Muhammad Salah – Quran – The Everlasting Miracle

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The segment discusses the proper name for Muhammad, including a mix of English and Arabic, as well as the history and characteristics of the Qwhwhorn's title, including its significance for Muslims and its use as a reference to the Bible. The title of Jesus is the word of Islam, and people do not understand what it means. The importance of acceptance of Islam as a means of guidance is emphasized, as it is the presence of oxygen and pressure in the air that makes breathing possible. The segment also touches on the history and importance of the Prophetrows and their actions, including their actions in reciting the Prophet's words and following guidance.
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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
It's still early morning.
I know you guys are shy, but I
want to hear the proper salam.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
That sounds much better, alhamdulillah.
I think that suits me better.
I know for the camera he has to
lower it.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
Wal aqibatu lil muttaqeen.
Wala udwana illa ala al zalimeen.
Wa salatu wa salamu ala Sayyidi al awwaleena
wa al akhireena Nabiyina Muhammad wa ala alihi
wa sahbihi ajma'ina wa ba'd.
All praises and thanks are due to Allah
We praise Him and we seek His help.
Whomsoever Allah guides is indeed a truly guided
And whomsoever Allah leads astray, none can show
him guidance.
May the greatest peace and blessings be upon
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
My dear brothers and sisters, allow me to
begin by thanking the Almighty Allah for giving
us all the opportunity to gather in this
blessed place.
And then thank the organizers and everyone who
took part in putting this event together.
And may Allah grant us all success.
Quran is a miracle of all miracles.
Al-Quran al-Karim is indeed the everlasting
What is the definition of a miracle to
begin with?
A miracle is an extraordinary event manifest the
divine intervention in the human affairs.
In Arabic it is defined as Arabic An
extraordinary event with which Allah the Almighty supports
His prophets and messengers in order to confirm
their message.
To prove that they have been sent by
the Almighty.
They are not imposters.
Each and every one of those whom Allah
has sent was granted and was gifted with
some sort of miracles.
If I may ask you, what was the
miracle of Musa alayhi salam?
What was the mu'ajiza of Musa alayhi
How many miracles was Musa given?
Allah says, Arabic Nine miracles.
The most famous of all of them is
the staff, right?
Arabic With which he was able to strike
the sea and it was split twelve dry
roads in the middle of the water and
the water was like mountains on both sides.
What was the miracle of Musa alayhi salam?
Besides the staff, many miracles.
What was the miracle of Isa alayhi salam?
Beginning with his virgin birth.
His ability of curing congenital blindness and deafness.
And then shaping out of mud a bird.
Then breathing into the bird the soul by
the leave of Allah.
Then it becomes alive.
And it flies by the leave of Allah.
Reviving the dead.
Arabic What was the miracle of Prophet Salih
peace be upon him?
The she-camel.
Thank you sister.
What was the miracle of Prophet Sulaiman?
One of whom is talking to animals.
Many miracles.
Sulaiman alayhi salam was blessed with so many
miracles among which that he was able to
communicate with the birds, the animals.
The Almighty made all the jinns subservient to
Sulaiman alayhi salam.
And the wind was made subservient to him.
What was the miracle of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi
Do you remember any?
Arabic Now, all the prophets have gone.
Isa alayhi salam was raised to the Almighty
What happened to the miracles?
What happened to Musa's staff?
To the miracles of Isa?
To the fire which did not burn Ibrahim
alayhi salam?
All of them vanished.
What if we actually were able to locate
Musa's staff?
Asa Musa alayhi salam.
Will we be able to use it?
Can anyone utilize it in a miraculous way
like Musa alayhi salam?
Obviously not.
So every prophet was given a miracle to
support him in his prophethood and to confirm
that he has been sent by the Almighty.
And once the prophet is gone, miracles are
Many Muslims don't know that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam was also given so many miracles.
Can you mention some?
Splitting the moon.
Arabic Water gushing forth from between his fingers.
When they were in an expedition and they
ran out of water.
So Allah the Almighty made the water gush
forth from between his fingers.
Like Musa alayhi salam when he struck the
Arabic Twelve water springs were gushing forth from
a stone.
And they were able to carry it with
them in the lost land for 40 years.
So Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the water
gushed forth from between his fingers.
Any other miracles?
We are in Rajab.
The journey of Al-Isra.
And Al-Mi'raj.
Many historians reported that it took place on
the month of Rajab.
Three years before the migration of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Arabic Prophecies, many prophecies.
Some of which were fulfilled during his life
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And many are being fulfilled after his death
and until the Day of Judgement sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
But those tangible and physical miracles, which were
given to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
they vanished with him when he died sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
The barakah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, when he would spit in somebody's eye,
and he would be healthier and sharper than
the healthy one, is gone.
When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went
to meet with his Lord, when Allah the
Almighty collected his soul, Arabic Arabic The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the seven
hadith, which is collected by the two great
Imams, Bukhari and Muslim, Arabic Not a single
prophet, but was given miracles which would make
people truly believe that he is a prophet
to follow him.
And as for me, besides those tangible miracles,
Arabic I was given a revelation, and I
hope and I pray that on the Day
of Judgment, I would have the largest number
of followers.
Does it mean that prophets before Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam were not given the same?
Of course not.
Arabic It's
a must for us as believers to believe
in all the previous revelations, the previous books
to their respective prophets.
Arabic The Gospel was given to Isa, peace
be upon him.
Was given to Prophet Ibrahim.
Arabic Was given to Prophet David, peace be
upon him.
And the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the only book
which was not handed over to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at once, it was
the Quran.
Otherwise, the Torah and Injil were given to
their prophets as a single book.
One time revelation.
But the Quran's revelation lasted for 23 years.
So what makes the Quran different than the
previous revelations?
Several facts.
Fact number 1, verse number 88, chapter number
17, Surah Al-Isra.
Allah the Almighty says, Arabic Say,
O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, If all
the humankind and the jinn assisted each other
in order to produce the like of this
Quran, they will never be able to produce
anything like it.
Arabic And when the Meccans, who received the
Quran in their mother tongue, and they were
the most eloquent people, and the greatest poets
in history, failed to bring and produce a
Quran similar to this Quran, the challenge was
In Surah 2, chapter number 11, the two
consecutive verses 13 and 14, Arabic Arabic Or
perhaps they say that Muhammad had invented it.
He forged that book, he made it up.
Arabic Why don't you produce just 10 chapters
similar to the chapters of the Quran?
And you can choose any chapters.
It doesn't have to be Al-Baqara, Al
-Imran, Al-Nisa, Al-Maidah, any chapters.
Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, Al-Nas, Al-Kawthar.
Arabic And you can call upon whomever you
want to assist you besides Allah.
Arabic And if they do not respond to
you, Arabic Arabic So now that the Quran
was revealed to you with the knowledge of
Allah, and also acknowledge that there is no
one worthy of worship but Him, will you
then be Muslims?
They failed.
10 chapters similar to it.
If you said that he invented it, while
in Surah Al-Ankabut, chapter number 29, the
Almighty Allah stated the following fact.
Arabic Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam was Ummi.
Ummi in Arabic means a lyric.
He never learned reading nor writing.
We all know that.
When Jibreel Alayhi Salaam asked him to read,
he said, Arabic I can't read.
Unfortunately nowadays, you see some posts on the
social media spreading that you shouldn't say the
Prophet was Ummi.
This is very impolite.
But Allah said he's Ummi.
And it's a fact.
No, no, no, no.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was able to
speak and write 70 different languages.
Back then there were not even 7 different
Would you love the Prophet more than Allah
the Almighty?
Allah kept him illiterate so that it would
be a miracle.
So when he receives the Quran, then he
reveals the ayah of Surah Al-Ankabut, chapter
number 29, Arabic He never recited nor read
a book before the Quran was revealed unto
Arabic The right hand never ascribed anything before
Then it must be definitely from the Almighty
Then the challenge was even reduced further to
be, Arabic Verse
number 23, chapter number 2, Surah Al-Baqarah,
the Almighty Allah says, Arabic If you're still
in doubt concerning that which we send down
upon our servants, why don't you produce one
single chapter similar to it?
What is the shortest chapter in the Quran?
It should be a little louder.
Surah Al-Kawthar, how many verses?
So not Surah Al-Ikhlas because it's four
And if you notice, I said what is
the shortest chapter?
When you teach your kids, do not say,
what is the smallest surah in the Quran?
Because the entire Quran is great.
There is no small and big, but you
can say the shortest.
Number of verses, Surah Al-Kawthar.
So the Almighty Allah said, if you are
in doubt concerning this man and his prophethood,
if you don't believe him, and you think
that he made it up, then an ordinary
human being can write down similar to it,
why don't you produce a single chapter similar
to it?
And he didn't specify.
In verse number 23, chapter number 26, any
chapter, let it be Surah Al-Kawthar.
And he failed.
Still Shaykh, all of that we all understand,
but why did you mention that the Quran
is the everlasting miracle after you stated that
there were many other revelations?
And we know for certain about Al-Zabur,
the Torah, and Al-Injil.
Simply because, in Surah Al-Baqarah, and in
Surah Al-Nisa, in Surah Al-Ma'idah,
and in Surah Al-Imran, there are many
verses in which the Almighty Allah confirmed that
the people of the book have distorted their
own revelations.
Are you hoping that they will believe you,
when a group of them used to hear
the words of Allah, and then distort them
after they understood it, while they knew?
In your message, after it has been confirmed,
a faction, a party of them, have distorted
the word of Allah.
Changed the word of Allah knowingly.
Likewise in many other verses for the sake
of time.
So the Quran confirms that previous revelations have
been altered, have been distorted, and have been
Even if you do read the Quran, it
is sufficient to hear in the news that
recently, last couple of years, in the USA,
they released the latest edition of the Bible.
What does it mean that the latest edition?
Who edits the Bible?
As they wrote it with their own hands
in the first place, they edit it.
After September the 11th, and they were constantly
accusing Muslims of all sorts of Islamophobia, constantly
bashing Islam and Muslims, so we had to
open the Bible and fetch verses from the
Old and the New Testament, which are horrible.
So whenever I am invited to a church,
or a synagogue, or a university to give
a talk, I just present to them what
Deuteronomy and Joshua state.
And there, the priest would simply say, well,
we don't believe in these statements anymore.
So if you don't believe in this statement
anymore, and another church doesn't believe in this
statement anymore, and another synagogue rejects this statement,
that means it's entirely up to you to
edit, supposedly, the word of God.
And that leaves us with the following conclusion.
If all the books, which are perceived as
holy books, religious books, claiming that they have
been revealed from heaven to earth, from God
to the prophets, if all those books, hard
copies, soft copies, have been burned to ash,
nothing remains worldwide on earth, including the Quran,
which of those books can be recovered overnight?
Only the Quran, even if it is not
written, even if it is not on your
soft copy, on your iPhone, on your phone,
on your tab, on your desktop, it will
be recovered simply from the hearts of the
Verse number 9, Surah Al-Hijr.
The Almighty Allah established the following fact, and
this fact is eternal, and it's an open
challenge for those who would accept it.
That's it.
The Almighty Allah is using the royal way.
Most certainly it is us, it is Allah
the Almighty, who sent down the revelation, the
Quran, to Muhammad ﷺ, and as he sent
it, he vows to protect it from any
alteration, distortation, or any attempt to change, not
a word, not a letter, but wallahi even
a vowel.
A young child will be able to detect
it immediately.
So any attempt to change the word of
Allah will be such a failure, because it
is preserved in the hearts of millions and
millions of huffadh throughout the history and until
the day of judgment by the leave of
Allah, who should be very happy and proud
of that.
When I asked the religious scholars of other
religions, PhD holders in theology, once I asked
in a church, how many different versions of
the Bible that you have?
He said hundreds, maybe thousands, you never know.
Which is true.
And when people come to know that in
a small community, which was our community in
the States, which consisted of 15 different nationalities,
we have the Indo-Pak, we have the
Malaysians, we have the Indonesians, we have the
Russians, we have people from all over the
Arab, and you guys all read the same
version, follow the same book, people simply accepted
Islam because of that.
Among the miraculous nature of the Quran is
the sound.
The sound, the mere sound of the Quran.
Only Muslims read their holy book with certain
rules which are known as tajweed.
Tajweed is not only to observe the ahkam,
but even the characteristics of the letters.
Same letter sometimes is fattened here, but it
is thinned in another place depending on the
vowel on top, or the bottom, or the
preceding vowel.
Amazing system.
An American musician visited me once, and I
was playing the Quran in the background, like
I do every day.
He said, you have such a beautiful music.
I never thought about it this way.
He said, Mohammed, you play such a beautiful
He's a musician.
Yusuf Islam Kat Stevens, may Allah bless him.
Him and I shared a stage once in
Texas, in one of the universities.
And when people came to know that, their
favorite singer, especially the older generation, is here.
The hall was flooded.
The university was packed.
Some of the audience asked him, you know,
you were our dream.
I was a big fan of you.
Of course, if it was Sheikh Asim, he
would have said, may Allah promote you to
be in air condition.
I was a big fan of you.
How were you able just to quit singing
and music?
I was sitting next to him.
And he said, well, I swear to God,
when I heard the Quran, I found it
the greatest music ever.
Especially, if you listen to it from an
Egyptian reciter.
Especially, if it is Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul
Wallahi, indeed, it is the greatest music.
It has the greatest phonetics.
Nowadays, a lot of youth, they have some
programs on the social media.
They walk in the streets.
And they give an earphone to random people
and say, listen to this.
How do you like it?
How do you feel about it?
And people say, it's very soothing.
It's very comforting.
Do you understand anything out of it?
No, not a word.
What is this?
What language is this?
So they don't understand it.
It is not their language.
But they enjoy it.
They say it brings tranquility.
Yes, indeed, it is the word of Allah.
أَلَىٰ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطُمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبِ Indeed, in the
remembrance of Allah, hearts do find rest.
It is the word of Allah.
Allah didn't create it.
Allah spoke it out.
Those of you who have ijazah, how many
of you have memorized Quran by heart?
Raise your hand if you did.
How many?
I know there are many, but I know
you're shy.
Do not disappoint me, please.
I would assume I have seen 10 of
the sisters, and 20, since it's an assumption,
let me make it bigger with the brothers.
And 20 of the brothers.
You have an ijazah.
When I obtained my first ijazah, do you
know what it means to have an ijazah
in Quran?
Do you know what it means?
When I have 28 people between me and
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, do you know what it
It means I'm able to recite Quran the
same way that the Prophet ﷺ recited it,
the same way Jibreel ﷺ recited it to
the Prophet ﷺ, the same way that the
Almighty Allah recited it to Jibreel ﷺ.
It's a rope.
One of its end is with Allah, and
the other is lower to us to hold
fast onto it.
وَاعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبِلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا Hold fast
all of you to the rope of Allah,
and do not be divided.
That is the rope of Allah.
That is the Quran.
In one synagogue in New York, I was
invited for a debate.
And I just realized that I was debating
four Jewish rabbis.
And I didn't know what the debate was
all about, so they raised the issue that
Az-Zabih was Isaac, not Ishmael.
By the way, for us, it doesn't matter
whether it was Ishaq or Ishmael, both are
But the Quran confirms it was Ishmael, not
So, I had to recite some verses of
Surah As-Saffat.
When I was much younger, I had a
better melodious voice when I used to lead
the prayers.
So I decided to recite it with tajweed.
And as I was reciting to people who
don't understand what I'm saying, I could hear
people crying and weeping.
And after I finished, those Jewish people in
the synagogue were asking me, how can you
read so beautiful?
What is this book?
What is in it?
This is the final message.
This is the word of Allah which did
not undergo any change, any alteration, not even
a vowel as I mentioned earlier.
We believe that the Quran is not a
book of science.
Did you ever hear anyone who's saying that
the Quran is a book of chemistry?
It is miraculous because of its chemistry, nature,
physics, medicine or whatever.
No, we don't claim so.
But the Quran is full of references which
are miraculous, and it will keep unveiling until
the day of judgment.
Wallahi, when was embryology discovered?
Less than a hundred years ago.
But this Ummi, Muhammad ﷺ, this illiterate man,
was talking about the process of forming the
fetus and the embryo in the womb as
if he had an ultrasound and he's able
to see everything 1450 years ago in multiple
places in the Quran.
In Surah Al-Alaq, the first revelation.
In Surah Al-Hajj.
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِن كُنْتُمْ فِي رَبٍّ مِّنَ
الْبَعْثِ When Allah was giving an analogy why
there will be resurrection and it is so
easy and simple for Allah, so He stated
the process of the creation from the beginning.
And in some amazing passages, in Surah Al
-Mu'minun, chapter number 23, verses from 12 to
Listen to this.
Wallahi, it is more than you can imagine.
Amazing beyond imagination.
And that's why the Quran, as Allah Almighty
stated in Surah Saj, verse number 29, كِتَابٌ
أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِيَدَّبَّرُ آيَاتِهِ This amazing blessed
Quran which is full of blessings was revealed
to Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in order for
us to ponder over its verses and its
Not just to recite it in the beginning
of sessions, events, and festivals, but to recite
it with tafakkur, with tadabbur.
What made the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam stood
in tahajjud for the entire night repeating only
one verse towards the end of Surah Al
-Ma'idah, chapter number 5, إِنْ تُعَذِّبْهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ
عِبَادُكُ وَإِنْ تَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ فَإِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ
It is not about how much you recite.
First time to lead taraweeh in the States,
some people approached me and they said, Sheikh,
last year we had an ex-priest imam.
We invited him from this country.
So I had to ask, what does it
mean an ex-priest imam?
He said, mashallah, mashallah, he used to recite
one para in taraweeh in only 20 minutes.
I said, I'm no ex-priest, though I'm
so sorry.
If this is the purpose of taraweeh, is
to race, how would you finish one para
in 20 minutes?
And you claim that you even knew what
you were reciting.
It is not possible.
If you just pray the 12 or, no,
30 rakaats without any recitation, that's 20 minutes.
It's not about how much you recite, it's
about how much you ponder upon what you
Ramadan is less than 40 days away.
It's just around the corner.
38 days, 37 days, mashallah, it depends.
And people prepare to recite as much, but
also spare some time to ponder upon one
verse every day.
It's a transformational experience.
It will make you a better believer, it
will make you connect to the Almighty, because
you know what?
He wants you to understand.
Back to the verses of surah al-mu'minoon,
in case that you have forgotten.
We say chapter number 23, begin with verse
number 12.
وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ سُلَالَةٍ مِنْ طِينٍ Most
certainly We did create man from an extract
of clay, that is Adam a.s. ثُمَّ
جَعَلْنَاهُ نُطْفَةً فِي قَرَارٍ مَّكِينٍ Those of you
who are into medicine or studied embryology, will
know the difference between the sperm and the
zygote, which when the sperm fertilizes the egg
and it becomes a zygote, a نُطْفَةً, first
used by the Quran.
فِي قَرَارٍ مَّكِينٍ Then we turned him in
the beginning into a sperm drop, in firm
What is that firm lodging?
The womb, the uterus.
ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاهُ نُطْفَةً عَلَقَةً Then we turned and
we made the sperm drop into a clinging
clot, that is the meaning of عَلَقَة.
Hanging blood clot from the wall of the
فَخَلَقْنَا الْعَضَقَةَ مُضْغَةً Then we made the hanging
clot into مُضْغَة.
What is مُضْغَة?
When you chew on the food and you
have this morsel of flesh, let's say that
you chew on some meat.
It's a morsel of flesh hanging still in
the womb.
Then Allah the Almighty says Then we made
the morsel of flesh or the lung into
Then we covered the bones with flesh again.
Then we developed him into a totally new
فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ Blessed is Allah, the
best of creators.
Was anyone back then able to see what
is in the womb?
Was anyone able to find out about the
process of the creation whatsoever?
Or the formation of the fetus?
Absolutely not.
Don't you think if there is no other
evidence in Islam that this is indeed the
word of Allah, the revelation from the Almighty
Allah to the illiterate man in the middle
of the desert, that should be a sufficient
evidence that this is a miraculous book and
this is indeed the word of Allah.
Wallahi it should be sufficient.
But the Quran keeps unfolding evidences and miracles
as science gets more advanced.
In Surah Al-An'am chapter number 6
verse number 125.
We have read this verse so many times
and we utilize it as what are the
means of guidance.
Allah the Almighty says فَمَن يُرِلِ اللَّهُ أَن
يَهْدِيَهُ يَشْرَحْ صَدْرَهُ لِلْإِسْلَامِ Whomsoever Allah wants to
guide, he will expand his breast, his chest
to accept Islam.
He will find himself or herself willing to
absorb the message of Allah happy to enter
يَشْرَحْ We say رَبِّ شْرَحْ لِصَدْرِي Open my
chest for me.
The opening is not physical but it is
spiritual to accept the truth.
Well وَمَن يُرِلِ أَن يُضِلَّهُ But if Allah
wants to keep somebody astray يَجْعَلْ صَدْرَهُ ضَيِّقًا
حَرَجًا كَأَنَّمَا يَصْعَدُ فِي السَّمَاءِ He will keep
his chest congested, constricted similar to a person
who is ascending gradually into heaven and finding
great difficulty in breathing.
What we call it nowadays hypoxia.
And this hypoxia happens as a result of
lack of oxygen.
What is the relationship between lack of oxygen
hypoxia and ascending towards heaven?
Scientists found out that 10,000 feet above
the sea level a person is still able
to breathe normally.
Between 10,000 feet to 25,000 feet
as you ascend, you start finding difficulty.
Try to climb a mountain which is 30
-35,000 feet.
If you don't have an oxygen tube, you
get suffocated.
And that's why the planes are equipped to
maintain certain pressure.
So as you ascend, the atmospheric pressure will
decrease drastically.
And as a result of that, the oxygen
will decrease.
If you're not equipped, you will have hypoxia.
You will not be able to breathe.
And the diaphragm will raise up so the
person will simply die.
But not before starting bleeding because the internal
pressure will be greater than the outside pressure.
The person will start bleeding from the nose
and from the eyes and from the ears.
This is something that the Almighty Allah was
just referring to.
By the way, in verse number 125 chapter
number 6 وَمَن يُرِدْ أَن يُضِلَّهُ يَجْعَلْ صَدْرَهُ
طَيِّقًا حَرَجًا كَأَنَّمَا يَسَّعَدُ فِي السَّمَاءِ So a
person whom Allah wants to keep astray, He
did not ordain guidance for him.
He would hate Islam and the word of
Allah despite its sweetness and its ultimate truth.
Similar to a person as he ascends, he
experiences difficulty in breathing.
His color will turn blue.
Then eventually he will die of hypoxia.
The first attempt of the two Dutch brothers
to fly was about a hundred years ago.
This is when people started finding out about
the outside pressure and what happens as you
go up.
Who informed this illiterate man in Mecca about
these facts?
And as I'm saying, truth and facts will
keep unfolding until the Day of Judgment.
The unseen brothers and sisters consist or it
refers to an unseen of the place, an
unseen of the time, and the time consists
of unseen pertaining to the past and unseen
pertaining to the future.
Quran is full of information about the unseen
pertaining to the future.
During the life of the Prophet ﷺ, Surah
Al-Rum, when there was a fight and
conflict between the two main superpowers on earth,
the Romans and the Persians.
And the Persians have defeated the Romans.
Meccan pagans were happy.
So Allah the Almighty revealed, But
guess what?
In a matter of a few years, from
3 to 7, from 3 to 7, they
will overcome and overpower their opponent, the Persians.
Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq beat some of the
Meccan chieftains because he was so certain if
Allah said so, then it will happen.
And eventually it happened.
A war erupted between the Romans and the
Persians and the Romans utterly defeated the Persians.
How did Muhammad ﷺ know about that if
it is not a matter of Wahy?
And unveiling some of the unseen to him.
The Quran, when it talks about the past,
وَمَا كُنْتَ لَدَيْهِمْ إِذْ يُلْقُونَ أَقَلَامَهُمْ So many
verses beginning, وَمَا كُنْتَ لَدَيْهِمْ When Allah the
Almighty informed us about Mary, peace be upon
her, Zachary, Yahya, and all the prophets, Allah
says to Muhammad ﷺ, you were not among
them, you did not attend this event, but
Allah is still in you.
About the past, from the beginning of the
No other book on earth reveals and unfolds
the past truth for all the nations and
the prophets, but the Quran with full accuracy.
The future likewise, but the Quran.
And as far as the place, it could
be in the same place, something that in
our present time, but we have no clue
about it.
But Allah will unfold it in the Quran.
So simply the Quran blew away all the
barriers pertaining to unseen in order to confirm
that it is from the one who knows
the unseen.
لا يعلم الغيب إلا الله The Prophet ﷺ
only knew about what the Almighty Allah allowed
him to know.
The Quran strikes the hearing of the audience
to an extent that, والله بالله I have
many people, American people, who accepted Islam simply
because of hearing the Quran, or even reading
the meaning of some of the verses of
the Quran on their own.
Wallahi after September the 11th, I met people
whom they just demanded, wanted to read the
Quran which made those people Muslims terrors.
So they paid for it.
They went to the bookstores and they paid
for it.
As they read it, as they heard it,
they accepted Islam without even meeting a single
It reminds me with Umar ibn Khattab, Allah
opened his heart to accept Islam.
Many Muslims think it's only when he came
to kill the Prophet ﷺ and he came
to Dar al-Arqam and so, but it
was earlier than that.
Umar ibn Khattab said, أول ما دخل الإسلام
في قلبي The first experience where Allah opened
my heart to accept Islam, I was hiding
in the cover of the cloth of the
Kaaba when the Prophet was praying tahajjud on
his own.
I enjoyed it so much.
So I said to myself, Wow!
What a kahin!
What a soothsayer!
What a poet!
The Prophet ﷺ was reciting Surah Al-Haqqah
where when he said, What a poet!
He thought the Prophet is a poet, is
a great poet.
So the Prophet was reciting and the following
verse is, مَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَاعِرِ قَلِيلًا مَّا
تُؤْمِنُونَ And this Quran is not the saying
of a poet, little that you believe.
He was shocked like, you know, he's responding
to me and he doesn't know that I
am listening to him.
He's concealed.
So when he said that must be the
saying of a soothsayer, a kahin.
And the following verse is when the Prophet
was reciting, وَلَا بِقَوْلِ كَاهِن Nor is it
the saying of a soothsayer, little that you
He said this is when Islam first entered
my heart.
You know brothers and sisters, all of us
we should be very proud that we're Muslims.
And on top of that we should be
very grateful and thankful to Allah SWT that
guidance has come to us and Allah have
chosen us to be rightly guided and to
follow this magnificent book without any effort on
our behalf, on our side.
Allah has chosen us to be rightly guided
and indeed وَكَفَى بِهَا نِعْمَةً الحمد لله عَلَى
نِعْمَةِ الْإِسْلَامِ وَكَفَى بِهَا نِعْمَةً We ask the
Almighty Allah to guide us all to His
straight path and to keep us rightly guided
and steadfast on His straight path.
We ask the Almighty Allah to make us
among أَهْلُ الْقُرْآنِ أَلَّذِينَهُمْ أَهْلُ اللَّهِ وَخَصَّطُهُ There
is no way that we can become among
the people of Allah the chosen people of
the Quran without reciting it properly without pondering
over its meaning, without realizing that as you're
reading it قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ You are
repeating the word of Allah.
This is what the Almighty Allah said.
We ask Allah SWT to pardon us and
forgive us all our sins أَقُولُ قَوْلِ هَذَا
وَأَسْتَغْفُرُ اللَّهَ لِي وَلَكُمْ وَصَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا
مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَسْلِيمًا كَثِيرًا Thank you
so much for attending.
May Allah bless you all.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh