Muhammad Salah – Motivational Evening in Zanzibar -Light Upon Light 2024
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The importance of practicing salvation during the day is discussed, along with advice on maintaining healthy behavior and avoiding sinful behavior. The Prophet Muhammad's actions include praying for the well-being of others, offering prayers, and traveling with others. The Prophet's family includes his wife and children, and his teachings about avoiding sin and doing good things are also discussed. A gift is given to a woman.
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسم الله الرحمن
الرحيم الحمد لله وكفا وسلام على عباده الذين
اصطفى لاسيما المصطفى صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه
وسلم تسليما كثيرا وبعا ماشاء الله Such a
pleasant weather and a beautiful congregation اللهم بارك
في هذا الجمع اللهم اجعل تجمعنا هذا تجمعا
مرحوما واجعل تفرقنا من بعده تفرقا معصوما ولا
تدع فينا ولا بيننا ولا منا شقيا ولا
محروما آمين Brothers and sisters No doubt that
the ultimate goal of all of us whether
we're sitting here or every Muslim is simply
to receive salvation on the day of resurrection
and all the companions of the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وسلم went back and forth asking
the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم so many
questions around the same topic how to achieve
salvation on the day of judgment how to
set your foot in heaven safely one of
the divine guidance and the prophetic prescription you
can say divine constitution to guarantee salvation on
the day of judgment is presented in this
very concise yet eloquent advice of Prophet Muhammad
صلى الله عليه وسلم it's a hadith, sound
hadith narrated by the great companion Abu Dharr
al-Ghifari رضي الله عنه I know that
you heard and you will hear too many
speeches too many advices today so we just
need to take home something very precise to
keep in mind to work hard on it
in order to achieve the success to be
eligible for salvation to secure a place in
heaven not just in heaven rather in Al
-Firdaws Al-A'la Inshallah the messenger of
Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said and come
with me اتق الله حيثما كنت can you
repeat that again I'm gonna say it one
more time اتق الله حيثما كنت and that
simply means fear Allah and keep your duty
to Him wherever you may be at wherever
you are whether in public or behind closed
doors in front of people who assume that
you are a pious person or behind closed
doors this is something that if you take
home if I take home and I try
to work on it I will be simply
very pious person why?
because that will raise the awareness of Allah's
presence in my heart in my mind at
all time so I don't fall into the
habit of being good sometimes and otherwise some
other times double faced or wearing mask before
people, people assume that I'm a super nice
guy but otherwise in private or with my
family members I'm a monster God forbid and
that's why the Prophet ﷺ has said to
his companions استحيوا من الله كما تستحيوا من
رجول من صالح أهلكم you wanna be righteous?
feel shy from Allah as much as you
will feel shy in front of one of
the righteous people of your clan, your tribe
you would feel reluctant to say a bad
word or to do a bad act in
front of him or them likewise استحيوا من
الله حق الاستحياء having said so that will
take us to the following advice raising the
awareness of Allah's presence at all times doesn't
necessarily mean that you or I will end
up becoming infallible or sinless or as good
as angels who complain to the Prophet ﷺ
along with Abu Bakr that you know, they
experience this sometimes and sometimes they are very
righteous he said يا حمض الله by Allah
if you maintain the condition of piety and
righteousness that you maintain whenever you're sitting with
me لصافحتكم الملائكة في طرقكم وعلى فرشكم by
Allah if you maintain this righteousness all the
time angels would come down from heaven will
shake hands with you while you're walking in
the streets and while reclining on your beds
you know why?
because you'll be as pure as angels but
we're no angels, are we?
the Quran stated the fact that by nature
inclined into sinning and that's why the messenger
of Allah ﷺ acknowledged this fact he did
not dismiss the possibility of committing sins as
a matter of fact he said by Allah
if you guys do not commit sins Allah
will take you away why?
in order to bring a new patch of
people who will commit sins then they will
say forgiveness and he will grant them forgiveness
so this is an inseparable fact of our
reality so what is the next piece of
what was the first?
can somebody remind me?
I told you we're gonna forget اتق الله
حيثما كنت fear Allah, keep your duty to
Him wherever you are simple the second piece
of advice realizing that we're no angels وَأَتْبِعِ
السَّيِّئَةَ الْحَسَنَةَ تَمْحُوهَا and follow the evil deed
with one which is good it shall erase
it so every time you commit sins Satan
was bragging I've taken as many people to
Al-Fah and we brag that when we
repent Allah Almighty will forgive our sins and
will render His effort in vain Allah Akbar,
He's the most merciful He said ثُمَّ تَابَ
عَلَيْهِمْ لِيَتُوبُ guess what?
when we seek forgiveness when we repent that's
a sign that Allah wants to accept our
repentance we didn't say استغفر الله oh Allah
forgive me unless Allah the Almighty wanted me
to say it so that I will be
eligible for His forgiveness ثُمَّ تَابَ عَلَيْهِمْ لِيَتُوبُ
a beautiful verse mark down that verse verse
number 114 chapter number 11 surah Hud the
Almighty Allah says in this verse وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ
طَرَفَيْن نَهَارِ وَزُلَفًا مِّنَ اللَّيْلِ إِنَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ يُذْهِبْنَا
السَّيِّئَاتِ ذَلِكَ ذِكْرًا لِلذَّاكِرِينَ the Almighty commands offer
the prayers in the morning and in the
evening and some parts of the night Indeed
الحسنات the good deeds erase the bad ones
that is indeed a reminder for those who
take heed this verse brothers and sisters was
revealed because of the following reason one of
the sahaba who recently accepted Islam in Medina
was making his way to the masjid and
then an old girlfriend met him hey sweetie
long time no see so she cornered him
one word here one word there they ended
up kissing he kissed her he gave her
a hug then he realized oh my god
what did I just do I'm not supposed
even to shake hands with her what am
I supposed to do he ran to the
prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم they were praying
asr he attended the jama'ah then he
approached him and said يا رسول الله طهرني
purify me he assumed that he had to
flog him or beat him up or even
kill him stone him to death in order
to be purified the prophet صلى الله عليه
وسلم looked at the quran from cover to
cover there is no punishment for kissing in
the dunya but there is in the hereafter
so the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم kept
quiet then the wahd descended upon him and
then he said where is that man they
said who the man who is asking me
about طهرني and kissing he said he's here
he said did he pray asr with us
in jama'ah he said yes he said
go home Allah has forgiven you your sin
the ayah says so when you offer the
prayers اقن الصلاة طرف النهار in the morning
and in the evening the afternoon and some
parts of the night indeed الحسنات the good
deeds shall erase the bad ones عمر بن
الخطاب رضي الله عنه he said يا رسول
الله was this ayah revealed exclusively for this
guy or is it for all of us
he said no that deal is for all
of us he said زاد خير الله و
كثر indeed Allah has plenty of goodness الله
أكبر so he acknowledges the fact that we're
sinners and he is advised on us every
time you sin you know there is one
hadith I'm gonna give you a gift tonight
are you ready to accept the gift it
doesn't seem like you're ready are you guys
ready to accept the gift I wanna hear
الصلاة والتسليم upon the prophet صلى الله عليه
وسلم only you I'm gonna talk to you
I'm gonna give you the gift the messenger
of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said if
any Muslim would commit a sin then afterward
he would perform perfect wudu then he offers
two rak'ahs with full khushu' asking Allah
for forgiveness this sin will be as if
has never taken place not only that it
will be erased the angels who recorded the
sin will not be able to fetch it
out anymore not alt shift delete no rather
remove the entire system completely removed Allah أكبر
even the angels who recorded it will not
be able to detect it anymore somebody will
say Wallahi sheikh you're a super nice sheikh
that's a nice gift I've been always looking
for something like that why so I can
do what Wael Ibrahim is warning us against
and after I finish my night I will
just pray two rak'ahs and I say
Astaghfirullah well guess what yeah do it not
the sin the two rak'ahs and guess
what if you keep practicing this you will
realize how much sins that we commit you
will have to end up praying two rak
'ahs throughout the day and the night أتبع
السيئة الحسنة تمحوها the third piece of advice
I don't have to wait for him to
give me the two minutes not even the
five minutes I'm gonna end up inshallah in
a couple minutes and the third piece of
advice is stemming from the fact that Allah
Almighty doesn't want you to be just a
worshipper and that's it no Islam doesn't teach
us to be devout worshipper in a sense
of offering what we call rituals Salah and
fasting and Hajj and that's it what about
dealing with people when Omar bin Khattab heard
two people talking to each other one was
making a recommendation this guy should trust him
he said do you know him he said
I know him very well is he your
neighbor he said no did you happen to
travel with him not that either did you
do business with him he said no oh
you must have seen him going to the
masjid he said yeah he said that is
not sufficient to judge somebody whether he is
good or bad deal with him in business,
in trade see him how he treats his
family members his parents, his spouse, his children
his colleagues so the Prophet ﷺ has said
وَخَالِقِ النَّاسَ النَّاس he refers to the believers
or all people regardless of their faith all
people believers and non-believers he dealt with
the Jews in Medina very well ﷺ until
they violated the treaties then the Prophet ﷺ
showed them zero tolerance because he is giving
them chances after chances but above all the
Prophet ﷺ has said وَخَالِقِ النَّاسَ بِخُلُقٍ حَسَنٍ
be well mannered in your relationships with all
people والله والله people would come to the
Prophet ﷺ with the intention of stabbing him
poisoning him or killing him once they converse
with him they become Muslims they sacrifice their
lives for the sake of saving the life
of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Sumama ibn Athal was
simply the worst enemy to the Prophet and
Muslims when he was captured as a prisoner
of war the Prophet ﷺ said keep him
in the masjid yes, fasten his hands and
feet against one of the walls of the
masjid but keep him in the masjid feed
him from whatever you eat here in the
Prophet ﷺ leading the prayers three days three
days and three nights then after the third
day the Prophet ﷺ said Sumama you're good
to go he said what?
for free?
no compensation?
no ransom?
he said you're good to go he stayed
outside the masjid then he returned back to
sit before the Prophet ﷺ and say Ya
Rasulullah Ash'hadu an la ilaha illallah wa
annaka rasulullah by Allah when they captured me
no one on earth I hated as much
as I hated you no name was hated
to my heart as much as your name
and your deen and your religion but now
by Allah you are the dearest person to
my heart and your religion is the dearest
religion to my heart Ash'hadu an la
ilaha illallah wa ash'hadu anna muhammadan rasulullah
may the almighty perfect our manners may the
almighty make our inside better than the outside
may he keep us rightly guided and steadfast
on the straight path I say this and
ask Allah's forgiveness for me and you and
may Allah send peace and blessings upon our
master Muhammad and his family and companions Assalamu
alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh