Day 1 of The Messengers series – Ramadan 2015 presented by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary in Masjid Noor, Maldives.
Muiz Bukhary – The Messengers – Day 1 – Beginning Of Creation
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The conversation discusses the significance of prophets in the Bible and their use in describing people. It also touches on the use of "handy" words to describe people and their significance in the Bible. The discussion then moves on to Jesus Christ's teaching and the importance of praise for his creation. The segment also touches on the creation of the beast Jesus Christ and the use of a cow to create a new generation of humans. Finally, the segment concludes with plans for the next session.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah ashrafi Gambia evil mousseline, Nabina. Habib in our polity, our union Mohammed bin Abdullah Ali, Ali he was happy he offered to sada to attend with asleep My bad.
All praise and thanks be to Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala who is our Creator sustainer nourish, protect and cure. We ask Allah azza wa jal to Chava his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of
many brothers and sisters in Islam.
We warmly welcome
this blessed month of Ramadan in the year 1436 hijiri. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us all make the very best out of this month. And when he has the vigil, help us to attain His pleasure and his forgiveness amin
and then we thank Ally's Virgil, for blessing us all with this opportunity to sit in one of his beautiful houses and to discuss stories of the greatest of all individuals to have ever walked on the face of this earth. The MBR the Prophet sallahu wa Salatu was Salam. But mind you, these stories are not to keep us entertained and amused until the time for a star approaches. But rather, these stories are for us to ponder and reflect for us to derive lessons from like our make states in the noble Koran.
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Naomi Minato en la katakana fear Cosima Al Bab. There was certainly in their stories, lessons for those of understanding for the people who have understanding May Allah subhanho wa Taala open the doors of understanding for all of us, I mean, Makana Heidi's a youth Tara Willa cantos de la verbania. De never was the Quran a narration invented the Quran isn't something that has been forged Allahu Akbar, the Quran has never been invented, while I came across Dr. Levy baina de barraza. It is a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things the Quran. So these stories that we are going to narrate unto you in sha Allah are stories derived from the Koran, as
well as the Sunnah of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam many brothers and sisters in Islam before we begin the story of our father, Adam, Allah His salat wa salam, there are a few points that I wish to touch on and elaborate inshallah loudhailer starting off with what was the total number of prophets Allah hemos salatu salam can I
find out?
What was the total number of prophets Allah hemos salatu wa sallam that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent to the face of this earth. Now, the number of prophets that were mentioned in the Quran, the number of prophets that have been mentioned in the Quran, are 25 in number, the number of the Prophet sallahu wa Salatu was Salam. The dimension in the Quran are 25
Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions almost 18 of them in this particular Ayah what ilca tuna, Tina Ibrahima Allah combing now the pharaoh without Raja
Nasha in
hockey, Mona Annie Walla Habana, who is how
Colin had a no one no one had a in one hand hi Dana. korbel 101 Hi, Dana Amil Baba huami Daria te da da sola Eamon
de sola Hema Noah you Baba Yusuf our musawah Juan waka, Nicanor Jason mazzini. Was that Korea
is our second no Nina sorry hain. What is my you know, and he is our you know, our Lou
me in Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned 18 of the MBR Allah Hema salatu salam in this particular Ayah starting off Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam is half Allah He salatu salam yaku new Tao Suleiman Are you use of Moosa? Harun Zakaria yahia Risa ilias is Marielle, Elisa Eunice and ludes Allahi wa Salatu was Salam. ala Azerbaijan mentions 18 of them in this particular ayah and the remaining are Idris who's here I soil.
Adam, Allah salatu salam, and our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. 25 of them are mentioned in the Noble Quran. And according to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which has been recorded in the Muslim Imam Muhammad Rahim, Allah boozer, the long line, he goes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he asks him Yasser Allah come to Roswell.
How many prophets were there, all of them in total Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then clarifies homea to Runa alpha. There were 120,000 of them. There were 120,000 prophets, Allah hemos Salatu was Salam. So from this, we understand that there were a great number of prophets alayhi wa salatu salam was sent to the face of this earth by Allah azza wa jal. Now moving on to the next point of discussion, what is the difference between a rhassoul and a nebby? I'm sure you must have come across these two terms nebby rhassoul? What is the difference between a B and A Rasul? Now scholars rahima Humala have given different opinions in this regard. Starting off with that a raw
soul is an individual who Allah subhanho wa Taala gives a new legislation, a new
revelation, a new legislation, whilst A nebby is a prophet was sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala. But he's not given a new legislation. Instead, he comes and he follows up with the previous Prophet was sent with a new legislation. A good example to cite here is the two individuals musala his serrato ceram and Harun Allahu Salatu was Salam. musala is rato ceram was a raw soul. He was a messenger, given a new legislation Torah
was Harun Allah Islam was Salam was a nebby because he wasn't given a new legislation. Instead, he was following up on the legislation of Musa alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and other scholars have explained stating that the difference between an abbey and arrow Sol is that arrow soul is commanded to convey the message of love. He is commanded to convey the message whilst a Nabhi is not commanded in the sense it's not obligatory upon him to convey the message, but also it is obligatory upon him to convey the message. Finally, I leave you all with in this regard in this particular regard with the opinion of chef or Islam even a Tamia Rahim Allah, which I favor, because it seems to be a
strong opinion, he states that the difference between aerosol and a nebby is that aerosol is sent to a disbelieving nation to kuffaar.
Common caffi rune to a disbelieving nation was a Nabhi is sent to a believing nation, a believing nation. Say for example, are the Milan usato Salah What do you think? Was he a lawsuit or in a beach? Nabhi
he was a nebby. The reason being, he was the first of all mankind. And he was sent to the face of this earth. It was just him and our Mother, how Allah He Allah salatu salam, and afterwards the children of Adam and his radical Islam were all born upon the Torah. They were all believers. They were all born upon the fitrah. So he had the Molyneux, so that was Salaam was a newbie and not a raw soul. Moving on to the next point very swiftly. Are all of the prophets infallible? Are they free from mistakes? Are the MBI alayhi wa Salatu was Salam free from mistakes? Yes, indeed, they are free from mistakes Allahu wa salatu wa sallam, they are free from mistakes in carrying out their mission.
They are free from mistakes in conveying the message. They are free from falling into major sins. They are free from falling into Cofer into shear. And all of these major sins, they are free from all of that they're infallible, they're free of mistakes. But as for my innocence, as for minor mistakes, there are scholars who state that the profits are not free from them, due to certain incidents that have taken place.
They put forward evidence and they stayed due to certain incidents that have taken place. The Prophet sallahu wa salatu salam are not free from minor mistakes. A few of the examples are the Maliki Salatu was Salam eating from the tree that he was forbidden to eat from.
The Buddha Allah His wrath was on this particular incident is recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, Abu huraira. The other one who mentioned this particular incident, there were two ladies, there were two women who had two children, who had two children, two boys, two sons, and these two boys look very identical. One day, a wolf came in and took one boy away.
One boy, one of the boys. Now the two ladies, the two women were having a dispute in regard to the remaining son saying that one lady was saying he is my son. And the other lady was saying, No, he is my son. The wolf took your son and went away was the other lady was saying, No, the wolf took your son and went away. This is my son. And there was a dispute and argument. And they took it to Suleiman, they took it to the Allahu Sadat was salam to get a judgment in this regard. Now when they went to the Buddha, Allah His wrath was Salam and put forward the case, the Buddha Allah, his wrath was Salam. He considered and he ruled stating that the boy belongs to the older of the two women,
the older of the two women, this is the incident that took place.
They were not happy with the judgment. They went to Sulayman alayhi salatu was salam, the son of the Buddha, Allahu Salatu. Salam, and they put forward the case once again. Sulaiman Alayhi. Salatu was Salam. He called for a knife, a huge knife. He told the two ladies, look, it looks like we can solve the problem. It looks like we can solve the problem. So let's cut the boy into two. Let's cut him into Do you take half, you take half
equals just right? You take half and you take half we'll cut the boy into two and you take half you take half the minute he said that now now in whose favor did Thou shalt not wassalam rule rule. The older woman All right. Now here when Sulayman Elisa Lam said this the younger woman, she cried out law your hammock Allah now May Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy be upon you. This boy belongs to the older woman, let her have him.
