A Nikah talk delivered by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary on the 1st of August, 2014 at the Wellawatte Jumu’ah Masjid, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Muiz Bukhary – The Story Of Ummu Dardaa
![Muiz Bukhary](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/muiz-bukhary-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the importance of intentions and marriage. The success story of the first driver of the first marriages is also highlighted, along with the importance of spending time with family members and avoiding work. The importance of regretting one's mistake is emphasized, and the message of May Allah subhanho wa taala is recapped.
AI: Summary ©
Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu
Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah ashrafi ambia evil mursaleen novena Mojave vena cava Pura Tru Nina Muhammad Abdullah alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa Salatu Mata Mata automata. Salim Ummah back for the call along with a Baraka Mata Allah Fie Khurana Hina Z's to be learned him in a Shivani regime
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All praise and thanks to Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala who is our Creator sustainer nourish protector and cura We ask Allah the Almighty to shower his choices, the blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of Fatima. First and foremost, I admonish myself and then all of your present here to adopt a line for a tough one. And that is to fear a loss behind a dialer and to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. During every single second of our lives, if we wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter as
our powerful maker states in a noble or an in,
in ama has that indeed, for the people of taqwa is Mufasa. His success is victory scholars rahima Humala explained that success in this world as well as the hereafter has been sealed off for the people of taqwa May Allah the Almighty make us all from the people of taqwa because after all, taqwa is the ultimate goal behind Allah subhanho wa Taala creating us fearing a loss behind Amata Allah and to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the ultimate goal behind a loss behind him with Allah creating us a law the almighty states in the noble for iron wama holla control gene well in in
that I lost behind and Medina is stating this that I did not create Jin Chi and no mankind for any other purpose other than other than the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in another place He states
all mankind worship your Lord, the one who created y'all and the ones before y'all, now comes about the ultimate reason the goal La La Quinta taco, so that y'all adopt taco so that you will become people of taqwa so that you will adopt the fear and the consciousness of Allah subhana wa Taala. So May Allah the Almighty make us all from the people of taqwa, Maria respected elders and brothers in Islam. Our Deen is so beautiful Islam is such a beautiful religion, that whatever we do if we do it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala if we do it in accordance with the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam it becomes an EVA. Now when we say wama hola que tal Gina will insert
ilaria budokon when Allah subhanahu wa taala states that I have not created Jin Chi nor mankind for any other purpose other than a Baba, that does not mean that we have to devote devote our whole lives in the masjid perhaps, or that we had to spend our whole lives in sajida in prostration unto Allah subhanahu wa taala No, rather every single thing that we do in our lives, if we obey the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala and if we stay away from the prohibitions of Allah subhana wa Taala whatever we do, seeking the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala in accordance with the teachings of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it becomes an arriba we are
rewarded for it.
Likewise, if you take nikka nikka marriage, even marriage, the minute we follow the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and at the very inception if our intention is that we are doing it
Only for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. It becomes a great, great Eva the whole marriage that born becomes an ibadah it becomes a worship we are pleasing Allah subhanahu wa taala because we are entering into the halaal bond of marriage, to protect ourselves from that which is haram to protect that for ourselves from that which is haram and to indulge in that which is halal. So, no doubt even the consummation of marriage, even making love in marriage, we are rewarded for it by Allah Subhana Allah, this is how beautiful our religion is my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam.
And it is extremely important that whatever we start off in our lives, we put our intentions proper number one primary, the most important thing is that we have to put our intentions proper because as we all know, our Deen is based upon intentions. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in Mr Roubini yet, this is a very famous Hadith, which is recorded in many books of a hadith. in Albania, the actions are bought by their intentions in normal Albania. robinia actions are backed by their intentions were in liquid Lymbery MANOVA and every man every individual will get that which he has intended. Allahu Akbar Imam Shafi Rahim Allah is reported to have said that this
Hadith, this hadith enamel, Amal urbanears, until the end, constitutes half of our Deen because it is such an important Hadith that we put our we rectify our intentions always that whatever we do, we're doing it for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Say for example, we are about to enter into the beautiful bond of marriage. Now we need to check our intention as to why we are entering into this bond of marriage. Why is it because my parents are forcing me or is it because of some monetary gain? Is it perhaps because my father in law is loaded? Or is it because I'm going to get a BMW five series perhaps or and a house in Colombo seven. What is the intention behind going into
this bond? Or is it because I love the girl? I'm having an illicit relationship with her. I've been in love with her for the past five, six years. Now it's high time we get together what is the intention? We need to put our intentions right if we want to be rewarded by Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you're marrying for the five series, then it's going to be for the five series meaning the five series is in the garage. so will your marriage be? Because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam states in the same high they were in Ma Li cool Lymbery man. Every man every individual will get what he intended.
And then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on to say for mancala hirato in Allah he
he whose migration was for Allah subhanho wa Taala and for a was messenger then his migration will be for Allah Subhana Allah Allah and the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala the narration goes along the lines of these words and he was migration was for some worldly gain. Say you are in Makkah, you are migrating to Medina because you feel you can do a good business or you can strike a good deal. They're in Medina, if you are making a worldly gain or advice about Islam went on to say or if you are making hegira for a woman, if you are making a draw for a woman, you know, so and so is in Medina, if I make hegira there, I can marry her. If your hegira is for that woman, then your
hegira will be either for that worldly gay or for that woman, it will not be for Allah subhanahu wa eila it will not be for the Messenger of Allah subhana wa Taala. So, it is of utmost importance that whatever we do, whether it be sauna, whether it be azacca, whether it be our cell phone, whatever a bada likewise, our marriage, whatever we do, we need to put our intentions proper, we need to have high noble intentions, because many, many have great deed many a great deed is diminished. Many a great deed is diminished, because of a cheap intention, because of a lowly intention and many a small d many small and trivial deed is magnified is amplified because of a noble and high intention.
So that is have beautiful intentions because we are rewarded for our intentions. We are rewarded for our intention. This is how beautiful Islam is. Right now in this gathering, if all of us if all of us were to intend in our hearts Yeah.
If I have a million dollars with me right now, if I have a million dollars with me right now, I would dish it out in charity. I would feed the hungry I would feed the poor
I would give people in marriage, I would build masajid. I would build hospitals for the poor. I would build libraries, I would fund the students of knowledge. If you keep this intention right now, just right now, it's not going to take you a second. If you just intend your life I sincerely if I have a million dollars, I would dish it out in charity. My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, on the day of the AMA, you will be amazed on the day of karma when your Book of Records is given on your right hand. May Allah subhanahu wa taala arrange for all of our books of records to be given on our right hands because if we are given it onto our right hands, then we are indeed
successful. You will open your book and you will be amazed you will see a transaction of a million dollars you will be amazed because you might think I've never seen a million dollars in my life. How did this come into my Book of Records, it will be because of that noble intention. You had many respected elders and brothers in Islam. If you intend sincerely, it will be recorded in your book of records as a good deed. This is how powerful intentions are. So let us put our intention right before we do anything and especially before we enter into the bond of marriage, because a bond of marriage marry respected elders and brothers in Islam. nica is a beautiful bond of marriage that has
been sealed off in the heavens. It has been sealed off in the heavens, it has been decreed by Allah subhanho wa Taala in the heavens, and who was the matchmaker, the matchmaker was none other than our beloved maker a loss of Hannah Hua diala this bond starts off in this dunya and it must continue and travel on to the era it must go on for an eternity. That is the intention we must all have that we are entering into this bond of marriage for the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada solely for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala not for any other reason other than the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada and that we also pray to Allah the Almighty, that he strengthens the bond of
marriage and makes it lasts for an eternity. So number one, you we have to put our intentions proper. Number two, let me share with your a beautiful
story about humo de la de la Juan ha a very famous Sahaba a very famous female companion of our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. She was the wife she was the beloved wife of Abu Dhabi para de la Juan was also a famous companion of our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is to highlight this story is to highlight the beauty of love and mercy in a marriage. And this is what we must aspire for. One salmaan and fantasy salmaan the pasion rhodiola one. You see it for a long while he was alive after hegira. What was sort of I said a long while he was lm did was that the mahadji ruin the ones who emigrated from Makkah, he made them brothers, he
made them brothers with the answer The answer of Medina. So Abu Dhabi one was an unsolved was made the brother of Solomon and Pharisees salmaan, the Persian or the Aloha, they were both brothers through hegira. They were both brothers brothers in Islam. So one day sell man alpha zero, the long line who was passing by the House of abou da da da de la Juan, and he sees Omar Dara via wahana looking very shabby. She was dressed very shabby. So he asked her Yama, da da,
da da, why is it that you look so shabby, then she states? Well, your brother, he has no interest in dunia. He has no interest whatsoever in dunya. In other words, Abu Dhabi that she's talking about her husband, he has no interest whatsoever in dunya and salmaan, alpha zero to one one, he got the message. So he goes to Abba da da da da da Juan, and he takes some food with him and he goes to a bit da da da da da da da and puts forward that foot. The minute he puts forward the food, a Buddha or the other one who says yes sir man, I am fasting. I am fasting and optional fast. Salmon alpha zero radi Allahu anhu he states No, I want you to eat with me because if you don't eat with me, I'm
not going to eat.
