Muiz Bukhary – From Nightclubs to Casinos
![Muiz Bukhary](
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The importance of adopting a life of Taqwa for achieving success and achieving spiritual health is discussed, along with the negative impacts of certain places and distractions in society. The "hasn't done nothing" lifestyle is emphasized, and the importance of avoiding graduation from drugs and alcohol addiction is emphasized. The speaker gives advice on changing one's environment, strengthening relationships, protecting health, family, and businesses, and uniting with others. The importance of forgiveness and avoiding sh matter is also emphasized.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
And I pray and send salutations upon the
honourable Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet, our Beloved,
and the joy of our eyes, Muhammad ibn
Upon him and upon his family and his
companions, the best of prayers, and the completion
of submission.
My dear respected elders, brothers and sisters in
Islam, we begin by reminding myself, and then
all of you all gathered here for Salatul
Jumu'ah, to adopt a life of Taqwa.
And that is to instill, into every second
of your lives, the consciousness of your Maker,
Allah Rabbul Alameen, the Lord of all worlds,
into every facet of your lives.
And you must do this, if you wish
to attain victory, if you wish to attain
success, in this world as well as the
May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
make us all from the people of Taqwa,
Ahlul Taqwa.
And may He make us from the victorious
and successful ones.
The title for my sermon today, is, From
Night Clubs to Casinos, Trapped by Temptation.
Today, we gather to confront, a harsh reality.
A reality that is wreaking, havoc, on our
It is a reality, where bars, casinos, night
clubs, and places of sin, have become frequent
destinations, for many of our youth, and even
some, from the older generation as well.
There was someone telling me the other day,
that there are youngsters, there are youth, Friday,
come Friday, 6, 7pm, that is the last
time that you can contact them.
They are contactable up until Friday, 6 or
7pm, and the next time that you can
contact them, would be on Monday.
In the sense, they are not going for
some spiritual retreat.
The weekend is spent in sin.
The weekend is spent, late in the night,
at bars, at casinos, at night clubs, parties.
These places, of corruption, call to the soul,
offering false promises, a mirage, false promises of
happiness, false promises of excitement.
But instead, what do these places of sin,
these places of the devil, these places of
shaitan, what do they actually offer?
They deliver destruction, they deliver addiction, and they
deliver despair.
And these evils are gaining ground within our
Within our community, subhanAllah.
You see the temptations of the night, of
the darkness, they are often presented as an
escape, a way to de-stress, an escape,
a moment of excitement, something that helps an
individual forget his or her worries.
But what truly happens in these environments?
Do we come out of these environments revived?
Do we come out spiritually rejuvenated?
Or do we wake up the next morning,
obviously with a splitting headache, filled with regret,
filled with despair, filled or burdened with the
stain of the heavy sin weighing heavily on
our hearts, the sin of zina, the sin
of intoxicants, the sin of being so close
to the ways of the devil, fall and
pray to the traps of the devil, subhanAllah.
Rasulullah s.a.w. is reported to have
said, hadith is recorded in the book of
Imam al-Tirmidhi r.a. The best of
people, the narration goes along the lines of
these words, the best of people are those
whose lives are long and their actions are
Their lives are filled with good deeds.
Long lives filled with good deeds.
And the worst of people are those whose
lives are again long but filled with bad
actions, with evil actions.
What good is found in a night spent
in sin?
A night spent in sin, late into the
You see, it starts off at times seemingly
innocently where you go out for a meal,
you go out for a dinner with your
friends and I'm going to talk about friends,
I'm going to talk about the company that
you're supposed to be in.
It starts off by gossiping, it starts off
by talking bad about others, it starts off
with all these evils and it leads one
thing after the other.
It leads one thing to the other, subhanallah.
It evolves from sin to sin, from haram
to haram.
It's very easy for shaitan now to keep
pushing you down this slippery slope, away and
away from Allah and from the pleasure of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
These environments, these places, these friends that you
have, they're all filled with distractions that weaken
your connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
All of these things encourage behavior that are
clearly forbidden.
You have the mixing of genders in an
inappropriate way.