So they might Allah Serato Salaam immediately ruled saying the boy belongs to the younger woman. Why?
Because the True Mother would not want her child to die. She would rather forego her child and let her child live because she loves her child. She loves her child. But when he said when he ordered for the child to be cut up, the older lady kept quiet. She just kept quiet, because there was no true love for that child in her heart. But the younger lady, the real mother, she immediately said amakhala no May Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy be upon you don't cut the child, let her have the child. So Suleiman Allah is not to solemn rule in favor of the young woman. So, you know, incidents of this nature made the scholars fahima Humala state that prophets Allah was that was Allah mana
free from minor mistakes, but as for the major ones, the ones that we mentioned, they are free and they are infallible. Allahu wa Salatu was Salam. The next point is in regard to the rank and honor of the prophets. Allah Hema salatu wa sallam
in regard to the rank and honor, the stance of the Lucena. Well, Gemma is always a moderate stance. We love them, we respect them, we honor them. We honor them, we follow them the prophets Allah Hema Salatu was Salam. But we don't take it to the extreme. Like just as how the Christians did where they claimed that he sallallahu Sallam Jesus, the Son of God. They said that he is the Son of God, or we don't take you to the extreme where we start worshipping the prophets, Allah hemos salaatu wa Salaam we love them. We respect them, we honor them, but we maintain the fact that they are the prophets. Allah Hema, salat wa salam, we don't worship them. We don't venerate them to the extent
that we start calling them sons of God, etc. We don't go to that extreme. Nor do we go to the other extreme where we start disgracing them. When we start putting them down, humiliating them May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all.
Now in regard to a few special characteristics that were bestowed upon the Prophet alayhi wa salatu salam. Number one is what he divine revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala this was something specially for the Prophet sallahu wa salatu salam, you and I do we get why do we get anyone coming down? No. But then Allah subhanho wa Taala stated the Noble Quran What are hyena in our own Mimosa,
our hyena
In our own Mimosa, that we inspired the mother of masala is not wassalam to do certain things in another place Allah subhanho wa Taala states where our Hara buka Elena *, that Eliza gel revealed unto the B. Now, are these is conflicting in any way? No. Now these is a talking about ill harm, inspiration. Allah subhanho wa Taala inspired the mother of musala who salatu salam to do certain things. Allah Azerbaijan inspired the bee to do certain things, but as for divine revelation, when he shared a divine revelation, it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala to the MBR Allah Hema salatu wa sallam alone.
Next special characteristic is that the eyes of the MBR the eyes of the MBR Allah Masato Salaam sleep but their hearts do not sleep. The eyes sleep but they do not sleep. The next special characteristic is that they are given a choice at the time of death. The MBR AlLahi wa salatu wa sallam are given a choice at the time of death in the sense Do you want to remain in this world? Or do you want to go to Allah subhanho wa Taala they're generally given a choice. When you look at the last moments of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. Towards the end he started saying valuable faithful Allah valuable faithful, Allah Radha the higher companion rather
the higher companion, indicating that he wanted to go to Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you look at a particular narration, where
are the Mali the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reporter have said that Adam Island is salatu salam was given 1000 years to live on the face of this earth 1000 years. And then when the children of Adam alayhis salaam was shown to Adam Allahu salatu salam, the children of the Malian salat wa Salaam was shown to him. on that particular day, he saw a weak child of his a weak child affairs and he asked Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is this individual? And it was said to him, this is the this is the Allahu salatu salam. And
he asked Allah subhana wa Jalla Allah How long is the lifespan of this individual that would allow him to Islam? How long is the lifespan of this individual? Allah azza wa jal informed our demolish that was land that he lived for 60 years 60 years of demolish that wassalam density Allah give him 40 years of my life and he has 1000 he has 1000 years, so give him 40 years of my life, make it 100 for him, so Allah Allah azza wa jal answered the door of Adam alysha to Islam. For years, we were given to the WHO THE Elisa Lam to complete 100. Now time passes. Time passes 960 years of the life of admiring salatu salam passes, and at the appointed time and date, molecule mouth comes
at the mileage that wassalam Lucas looks at molecule mouth and says, What's up? Why have you come?
