Muhammad West – Trust Allahs Plan

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The speaker discusses the struggles faced by the Middle East during the past 100 years, including war, peace, political challenges, and the split between Saudi Arabia and Iran. They emphasize the importance of trusting the Islam plan and protecting people's identities, while also acknowledging the danger of oppression and the need for people to be faithful to their plans. The speaker also discusses the importance of practicing religion and not giving up during difficult times, while also highlighting a small organization that raised money for minorities and their contribution to society.
AI: Summary ©
I hope we get a special good today.
Just part of the special hour.
That's the time of the hour.
Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, alhamdulilahi rabbil
alameen, wa salatu wasalaamu ala ashrafil mursaleen, Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een,
my beloved brothers and sisters, asalaamu alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, alhamdulilahi rabbil alameen, ashadu an
la ilaha illallah, we testify that there is
none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala and we send our love and
our greetings, our salutations to beloved Nabi Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, to his pious and
his pure family, to his companions and all
those who follow his sunnah until the end
of time, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
bless us, ameen, ameen, walhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah was a huge monumental and earthquake in
terms of what we've seen in front of
us with regards to what's happening in Syria
and while we're going to talk a little
bit about Syria, it's not so much about
Syria in today's lecture, it's really about trusting
that while we might be going through challenges
in our personal life, while we might have
challenges at an ummah level, we sometimes make
our dua, we cry and we besiege Allah,
and we work and we work and we
work and we say, ya Allah, when are
things going to change?
You know, when is there going to be
any kind of glimmer of hope?
And I say this is on the global
level and I'm sure even at the personal
level, whatever difficulties may Allah make easy for
you, might be your work, might be your
health, but we have to believe that if
we are doing what we are required to
do, Allah has a plan.
And if you trust in that plan, tawakkal,
you trust in the plan of Allah, Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala promises, wal aqibatu lil
muttaqeen, in the end, in the end the
muttaqeen will be the winners, that's a promise
from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, Allah's timeline
and time frame belongs to Him, and He
decides when and where and how to the
best, that is in which we cannot understand.
So I want to touch a little bit
about Syria, and I know that it is
a complicated issue, there are many people that
see the same events, and they say mashallah,
this is Allah's nasr and this is good,
this is another, it's a step in the
right direction, and others see this as a
huge defeat for the ummah, how do we
reconcile this?
And perhaps there's a bit of everything involved,
and history is, as we come to know,
nothing is easy and clean and uncomplicated.
I'll begin by saying this, that for the
last 100 plus years, the Middle East in
particular, has struggled post the Ottoman Empire, the
people were divided, their lands were colonized, split
up, and the one thing that the powers
of the world would not allow, they would
not allow a government which was fearful of
Allah to rule, not a single country, from
one side of the Middle East to the
other, for the last 100 plus years, you
could really say, was a government which was
true to the Islamic values, that had the
ummah in its mind, and they have tried
with different types of regimes.
The powers outside were comfortable to have dictators
ruling over the people, who had no care
for deen and for their people, it was
only about their own leadership, their own power,
this was the status quo, and nobody around
the world is going to allow a Muslim
government that fears Allah to be established, because
this is the greatest threat to the tyrants,
this is the greatest threat to Israel, and
all the oppressors in the world, because once
you have one country, and this is the
will of the people, if you ask the
people on the ground, what do you want?
They want to see, not necessarily a caliphate
that will dominate the world, no, we want
an Abu Bakr, we want an Umar bin
Abdulaziz, we want someone that will stand up
for justice, will stand up for the rights
of its people, that will defend the honour
of the weak, and that will be a
shield for the ummah against the aggressors and
the oppressors, this is what we all want
to see, those in the Middle East and
across, and by hook or by crook, our
enemies will not allow this to happen, because
once it happens, you can't stop this momentum,
now Syria has been under terrible dictatorship, perhaps
one of the worst in the Middle East
for the last 50 years, and it's a
whole long history, and I encourage you in
terms of your obligation, what can you do
for the ummah at the very least?
Go and learn, go and watch a proper
documentary, or read a proper book on it,
not just Facebook, Whatsapp posts, go and learn
and see what happened to Syria, Syria wasn't
even a country maybe a hundred years ago,
there was no such country, it was drawn
up by the colonial powers, and how did
it become like this?
