Muhammad Al Durrah – How 1015 mins Could Save Someones Life Fajr Khatira

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A man named umenied discusses his struggles with COVID-19 and wants to change his life. He talks about praying for new laws and finding the right words to use. A woman named Sharon was killed by a brother and is in the hospital. The importance of praying for others and fixing relationships is also discussed.
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a brother was with us in the group
of Umrah.
Then he asked me, are you,
Muhammad ad Dura?
I wanted to tell you my name. So
the purpose of it, inshallah, I will give
the reason.
I said, yes.
Then he said, SubhanAllah.
I was talking to my family
to make sure if you're Muhammad ad Dura
or not.
About 2 years ago,
after Salat Al Aisha,
I mean, after Salat Al Jum'ah,
one of the young brothers came to me.
He was about 25 years old.
And he said, Sheikh, can you give me
half an hour after salah? So I want
to talk to you about something.
So inshallah,
after we finished the salah,
he said, Allah
tested me with the dunya.
Whatever I deal with from the business,
I feel that so much of income and
barakah in my life, when it comes to
but I don't
I don't know even how to pray.
My family, you know, Muslim family,
when I,
was driving around in the city, and he
came from another city, he said something led
me to the Masjid.
I listened to the Khutba and I felt
that it was a message for me.
We start talking about different things, and he
said, insha Allahu Ta'ala, I will try my
to make some changes in my life.
There is any way
you know, to go for Hajj this year,
and it's during COVID, you know, that's the
the new laws
made it hard for all of us. May
Allah make it easy.
after that,
I was in contact with him, he changed
his number, and I thought that's Khalas. I
don't know how to reach this brother.
Then the brother in Medina, he said, I
Abdul Aziz's brother.
And since he came to you that Friday,
a lot of things changed in his life.
He starts praying
you know, he become a different person.
And this week, the beginning of Ramadan, inshaAllah
ta'ala, he's going to do Umrah.
Said, subhanAllah, I remember
the moment when Sheikh Salah Sultan Fakkallahu asrameera,
subhanahu wa ta'ala, you know, free him and
all of the brothers who are suffering.
Sheikh Salah said, I was giving a khatira,
lecture in the masjid,
and I recognize a new face
coming to the Halakah.
After we finished, he came to me and
he said, Sheikh, can you give me 30
minutes from your time?
Brothers and sisters,
30 minutes,
15 minutes,
maybe it's hard for us to give it
to somebody,
especially if we don't know him.
But you don't know what is the result
of this, you know, time.
He said, I have an appointment, but Insha'Allah
Ta'ala, we can,
you know, squeeze it. Then he said, at
least 10 or 15 minutes. After they finished
the lecture,
this person sat with the Sheikh for about
10 minutes,
was telling him, you, Sheikh, I have so
much of problems in my life.
I am disconnected
from the Quran, from the sunnah, from the
masjid, from the salah, from all of the
And even in whatever you think from the
Haram, I went through it. May Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala protect us all.
there is any chance for me to go
back to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
Then with the wisdom and the knowledge of
Sheikh, he said, SubhanAllah,
As Rasulullah mentioned in the hadith of the
one who killed 99 people.
Who can stop you from Tawba? Go back
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala with full of
sincerity and Allah will accept you insha'Allah.
He said,
let's say the words of Tawba. You know,
may Allah
forgive us all.
So, after they finish, this young man start
As if he, you know,
comes to the to the the new life.
He gave the number to Sheikh, and he
gets his number, then they left.
After Salatul Al Isha, everybody left the Masjid,
and the sheikh received about 1 hour after
that, a call from the hospital.
They said, we found your number
with this brother.
He got an accident,
a car accident, now he is in the
The sheikh, you know,
run to the masjid, to the hospital, and
he found that this brother was at the
last moment of his life.
And he said, Qulla Illaha Illallah, Sayla Illahi
And he said, SubhanAllah, I'm La Illaha Illallah,
Muhammad Rasoolallah, and passed away.
20 or 10 minutes from the life of
from the time of the Sheikh
saved this brother,
and he is in in in Misan Hassanat
inshaAllah ta'ala. So,
there are moments in our lives,
we need to look for each other.
We need to show each other the love
and respect. SubhanAllah.