Males and females mixing and talking inappropriately.
You have immodesty, haya goes out of the
There's immodesty, very immodest behavior between the genders.
Then there is indulging in so many sins,
one after the other that take the heart
away from the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa
The words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, when a sin is done, there is
a black spot that forms on the heart.
And if an individual does not work towards
removing that black spot, the black spots increase
sin after sin, sin after sin, until the
heart is no longer supple, until the heart
is no longer soft, the heart becomes black,
full of rust, and it hardens to the
extent that when Allah is mentioned, the heart
does not react.
When the Qur'an is read, the heart
does not react.
When the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam are mentioned, the heart does not
The heart is dull, the heart is heavy,
the heart is burdened, the heart is blackened.
The words of the Prophet like an overturned
The words of Allah do not penetrate.
When you are in salah, you feel bored.
When the imam reads the Qur'an, the
imam breaks down, the imam is crying.
You see, in reality, you cannot even read
Surah Al-Fatiha without becoming emotional.
But then those whose hearts have blackened, those
hearts that have become like heavy weights, they
do not react.
The Qur'an does not penetrate.
May Allah protect us all.
Because the heart is wallowing in sin, the
heart is drowning in sin.
How many of our youth, how many of
our young men and women are being led
astray by this quote-unquote culture of nightlife?
How many being led astray?
How many wake up the next morning with
regret and yet go on to continue this
vicious cycle of sin weekend after weekend, night
after night?
This lifestyle eats away at the soul.
It dims the light of iman.
It distances you from Allah subhanahu wa ta
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, He says in
the Noble Qur'an, يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا
O you who have brought in iman, إِنَّمَا
الْخَمْرُ وَالْمَيْسِرُ وَالْأَنصَابُ وَالْأَزْلَامُ رِجْسٌ مِنْ عَمَلِ
الشَّيْطَانِ Intoxicants, wine, alcohol, and any form of
drugs today, they all intoxicate.
Intoxicants, gambling, and sacrificing on stone pillars to
gods other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
All these things are رِجْسٌ مِنْ عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ
They are defilement, they are najis from the
عَمَلَ of shaitan, from the work of shaitan.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala pairs gambling and
alcohol in this ayah.
Because both are addictive.
Both destroy lives.
Both are tools used by shaitan to trap
people in a cycle of false hope.
Gambling, like alcohol, begins with a small action.
It begins perhaps with a bet with your
You know, if this team wins, I'll give
you this much.
Gambling, a bet.
When watching a match, or when playing a
match, or whatever it is.
It starts like that.
And then eventually leads to a quick visit
to a casino, thinking it's just for fun.
Let's go and see what the hype is
all about.
Why there's so many lights, and flashing lights,
and women walking in and out.
Let's just go for the fun of it.
It's haram, of course, I'm not going to
indulge in it.
Let's just go see what it's all about.
And then it starts with a roll of
a dice, it starts with a hand of
And one thing after the other, shaitan pushes
you down the slippery slope.
You know, fooling you with promises that, oh,
you know, you may hit big.
You may hit big.
You may make a lot of money.
Big fortune.
But as the saying goes, the casino always
The house always wins.
So this promise of quick wealth, quick money
is nothing but a lie.
How many of us have gambled away their
savings, gambled away their properties, gambled away their
own homes, gambled away their wealth, all in
the hope of winning big.
And what happens when they lose, which is
most of the time, they are now drowning
in debt.
Drowning in debt.
Debt that they cannot surface.
They cannot surface from it.
They're drowning in debt.
Their children are lost.
They're not able to then now fulfill the
responsibility of being a father.
Fulfill the responsibility of being a husband.
So broken families, broken homes, broken societies, broken
connections to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The Prophet ﷺ, he warned us about gambling.
He warned us about every form of haram
Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam
al-Tirmidhi r.a. The Prophet ﷺ is
reported to have said along the lines of
these words, any flesh that is nourished by
haram, by forbidden earnings, the fire is appropriate
for it.
The fire is appropriate for it.
Touch your hearts.
If you have consumed haram, have spoken about
this in the past few weeks, our names
have gone to the dogs in the marketplace.
Muslims, people don't want to trade with us.
Muslims are known as fraudsters.
Muslims are known as scam artists.
Muslims take a loan and they don't pay
it back.
The cheque of a Muslim is bound to
We have become liars.
And for what?
To earn a few measly rupees.
And what are you going to do with
that money?
You're going to feed yourself at the end
of the day.
You're going to feed your children with it
at the end of the day.
You're going to feed your spouse with it
at the end of the day.
You are feeding yourself.
You're feeding your children.
You're feeding your spouse.
Fire from Jahannam.
It is simple as that.
It's funny though.
Despite lying, people hold their heads high.
The older generations, my generation can attest to
The generation above me can attest to this.
My grandfather, my great-grandfather, they would think
so many times before writing a cheque.
Because a cheque is a binding promise.
When you write the date, when you sign
on it, you're saying, If I'm living, and
if Allah has not brought in severe circumstances,
I will honor the cheque.
But today, crooks from our community literally have
cheque books to write fake cheques.
They have accounts to write fake cheques.
They know.
They know and they say, I'm going to
pay in 2 months, in 3 months, 60
All this is falsehood.
Lie upon lie.
At the back of their mind, they know
no way on earth am I going to
honor this cheque.
No way on earth am I going to
pay in 60 days.
They've already lined up excuses.
You know, on the 60th day, this excuse,
this hospital, that hospital.
Grandmother passed away decades ago, but the grandmother
keeps on passing away.
Grandfather keeps on passing away.
So many people are, you know, he kills
so many people in the process of all
of his falsehood and his lies to evade
To roll the money.
Because another opportunity presented itself and now he's
Look at the words of the messenger.
And you have to understand the tone.
The Prophet did not nicely say it.
The Prophet warned.
How do you warn a person?
Oh, please don't do it.
Look at the words, so graphic.
The fire.
These were the words of the Prophet ﷺ.
And today, do you not see it happening
So my dear brothers and sisters, you have
to understand if you are now concerned.
Oh, my son is in the nightclub.
You see, look at the connection.
I'm trying to make a connection here.
My son is in the nightclub.
My son is in the casino.
What have you fed your son?
If you've nourished the flesh with that which
is haram, the flesh naturally inclines towards that
which is haram.
So why are you so surprised now?
Put your house in order.
Put your earnings in order.
Make sure you strive to feed yourself that
which is halal.
Striving for Jannah.
Feed your children that which is halal.
Feed your spouse that which is halal.
Alcohol and drugs.
I know so many people.
So many people from our community come and
And obviously for the sake of confidentiality, our
lips are sealed.
But we know the reality of how many
people are struggling.
Addicted to alcohol.
Addicted to wine.
Addicted to beer.
Addicted to drugs.
How many youngsters?
How many youngsters?
One time I'm walking by a car park.
Fancy cars.
Youngsters from our community.
They were surprised when they saw me.
And they were all guilty.
They were all guilty.
They were rushing to cover things up.
And subhanallah, you can see so many things.
Vaping devices, cigarettes, and not only that, bottles.
And you can easily see or detect that
drugs were also being used in that context.
So what's going to happen to the future
generation, to our children?
It's a dark abyss, a dark hole, where
if an individual falls into it, subhanallah, only
Allah can help them.
It's a very dark addiction.
How many crimes have been committed under the
influence of alcohol?
How many murders have been committed under the
influence of alcohol?
How many suicides have happened under the influence
of alcohol?
How many young people have ruined their futures
by succumbing and falling into the pit of
The temptation starts small, but its consequences are
devastating, my dear brothers and sisters.
It is at this point I urge you,
all parents in the crowd, all fathers, all
mothers, all youngsters, to reflect on the power
of your environment, to reflect on the power
of your friends, on the circle of friends
that you frequent.
Bad company can drag a person deeper and
deeper into the cobweb of temptations, the temptations
of nightlife, the temptations of gambling, the temptations
of drugs.
On the flip side, good company can save
an individual from destruction.
Allahu Akbar.
