Muhammad West – The First Man #02
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The segment discusses the impact of Islam's creation of the goddess in men and how he gives the ability to disobey. The goddess's actions include his actions, which include his actions in the creation of the holy eye, the use of God in religion, and the use of God in political situations. The segment also touches on the history and origins of Islam's teachings and the use of God in political situations. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book.
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We live in a shed on rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala schaffen mousseline Sadie now Mohammed no early he or SOFIA Jermaine, my beloved brothers and sisters I sit down while they come to the library go to
Al Hamdulillah Billa mean always it will begin with the praise of Allah and inshallah Allah Allahu Allah we testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala and we send our love and our greetings and salutations so beloved Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, to his pious in his pure family to his companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. May Allah subhanaw taala bless us to be amongst them Amin, amin will hamdulillah but ask Allah subhanaw taala to make easy for all those who are going through hardship, those who are struggling May Allah grant grant them relief May Allah grant Shiva to those who are ill melograno Mo Farah and Rama and
Jana to those who have passed away. And may Allah grant is and strength to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and in Gaza. Meanwhile, Hamdulillah we started our series last week on
on the first man. And it is a reminder of a story which we all know the story of our father and every item, a story which is shared in Islam, Judaism and Christianity. And while we may have learned and studied it as not studied it, but heard it as children,
this story has a profound impact in terms of who we are, where we come from, what is our purpose in life, and it is relevant and it should be thought of by us as adults, and how many of us have how many of you have reflected on the story? Since when you were a child. So today inshallah and I think over the next couple of weeks, we will reflect on on this as well. Inshallah, last week we spoke about, just to recap quickly, we spoke about how Allah subhanaw taala informs the angels that he intends creating a new creation. And the angels was surprised because this new creation,
as understood, would have the ability to disobey Allah, it would have the ability to choose to be given free will. And the angels couldn't understand this. Why would you give? Why would you give your Allah a creature the opportunity to disobey you? And Allah subhanaw taala responded to the angels. I know what you don't know. He responded to them saying, trust me, I am Allah after all, I am the all knowing. And in the humanity, there is something special about them. But oh angels, you can't understand that you and this is also something interesting that sometimes you are not able to understand everything. And that is why we are asked to believe in the unseen, not because it can't
be explained, but we can't understand it. Allah is asking Trust me, I know and you don't know you don't know everything. And so Allah We mentioned how Allah created the item from clay, and then recently reminds us that we take our nature, from the clay that was taken, and we reflect in our humanity is also the substance which were made. And then Allah blew the soul of, of Adam into the statue into the body of Adam and Allah subhanaw taala you know, honored and ABI them in a way that even though he was made from very lowly, very
insignificant substance, and said the angels are made of light, beautiful, amazing, even the gin is made of fire. And yet atom is made from mud made from dirt in the sand. And so therefore, it would seem that this creation its origin is something very lowly it Allah honored it. Honor this creation by
A himself creating with his own hands. And we said, we mentioned this last week when Allah honors a creation, He created his handmade, handmade, but Allah in a manner which was his majesty, then Allah blows a soul into Nabhi Adam and we said, and these are all very important theological points
in a story for us, but in other religions, they understood this differently. When Allah says He blew the soul into Adam, it was not Allah's essence. In many of us, we have that. We hear that saying, and we don't know what it means, we might say, in the Eastern religions. Namaste. You've heard of this. Namaste. What does it mean? It means the divine in me recognizes the divine in you, the goddess in me recognize the goddess in you, we say no, no, we don't believe in such things. Allah subhanaw taala is distinct from his creation. There is no divinity in anything besides Allah subhanho wa taala. And he does not engage with his creation in that manner. So Allah blew a soul
into maybe Adam, a soul which belongs to Allah, a soul which is owned by Allah, not the soul of Allah. And then maybe Adam came alive, and he engages and interacts with the angels. And amongst the angels, these are creature called the beliefs and we'll talk more about him today, who is he believes what is your what about, we gave the analogy of maybe I am now living in Jannah. or Allah mentions to not be Adam, he's allowed to live in Jannah. He's not from the angels. He's not from the jinn, he's unique, there's nothing, there's nothing like him. And so Allah creates a partner for him. And this is the way Allah had intended for us. We are incomplete until we find a partner. And
we can talk more and more and more about getting married. And as I say, this is no February is usually the month for love. Only if you're married Inshallah, then you can have Valentine's day, every day. But the Sunnah of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that he intended for us to be in peace, that we have to find you will only find true Sakina true tranquility in that partner which Allah has created for you. And so maybe Adam and motherhood were, they are residing in Jannah. And they are living, you know, a life that is we say free without concern. And then Allah subhanaw taala tests the angels, and he brings the angels and he brings Nabil Adam and he brings Jean, and it could be
