Muhammad Salah – Gardens Of The Pious #113 Dec 29th 2014

Muhammad Salah
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The history and cultural significance of Islam have been discussed in various countries, including the United States, Syria, Turkey, and the United States. The importance of following rules and avoiding negative consequences is emphasized, as well as the need for support and guidance for individuals affected by oppression and misogyny. The importance of learning the difference between Islam and religion is also emphasized, and the need for guidance and support for financial crisis experiences is also highlighted.

AI: Summary ©

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			cone is the greatest. The moment only glory to Him. He bought me Good Ole Miss to be the best and
give his best religion to them. Allah God is the greatest, the one and only Glory to him on any
illness to be the best and give his best religion to
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			a Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Hasan is to Allah and on we all
praise Him and we seek His help whomsoever Allah guide is a truly guided one. And whomsoever Allah
leaves a say none can show him guidance, or their witness that there is no God worthy of worship but
Allah alone and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon him is his last messenger. Brothers and
sisters and dear viewers everywhere. Welcome to episode number 130 in the seas of Guardians of the
pious in sha Allah today, what is your explain in the 27th chapter in the series, and that is going
to be the first episode on the same chapter which is known as honoring the sanctity of the Muslims
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			and explaining the rights and the mandate will be in merciful with them.
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			The following hadith is going to be Hadith number 234 Hadith number 234 which is Narrated by Abu
Hurayrah Robbie Allah Juan
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			and me Haryana authority Allahu Anhu call kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and mostly
more the whole Muslim lawyer who know Allah Cebu whether you
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			call Muslim in Ireland Muslim Ihara elder who were married who was
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			a tapware horna
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			there has been Reema Sherry, any clearer a whole Muslim
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			Brotherhood than me the
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			and it is a fair Hadith. A warrior may Allah be pleased with him. They rated that the Messenger of
Allah PSP upon him said a Muslim should be a brother to a Muslim,
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			he should neither deceive him, no lie to him. No Leave him without assistance. Everything belonging
to a Muslim is sacred, before another Muslim, his honor, his blood and his property. Then he said,
peace be upon him. piety is here. It is enough for a Muslim to commit evil by despising is Muslim
brother by belittling his Muslim brother in the previous episode, and in the last Hadith, we explain
the first segment of this hadith because it is similar to in the previous Hadith, and mostly more a
whole Muslim lie of limbo, while I use slim, and will also explain why Hello.
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			And we'll say this face is hubback and information, but it delivers a command that a Muslim should
be a brother of every other Muslim
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			and should be a brother to all Muslims, and he should neither wrong him or press him hurt him, put
him down, or turn him down, or your slimmer or hands him over to his enemies. Whether it's himself
his Satan, or his enemies of non Muslims, he should not do any of the above. In this hadith the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam added the following statement said lie who know he does not betray him.
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			Eliana is such an evil trait.
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			And elfia Anna betrayer and treachery is one of the traits of El mon africaine.
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			Of the hypocrites. And Avital Salallahu Alaihe Salam assayed said the right of every Muslim upon
every Muslim that he should feel secure around him. And Muslim woman Solomon Muslim Mona Melissa and
he wired but when somebody is known to betray to betray when it comes to life, when it comes to
honor, when it comes to properties and wealth, such person is hauled in and this is one of the worst
states of even
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			So in the view of Salah Allah selama said a Muslim should not betray another Muslim. It doesn't mean
that he may be a tray other than Muslims No. Betrayal is absolutely forbidden even with non Muslims,
when the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam
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			reached in Medina, and some of the companions were still performing migration, cold companions for
the IFA and his father were caught.
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			So they were cut by the Mexicans. And they asked them, What are you up to? What are you heading to?