And there was a civil war for the
last 13 years, 14 years, this regime had
collapsed already 10 years ago, the only reason
why it still survived was because external players,
Iran, Hezbollah, Russia got involved and they propped
up this government, this was not the will
of the people, and for whatever reasons, for
the last as we said 50 years, the
people of Syria wanted their liberation, they were
denied that, Alhamdulillah, if you look at the,
we cannot deny what we see on the
streets, people being let out of prison after
30-40 years, people letting out of jail,
and they will ask, you know, did Saddam
Hussein liberate us?
There are people who were born, there are
children that walk out, how are there children
in this jail?
Their mothers, subhanallah, were incarcerated, born in jail,
they've never seen the sunlight.
Now this is what we have, these regimes,
whoever they are, they are not there to
defend the Ummah, they are there to preserve
the status quo of oppression.
And so Alhamdulillah, we are joyous and we
celebrate and we congratulate the people of Syria,
and we know that they now enter a
very dangerous time.
As we said, nobody of the powers, wherever
you are, whether it's in Washington, or Tel
Aviv, or Riyadh, or Tehran, nobody wants to
see a thriving, strong, Islamic, I say Islamic
state, even that word is now a dangerous
word, a country that is truthful to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, because this is the
biggest threat to anybody who is an illegitimate
ruler, this is the biggest threat to all
of them.
And so now there will be many many
players at hand that will try to undermine
this new beginning.
We also know that many parts of the
world, it is deliberate that they force these
countries to become a failed state, Libya, Somalia,
you know, they would rather allow a country
to be in chaos, than for it to
thrive and to be strong.
And it's for that reason now you see
Israel for example bombing the daylights out of
Syria's army, so that they have no ability
to defend itself.
So we should remember this is what's happening
at play, but for now, we really hope
the best for our brothers and sisters in
Syria, we really make dua that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala begins a new chapter for
And this is important, and I want to
link this to Jerusalem.
Throughout our history, whether it was Sayyidina Umar
radiyallahu anhu, whether it was Salahuddin al-Ayubi,
whether it was the Mamluks, almost the road
to liberate Jerusalem always began, you had to
first win Syria.
Syria had to, or Damascus, had to be
liberated before Jerusalem will be liberated.
And subhanallah, we know that in the eschatology,
in the times of Qiyamah, when Dajjal will
establish his headquarters in Israel, Imam Mahdi and
Nabi Isa will descend in Damascus, not Mecca,
it will be in Damascus.
It will be from Damascus that Islam will
rally, its base will be in Damascus, and
from there, Jerusalem will be liberated.
This could happen in the next few years,
it could happen in the next million years,
Allah alam, Allah's timeline is, but it's interesting
that these lands are so connected, and that's
why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks
about the times of fitna, he says, while
I was sleeping, I saw the pillar of
the book being taken from beneath my head.
The people explain this, Islam, or the strength
of Islam was taken away, meaning from Surah
Madinah, taken away from us.
And I thought it was going to be
taken away completely, I thought Islam will disappear
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
he chased after it, and he saw that
it landed in Asham, basically in Syria.
And then he says, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam says, when tribulation comes, will always
blossom or thrive in Palestine, or Jerusalem, or
rather Asham in Syria.
You would find that faith always returns to
Asham, in particular Damascus and Syria, in times
of tribulation.
This is where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
blesses that people, there will always be people
on the Haqq in this land.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions
that Qiyamah, this battle will end with you
becoming mass troops, when the meaning, before the
end, the battleground will be Asham, and in
Yemen, and in Iraq, subhanallah.
And it was interesting, this was before Islam
even left Saudi Arabia.
There were no Muslims in Yemen, no Muslims
in Syria, no Muslims in Iraq.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is speaking
about a political reality, Sahaba didn't understand, we
see this.
Now, we've been making dua for more than
a year, for Jerusalem, and Gaza, and ya
Allah, bombing, genocide, all of this is happening.
And we had been so occupied, and we
should be, with the pain of Gaza, and
then we, in our hearts we might think,
ya Allah, where are you?
What's happening?
