Muiz Bukhary – The Precious Gift of Time- Are You Wasting It

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The speakers discuss the importance of prioritizing one's life and staying at least 10 years old before reaching puberty. They stress the benefits of using time and prioritizing one's health and spending time in a certain area to ensure a good life. The speakers also emphasize the importance of prioritizing one's youth before becoming old and not to become distraction. They stress the importance of taking advantage of one's youth before becoming old and not to become distraction.
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
And peace and blessings be upon the Prophet
Muhammad and his family and companions.
We begin by praising Allah, Lord of the
worlds, the Lord of all worlds, the Exalted,
the Majestic.
And we ask him to send his choicest
of blessings and salutations upon the final messenger,
beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, his family members, his
companions, and every single person who embraces the
prophetic path, who embraces the prophetic teachings with
ikhlas, with sincerity, until the end of time.
I begin by reminding myself and all of
you all gathered here for Salatul Jumu'ah
to adopt a life of taqwa.
And that is to instill into your lives,
into every facet of your lives, the consciousness
of your Maker, the consciousness of Allah ﷻ.
And if you do this, O believer, O
slave of Allah, you are assured.
You are assured of victory.
You are assured of success in this world
as well as the hereafter.
As our Maker declares this in the Noble
Qur'an, in Suratul Naba' Indeed, for the
people of taqwa is mafaza, is victory, is
success in this world as well as the
May Allah ﷻ make us all from the
people of taqwa.
And may He ﷻ make us from the
victorious and successful ones.
My dear brothers and sisters, our days revolve
around time.
Think about it.
The Adhan is scheduled at a certain time.
The sermon is supposed to go on for
a certain period of time.
You know that, oh, okay, perhaps, based on
this, you schedule your day.
1.30 I need to be here.
2.30 I need to be there.
3.30 I need to be at this
Time is an amanah.
Time is a trust given to us by
Allah ﷻ.
It is a resource that cannot be bought.
You cannot buy time.
You can have one million rupees with you.
Can you go somewhere?
Is there a time store?
There are places where they sell watches.
But can you go and buy time?
Can I get one year, two years, a
few months?
You can't buy time.
Can you borrow time?
If you need money, you can go to
someone and borrow money.
I need 100,000 rupees.
I need 50,000 rupees.
You can borrow money.
You can borrow food.
You can borrow a vehicle.
You can borrow so many of the resources
that are out there.
But can you borrow time?
Can you go to someone and say, Give
me some time.
Lend me some time.
You can't borrow.
Can you extend the time that you've been
You cannot extend.
Once a moment passes, a second passes, it
is gone forever.
It is gone forever.
The minute that went by, can you get
it again?
You cannot get it again.
Even if you spend millions and billions of
dollars, you cannot get it.
And this is why Allah ﷻ takes an
oath on time.
He promises on time in the Noble Qur
'an, to indicate the importance of time, how
important it is.
When Allah ﷻ swears by something, it signifies
the importance of that matter, the immense importance
of that matter.
So today, inshaAllah, let us deeply reflect on
how we use this precious gift of time.
Let us confront an uncomfortable truth.
How much of our time is actually spent
productively, is actually spent in good deeds preparing
for the hereafter?
Why do you go to work?
You're going to work.
You're supposed to be at your workplace, 8am,
8.30am, 9am.
You're clocking in the hours.
You get off 5, 5.30, 6, OT
on top of that sometimes.
So that you make a living, you earn
You know how important it is.
Can you stay away from your job?
If you stay away from your job for
too long, you will lose your job.
So you know how important it is to
go and clock those hours.
Because you need the money.
You need the money to feed yourself, to
feed your wife, to feed your children, to
fund your house, to fund your vehicle.
You know how important it is.
So you spend these hours on a daily
basis to secure a good life in ad
Then what about al-akhirah?
You're going to live there forever and ever
and ever.
What about your house in al-akhirah?
What about your family in al-akhirah?
What about your life in al-akhirah?
How much of time do you think you
have to spend investing in that life?
The Prophet ﷺ, look at this hadith.
Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam
He says, the lifespan of my ummah will
be between 60 and 70 years.
60 to 70 years.
So if we are now to live on
average for 60 years, touch your hearts, people
in the crowd.
Oh, I'm 20 years old now.
I'm 30 years old now.
I'm 40 years old now.
I'm 50 years old now.
The Prophet ﷺ, he says, 60 to 70.
So if you're going to live on average
for 60 years, how much of that time
is truly available for us to worship Allah,
to seek knowledge, to contribute to the betterment
of ourselves spiritually, of our families, of our
communities, to leave behind a legacy.
Inshallah ta'ala.
I want to share with you all a
swift calculation, shocking reality.
Imagine a person is blessed with 60 years
of life.
See, none of us here in the crowd
know for sure.
Oh, I'm going to live until 60.
If you are 30 now, what guarantee do
you have that you will live till you
hit 60?
No guarantee.
No guarantee whatsoever.
You could die tomorrow.
Why tomorrow?
You could die the next minute.
Every second, every second, almost two people die.
Almost two people die.
This is something that we have to keep
reminding ourselves.
It's a reality.
Every second, two people, almost two people die.
A second has passed.
Somewhere in the world, two people have died.
In the next second, it could be you,
it could be me.
Let this sit in.
So we have no guarantee that we're going
to hit 60, number one.
But let's say, for the sake of this
calculation, let's say if we have an individual
who has been assured you're going to live
for 60 years, for 60 wholesome years on
the face of this earth.
How many hours do we sleep every day?
Sleep foundations, sleep organizations, you go online, you'll
There are many sleep foundations.
They study sleep.
And they recommend that you're supposed to sleep
anywhere from 7 to 9 hours per day.
7 to 9 hours.
So this, if you calculate it, 7 to
9 hours, it amounts to one third of
our lives.
One third.
So from 60 years, 20 years sleeping.
20 years sleeping.
How many years have you got left now?
If you are to live until 60, may
Allah grant you and me long and healthy
and productive lives.
Out of the 60, you have left 40.
Our Maker, He says that it is He
who made the night, جعل الليل لباسا The
night as a clothing.
The night for us to rest as the
darkness comes in.
We rest every single day.
Our bodies are tired.
We are fatigued.
We need the rest to wake up the
next day, to function like normal.
You can't go without sleep.
Sleep is important.
Sleep is needed.
Sleep is essential.
But 20 years of your life gone just
like that.
You can't do anything whilst you sleep.
20 years gone.
Most people work an average of 8 hours
a day.
5 days a week.
For at least 40 years.
We have workaholics who go on working beyond
that as well.
But on average, 40 years, 5 days a
week, 8 hours a day.
This totals approximately 10 years of our lives.
Work is important.
Like I highlighted earlier on, to provide for
yourself, provide for your families, fulfill our obligations.
But ask yourself how much of your work
is actually connected to the ultimate purpose, the
ultimate destination.
Remember the Prophet ﷺ is reported to have
said, No soul will pass away until that
soul has received its rizq in full.
So chasing this duniya excessively at the expense
of your good deeds is a trade-off
that you cannot afford.
10 years of your life gone working.
So how many years have you got left
30 years.
We have to eat.
Some of us, we eat twice a day.
Alhamdulillah, there is a shift now.
You see people are becoming more and more
So people are careful with their diet.
People are careful with what they put into
Not generalizing, there is still a very unhealthy
Very unhealthy trend.
And that trend is fueled by all the
fast food and everything that is out there
where we eat.
Very unhealthy food.
You are what you eat.
Remember that.
You are what you eat.
But still, along with a crowd, a segment
that eats twice a day, you have the
norm, who consume 3 meals a day.
And then there are some exceptions as well.
Where there are people who eat 5 times
a day, 7 times a day.
On average, 1.5 hours per day eating
and drinking.
So across 60 years, this totals 4 years.
Allah has blessed us with food.
He says in the Noble Quran, Eat and
But do not be excessive.
Do not waste.
So 4 years gone in eating and drinking.
A lot of us, we have hobbies, we
have leisure activities.
And along with that, I am going to
go into a tangent in just a bit.
You have social media, you have screen time.
Screen time.
Now most devices are equipped with this.
Whether you are on IOS or whether you
are on Android.
Most of the major companies, they have come
up with this feature.
Where you can go into the settings.
And not only that you have to go
into the settings, it itself prompts.
Saying that, oh, this week you have spent
this much of time on your screen.
You can actually go and see the metrics.
Oh, I have spent this many hours on
This many hours on Netflix.
This many hours on TikTok.
Endlessly scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling.
That many hours.
So when I say leisure, you might be
thinking, hey, well, I don't go play golf.
I don't play tennis.
Really, I don't have many hobbies.
But this comes into it as well.
Screen time.
How much of time are you spending on
your screen?