If you're not going to eat with me, I'm also not going to eat so it's an optional fast you are permitted to break it whenever you want. So above there there are the long run because of salmonella piracy because he loved him a lot. He broke his fast to partake of the meal with him. Now don't think it's strange man he respected elders and brothers in Islam. It's not like the Sahaba is one light Allah Allah Himeji. Mine used to have fancy breakfast lunch and dinner No, at times they used to get meals very rarely. So when they got a meal, they would love to partake of it together. And that is why he broke his fast and started to partake the meal with salmaan and fantasy rhodiola one.
So the night approaches night approach
And salmonella piracy or the lorawan. Now he goes, he says with a Buddha rhodiola one and he, as they went to sleep, he sees that a Buddha they are the one who was not going to sleep he started getting ready to play. He started to get he started getting ready to upgrade. So none in forest zero to one one who then instructs who da da da da da one.
I want you to sleep. I want you to sleep. And then he comes and sleeps. And then he tries to get up in the middle of the night he says no still sleep, sleep you have to sleep further. And then he goes on to sleep. And until it was the last third of the night. Sir metaphoric zero, the one who then wakes up, the Allahu Allah tells him now get up and now pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then he tells the other one Aveda your body along the lines of these words, your body has a right over you, your body has a right over you. In other words, you need to feed your body it is not upon you too fast every single day. And you should also get some rest you should also get some sleep. Likewise,
your wife has a right over you, you should spend time with your wife. This is also very, very important. Because when we look at the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was the best teacher. He was the best commander. He was the best leader. He was the best husband. He was the best towards children. He was the best neighbor. He was the best in everything. Allahu Akbar. He was an individual, the greatest of all prophets, the Seal of Prophets. He was shown to me with so much of responsibility, but he had time to spend with his wives. He had time to spend with children. He had time to treat his neighbors. Well, then why don't we It is not like we are involved in ibadah 24
server, no army managing multi trillion dollar business industries. Why can't we spend time with our children? Why can't we spend time with our wives, we want our lives to become success stories. We want our marriages to become success stories, but we are not ready to follow our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose life was the biggest success story ever. Allahu Akbar, his life was the biggest success story. If we follow his life, if he won't follow his teachings, no doubt we are also going to be successful in this world, as well as the hereafter. So coming back to oma de de la de la Han her, her husband passed away before her. So at during his deathbed when he
was on his deathbed, when he was close to death. Oh my god, a long line ha she goes to her husband. And then she tells him, oh, Buddha, in this world, you came and asked for my hand in marriage, you asked for my hand in marriage from my parents and I accepted and we got married. Likewise, I want you on the day of Tiana when we are in Ghana, I want you to come and ask for my hand in marriage and let us get married.
You see their life. Both of them their lives are full of luxuries. Their lives are full of comfort, rather their lives are full of hardship. And that's why salmela Alpha zero de la one saw her dressed very shabbily because they understood the reality of this world. They understood the reality of this life, how temporary, how transitory and how few times the life of this dunya is mature, respected elders and brothers in Islam. Let me give you a calculation. Let me give you a calculation just to wake us all up from the haze that this dunya has intoxicated us in. You know what our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in regard to the lifespan of this oma,
the lifespan of this oma is from 60 to 70 years. That's it, Allahu Akbar. If someone were to live past 70, it would be considered a miracle these days, especially if a person were to live past 70 7080 it would be considered a miracle. So 6070 years is the average lifespan of an individual. So let's take an individual who has 60 years of life 60 years of life, okay, 60 years. Now, this is a question I wish to ask y'all. How many hours do you think an average adult sleeps for a single day? Just an average adult. How many hours does he sleep for a single day? Eight? Yeah, eight hours. Let's take it at eight, six hours in the night. And perhaps two hours siesta in the afternoon or a
small afternoon nap eight hours from 24 hours. Eight hours is one third? So out of that 61 third of it. We spent sleeping. So one third of 60 is
2020 years of our lives. We spent sleeping 20 years so how much have you got remaining? 40 years
barlines 40 years. So out of these 40 Let's minus the span we are we haven't attained maturity where we haven't attained Budo. We haven't attained puberty because we are only held accountable after we attained maturity after we attained puberty. So on an average a normal youngster attains puberty at the age of 15. Even though these days with all the hormonal foods, they even attained age at the age of 10. But let's keep it at 15. So 40 minus 15. How much is remaining? 2525 years. So from this 25 years, how many hours do you think an average adult works
810 hours? Yeah. So I'm not going to give you the accurate calculation over there. But we have even workaholics who work 12 hours 16 hours 18 hours we have Workaholics. Yeah, they you know, they work a lot. Mashallah. So anyway, let's keep it from that. 25 years, this minus a 10 years, a 10 years spending earning a livelihood, which all of us do naturally. Yeah. So 10 years, minus from 25. How much have we got remaining? 15 years? So 15 years? Breakfast, lunch, dinner every single day? And at times, we have meetings and all of these stuff? Yeah, breakfast, lunch, dinner. So out of the 15 years, it's minus five years for every single day we spend time eating drinking five years, how many
years have we got remaining now? 10 years now spending time with the family going out perhaps recreational activities, hanging out with your friends, you know, once in a while checking your newsfeed on Facebook and all of these stuff. Five years in or going out on trips and foreign trips and all of that stuff. Five years? How much have we got remaining now? Five years? Don't you think that at least we should devote that five years for Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is how temporary and this is how transitory this dunya is my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam.
