Muhammad West – Where is the Help of Allah

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The recent terrorist attack in Iran, including the killing of Iranian Prime Minister Hani Hani and the loss of family members, highlights the need for a fight for the people and the importance of protecting against enemies. The episode ends with a statement to support the peace movement and a post mortem with a message to shaping people to face hardship and avoid failure. The importance of working on promises and not harping on past mistakes is emphasized. The radio and a triple smart announcement are also mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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slides, yeah,

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All the bill. A rajim Bismillah. Man I Rahim alhamdulillahi. Rabbil

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Alameen o salatul, assalamualaien, Sayyidina, Muhammad, ILA alihi wa

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sai AJ mahey, my beloved brothers and sisters, assalamu. Alaikum.

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Warahmatullahi wa Barakatuh Alhamdulillah Rabbi Lamin oisa

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Begin by praising Allah. Ilaha illallah, we testify that there is

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none worthy of worship besides Allah, and we send our love, our

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greetings and salutations so beloved Nabi Muhammad, sallAllahu,

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alayhi wa sallam, to his spies and his pure family, to his companions

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and all those who follow his son until the end of time, may Allah

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subhanaw taala bless us to be amongst them. Ameen. Ameen

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Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah, we are joined today by radio voice of

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the qib. Alhamdulillah, for for being with us and all the

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listeners. May Allah, subhana, Tala, bless all of you. Amin and

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this Mubarak of Jamal innalila, it's a bit of a difficult week for

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those of you are following, and you should follow the news the

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leader of Hamas, a man who has been his whole life, struggling

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for the deen, struggling in jihad, struggling for his people,

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struggling for the ummah. Al Hafid Sheik Ismail Haniyeh, who was the

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first prime minister from Hamas and then was the political leader,

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the man who was trying to negotiate a peace for his people,

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was assassinated on Wednesday in Tehran in Iran by the oppressive

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entity of Israel, and across the Ummah, in solidarity with our

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Palestinian brothers and sisters and with our brother Ismail Hania,

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there will be a janazah Salah after Jumuah, and across the

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world, we will show the solidarity that this ummah has with

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Palestine, and

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it's a very I said, it's sad, and we'll talk today in Jummah. You

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know, where's the help of Allah? How much more does this ummah have

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to go through? And that's what we're going to talk about. But

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before we talk specifically about our pain, we also want to mention

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a few things about brother Ismail hanya Rahim Allah, as I mentioned,

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he was the leader, the face of Hamas, and he was negotiating the

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peace. This says a lot about Israel, the ruler of Qatar. The

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peace negotiations happen in Qatar. He says, How can one party

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claiming to one peace then assassinates the other party who

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is busy calling to peace? And throughout the world, it was

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understood that Hamas yes is a resistance movement. It's there

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for change with even military means. But Ismail Haniyeh was one

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of those who looked for a peaceful way forward. He was pragmatic, and

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they took they deliberately took him out

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and to show you what kind of people we're dealing with in

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while the peace negotiations were going on, Edel Fitr, few months

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ago, they targeted his family. He lost three of his sons and four of

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his grandchildren, girls. The Subhanallah, when he was asked,

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you know, you have lost your kids, your grandkids, and he said, you

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know, Alhamdulillah, every single person in ghaza has lost a family

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member. There isn't no blood is different to anyone. Everyone,

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every family has lost a relative. And also the fact that it was done

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in the heart of another country, it violated the sovereignty of of

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A few hours before, the reason why Isma hanya was in Iran was to

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congratulate the new elected president of Iran. Five hours

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after shaking the hand of the President of Iran, he was

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assassinated, surrounded by many you know, his building was was

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bombed, and this was in the heart of the diplomatic arena of Iran.

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Well, this also shows so what you know, the apartheid state of

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Israel wants to show to the world our strength. We don't care what

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you say. We there was a warrant that they they are guilty of war

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crimes. Shows that they don't care about that. They're willing to

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violate every rule in the book. They want to show a project an

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order of invincibility and power. We can get you wherever.

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Ummah always prevailed. The Ummah always prevailed. We had countless

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enemies, and there were moments when it looked like this ummah was

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going to collapse. When it looked like it's no way we can win this

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fight. All those enemies are on the junk pile of history, but this

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ummah remains. So Allah says, Go. Don't take this on face value. You

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have history to prove that you're going to win eventually. Wala

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tahinu, wala Taha Zanu. And so then don't ever feel sad, and

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don't ever give up hope unto Mullah alone in kuntum mumini, you

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are. You have the superior hand Allah is saying to us, you are in

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the ascendancy. If you believe in Allah, if you really believe in

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Allah, then you will you will be superior. If you have suffered

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injuries, Allah says, then they have suffered similarly, and we

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alternate victory and defeat. Not even the ambiya had days of

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defeat. We are going through our days of defeat, but our days of

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victory will come inshallah. And Allah, subhana says, and one of

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the reasons why he does this, Li yamala, Dina amanuha, tahit Amin

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hum the Reasons Allah says, I put this ummah through hardship so

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that I can give people the honor of being Shahid mashaAllah

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praised. Allah says, only special people are selected. We make the

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DUA Oh. Allah, grant us to be Mina Nabi Yin was Siddiqui. All of us

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make dua Ya Allah, let us be of the Shuhada. So Allah says, I'm

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giving it to you. I want. It's a gift I'm giving to some of the

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Ummah that they get the honor of being Shaheed, the Shahid

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SubhanAllah. He is the only person, as we know in the Hadith,

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the Shaheed is the only person when he dies, he longs to come

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back to the dunya. Why? So he can be made Shaheed again. The reward

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he gets is so great that he wants to ask Allah, Oh, Allah, send me

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back to the dunya so I can die again as Shahid because of what

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you're giving me in the akhira.

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So Allah says, We do this. We put the Ummah through a bit of

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hardship so that we can make a few special people, Shuhada, and that

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we may distinguish Wali, imaki, Saladin Amanu and so that we can

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make the believers to know who the believers are true and who the

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disbelievers are, the good guys and the bad guys. Who were the

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ones killing children, who are the ones bombing hospitals, schools,

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journalists, killing civilians, killing anybody who so you can see

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clearly now, Allah wants the world to see who is right and who is

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wrong. So when he strikes, there's no there's no denial anymore of

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who was the one that was the aggressor. And

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Allah says to all of us, I'm hasibum, until the whole Jannah,

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do you really think that you're going to get to Jannah so easily

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and without you, without Allah knowing who are those who

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seriously struggle in his path? Who of you are going to seriously

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struggle? There has to be some kind of fight for this ummah, and

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there will be these difficult days. So this is, as I said, the

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same group. There's going to be the enemies. And if we defeat this

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enemy, I can guarantee you there will be another enemy tomorrow, as

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there was yesterday. There will be those that we depend on that we

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said, why are you not helping us? And they will let the Ummah down

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in every day and age, the other munafiq protect us from being from

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amongst them. We will rather be oppressed. We will rather be

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bombed. We'll rather lose everything than to be in that

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group. Do you really want to be so? Allah is asking you look at

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the different camps. Do you want to be? Do you want to be the one

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that is bombing and killing children? Do you want to be that

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guy? Do you want to be the coward who has the power to do something

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but he doesn't care about anything except himself?

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If you're lucky, you can be like the Shahid as as

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it is opportu these time, these kind of events are opportunities.

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They don't happen all the time, and that is why Aisha says after

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Uhud, even though Uhud was the worst day of our lives, it was

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also the day that certain people made superheroes. One of them was

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Talha RadiAllahu. An Talha RadiAllahu was the man who

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defended the Nabis um right to the end. He was the last line of

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defense. And so the Sahaba would say, Oh, the Day of Uhud was a

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great victory for tal ha. That was the day he guaranteed himself with

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Allah subhanahu wa, because when things became tough, he rose to

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the occasion. No one else got the opportunity like him. He rose to

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the occasion. So now this is the time, this is the time that

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somebody can rise up, that a group can rise up and become very close

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to Allah subhanahu wa in times of hardship, it's also a time of

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opportunity for the ummah. So then, at the end of the battle of

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uh, Allah reveals all these ayat, don't worry, the enemies. They

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only have their time in the sun. Now, the munafiqs, we wanted to

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show who they are. They cowardly ways. We expose them for you, and

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we took shuhadafra amongst you. But now, as for the rest of us,

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this is the message Allah wants from us. Allah says, ya iwala,

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Amanu, oh, you believe it. Taku, lahakotti, walata, mutunna,

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illawantu, muslimun. Allah mentions ayah. We mention every

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Juma. Allah says, The priority is not this. Dunya, you're all going

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to die. All of us are going to die,

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but the priority is die as a muslim.

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Die with iman, die with the Kalima on your on your lips, die, then

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you have a janazah salah. Any other way is failure. That is the

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prayer we when we look at success and failure, those who die with

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Islam, as a Muslim, Alhamdulillah, you have achieved this life. This

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life is a test. It's an illusion. That is how you escape. Escape it.

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Die. Do not die. Allah, unto Muslim. And all says, wa atasimu,

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and now O Ummah, Allah speaking to all of us. Wa atasimu, bihami, ah

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wala atava Raku Allah says, My Ummah, my people, this ummah,

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stand firmly, hold firmly unto the rope of Allah. If you have any

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hope of survival, you must unite amongst yourselves. And do not be

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divided. And do not be like those who split into different groups

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and sects, who divided amongst themselves, who fought amongst

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themselves, who argued amongst themselves, and that's when the

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punishment came upon you. So Allah then gives a post mortem Uhud.

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Allah says, what went wrong in Uhud?

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The enemy was stronger, but you defeat them. The enemy was

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stronger than you. They came and invaded you. The munafiq betrayed

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you, but still you won. You were still victorious, until what

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happened? How did we lose the victory? Allah says,

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Allah Subhanallah says, wala Qara, sadaq, Mullah Wada. Allah says, I

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fulfilled my promise to you, to the Sahaba and to the ummah. I

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gave you what I promised. If you follow my instructions, I said,

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you will win, and I was true to it, you got the victory until you,

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O Ummah, until you broke your promise with me, when you began to

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lose your courage and you began to dispute amongst yourselves, you

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began to disunite. Now, the Sahaba did this. They had a bit of a

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quarrel, and some fought, some disagreed with each other. So

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Allah, but this is for a lesson for us. Allah says, I will give

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you the victory, and I'm giving you the victory until you

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yourselves are ummah. You divided. Your ulama don't stand together.

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Your families are divided. You don't work together. You are so

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worried about your petty differences. Two brothers

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fighting. You don't care how the Ummah is burning. When you, O

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Ummah, are disunited, you will lose your courage, and then you

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become weakened, and then you disobeyed me, and then you lost

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your victory. This was in your hands. This is what you did, O

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ummah. So after that, Allah spun says some of you, your focus was

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the dunya. You got distracted by the dunya. You were in the middle

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of a war for survival, and then you saw the booty you O Ummah, you

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are in the middle of a genocide.

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What are you doing for the ummah? Your priorities only is the dunya.

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So Allah says some of you, your priority is the dunya, and others

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of you, others, Alhamdulillah, your priority is the akhirah. And

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so because of that, you lost the victory which Allah promised to

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you as a test. But now, Masha, Allah, Subhanahu, look at this.

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Ayah, after the Ummah, we had done the wrong and we had broken our

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promise with Allah. Allah says, After that, AFA, an Allah says,

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But I forgave you. I forgive you. Oh Ummah, I forgive you. No

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problem, you made that mistake. Don't worry. I forgive you and I

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pardon you. And so then Allah says that, remember when you were and

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you were, you were running away. You even left an abyssal Salaam

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and you lost your victory. Fatah kumwala uma Wala. So Allah

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subhanahu says, lekhaylah, Mata Kum wala, makum. Allah says, in

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spite of your weakness and your own disunity, disunity and your

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own mistakes that you've made, don't feel bad. Allah saying to

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the people of Uhud and to this ummah, don't harp on yesterday.

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Don't become and become regretful and remorseful you made a mistake.

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Let's work on today. Let's work on tomorrow. That you've lost. You've

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lost it. There's another opportunity for victory. And do

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not feel bad about what you've lost. This is all part of Allah's

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plan. Learn from it. Learn from it. From today. Learn from it.

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This, Ummah, if you you have all the ingredients, Allah saying, all

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the ingredients to succeed is in your hands. If you do what you

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what I command you to do, you will be successful, and so do not

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become despondent. O Ummah, do not become weakened. Do not become

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you know, impatient with Allah subhanahu wa and that is why in

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Surah Ali Imran Allah reminds us about his promise. He says,

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LAN lay ya duruqum Illa Illa Laya durum il Wain, that

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Allah reminds you that your enemies can never inflict a harm

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on you, except a little bit whatever they do to they can never

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defeat the ummah. The ummah will never be defeated. Allah, subhana

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wa Taala will always protect the ummah. Yes, one or two of us might

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get harmed, or some places might be injured, but the ummah will

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always survive. Allah says Mark and Allah that Allah will never

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leave the believers. Alamah unto Malay, hadta, tambita, minut,

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tahib, and he promises, I will not leave this ummah in that state.

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You will not stay like this forever if you are in a low point

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Is a promise in the Quran the ummah will not be like this until,

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until he makes clear who are the good and the bad ones. In Yan

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surukum, Allah, Ali balaqum, remember o Ummah, if Allah helps

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you, none can defeat you. If Allah helps you, nobody can defeat you.

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Wain yah, dulkum, and if he denies you any help, then none can

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support you against Allah

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subhanahu wa Minun. And so therefore, put your trust and your

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hope in Allah wa Allah mean in the law and Allah says, and no victory

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is in the hands of anyone except Allah. Doesn't matter what happens

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in in the White House or in this country, or that doesn't matter

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what weapons you have, victory and defeat is in the hands of Allah.

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Ya iwla, Dina Amanu, oh. Allah says to us, oh, if you are people

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of iman, ispiru, be patient. Wasabi ru and persevere. Wa Rabi,

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two and stand firmly against injustice and be strong. Wat Taku

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LA and put your trust and fear in Allah. Kum tufun and Inshallah,

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Allah says you will, you will be victorious. So in this is what

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Allah revealed to the Ummah in the darkest day in the Battle of the

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hood, you made a mistake. Don't feel bad. Pick yourselves up, and

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you will win tomorrow. Today. You lost. They also lost. They hurt

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you, but you hurt them. You get Jannah. They don't get Jannah. You

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look at their power. Don't worry, their power is I am giving them

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that power, but I will take them to account and look at all the

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superpowers of the past. They disappeared, and this ummah

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remains. And Allah mentions, and Allah reminds he promises the

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Ummah, you persevere, continue and be strong, you will be victorious.

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Now, remember, I mentioned that the NABI salaam was asked by

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Aisha, was there ever a day worse than the Uhud, the Battle of Uhud,

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which Allah mentions so much in the Quran and nabisim says, yes,

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there was a day worse than Uhud. Uhud was like maybe number two,

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the worst day was Taif, the day of tahina. Why was Taif so bad? The

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Nabis wasallam perhaps, was injured more in Uhud Taif. They

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weren't going to kill him. He ran away, but he wasn't at the risk of

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death, maybe, and not anyone. Nobody died in Tai, if we're many

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people, many Sahaba died in Uhuru. So why is Tai if worse?

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Because after the event that Rabbi Salam went to look for a place to

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for shelter, he went to this group of people to say, help me. My

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people in Makkah, my family has, you know, they want to kill me.

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They rejected me. And after the people of Taif kicked him out,

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stoned him, he felt ya, Allah, have you left me? And perhaps this

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is the lowest point. The low point was, I don't know if, Allah, you

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are angry with me

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when you are being hurt. We don't like the hurt when we are sick,

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when we are going through financial difficulty, we're going

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through some difficulty. All of us go through difficulty. That's one

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component. But what hurts more is, Ya Allah, are you punishing me?

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Have you left me? This is the lowest point. And the rabbi's

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saying this was my low point. And then he made this beautiful dua.

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And so when all else fails on the worst day of your life, when

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things are bad, look at the NABI sama. This is what he says on the

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worst day of my life, I made this dua. And so we make this dua.

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We've adapted it for the ummah. We make dua on behalf of the whole

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ummah. The nabisma says, Oh Allah,

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to you alone. And we say, Oh Allah, to you alone. We complain

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to you, Ya Allah, we complain to you alone. Ya Allah, we don't

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complain except to you of our weakness and our lack of resources

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and the humiliation that we're in. Ya Allah, we complain to you. You

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are our ham or rahimin. You are the Most Merciful of those who

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show mercy. You are the Lord Our Allah of all the weak and

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oppressed people of the earth. You are the Lord of all the weak, and

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You are our Lord. Ya Allah. To whom should we turn to other than

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you? Should we turn to leaders who don't care about us, who neglect

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us, or do you leave our affairs in the hands of an enemy who bombs

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us, who kills us?

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Ya Allah, if you are not angry with us and you're not angry with

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this ummah, then we'll continue in this hardship. We will continue

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like this however, Ya Allah, your protection and your support and

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your help is far better for us. We will be patient, Ya Allah,

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whatever you put us through, so long as you're not angry with us.

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But we hope, Ya Allah, that you will change our situation for the

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better. Oh Allah, we seek protection in the light of your

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face. We seek protection in you, and through your light, it

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illuminates all the darkness. You cast away, all the darkness and

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all the sadness and through which all the affairs in this life, all

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the affairs of our life and the akhira are made good and easy

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through your light, through your Noor, Oh Allah, May it never be

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that we should do something that incurs your displeasure, Ya Allah,

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or that you leave ashallah. Let us never do something which

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displeases you. And if you are displeased with Asiya Allah,

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Ummah, then we will not we will continue to make dua to you. We'll

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continue to worship you. We'll continue to beg you until you

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become pleased with Asiya Allah, wala hawla, wala kuwata, Illa,

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bila and Ya Allah, there is no changing.

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Of our situation, and there is no power except with you. You are.

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Mawla. We put our faith and our trust in you, oh Allah. We ask

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Allah to help the Ummah, to grant ease for the Ummah and grant us

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victory over our enemies. We ask Allah to grant us strength. Ameen,

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we end after Juma, after the Juma salah, we'll have the Jana salah,

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an abstentia of Al marhum, Sheik Ismail, Hania, and we'll have that

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janazah Salah after after Jumah, just one, one short announcement,

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as I mentioned, the radio is with us, and we thank them, Voice of

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the cape, for joining us. For those who would like to

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participate and like to have a copy of this lecture, you may join

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our our WhatsApp line. Await for triple 213, 08, and you'll get the

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slides as Well she can so much Assalamu alaikum, library, Kato

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