Endlessly scrolling, scrolling, scrolling.
So on average, I have put in about
8 years.
But in some cases, it's a lot more.
A lot more.
The Prophet ﷺ, he tells us on the
day of Qiyamah.
The two feet of the son of Adam
will not move.
Until he is asked about his time.
And how he spent that time.
If your mobile device is today telling you.
How much of time you spent on YouTube.
How much of time you spent on Netflix.
Do you know Google?
If you go in and see how they
are managing your data.
For those of you who know this.
You can go into the metrics.
It will tell you where and where you
Because Google Maps is linked to it.
It will tell you what and what videos
you watched.
To the extent data will tell you.
Basically people who are involved in data.
On a video, how long you spent time
on certain portions of the video.
There are some people, the minute they see
a woman in the video.
They have to keep going back to that
And ogling at that woman.
Ogling at the cleavage.
Ogling at the skin that is being shown.
All this data is there out for you
to go and see.
Then just imagine on the day of Qiyamah.
You think Allah is not going to bring
up all this?
You think this data is hidden from Allah?
If worldly companies have access to your data
like this.
What about Allah?
Everything will be brought out on that day.
And your feet will not move until you
I spent my time on this.
Travel and commuting.
Whether it is driving to work.
Or traveling for errands.
We spend about 2-3 years just moving
from place to place.
Health and maintenance.
Daily grooming.
You know in front of the mirror.
Some of us have, what do you call
Oh, skin care routines now.
Not bad.
It's a good thing.
Morning routine, AM routine, PM routine.
A lot of time in front of the
A lot of time in the washroom.
And then along with that.
Even, I would say, exercise also comes into
And by the way, these are all not
These are not bad things.
You have to look after yourself.
You have to hit the gym.
If you want to maintain or indulge in
some kind of activity.
It doesn't always have to be the gym.
But some kind of activity.
Maybe walking, jogging, swimming.
Something to keep yourself fit and active.
Of course it's important.
You have to eat and drink.
You have to sleep.
So all these things are important.
But I want you to realize how much
of time is going in all of this.
So let's say another 2-3 years in
health and maintenance.
Another number of years.
If you add all this, my dear brothers
and sisters.
Sleep 20 years.
Work 10 years.
Eating 4 years.
Recreation 8 years.
Travel 3 years.
Health 3 years.
Education 3 years.
You arrive at about 40 years.
Sorry, 50 years gone in all of this.
And I'm taking very conservative numbers by the
50 years gone.
How much have you left?
Have you got left?
10 years.
And funny enough, I didn't factor.
That you're not held accountable until you reach
When you're 2 years old, it's not like
you're doing good deeds.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
On average, children hit puberty at the age
of 12, 13, 14, 15.
So about 10 years goes in childhood.
So in reality, how much of time do
we have left?
Think about it.
How much of time do you think you
have left?
And you see, I said, I'll mention a
Today, if we reflect on video gaming, children
in the crowd, youngsters in the crowd, they'll
be like, Sheikh, don't go there, don't go
Please, don't go there now.
My dad's in the crowd.
There goes my PS5 time for the weekend.
Holiday season is coming around.
Children are being glued to the screen.
Computer games, PlayStation, mobile games.
There have been studies, where teens aged 15
to 19, very crucial time, youth, very crucial
time in their lives.
They spend an average of 98 minutes per
day on gaming and computer use for leisure.
That, my dear youngsters, clocks up to 35
,000 minutes annually.
Or 24 full days every single year just
on gaming.
One month, almost one month, gone entirely just
in gaming.
Subhanallah, some individuals, there are some gamers and
the gaming community looks up to this.
You can actually see how many hours you
clock on a game.
Be it whatever game that is out there,
how many hours clocked.
And the more the hours, the more the
admiration is for the individual, for the gamer.
You have YouTubers who are spending hours, they
don't eat.
They go to extremes where they don't shower.
They don't eat.
They don't sleep.
Glued to the screen.
Glued to the screen.
More than a month of your life gone
on an annual basis just in front of
the screen with no productivity whatsoever.
What is the opportunity cost?
Reflect on it, oh youngsters.
How much of Quran could have been read
in that time?
How much of salah could have been offered
in that time?
How much of time could you have spent
with your family, with your siblings, with your
mother, with your father?
How much of time could have been spent
serving others?
How much of time could have been spent
learning beneficial and productive things?
How much of time could have been spent
building a legacy for yourself?
But instead it's just wasted away in front
of the screen.
