Muhammad West – Allahs Final Khalifa

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The speakers discuss the importance of Islam and its use in various ways, including animals, people making decisions, and actions of leaders. They also touch on the rise of Islam's potential for evil behavior and the importance of shaking things down. The segment provides examples of actions and events that involve the creation of a new company and the potential consequences of their actions. The segment also touches on the importance of protecting Islam and the role of the umal in stopping the collapse of the caliphate. The upcoming Um admitance of Islam is also mentioned.
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We are going from Allah grant them umrah
makbul, no matter how many times we go,
we have this desire to go again.
And this is unique to the only destination
in the world.
I mean, you really feel the need to
go again.
Why is that?
Why do I feel I need to go
to this place all the time?
There's a calling, literally we've been called, why?
Another interesting question and I hope this khutbah
will put into perspective.
We know that the first surah to be
revealed was Ikrah, Surah Al-Alaq.
But it's all the way in Juz Amma.
Surah Baqarah is one of the last surahs
to be revealed.
And some of the ayahs of Surah Baqarah
was right to the end of the life
of the Prophet, yet it is the first
surah in the Quran after Surah Fatiha.
What is the connection?
And Surah Baqarah speaks a lot about Bani
Why would Allah start the Quran speaking about
the Jews and the Christians?
I want us to keep these two questions
in mind.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in the very
very first conversation of the Quran, Allah speaks
about the Khalifa.
That's the first time we hear Allah speaking
to a creature, we'll get to that ayah
in a minute.
But what is a Khalifa?
Today's khutbah is about the final Khalifa, the
last Khalifa.
Who am I talking about?
Who is this final Khalifa?
What is a Khalifa?
In our minds we understand the Khalifa to
be this king or this ruler who will
administer the government and he'll be in control.
And many times we incorrectly, mistakenly feel that
if Allah blesses us with a Khalifa, all
our problems will be solved.
Palestine will be fixed, the Ummah will be
hunky-dory, the masjids are going to be
We had many Khalifas who were great and
many Khalifas who were not great.
But what is the concept of a Khalifa?
And one of the ayat Allah says to
Nabi Dawood, O Dawood, I have made you
a Khalifa and authority figure in the land.
I've given you authority, I've given you responsibility
in the land.
Now what must you do?
So Allah explains what the Khalifa needs to
فَحْكُمْ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ بِالْحَقِّ So judge between people
with truth.
Make sure that there's justice in the world.
Your job is to stand up against injustice.
Your job is to make sure that the
good is prevailed and sin or harm or
evil is being forbidden.
وَلَا تَذَبِّ الْأَهْوَى فَيُدِلُّكُ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ And
don't go and don't follow your desires.
Don't judge or don't follow your vain desires.
Always stand on this path of righteousness, on
So this is a one idea of what
a Khalifa is.
Khalifa is someone who's been given authority to
go and do that which is to bring
about righteousness on the earth.
In fact the word Khalifa is a representative,
a substitute.
And that is where we find the very
first mention of this word in the Qur
And in fact the first conversation in the
If you open Surah Baqarah, there's an introduction,
a couple of verses.
The first couple of pages about introduction, about
truth and falsehood.
And then the first story, the very very
first conversation in the Qur'an is Allah
speaking to the angels.
And Allah says, وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ When
your Lord said to the angels, إِنِّي جَعِمْ
فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفًا I intend to place on
the earth an authority figure.
I intend to place on the earth, if
you look at the English it says vice
That's even more complicated than Khalifa.
I think we all know Khalifa, vice-regent
is more complicated.
Basically I intend to appoint my substitute, an
authority on the earth to govern, to rule,
basically in the name of Allah SWT.
To act on Allah's authority.
Allah says, I intend to place on the
earth an authority figure.
And this of course Allah is talking about
Nabi Adam.
And there is so much to be mentioned
about this.
Allah is obviously telling the angels, this new
creation will have the ability to choose, right
from wrong.
And he will have the ability to disobey
Allah if he wants to.
The angels don't have the disability to disobey
They obey Allah perfectly.
And when the angels were confronted with this,
they asked Allah a question, and it's beautiful
that if the angels can ask Allah a
question, then we can ask sometimes our Mawlana,
our Imams, no problem.
They said, Ya Allah, we don't understand, why
would you do this?