They said, We're just traveling said, Are you going to Medina, they're going to join Mohammed are
going to assist them, they denied. So they took a promise from them that they would not assist
Mohammed in fighting again as Americans. And basically, those companions were making Hijra to join
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to form the new Muslim state, the new Muslim army, to be able to
defend themselves. So Muslims are in need for every single man power. And these are two companions,
when they reach and Medina and they told the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam what happened, and that
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			they give a word
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			to the Metcons, that they are not going to fight again as them. Guess what? The Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam did not say, Well, it's a war. Let them go to *. No, he said, since you made a
promise, you should fulfill your promise. And you should seek the help of Allah. Again, as them
fulfill your promise, you should not join us onto that battle. During the Battle of high bar, there
was a servant as slave who was a shepherd owned by a Jewish man belonging to the tribe of Hiber. He
heard what the Jewish rabbis were talking about Muhammad, and he heard from them that he's a
prophet. So when he saw him come in, he drove the whole herd and he went to Muhammad Sallallahu
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			Sallam and said I heard about you. Now I believe in you and I want to follow you and I want to
become one of the Muslims.
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			What about the sheep which I have hundreds of them and abuse Allah Allah Salah Mercedes should
render the Amana How would you render the man if you take it back? They will capture the guy. You
say just take it out and Allah will deliver it to its owner did not say this is war spoils the war
did not start yet is called honesty. Our own model, our greatest example, Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi salam whom Allah Almighty said, LaGuardia cannula Kuhn few years
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			he also has an heir to Lehman Can I Abdullah how one young woman here our they call her Cassie,
you're sorted. This ayah means indeed most certainly in the Messenger of Allah in Mohamed Salah
Salem for you are Muslims. You have the greatest example. The coder to be followed the old money to
be the role model to be covered. When you want to imitate, imitate him. copy him. If you truly
believe in Allah, if you truly believe in the Day of Gathering a resurrection and you will return to
Allah and you will be held accountable. So prepare for the day by simply following your own model,
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he fulfilled the Amana and that's why even before the
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			prophethood he was very famous and known or been a Slavic and El Amin, the honest the trustworthy
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he said layer four No, now we're talking about the rights of the
believers upon each other Muslims upon each other layer who know if it is not permissible to betray
even non Muslims enemies on the battlefield. What about your Muslim brothers and sisters? Eliana
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			treachery and betrayal has different forms and shapes which unfortunately, many Muslims are indulged
into. Nowadays. Some countries for example, when it comes to piano concerning properties, and
positions worth wages, some countries require that you're not allowed to own or possess your own
company have to have a local person would possess vast majority of you know the shares of the
company and everything must be under his name. And this person owns in reality nothing, but the
paperwork required that he should possess or own the company or the company to be registered in his
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			and the other guy who's been working hard for several decades to form this company and form some
wealth and start a new business been working very hard, very honest and CFC and paying his employees
their wages. And this person comes to take advantage of the situation of the low of the manmade low,
and he captures everything. And he evokes this guy's visa and he kicks him out. And he takes over
his words, you just take in a piece of fire. That is Fianna Liahona should not betray him. l Here
Anna is not only in wealth in position and properties. It could be if somebody deposited an Amana
with you. You know, in the case of the Amana, you're not liable
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			in a liability is only in the case of debt. I had a case the other day, called people will pray with
us in the masjid. Somebody left 5000 bucks. Somebody said keep them an Amana with you.
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			What's the difference? And Amana with you a trust with you? They said okay, then he was going to
take them to the bank because he was afraid that if he leaves him at home, it's insecure. And he
decided to go to the bank right before the bank he was robbed. In front of the bank, he was robbed.
So in this case, is you liable? No, he is not liable. Because this is an Amana trust. He did his
best. If he was his own money, he would have dealt with it the same way. He did not display it in
the scene and said I have some money. Who would like to steal it? No, he was concealing the money
for it in his pocket as called hairs.
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			But eventually, he was robbed. And the money was stolen. So the person who's entrusted is not alive.
What if I said, Can you give me 5000 bucks as a loan? I need to start a business. I need to do this.
I need to take my son for surgery or whatever. You gave me the money. And I was robbed. What I lost
the money. I'm liable.
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			The person who gave me the loan is not concerned about what happened to the money because this is
not an Amana. No, this is a debt. You're entirely responsible. Why am I explaining the difference
between the two cases because a person who takes an Amana somebody deposits some valuables with you
or cash with you because of a reason or another is going out of the country? He's saving some money.