If I ask you a question, as a
guest from
Who is here
praying for about 1 year? Just raise your
hand, please. May Allah accept from all of
If I ask you, do you know the
name of the brothers
right and left to you?
It's so serious. Say salaam to the brother
and ask him about his name.
Ask each other. Guys,
Yani. I know Sheikh Nadeem Yani is knowing.
To prepare ourselves for Ramadan,
to prepare our food
and our decorations,
we should not neglect our hearts.
The souls of the of the believers,
like the soldiers of Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam said,
It's not good for any Muslim community
to pray
next to each other every day,
and I don't know even what is the
name of my brother?
And sometimes we hear the brother who was
praying with us already passed away,
and his name is so and so. May
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive all of our
brothers and sisters.
Many of us will start saying,
what is the picture of this brother?
How he looks?
You know, trying to remember the face of
this brother. So it's good to know each
other. Sometimes
a brother may go through so much of
problems and difficulties, and we know. All of
us, that person,
We have problems maybe in our
homes, with our kids,
with our families, in our jobs.
So sometimes a word from someone
could be so much of relief for this
brother. So ask for each other. Assalamu alaykum,
do you need anything? Allah subhanAllah.
And I would like to end with this.
I don't wanna make it too long.
Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam
was talking to the Sahaba radiallahu anhu, and
he said, I will give you a special
Whoever says this dua, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will accept him.
And then a person entered the Masjid, and
rasulullah sallalahu alaihi wa sallam was busy with
this brother, with the Sahabi,
and he did not tell the Sahaba about
this dua.
After they finished, rasulullah sallam left,
and one of the Sahaba run behind rasulullah
to learn the hadith, this dua.
After years, in the time of Umar radiAllahu
anhu Arda,
Uthman was in the masjid of Rasulullah SAW,
radiAllahu anhu Arda,
and he was
Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas passed by, and he
said, Assalamu alaikumu rahmatullahu barakati Uthman.
Uthman did not answer. And he was looking
at Sa'd. And you know one of the
right of the Muslims
to say salaam
and to answer.
So, Uthman Sa'ad was upset, and he went
to Umar and said, what happened? What is
the changes in our deen? I said, salaam
to Uthman
and he was looking at me, and he
did not even say, Wa Alaikum Salam.
Umar called Uthman radiAllahu an,
and look at the wisdom of the sahabah
radiAllahu anhu an fiqh.
Anything could break the relationship between the brothers
and sisters, we have to try to fix
Even, you know, either in the homes, or
in the general relationship between us. So Uthman
came to Rasul, to Umar radiAllahu anhu. What
happened? Your brother said, salaam alaykum, and they
were looking at him, and you did not
even say, Wa Alaikum Salam? Said, wallahi, I
did not hear him.
And Sal said, wallahi, you were looking at
Then he said, subhanAllah, when I was in
the masjid, I was thinking about the dua,
Rasool Allah SWAMI told us that he will
teach us and we did not learn it.
He did not tell us about the dua.
Sa'ad Radhiallahu an' said, I was with you
guys. When Rasulullah SAW ALSAW LEHOLDEN left
going back home, I tried to follow him,
and before he entered the house,
I, you know, stepped hard on the on
the ground, so he heard me. Wahhabaniyaaba
Ishaq, Saad ibn Abiukas radiAllahu alaihi wa'am. Said,
you Rasulullah, you said you will teach us
a dua, and,
I want you to to tell me about
And he said, this du'a is the du'a
of Yunus alayhi salaam.
He shared the du'a.
This du'a,
if we say it with full of sincerity,
we will see surprises.
One day,
I had a problem,
and I gave up from the sources of
the dunya.
Wallahi. I said to myself,
there is no way for this problem to
be solved by the hand or through the
Something should come from Allah
The first day, the second day, the third
day, I came before Salat Al Fajr to
the masjid.
And I was praying in my sujood,
wallahi, I I tasted the sweetness of this
I told you,
3 days,
I gave up from any way to solve
this problem except from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The sunrise did not go up
until my problem was fixed.
It's beautiful dua. So we should not give
We try our best to fix our relationship
with Allah
and insha'allah.
What we see now
for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, insha'allah
soon it will be relieved insha'allah.