Muhammad Vanker – 2022-09-08 – Leave Behind A Legacy Of Positivity
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Respected on its scholars, all of my elders,
beloved brothers, mothers and sisters.
On one occasion there was the scholar who
entered the masjid
and after ascending the pulpit
addressing the congregants,
he says my brothers,
I have 2 messages for you.
I've got good news and I've got bad
The good news is we now have sufficient
to complete the masjid project.
That's the good news.
Now comes the bad news.
The bad news is the money is still
in your pockets.
So it is the inherent desire of each
and every human being on the face of
this earth
to excel on all fronts.
Whether male or female, he or she wishes
to be the most handsome,
the most beautiful,
the most intelligent, the most wise.
But the dilemma that the world is facing
today is
the definition
of wealth,
the definition of wisdom,
the definition of intelligence,
the definition of beauty is forever changing.
So he was the wealthiest man walking on
the earth. Today there's somebody who's wealthier than
He She was the most beautiful woman
to read is somebody who's more beautiful than
her. The Rabi of Allah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam was sitting
and there was a group of men that
appeared before the Rabi of Allah salallahu alaihi
wa sallam
and there were 10 of them in this
So one of them stood up. Faqamarajru
minal ansar.
1 of them stood up and he said,
O Nabi of Allah, can I ask you
a question?
So Nabiya alaihi salam said go ahead.
What is the question?
It's a famous narration.
Who is the most learned man
and what constitutes
Who is the most learned man
and what constitutes
The Nabiya Fala salallahu alaihi wa sallam
responded by saying,
That the one who lives a life
in the preparation
of death. Number 1.
Number 2.
The one who lives his life
and he prepares for the journey of akhira,
he's the most intelligent
man walking on mother earth. You know the
couplets of Imam Shafi'i,
I mentioned it many a times. You know
what he used to say that
That some people have physically
but their character has kept them alive.
Some people have physically
but their legacy
has kept them alive.
Some people are physically
but their character and their legacy
have killed them before they are physically died.
What profound words. Madrasa
zia ul badar
is a manifestation
like our respected Mullah Al Ahmad Aku had
mentioned earlier on
that the seeds that are being planted,
we have seen
we have seen people benefiting
from the shade
of these seeds within a short space of
time. Allah Ta'ala accept the effort of Mullaqari
Musa and his team for the amazing work
that is taking place. Allah take this institution
from strength to strength.
Friends and elders
I I've been asked to speak for approximately
25 minutes and I'll try and wrap up
and I hope at the conclusion of my
I could leave behind some positive
message that we could all take with us,
you know, on this blessed on this blessed
night. When the verse of Quran was revealed.
Who is there who will give a debt
to Allah?
That Allah will multiply
it many folds.
Study the tafsir of this verse. There was
one Sahabi
by the name of Abu Daha radiAllahu ta'ala
He comes to the Nabiya Fala salallahu alaihi
wa sallam
and he said, O Nabiya Fala,
is Allah asking for a loan
despite Allah
being independent?
Nabi alaihis salam responded by saying that na'am
yuridu ayyudhqilakumuljannatabihi.
Indeed you have heard correct.
Allah does not need the money
but Allah is providing you with an added
to enter you and your family into the
gardens of Jannah. He said, I'm gonna be
your fillah if that is what you say
I make you my witness.
I make you my witness.
I have 2 gardens.
1 is in a place called Aliyah,
the other is in a place called safilah.
I give both these gardens on the name
of Allah
and in lieu of this
I am confident
Allah would give me and my family a
better garden in Jannah. Nabi alaihis salam said
that no, no. Let us do this.
1 you contribute on the name of Allah
and the other you keep back as a
source of income for your wife, your children
and your progeny.
He said I wanna be your fullah, if
that is what you say I make you
my witness
the better of the 2 gardens for Allah
and the other one for myself.
The better of the 2 gardens for Allah
and the other one for myself.
What did Nabi alaihis salam say? That I
give you my word, Jannat is for you,
your wife and your children.
The Sahabi leaves Abu Duhda.
He's truly blown away and he comes to
this garden
and his wife was resting in this garden
and the kids were playing, the birds were
chirping. Wonderful ambiance, wonderful atmosphere.
And he looks at his wife and he
sings couplets to his wife.
What profound words.
What amazing words. He looks at his wife
and he said, Oh my beloved wife, you
know how fond and attached
I am to this garden.
I heard that Allah is asking for a
loan. I have given this loan to the
almighty Allah. I have given this garden
as a loan to the almighty Allah. In
lieu of this garden,
Allah would give us a better garden than
what he has given us in this world.
You know, I always say this, you know,
you come to the wife and you say,
you know what? We're living in a beautiful
home. My brother is living in a rented
home. You know, how about us giving, you
know, we've got a spare home. Let us
give it to him. Hey. Listen. That's for
me and my kids.
That's your brother's story. Not for not for
I mean often it happens. So the wife,
what does she say?
