Muiz Bukhary – A True Love Story

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The importance of love in Islam is emphasized, citing sermons from Muhammad sallali Ali Ali hang on a wall and the sermon of hesitation from the same speaker. The natural love of love is emphasized, and the importance of discipline and orderliness is emphasized. The speaker describes the emotional responses of the messenger's actions, including retaliation and the loss of the messenger's life. The speaker encourages people to embrace the messenger's lifestyle and teachings, drink water, and share in the company.
AI: Transcript ©
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Muhammad We begin by praising Allah

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the lord of all worlds, the exalted, the

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majestic, the all powerful, and we ask him

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to send his choices to blessings and salutations.

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Upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet Muhammad,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the fountain

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of kindness, of compassion, of care, of love

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in this world.

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We ask Allah

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to send his choices of blessings and salutations

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upon him, his family members, his companions, and

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every single individual who embraces the prophetic teachings

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with akhlas with sincerity until the end of

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My dear respected elders, brothers and sisters in

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Islam, sisters, because perhaps they will listen to

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the recording later on, insha'Allah.

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I start off by reminding myself and then

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all of you all gathered here for salatuljumaa

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to adopt a life of taqwa,

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and that is to be conscious of Allah,

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conscious of your maker. And you must do

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this during every single second of your lives.

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Oh, believers, oh, my congregation, if you wish

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to attain victory and success in this world

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as well as the hereafter,

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may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us all

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from people of Taqwa, and may he make

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us from the victorious and successful ones. Amen.

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The topic for my sermon today is

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a true love story.

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The topic for my sermon today,

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a true

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love story.

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Anas ibn Malik, he reports,

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hadith is recorded in the book of Imam

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al Bukhari and Imam Muslim, Rahimahumullah.

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It is an authentic hadith.

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The messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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The messenger is reported to have said, none

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of you

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have truly

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brought in iman.

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In other words,

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none of you have completed

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your iman

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the messenger says this, until I am more

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beloved to that individual

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than his own children,

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his own father,

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and all of mankind.

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All of mankind.

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We have another narration.

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Abdullah ibn Hisham radiallahu anhu he reports, we

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were with the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam and he was holding

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the hand of Umar radiAllahu an. The prophet

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam is holding the hand

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of Umar radiAllahu an. Now Umar radiAllahu anhu

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then says to the messenger,

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oh, messenger of Allah.

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Oh, messenger of Allah.

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You are more beloved to me

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than anyone,

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than everything

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except for myself,

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but myself.

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Now, this in and of itself is a

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powerful statement. Yes.

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But then, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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at that juncture now goes on to educate

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Omar radiAllahu

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No. By the one in whose hand is

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my soul

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until I am more beloved to you, O

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Omar, than your own self.

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I need to be more beloved

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unto you than your own self.

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without flinching,

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not even batting an eyelid, he immediately goes

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on to correct himself and he says, if

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that is the case for messenger of Allah,

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indeed, I swear,

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if that is the case, I swear by

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that you are more beloved to me now

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than my own self.

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Now, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he

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says, alana

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Yeah. Umar.

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Now, you are right. Omar.

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Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam

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al Bukhari rahimahullah.

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So, you when you look at the the

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when you look at the explanations of this

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hadith, my dear brothers, in Islam,

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you understand

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that loving yourself,

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loving oneself is natural.

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It is known in the Arabic language as.

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It is a natural

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instinct, a natural love. In other words, if

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we are sane,

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okay, upon a stable mental state, we would

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not want to hurt ourselves.

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We would not throw ourselves into destruction.

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We would not take our own lives. Why?

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Because we love ourselves.

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We love ourselves. We value our lives. We

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value ourselves. So, that is a naturally

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ingrained love

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hardwired into us.

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On the other

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hand choosing to love someone else

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This is

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It is

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It is a love by choice.

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A love by choice.

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And this love by choice comes about due

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to certain reasons,

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due to external factors, due to precursors.

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For example,

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when a man and a woman get married,

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they choose to love one another.

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It is not as if they were born

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ingrained with the love towards one another. No.

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By perhaps one another's good character,

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by perhaps the way one another carry themselves,

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by perhaps the way one another looks, and

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so on and so forth. There are a

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number of reasons as to why this love

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would come in. This optional love where you

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choose to love someone else.

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You admire that person. You respect that person,

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and you start loving that person. You choose

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to love that person. But loving yourself is

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a natural love.

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So, Umar radiAllahu, at

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the initial stage,

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he had taken on the optional love. He

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chose to love the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam. But the prophet corrects him by saying,

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You Umar

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The optional love is fine,

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but what I require from you is the

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ingrained love within you where you have to

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love me more than even yourself. My dear

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brothers in Islam, this is

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This is a pillar

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from the pillars of iman

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to love the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam. And to hate the messenger, may

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Allah protect us. To hate the messenger,

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it is

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a nullifier

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from the nullifiers of iman. It will nullify

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your iman

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if you do not love the messenger, if

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you choose to hate the messenger. And the

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primary proof for that is the hadith that

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I shared with you at the beginning, that

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none of you have truly brought in iman

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until you love the messenger more than your

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own children, more than your own parents, more

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than your spouse,

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more than every

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single human being, more than the entirety of

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mankind, even more than your own self. You

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have to love the messenger of Allah Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wa Alaihi Wa Sallam.

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My dear

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brothers in Islam,

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what is the definition

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of loving the messenger of Allah?

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You see before getting into

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sufficing yourself

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with the life of the messenger,

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before you get into

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following the messenger,

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before all of that,

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it starts off

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with inclining your heart towards the messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Turn your heart towards

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him. Incline your heart towards the messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. We live in

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a world

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where people

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are being swept away

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with love and admiration

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for all kinds of people,

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for all kinds of personalities.

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Today, all it takes is for something to

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go viral,

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for someone to become quote unquote an influencer,

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and people don't hesitate.

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They follow in the 100, in the 1,000,

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in the 1,000, in the 1,000,000.

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Whilst in all honesty, if you really look

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at it, it's so superficial.

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There's really nothing to admire.

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There's really nothing to look up to in

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to the role model that we are supposed

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to be looking up to. The role model

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that we are supposed to be loving with

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every fiber of our beings? Muhammad.

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instill this love, my dear brothers,

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You have to look towards the lives of

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the Sahalah.

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The lives of the companions. The ones who

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lived with him.

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We claim to love him. Yes. But they

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lived with him day in and day out.

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They lived with him. They saw him. They

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sat by him. They held his hands.

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I have 2 stories. I don't have much

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time. So, I have to share them with

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you insha'Allah.

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The first story

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is of

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a companion. His name was Sawad radiAllahu an.

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So one

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day, it was, if I'm not mistaken, during

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the battle, during the day of Badr

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during the day of Badr,

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the the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam was arranging the roles. I want you

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all to listen attentively. He was arranging the

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roles. This is for battle, by the way.

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Not for prayer. For battle.

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And what happens? The messenger had a stick

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with him. The messenger had a stick with

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him. And he being the leader, he being

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the imam, he being the commander,

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he is now walking straightening the rows Straightening

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the rows. And here you see how important

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discipline is, how important orderliness is, how important

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being organized is. So, the prophet is now

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straightening the rows.

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There was this companion, suad Radi Allahu man.

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And, you have to understand. It is not

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any ordinary day. It is Badr Badr.

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The Sahaba knew this was

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a powerful day. SubhanAllah, you are about to

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go into battle. You may not come alive.

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So Sawad radiAllahu anhu, he's seeing the messenger

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of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam approaching.

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He knows what to do.

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Intentionally, what he does is he comes forward

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a bit. He comes forward.

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So now he's off alignment. Intentionally, he's off

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alignment with the rope. So the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam is now coming. It's the

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woo. It's the woo. You know what the

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imam says? You would have heard me saying

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before prayer as we stand for prayer. It's

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the woo means straighten your rose straighten your

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rose straighten your rose. Now the prophet,

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hawk eyed, he spots

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off alignment.

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He goes

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up to He had the stick in his

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hand. He gently

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taps him on his upper body, chest or

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Stand in alignment.

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No sooner this stick that the prophet had

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in his hand touched the body of Sawad

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radiAllahu anhu.

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He screams out. You Rasool Allah, Aw jaaathni

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Aw jaaathni.

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You have hurt me.

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You have hurt me.

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The prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam looks at

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him perplexed, a warrior

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standing here, mere touch of a stick and

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he's saying you have hurt me. The sahaba

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around were also baffled. They looked at Sawad.

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What's up Sawad?

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What's going on?

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Sawad says, you are Rasulullah. You are the

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most just. You are the most fair. You

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have hurt me, now I wish to retaliate.

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I wish to retaliate.

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I want to seek vengeance.

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Now, the Sahaba were taken aback.

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Some of them were

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They look at Sawad initially it was you

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know they were looking at him in a

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in a light hearted way. But now they're

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looking at him what's wrong with this individual.

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This is such a crucial day and he

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wants to exact vengeance from the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. So some of the sahaba

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were disturbed. The prophet calms them all down

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and he says, so what is right?

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If I have hurt him, he

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reserves the right

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to do the same unto me.

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So the prophet now hands over the stick

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to Sawad radiAllahu anhu and says, you Sawad,

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exact your retribution from me.

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It was emotional.

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It was emotional.

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Sawad radiAllahu anhu tears glistening now on his

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eyes. He takes the stick of the messenger.

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He takes the stick of the messenger and

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he looks at the prophet and he says,

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you Rasool Allah,

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as you can see, I am bare bodied.

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I am bare bodied.

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My upper body is exposed. You are wearing

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your armor.

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You are wearing your armor. If it is

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to be fair and just, you have to

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shed your armor.

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam calmly look

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at the leadership.

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Look at the humbleness.

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Look at the attitude. He did not scorn

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him. He did not push him away.

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He removes his armor 1 by 1

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and exposes

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his blessed upper body.

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No sooner his body was exposed, Sawad radiAllahu

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anhu respectfully

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keeps the stick of the messenger on the

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ground. He rushes to the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam. He hugs him and he starts

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to kiss the body of the messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. The messenger is

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surprised. He says, you Sawad, why? Why?

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What is this? And Sawad says, you Rasulullah,

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I don't know whether I will come alive

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after this day, after this battle. I wanted

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my skin to touch your skin the last.

00:14:20 --> 00:14:23

I wanted this kiss on your blessed skin,

00:14:23 --> 00:14:25

on your blessed body to be the last.

00:14:25 --> 00:14:26

You Rasulullah.

00:14:27 --> 00:14:28

I love you. You Rasulullah.

00:14:29 --> 00:14:30

This is the love that the Sahaba had

00:14:30 --> 00:14:32

for the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa

00:14:32 --> 00:14:33


00:14:33 --> 00:14:34

Very quickly. After

00:14:35 --> 00:14:38

the demise of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

00:14:38 --> 00:14:38


00:14:39 --> 00:14:40

He can't bear it. He can't bear the

00:14:40 --> 00:14:41

crushing weight.

00:14:42 --> 00:14:44

He leaves Madinah. He goes to Damascus after

00:14:44 --> 00:14:46

the demise of the prophet

00:14:47 --> 00:14:48

He is in Damascus.

00:14:48 --> 00:14:50

Now the messenger has passed away.

00:14:51 --> 00:14:53

One day he sees a dream. In the

00:14:53 --> 00:14:55

dream, the prophet says, You Bilal.

00:14:55 --> 00:14:58

What is this? Mahadihi jaf Mahadihi jafaa. What

00:14:58 --> 00:15:01

is this foolishness? Why are you not coming

00:15:01 --> 00:15:02

and visiting me?

00:15:03 --> 00:15:05

So no sunabila, radiAllahu, one who sees this

00:15:05 --> 00:15:07

dream, he wakes up. He wakes up and

00:15:07 --> 00:15:08

he thinks,

00:15:09 --> 00:15:11

He's calling me, and he now sets to

00:15:11 --> 00:15:14

Madina. Sets off to Madina. He goes to

00:15:14 --> 00:15:16

Madina as he's entering Madina. Abu Bakrmi siddiq

00:15:16 --> 00:15:18

radiallahu anhu welcomes him.

00:15:27 --> 00:15:28

The memories of the messenger. I don't think

00:15:28 --> 00:15:30

I will be able to call out the

00:15:30 --> 00:15:32

adhan. He goes a little bit forward. Umar

00:15:32 --> 00:15:35

radiAllahu anhu makes the same request. Bilal radiAllahu

00:15:35 --> 00:15:38

anhu refo refuses. He goes forward.

00:15:38 --> 00:15:40

The grandsons of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

00:15:40 --> 00:15:43

sallam, Hassan and Hussain radiAllahu anhu. They come

00:15:43 --> 00:15:45

running to him and as he embrace them,

00:15:45 --> 00:15:48

the little children, as he embraces them, he

00:15:48 --> 00:15:50

gets the smell of the messenger of Allah

00:15:50 --> 00:15:52

sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. He's overwhelmed.

00:15:53 --> 00:15:55

He breaks down in tears. And then they

00:15:55 --> 00:15:57

say, you Bilal, call out the Adhan for

00:15:57 --> 00:15:59

us. He cannot say no to the grandchildren

00:15:59 --> 00:16:00

of the messenger of

00:16:01 --> 00:16:03

Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. He goes now

00:16:03 --> 00:16:05

to the place where he used to call

00:16:05 --> 00:16:07

out the Adhan from the mibbar,

00:16:07 --> 00:16:10

from the masjid of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

00:16:10 --> 00:16:11

Wasallam. He stands and now he calls out

00:16:11 --> 00:16:12

the Adhan.

00:16:21 --> 00:16:21


00:16:22 --> 00:16:24

Akbar. He calls out the Adhan. The people

00:16:24 --> 00:16:27

of Madina, They all come rushing out.

00:16:27 --> 00:16:30

It is Bilal calling out the Adhan.

00:16:31 --> 00:16:32

Glad tidings.

