Muhammad Alshareef – What Makes You Superior In The Eyes Of Allah

Muhammad Alshareef
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AI: Summary ©

Speaker 1 discusses the famous flip of the province of a lifetime where 120,000 people are coming from all tribes in the province of a lot. They also mention the declaration made by the prophets that no one has superiority over an un Morningstar, except for Allah subhanaw taala.

AI: Summary ©

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			The famous flip of the province of a lifetime where there was 120,000 companions and they're coming
from all tribes in the province of a lot as Adam said, oh people, your Lord is one Lord, and you all
share the same father. So it doesn't matter what skin color anybody has, that our Lord is one more.
And we all have the same father Adam and Hawa is the mother and father of every human being. Allah
and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Indeed, there is no superiority of an Arab or a non Arab, or
an non Arab over an Arab or of a white, over a black nor a black over a white, elaborate Taqwa.
Except in Taqwa. And so this was the declaration that the prophets are the lightest, and I'm said
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			that nobody has superiority over the other person, except with Aqua. And the interesting thing about
TBWA is only Allah subhanaw taala knows who truly has Taqwa. And so therefore the superiority is
only in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala