Muhammad Vanker – 2019-10-15 – Remaining Steadfast
![Muhammad Vanker](
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The importance of learning the life of Islam during nights like the day of Jumisation is emphasized, as it is common to receive the rabi and wear the best clothing. The importance of not addressing one's name during recitation is emphasized, as it is used to address people and their behavior. The importance of studying the seess of Islam is emphasized, as it is used to inform one's actions and the importance of facing the world and not just doing things for the sake of doing it for the sake of doing it.
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Respected on its scholars, ulama, elders, beloved brothers,
and those who are listening,
you know, over the over the airwaves. We
begin by praising Allah.
We person is blessed with a nama, when
person is blessed with a bounty,
that occasionally
he values it, he appreciates it. We find
that the day of Jumuah
is such a boon and a bounty from
the side of Allah
that the Nabi of
says, That the day of Jumuwa
enjoys more rank and status in the eyes
of Allah than even both the 'ids.
This is such a great day that Allah
has given us. You know, we take it
for granted it happened
every week. You know, we experienced the day
of Jumuah. So it's one of those days.
The rabbi of Allah said, In the eyes
of Allah, it is greater in the eyes
of Allah than even both the 'ids. Now
before I come to the topic, inshaAllah,
you know, we will try and wrap up
in about half an hour, 40 minutes inshaAllah.
You know, I just want to leave you
with some message being a Thursday night.
So I thought I share with you as
Karissa was reciting
the verses of Surah Al Jumwa,
Allah put certain thoughts into the heart, so
I thought I share that with you. Now,
all of us have heard about the great
scholar Muhammad bin Hassan al Busayri
You know, Muhammad bin Hassan
al Busayri Rahim Muhammad bin Hassan al Busayri
Rahim Muhammad. He was a great scholar, a
great giant. His body had become paralyzed,
and he had composed many couplets in the
love of the Prophet
So one Thursday night,
he decides to go and sleep. And in
his sleep, he started praising the rabi of
He started praising the rabi of Allah, and
he dozed off to sleep. And he had
seen a vision of the Prophet
and the rabi of Allah
came to him, and he took his blessed
hand, and he passed it over his body
and instantly Allah cured him. When he gets
up the next morning, he finds a shawl
on the side.
That is why this poem is known as
And perhaps after we are done, we will
request Karissa to recite some of these couplets,
So the next morning, you know, he goes
to the marketplace.
He meets 1 elderly person. That elderly person
tells him to recite for me those couplets
that you recited upon the Prophet
So Imam Busayri says, well, in my life,
I've recited many couplets upon the rabi of
Allah. Which one are you referring to? He
says, no, no.
Last night,
whilst you were praising the Nabi of Allah,
whilst the Nabi of Allah was listening to
you, so was I listening to you.
And then he goes,
Who is this Nabi of Allah
that we speak about?
Open Hasa'i Sur Kubra,
Allah Masiyyuti has recorded, he said the nabi
of Allah
You know when he was born,
such status and honor Allah had given him,
if you open the entire Quran,
Tallah addresses his nabi in the Quran
nothing less than 227
Yet not a single place in Quran
did Allah addresses nabi directly by his name.
Other Anbiya were addressed directly by their names.
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
Allah addressed him with honor, Allah addressed him
with title to such an extent,
that once the bedouins, they stand outside the
house of the nabi of Allah, and some
of them shouted out, You Muhammad.
They called him directly by his name. Allah
revealed the verses of
Quran that, That when I do not address
my Nabi directly by his name, how can
you address him directly by his name? When
I do not address him directly,
how can you address him directly? Who is
this nabi that we speak about?
Hasa'is ul Kubra ri wayat.
the beloved uncle of the nabi of
One day he calls the Nabi of Allah,
and he said, O Muhammad,
when you were a little baby,
I already knew that you had great Maqam
and status in the eyes of Allah. Nabi
said, O my uncle, how did you identify
with that whilst I was a little child?
He says you were lying in your crib
and your cradle.
1 night I had seen
in whichever
your finger pointed,
the moon moved in that direction.
He says, oh my nephew,
for other children when they cry,
toys are given to them to keep them
quiet. For you, Allah, used the moon to
you. Ten names Allah had given him. Ten
names Ana Muhammad,
Wa Ahmed,
Wa Mahi,
Wa Akib,
Wa Hashir,
Wa Fatih,
Abul Qasim,
I am Muhammad,
the one who is praised excessively.