And Syria wasn't even on our minds, we
haven't even made dua for how many years,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we haven't been
doing that, it seemed like it's a done
deal, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, which
we hope this is the case, that this
land is liberated.
Without us, subhanallah we can say, without us
even making dua, Allah has, those of us
outside, Allah has gifted us something which we
could not imagine.
As part of, we wanted Jerusalem to be
liberated, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has a
Allah has a plan.
And we need to be faithful to that
And this is repeated, it's a motif in
the Quran over and over and over, that
Allah reminds the believers, in times of difficulty.
When Nabi Musa, Nabi Musa alayhi salam and
the Bani Israel went up against Firaun, they
had no way of resisting, they were being
persecuted, they were being killed, their children were
being killed.
The ayah, just before the ayah I'm going
to mention, Firaun walks in, and how does
every dictator assert his authority?
The same way Israel is doing it, the
same way Bashar and his father had done
it, they walk in, they take your children,
they * your women, they kill whomever they
want, whoever speaks up, you'll disappear.
So when this is happening to the Bani
Israel, they ask Musa, what is this you
brought, you come to help us and liberate
us, but you put us into a worse
Nabi Musa says to them, he says to
his people, seek help, put your trust and
put your dependence in Allah.
Wasbiru and be patient with Allah's plan and
Allah's time.
Innal arda lillah, that the world belongs to
Everything belongs to Allah.
Yurithuha man yashaa min ibadihi, and he will
give this world to whom he wants of
his slaves.
Allah is the one that keeps this dictator
in place and liberates this people, it is
Allah's prerogative.
But in the end, Allah will only give
it to the muttaqeen, the people of faith,
the people of iman.
We might not live to see it, we
might not live to be there, but in
the end, maybe not us, maybe our kids,
our grandkids, but the aqibat al muttaqeen, our
job is just to remain steadfast on taqwa.
And this is for the anbiya, this isn't
just for us, lay people, even the anbiya
have to be patient with the plan of
Allah and the decree of Allah, and do
what is right, and eventually Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will make things come right.
Now, we can talk Syria Palestine, we need
to talk about that, but again I bring
this back to our lives.
Who of us here do not feel at
times is my dua, are my duas being
Who of us sitting here feel, ya Allah,
for how long?
I come to jumuah, I feel inspired, but
then I go back to the reality of
my life, and it seems like there is
no way out.
There seems like there is, I've looked at
my situation over and over and over again,
and ya Allah, I don't see a light
at the end of the tunnel, in fact
I don't even think that there is a
window here.
Now subhanallah, as Allah's advice to us is,
you be faithful, you have patience, you do
what is right, and Allah will, Allah will
give you the outcome that you will be
happy with in the end.
It's a promise from Allah subhanahu wa ta
It might not be the outcome that you
had in mind, but Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is going to give you an outcome
even better than the one you had in
And perhaps the best example of this is
from the seerah in the life of the
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
He struggles for 10 years to call his
people to Islam.
He is the khatamun anbiya, the final nabi,
sayyid walid alam, the greatest of the children
of nabi Adam.
He has the miracle of the Quran in
his hand.
But on all metrics that we would measure,
his mission after 10 years is a failure.
That's what we would, if we look at
stats, numbers.
His people can't even make salah publicly, no
jumuah, they won't have for 10 years no
jumuah, because there's no masjid, there's nothing.
Those who had the guts to openly profess
their Islam, are being tortured, the bilals and
you know, Sumayyah and Ammar subhanallah, tortured or
And if things couldn't get worse, the only
protection that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
had, dunya protection was his uncle Abu Talib,
and he dies.
Now the nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has
no option, what do I do now?
I don't even have the protection of a
disbelieving uncle, what do I do now?
And as an act of desperation, an act
of humiliation, an act of, like the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has felt so low
to go cap in hand to the people
of Taif and literally beg them, can we,
can you help us out?
And we know what happened in Taif, how
he was humiliated there.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam at this
point, this is Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
this is the person making tahajjud to him
till his feet are swollen.
The man who is, with the most pious
of sahaba, even he was at a point
where his heart was broken.
We know the year of sadness and the
deep du'a that he makes on his
way back from Taif, ya Allah, to where
do I go from here?