If you're 30 years old in this gathering, I know for a fact that you may last for another 30 or 40 years if you're 40, another 30 or 40. If you're 50, another 20 or 30. And that to none of us can guarantee I gave you the example of an individual who has been blessed with 60 years who in this gathering can guarantee that we will live to 60 none of us if I were to ask none of us would be able to lift our hands. None of us can guarantee whether we would have been lost if we exit the masjid of Akbar. What if medical mouth is waiting to welcome us the question that we need to ask ourselves, are we ready to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala Are we ready to meet molecule mouth? Are we ready?
So this is how temporary and transitory this dunya is mature, respected elders and brothers in Islam. They actually there is no point in hankering behind. Dunya there is no point in amassing millions. There is no point in buying expensive houses and mansions. There is no point in running around in expensive motor vehicles, even though none of it is haram. But we need to get our priorities straight. We need to get our priorities straight. Are we going to live here forever and ever Nay, we are crossing over a transitory stage we need to be securing investments that will reap great rewards for us in our perpetual and eternal residence which is which is Jenna. Remember my
dear respected elders and brothers in Islam? The only size of regret of the dwellers of Jenna will be that Oh, I should have said one most behind the law. I should have said one more Al Hamdulillah I should have said one no Allahu Akbar. Because if I had done that a tree would have been planted in my orchards in Jannah. A tree would have been planted in the gardens of Jenna, this would be the only sadness this would be the only regret of the dwellers of Jenna because Amal has been made so easy upon this Omar. We just at a record remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we are rewarded so much Allahu Akbar, a famous Hadith. This Hadith is at the end of the book of Imam Al Bukhari
Rahim Allah
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said
Gunny mazzani hoppy.
allow me
to statements. light on your tongue, to statements light on your tongue. Heavy on your scales heavy on your scales of good deeds and most beloved
To aurasma, the Most Merciful and what are those two statements? So behind Allah He will be hand in subhana wa he loves him. So the hand of law he will be handing subhana wa Hill out him. Why? Why is it difficult for us to moist our tongues with these beautiful asgar resulting in US reaping great good deeds insha Allah Allah May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us all to moisten our tongues and our hearts with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Coming back to the story of the awana I just wrap it off and then we will conclude the lecture.
After the Buddha
passed away, she was a lady remember, she was a lady, a very beautiful lady from a noble family. And she was extremely knowledgeable. She was known as an Alma, a female scholar she was well versed in, in jurisprudence, some of the Sahaba used to go to her and learn from her Allahu Akbar, she was such a lady. And after her husband's death, one of during the hill of maivia, he sends he proposes to marry her. The Caliph proposes to marry her. And at that time, it wasn't a big deal. You know, today, though, widows are considered taboo. Nobody wants to marry a widow. In those days, it was something normal. I mean, if someone passes away, there's someone else to marry. This was how
beautiful Halloween was easy. Heroin was difficult. But now heroin has become easy and halaal has become complicated and difficult. May Allah subhanahu wa taala, forgive all of us. So he says the proposal to marry her. And you know what she says? You know what she says? She replies back saying I'm sorry, I can't marry you. I can't accept your proposal. Because I am currently engaged to Abu Dhabi Allah. I'm currently engaged to Abu Dhabi Allah. Why? Because she's waiting to marry him in Jana.
You saw the love you saw the mercy in between them because many respected elders and brothers in Islam. Their relationship was based on taqwa. The relationship was based on the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Taala. The minute we base all of our endeavors in our lives upon the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon taqwa upon fearing Allah subhana wa Taala and being conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We will be successful in this world as well as the hereafter. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to attain taqwa. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive all of our sins, may he accept our good deeds may alleviate the sufferings that the Muslim Ummah is going
through May alleviate the sufferings of our brethren universe. May he accept the Shahada from them and many have mercy upon all of them. I may have mercy upon all of us to May he bless the beautiful bond of marriage that is about to take place in a few minutes. May He bless the two spouses may fill the house with pure love for one another. May He make their marriage last for an eternity May he help me make them help one another in attaining the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and many, many the almighty bless them with beautiful, obedient children who will be a coolness to their eyes, when you forgive all of our sins and may hear the almighty just as how he united us here this
evening. It is raining and we are making law will be answered have faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala May he unite us in the gardens of genda with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen chisako