Are you going to place on the earth
a creature, who will only, what is this
creature going to do?
May yufsiru feeha, it will cause mischief in
the earth, corruption, genocide, killing, murder.
They will do all this evil.
Wayasfikuddimaa, and they will shed blood, they will
kill each other.
wa nahnu nasabihu bihamdika wa nuqaddisu lak.
As we, Ya Allah, we worship you perfectly.
Why would you, Ya Allah, even want to
create anything more than angels?
Angels are perfect.
We worship you perfectly.
So the angels asked Allah, in a manner
which they couldn't understand, why would you create
something which has the ability to commit evil,
the ability to reject you, the ability to
commit mischief, and still give this creature, this
flawed creature, the authority and the power over
the earth.
Angels are asking a compelling thing, they are
asking a logical thing.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, sometimes he explains
his laws in the Qur'an, that khamar
is bad because of, and drugs is bad
because Allah explains it in the Qur'an.
And sometimes Allah doesn't give us the explanation.
Allah just says, innee a'alaumaa la ta
I know what you don't know.
Trust me, I know more than you know.
Allah is telling the angels, I know more
than you know.
There is more to them than that.
And the angels of course, they understand.
And then we spoke a while in many
series about the creation of Nabi Adam, and
how Nabi Adam was created, and the angels
encountered Nabi Adam.
He was unique, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
endowed him with a soul.
He was unlike any other creature around in
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tested
the angels.
And I always use this analogy, We don't
give analogies to Allah, but perhaps because we
are corporate people here, I use the analogy
of a company.
Imagine there is this amazing company, which was
founded by this amazing chairperson.
And the company is being run by the
best of directors.
They are like robots.
They don't sleep, they work 24-7, they
don't complain, they don't make mistakes.
They are almost AI robots.
And one day the chairman comes in and
he says, I pulled this kid off the
He never went to any university.
He has no qualifications.
But I'm going to make him a director
on the board.
So the guys, the rest of the directors
say, Okay, he has no qualification.
He doesn't do anything.
He's just going to mess up.
And the chairman says, Don't worry.
The owner says, Don't worry.
I know what you don't know.
This guy is a superstar.
This kid here has something special.
Then the company goes into a crisis.
Allah says, So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
then asked the angels to answer an exam,
a question.
The company goes into a crisis.
And Allah is asking the angels, Solve this
And the angel says, Allah, we can't solve
this thing.
We don't know how to resolve this.
And then Allah says to Adam, Oh Adam,
tell them, explain to them the answer.
Give them the answer.
And Nabi Adam a.s, he explains and
solves this problem that the angels could not
And when they did that, Allah says, وَإِذْ
كُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ We said to the angels, اِسْجُدُوا
لِآدَمِ Make sujood to Adam.
Fall in sajda to Adam.
This is not a sajda of worship, but
a sajda of praise to Adam.
And they all fell in sujood except Iblis.
Iblis is a different story.
He's not an angel, but he's amongst the
So now the chairman is saying, Directors, this
kid is not only a director, he's the
CEO of the company.
Going forward, he's in charge.
And you will take instructions from him.
And so this is the story.
Nabi Adam is now top of the food
And he gets to run the company as
he wants to.
He's told, just don't open this file.
You can do everything you want, but there's
a file which is forbidden.
Don't access that file.
And also, this one director who stormed out,
Iblis, HR tells him, don't engage with this
He's a bad guy.
Just leave him.
Don't engage with him.
And somewhere along the line, Nabi Adam and
Iblis comes into a conversation.
And Iblis basically says to Nabi Adam, So
have you heard of this place called Earth?
Because they're not in Earth.
This is all happening outside of the Earth.
And Nabi Adam says, yes, I've heard of
this place called Earth.
A miserable place.
Everything that goes there dies.
They have this horrible thing called Mondays.
It's miserable.
You get old, you get sick, you die
in Earth.
So Iblis says to Nabi Adam, So have
you packed your bags and you're ready to
go to the Earth?
Because you're going to be relocated.
Did you get the memo?
It's what memo?
Remember Allah said in the beginning of the
ayah, إِنِّي جَعِنُ فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةٌ I intend
to create someone who will be my representative
on the Earth.
And so Nabi Adam panics.
And of course he's with Hawa.
And he realizes that he is mortal.