So he says that in lieu of this
garden Allah would give us a better garden
in Jannah. And he said the best legacy
is that which we have invested in our
The wife looks at the husband
and she responds with poetry. What did she
She said, O my husband
I will stand guarantee on the day of
You have fulfilled
the obligation
of the wealth and the affluence
that Allah has given us. You have given
this garden odor over to Allah. I'm optimistic
and hopeful
that in lieu of this garden,
Allah would give us a better garden in
He tells the wife whatever dates you have,
throw it on the ground, step out of
the garden. As this woman, the wife, she
steps out of the garden,
Abu Duhda
embraces his wife. What an embrace it must
have been. The rebi of Allah looks at
the scene and what did he tell his
Allah alone knows.
Allah alone knows
how many gardens, how many vineyards,
how many palatial homes
Abu Daghda and his family will enjoy in
Jannah. So my brothers and my sisters
one avenue that Allah has given us is
for us to give on the name of
For us to contribute on the name of
Allah. In fact there's an amazing incident that
comes to mind. If you open Bidayah 1
there was a person in the time of
Nabi Isalai Salam.
This person had a evil habit.
When every bird would lay an egg and
a nestling would be born,
this man would * the nestling in front
of the mother.
So this bird complains to
This bird complains to Allah. Whenever I lay
an egg and a little nestling is born,
this man comes and mercilessly
snatches the little one in front of my
eyes. Allah inspires the birds
If this man ever repeats their action again,
I will destroy him instantly.
Subsequently few months later, the bird lays an
egg and 2 little nestlings were born. When
this man got to know about it, Asnadah
He took his step ladder. When he was
in that locality,
one man came to him and he said
give me something I am begging.
What did he do?
He took out a piece of bread,
a piece of bread
and he gave it to this man. He
then continues,
comes to the street, climbs up the step
and snatches the nestlings in front of the
mother. These birds complain to Allah that you
Allah you had promised us if this man
ever repeats their action again
you will destroy him instantly.
Allah ta'ala then tells the birds,
don't you know
I will never harm
nor punish
any person who gives charity on that day.
I would never harm nor punish
any person who gives charity on the name
of Allah.
I'm in no way suggesting
that we go on committing wrongs and crimes
and then to justify and exonerate
ourselves. You know we give charity on the
name of Allah. What I'm saying my brothers
and my sisters
that these are avenues that we have that
will pave our way to Jannah.
That will pave our way to Jannah. In
that same narration it is written in that
there was a person in the time of
Nabi Isar alaihi salam
who had a evil habit
that used to annoy people. So people come
to Isalai Salam
and Isalai Salam then says, you know what?
this man will be dead by the will
of Allah.
The next day they see this man is
walking around.
They come to Isa alaihis salam and they
say perhaps your curse fell on someone else.
So Isa alaihis salam said call the man.
As he appears before Isa alaihis salam, he
was holding something in his hand.
Isa alaihis salam told him open it up.
As he opens
it, it was a bundle of wood. He
said open the bundle of wood. As he
opens it up,
There was a venomous snake inside.
Isa alaihis salam said,
On my command
the snake was ordered to poison you.
But it's some action that you had done
that has averted my curse from you. So
he says, You know what? I've done absolutely
Isa alaihis salam said, Think carefully. What have
you done? He said, Yes. Yesterday I was
walking on the road. A man came to
me, he asked me for something.
I gave him 1 dirham.
One dirham.
Isa alaihis salaam said,
Because of the 1 dirham you had given
to that man,
you have averted
the curse of the Nabi of Allah from
you. What I'm saying my brothers and my
when you do good to someone,
wallahi it enriches your own life.
You know, Abdullah bin Mubarak, it's a famous
You know, he had a non Muslim neighbor.
Non Muslim neighbor. So he puts the house
on the market,
and he asked for exorbitant price.
So somebody told him that's the market value.
You know, how are you expecting to fetch
that price? He says no
no. He said one is the market value
but the person who moves into my home
will have the privilege
of being the neighbor of Abdullah bin Mubarak.
When Abdullah bin Mubarak heard this he was
blown away. He comes to his neighbor
and he said, you know what I'm blown
away with your kind sentiment and thought of
me. How about me inviting you to Islam?
What did he say?
He says the day
you move next door,
that was the day I saw your character.
That was the day I became a Muslim.
The day you move next door, I saw
your mannerism, your etiquette and your character.
That was the day I became a Muslim.
You know Hassan radhiallahu ta'ala Anhu, the grandson
of the Nabi of Allah. One day he
walks into a garden.
He walks into a garden
and he sees there is a slave,
You're sitting on the floor
and next to him is a dog.
My message to you is when you do
good to someone,
you will see the benefits
not only in Ahira,
but you will see the benefits in this
world. If you cannot compliment,
do not condemn.
If you cannot become an ambassador,
do not become an obstacle.
This man is sitting and next to him
is a dog.
This man takes a slice of bread
and he breaks it in 2.
He gives half to the dog
and he eats the other half.
Hassan radhiallahu anhu was moved.
The grandson of the Nabi of Allah.
So he looks at this man and he
said you were hungry.
What prompted you? What motivated you to share
the slice of bread with an animal?
So he says,
He says I had literally seen
hunger in the eyes of this dog.
I could not for the sake of me
eat the slice of bread alone
knowing that there is another creation of Allah
that is going hungry.
Hassan radiAllahu anhu,
what he does, he asked this man that
tell me who is your master?
said Who does this garden belong to? He
said it belongs to my master.
Hassan radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu he searches for this
Eventually he finds him.
Long story short, he said, is that your
garden? Yes.
Does that slave belong to you? Yes. How
much do you want for both
the slave and the garden?
He said, I want an x amount.
Hassan radiAllahu anhu gives him the money.
And he comes back
and he tells the slave
because of one act of nobility
that you had displayed,
I was so impressed by that.
I liberated
you from your master.
I purchased you from your master. You're now
a free man. I bought this garden from
your master. I now gift it to you.
Feeding a dog a slice of bread.
And this is what the Nabi of Allah
teaches us. You know amongst the many attributes
that Allah had endowed and blessed the Nabi
of Allah with was he was Jawami Al
The Nabi of Allah's speech was concise
but it was voluminous.
So one day the Rabiya Fala, you know
somebody has to ask you and I, often
it happens.
You know you find man calls, Mawana, this
man is sitting in my office. He starts
asking me something about Islam. I don't know.
I don't wanna tell him the wrong thing.
So we don't know where to start, where
to end. We start mumbling, we start fumbling.
When it comes to things of dunya, you
can give a long bayan. When it comes
to Allah, knowledge is finished.
So the Rabiya Fala in 2 words,
in 2 words
he was asked what is the definition of
What did he say?
In other words,
means to desire good.
Sahaba said,
Could you perhaps elucidate,
Desiring good for who? Nabi alaihis salaam said,
To desire good for Allah.
To desire good for the apostles of Allah.
To desire good for the leaders of the
Muslim Ummah
and to desire good for the general masses.
This in essence summarizes
This is a fundamental
ingredient of our iman.
This is a important component of our faith
that you and I become the benefactors
of society.
Add value to someone's life. As we had
seen these young lads
reciting Quran in the most amazing way.
May Allah make them ambassadors of this beautiful
deen. You know Sayyidra Umar bin Khattab, it
was his noble habit that he's to walk
around the streets of Madinah,
you know in the nights, in late night
in Madinah.
One day he's walking
and he sees there's a family that is
in the outskirts of Medina.
He called one of his servants and he
said make arrangements for them, you know, for
the night.
The next morning, Omar radhiallahu anhu arda, you
know, visits this family
and he sees the children smiling,
the family are elated and all happy and
Umar becomes so elated.
So one of his servants asked him, Umar,
why are you so happy? He said, why
should I not smile? Why should I not
be elated?
Where on Qiyamat's day,
Allah will question me as to how I'd
welcome this family into the city of Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
What I'm saying my brothers,
leave behind
a legacy
of positivity.
That people will remember you for the good
that you had done.
People will remember you for the good that
you had done. We have seen scholars and
They had become more popular
after they left this world
than whilst they were alive. You know one
day the Nabi of Allah is sitting with
in the form of Dihyah Kalbi.
And Abu Zar, the great Sahabi
happens to walk by. Radhiallahu ta'ala Anhu. So
Jibreel tells the Nabi of
If Abu Zar had greeted me, I would
have responded to his greeting. So Nabi alaihis
salam said, Jibreel
do you know my sahaba by their names?
He said, what can I tell you?
Abu Zar is more famous in the heavens
than on the earth.
Abu Zar is more famous in the heavens
than on the earth. Leave behind a legacy
of positivity.
My message
is my brothers
this is an opportunity and sisters
dig deep into our pockets.
Support this organization.
The amazing work that is taking place. Wallahi,
I had the good fortune of visiting
ul Badra for, you know for the past
so many years. And I've seen Tari Musa
and his team take this institution with the
grace of Allah. You know from strength to
strength we make dua to the almighty Allah.
Allah Tawla crown the effort with acceptance.
Allah grant us all the tawfiq and the
ability that when we leave this world we
leave behind a legacy
that people will remember us for the good
that we had done you know whilst we
are alive. I've seen this with my own
eyes. You know scholars and ulama,
you know who have left this world the
day they close their eyes. Each and every
one of us like they say in English
and let me leave you with these words.
What do they say in English?
Not everyone
can do great things.
Not everyone
can do great things.
But each and everyone of us can do
simple things in a great way.
Not everyone can do great things
but each and every one of us can
do simple things in a great way. We
make dua to the almighty Allah. There's so
much more. We could have shared with you.
Allah grant us the and the ability
that we imbibe, we infuse
and we internalize
these amazing
advisers of Quran at Sunnah. And I would
just like to take this opportunity
of thanking,
Qari Musa Siddad for inviting me to be
part of this momentous occasion
and as we have seen vision
20 25. So we make dua to the
almighty Allah. Let us realize this vision before
the year 2025.
So that the bare minimum that we can
do like I said in the beginning,
my opening words were dig deep into your
The good news is we have the funds.
The bad news is the money is still
in your pockets but the bare minimum that
we can do pick up pick up our
hands and make dua for this institution
and every institution
in our country and globally.