Muiz Bukhary – Environmental Destruction- A Sign of the End Times

Muiz Bukhary
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AI: Summary ©

The importance of Islam as a steward of the earth and its resources is highlighted, including trees, water, and resources like wood and mineral resources. The speaker emphasizes the need to act responsibly and use the blessings of the world in prayer to help alleviate harm. The speaker also discusses the devastating consequences of natural disasters and the importance of planting trees and protecting resources. The speaker emphasizes the need to plant trees for affordability and reduce waste, planting trees and protecting the environment, and address plastic pollution and reducing waste.

AI: Summary ©

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			In the name of Allah, the most Gracious,
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			the most Merciful.
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			Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
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			And I pray and send salutations on the
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			most honorable of the Prophets and Messengers, our
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			Prophet, our beloved, and the pleasure of our
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			eyes, Muhammad bin Abdullah, upon him and upon
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			his family and his companions, the best of
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			prayers, and I complete the submission, after that.
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			All praise belongs to Allah, the Creator of
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			the heavens and the earth, who created the
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			universe in perfect balance and harmony.
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			أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن
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			محمد رسول الله We bear witness that there
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			is no deity, there is no God worthy
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			of worship other than Allah and we bear
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			witness that Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
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			is his final messenger.
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			We ask Allah عز و جل to send
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			his choicest of blessings and salutations upon Muhammad
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			صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم, his family members,
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			his companions and every single individual who follows
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			in the prophetic path, who embraces the prophetic
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			teachings إلى يوم القيامة, until the Day of
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			My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah
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			سبحانه وتعالى, he reminds us in the Noble
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			Qur'an, Surah Fatir, Ayah number 39 وَهُوَ
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			الَّذِي جَعَلَكُمْ خَلَائِفَ فِي الْأَرْضِ It is he
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			who made you خلائف, successors upon the earth.
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			It is he who made you stewards upon
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			the earth.
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			So Allah عز و جل has appointed us
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			as stewards or خليفة upon this earth.
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			This is an honor and this is a
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			great responsibility.
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			And from the responsibilities within this role of
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			being a steward is to care for and
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			to protect this planet, to protect earth and
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			not exploit it for personal gain.
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			Allah عز و جل has indeed created the
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			earth and all of its resources for our
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			The trees, the rivers, the minerals beneath the
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			ground, all of these are gifts from Allah
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			سبحانه وتعالى, meant to serve us and fulfill
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			our needs.
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			And yes, it is permissible for us to
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			use these resources.
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			It is permissible to drive cars.
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			It is permissible to build homes.
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			It is permissible to use the trees for
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			wood, to use the water for our sustenance.
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			However, we must do so responsibly.
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			Allah عز و جل has entrusted us with
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			these resources and we are definitely accountable for
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			how we use these responsibilities.
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			We are permitted to use them but we
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			are not permitted to abuse, exploit or waste
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			these resources beyond what is necessary.
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			So as stewards of the earth, it is
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			our duty to use the blessings of this
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			world in moderation, with care.
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			And to make efforts to reduce harm wherever
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			If we cut down a tree, we should
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			strive to plant another tree in place of
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			the tree that we cut.
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			If we use resources, we should seek ways
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			to restore and replenish them.
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			Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى He says in the
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			Noble Qur'an, قُلُوا وَشَرَبُوا مِنْ رِزْقِ اللَّهِ
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			وَلَا تَعْتَوْا فِي الْأَرْضِ مُفْسِدِينَ Eat and drink
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			from the provision of Allah and do not
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			commit abuse on the earth spreading corruption.
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			What do we see today?
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			We see destruction.
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			We see pollution.
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			We see exploitation of resources without any regard
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			for the balance that Allah has created.
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			Our forests are being destroyed, our rivers and
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			our oceans being polluted and the air we
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			breathe filled with toxins.
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			This imbalance is not just a worldly consequence.
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			It is a sign that we are neglecting
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			our responsibility as stewards of the earth, as
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			stewards of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى.
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			Today we are reminded of Hurricane Milton which
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			ravaged Florida leaving behind death, destruction and displacement.
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			Similarly here in our own country, we've been
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			experiencing heavy rainfall, heavy rains which have caused
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			flooding and hardship for many an individual.
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			May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى grant ease to
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			those affected by these disasters.
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			We pray for them.
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			May Allah heal their wounds.
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			May Allah replace their losses with something better.