I don't even know what to do anymore
ya Allah, have you left me?
Allah has to reveal, ma wadaaka rabbuka wa
ma qala.
Allah says, I don't hate you, imagine Allah
says to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
I don't hate you, and I didn't leave
you, I'm still here.
How low must he have been to even
ask this question in his mind?
So now, without any clear way forward, without
any alternative, he says, well, what can we
do now?
Let us look for a partner that can
help us.
And the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam would
wait for hajj time, and the different hajjis,
tribes would come from the different regions to
Mecca, and he would go, and I guess
how humiliating, for us, subhanAllah, it would be
so humiliated that our Rasul must go to
these kings, asking them for their favour to
protect him, to help the Muslim community.
I mean, we would feel so humiliated if
our leaders need to go to, whether it
is Moscow, Washington, and sort of speak to
non-believers, help us to preserve our deen.
This is Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And he goes, and Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu,
by his side, scheduling the meetings, I don't
know if anybody is in sales, where you
need to make the speech, and he goes
with all this energy and fervour and determination,
speaking, giving dawah to these people, asking tribal
chief after tribal chief, this is my mission,
this is my message, these are my people,
can you help us, can you assist us,
can we immigrate to your hometown, so that
we can have a place to practice our
religion freely.
And one by one, they shut the door,
slammed the door in his face.
Nobody is taking him seriously.
Again, humiliation, completely despondency.
And again, the Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
is thinking, this is the plan, Allah, I
need to, I can't survive in Makkah, I
need to look for an alternative, I can't
sit and cry, let me move forward.
But even that is not working.
And it so happened, Hajj is over, all
of these people that he was supposed to
meet, rejected him.
I feel for sales people, those people that
phone you, be merciful with them, those people
that want to sell you insurance.
I don't know how much abuse I can
One or two people says, I'm not interested,
or swear you're out, you might just resign.
These people do it for their daily job,
8 to 5.
It's difficult.
The Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is going
through this, Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is
going through this.
And we can imagine his heart must be
And he walks back home, no plan, not
working, and he meets on the road, just
on the road, 6 random putas, 6 random
people sitting there.
Not chiefs, not big, no one special, in
our minds, nobody special.
It's a meeting that was not scheduled, he
had a whole schedule of meetings, none of
them materialized in anything of substance.
This is a meeting he did not schedule,
with people he did not know.
When you asked him, who are you and
where are you from, they said we're from
Yathrib, even the Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
has to sort of figure out, Yathrib, like
this little Dorpi, like you know when someone
tells you, I'm from Jekyll's Fountain, and you
think, where is that now?
Is that now, you have to like figure
this thing out, because it's not even a
big place on the map.
The Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's mind was
not even on Medina.
It wasn't part of his discussions.
Like Syria, not on our minds, we focus
on Gaza.
Allah's plan is working.
Allah knows all the steps.
And while the Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
had his own plan, he bumps into these
six brothers from Medina, they have a conversation,
he gives Dawah to them.
They embrace Islam, when nobody else was excited
about Islam.
Again, six people embrace Islam, in our minds,
this was not going to change the world,
but this changed the world.
These six men went home, they spoke to
their family members, those people were excited about
the message, they returned the following year to
Makkah for the Hajj, and again, eventually, as
we say, the rest is history.
This is how the first capital of Islam
was established.
This is how the first Islamic state was
No great plans, no great strategy, no great,
you know, it was just pure determination, taqwa
and dependence in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Ya Allah, I will walk the path, even
though this path looks like it's a dead
end, but if this is where you want
me to go, then I'll be patient.
Allah, you know what is on the other
side of this mountain as Nabi Musa reaches
the Red Sea.
You know, Ya Allah, what is beyond the
sea, I will follow the path.
And that is really the mission, the message
of today.
Trust in Allah's plans.
And when the plan doesn't go to the
way you want to, Allah says that perhaps
you find yourself in a situation, that you
are in a situation which you hate, you
think it's bad.
And you want something desperately, you love something,
but it's bad for you.
Remember, Allah says, I know, but you don't
Trust me.
You might feel like you're in a losing
You might feel like you are weak.
But if we are doing what we are
supposed to do, then Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala will not leave us.
When Allah, as Ibn Qayyim mentions, when Allah
tests you, and the ummah and the individual,
when Allah tests you, it is never to
destroy you, subhanAllah.
Allah's test is not meant to break us
or destroy us.
And when He removes something from our positions,
we lose something which we love.
We didn't get the thing that we wanted.
We wanted that job, we tried, we begged,
we made dua, we didn't get it.
It is only to empty your hand for
something better that Allah will give you.
It is only to put things aside so
something better can come.
To clear out your plan for a better
And Sayyidina Ali radiallahu anhu has this beautiful
He says, O Allah, when I lose my
hopes and plans, and this is the point
here, when we even lose our hope and
our ability to dream and plan, when we
sit there and we feel, I'm not even
excited to plan the solution.
I don't even think there's a solution.
When it's incurable, when it is impossible, when
you're in that situation, Sayyidina Ali says, when
I get to that level, help me remember
that your love is greater than my disappointment.
And that your plan for my life are
better than my dreams.
That while I have given up, Allah has
never given up.
Allah has not turned away.
And so we end off with advice for
all of us, and it's something which in
these difficult days that we're in, that we
know that we believe we should all have
at least, have the courage, have the iman,
have the commitment, that the ummah inshaAllah, that
this, we take this as a sign of
the change to come.
We take this as the first glimmer of
hope of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala putting
these tyrants in their place.
That this is the first of the rest
of them.
And that as the time, as the days
go on, more and more Izzah will return
to the ummah.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
give us people that He loves to rule
over us.
Allah says, وَاسْبِرُوا لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ فَإِنَّكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا So
Allah says to all of us, so be
patient with the decree of your Lord, you
are under our watchful eye.
Allah sees what is happening.
Allah knows what is going on in your
وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ حِينَ تَكُومَ And what are
we, Allah says, I'm watching over you and
I'm planning and I'm preparing.
What must we do, ya Allah?
Allah is not asking us to change governments.
Allah is saying, remember Him, praise Him in
the mornings when you rise, make your Fajr
وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ And in the evenings
glorify Him.
وَسَبِّحُوا وَإِدْبَارُوا النُّجُومِ And late at night, in
the Maghrib time and Isha'at time, Allah
says, your job, oh ummah, be patient and
make Salah.
And I will do the rest.
Be patient, make Salah, put your dependency in
Him, do what is right, and He will
take care of the results.
And so we put our faith and our
trust in your hands, Allah subhanahu wa ta
You are the best of those who dispose
our faith.
We trust you over ourselves.
And we trust your plan more than our
own plans.
And we make dua, ya Allah, have mercy
on all of us.
May Allah help this ummah and grant us
all to see a strong and blessed ummah.
May Allah bless us in our lives, make
easy for those who are going through difficulty.
May Allah grant Janatul Firdaus for those who
have passed away.
Ameen, walhamdulillah.
Just one announcement, or two announcements.
Masjid Love, mashallah, what an organization.
Small organization that started an uncle, an auntie,
during COVID, when the Imams and the Mu
'addins couldn't earn a salary during COVID time.
Masjids were closed, subhanallah.
Masjids couldn't, you know, support the Imams.
And this organization by, subhanallah, again, an individual.
This is not an alim, maulana, not the
Just an individual that said, let us try
and raise one rand, two rand, yeah, and
they, mashallah, it is doing great work.
And what they've done over the last few
months is to raise money for Palestine, for
Gaza, and for Lebanon.
And so they would now, on Monday, the
16th of December, 9am, at Islamia, I believe
all this money that they've collected, they're going
to now hand it over, and they'd want
the whole community who's participated to be part
of that, to show that from our side,
that we are part of this ummah.
That our brothers and sisters in Syria, Palestine,
wherever it might be, your brothers in Cape
Town, we are minority, we are tiny, but
we feel for you, and we are part
of your struggle, and what little rands and
sins we can share, this is our contribution
to you.
And then the other last sort of announcement,
there is a book for sale at the
back, it's on discount today, it's a special
December discount, but the talib has mentioned, and
so if anybody would like to buy a
copy, it's at the back.
Jazakallah khair.
Walaikum Assalam.