The Prophet ﷺ warned us in the previous
hadith, your feet will not move until you
Ask yourself how productive it is if you
have spent one month in front of a
What have you gained out of it after
What have you gained?
The gaming companies are becoming rich.
The Twitch streamers are becoming rich.
The YouTubers are becoming rich.
But you, oh youngster, what have you gained?
What have you gained?
Again, it is not...
I can't say entirely it is haram.
It depends on the game.
There are obviously games and most games have
problematic issues within them.
But it needs to be monitored.
And you need to get your priorities straight.
Don't let it become a distraction that robs
you of your akhira.
So my dear brothers and sisters, we have
to take advantage of five matters before five
matters, as per the words of the Prophet
Take advantage of your youth before you become
Today if you speak to the older generation,
they'll tell you, Oh, my knees are aching
My knees.
I can't go down for sujood like how
I used to go down for sujood.
My back aches now.
I can't pray standing anymore like how I
used to pray.
I have to pray seated.
I'm trembling now.
My focus is gone.
My brain is not sharp.
You see, your youth will go like this
and then your old age will come.
So take advantage of your youth before you
become old.
Take advantage of your health before you fall
There are many a person, once the diagnosis
comes, Oh, my liver is failing.
My kidneys are shutting down.
Lipid profile is high.
This is high.
That is high.
Diabetes now.
Your health is gone.
And it's deteriorating.
You're not becoming younger.
You're becoming older.
So take advantage of your health before you
fall sick.
Your wealth before you become poor.
Oh, people who think that you have wealth
with you right now, can you say that,
Oh, my wealth is going to be with
me forever?
Markets have collapsed.
Economies have crashed.
Recessions have come about.
And experience will tell you there is many
a story out there of rags to riches
and riches to rags.
Wealth is not permanent.
Just because you have your assets, just because
you have your wealth stored away for a
rainy day, doesn't mean that it is going
to be with you forever and ever.
It does not belong to you in the
first place.
It is a trust given to you by
your maker to see how you fare with
that trust.
So don't be proud about it.
Don't be arrogant about it.
Use it in the best way possible before
it is taken away from you or before
it is transferred from you to your heirs,
to your inheritors.
Your free time before you become busy.
Before you become busy and then you don't
have time.
Your life before your death.
Take advantage of your life before your death.
Oh, youngster, whilst you play that game, seated
in front of the screen, shooting away, one
day you might have to turn and see
there will be a figure next to you.
You're going to be surprised.
You're going to think, Call of Duty I
was playing.
Fortnite I was playing.
Who is this seated next to me?
Who are you?
I am the angel of death.
You will throw the controller.
You will want to rush to the masjid.
You will want to run and take a
bath to purify yourself.
Or the one glued in front of all
of the haram websites.
You will want to make amends.
You will want to make tawbah.
You will cry, Oh, Malakul Maut, don't take
my soul.
Let me go ask my father's forgiveness.
Ask him to forgive me for all the
times I've hurt him.
Let me ask my mother to forgive me
for all the times I've hurt her.
Let me turn to my maker and seek
forgiveness from Allah.
Not a single second will be given.
Malakul Maut, the angel of death, comes at
the appointed time and the soul will be
extracted at that time.
Oh brother, oh sister, you may be driving
to your office.
Malakul Maut will be in your vehicle.
You may reach your office and Malakul Maut
will be seated waiting for you in your
You may think I'm going to go and
have a good lunch, but you might not
have lunch.
I'm thinking I might lead the prayer.
I might not even make it down the
I might collapse as I walk down the
pulpit and my life can be taken away.
So make sure, we always make dua, ya
Allah, make our endings beautiful, ya Allah.
Take our soul in a situation where you
are pleased with us.
We want to be in front of the
Kaaba perhaps.
We want to be in Masjid al-Nabawi
We want to be in Sajdah perhaps.
Or at the very least, we don't want
to be in a situation of sin.
We don't want to be in a cinema.
We don't want to be in front of
a * website.
We don't want to be with a PS4
controller in our hands.
So ask yourself, prioritize, prioritize.
Get your priorities straight.
So therefore let us reflect on the value
of time.
Let us work hard.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us
the ability to use our time wisely, to
fill our days with ibadah, with worship and
good deeds, and to meet Him with a
record, with books that please Him.
And just as how He united us here
in this Masjid, may He unite us in
the beautiful gardens of Jannah, in the companionship
of our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
alihi wa sallam.