Toba is something for the wrongdoers. I am not doing anything wrong. I'm not committing any sins. I don't have to, you know, indulge in Toba. I don't have to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Look at the verses we alized which will

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talks about Toba Say for example, Eliza virginity states

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avina Amano tubu in a law firm

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oh you who have brought in him and again. Oh you who have believed

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To go in a war, turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala in Toba, and what kind of a Toba Tibetan since the October May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to turn back to him in Toba? Yeah, you have levena Amman Look at him Allah subhanho wa Taala is addressing in the ayah. He's not addressing the sinners. He's not addressing the wrongdoers. He's not addressing the transgressors. He is not addressing the criminals name. He's addressing the people of a man, not even the Muslims, the people of Eman so if you consider yourself a movement, if you consider yourself a believer, you need to make Toba part and parcel of your day to day lives.

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But he respected elders and brothers in Islam. There are a number of conditions in regard to Toba. I would like to talk about two or as I mentioned two conditions. And these two conditions talk about when the Toba is accepted from you, in the sense you have to perform or you have to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala before two things take place before two occurrences if you wish that utopia be accepted by Eliza widget number one

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before Vergara before your soul reaches your collarbones in the sense before medical mouth comes in front of you. Because the minute medical mouth comes in front of you, and the minute your soul reaches your collarbones, that Toba is not going to be acceptable Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this happened. Even the case of Iran, the dictator, the tyrant, the oppressor, books of Tafseer mentioned that it was the latter stages after you had witnessed everything is drowning. He's drowning, water is entering his body is about to drown, he cries out I believe in the Lord of Harun. I believe in the Lord of musala Hema Salatu was Salam jabrill Allah salatu salam comes rushing down and start

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stuffing his mouth with water. Why? Because that tober of his was not going to be accepted, but Allah azza wa jal, it's too late. This is occurrence number one. occurrence number two is before the sun rises from the west opposing the norm where it rises from the east. When it rises from the west. It is from the major signs from the 10 major signs or SRA to saddle Cobra from the 10 major signs of the day of karma. The minute that phenomenon that occurrence takes place, the dose of Toba will be slammed shut. And even if you were to cry, tears of blood, those those will never ever be opened again. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive all of our sins I mean,

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my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, it's never too late to turn over a new leaf, your maker subhanho wa Taala is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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We read in the Koran, the number of places where he has Virgil describes himself in

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him. Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most forgiving the Most Merciful. You yourself you read a number of times, whenever you open up the Quran in Lahore for Raheem, Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, In the Name of Allah the Entirely Merciful and Especially Merciful. He is so messy, but he's so kind, so forgiving. He is waiting for us to turn back to him in Toba. But some of us we think that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not forgive us Allahu Akbar, a beautiful and amazing Hadith good to see

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where Allah azza wa jal states in this hadith reported

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if I'm not mistaken the book of Mr. Muslim again.

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notes in the book of human material media Rahim Allah, it has been class Sahiba Mr. McLaughlin Rahim Allah the Hadith is in the book of your mama tirmidhi

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Allah azza wa jal states Yebin Adam

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Abbas subhanho wa Taala is addressing you my dear brother. You have been Adam. Oh son of other Oh child of Adam. In nechama de outsunny rojo Tony has offered to Allah Allah Makana ficolo

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in the kamada outsunny rajani refer to Allah Allah Makana. FECA will obey. The Hadith goes along the lines of these words I've come across a la salatu salam, ala Azerbaijan states, oh the son of Adam, as long as you invoke me as long as you supplicate unto me What a Giovani and as long as you have hope in me, refer to Allah Allah Makana, feeco, Allah Abadi, I'll forgive all of your sins, and I will not even be concerned about them. And they're in their hobbies. And it's good to see the full isolation reports the words of our maker so behind the hordes Allah, and the narration goes on. Oh, the son of Adam, oh, the son of Adam, lo Bella with the new buka Anna Anna sama. That even if your

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sins were to tava and reach the heavens, if you were to seek my forgiveness, I will forgive you.

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And our beloved maker, he goes on to state Oh, the son of Adam, my dear brother,

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Allah Subhana which Allah is addressing you. You have been Adam. Oh, son of Adam. Oh, child of Adam. Even if you were to come to me now, I'd say it's any Bukhara

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We are the hotwire that even if you were to come to me with sins equivalent to the size of this planet, to the size of this planet withdrawable to the size of planet Earth, if you come to me with sins equivalent to the size of this planet, I will come to you with a forgiveness equivalent to that. I will come to you with a forgiveness equivalent to that of a command. This is how forgiving how kind are makers behind Medina is

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my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam.

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Do you want to see the face of your maker? On that day? On the day known as Yo Mama xid Do you want to see the face of your maker?

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Mama but I am Rahim Allah.

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He makes mention of this amazing scene. he captures it. In his famous book known as hi de la bella Bella Bella fra. I'm going to read the Arabic text in Charlottetown. I just wished that the microphone was working. But anyway, I'll read the Arabic text. And I'll translate it in Sharla.

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It's a small passage, but just amazing. I want you all to travel with me. Think of it this way. We are all in the gardens of Jenna. We are all in the gardens of Jenna and Mr. Abraham rahula. In our mentions after talking about Jenna after describing Jenna, he comes to the scene where he captures Yeoman moseyed and he states in his book has our insights and Yeoman moseyed was the arrow Tila zeal Hamid work at big hill munez mc with Ashby, karma Torah Sham Sophia mahira, while kamaru a lotta Badri Kamata water Ronnie saw the film must do kinako lofi weatherley Come on Joe don't fish the HA he was Sunni Well, masani Minerva t jarier in was sohaib will be hora de musawah. Beside

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and if you ask about young will moseyed in you and if you ask about the day of increase, the day of increase in reward, and if you ask about the visit of the all mighty all wise, if you ask about Dr. Salah Aziz and Hamid, if you ask about the visit of the Almighty all wise, where he was he he'll Mona's anethum sila and if you ask about the side of his face, that is free from any resemblance or likeness to anything laser committed he Shea there is nothing in comparison to our maker Subhana who was Allah Jalla Jalla

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come on to Russian sofa here welcome Marula. Let's Albury Kamata Ouattara and he saw the film was Duke in Nakuru fi it will be visible the face of our makers behind the hoods Allah will be visible as the sun is visible in the middle of the day and the full moon on a cloudless night. And this particular scene that has been captured by Mr. Rahim Allah has been reported from various narrations from our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam. And these narrations have been recorded in the authentic books of Hadith. And and the Messiah need of the Imams. And they are from narrations from the narrations of jarier So hey, ns viharaya Ravi Musa Anna beside with one

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Allahu taala Allah Himeji marine and Mr. Ravi mahalo, he goes out now. First EMEA Yama Yama, una de Yeah. Jana first Tamia Yama Yuna deal, Mona de Yeah. Jana in Arabic Hamza Baraka Allah is the zero come for Hylas era T. First Tamia Yamuna del manavi. Then listen on that day, a caller will call out. A caller will call out like I said, travel with me. Imagine that you are on the banks of Jenna that you are reclining on the banks of Jenna. And on that day whilst we will all be reclining and enjoying the pleasures and delights of Jana festa Mia Yamuna the Mona D, suddenly we will hear a call a calling out a corner a crier calling out Yeah. Hello, Jana.

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Jana. Oh the people of gentlemen. Oh the dwellers of Jenna. Initially fright Will you know, take its grip over us because we will be wondering, we are all in Jenna, who is calling us and why are we being addressed? Yeah. Hello Jana in Arabic.

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Allah Xia rotting, oh people of paradise. Your Lord bless, sudden Exalted be He request you to visit him. So come to visit him My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam. Allah subhana wa Jalla is calling us to visit him a law for higher eyelashes

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All righty. So rush, rush and come to visit him. And we will all say at that moment for your Kowloon, sama,

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sama Anwar Eitan, we will all say we hear and we obey, we hear and we obey y en alguna Isla Xiao Jie MOBA, the rain event.

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The fear, Allah de da de da, de

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da de da de min whom,

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Mr. Rob Buta Baraka wasabi kursi fenosa hoonah we will all say we hear and we obey. And then we will all make our way we will rush to visit of us behind the hordes eila until we finally reach a wide valley where we will all be supposed to meet, and none of us will turn down the request. In the sense none of them will turn down the request of the caller we will all had to visit a wa subhanho wa Taala. And at that point, Allah azza wa jal Mr. Rob Buta Baraka Allah because he fantasy boondock Allah subhanho wa Taala will command will issue a decree that his kursi be placed at that point that his kursi that his throne his footstool will be placed there his arch and his Crusade for no sleep

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of hoonah and they will be placed there. So Manasa Butler who manabi roomy, no woman a

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woman a biro means a Belgian woman.

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Woman, woman football, were jealous I

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missed my

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karate folk I

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to Beat him.

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Beat him beat him a Makino home, and after the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala will be brought.

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Eliza gel will command the chairs we put up for us Allahu Akbar. Chairs will be put up chairs of thurs puppets manava. puppets puppets of birth opposed puppets of gemstones, puppets of gold and silver, the lowest of them all the lowest of the people in gender at that point, they will all sit on sheets of mask, they will sit on sheets of mask and they will not see those who are on the carpets and the chairs above them. They will not see what they have been given. They will be seated on sheets of mask and then when they are all comfortable and when they are all seated and secure in their places.

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The call I will call out again. Yeah.

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Yeah. Hello, Jana. Oh the dwellers of Jana. Oh the people of Jenna in nella Kuma in de la he Merida you read jeiza como una ma lm up abou Hana what you thought Thelma Xena while you the

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user has a Hana and in

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the corner will call out oh the people of gender in Allah Kumar in the law he Merida there is an appointment for you all with Allah subhanho wa Taala you read the geezer Kumu

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and this color after addressing them he will say that Allah subhanho wa Taala wishes to reward you we will all cry out ma Hua. What is this regarding and then you pay us Buju Hannah has an emotion behind him and tada made our faces bright. Will you kill mama Xena and hasn't he made us cages heavy while you the hidden agenda Hasn't he entered and granted us entry into agenda well you know and enough and hasn't he distanced hasn't moved us away from the blazing Inferno of jahannam. May Allah Subhana Allah protect us oil for being

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so tied up IRA who moon Ashoka hujan

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la him info to him work on and at that time, once we will be conversing with that color with a crier there will suddenly be a light that will break out there will be a light that will break out and engulf the entirety of the entirety of Paradise and we will all be amazed we will lose our heads and we will look up and at that point for evil.

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It will be the compeller Allah subhanho wa Taala Exalted and Glorified be he What does it smell? He will refer

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to him he will emerge on top of them will call and he will address the people of Jenna by saying yeah

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oh people agenda. Oh people agenda.

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May peace be upon all of you. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Addressing US media respected Islam, do you want to witness the face of your maker so the Hydra Who do you want to be address but Allah azza wa jal, then you need to turn over a new leaf you need to mend your ways you need to distance yourself from that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has prohibited. You need to follow the most beloved of all messengers Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is never too late mend your ways, make your salaat on time, do not turn away from us behind horchata do not distance yourself from Allah subhanho wa Taala give out your Zakat on time go on Hodge if you are able to do so, promise yourself make a covenant with Allah subhanho wa Taala that you will not

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involve yourself in interest bearing transactions, you will not backbite about others you will not have a judgmental thoughts about others you will think good of others you will follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in all of his teachings. When the month of Ramadan comes that you will first the month of Ramadan, make a covenant with Allah subhanho wa Taala that you will spend time daily with his words with the Quran. We say that we love Eliza gel. We say that we love Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but how do we prove it? We have distanced ourselves from the Koran. We don't even do our daily our daily recycle of the Quran. We do not pray on time in the salata.

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kanatal Mini Nikita makuta in this Allah has been prescribed upon upon the believers that appointed times. We let the Salah go by. We are so heedless, we are negligent in that regard. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. If you want to be admitted enter into Jenna, if you want to secure the pleasure of your maker subhanho wa Taala turn over a new leaf before it is too late. Many respected elders and brothers in Islam and at that point when Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses the people of Jenna yeah lagenda Sarah Muna la Khun, oh the people of Jenna May peace be upon you all for Allah to not do heavy hit the heavy accent even calling him a

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woman kisara

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there will be no better reply than the response that we can give to a loss of Hannah Montana by saying Allahumma salam, O Allah, you appease Allahumma Auntie Sara will mean kisara and peace is from you, too. Yeah. Even a chrome oh Possessor bless it are you oh Possessor of Majesty and Honor, majesty and glory and at that point of us behind the Medina. For yet a gentle

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Buta Baraka wattana yet Haku La Jolla cool yeah

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and at that time I lost the behind the hoods I will magic define himself over the people of Jenna. He will laugh and he will smile and he will say is behind Tyler. Yeah. Hello Jana akuna. Allah is Allah and when we say that Allah subhanho wa Taala will love it does not mean that he will love like us laser chemistry he shaves there is nothing in comparison to Allah subhanho wa Taala whatever comes to your mind in regard to the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala in regard to the hand of Eliza gel in regard to the ascension of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala in regard to the laughter of Allah subhanho wa Taala whatever comes to your mind laser committed he Shea that is not it because

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there is nothing in comparison to Allah Subhana Allah

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and Allah azza wa jal will say for your poonawalla Yes, man, I mean, huzzah. iva de la dee da

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are my slaves. Where are my slaves who worship me? Because I they did not see me without witnessing me. Where are my slaves who worship Me?

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Yo Mama xid. This is the day of moseyed. This is the day of increase for you Jamia owner, Allah talimogene wahida codina for Ghana, and we will all say in unison, we will all say in one voice, Oh Allah, we are pleased we are pleased to be pleased with us, we will cry unto Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah be pleased to be pleased with us. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala he will say

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Oh, the people of Jenna in the lava lamp of the uncommon lamp was King Kong. jannetty.

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Oh, the people of Jana. Oh, the dwellers of Jana. If I were not pleased with you, if I had not bestowed my pleasure on you, I would not have made you dwellers of gender. I would not have made you dwell in my gender in my paradise has a young will moseyed This is the day of increase for a loony ask what you will have me as whatever you wish of me for me. Oh, no, Telly. Mateen wahida and then we will all cry out in unison. We will all cry out in one voice every now

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Like la arena What do you have Nando de la la show us your face. So show us your face so that we may gaze and look at your face law.

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arena What do you have? arena What do you have number la show us your face so that we may look at it for you actually for Rob boudjellal

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her job

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me know when Sona kulana II mean II know la la, la la, la la, la, la La ku. And then at that point of us behind a Horta, Hydra our beloved maker will remove the whales will remove his whales Aleister Virgil will remove his whale, the whale that covers his face and when we say that he removes his way, if something comes to your mind in terms of how a human being does it lays a committee he say there is nothing in comparison to Allah azza wa jal and he does not do things as how we do the math Luke of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah azza wa jal will remove the ways that cover his face, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will show his face unto us. And then Mr. Minow, Karim Rahim Allah mentioned that

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in Sona culinary mean I know we will forget all of the pleasures, all of the delights of gender, whatever may have been in general, we will forget all of that we will be transfixed and we will be gazing at the face of our beloved makers to the Hannah who were to Allah. And if it were not for the fact that allies decreed that the light from his face should not engulf us and burn us to ashes if he had not built so the light from his face would have burned us all to ashes. And this is a Muslim Abu Musab Sharia law. One who states that sort of lights that allow while evalue SLM is reported to have said in the La Jolla Nam

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cabela marinheiro serrato salam

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loca Whoa. la hora

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de la basura home Roman Holiday.

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Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala does not sleep nor does it benefit his majesty and glory that he sleeps, the deeds of the night are raised unto him before the deeds of the day the deeds of the day are raised unto him before the deeds of the night.

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And the wail of Allah subhanho wa Taala is made of life.

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location for who if Allah azza wa jal go to remove that way he will have his if allies the virtual board to move that way of his

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super hard to watch he menza la basura woman, the light from the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala would burn every single creation in the pack of his sight. And my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, what is hidden from the sight of Allah Subhana Allah, that would mean that every creation, that every creation of Eliza gel will burn to ashes, but on that day of lost behind him which Allah will will, that his light should not burn us and his light will not burn us and we will be transfixed and gazing at the face of our makers behind mozzarella. And then my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, whether you have a coffee delicacy

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in LA HA HA, HA Dada, in a hula, cool

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guru Yama file.

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And then my dear respected elders and brothers Islam on that day in that particular gathering, there will not be one single individual except that of us behind him, which Allah will address that individual will converse with that individual and he will say your full and also And so, as cuyamaca Do you remember on this day you did this and on that day you did that on this day you said this and and that that day you said that you that

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he he dunia he will start reminding him about his actions about the sins about the wife that he committed while he was in this world for your cool and that individual will say

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oh my lord, Oh Allah, and until fairly clearly have you not forgiven me Have you not forgiven me? Oh Allah, Oh Allah Have you not forgiven me or will you not forgive me or law do not forgive me? And then for your call the Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala will say Bella Bhima ferati Baraka Manzella Takahashi. Of course it is true my forgiveness that you have raised you have reached the station of yours. You have reached this rank of yours you have reached Jenna It is only through my forgiveness. It is only through my mercy. It is only through my kindness, media respected elders and brothers in Islam. Allah subhanho wa Taala he states in Surah piano

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wrong in

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the wrong hand on that day. There will be

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faces bright and radiant, bright and radiant in Arab Bihar. Now there are and they will be looking towards the law, they will be looking towards the Lord, one will do

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wrong And on that day they will be gloomy and dark and faces maleness behind the hordes ahead and save us all. And on that day there will be gloomy and dark and faces today

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and they will be expecting a calamity to fall upon them Allah Subhana Allah Allah save us all realize they will make our faces bright on that day. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us of our sins. May Allah subhanho wa Taala open the dose of gender for all of us realize the budget except our goodies. May he help us to bring in sincerity in terms of our deeds. May He fill our deeds with a class where we do whatever we are doing for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala to please Allah azza wa jal May he opened the dose of gentle wide open for all of us. May He make us all from the people of Jenna, may he make us from the dwellers of gender? May or May He grant us the opportunity

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to gaze at his face of Hannah who is Allah? May he make us of those? He would address? Yeah, hello Jen assalamu Aleikum, Allah subhanho wa Taala will address as Peace be upon you may Allah subhanho wa Taala just as how unitrust here in this mystery may unite us in the gardens of genda with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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behind me

A Jumuah sermon delivered on the 18th of December, 2015 at the Nimal Road Masjid, Colombo 04 in Sri Lanka.

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