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			Ya Allah shower Your mercy upon those who
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			have died, those who have perished and grant
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			strength and resilience to those struggling to rebuild
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			their lives after these disasters.
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			These natural disasters are not random occurrences my
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			dear brothers and sisters.
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			They are signs from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى.
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			Allah عز و جل warns us in the
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			Noble Quran, ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا
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			كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِ النَّاسِ Corruption or فساد has appeared
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			on land and sea because of what the
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			hands of people have earned.
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			So if you see these signs manifesting around
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			you, these are not coincidental.
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			These are what our hands have earned.
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			The pollution of the air, the contamination of
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			our water, the destruction of the forests are
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			all forms of فساد.
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			They are all forms of corruption.
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			When you use the word corruption, we only
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			think of bribery and corruption in that sense.
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			But these are also forms of corruption.
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			When you abuse the natural resources, when you
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			abuse the blessings and gifts given to you
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			by Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى, we are witnessing
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			this corruption with our own eyes and it
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			is a direct result of our actions.
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			Look at the example of Muhammad ﷺ.
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			When you see this, you will see how
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			far away we are from his teachings and
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			his example.
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			He set forth the most beautiful example of
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			how to live in harmony with the creation
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			of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى.
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			Look at this hadith.
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			He is reported to have said, إِذَا أَقَوَمَتِ
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			السَّاعَةِ Along the lines of these words, even
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			if the Day of Judgment is established, and
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			one of you has a sapling, has a
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			plant in your hand, then let him plant
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			Allahu Akbar.
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			You see, the Day of Judgment will be
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			established on a Friday.
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			Think about it.
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			The Day of Judgment is about to be
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			Destruction, chaos, everyone running, helter-skelter, the teachings
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			of the Prophet, the command of the Prophet,
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			even at that juncture, if you have a
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			plant, if you have a sapling in your
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			hand, plant it.
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			So this hadith fills us with so much
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			of optimism in the face of destruction, in
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			the face of chaos, in the face of
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			global warming, in the face of all of
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			the tragedies and challenges we are facing, we
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			should still not lose hope.
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			We should still plant trees.
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			We should still work towards conserving and protecting
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			the resources of this beautiful planet.
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			So even in the face of the end
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			of the world, the Prophet ﷺ encourages us
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			to plant trees, symbolizing that caring for the
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			environment is an act of worship, no matter
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			how small.
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			The Prophet ﷺ is reported to have said,
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			لَا تُسْرِفِّلْمَا Do not waste water, even if
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			you perform your ablution on the banks of
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			an abundantly flowing river.
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			Even if you are by a river, there
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			is abundant water, do not waste water.
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			Ask yourself, touch your heart, how many of
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			us let the faucet run when you're making
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			When you're at the masjid, the faucet is
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			running, as you wash your face three times,
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			as you wash your hands three times, as
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			you gargle your mouth, and you're thinking you're
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			doing an act of ibadah, you're performing ablution,
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			whilst you waste water.
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			Water, one of the most valuable resources, and
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			we are running short of it.
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			There are people in our own country who
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			do not have access to water, who have
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			to walk kilometers on end to get access
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			to water.
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			Here we are, whilst we brush our teeth,
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			the faucet is running, the tap is running,
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			water is being wasted.
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			Whilst we perform ablution, the water is being
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			All you need, by the way, you can
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			go, search on YouTube, if you search my
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			name and perhaps search ablution, the video will
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			pop up.
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			All you need is this much of water
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			to perform ablution.
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			I've done a demonstration.
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			This much of water, one glass of water,
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			half a glass of water is enough for
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			you to perform ablution.
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			And that was the sunnah of the Prophet
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			But there was a study done, liters of
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			water, the Muslim community, by the way, we
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			are wasting so much of water, for what?
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			For ablution alone.
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			So much of water.
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			And the Prophet ﷺ is teaching, even if
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			you are by the bank of a river,
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			do not waste water.
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			It is forbidden in Islam.
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			When you go out of the bubble that
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			you are in, when you go to the
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			villages, where people are drinking dirty, muddy water,
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			that's when you realize the value of the
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			fact that you have abundant water, access to
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			water, you have cold water, you have hot
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			water, you have mineral water, you have alkaline
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			water, now you have hydrogen water, you have
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			all types of water.
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			But there are people who do not have
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			access to water, to even wash themselves after
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			relieving themselves.
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			They do not have water to take a
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			bath, a simple bath, whilst we have enough
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			water to waste.
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			So don't you think you are going to
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			be held accountable?
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			Don't you think you will be asked by
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			And don't you think that you will have
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			to face the consequences of wasting the water?
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			The more you waste, the more the world
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			around you deteriorates.
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			This ravaging storm is not by coincidence.
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			It is the decision of Allah.
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			It is a sign of Allah.
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			At times when we need water, we need
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			water where?
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			The lands where there are vegetation, where our
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			rice grow, but it doesn't rain there.
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			When you go there, those lands are parched,
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			dry as a bone.
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			In the city, in the urban setting, where
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			it does not need to rain this much.
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			It rains cats and dogs, making life complicated
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			for people.
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			These are signs.
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			Signs of Allah to wake you up.
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			Whenever it would rain, the Prophet would run
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			to Allah, would run to prayer.
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			So these are signs from the signs of
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			You have to understand my dear brothers, I
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			don't have much time.
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			The devastating consequences of human caused pollution.
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			Today you have air pollution poisoning the breath
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			of life.
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			You have water pollution contaminating our life blood.
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			You have soil pollution destroying the earth beneath
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			our feet.
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			You have light, light pollution obscuring the signs
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			of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			The artificial light of all these LEDs, sign
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			boards, modern cities drown out the beauty of
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			the night sky.
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			Obscuring the signs of Allah's creation.
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			Light pollution disrupts the natural rhythms of both
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			animals and humans.
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			Today there is so much of research being
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			done in terms of light and how much
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			it disrupts your sleep.
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			How much it affects your stress levels.
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			There are literally glasses now being made with
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			blue light filter that you wear towards the
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			Because there are so many screens around you.
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			Your iPads, your mobile devices, your TVs, these
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			sign boards.
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			This blue light affects you.
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			It affects your health.
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			It affects your stress levels.
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			It affects your sleep.
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			It affects your recovery.
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			Why do you think your devices, now your
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			mobile phone, you have this setting where you
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			can set it to have the blue filter
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			after sunset until sunrise the screen turns a
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			shade of yellow or a warm color.
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			It cuts out the blue light because the
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			blue light is bad for our health.
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			So it not only disrupts our lives, it's
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			also disrupting the lives of innocent animals.
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			And who is doing it?
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			For our own convenience.
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			It is permissible to use these resources without
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			abusing them, my dear brothers and sisters.
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			Then you have noise pollution disturbing the peace
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			that Allah has given us.
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			Allah has granted us.
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			The constant noise of urban life disrupts the
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			peace and tranquility that Allah has provided for
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			And chronic exposure to noise causes stress, causes
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			I've spoken about this before I think in
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			this very masjid itself.
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			It causes stress, anxiety, so many health disruptions.
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			May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala help us
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			to understand all of this.
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			Then you have plastic pollution.
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			I don't even want to get started.
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			Plastic pollution.
00:14:03 --> 00:14:04
			A global crisis.
00:14:05 --> 00:14:07
			Yes, we do have to use plastic but
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			do so responsibly.
00:14:09 --> 00:14:10
			Do so mindfully.
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			Do so with the thought of mitigating and
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			reducing the impact.
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			So therefore my dear brothers and sisters, let
00:14:18 --> 00:14:19
			there be a call to action.
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			Let there be a call to action.
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			Let us return to our role as stewards
00:14:24 --> 00:14:25
			of this planet.
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			We must recognize that caring for the earth,
00:14:29 --> 00:14:32
			caring for this planet is a spiritual duty.
00:14:33 --> 00:14:35
			A form of worship that brings us closer
00:14:35 --> 00:14:36
			to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
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			A few action items.
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			Let us take practical steps.
00:14:40 --> 00:14:41
			Let us reduce waste.
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			We waste food.
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			Subhanallah, so much of food.
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			So much of food.
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			You know there are actually philosophies and campaigns
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			to live a zero waste life.
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			You know even the vegetables that you cut,
00:14:58 --> 00:15:00
			you can utilize it in so many ways
00:15:00 --> 00:15:01
			where there can be zero waste.
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			You know when you break eggs.
00:15:02 --> 00:15:04
			Egg shells can be used for something.
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			There is this philosophy.
00:15:06 --> 00:15:07
			Study about it.
00:15:07 --> 00:15:08
			Read upon it.
00:15:08 --> 00:15:10
			Watch videos where you can cut down on
00:15:10 --> 00:15:11
			your waste.
00:15:11 --> 00:15:13
			There are actually people living in this world
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			with zero waste.
00:15:16 --> 00:15:18
			Ask yourself, each individual, how much of waste
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			do we produce?
00:15:19 --> 00:15:20
00:15:20 --> 00:15:23
			In terms of plastic, in terms of vegetables,
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			in terms of food, how much of food
00:15:25 --> 00:15:25
			do we waste?
00:15:25 --> 00:15:29
			All of this Allah says, Do not waste.
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			Allah does not love those who waste.
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			So reduce your waste.
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			Number two, plant trees.
00:15:42 --> 00:15:44
			Plant trees and protect the wildlife.
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			Number three, conserve water.
00:15:46 --> 00:15:49
			Do not waste water and reduce your pollution.
00:15:50 --> 00:15:51
			Take these practical steps.
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			Let us renew our intention to become better
00:15:54 --> 00:15:56
			stewards of this earth.
00:15:56 --> 00:15:58
			To care for the creation of Allah subhanahu
00:15:58 --> 00:16:01
			wa ta'ala and to leave behind a
00:16:01 --> 00:16:07
			planet, a world, that future generations can thrive
00:16:07 --> 00:16:08
00:16:08 --> 00:16:09
00:16:09 --> 00:16:11
			Let that be our intention.
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			So as we conclude, let us remember that
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			our role as stewards is a noble and
00:16:15 --> 00:16:17
			heavy responsibility, my dear brothers and sisters.
00:16:17 --> 00:16:19
			Let us repent to Allah subhanahu wa ta
00:16:19 --> 00:16:22
			'ala for our shortcomings and ask Him to
00:16:22 --> 00:16:23
			guide us back to the right path.
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			And let us take action, no matter how
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			small, to protect the earth and to fulfill
00:16:29 --> 00:16:33
			our duty as the khalifa that Allah has
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			entrusted us to be.
00:16:35 --> 00:16:36
			O Allah, forgive us and have mercy upon
00:16:36 --> 00:16:37
00:16:37 --> 00:16:39
			O Allah, make us stewards and guardians of
00:16:39 --> 00:16:41
			this earth and help us to protect your
00:16:41 --> 00:16:42
			blessings, O Allah.
00:16:42 --> 00:16:45
			O Allah, grant victory and relief to our
00:16:45 --> 00:16:48
			brothers and sisters in every land affected by
00:16:48 --> 00:16:51
			oppression, affected by disaster and grant them patience
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			and trust in you, O Allah.
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			O Allah, forgive us for the harm we
00:16:55 --> 00:16:56
			have caused to your creation.
00:16:57 --> 00:16:58
			Forgive us for the harm that we have
00:16:58 --> 00:17:00
			caused to your planet.
00:17:00 --> 00:17:02
			Heal the wounds that we have inflicted upon
00:17:02 --> 00:17:04
			this earth and grant us the wisdom and
00:17:04 --> 00:17:06
			resolve to correct our ways, O Allah.
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			O Allah, strengthen our hearts with iman and
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			grant us the clarity to recognize the responsibilities
00:17:12 --> 00:17:14
			you have entrusted unto us.
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			O Allah, replace the destruction that we have
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			caused, our hands have caused, with renewal, with
00:17:21 --> 00:17:23
			healing and allow us and permit us to
00:17:23 --> 00:17:26
			be agents of goodness and positive change.
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			O Allah, grant relief to all who are
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			suffering from disasters, be it from hurricanes, be
00:17:31 --> 00:17:34
			it from tornadoes, be it from floods or
00:17:34 --> 00:17:34
			any calamity.
00:17:35 --> 00:17:38
			Comfort their hearts, provide for their needs and
00:17:38 --> 00:17:40
			replace their losses with something better.
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			O Allah, bless our lands with abundance, bless
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			our air with purity, bless our water with
00:17:46 --> 00:17:49
			cleanliness, guide us to live in harmony with
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			the nature around us and help us to
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			protect the blessings you have given us and
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			bestowed upon us and make us a people,
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			make us a people who repair this planet,
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			who repair this earth, who heal this earth
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			and not corrupt it, O Allah.
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			O Allah, help us to help those who
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			do not have access to water, help us
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			to feed those who are hungry, help us
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			to provide healing for those who are sick.
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			O Allah, help us to dig deep into
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			our pockets and give out in charity, O
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00:18:19 --> 00:18:21
			And just as how you united us here
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			in this masjid, unite us in the beautiful
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			gardens of Jannah, in the companionship of our
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			beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
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			Ameen, ameen.