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			And he said this is an Amana. Okay, you should not take advantage of that. And you say, well, I lost
it. Or somebody stole the money. I'm not liable. Liahona does not betray him.
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			our most beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was forced to leave Maccha
when the McCanns were chasing him, when they captured his wealth, and the words of his companions,
look what happened to so high Rumi and today so the companions of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam, but he still calls Ali ibn Abi Taliban asked him to lie down in his bed why we have a manette
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			we have to restore it to its people. We have to give the Amanar to their people.
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			But ya rasool Allah, those guys that call for
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			evidence those guys are caymanas Those guys were after you to kill you those guys kill many of your
companions that's a different issue. But the Amana is an Amana
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			What are your horns know? And he should not betray then the following is Eliana concerning one's
honor. One's the petition reputation such as you know, when you when you sit in a gathering, and you
start enjoying talking about somebody else, even though when you meet this person and give him a
hug. I missed you. I love you for the sake of Allah and you're a liar. Because Have you loved them,
you wouldn't have betrayed him or her in their absence, and either talked bad about them or listened
to people talking bad about them. That's called piano in one's honor. Also the piano concerning the
sexual relations. You know, some people have to leave the country to work abroad and get many
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			complaints sisters saying that my husband is away for four and five and six years because his
sponsor or his Kafeel did not let him come home for several years.
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			So the neighbor seduces his spouse or his daughter. That's Rihanna. And this is the third of the
worst since since interview Salallahu Alaihe Salam assayed Anta Jalla de la he needed an Wahaca
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			when Dr. La Vela, Dr Maha Fattah and Yokohama mark, we're into then yeah, hi Lila. Togetic. When the
Prophet sallallahu sallam was asked which sin is the greatest, he said, number one, as usual check,
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			to appoint to Allah Aditi a force deity, while it is only Allah Who created you and sustains who you
that is almost sin indeed. And the second
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			is to kill your child out of fear of poverty that he gets to share with you your meal, the use to do
that in the past, and in the prison time in our modern societies abortion.
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			What about the third and to Zania hottie letter Jeric is to acknowledge into an illicit relationship
with the spouse of your neighbor. He is a way to earn his living, to provide for his family and you
take advantage of that. And you seduce his spouse or his daughter, that is the worst sin after the
previous two cents as I mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Allah Allah Allah salah, then the
prophets Allah Allah Allah selama said after he said, lay of limb who well I don't know whether
you're slim.
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			Oh, no, he also said Leia zubo
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			There is a difference between your Zobo and you can Zeebo
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			yet rebel, he does not lie to him.
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			Once you say a statement, it should be true. You know why some people in psychology why some people
tend to say well Allah, He, I swear to Allah,
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			I swear to Allah, and they keep swearing. You swearing because they know that people do not believe
them. And why don't people believe that because they're used to lying. But, you know, if you're
telling the truth, you don't really care. Whether the people whom you're talking to would believe
you or not, because you're telling the truth. And once you establish the fact about yourself that
you're a truthful person, you don't need to say Wallahi I swear to Allah Wallahi. When you go to the
market, and people say, well, Allah, He will Allah here I'm losing in these goods. I'm selling it
cheaper than the wholesale price, then the price that I bought it for. I beg the seller, do yourself
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			a favor. Stop swearing, stop lying, just say it was that much. If somebody wants to buy he will bite
he doesn't want to buy this is the last sin to swear lying to Allah subhanho wa Taala say well,
Allah He and you know for sure. It is not like what you say.
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			They see Amin, this oath is known as Alia, men will have most because it doesn't have ransom. It
doesn't have an explanation for the sin. There is no repentance for it. You say, I swore to Allah. I
didn't do and you did it. Or I did do and you did not knowingly the sin will immerse the person who
swore lying to Allah will immerse him in photos called Ramos immerses him and fire because of that.