This is why the Messenger of Allah ﷺ
is a reporter who have said, المرء, a
man, is upon the religion of his close
So let one of you look at whom
he befriends.
If you look at a person's friend, you
will know what kind of a person an
individual is.
If your companions, if your friends are those
who frequent places of sin, how will you
escape the temptation?
You might think, oh, you know what, I'm
But we are all weak.
We all fall prey to temptations.
We all fall prey to the traps of
the devil.
If those around you are frequently indulging in
gambling, how will you resist the urge to
join them?
But on the other hand, if you intentionally
surround yourself with righteous companions, friends who remind
you of Allah, friends who remind you of
noble things, of good things, who encourage you
to do good, who will stop you from
If they sense that you are going down
a dark path, they will stop you.
You will find yourself protected from these traps,
from these dangers.
And this is why, not my words, look
at the words of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam, beautifully illustrated in another hadith.
He says, the example of a good friend
in comparison with a bad friend, in comparison
to a bad friend, is like that of
a musk seller, a perfume seller, and a
If you have a friend who is a
perfume seller, what happens?
You don't have to buy perfume from him.
By merely being in his company, you are
going to smell good.
Let's say he has a store, you walk
into the store, there's bound to be some
free samples, tester bottles, or even if you
don't, or even if he does not give
you, if he's a bit of a stingy
friend and he does not even give you
free testers, you're sitting in his store, when
people come and try the perfume on, the
molecules of those perfumes are eventually going to
come and stick onto you.
You will come out of the store smelling
So you spend time with good friends, the
goodness will rub off on you, even if
you don't actively involve yourself in good things.
On the other hand, the bad friend is
like a blacksmith.
You know who a blacksmith is?
A blacksmith is a person who works by
a furnace.
The blacksmith is the person who is beating
Now if you go and spend time with
a blacksmith, what happens?
You don't have to get involved and help
the blacksmith, but by merely standing next to
the blacksmith, you risk getting your clothes burnt.
Sparks are flying left, right and center.
You go into a blacksmith's workplace and come
out, you're going to smell of coal and
burning fire and what not.
You might even end up dirtying your clothes.
So this is the example of a bad
Even if you don't get involved in the
bad that the friend is doing, it will
rub off on you.
It will rub off on you.
At the very least, the blame will fall
on your shoulders.
The blame will fall on your shoulders.
Let's say he does a crime, the cops
are going to come after you as well.
Guilty by association.
You were there that night when it happened.
And Allah forbid, if you don't have proof
and evidence to prove your innocence, you can
get dragged into that mess as well.
So why?
Look at the Prophet.
We talk about the Prophet ﷺ.
We talk about the Sahaba.
Look at their friendships.
Did you see the Prophet ﷺ hanging out
with bad people?
His friends were Abu Bakr al-Siddiq r
.a, Umar r.a, Abu Huraira r.a.
Look at the names.
These were the friends he had.
What about you and I?
Keep your circle small.
Not everyone wishes good for you today.
Unfortunate, very unfortunate.
Not everyone wishes good for you.
If you have a good friend who has
your best interests at heart, value and cherish
But not everyone is a good friend.
So be careful.
Be ruthless with your circle.
Make sure you have the right type of
people around you.
Good friends.
Just don't hang out with anyone and everyone.
You'll end up falling into pit after pit.
So as I come towards the conclusion of
my sermon, what if someone has already fallen
into these traps?
What if someone is already addicted to gambling?
There may be people in the crowd thinking,
Oh, it seems as if the Sheikh is
talking to me.
Sometimes after the sermon people come up to
me and say, Sheikh, how did you know?
As if you were talking to me.
It's the will of Allah.
You know this platform is a very powerful
This is the same platform that Rasulullah s
.a.w. spoke on.
It's not any ordinary platform.
It is a divine platform.
So through this platform, it is not me
It is Allah's words.
The Messenger's words.
We are merely instruments to convey.
That's it.
So what if someone is already addicted?
What if someone is caught in this vicious
cycle of sin?
My dear brother, my dear sister, there is
always hope and the door of tawbah is
always open.