He's going to die.
And in Surah Al-A'raf, Iblis says
to Nabi Adam, and this is why Nabi
Adam fell into sin.
He says, I will show you a path
to immortality.
There is a way, there is a formula,
that you can live forever.
You can escape death.
That file that is restricted, there is a
formula in there.
And when they open the file, of course
this was, the alarm bells go off.
And Iblis is fired.
And Nabi Adam is suspended.
And he's sent to the Earth with Hawa.
And they are all sent to the Earth.
Side note, Iblis when he gives his exit
interview, he gives a bit of a speech.
Why did you do this Iblis?
And Iblis asks for his severance.
He says, I'm going to be fired.
I've done so many good things for this
company, give me a severance package.
He said, okay, what is your severance?
What do you want?
Give me leave to live until the day
of Qiyamah.
And Allah says, I give you that.
And then he says, now I will use
this time for the rest of my life,
until Qiyamah, to mislead Adam and his offspring.
This is going to be my mission.
And he is chucked out, and he comes
to the Earth as well.
Nabi Adam and Hawa Alayhi Salaam, they come
to the Earth, and this is a very
difficult traumatic experience.
From our perspective, it's very different to the
Christian perspective, this was part of the plan.
Allah always intended Nabi Adam to come to
the Earth.
And one of the reasons why he had
to commit a sin, was for Allah to
teach him forgiveness.
That he has a Rabb that forgives.
And so when Allah says to Nabi Adam,
كُلْ إِحْبِتُوا مِنْهَا جَمِيعًۭا All of you now
are expelled, and you are on the Earth.
Nabi Adam Alayhi Salaam and Hawa, they are
searching a way to get back to Allah.
And they search this whole world, for a
special place, where their dua will be accepted.
And they find it in Makkah, or in
That is where they make this very deep
dua, which all of us know, رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا
أَنفُسَنَا Oh Allah, we have sinned against ourselves.
Very different to Iblis.
Iblis in his exit interview says, because you,
Allah, must lead me.
I will show you.
Nabi Adam and Hawa, they said, we have
sinned against ourselves.
وَإِلَّمْ تَغْفِلْنَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا And if you don't forgive
us and pardon us, we will be lost.
Without you we are lost.
فَتَلَقَّى آدَمٍ مِّن رَبِّهِ كَلِمَاتٍ The minute Nabi
Adam said that, the minute he typed the
email to apologize, he received the response immediately.
The faa means immediately, Allah responded.
Allah accepted his dua.
And Allah pardoned him.
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala now
says to Nabi Adam, this was all part
of the plan.
You have everything you need.
فَإِمَّا يَأْتِيَنَّكُمْ مِّنِّي هُدًى فَمَنْ تَبِيَ هُدَايَةٍ فَلَا
خَوْفُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ This is really
your job begins now.
This is why you have been appointed.
You are now my CEO, my Khalifa on
the earth.
You were never meant to be the Khalifa
up there, you are the Khalifa here.
And I'm not gonna leave you astray.
You will always get guidance from me, and
so long as you and your offspring follow
the instructions, you'll be okay.
If you make a mistake, you already know,
I just make tawbah, you will come back.
But one thing, there's one offense.
No warnings, no second chances in shirk.
You fall into shirk and you die on
that, that's it, over.
Iblis knows that no matter how much sin
we do, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
He will forgive even murder.
He will forgive every sin, but Allah will
not forgive shirk.
And the only sin that will make a
person enter Jahannam eternally is shirk.
And so Iblis struggles with Nabi Adam and
his offspring to commit shirk.
For the next many, many thousand years, Insan,
mankind is on the earth.
This is our first chapter on the earth.
We are Allah's khalifa.
Some good days and bad days, but we
do not commit shirk.
Shirk does not exist in our species.
We worship Allah alone.
There are no gods other than Allah, and
we worship Him alone.
Iblis is trying, and he realizes he can
convince us to commit zina, because there's something
in us that calls us to zina, and
to steal, and to do that.
But there's nothing in our hearts that call
us to commit shirk, nothing evil.
And he realized actually, instead of, Iblis is
like a psychologist, a mad psychiatrist, he realized
it's not through sin that people will commit
shirk, it is through worship, through devotion, through
If I take your love and your devotion,
and make it go out of control, like
the Christians with Nabi Isa, it is out
of extreme love, that they take the love
that is meant for Allah, and they give
it to someone besides Allah.