00:16:32 --> 00:16:33

The Messenger

00:16:33 --> 00:16:37

has come back. Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salam. Muhammad

00:16:37 --> 00:16:40

Salallahu Alaihi Wa Salam has come back. The

00:16:40 --> 00:16:42

men, the women, they all rushed to the

00:16:42 --> 00:16:46

streets of Madinah making their way flocking towards

00:16:46 --> 00:16:48

the Masjid of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa

00:16:48 --> 00:16:50

Salam. Bilal radiAllahu alaihi wa sallam who continues.

00:16:59 --> 00:17:03

He continues the Adhan. So beautiful. So melodious.

00:17:03 --> 00:17:05

They all remembering the messenger of

00:17:06 --> 00:17:08

allah. It is a joyous day.

00:17:11 --> 00:17:12

He goes on.

00:17:25 --> 00:17:27

He's able to hold his composure.

00:17:28 --> 00:17:29

Now he comes to

00:17:47 --> 00:17:48

He breaks down.

00:17:48 --> 00:17:50

He breaks down.

00:17:50 --> 00:17:53

He's not able to continue. He's weeping. He's

00:17:53 --> 00:17:54

sobbing. Why?

00:17:55 --> 00:17:58

Because a true love story my dear brothers

00:17:58 --> 00:17:58

in Islam.

00:17:59 --> 00:18:01

The love his heart is aching.

00:18:01 --> 00:18:03

He cannot contain himself.

00:18:03 --> 00:18:05

It is grief washing

00:18:05 --> 00:18:09

over him. He crumbles. He breaks down and

00:18:09 --> 00:18:10

he comes down.

00:18:10 --> 00:18:11

And then

00:18:11 --> 00:18:14

all the people who had flocked realize,

00:18:15 --> 00:18:17

oh, the messenger is not with us.

00:18:18 --> 00:18:21

The messenger is not with us. The narrator

00:18:21 --> 00:18:22


00:18:23 --> 00:18:25

after the day that the prophet sallallahu

00:18:26 --> 00:18:27

alaihi wa sallam passed away,

00:18:28 --> 00:18:29

this was the second

00:18:30 --> 00:18:30


00:18:32 --> 00:18:35

darkest, and most saddest of days in Madinah.

00:18:35 --> 00:18:37

They were filled with so much of grief.

00:18:37 --> 00:18:38


00:18:38 --> 00:18:40

Because they loved the messenger so much.

00:18:41 --> 00:18:42

My dear brothers in Islam,

00:18:43 --> 00:18:45

as I conclude, in the few minutes that

00:18:45 --> 00:18:46

I have with you all, I want to

00:18:46 --> 00:18:47


00:18:47 --> 00:18:49

Let this be a stepping stone.

00:18:50 --> 00:18:52

Let this be a stepping stone to nurture.

00:18:52 --> 00:18:55

Let the flames of love for Muhammad sallallahu

00:18:56 --> 00:18:57

alaihi wa sallam burn bright.

00:18:58 --> 00:18:59

Study the Seerah.

00:18:59 --> 00:19:02

Implement the sunnah. Draw closer and closer to

00:19:02 --> 00:19:04

the teachings of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

00:19:04 --> 00:19:05

sallam. As the world

00:19:06 --> 00:19:07

moves away,

00:19:07 --> 00:19:09

let us move closer.

00:19:09 --> 00:19:11

Let us embrace the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

00:19:11 --> 00:19:14

sallam. Not for the sake of following a

00:19:14 --> 00:19:16

trend or a fag. Let us truly

00:19:16 --> 00:19:18

embrace his lifestyle,

00:19:18 --> 00:19:19

his teachings.

00:19:20 --> 00:19:21


00:19:21 --> 00:19:24

alayhi. May my mother, my father, and myself

00:19:24 --> 00:19:26

be ransomed and sacrificed for him. With that,

00:19:26 --> 00:19:28

I conclude the sermon. May Allah subhanahu wa

00:19:28 --> 00:19:29


00:19:29 --> 00:19:32

cleave, open our hearts and fill our hearts

00:19:32 --> 00:19:35

with true and piercing love for Muhammad sallallahu

00:19:35 --> 00:19:36


00:19:36 --> 00:19:38

wa sallam. May he fill our hearts with

00:19:38 --> 00:19:38


00:19:39 --> 00:19:43

towards Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. May he

00:19:43 --> 00:19:45

fill our hearts with the desire to follow

00:19:45 --> 00:19:47

the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

00:19:47 --> 00:19:49

May he forgive us of our sins. May

00:19:49 --> 00:19:51

he accept our good deeds. And just as

00:19:51 --> 00:19:53

how he united us here in this mischief,

00:19:53 --> 00:19:54

may he unite us in the gardens of

00:19:54 --> 00:19:56

Jannah, in the companionship of our beloved prophet

00:19:56 --> 00:19:59

Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And may he

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bless us all to drink at the howd

00:20:00 --> 00:20:02

at the fountain through the blessed hands of

00:20:02 --> 00:20:04

Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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