molecule bound says it is time to take your soul. Adam Allen slant wassalam says no. I have got 1000 years. I've got another 40 years remaining. Then molecule mouth reminds Adam Eileen Islamia Adam. Don't you remember you gave 40 years to your son, Tao Wu alayhi salatu. Salam, and other knowledge that was learned because obviously it's a long period. It is a long period 960 years he had completely forgotten about it. He said No, I didn't. Now I didn't. And in that particular narration, the supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam went on to say that our the Maliki salat wa salam was the first one to deny. And hence, the children of Adam Alisha, Muslim, all deny we all deny, don't we
deny? We have so many blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala yet we deny. We see so many things so many signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala in front of us, yet we deny, we deny because we are weaklings We are the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah azzawajal protect us all. The next special characteristic is that they are buried where they pass away. If you look at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was buried where he passed away so long while he while he was alive in the house of Ayesha Curry Allahu Allah. The next special characteristic is that their bodies, the exam at SAML MBR the bodies of the MBR AlLahi wa salatu salam do not decay. The bodies of the MBR himself
Islam do not decay, they do not rot and decay. If we were able to open a grave of a prophet it is not permissible. It is completely haram due to the sanctity and due to the respect that we have for the Messiah to
I'm back if it was possible for us to open a grave of a prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, we would find their bodies intact, intact just the way because the earth the earth does not consume bodies of the Gambia AlLahi wa Salatu was Salam. On the other hand, you and I are bodies the minute it goes in, starts to rot and decay May Allah subhanho wa Taala make all of our kubu Gardens from the gardens of Paradise I mean,
the next special characteristic is that nothing can be inherited from the Prophet sallahu wa salatu salam, if they leave behind something I'm talking about materialistic possessions if they leave behind some wealth, some money, some possessions, it has to be given in South Africa, nothing can be inherited from the profits from the Gambia Allah Hema, salat wa salam, the only thing that can be inherited from them is knowledge of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his reporter said, Allah, Allah Ma, MBA ambia.
The knowledgeable ones, the ones who have knowledge are the inheritors of the Prophet sallahu wa salatu salam, we only inherit knowledge from them and be Allah He was Salatu was Salam. So having said that, the special characteristics are over the points that I wanted to highlight hamdulillah covered. Now we move on to the story of Adam alayhis salaam wa sallam, and the story of Adam and Eve salatu salam begins with the creation of the heavens and the earth. Now just the point that I wish to highlight in regard to this series I will be referring to most of the time I will be referring to the famous book I'll be there yeah what Nehemiah, the beginning and the end of Imam even a guest
here, Rahim Allah the famous student of scheffel Islam. Even Tamia Rahim Allah sama, Cassie Rahim Allah He begins the story of Adam alayhis salaam wa sallam with the creation of the heavens and the earth. Very interesting. These are things that no scientist can tell you. These are things we were not even present at that time we were not even existing at that time. So it is only Allah subhanho wa Taala who has to tell us in regard to what happened at that time, aligns the region he states who will levy holla
T one or FEC 30 here
in the room in
the Dominus
He has
long Bhima una bossy boiler the hola sama watch he will art It is Allah subhanho wa Taala who created the heavens and the earth
in six days. So Mr. Wiley louche and then he has Virgil ascended the throne in a manner that befits his majesty and glory karma la cabeza and he was learning
about rhodiola one he states in regard to this ayah Allah azza wa jal artificiality, I am in six days, that every single day from those six days each and every day was equivalent to 1000 years law a couple 1000 years to 6000 years of our time, but six days of the Hara Allah subhanho wa Taala created the heavens and the earth. Now what was the first thing to be created? Was it Planet Earth? Pluto, Saturn,
Jupiter, what was the first thing to be created?
About a bit assignment or the Allahu anhu He states that also realized that along while he was Salamis report rev said in our llama haka long column, that indeed the first thing that Allah subhanho wa Taala created was the pen and that Allah azza wa jal commanded the pen to write. And the pen wrote, it wrote for Jara Bhima, Hua,
the pen started to write and it wrote every single thing that needs to take place until the day of Korean until the day of Korean and this is part of our belief in elkader. In our culture, in the Divine Decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. One of the pillars of elkader is that we must believe in Al Qaeda, that everything has been written, that every single thing has been written. And when was this written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth law? You know, this empowers a believer so much, do you know that on this particular day, the month of Ramadan, the first day of Ramadan, you are all seated in mustard, and I am here with you all. I'm wearing white,
you're wearing blue, you're wearing blue, you're wearing purple, perhaps white, black grey, preceded there was a time 4:30pm all of this was written when 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth. It's Panama just mind blowing when you think of it.
What you are
Going to have a star, but you have a star
and making you hungry, but you want to have a star here was written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, which method you are planning to go for Serato taraweeh was written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, what you will have first before tomorrow insha Allah was written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth to Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded the pen, and the pen wrote every single thing until the day of Korea.
Now there is another innovation that states cuttable law who McCarthy mikaze Allah, that Allah subhanho wa Taala wrote down the taco deer, the quarter the Divine Decree of all of his creation, before creating the heavens and the earth 50,000 years before creating the heavens and the earth, while shoo Alma Why is his arch was upon water. Why is his arch was upon water. So from this scholars Rahim Allah state that in reality, the Arusha last Hannah Medina was the first thing to be created by Allah subhanho wa Taala, then the pen, and then the heavens and the earth. First Dr. Shiva last behind him was Allah, then the pan and then the heavens and the earth. This is something
that the scholars have differed upon. This is one particular opinion I shared with you. Now. Moving on a little in regard to the Orisha of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Do you know that Allah subhanho wa Taala has something known as the kursi
kursi generally people translate the kursi as the throne, I will proceed people translated as worse of the throne, worse of the throne but in reality, kursi is not the throne, arch is the throne. The arch is the throne. So we need to understand that arch is one thing and the kursi is something else. The kursi is something else. So the arch is the throne of Allah subhana wa dialler The kursi is the footstool of Allah. subhanho wa Taala the Guzzi is the footstool of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In one particular narration Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in regard to the comparison between the Irish and the kursi, that if you were to take a huge, vast desert, a huge
desert, a barren desert, and if there were a tiny ring in the middle of the desert, a tiny iron ring, what is the comparison between that ring and that was desert, it's like a needle in a haystack the tiny ring in the middle of the desert. That is the comparison between the seven heavens and the earth with the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In other words, the kursi of Allah subhanho wa Taala is like the desert and the ring is like the seven heavens and the earth, Allahu Akbar. And the once again
when you compare the cosi with the ash now the kursi becomes that tiny ring and the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the was desert Allah subhanho wa Taala as he is the most greatest Iser version.
This is the comparison. And Allah subhanho wa Taala states in the eye I read earlier to Mr. Ramesh, not kursi he created the heavens and the earth and then he ascended his throne. He ascended the throne. How did he ascend? That's not something that we need to ask Mr. Yakutia and he was generally in a manner that befits his majesty and glory, Allah subhanho wa Taala, ascended the throne. Now in regard to the angels, Allah subhanho wa Taala, clearly the heavens, the earth and now the angels, the angels are a creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala liahona lama amerihome wife, Luna Manu Maroon they do not disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala and they do exactly what Allah subhanho wa Taala
commands them to do their Eman is stationary it does not move. It does not rise nor does it drop the Iman una Iman it rises it drops during the month of Ramadan. It is up there Masha Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep it up there, but after Ramadan it tends to drop. This is our EMA the man of the MBI salat wa salam and nonstationary not rising, dropping. Instead it keeps on rising, rising, rising, rising the amount of the MBI aleikum wa salatu salam. So coming back to the angels, there is something known as baytril Mahmoud in the heavens, just like we have the Kaaba on the face of this earth. There is a house of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the heavens, known as baytril Mahmoud, every
single day 70,000 angels pray at bay to Malmo and they enter it and never come out again every single day 70,000 angels so you can just imagine the army of Allah subhanho wa Taala. No one knows the number of the angels the melodica no one knows in regard to the forces of Allah Subhana horadada Eliza budget now coming to planet earth.