And this was the route to shirk.
Iblis found out that people, when their ancestors,
their ulama, their shuyukh die, we have a
deep connection to the dead.
And we always feel our predecessors were better
than us.
And so Iblis said, venerate them, honor them,
build shrines, and graves, and statues in their
And these dead people have a connection with
Allah, so call out to them.
And eventually, these idols became worshipped.
And this was the first, this is the
second chapter of mankind.
We call it maybe mankind's failure, or a
cycle of destruction now.
Now shirk is invented.
And the first people to invent this concept
of shirk, were Nabi Nuh's people.
And Allah sends his first rasul.
A messenger is an elite nabi.
You go and fight shirk.
Nabi Nuh is the first.
He is the first elite delta force nabi.
And he fights shirk for a thousand years,
and eventually Nabi Nuh, after basically a thousand
years, he picks up his hands and says,
قَالُوا لَا تَذَرُنْ يَا اللَّهِ They will not
abandon the idols, and they will not abandon
wad, وَلَا يَغُوثَ وَيَعُوكَ وَنَصْرًا These are the
names of the idols.
They will not leave them, ya Allah.
So Allah destroyed them.
Nabi Nuh feels that the only way to
cure this, is to amputate.
That we get rid of shirk once and
for all, and we cure this disease forever.
And so when Nabi Nuh made the dua,
Allah destroyed his people.
Then now the story continues.
But now unfortunately, mankind will continue the cycle.
Iblis has cracked the code to shirk.
And he will teach mankind shirk again and
again and again.
And every time mankind would be guided, Iblis
would teach them shirk, he would send a
Nabi, and his people would reject the Nabi,
and then Allah would destroy them.
So now you have a cycle of destruction.
The people of Aad and Thamud and Nabi
Lut, and Nabi Shu'aib's people, Magian, many
many cities.
Allah says in the Quran, in Surah Yasin,
How many cities have I destroyed?
How many people that they deserve destruction?
It's countless, it's a repetitive cycle.
And this continued on until Iblis almost won
the battle.
All of mankind was immersed in shirk.
We're going through the history of mankind.
Islam, this company, if you say this company,
La ilaha illallah holdings limited, was basically extinct.
Even the Kaaba, this place, where Nabi Adam
and Hawwa a.s. received their forgiveness, was
forgotten and lost.
The Kaaba was completely lost.
Islam had died, basically had died.
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sends
the reviver of Islam.
The man who will bring monotheism back to
The most revered human on the face of
the earth, the Muslims, the Jews, the Christians,
the Hindus, everybody admires this man, Nabi Ibrahim
a.s. He comes and he is born
into a city that worships idols.
In fact his dad is the idol maker
of the city.
And he couldn't understand, how can my dad
make an idol?
And that idol, which my dad made, has
the power to bring the rain, and to
cure the cancer.
It couldn't make sense to him.
And so he wanted to teach his family
a lesson.
We all know the story.
One day he goes in and he destroys
all the idols in the temple.
And he hangs the axe, the murder weapon,
on the big idol.
And when the people come to the idol,
the Mu'adhin opened the door to make
whatever adhan.
He said, oh my gods, what happened to
You're all broken.
Who did this?
And Nabi Ibrahim says, ask the big one.
He's got the axe there.
At least he's a witness.
He was here when it happened, the crime.
Ask him, he saw it.
And they said to Ibrahim, are you stupid,
are you dumb?
Duh, it's an idol.
It can't talk, it can't move, it can't
It has no power, it has no ability.
Are you dumb, Ibrahim?
And Ibrahim says, offunlak, are you dumb?
Are you stupid?
How are you worshipping this thing?
How are you crying to this thing?
How are you bringing food, and weighing pieces
to protect you from this thing?
And so Nabi Ibrahim a.s. challenges people,
and he goes throughout the world, preaching this
message of la ilaha illallah.
If ever, and Allah constantly reminds us in
the Quran, be like Nabi Ibrahim.
And the people closest to Nabi Ibrahim is
this ummah.
We are the ones that follow the footsteps
of Nabi Ibrahim the most, this ummah.
