Muhammad Salah – No Sin Is Too Big for Allahs Forgiveness – Zanzibar
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The transcript describes a scene where a man kissed a woman in the night, kissing her in the morning and then kissing another woman in the afternoon. The transcript uses a verse in the Bible and describes a scene where a prophet sallips a man who kissed a woman in the night and gives them a deal. The man refuses to shake hands and refuses to kill the woman.
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Every time we commit sins, Satan was bragging,
I've taken as many people to hellfire.
And we brag that when we repent, Allah
Almighty will forgive our sins and will render
his effort in vain.
Allahu Akbar, he's the most merciful.
He said, Guess what?
When we seek forgiveness, when we repent, that's
a sign that Allah wants to accept our
We didn't say Astaghfirullah, oh Allah forgive me,
unless Allah the Almighty wanted me to say
it, so that I will be eligible for
his forgiveness.
A beautiful verse, mark down that verse, verse
number 114, chapter number 11, surah 2.
The Almighty Allah says in this verse, The
Almighty commands, offer the prayers in the morning
and in the evening and some parts of
the night.
Indeed, the good deeds erase the bad ones.
That is indeed a reminder for those who
take heed.
This verse, brothers and sisters, was revealed because
of the following reason.
One of the sahaba who recently accepted Islam
in Medina was making his way to the
And then an old girlfriend met him.
Hey sweetie, long time no see.
So she cornered him.
One word here, one word there.
They ended up kissing.
He kissed her.
He gave her a hug.
Did he realize, oh my god, what did
I just do?
I'm not supposed even to shake hands with
What am I supposed to do?
He ran to the prophet.
They were praying Asr.
He attended the jama'ah.
Then he approached him and said, He assumed
that he had to flog him or beat
him up or even kill him, stone him
to death in order to be purified.
The prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked at
the Quran from cover to cover.
There is no punishment for kissing in the
dunya, but there is in the hereafter.
So the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kept
Then the wahy descended upon him.
And then he said, where is that man?
He said, who?
The man who was asking me about tahhirni
and kissing.
He said he's here.
He said, did he pray Asr with us?
In jama'ah?
He said, yes.
He said, go home.
Allah has forgiven you your sin.
The ayah says, so when you offer the
prayers, in the morning and in the evening,
in the afternoon and some parts of the
night, the good deeds shall erase the bad
Umar ibn al-Khattab r.a. He said,
ya Rasulallah, was this ayah revealed exclusively for
this guy or is it for all of
He said, no, that deal is for all
of us.
He said, indeed Allah has plenty of goodness.