Wa Ahmed,
the one who will praise Allah excessively on
the day of Tayama.
About the names of the Nabi of Allah,
what does he say? Arshabari parameranam Ahmadhe or
On the heavens,
my name is Ahmed.
On the earth my name is Muhammad.
hinaam or Muhammad hikam alayhis salat wa alayhis
Mahi, the one who destroyed disbelief.
the one who came last.
the one who will be raised 1st.
He says, nubuwat
upon me. One day somebody had asked him
the rewrite of Bukhari. When were you gonna
be of Allah?
What did he say?
Adam alaihis salam's
mold had not been made, and already I
was the Nabi of Allah.
He was the seal of all prophethood.
Qasim was the name of his son, Taha
Allah and his Nabi know best what it
Such Maqam and status,
Allah had given this Nabi that he was
not only the Nabi of insan,
of Allah
We did not pass any tree, any stone,
any sand heap. It looked at the nabi
of Allah, and it addressed him and said,
That may the peace and salutations
be upon you, O the rabi of Allah.
So hence the rabi of Allah
on the day of Jumuah,
amongst the many other things you ought to
be doing,
That increase your recitation
of salutations upon me. Why?
Verily your salutations
will be presented before me. Once Sahabi came
to the Nabi of Allah
and he said, Nabi of Allah, how much
of salutations
should I devote towards you? Nabi
whatever you are comfortable with, He said, I
wanna be your fala arrub.
If I devote quarter of my time, Nabi
alaihis salam said,
The more you send, the more it would
benefit you. He said, I want to be
a fallah, miss. I will devote half of
my time. Nabi alaihis salam said, It is
your prerogative. He said, I want to be
a fallah, I give you my word. From
today till the day I die,
every moment that I have, I will devote
that time towards sending salutations upon you. The
rabi of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, If
you do that, I give you my word,
Allah will pardon your sins and Allah will
grant you complete and perfect forgiveness.
So this is the solution that Allah
has given us. So being the blessed day
of Jumuah, you know, there are certain things
that we ought
to do. You know, on the day of
Jumuah, we heard the last few verses of
Surah Kahf. The Nabi of Allah
has advised us, you know, on the day
of Jumuwah read Surah Kahf. If not the
entire surah, at least the first ten verses
or the last ten verses, you know, of
of Surah Kahf, number 1. Number 2, the
Nabiya Fala Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says, on the
day of Jumuwah, you need to take hussal.
This is what the scholars have written, like
you're coming out of the state of jannahaba.
Take a proper hussal on a Friday.
Apply fragrance to your body. Apply itr to
your body. Nabi alaihi salam said,
Make it a point of wearing the best
clothing that you own. The hadith of Abu
Dawood says,
that have a special garment
and say, this is my fly Friday kurta.
You know, on the day of Eid, we
all know what happens. You know, families take
off. You take off from work. Families get
together. You have they eat lunch. You have
eat breakfast. You have eat dinner. The entire
family gets together. What happens on the day
of Jumuah? The rabbi says,
he says that on the day of Jumuah,
like I told you, wear the best clothing
that you own. Apply aitar to the body.
Come early for the Jummas salah. Come early
for the Jummasala.
Sit as close as possible to the imam.
Listen to the khutbah attentively.
What did the Nabi of Allah say? On
the day of Qiyamah,
people will be graded
and granted
closeness and proximity to the Almighty Allah in
relation to the early arrival for the Jumu'ah
salah. So the earlier you come I mean,
when there's a soccer match, we all know
what happens. You know, you want the v
VIP seat. You know, you want the best
view. When it comes to the day of
Jumuah, you know, we walk in last and
we walk out first.
You know, who knows? What did the Nabi
of Allah say that tell people to stop
treating the day of Jumuah lightly,
Otherwise, Allah will put a seal upon your
hearts and you will want to reform. Allah
will will deprive you of reformation.
And yet again, Subhanallah, you know, when we
study these narrations, what did the Nabi of
Allah say?
That that person who passes away on a
Thursday night or on a Friday
for such a person
For such a person is the reward of
a martyr.
Such a person, there's no questioning for him
in the Kaaba straight to Jannah. I mean,
there are so many people that we know,
you know, who made it a point, you
know, every day, you know, they used to
send so much of salutations upon the Nabi
of Allah. So what did the Nabi of
Allah teach us? I mean on a Friday,
you know, the bare minimum you jump into
the car, you're commuting from your home, you're
taking the kids to school, you're driving to
your workplace instead of listening to the radio
instead of playing on the cell phone. You
know, devote that time towards sending salutations
upon the dabi of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
so that at least this much, you know,
we can pass away on the day of
jumuah. You know, we can pass away on
a Friday. So when we study the day
of Jumuah, you know, there are multitudes of
Multitudes of ahadith of the Nabi of Allah
What did the Nabi of Allah say? On
the day of Jumuah, Allah has appointed Malaika,
who stand at the entrances of the masajid.
And the person who enters the Masjid first
will get the reward as though he had
given a camel on the name of Allah.
The one who enters the Masjid second will
get the reward as though he had given
a cow. A person who enters the masjid
3rd will get the reward as though he
had given a sheep, and then a chicken,
and then an egg. And the Nabiya Fala
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says,
when the imam sits on the member,
The books have now been shot.
The books have now been shot. And the
malaika listened to the khutba attentively.
The malaika listened to the khutba attentively. You
know, one day, there'll be a fala sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam was delivering the hutba.
So Ubay ibn Akab, Rale bin, you know,
he was sitting and next to him there
was another Sahabi.
So this Sahabi asked him that mataha undilat
has his surah. That this surah that the
Nabi of Allah is reciting in the hutba,
when was the surah revealed?
Ubayy ibn Kab tells the Sahabi
that, you know what? Just remain silent. You
know, listen to the khutba attentively.
So after the Jum'ah salah, the Sahabi tells
Ubayy ibn Kab, You know, you have become
like the grand mufti. You know, you're telling
me to remain silent. I asked you a
question and you told me keep quiet. So
he goes to the nabi of Allah What
did the nabi of Allah say? When the
khutba is given, listen to the khutba attentively.
Listen to the khutba
attentively. So the nabi of Allah says, come
early for the Jumma salah. Sit as close
as possible to the imam. You know, recite
abundance of salutations upon the
Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. So respected friends and
elders, the nabi of Allah, what a nabi
Allah has given you and I. Like I
said, he was not only the nabi of
not only the nabi of jinaats, nabi of
even the animals Allah had made him. One
day the nabi of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
you know, is walking and there was a
person who comes to the nabi of Allah
and in his hand he had a wab.
The English equivalent
is a squid or a lizard.
This person tells the Nabi of Allah
that I'm prepared to accept Islam
on condition
that this dead animal testifies to your
nubuwa. Nabi alaihis salam looked at this animal.
The hadith appears in Khasa isul Kubra in
a second volume. A dead animal. Nabi alaihis
salam looked at this animal and he said,
You vab,
O squid, O lizard.
Allah had given the dead animal the power
of speech.
It looks at the Nabiya Fala.
This is my saadit.
This is my distinction.
And this dead animal addresses the Nabi of
Oh, the beauty of the day of Tayama.
Nabi looked at this animal, mantabud.
Who do you worship? A dead animal. Allah
Tala gives it the power of speech. It
I worship that being whose throne is on
the heavens, whose sultanate and kingdom is on
the earth, whose road is on the sea,
whose mercy is Jannah, whose punishment
is the fire of jahannam. Nabi alayhi salaam
asked the animal a third question that tell
me manana, who am I? The animal replies,
You are the Rasul of Rebulaalameen.
You are the seal of all prophethood.
Those who obey You, they would be successful.
Those who deviate from your way, they would
be unsuccessful.
And this is the solution that the ummah
is searching for today in turbulent times. We
need to go back to the seerah.
Study the life of the Messenger of Allah
I swear by the Almighty Allah,
you know, the impact that this will have
on the broader world.
Safwan bin Umayyah, you know, one day the
Rabi of Allah is walking in the valley
of Makkah, and he's herding a flock of
goats and sheep.
And Safwan bin Umayyah,
he looks at this, and he's totally impressed.
looked at him. He said, Do you like
what you see? He said, I love what
I see. You know, somebody is driving a
smart car, and, you know, as the man
is trying to go close to the car,
what you tell him? Hey, listen. Don't touch
my car. That's the closest you can get.
Let alone sitting in the car. Don't even
touch the car. Nabi alaihis salam looked at
him. You like what you see. He said,
I love what I see. Nabi alaihis salam
says, Don't just love it, you can have
He gives him the entire flock of goats
and sheep. The Safwan bin Umayyah,
he goes back to his people, and he
He said, Oh my people go and embrace
I promise you this man, Muhammad,
has not come to take away your money.
He has come to give you money.
Scholars have written that entire tribe,
they present themselves to the Nabi of Allah.
How many of them? Scholars have written 2,500
accepted Islam one go in front of the
Nabi of Allah. It is the character. You
know, if you open Tabrani, there's an amazing
narration recorded in Tabrani.
The Nabi of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
one day he comes out of the home
of one of his honorable wives.
And with him was Ali ibn Abi Talib
He was the great giant. You know, just
I was just thinking about it. You know,
Ali ibn Abi Talib was a master. You
know, the intelligence
Allah had given him. You know, Sayid Omar
bin Khattab. I spoke about it the other
day as well. You know, that there is
the sinister motive, a hidden agenda, you know,
to drive people away from the, you know,
from the madahib. Wallahi, when a person lives
his life
in conformity with the sunnah, then even the
inanimate objects would turn in your favor.
You know, Ali ibn Abi Talib
You know, one night he sees a vision
and a dream. It was the time of
Umar bin Khattab
And Nabi
had passed away. And in this dream, Ali
ibn Abi Talib sees it is the time
of the Nabi of Allah
And it is the time of Fajr.
As he approaches the Masjid, Masjid al Nabawi,
there was an elderly woman sitting with a
tray of dates.
And she takes this tray of dates, and
she gives it to Ali bi Rabi Talib.
And she says that take this tray of
dates and present it to the Nabiya Fala
And tell him to distribute these dates amongst
his companions.
So the Nabiya Fala
this is in the dream, in the vision,
he takes the tray of dates, and he
takes one date, and he places it into
the mouth of Ali ibn Abi Taaleeb.
Such sweetness he experiences.
He looks at the Nabi of Allah, and
he says, Ziduni
You Rasool Allah.
O Nabi of Allah, give me another one.
As the Nabi of Allah said that, Ali
ibn Abi Taaleeb opens his eyes, and he
realizes that he was dreaming.
It was the time of Umar
So he proceeds for the salatul fajr.
As he approaches Masjidul Nabi,
that same woman that he had seen in
his dream, that same woman is sitting outside
the masjid
with a tray laden with dates.
And she tells Ali bin Abi Talib that
take this tray of dates and give it
to Amir ul Mu'mineen Umar bin Khattab, and
tell him to distribute these dates amongst his
So after the salatul fajr, Ali bin Abi
Taarib, he comes to the front, and he
presents it to Amir ul Momineen. Umar
he took one date,
and he placed it into the mouth of
Ali ibn Abi Thadib.
That same sweetness that he experienced in his
is experiencing the same sweetness now. So Ali
ibn Abi Thadib looks at Umar bin Khattab,
and he said,
Amir ul mumineen, give me another one. Umar
looked at him and he said, And
he smiled. And he said, If my Nabi
had given you another date in your dream,
I would have given you another date now.
When a person imbibes within his life the
sunnah, then he looks with the nur of
Allah. Within his life the sunnah, then he
looks with the nur of Allah. He looks
with the nur of Allah. Coming back to
the incident of Tabrani.
So as Ghanabiya Fala leaves 1 of the
the rooms of 1 of his honorable wives,
with him was Ali B'rabi Talib
Suddenly, Fatahoo rajaloon alarahaelatiheqal
Badawi. There was a Bedouin
who approaches the Nabiya Fala sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
and he said, O Nabiya Fala,
I invited
my nation to Islam.
I promised them material
wealth. Do you have any funds at your
I could give them money and keep them
in Islam. Nabi alaihis salam looked at Ali
ibn Abi Tharib. He said, Do we have
any funds at our disposal?
Ali ibn Abi Talib says all the funds
are depleted.
We've got absolutely nothing.
Just then, there was a person who comes
to the Nabi of Allah,
and he taps the Nabi of Allah. What
was his name?
Zayd ibn Sohnah.
He was a Jewish rabbi,
and he taps the Nabi of Allah. And
he said, O Muhammad,
I see you are in need of money.
I am prepared to loan you money for
a period of time on 2 conditions.
Number 1 is, you pay me back on
a certain date, on a certain day. What's
the second condition?
Don't me don't pay me back in cash.
Pay me back in the form of dates.
So number 1, you pay me back on
a certain day. And number 2, you pay
me back in the form of dates. Nabi
alaihis salam said deal done. He took the
money from Zaidib and Sohna. Listen to this,
my brothers. You know, we speak about the
Allahu Akbar. You know, today somebody tells me
something. What do you say? I will never
speak to him again.
What he has done is the unpardonable crime.
Let us learn to forgive and forget if
you want Allah to forgive us. I mean,
there's so many crimes that we commit.
SubhanAllah. So nonetheless, the Nabiya Fallah, he takes
this money,
and he gives it to this Bedouin. And
he said to take this money and distribute
it with fairness
and equality
to your nation and keep them in Islam.
Nabi alayhis salam gave him the money, and
then he moved away. Ali bin Abi Talib
moved on to Zayd ibn Sohna. Then he
walked away. Long story short, the Zayd ibn
he said the first condition was you pay
me back on a certain date.
One day prior to the scheduled payment date.
One day prior to the scheduled payment date.
He comes to Masjidun Nabawi,
and he approaches the Nabi of Allah from
And he grabs the Nabi of Allah from
his collar.
And he said, O Muhammad,
you Quraysh have the reputation
of prolonging
O Muhammad, give me my money.
You have the reputation of prolonging
give me my money.
The Zayd ibn Sohnah,
he says, whilst I was harshly demanding my
money from Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
I happen to look at
He says the eyeballs of Umar were turning
That how can you speak to the Nabi
of Allah in that manner? And Umar wanted
to go for him. The Nabiya Fala looks
at Umar, and he said, Omar,
this is not how we deal with situations.
You need to be more diplomatic
in your approach.
You need to be more composed,
you know, in your demeanor.
Nabi alaihis salam told Umar,
you should have been more diplomatic
because of your harshness.
Take this man
and give him what we owe him.
Not only that, give him double that we
which we owe him. But Umar said, I
wanna be a father. There's still one day
Umar, because of your harshness,
take this man
and give him double what we owe him.
So Umar
says, as I was walking, this man looks
at me
and he said, Umar, do you know who
am I? So Umar looks at him and
he says, I don't know you and I
don't wish to know you. I don't know
you and I don't wish to know you.
A man like you raises your voice in
front of the greatest man that walks on
mother earth.
So Umar
as he goes inside, he comes back and
he gives him the money.
He tells Umar.
Do you know who I am? He says,
I don't wish to know you. He said,
Umar, listen. Let me tell you who I
am. I am Zayd ibn Sohna.
I am a Jewish rabbi.
I have read all the divine scriptures,
and I've read in my scripture
that the final prophet that will come,
I actually came to test
certain qualities in Muhammad's.
I have studied the biography
of Muhammad
but I had reservations
in 2 qualities,
which I read in the previous divine scriptures.
That the final prophet,
the more you
incite him, the more composed he becomes.
The more you provoke him, the more composed
he becomes.
O, umar. I have actually come to test
those two qualities.
I say without a shadow of doubt, he
has passed with flying colors.
Take my money. I am with the wealthiest
individual in Madinah,
zayd ibn Sohna.
Take half my wealth and give it to
I don't want 1
cent. Friends and elders,
what did it take to impress a Jewish
of the beauty of Islam?
It was the character of Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wasallam. You know, many a times
you meet people who have reverted to Islam
and really friends and elders, you and I
have fallen short. You know, in giving dawah,
portraying this message of Islam.
Islam, if it is good for me, it
is good for everyone else.
It is good for everyone else. You know,
many people that we have spoken to that
what motivated
you? What inspired you to become a Muslim?
Many of them have said
that I am grateful to the Almighty Allah.
I was first introduced to Islam
before being introduced to Muslims.
If my first introduction
via Muslims,
I doubt I would have accepted the fates.
You know, Abdullah bin Mubarak,
he had a non Muslim neighbor.
So the neighbor puts the house on the
and he asked for exorbitant price. People tell
him in that neighborhood, this is the market
value. How do you expect to fetch that
price? He says, no. No. What is the
price of the house?
But that person who purchases my house will
have the privilege of being the neighbor of
Abdullah bin Mubarak.
When Abdullah bin Mubarak heard about this, he
was blown away.
So he comes to this person, he's non
Muslim neighbor, and he said, you know what?
I'm totally blown away by the kind gesture
and statement that you are at it.
So he says, why don't you accept Islam?
He looks at Abdullah bin Mubarak. He said,
What can I tell you? The day you
move next door,
I saw your character, I became a Muslim.
The day you move next door, I saw
your character, I became a Muslim.
Allahu Akbar.
Your Hassan radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu, one day he's
walking in Madinatul Marawara. You know, there were
various orchards and gardens in Madinatul Marawara. And
as he walks into this garden, the grandson
of the Rabi of Allah,
and he sees that there is a slave
sitting on the floor and next to him
is a dog.
And Hassan, radiAllahu, looks at the slave. He's
got a slice of bread in his hand.
He's got a slice of bread in his
He takes the slice of bread. He breaks
it in 2. He gives half to the
dog, and he had eaten the other half.
Hassan was moved, Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu, you know,
the grandson of the Nabi of Allah.
So he says, what motivated you? What inspired
you? You know, you were hungry. You could
have eaten the slice of bread alone. What
did he say? Istihad
min ainahi and uhabinahu.
He says, I had literally seen a hunger
in the eyes of this dog.
I could not, for the sake of me,
eat the slice of bread alone, knowing that
there is another creation of Allah that is
going hungry.
Hassan was moved.
He looked at the slave and he said,
tell me, who is your master? He said,
Aban bin Usman.
Who does this garden belong to? It belongs
to my master. Hassan
He starts walking the streets of Medina. Where
is this man Aban bin Usman? He finds
him in Medina tul Munawwara. He said, Tell
me, is that your slave in the garden?
Yes. Is that your garden? Yes. How much
do you want for both the slave and
the garden? He said, I want an x
amount. Hassan Radhiallahu says, It's a done deal.
He gives him the money, and he comes
to the slave, and he says, I have
purchased this garden from your master and I
gift it to you. I have purchased you
from your master and hence I liberate you.
I mean we don't realize and this is
what the teachings of Nabi'a alayhis salaam is,
you know, to do good to others. I
swear by the Almighty Allah, when you do
good to another man, you know, it will
bring joy to your heart. You know, you
give somebody a gift, you know, somebody's cold,
you give him a jacket to wear, you
give him a jersey, you see the man
is wearing it. SubhanAllah, it brings joy to
your heart. Allah has given us so much.
My brothers, my message to you is and
I will terminate on this,
is that let us inshallah go back to
the seerah. Go back to the sunnah of
the Nabi of Allah
imbibe the character of the Nabi of Allah
I would leave you with one incident. In
fact, there are so many incidents that cross
the mind. But nonetheless, I would just leave
you with this. There was one Sahabi
by the name of Jareer ibn Abdullah al
Imam An Nawawi, a very prolific author, has
made mention of this incident in the commentary
of Muslim Sharif, the second volume. So one
day he sends his slave. You know, when
we study the the seerah, Sahaba used to
come to the Nabi of Allah and used
to pledge their allegiance.
One was the general pledge that Sahaba used
to take, like the Quran says, You ayyohanabi
Allah yushrikna
billahi shayah. There are no Nabi of Allah.
We pledge allegiance. We will not steal. We
will not commit zinaa. We will not do
this. We will not do that.
Accept their allegiance and seek forgiveness on behalf
of them. One was the general pledge and
allegiance. But when we study the narrations,
there were certain sahaba who used to come
to the nabi of Allah and used to
take independent pledges at the hands of the
Nabi of Allah. So this Sahabi jari nAbdullah
al Bajali,
he comes to the Nabi of Allah. And
he said, O Nabi of Allah, I make
you my witness that lifelong
I will desire good for each and every
person. If it is within my ability to
do good to any person, to say a
good word, to make it easy for people,
I will do it. So the incident I
was making mention of, he sends his slave
to purchase a horse.
So the slave goes. He meets with the
owner. They negotiate the price. They settle on
300 dirhams.
He gives him the money, and he comes
back. Jareem Abdullah looked at the slave, and
he said, how much did you pay for
the horse? He said, I paid 300.
He said, You know what? In all human
likelihood, I think the owner of the horse
has undercharged. He has underpriced.
My brothers, you know, you go and you
buy something. What we will say, I got
it at a steal. We'll say, You know
what? I got it at a steal. SubhanAllah.
So Jareem Abdullah al Bijali, he goes back
to the owner, and he said that,
you sold the horse to my slave.
In all honesty, I think you have undercharged.
You have underpriced.
What do you say if I give you
another 100?
Let me make it 400. I mean, you're
selling the item for £10 and the man
says, I'll give you £12. Who's gonna turn
it down? He said, by all means. No
problem. He said, give me another 100. He
gives him another 100. He said, let's make
it 500.
He says, you know what? I think this
horse is worth much more than that. He
gives him another 100.
Eventually, he gives him 800 dirhams.
The owner was prepared to accept 300.
He gives him 500
And as he comes
back, he's mounted on this horse. People congratulate
him. They tell him, Jarir, how much did
you pay for the horse? He said, I
paid 800. They tell him, you're a fool,
man. You could get this very horse for
He said, yes. I could also get this
horse for 300.
But I pledged allegiance
at the hands of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
that lifelong
I will desire good for each and every
person. At this juncture,
desiring good for that man was for me
to give him a better price than what
he had asked for. I mean when that
honesty will come into this ummah. You know
when that honesty, that sincerity
will come into this ummah. Whatever you do,
do it for the pleasure of the Almighty
Allah. Brothers, my message to you is very
very simple. That do simple things but do
it in a good way. We don't know
which action that we will do will benefit
us on that day when we need it
the most.
If you paraphrase this verse of Quran,
Allah says,
your spiritual
will definitely mature.
Your spiritual investment
will definitely mature. Whatever little deed you do,
do it with the correct intention.
Allah will benefit you and that duas that
will come out from people's hearts will trouble
with your generations. There's so much more we
have made mention. We make dua to the
Almighty Allah.
And the ability,
you know, that we can go back to
the seerah, study the seerah of the Nabi
of Allah
make an effort to understand
the message of Quran, the life of the
Nabi of Allah
grant us the
ability that we imbibe and we infuse within
our lives and within our homes the beautiful
teachings of the Nabi of Allah
Friends and others, alhamdulillah, we just want to
take this opportunity of thanking
the board of trustees of this masjid and
the imams for hosting us. Beautiful masjid, bashallah.
And, we have come myself and Karissa. We've
come all the way from South Africa. And
of course, we cannot forget our brother, Shaqeel
Malji from Abdullah Aid,
you know, who's been, our host, mashaAllah. And
he's gone out of his way to accommodate
us and host us. Laatullah reward him. Laatullah
reward. And take his organization from strength to
strength. InshaAllah, tomorrow evening we'll be having a
program at the pavilion suites
at 6 30.
There's an organization called the Reed Foundation, you
know, who are doing work in Pakistan,
They're doing work amongst the orphans. So InshaAllah,
we we have we will be attending that
program. A humble request, you know, to try
and avail yourselves and try and attend this
program. In sha Allah it would be of
great, you know, great benefit
and try and support you know any act
of nobility,
different organizations that are doing noble work. Let
us try and support them inshallah. We don't
know what little action that we do will
benefit us not only in this world but
inshallah when we pass away and we leave
this world. And it would be those actions,
those little things that we do, you know,
that will benefit us on the day of
payamah. You know, like the scholars have written
there is an incident that one day there
were 2 men walking in the marketplace,
you know, in a ungodly environment, in a
shopping mall. And they were strangers to one
So one told the other, let us speak
about Allah. Let us speak about the greatness
of Allah.
So they spoke about Allah. And after they
parted ways, what happened to one one of
them happened to pass away. The other had
seen him in a vision and a dream.
And he asked him that, Mafa Allahu Beek,
how did you fare before the Almighty Allah?
He said, when I passed away, I was
lying in my grave
when people walked away. This is what the
Nabi of Allah teaches us when people take
40 steps away. That is when the questioning
He said, I was made to sit up
in my grave. An angel came to me
and he said, Tarifuni, do you recognize me?
I said, I don't know you. He said,
this angel told me that you and so
and so
on a particular day in a marketplace
spoke about the greatness of the
Almighty Allah,
because of that one moment of nobility,
Allah has sent me to inform you that
Allah has pardoned and forgiven you. And not
only has Allah forgiven you, the man who
accompanied you in the marketplace although he's still
alive and walking on the back of mother
earth, Allah has also forgiven him. So we
don't realize my brothers,
you know, what good deed that we do
in this world will avail us on that
day when we need it the most.