And if anybody of your non-Muslim friends
and colleagues asks you who is Allah, Nabi
Ibrahim gives a beautiful, simple explanation to our
theology, what tawheed is, what la ilaha illallah
Nabi Ibrahim comes across many, many types of
Those who worshipped idols.
Those who worshipped the sun, the moon, the
stars, trees, saints, whatever.
And so they ask him, now what do
you worship?
If you don't worship anything, are you like
an atheist, agnostic?
He says, no, this is my religion.
Nabi Ibrahim says, الَّذِي خَلَقَنِي فَهُوَ يَهْدِينَ The
one I worship, the one I bow to
the ground and I cry, is the same
one who created me, and he alone guides
My life is in his hands, that one.
وَالَّذِي هُوَ يُطَعِمُنِي وَيَسْقِينَ And he is the
one that feeds me, and gives me water
when I'm in need.
وَإِذَا مَرِدتُ And when I become sick, فَهُوَ
يَشْفِينَ The cure is with him, he's the
only one that can cure me.
وَالَّذِي يُمِيتُنِي ثُمَّ يُحِينُ And he is the
one that will make me die, and he
will bring me back again.
That one, whatever name you wanna call him,
the creator, the lord, the rab, Allah, that
one is the one who I worship.
And on the day of Qiyamah, I hope
that he will forgive me and pardon me,
I will stand before him, that is my
This is our rab, this is who Allah
The simple explanation, my creator, the one who
helps me in my time of need, the
one who will make me die, the one
who will resurrect me, and the one who
I will have to answer my life for,
that is Allah.
And so Nabi Ibrahim revives Islam.
He revives Islam, he has a little group,
and he settles in Jerusalem, that's where he
lives, Jerusalem.
And Allah SWT blesses him with a son,
that is gonna take on the family business.
Allah says to Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Ibrahim, where
you are here is not the headquarters.
The headquarters of this company is in a
valley that's long forgotten in the middle of
Arabia, in the middle of nowhere.
Take your son there, and Nabi Ibrahim goes
and he leaves Nabi Ismail to one day
be the Nabi of that valley.
And Allah says to Nabi Ibrahim, bring up
the Kaaba, build the Kaaba, build this place,
make this place a place of worship, and
give the Adhan, call people to come here,
and they will come from all over the
And Nabi Ibrahim at that time, there was
no sawak, there was no cell phones or
anything, in fact there was no one living
in Mecca.
He builds the Kaaba, there's no one there,
there's no inhabitants there.
Allah says, وَأَذِّن فِي النَّاسِ بِالْحَجِّ Call mankind
to come here for Hajj and Umrah.
They must come here.
This place is a special place.
Nabi Ibrahim is like, Ya Allah, I can
give the Adhan, but no one can hear
Allah says, don't worry, you give the Adhan.
يَأْتُوكَ رِجَالًا وَعَلَى كُلِّ ضَامِرٍ يَأْتِينَ مِن كُلِّ
فَجْرٍ عَمِيقٍ Don't worry, you call, you give
the call, I will make sure it reaches
them, reaches their hearts.
And a time will come, where people will
come from every distant land, from the edge
of the earth, the bottom of Africa, South
America, China, they will come on every transportation,
car, road, rail, air, they will come walking,
crawling to this place.
Don't worry Ibrahim, a time will come when
it's like that, you just give the call.
So Nabi Ibrahim does it.
So Mecca, Alhamdulillah, is established, the headquarters.
Then in Jerusalem, there's a second headquarters.
And he has another son, Nabi Ishaq, MashaAllah.
So the company has two branches now.
And when Nabi Ibrahim passes away, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala promises, your offspring will continue
this work.
And in fact, it was the offspring from
Jerusalem, the Bani Israel, that were selected to
carry this amanah.
Sadly, with time, the headquarters in Mecca got
lost again.
Mecca became a place of shirk.
Zamzam disappeared.
Something we don't know, before the Nabi Salaam
came, Zamzam was disappeared, it had been gone.
The Arabs fell into shirk.
And so this, once again, if you think
about the caliphate, the khalifahship of Islam, had
shifted now, it was in the hands of
Nabi Adam.
And then from city to city was destroyed.
Now Allah appoints this caliphate to a special
family, or to a special tribe of people.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala appoints the offspring
of Nabi Ishaq, or Nabi Ya'qub, the
Bani Israel.
O Bani Israel, you people must carry the
flag of Islam.
And you will be a special nation.
And you will be the exemplary nation, which
Allah and Allah will give you Nabi after
When one dies, you get a new one.
Don't worry, you're not gonna only be alone,
I'm not only going to tell you to
follow, you will not only have Imams, and
Rabbis, and Mawlanas, you're gonna have Anbiya with
you continuously.
Bani Israel, you need to be the people
that are first in line in worshipping Allah,
and practicing the Sharia.
And the Bani Israel, each time they fail,
Allah forgives them.
They are in slavery in Egypt, Allah saves
Allah brings them back to Jerusalem.
They disobey Allah, they are destroyed, Allah returns
them again, and again, and again.
Allah gives them the Torah, and He sends
them Nabi Dawood, and Sulaiman, and again, and
over, and over, and over.
Each time they disobey Allah, they transgress, but
Allah sends them Nabi.
Then they get to a point where, Bani
Israel is a long story, a long history.
They get to the point where, they are
on their last chance now, last chance.
Bani Israel, you've dropped the ball many times,
last chance.
They say, Ya Allah, send us a Messiah.
A Messiah is a special, he's a Nabi,
born without a father, who will conquer the
world, and rule the world.
Allah sends them the Messiah, Nabi Isa Alayhi
And he will rule the world one day,
and he will unite all of mankind.
Allah sends them the Messiah.
This is the one that you've been waiting
for, all the signs.
He's speaking as a baby.
His mother, born from a virgin.
And instead of following him, they try to
crucify him.
They try to kill him.
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala removes,
Nabi Isa, and that's it for Bani Israel.
Now, Bani Israel, have gone beyond the limits.
They have in fact, besides Nabi Isa, they
killed Nabi Yahya.
The previous Anbiya's, it wasn't Kuffar who killed
Nabi Yahya, it was the Bani Israel themselves,
Allah sends you Nabi, and you try to
kill the Nabi.
So now Bani Israel, and a period of
darkness ensues.
Harvard University, I mentioned this a few times.
The year 570 something, the 6th century, Harvard
University did a study, and they said that
is the worst time in human history.
In the history of mankind, the true darkest
age, was the 6th century.
And there's a hadith where, the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam mentioned, between Nabi Isa and his
advent, Allah looked at the world with disgust.
There was nothing in the dunya, praiseworthy anymore.
Islam once again had disappeared, and shirk had
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, as
we know in the 6th century, Allah sends
the final Nabi.
And the final Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
comes not from the Bani Israel, they believe
will come from them.
But Allah chose deliberately, from a people who
were the most, base, backward, uncivilized, uncultured, illiterate,
Allah chose from them, to be the final
Nabi, and to receive the final revelation.
And the Quran was revealed.
And that is why when you read now
Surah Baqarah, it is almost a summary, of
all the things that happened, Nabi Adam, Nabi
Ibrahim, all the stories of Bani Israel, what
did they do, and how they transgressed, and
how they did evil and evil and bad.
So it's almost like a continuation, you had
the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Final
That's when you read Surah Baqarah, it's a
And Allah is talking to Bani Israel, you
did all this, you did all this, now
your time is up.
But the amanah, the caliphate, has not shifted
yet to the Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
It only happens, when the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam goes to Medina.
Now we have a state.
Now we are independent.
Now we have, when Medina was established, we
spoke about it last week.
When Medina was established, now we as a
ummah began.
Before that, we were just a people being
In Medina, we became an ummah.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala puts this
in the Quran.
سَيَكُولُ السُّفَهَى This is in Surah Baqarah, after
speaking about Bani Israel, and speaking about Nabi
Ibrahim building the Kaaba.
Allah says, the people who have no knowledge
will say, why did their Qibla change?
They were facing Jerusalem, now they're facing Makkah.
Allah is saying to Bani Israel, now you
have lost the leadership, it is coming to
this ummah.
And the headquarters is going back to Makkah,
where it originally belonged, and it is going
to this ummah.
No Nabi coming after this.
مَا وَلَّا وَنْكِبْلَتِهِمْ كَانُوا عَلَيْا Say to Allah
belongs the Mashriki wal Maghrib.
So Allah changes the Qibla.
And what is the next ayah after the
shifting of the Qibla?
The next ayah in Surah Baqarah, وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَا
أُمَّةً وَسَطَى And like that we made you,
O Muslims, O Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam, the best nation, the exemplary nation.
No more Bani Israel, it is this Ummah.
You will carry this amanah.
And unlike any other nation before, no Nabi
is coming after you.
That if Makkah collapses, it collapses for good.
It is your job to send Hajjis.
It is your job to go for Umrah.
It is your job to build Masjids.
It is your job to solve the problems.
No Nabi is coming after this.
The caliphate of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
has shifted from, it has always been in
the hands of Anbiya.
But now it is upon this Ummah.
It is upon every single one of us.
We are that final Khalifa of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
There is no prophets coming after this.
And remember with Nabi Dawood, Allah said the
job of the Khalifa is to stand out
against oppression, to stand up for justice, to
do what is right, to call for what
is good.
No Nabi is gonna come after that.
It is you and me that needs to
do this.
That's why we are the last Khalifa of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala on the earth.
The last people that will stand for what
is right.
After that if we drop the ball, it
is only Qiyamah that's gonna come after this.
So we inherited, we are now the owners
of this company, La ilaha illallah.
And it's our job to maintain it and
to grow it.
And Allah says about us subhanallah, in all
the history from Nabi Adam until today, كُنتُمْ
خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ You are the best
people, the best Ummah that ever existed.
With all our weakness and all our problems,
and all our shortcomings, you are still the
best Ummah.
No one has preserved and maintained Islam like
this Ummah.
That it is still in its true form.
We had one Nabi, one Quran, and it's
still there today.
And we'll continue to fight, whether it's in
Palestine or Syria, wherever it is, this Ummah
will not surrender and never give in.
We will maintain and struggle until the day
of Qiyamah.
And that's what it means to be of
the Ummah and to be of the final,
we are the final Khalifa of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
And inshaAllah, I hope these words inspires each
and every one of us, to rise up
to the occasion.
It's not just your life and your family,
it's about this much bigger history, this bigger
What do I do for the Ummah?
What do I give back?
How do I be the Khalifa of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala?
What is my role to play in this?
From Allah accept from us and pardon us,
just a few announcements.
I'd like to greet all of you.
InshaAllah I will be heading off to Umrah
on Tuesday, my family and I.
And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to grant us a Umrah Magbul, a safe
journey, a safe return.
And for all those who are in Umrah
and all those who are coming back, may
Allah grant us acceptance.
As I mentioned, sometimes you don't know why,
Umrah is not on your mind, and somewhere
in your heart, that call was given.
And this is for every single *, or
person who's gone for Umrah and comes again
and again.
It is that call.
No Nabi is gonna come to Makkah anymore.
But it's the Ummah, the Ummah of Nabi
salallahu alayhi wa sallam will come and revive
And from every part of the world, even
in Cape Town, we play our role in
this Ummah.
So may Allah accept from us our Umrahs,
and grant us InshaAllah, a Umrah Magbul.
And for those who are not going for
Umrah, have a blessed, fun, and enjoyable holiday.
JazakAllah khair.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
Today is a rather special day in the
annals of this Masjid.
As it marks the 500th time that our
Honorable and Beloved Sheikh Muhammad West has delivered
the Jumu'ah lecture at this Masjid.
We thank the Almighty for this wonderful milestone.
A journey during which we have all benefited
tremendously from the Sheikh's knowledge.
While we know the Sheikh is highly talented
and has heavy knowledge, it requires a meaningless
dedication and commitment to produce such well-researched
topics that are relevant and contemporary week after
The first time Sheikh delivered a Jumu'ah
lecture was way back on the 17th of
June 2011.
And since then, Sheikh has in his unique
way captured our hearts with his wonderful delivery
style of dynamic and warm engagement punctuated with
appropriate light and moments to ensure we don't
fall asleep.
We make dua that Allah SWT wishes to
reward Sheikh Muhammad West for his dedication and
commitment to the Deen of Islam.
And we pray that Allah SWT should increase
in knowledge and wisdom, long life for all
the righteous deeds and dynamic leadership.
And bless him and his family with health,
strength and Allah's protection.
It now becomes my singular honor to call
upon another of our one-of-a-kind
soldiers of the Jama'at that had to
hand over a certificate of appreciation from the
movement along with a small booklet of appreciation.