that he brought all of creation at that time together. And he puts forward a test to all of creation,
primarily to the angels. And he asked the angels onto this exam onto this list. And then angel says, we are not able to comprehend this, this is above my paygrade we are not able to solve this problem. And then Allah subhanaw taala looks at the Snuggie Adam, Adam is in philia from the perspective of all of them, Adam, tell them the answer of these things. And maybe Adam was able to comprehend well, that which the angels could not. And so Allah is showing that this creation on the exterior, it seems
not very amazing, doesn't have super strength, can't fly, it can't do the things that gene can do. It can't do things the angels can do. But it's software, it's so it's row is something very special. And that's when Allah mentions and Allah says in the Quran, that when I've blown the special soul into Adam,
then I want you to fall down in salute. And the angels obeyed angels do not disobey. So the angels and we talked my god will mica eel
is our evil molecule note, they all fell down in Sajida Sajida. Of not of worship, very important. Nobody is allowed to be worshipped besides Allah, it is a Sajida of praise. You're not we're not allowed to do that. Also in Islam, our Sharia now does not even allow a bowing like you know, in certain cultures, the Japanese culture for example, they bow when they meet one another set of bowing of worship. It's a bowing out of respect even this is haram for us to keep our bowing sujood very, very secure and safe. This is not allowed anymore before it was allowed but in our Sharia in the time of Nabi Salam, this becomes haram, nobody is allowed to make Sajida for worship definitely
not for anyone other than Allah. But secondly, you also cannot do a subject out of praise. I love you, mom so much, I put my head on the floor before you not allowed and there is that hadith which we all know that our responses if anybody should receive that level of honor, if anybody should receive that level of adoration that you make sudo to them out of what the boss or the CEO, many of us would like to do to the CEO just to for that peak, it will be a wife to her husband is a Hadith we accept the Hadith of the NABI Salam, but this is made haram. As for the angels, they were commanded out of praise of Adam to make sudo to him. And also amongst the, amongst the angels, there
was this creature called the police was not an angel, and we'll talk more about him. He refuses.
He says to Allah, no.
He believes he's not refusing to bow to Allah. He's been worshipping Allah all his life. He's made to do to Allah. But he says there is no way I can bring my
myself to bow before this creature, and to honor this Adam. He's got nothing. He hasn't proven himself. He is made of dirt I made a fire. I'm superior. And so Allah subhanaw taala expels the beliefs from the company of the angels but he's still the. And we gave an example of a firm and server industry now be Adam is in the boardroom. He is now the new CEO. And he believes he's expelled from the boardroom. They don't engage, they don't talk to one another. Allah tells Nabil ADAM You are allowed to be in charge you can come and go as you please you can eat from whatever you want. But there is one area which is restricted. One tree in the all of Jana Jana means a garden in
the entire garden of Jana, you can go wherever you want. But this one tree is haram for you to touch from the tree. So don't even get close to it. You get close to it, you're going to fall in trouble. And also, don't speak to Bliss. Your only means bad for you put him on auto block.
You know, HR says Don't talk to him, just leave him the
it's got a problem. But somehow, and we don't know how some Scott has mentioned many, many years hundreds 1000s of years have passed. And eventually,
maybe Adam
and you police had a conversation
ALLAH SubhanA wa and Iblees. Now firstly, who is the police important question, who is the Sibelius in the Christian faith? He is a fallen angel. He was an angel and he disobeyed Allah and then he lost his angelic nature. Whereas in the Quran, it is very, very, very clear. Allah says we're too Catholic to recite every Friday Can I mean Elgin Neva can Amira be that he believes was from the gym? He was from the gym kind. And he disobeyed the law, the command of his load. And in another I believe says, How can I bow to this thing that you made of mud, whereas I made a fire. Now we know the angels are not made of fire, the jinn are made of fire. So the jinn are Allah mentions that
well, Jan, that the jinn kind they were created before mankind. And this also should tell us something. There is a certain belief in certain religions, that humanity is the be all and end all that before us there was nothing and when we index they know we know now that the universe is a lot older than 6000 years, some religions believe the world is only 6000 we know the universe at least 14 billion years old. And in the Quran, Allah says that everything that he created the heavens and the earth and what he mama batarfi him in dab and what I have scattered through the heavens and the earth, of living creatures, we are not the only things out there. No, you are not the center of the
universe. I know sometimes you feel that way. You are just purchased, one of the many, many creations of Allah subhanaw taala, Allah subhanho wa Taala created from the beginning of time long before we will create it. And as many of the scholars mentioned that even after we are done Kiama is finished. You are in Jannah you will continue to be to create He is the holodeck by his nature he continues to create and that is also why the angels almost understood the sixth experiment. They said why would we repeat this we see now this goes you created the gene already, that gene will given free will and they prove themselves disobedient.