So Leila zebu does not lie to him
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			should be always telling the truth and there is whether you can Zeebo
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			there is a different verb, adjusting the vowels according to some other narrations and scholars. You
can Zeebo means he does not be ly him. He does not require him to say, I swear,
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			put your hand on the Quran, because I believe you. I trust you. Look, when the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam built up a good reputation of being naturally honest, naturally truthful, naturally
trustworthy. When he got there, the people at Asafa cow will years after the prophethood and he
called on the tribes different tribes one after another. Then he said all people have Quraysh Well,
if I tell you that there is an army awaiting you behind this mountain when you believe me, they
didn't say yeah, of course will be revealed said we have never tried you as a liar. You are a Sadhak
and El Amin, so if the person in the Korean may Allah have mercy on him
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			a very interesting story. I have some observation on the story and reservations as well. But I'd
like to share with you his story concerning the evil trait of flying even with animals even with
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			He said once he was dressed in his back against a tree,
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			there is eyes located and and, and, and was struggling to carry the wings of a dead insect. But it
was kind of big.
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			So the end failed. So he went away, he observed and entering into a hole.
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			And when he saw the end entering the hole soon you saw the end coming out with a huge number of
ants, like a troop and army of ants. It led them to the same location. So he said, I picked up the
wink. And I hit it.
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			They kept turning around and searching. And particularly this end, which informed them about this
fish, the wing was going crazy, looking everywhere, trying to locate the wing, but
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			in vain, because he was hiding the wing.
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			So the old went back to the hole. So you place the wing in the same place again.
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			And soon the en came back to search and located the wing. So she rushed and called his friends and
they came back in huge numbers. But this time he said the number was lesser than the first time.
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			And again he picked up the wing and they started looking around but they couldn't find it again in
vain while the end was going crazy looking for the wind. You know, they disappeared and they return
home. He put it back so time Elissa number came. But when they did not find it, they gather around
the end. And they started biting the end and taking its organs a piece apart. Why? Because they
thought this end is a liar. This is in the world of insects. In the world of insects, what about
when a person is constantly lying? So he has to swear every time as far as the last word to Allah
and he's lying.
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			lying is a very terrible sin and a hideous mistake.
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			And swearing to Allah ye line is even worse. And worse than all of that is Shahadat a zoo is to give
a false testimony to give somebody a property which is not his or to make somebody win a case
against somebody else was innocent. And this is very common.
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			Unfortunately, it's very common in our Muslim world. We have to face it, we have to face the reality
brothers and sisters. We know that there are some courts and some lawyers who would offer you there
are people who sit in on a cafes before on the cafes before the courthouse, you know, you pay that
much. They will give whichever testimony they have never seen you know the plaintiff or
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			excuse me or any party of the opponents, but whoever pays him extra, they will testify for him in
his favor. You know when Antabuse Salalah on insulin was discussing with his companions, the seven
destructive sins, a several mobile cart, destructive sins. He mentioned six of them. Then when he
came to the seventh, he was reclining like that. Then he said, hola, hola, zoop, his setup? He said
straight. Then he started getting serious and angry said Allah will call the zoo. And he kept
repeating this warning over and over and over until the companion said,
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			we wish that he would just be quiet or stop, because it started scaring us, you know, be careful of
giving a false testimony.
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			What if the judge himself is a liar?
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			Not only the lawyer,
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			not only the force witnesses, but the judge himself. This is the worst case scenario and all of them
are in fire.
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			All of them are bankrupt. How much will you take? So in a real Salah Salem in this hadith is
explaining the rights of every Muslim upon every other Muslim. You should not own him by any mean.
You should not oppress him. You should not hand him over to his enemies to history thought. You
should not humiliate him or belittle him or market him. And you should not be lie him or lie to him.
You should not betray him as an abuse Allah Allah Allah Selma said then he said
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			every part of a Muslim is sacred before another Muslim that covers
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			what we discussed in the previous chapter, chapter number 26. When the Prophet saw the honeymoon
when the prophets Allah Allah Allah sallam said that in hot metoda in the farewell speech, that
indeed, Your Honor, Your life, your blood, your worth, are as sacred as this Day of yours, that they
have eight Yamaha jewel Akbar, as this month of yours, the month of the ledger as this city of
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			So, the property of another Muslim is sacred, he cannot touch it. You cannot take it openly by force
or hiddenly by stealing or by twisting his arm through bribery, forcing him to pay bribery, or
either or by any mean which is illegitimate. Let Kulu and Wila combina con Bilbao thrilled,
absolutely forbidden to touch the worth of the property of another person without right.
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			It will make you bankrupt in this dunya and in the Hereafter, then the Prophet sallallahu sallam
said at that warehouse.
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			At Taqwa is righteousness, it is the quality which prevents the believer from a knowledge and into
sense to keep a barrier between you and falling into sense to give a protection again is going into
the limitations of Allah subhanaw taala and abuse Allah Allah Allah sallam said in the sound hadith
of a normal
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			ello in a liquidity Milliken Hamer, Ella in a Hema Lahemaa Harryman. Emery King have essentially
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			try to approach the White House will then try to close the fence without a permit, see what's going
to happen to you. You will be shot dead. Every King every president, every ruler have a sanctuary,
not only his palace, but the area around it. Some people electric youth wires around their
properties. And we also Allah Allah selama said hen Allah Hema hurry and the sanctuary of Allah is
whatever he made prohibited, be smart, be the key, do not approach the sanctuary lest you indulge
into it. And if you fall into the Muharram, you're in big trouble and abuse Allah Allah Allah selama
said, at Taqwa Hoonah, and he pointed to his heart to the position the place of his heart, in his
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			chest, which means alcohol is involved in the email, and in the applications of email. Because if a
person says, I am a believer, I feel Allah, I am righteous, but his body parts are behind that and
he is not a believer, then the heart does not have any righteousness. So the heart and the limbs and
there is the body parts, the tongue, the forge, the private part, the hands, the eyes, the hearing
the senses, if they're not all working together, and complying with the orders of Allah and staining
from the prohibitions of Allah subhanaw taala, then the heart is Allah
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			then the house does not have Taqwa.
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			In other words, if you are trying to be righteous, you need to work on the heart first Scheffel
Islam even Taymiyah may Allah have mercy on him said, there is no outer part, but is stemming from
an intention, whether good or bad. So the prayer will not be accepted simply because you're doing
the physical activities, the rituals, standing up, even for an hour and bound down and, you know,
act like you're in a state of who sure it doesn't matter. What really matters is whether the outer
part, the rituals and the physical activities
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			in line with the intention of the heart, with what is hidden in the heart. And that's why the
Prophet sallallahu SlMs aid in Allah Allah Yan Liu elasaur Whether it is Samuel Wallachian Yong,
woo, Isla Kenobi, calm. Allah does not judge you based on your look on your body features, or your
outer activities, rather Allah subhanaw taala judges you according to your hearts while I can Yun
Illa collo become then the last segment of the Hadith in sha Allah will explain in the next segment.
Until then, I leave you in the care of Allah and we'll be back in sha Allah in a couple of minutes
please stay tuned
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			so Allah
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			Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome back. Now our phone numbers beginning with the
area code 0020238 treble 5249 alternatively Area code 0020, double 125, double 08679 and email
addresses [email protected]
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			You know brothers and sisters, wherever we learn whatever read about our beautiful religion is so
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			But there is a clear separation between what we read and what we hear and what we learn and the
actual application of that reality. Our Muslim Ummah we have to admit it, most of us, most of us are
not implementing the teaching of our religion. And as a matter of fact, this misbehavior was one of
the main reasons of hindering people from accepting the need of Allah and entering Islam.
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			Awfully. When I speak particularly to the use of non Muslims, they say, Okay, what you're saying is
beautiful, but show me a Muslim society that is really implementing what you're talking about. And
they give examples of how Muslims turned down each other and assists the enemies against each other.
And how there is a separation, not equality, not equality between the members of the same oma in
some countries, when people are working for others, and how they're being mistreated simply because
they are poor. They are not belonging to the same nation or the same ethnicity. They do not have the
same mother tongue, and Wallahi Allah He is Lamkin, to demolish all of that to remove all those
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			barriers and to make people are like the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and national service here as
nanny almost
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			like the comb, people are like that they're all alike before Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's why
interview SallAllahu sallam said a Taqwa. Hona and only Allah subhanaw taala can determine who is
righteous and who's not. And who is righteous and who is more righteous. Because of that Allah
Almighty set fella to that quote and full circle, oh Allah Moby many taka, stop admiring yourself
saying, I'm a believer. I'm a good believer. I love Allah. Allah loves me. Allah knows best, who is
truly righteous. In this hadith when one word that stopped me and I've been thinking about it a lot,
which is well, a Zulu.
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			While you do in the previous Hadith was studied while you slim, and he was also mentioned in this
hadith loosely, he does not hand him over to his enemies. No, say the enemies could be his own self,
his own web, could be Satan, could be other enemies of human beings,
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			you know, and applies to individuals as well as to nations. When you know that there is a nation
that is attacking a small Muslim community, or Muslim minorities living in a non Muslim society.
What should be the response of the whole Muslim Ummah? California should do Babu Baba, there are
many, many means where we can stop this one, you can stop this oppression. Don't you think that the
Muslim world with all their resources, and their power can definitely stop that massacres against
our brothers and sisters in Burma. In Myanmar, where Muslims are being burned alive, where Muslims
are being forced to change their religion and to bow down to the cross. I swear to Allah and here's
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			my witness. A couple countries can stop this. And they have the means and they have the resources.
They do have the means and the resources. Well, so when he says law use Lemo. And he says in this
hadith, layer zero, he does not turn them down in situation where he needs his assistance. It does
not leave him or them
00:34:25 --> 00:34:42
			an individual, a family or community or a country, its Muslim community. We should not leave them
without any assistance facing the challenges. But you know what is happening? They assist the
oppressors in oppressing their own brothers and sisters.
00:34:44 --> 00:34:58
			And you hear some foolish statements when you hear some people trying to justify that by saying
because they're not following strictly the Sunnah or the commit some Vida and innovations or really
and you guys do not
00:34:59 --> 00:34:59
00:35:00 --> 00:35:21
			Who is closer to you who should be closer to you according to the faith of Allah, Allah or Bara, a
person who says La ilaha IL Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah or a person who does not believe in God or a
person who ascribes a son to Allah or a person who says that Allah is One, you know, very simple
00:35:22 --> 00:35:35
			who should be closer to you? And whoa, amongst us who is not a sinner, who amongst us is not
involved in sense with a minor or major sense to abandon a Muslim community
00:35:36 --> 00:35:54
			to leave them to be devoured by poverty by diseases by lack of resources by being under siege for
years. You know, some of the scholars will try to justify this misdoing and misbehavior the a
behavior by saying that because they're not following the true sunnah they're not on the man hedge.
00:35:57 --> 00:36:29
			They are more responsible. They are more responsible than the rulers because they just fight to them
their own their miss doing the injustice. Lay of the moon while I use the moon, Wallah Zulu. Listen
to this hadith interview Salah selama said mammy number in your huddle Umbra and Muslim female the
end to untag Kofi Hermeto why on Takasugi him and LD il has Allahu Allahu if you're not in in your
head Buffy and or serata I love this hadith,
00:36:30 --> 00:36:42
			you will be paid back. You'll be convinced not only in the Hereafter, the good for good and the bad
for bad also in the life of the sword. The Prophet salaallah selama says if any Muslim
00:36:45 --> 00:36:56
			abandons a leaves assistance and help of another Muslim, whether he knows him or he doesn't, it
doesn't matter that he's Muslim that he is qualified for your assistance and help
00:36:57 --> 00:37:26
			where this person in this position in this instance, was being humiliated, was being disgraced was
being oppressed, and you're capable to stop this oppression and you're able to support him and
defend him. If you do not do that, simply by saying is none of my business. He is not a national of
my country. There is nothing in Islam called a national of my country. There's something called the
Muslim ummah.
00:37:27 --> 00:38:16
			There is nothing called barriers and passports. And when you firm you're a Muslim and Wu sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, His own uncle, his own uncle, Allah subhanaw taala revealed a surah in the Quran
saying that but yeah, there will have been water in the hands of Abu Lahab and he himself will push
and Allah promise that he will be in for him and his wife, that is a prophet's uncle, his father's
brother Ebola and in the real Salah Salem heard an unsolved saying Sandman men Nana Sandman. Sandman
is Persian. He was not an Arab. He was the seeker of the truth and he came from Persia. So he is
from Ferris. That's why it's called Al Pharisee. You know, he doesn't belong to the Arabic owner.
00:38:17 --> 00:39:02
			But he belongs to the Muslim ummah. So Al Ansari, we're very proud of him and said Salmela Amina
because he was in Medina before the migration of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. So they claimed
right over him saying that he is one of us. He belongs to us. Well, and Mahajan said no, Salman Amin
there. In fact, Salman himself is a Mohajer. So he is considered to be an immigrant. Not necessarily
that he came from another place, not from Mecca, but he's a Mohajer and have your Salah and SLM
heard, Al Ansari one hurry and both are being admired by Allah Almighty in the Quran in surah, Al
hasha, and other places in Earth in the Quran, laying in a light oversell man and each and every one
00:39:02 --> 00:39:52
			is saying that cell man is one of us. The Prophet sallallahu cinema said bedside men, women and
elbaite said men is one of my family members. He was not an Arab. He was not from Kurdish. It was
not born in Makkah. But because of his qualities, because of his virtues, and unsure Al Ansari
wanted to claim him and why Jean claimed him and finally interview Salalah Salah and said, Sal man
or Mina, it doesn't matter if he's from India, from Pakistan from Bangladesh, from Burma, from you
know, from anywhere and mostly more comes from the states just reverted and accepted Islam and excel
in studying the deen and he needs the prayer and we won't pray behind him. What is wrong with that?
00:39:52 --> 00:39:59
			This is our deep once this is a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow anna Muhammad Rasool Allah,
all the barriers The Zone
00:40:00 --> 00:40:15
			ethnicity mother tongue background doesn't matter Hollis you're one of this OMA you're one of this
OMA segment Amina lol But there has been Reema Sherry, and Yatra whole Muslim.
00:40:16 --> 00:40:28
			It is enough as a huge as a major as a big sin, to belittle to mark at or to scarf or to dispensing
00:40:29 --> 00:40:32
			another Muslim to look down at him.
00:40:33 --> 00:41:20
			Why? Because he's not out, or because he's not an American, or because he's not white. Interview so
Lola Sela made it very clear. laughably Arabi and Allah Jamie. Well le arginine Allah Arabi while le
Yabba suada is what the Allah available 11 Taqwa well how many Salah in Islam, there is no
superiority for an Arab overall non Arab, nor for a black or a white or for a white over a black,
except through piety and righteousness, have nothing to do with ethnicity have nothing to do with
wealth and position have nothing to do with the look with the complexion. With the position, it
doesn't matter.
00:41:21 --> 00:41:24
			You're Muslim before Allah subhanaw taala what matters is
00:41:26 --> 00:41:29
			no one. So in our follow up on
00:41:31 --> 00:41:32
00:41:34 --> 00:41:36
			Kuhn, what
00:41:41 --> 00:41:42
			you learned
00:41:44 --> 00:41:45
00:41:47 --> 00:41:49
			the law he adds,
00:41:50 --> 00:41:56
			in now law Holleyman hobby. This is our doctrine
00:41:58 --> 00:41:59
			for people.
00:42:02 --> 00:42:29
			Indeed, we created you from a single male and female then we made you into nations and tribes in
order to get to know one another. Verily, the noblest of all of you before Allah is the most
righteous. Indeed, Allah is all knowing, will acquainted. That's it. Then he says Salalah on
insulin, if you disappoint a Muslim, whenever he's in need for your help.
00:42:30 --> 00:42:50
			Allah Almighty will pay you back, you will get to be in a similar situation and no one would help
you that applies to individuals. And it applies to nations. Now because you have some resources and
some wealth nowadays, and your assets are fat. You think that you are immune?
00:42:52 --> 00:43:15
			You'll hear your Allahu manhandling in a while overnight law changes the conditions over night. The
other day I was watching a clip of a tsunami and how people were on the beach enjoying themselves
and having fun men and women almost naked. Then all of a sudden Allah subhanaw taala seen this huge
wave which brushed him off,
00:43:16 --> 00:43:56
			took away everything. People 10s houses, hearts, buildings, then it demolished the whole city in a
single wave Subhanallah so you never know. A few days ago, there was a financial crisis which hit
the whole world. Some countries bankrupt, some countries declared bankruptcy. So you should realize
that Allah is Able to do all things. If it is appoint Muslim brothers and sisters and you do not
help them in a situation where they are in need for your health most. You see the Syrian kids and
now last night I couldn't sleep.
00:43:57 --> 00:44:32
			I couldn't sleep because it was kind of cold. And I didn't have heat. So I kept putting on extra
pants, extra clothes wearing socks. Then I realized a flip over and I say oh Allah had mercy on our
brothers and sisters who are experiencing the cold weather. Give them the warmth. You can give them
the warmth without the blankets. You see in in some parts of Syria, on the world does between sea
and Turkey, and in many other places, Syrian refugees in camps, living in tents for several years.
00:44:33 --> 00:44:44
			And the Muslim ummah is capable to put a stop to this to put a stop to this by any state. When some
people respond to buy blankets. For these refugees, they erase them
00:44:46 --> 00:44:59
			and they already have the environment ready for them. Why? Because you're trying to help them buy in
food medications or, you know, or blankets to face this extreme cold weather.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:08
			And we lie down and we adjust the heat and the temperature and air condition and enjoy our lives.
That's not gonna last.
00:45:09 --> 00:45:29
			That's not going to last. If you do not support your brothers and sisters in a situation where they
are in need for your help, and you're capable to help them, he said, Sal, Allahu wa salam, ala
Allahu La houfy Mountain in your head, goofy Hill Stratta, but Allah will disappoint him
00:45:30 --> 00:45:40
			and will turn him down in a situation where he is in need for his help most. So he says, Yeah, Allah
helped me Oh Allah have mercy on us. Allah subhanaw taala says, Remember,
00:45:41 --> 00:46:00
			remember how you turn out your turn down your brothers and sisters, and you were able to assist them
and help them Subhanallah Well, now men in the Indian pseudo Muslim and female were in Yun Takasugi
him in a healthy way even to coffee Haven Hurmati Nosara, hula houfy Moulton in your head bofi
00:46:01 --> 00:46:46
			And if any Muslim rush to help another Muslim whether he knows him or not, because he saw that he's
been oppressed. He's in need. He's in help. He's in need for help. So he helped him if he can, if he
can. He interceded. He talked to some people who can help him he raised fun, you know what? Or
defended his honor. While some people are talking ill of him in his absence. He said, Stop it.
Please do not talk bad about him. May Allah have mercy on you, on him and on all of us. So he
prevented them from indulging in his honor. And we also Lola had SlMs aid in a situation where he's
lost in need for Allah's help. Allah would definitely deliver his help, why? He's paying him back.
00:46:46 --> 00:47:28
			He's compensating him for helping his Muslim brothers and sisters in a situation where they were in
need for his help. This is life. And this is our deen. And if you act upon it, you will be saved.
And if you abandon it for Manitoba, I would fly Alaska. Woman out hold on Zicree for in Allahumma
Schatten Blanca we're not sure who your multi Amity Allah, may Allah Almighty guide us toward his
best make us through Muslims render us back to the teaching of our beautiful religion, who look how
we had our stuff for Allah and allah sallallahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Anwar earlier Sahib Salam wa
salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
00:47:40 --> 00:47:42
			Allah Our code is the greatest
00:47:45 --> 00:48:17
			glory to Him. He bought me illness to be the best and give his best religion to them. Allah God is
the greatest, the one and only glory to Him. The only illness to be the best and give his best
religion to them. So why did they know that forgiving gold about and in paradise, where shipping
comes fire and stones sending letters to the cheapest
00:48:19 --> 00:48:30
			day ignore that forgetting all about Hello bad guys. We're shipping cause fire and stones selling
the best and cheapest