But you must turn to that door before
it is too late.
Our Maker subhanahu wa ta'ala, He says
in the Noble Qur'an in Surah Az
-Zumar, قُلْ
يَا عِبَادِيَا الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا Say, O Muhammad s
.a.w. O my slaves الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ
أَنفُسِهِمْ The ones who have transgressed against themselves.
They have gone against the limit, against themselves.
Is Allah saying, you are doomed to Jahannam?
There is no hope for you?
No forgiveness?
You're done?
لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ Do not lose
hope in the mercy of Allah.
Look at how kind our Maker is.
Look at how merciful Allah is.
لَا تَقْنَطُوا And to the extent He didn't
even address those individuals as sinners.
He didn't say, O sinners.
He said, O my slaves.
O my slaves.
Look at how much He's filling our hearts
with hope.
لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ Do not lose
hope in the mercy of Allah.
And on top of that He goes on
to say, إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًۭا Indeed,
Allah forgives all sins.
إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ Indeed, He is the
Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
So if you slip, if you make a
mistake, Allah is the Most Forgiving.
But remember, don't take advantage of His mercy.
Don't take advantage of His kindness.
And turn to Allah before it is too
I can't give you a guarantee that in
5 to 10 minutes, I will get down
from this pulpit.
You cannot give me a guarantee that you
will make it to your office after Jum
That you will make it to your home
after Jum'ah.
That you will eat lunch today.
That is how temporary this life is.
We run after this world almost as if
we are going to live here forever and
Last week, how many people did you lay
to rest?
I'm sure you would have attended a janaza,
a funeral.
You would have gone by the qabr.
You would have seen the reality of the
You would have seen them lower the body
into the grave.
It may have been a relative.
It may have been a parent.
It may have been a child.
It may have been a spouse.
They have gone.
You are up next.
I am up next.
So are we ready?
And what if, oh youngster, what if when
you are indulging in the fake pleasures of
nightlife, you are in the lap of these
fake pleasures, and what if Malakul Mouth comes
and stands in front of you?
You have a bottle in your hand and
Malakul Mouth is in front of you.
You are snorting drugs and Malakul Mouth is
in front of you.
Now what are you going to say?
Oh Malakul Mouth, let me get rid of
this bottle.
When those youngsters saw me, they were trying
to hide things.
I am not Malakul Mouth.
Now are you going to tell Malakul Mouth,
let me hide the bottle.
Let me hide the drugs.
Let me wipe my nose.
Don't take my soul now.
Let me run to the masjid.
Let me quickly pray.
Let me ask Allah.
Let me turn to Allah in tawbah and
then take my soul.
If your soul is supposed to be extracted
at 12.45 to the millisecond Malakul Mouth
is accurate.
You will not be given a single millisecond
Your soul will be extracted in that situation.
So do you want to die with a
bottle in your hand?
Do you want to die with a deck
of cards in your hand in a casino?
Do you want to die rolling dice?
Do you want to die snorting drugs?
Do you want to die in some nightclub?
Do you want to die in the midst
of zina and prostitution?
Ask yourself, oh believer.
Ask yourself, oh follower of Muhammad s.a
.w. Do you want to meet your maker
in that situation?
Let this serve as a wake up call.
Think about it seriously.
Make sincere tawbah before Malakul Mouth comes in
front of you.
Allah will forgive you of your sins.
You will be given a brand new chance.
A new lease.
A new chapter in your life.
Ask Allah to forgive you.
Make firm intention that you're not going to
go back.
And to do that you must take action
You must change your environment.
You must change your friends if they are
friends who keep calling you to those sins.
If you are serious about your tawbah, you
must do that.
You must hold yourself accountable.
There's no point in being moved by this
particular sermon, going home making tawbah, and today
is Friday.
In the night when you get a call
by your friends, you again go back into
that vicious cycle and only surface on Monday.
What is the point?
Who are you fooling?
Who are you fooling?
So be serious about it.
Take serious action.
Change your environment.
Move and stay away from the traps of
Not only change your company.
Not only remove bad company.
You must also frequent good company.
Stay with the right people.
Who will guide you towards that which is
And after a period of time, you will
find yourself becoming stronger.
Your connection with Allah stronger.
To the extent that you will be able
to brush away the temptations.
Brush away the addictions.
So even if shaitan comes and tries to
plant a thought, you will be able to,
you will be strong enough to brush it
And if you need to seek help, reach
out and seek help.
If you are addicted, then you need help.
If you need the help of a scholar,
if you need the help of a professional
in that field, who will help you with
your addiction, reach out and seek help.
And lastly, strengthen, work hard towards strengthening your
relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So my dear brothers and sisters, the time
to change is now.
Is now.
Do not wait until it is too late.
Do not wait until death comes upon you
and then you are filled with regret for
the life that you wasted in sin.
For the youth that you wasted in sin.
Allah has given us this life as a
He will question us.
He will ask us what we did with
our youth.
What we did with our wealth.
What we did with our life.
What we did with the opportunities that He
gave us.
So therefore be mindful of Allah subhanahu wa
May Allah azzawajal grant us the strength to
leave behind destructive habits.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect our
Protect our youth.
May He guide our youth.
May He guide our elders away from the
temptations of shaitan and towards the mercy of
May He make us amongst those who repent
sincerely, make tawbah sincerely and enter His Jannah.
Ya Allah.
We raise our hands unto You, Ya Allah.
Friday, Ya Allah.
We raise our hands to You.
Ya Allah, guide us to the straight path
and keep our hearts firm upon Your deen,
Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, grant us the strength to overcome
the temptations of this world, of this dunya,
Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, forgive us of our sins.
Ya Allah, cleanse our hearts.
Ya Allah, purify our intentions.
Ya Allah, help us to return to You
with sincere tawbah and help us to stay
away from the traps of shaitan.
Ya Allah, protect our youth.
Ya Allah, shield them and protect them from
the traps of gambling, from the traps of
alcohol, from the traps of drugs and all
forms of sin, all forms of disobedience.
Ya Allah, guide them back to the path
of righteousness.
Ya Allah, bless our community.
Ya Allah, bless our country with peace, stability
and prosperity.
Ya Allah, guide our leaders towards justice, protect
our lands from harm and corruption.
Ya Allah, protect our brethren, our brothers and
sisters in Palestine and all around the world
who are suffering under dhulm, under oppression.
Ya Allah, remove their suffering.
Ya Allah, provide for those who are in
Feed the hungry.
There were many of us who were affected
by the bad weather.
Ya Allah, help them, Ya Allah.
Ease their situation, Ya Allah.
Provide shelter for them, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, use us as a means to
help those in need, Ya Allah.
Use our wealth, use us to put smiles
on the faces of those who are in
need, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, help us to never turn away
from our responsibilities towards the less fortunate, towards
the poor, towards the needy, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, bless us with good friends and
righteous company, Ya Allah.
Righteous companions who remind us of You, Ya
Who encourage us towards good deeds, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, keep us away from bad friends.
Ya Allah, keep us away from bad company.
Protect us from evil company, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, forgive our parents, Ya Allah.
Forgive our fathers, Ya Allah.
Forgive our mothers, Ya Allah.
Grant them, those of us who have lost
our parents, Ya Allah, grant our parents the
highest ranks in Jannah, Ya Allah.
Those of us who have our parents alive
with us, help us to be in their
service, Ya Allah.
Have mercy on them as they raised us
when we were young, Ya Allah.
Have mercy on them as they raised us
when we were young, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, protect our children from the evils
of this world, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, bless our endeavours, Ya Allah.
Protect our businesses, Ya Allah.
Help us to only earn that which is
halal and to stay away from that which
is haram, Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, forgive every Muslim who has passed
away, Ya Allah.
Grant them high ranks in Jannah.
And just as how You united us here
in this masjid for Jum'ah, unite us
in the beautiful gardens of Jannah, in the
companionship of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
And bless us all to drink at the
Haud, at the fountain, through the blessed hands
of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Wa akhir da'wayan.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.