Now, the gene and that's a whole different discussion. There's entire surah in the in the Quran, after Surah Tabata one or two surah you'll find Soo Jin, if you're interested in learning more, you can read the surah then abyssal salaam engages with a group of jinn. And they say to the rest of them, we are like you they are good of us. And they're bad of us. We choose, some of us believe and some of us disbelieve. And the nature of the gene takes from the nature of a domain from fire. The gene is very fast, they can travel very quickly. They strong. They can't take physical form. In our reality. Allah says they see you from where you don't see them so they can see us. They exist in a
dimension where they can see us but we can't see them. They can see the angels but we cannot see the angels Allah had decreed like that. And the whole conversation the jinn can only influence us but they cannot really unless they some exorcism stuff, and it's a story for another time. Not really in in get into our reality. He believes, why is he with the angels? And
and I must be honest here the view the belief is that he believes in the Christian faith and he and the Jewish Jewish faith that he was an angel. And many Islamic scholars took from that and said he was a very, very pious gym. And I even gave the analogy last week that he worked his way up. Eventually he was so pious, so holy, that Allah made him to be amongst the angels. He could be in the company we don't know nothing in our Sharia mentions that he believes was the super pious person. And he got that I know of maybe someone else's a hadith that I have not come across, and therefore he was amongst the angels. We don't know. It could be that he believes and many, many
other genuinely, not just him, and yet he was the only one that disobeyed Allah, we don't know. Nonetheless, he believes finds himself
For the angels, while he was there, we don't know. And he was commanded to bow to Adam as the rest of them as the rest of the angels and he refused purely out of a type of arrogance. His argument is purely I am better than that. I am white, he's black. I am Jim he is mud.
I am superior. And the sidenote your evidence that is one the first sin as they mentioned that we have come across now, the original sin, from our perspective is the sin of arrogance. But he says the first he sees himself superior to something to someone else. And he had no right to feel that way. And he superior the type of arrogance that you're asking me look at Think of all the arrogant people that we meet. Sometimes you're arrogant over money, or beauty or status, or you're, you know, the the latest before your CEO, CFO, or the latest, the end of your PhD. Those things give you a type of self worth. Those are all bad. But the worst type of arrogance is spiritual arrogance. I am
more pious than you. I'm holier than you look at all these haematologic Last night, the human touch it. I wouldn't believe I'd never see you in the masjid for Fudger I'm better I'm better than you. You know, that is the worst type of arrogance, the pride of religious arrogance to believe you have a special place with Allah subhanaw taala. And nobody else. This was the police's downfall. And he made a, as I said, a faulty perception that I am better than Adam. And so he was expelled, but he was still in the garden. And that's why he could engage with nubby Adam.
So Allah mentions, and we don't know how long this is, for what's wa sallahu wa shaytaan shaytaan was able to whisper and communicate with Nabi Adam and Hawa. And he says wahala, and he said to them, Manohar Kuma, or Abu Kuma and Harvey shujaa. In You know, it's beautiful. If you look at the verses, you don't pick these nuances up.
Allah subhana, Allah says, Don't go to that tree. And when they commit the sin, Allah would say, do not tell you to avoid that tree. In this conversation with a police, you believe says, Allah did not forbid the two of you from this tree, meaning he got them step by step until they were at the tree. That is how he believes does it. No one goes out, I'm going to go and commit murder step by step. He believes he's a psychologist, psychiatrist, and he slowly gets you closer and closer. And so maybe it was a curiosity whatever it was it but he says to the two of them, you will not forbidden from this three in an takuna Molokini otaku nominal holidayme, except that Allah wants to stop you from
becoming angels by God, or to prevent you from becoming immortal. And remember this this is way perhaps at this point in time, maybe Adam understood that I'm going to Earth and I'm going to die. Everything else here seems to be live live forever in Jannah, nothing dies, but he's gonna go to earth who is going to get sick and old and die. And so to see really a desperation, out of saving your life, that he believes try to convince them that this is what they this is a tree of life. It's going to save you.
Well, kasama Houma and he swore to them. In Neela kumana Manasa hain, I am your ad sincere advisor, everyone is lying to you, oh, Adam and Hawa they're all lying to you. They're making up stories, this is the truth you are being kept away from the true answer.
And so then they format for a mother Khashoggi IRA. And so when they ate from the tree, and of course, the the full, the son became parent, they then became aware of this and it beliefs disappeared, he ran away from them, they now ate from the tree. Very, very, very important point here. And again, we make the distinction between Islam and Christianity. So far, Islamic Christianity is almost on the same path. We disagree that ebullition Angel Christian says an angel year they also mentioned, a lot of the blame is given to her well, if they would say that Adam was able to resist the temptation of iblees for all the years, hundreds of years, 1000s of years, then
Allah created Hawa Eve, and she was weak.
And she was able to be influenced by shaytaan. And then she thought the Hawa was able to influence NaVi Adam, she used her seductive nature that cause NaVi item, he lost all his type of thinking. And so then she said, Come and enjoy it, no one's going to know. And so Adam lost his way through Hawa. And that's why and it must be mentioned here, and our Christian friends and neighbors might not know this, but they it was a huge spiritual baggage put on women within Christianity. For up until very recently, you had hula counsels fatwas people writing Molana she is the soul of a lady the same as a man and they would say no, the soul of a man is superior. And the soul the spirituality of a woman
is deficiency
fluid she is less than because part of if Allah loves you, He made you a man. If he didn't love you, He made you a woman. Something that's sort of the the conversation. What does Islam say? You will not find any verse that mentions anyone who ate first of the three, Allah always use the word the two, the two, the two of them spoke to shaitan and the two of them were mislead, and the two of them ate. And there is one one verse In surah Taha, where Allah says, After the eight, Allah says,
wah wah saw Adam or boo that Adam disobeyed his Lord, that Adam disobeyed is Adam, the promise was made with you. If anything, if anything, slightly, there's a leaning to the item, but Allah we know from our Sharia, we don't carry the burdens of each other, however, was made a mistake and either made a mistake. And so they both committed a sin. So now they are three sinners.
He believes,
maybe Adam and Hawa and we'll see the difference between the two.
So now Allah subhanho, wa taala, we give it an average again, the silos open and then the alarms went off, and a warning came out and HR called them. And so now Allah says, when I do humara Buma, Allah called the two of them, and he said, maybe Adam and Adam and hakama, did I not forbid you until commercia? And from that tree, Did I not tell you not to wear Akula coma, and I did not warn you in the shaytaan la coma? And I told you shaytaan is an enemy to you. I won't you did not say this. So now, Allah questions maybe Adam, how could you commit the sin and how well and he also questioned it, but he's, now you will see. We're all sinners. The jinn will commit sin, they cannot
avoid it, we cannot avoid them. It is in our nature to sin. In fact, it was deliberate that Allah made us to commit sin, that's from the beginning, Allah said to the angels, they will commit sin. Really, what measures our measure as good or bad is how we confront that sin, or what we do after the sin. Look at the police's response. So now, at least again, if you look at this HR analogy, so now you Billy's made a he was expelled from the board, but it was still there. Now he's, you know, hurt another employee. So now you must be fired. And so he says, Hold on. I've been in this company for like 5060 years. I want my severance. Okay, what's your savings? What do you want? So he says,
Oh Allah, I have one to Atomik I one request of you. Allah says what do you want color underneath either yo me you bathroom, oh Allah give me mortality, which we live into piano. Give me immortality. That's I asked you, all the things I did whatever it is that I asked you, others to I make to you. And to hang even shows a belief has an understanding of Allah that even though he committed sin, he could still approach Allah and make a request. And so Allah says in a covenant wondering, okay, that's what you want, like that. You are now immortal.
Now, he says, and he's walking out he's now speaking to Allah and he's like, this guy in this office is speaking out to all the people. Kala Fatima, Hawaii, Tony, just you Oh ALLAH because you misled me. The ordinary human Serato stuck in i because you must lead me Oh Allah, I'm going to promise you I will be an obstacle on the Serato stuck in for them, I will make sure none of them are successful.
I will come from in front of them and from behind them, I will come on the left and the right. What attitude accent on Saturday and you will find not any of them or most of them. They will be good. There'll be grateful to you. I promise you so he believes saying you've given me now. A million years of life. I will use every second every moment to destroy families children, and I will get as much as I can of them to Johanna This is how IBLEES responds to listen. You are this you are you are to be blind or Allah and I promise you I will make sure that others are harmed. So Allah says cool approach minha go you are expelled, Mother woman madhepura, that you are disgraced and you are
We talk about this concept of Alana the curse of Allah. What is the curse of Allah? The Curse of Allah is not that he puts some kind of plague on you. The curse is he removes his Rama. He turns away from you. When Allah subhanho wa Taala cuts you off from his mercy cuts you off from his
love and affection. That is a Lana. So he believes he says you are cut out yet even he believes receives emerged a measure of Allah's Mercy Allah says in the Quran, that his mercy was yet collaging everything in creation receives a measure of His mercy. Every every creature receives something from its creator, even if it is so Allah says to you please go you are rejected, cursed and disgraced. Whoever follows you from them, they will go to jahannam with you as your main. Now Iblees was cast out and he was sent to the earth.
Navy Island How were they good? They discipline that now.
They were expelled, you're going to Earth and now they are standing before the disciplinary. How could you do it? Why do
To do it, what do you have to say for yourselves? So they sit together now this is not from the Hadith. We don't know how correct this is, but we know that it's mentioned that maybe Adam however, when they were brought to the earth, they were not brought together. They were on different parts of the world and they traveled for a long time alone until they found each other at Arafa. It's one of the things we're out of our means to know one another. They found each other at Arafa. Allah Allah it's true or not, but this is sort of within the traditions. And he said out of find out that they met one another, that they made a dua so they made this dua this to our which we decided all the
time. Carla, the two of them say the Robina, Columna and fusina. Oh Allah, we have no excuse. We committed the sin. We have sinned against ourselves, meaning our sin didn't hurt you. I will send her to us. Robin has alumna and for Santa well LM tell Phil and so if you don't forgive us here, Allah, what are Hamner and have mercy on us. When in the middle has said he will be lost without you will be lost. This is how you you acknowledge your mistake. They acknowledge their mistake and they lay themselves down to the Mercy of Allah.
So when Allah mentions in a follow up call, I mean I mean, for tilaka Adam and Robbie kinematics that Adam received that the far that far means immediately he received the response. He made the DUA he sent the email up. I made a mistake I apologize immediately got response it wasn't like you had to wait for tilaka Adam Robbie Kalamata received words Mala revelation, Fatah Allah and Allah may Toba with him taba means we understand dobutamine to be forgiven. taba literally means to be returned to. So maybe Adam is not only spiritually distant from Allah, he is physically pushed out. But Allah says Fatah I came back to him. I came back to Adam. And Allah now speaks to Adam, and he
says called Happy to bow to call me back in ado, welcome to the Mr. Corolla McClanahan. Allah says Now all of you, Adam Hauer, and he believes you will all stay on the earth. And yes, there's going to be animosity between you and you will find that now you're going to live on the earth as your new home. You will find in it provisions, you'll find it some enjoyment you have good days and bad days, and then you will die in it. FIA tahona well, he had to move tune that year on this place, you will live and you will die while May, June and then you will die and come back to me. You are here on this earth for the appointed time. And I'm going to give you a very specific mission to do all of
you're going to come back to me and you're going to have to answer to me but I'm going to give you a mission. What am I supposed to do on this earth? The purpose of life and inshallah we'll talk about that next week. If Allah ask Allah to grant us a good life, a blessed life May Allah bring us to death in the state of Eman now returned to Allah be one that is is good and pure Amin I mean what hamdulillah reminder that Sunday, the third of March the Bronto nursery and primary will be having a family fun book, everyone is invited. If you'd like to contribute, please contribute. And then a reminder, our hudge guide has an overall guide which we'll be using Ramadan is basically almost a
complete. If anybody would like to sponsor page we'd like to send any 30 throw up on somebody or a loved one. Remember this will be with it. So in the in the Haram at the Kaaba at Arafa and if you'd like to ask to be made Inshallah, we hope that Your relatives will be remembered I look good on genital videos to all the deceased I mean, for some Allah say no Muhammad will be somebody sending him a little bit out I mean, so don't forget to Look