What was
Life on Earth before mankind, who populated Planet Earth before mankind, there was there is one particular opinion that no one populated Planet Earth before mankind, but that is a weak opinion the strong opinion is that the gin the gin populated Planet Earth before mankind and from the jinn was an individual by the name as as zeal by the name as as in when the angels we will discuss in sha Allah, He is later to be known as he believes shaitaan May Allah azza wa jal protect us from him, I mean, now, in regard to the jinn even a cafe Rahim Allah in this particular book, I'll be there when he hyah He states that there was another creation as well known as been jinn and been who populated
planet Earth. There were two factions of the same group, they were all from
the Jin Jin and been they populated Planet Earth before us before mankind. Now what happened was jinn they populated Planet Earth, they caused a lot of corruption. They were shedding blood mischeif and corruption. Allah subhanho wa Taala sent down an army of angels to contain the situation to contain the situation and to drive away all of these Jin to faraway islands far away places and from these gene this individual as as ill, he was taken up to the heavens, as as he was taken up to the heavens where you started to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he was righteous at that time, until the creation of our father Adam alayhis salam which we are going to discuss now in sha Allah.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala now decides to create our father Adam Elisa to Sam he states in total belcarra
What is up bukan ilma II gotta
fill out the honey fun kalu Goofy,
Goofy How is FICO? Dima wanna know no sir before be handy Kawano called the sarlacc parlor in the Ala Moana halacha Alamo. And remember, when your Lord when Allah subhanho wa Taala said to the angels in the jar you know fill up the halifa indeed I am going to place on Earth a halifa we will explain the term qualifying Sharla call you attach Alfie Harmon up to fee how st could demand the angels they asked Allah Subhana Medina Yala. Are you going to place on earth? Someone who is going to cause corruption and shed blood one National nosa before the handshake was we are there to glorify you to praise you when you fought this hula and to exalt you color in the Alamo Mirage Allah
moon, Allah subhanho wa Taala said to them indeed I know that which you do not know of. Now the angels saying this was not that they were questioning Allah subhanho wa Taala or that they were questioning the decision of Allah subhanho wa Taala? No, they were instead asking Allah subhanho wa Taala because they wanted to know why. They wanted to know why. And how did they know that mankind would shed blood and cause corruption because they don't know. They don't know the world of the unseen. They said this because of their bad experience with the jinn. They're already experienced things with the jinn. And they were sent by Allah subhanho Medina to contain the jinn. So they had
this fear that now mankind would also follow suit just like the jinn and cause corruption and shed blood. That is why they put forward their question to Allah subhanho wa Taala but Allah azza wa jal states in the Alamo, Allah Allah moon, indeed I know that that which you do not know of now in regard to halifa, in Egypt, in who fill out the halifa. Some people translate halifa as representative
halifa as representative. Now, you see representative is someone who fills up for you, just in case you cannot make it for a particular meeting, or just in case you can't make it somewhere. You send someone on behalf of you. So what does that denote? It denotes your absence, it denotes your absence, either a partial absence where perhaps you're going out of the country, you're on a journey or a complete absence where you have passed away. Now is this possible with Allah subhanho wa Taala can Ally's Virgil be absent? And does Allah subhanho wa Taala have the need to send someone to represent him? Are we representing Allah subhanho wa Taala? No, so this is a wrong way of
translating the word halifa instead, what what is
intended here califa is that Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted to place in Ninja infinity halifa wanted to place man on earth, who man in the sense will follow one after the other
Generation after generation holla if generation after generation, one generation after the other mankind one generation after the other from the time of Adam alayhis salaam, until the last man
before the day of Ghana before last one with Adam commences the day of
another point to be highlighted in this ayah where the angels say when national who said we will be handing one apart this will akia Allah, we are there to glorify you, to exalt you to praise you. So does that mean that Allah subhanho wa Taala needs us to glorify Him? does Allah subhanho wa Taala need this Allah subhanaw taala need us to worship him? He has Virgil does not need our worship. He says in the Noble Quran yeah yohannes and Tamil fukuhara that oh mankind You are the ones in need animal fukuro Allah, you are the ones in need of Allah subhanho wa Taala we are the ones who need allies of agile, last Hannah who Adela does not need us. He assured us he will come ytb hultin God,
if he wants if he wishes, he could destroy you and bring about a new creation. If Allah subhanho wa Taala wills you can destroy all of us and bring about a new creation May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. So Allah azza wa jal in the last few minutes that I have will quickly touch on the creation of Adam alayhis salam and then rip off Allah subhana wa Jalla creates Adam alayhis salam wa sallam out of something akin to Potter's clay, something similar to clay, Potter's clay, Allah azza wa jal creates Adam alayhis salam, as he states is called our Abu Khalil mela he can see in the Holy Quran maintain. Remember when your Lord said to the angels I truly am going to create man from clay
mentoring from clay Abu Musab al Anwar he narrates the prophets of Allah while he was Salim is reported to have said that Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala. When he created Adam, Allah, his salatu salam, he took a handful, a handful of Earth of soil from this earth from different parts of this earth, handfuls of soil from different parts of this earth. And because of that, for Java, new Adam, Allah delic, the children of Adam alayhis salam came about just like that. You have the whites, you have the people with a black complexion, white complexion, complexion between the brown complexion. And then you have people who are soft natured people who are a bit hard, rigid, harsh. You have
different temperaments. You have different types of people who came about because different types of handfuls of Earth were taken from all over the place from all over the place. In another narration, Mr. Rudra, the long line who states and this particular narration is Mr. foo narration, that is said that our supervisor along while he was lm is reported to have said this, even though the narration states that even in Mr. odelia long line who says this, because these are things in regard to the world of the unseen and it is not possible that even Ms. Rudra the alarm man who could say without hearing it from the professor Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So he states that Allah subhanho wa
Taala first sent gibreel alayhi salaatu wa Salaam to Earth to take the handfuls Jabra is ratusan when he came down, when he came down to take the Cubs off the handfuls of Earth.
Earth dunia cried out saying I seek protection in Allah subhanho wa Taala don't harm me. Don't take anything from me. So the minute we said that jabril alayhi salaatu wa Salaam went back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and reported that Allah azza wa jal then sent Mika il Allah, his Salah, Mika in alayhi salam to do that. This is the same thing to take handfuls of Earth, Mika in alayhis salam he came down and the earth said the very same thing I seek protection in Li seek refuge. By Allah. Don't harm me don't take anything from me. Mika L and a Salam went back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and informed him in that regard. Finally, Allah azza wa jal sent molekule Mt. Allah subhanho wa
Taala sent molekule mode to take handfuls of Earth and come back medical mouth he approached at the minute he came in earth cried out once again, I seek refuge in Allah, I seek His protection don't harm me, don't take anything from me. molekule mouth said in a very stern voice, I seek refuge in Allah from disobeying him and going back to him without taking what he asked me to take. And he took the handful of Earth not just one handful, he took handfuls of Earth from different places. And he went back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The minute he went back to Eliza Virgil, Allah subhanho wa Taala then said, Oh molecule mouth, you will be in charge of taking the souls of mankind. You will
be in charge of taking the souls of mankind because you need somebody
will not show mercy who will not show mercy at all. This is based on the hadith of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam. So with that we conclude today's session in sha Allah tala. for tomorrow's session we will continue the story of Adam Allah His wrath was gonna be covered the beginning of creation. We move on to Adam la salatu salam, and what happened between Adam alayhis salaam wa Salaam and a police and then we'll move on to other maliciousness wassalam entering Jenna hawala, his Rotherham and the story will continue in sha Allah. So until we meet tomorrow, does that come about head was that Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh