Muiz Bukhary – Difference Between Tafsir and Ta’weel

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the meaning of the term " tafsir," which is synonymous with the term "veal," and how it is not the same as the term "view." The speaker explains that the term is used in the Arabic language to indicate scratching the surface, and that it is defined in the Arabic language in a way that is not in English. The speaker also discusses the meaning of " tafsir," which is a term used in the Arabic language to indicate scratching the surface, and how it is not a synonym of the term "view."
AI: Transcript ©
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So when talking about the term of See here,

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a question could arise as to whether the term tafsir is synonymous with the term, the wheel is the word tafsir. synonymous with the term, that wheel. Now you have this discussion that's in place as to whether tafsir is synonymous with veal.

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Now there are some opinions that state that yes, the term Pepsi can be considered synonymous with veal.

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But what is favorable is that, yes, you could have one meaning, where Tafseer is similar to the term that we'll but when you go into more,

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a more precise definition, when you get into the granular details, you will see that Pepsi and veal are not the same. And these two terms are both mentioned in the Quran. And you don't see the thing is nothing in the Quran is brought about by coincidence, and you do not have synonyms you see in the Quran, because each word has its significant and distinct meanings in the Koran. So if you have to see it in one place, and the wheel in another place are not synonyms, they mean separate things in a very fine way. So what is Pepsi? Now Pepsi is clear, what is the wheel, that wheel?

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If you were to define it,

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you could say that the seer is merely scratching the surface, if you will. And that really goes a lot deeper, a lot deeper, it's loosely defined as the interpretation. But when it comes to the Quran, it goes a lot deeper. So when we say that will not that will attempt that really is again upon the scale to fail. So it stems from owl in the Arabic language owl in the Arabic language, which is translated like I said, to interpret something. But if you were to define it in the in the context of that we will amber now let's say in the Quran, there is something in the imperative tense there is a commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now that we'll have the commandment of Eliza

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Virgil is complying, it's to do it fair Alou. And then we'll have an A, if you have a prohibition that is in place that will have an E is the cu, leaving that thing that Allah has prohibited us from. Similarly, with regards to harbor in regards to say something

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that is to happen, if you will, that we'll have that hover is, whoo, it's occurrence. It's happening. And you also see this term that we used with dreams now the story of use of Islam to Islam, there are many dreams and the will and there are two, it's it's defined as the interpretation when you talk about the interpretation of dreams, that that we'll have it is again, the core of that the occurring of it. Now, for example, I think you would recall the dream of the king, where he sees 17 cows, sorry, seven fleshy cows being devoured by seven lean and 10 cows and other things as well that he witnesses in the dream and use of knowledge that was led by the will of Allah but the

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permission of Allah subhana wa Taala. He goes on to interpret that dream, where he says that we are going to experience seven years of abundance that are going to be followed by seven years of famine. And the interpretation of the dream now takes place. So this is how you understand the term that we like I said it's fine. It goes in deeper than tafsir ctfc it is something a lot of people do. When it comes to the Quran. With a certain amount of knowledge you can make the tafsir of the noble Koran, but that we that that is of a very high level My dear brothers and sisters.

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You see, Allah Subhana Allah Allah,

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He reveals unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he makes the reveal of the ayah

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we have a narration where our mother I showed her the law one Ha. She mentions that the prophets that along while he really was Selim used to implement the obile in the Quran. With regards to the idea but Allah subhanho wa Taala says for sub bit behind the Arabica was still fair.

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Allah says for sub mehandi Arabic will still fit, glorify your Lord and ask for his forgiveness. Now, this is as you can see a command from allies origin it is in the imperative tense for Serbia be Hammurabi cobblestone glorify your Lord and seek His forgiveness that we love this that was implemented by the prophets all along while he were early he was Selim was that he said a long while he very seldom would in racor and sujood he would read subhanak Allahumma robina will be handed a lot more faithfully Glory be to You are Allah our Lord will be handy can praised Are you Allahumma fiddly Allah forgive me in record, he would read Subhana rabina Hajime will be handy. In sujood, he

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would read Subhana obion Allah he would glorify Allah, he would extol a lot he would praise a lion he would seek the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal. So as you can see that the mean of that ayah for sub behandlar because stouffville the prophets lie Selim brought it into implementation. And as you can see, this is something that was upon a very high level of understanding that was done by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and not everyone can attempt to make the wheel of the Quran.

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So it is

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finer and more in depth than the term of seal. So it is not synonymous and you can't simply say it's a synonym of the seal But no, it goes a lot deeper than a deaf see

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