Muhammad Abdul Jabbar – Legacy Of Khalid Ibn Al Walid RA

Muhammad Abdul Jabbar
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history of the WWE and the WWE culture. It discusses the rise of Islam, the pressure to act as a powerful force, and the potential for conflict in the future. The segment also touches on the impact of the WWE on people's lives, including the rise of the Church and the pressure to act as a force. The WWE culture is described as a culture of fear, cowism, and cowworking.
AI: Transcript ©
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guys Khan.

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He was the ruler of the Mongol Empire.

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He was the ruler of the Egyptian Empire.

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He was the ruler of the Persian Empire. Alexander. He was the ruler of the Macedonian Empire, Napoleon.

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He was the ruler of the French Empire.

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He was the ruler of the Roman Empire, Julius. He was the ruler of the Republic of Roman Empire. Shang. He was the ruler of the Chinese Empire. roaring, he was the ruler of the Russian Empire.

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He was the ruler of the Punic Empire, Charles, he was the ruler of the Frankish Empire.

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And from amongst the companions,

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there was the soldier.

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There was a commander.

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There was a conqueror. He crushed the superpowers of his time, he crushed the Persian Empire. He crushed the Romans, he conquered Iraq, he conquered Iran, he conquered Armenia, he can control and he conquered Syria, the undefeated commander, the undefeated ruler, the sword from the source of a lot. So,

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this is calling

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the open the books of history, and you will come to an understanding that many gangsters, mafia, mobsters, rulers, General commanders, Congress, fighters, warriors have come and gone

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some they were known for their plan of attack.

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Some they were known for their ploy.

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Some they were known for their tactics.

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Some they were known for their fortitude.

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they were known for the courage

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and others.

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They were known for their military expeditions.

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And those guys

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who want to be gangsters, clubbing, popping, popping pills, open the books of history, and you will come to an understanding that you ain't no gangster. You just have fake one of the Scarface

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in the sight of men,

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the wannabe gangsters these guys hold some weight. When the size of the King of all kings, the Master of the Day of Judgment, the one the only a law of your own mighty, these guys are more lighter than the mosquitoes wings.

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And this is why I say

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those guys

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who want to be gangsters, clubbing, pumping, pumping pills, no fast, no prayer, no nothing. You jack people.

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You rub people. Fear Allah. Fear Allah. Fear Allah and if you don't fear a lot and wait for the punishment of Allah to descend.

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You oppress women.

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You beat women. You go around slandering women.

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And all of a sudden

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man thinks he's a bad man. You listen to the devil's music.

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You listen to Movado watch cartel. You cruise around with your boys with your girlfriends up and down the road. Manchester, London. blasting the devil's music, smoking weed and all of a sudden man thinks is 50 cent. You wake up in the morning.

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plaster your face with Mac makeup. You carry a rusty Chanel bag.

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straightens our hair, with a GHD that you put on the fake lashes,

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the long nail the hooks around the ear,

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and then she puts on a high heel. She puts on a hit job with 10 inside the common hum. And then she puts a buyer on and then she puts on the Chanel perfume. And then she walks the walk. And she talks the talk. She likes what she sees. Why? Because all eyes on me.

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And then she gets picked up,

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dropped off to one of these shisha lounges of comes

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up comes a job. She gets a phone now, as she puts it to the ER, you know, and I know no one's on the other side. She puts a pipe in a mouth thinking she's some Jamaican God and all of a sudden, Johnson she's beyond saying fear Allah. Fear Allah fear en la. You slammed the shoe.

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And all of a sudden man thinks is Mr. Al Bukhari. But your return is to unload on might

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I ask

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Is there a problem

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with Abu Bakr radiallahu

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Is there a problem with the aroma of the Allahu

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earthman or the Ulla one? With the earlier on the Allahu

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with tomorrow the Allahu Allah with the Allahu Allah?

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The answer is no. Then why are monks following Dr. Dre? Then why a man's following Drake? Then why are girls following Beyonce?

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from amongst the companions,

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there was a companion.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the one who has favored me the most with his wealth with this company is Abu Bakar radi Allahu Allah. And if I was to take a friend, other than my Lord, I would have taken Abu Bakar as such.

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Ali rhodiola and said, the best of people after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah.

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And there was another companion.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that if there was a prophet after me,

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it would have been Oh my god, Allahu Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Oh son of Kappa.

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I swear by the one whose hands My life is in. You do not walk down a path, except that the shape on sees you and he turns directions other than yours.

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unsaid and the best of people after Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah is Omar rhodiola. One

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I asked, Who was the leader, who was the commander, who was then general

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it was none other

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than the chosen one. The Blessed One, the noble one, the Forgiving one, the bearer of glad tidings, the Seal of all prophets, the image of all the prophets, the leader of the companions, the messenger Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, the very man there in the middle of a battle, one of the companions, short breaks, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam throws a stick to him, and the stick turns into a sword.

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The very man

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that in the middle of the battle Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he throws some son and his son turns into a storm.

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The very man that the historians wife

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at seven battles he has led

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and 27 battles. He has participated himself in the Battle of brother in the Battle of Ohio, in the Battle of her name, in the Battle of thought, in the Battle of taboo,

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and the battles carry on

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and the greatest of men

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ever step on the surface of this earth

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the prophets of Allah alayhi wa salam was the companions of the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Bakar Romer Osman Ali Hassan Hussain, sobered up below Filipina Roma, Filipina bas rhodiola.

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And from a monster companions,

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there was the soldier.

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There was a commander.

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There was a conqueror.

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There was a man, there is equal to a billion men, the undefeated commander, the undefeated ruler, the undefeated general, the undefeated soldier, the undefeated warrior, he crushed the superpowers of his time, he crushed the Persian Empire, he crushed the Romans, Allahu Akbar. He conquered Iraq, he conquered Iran. He conquered Armenia, he conquered Jordan, he conquered Syria. He became the conqueror of some he became the conqueror of Sion. He was known for his plan of attack. He was known for his glory, he was known for his leadership, he was known for his courage. He was known for his fortune, he was known for his military expedition, the very man that the Prince of Persia would

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praise Him, the very man that the priests of Byzantine would praise Him, the very man who broke nine swords in a battle, the very man that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave him a title the very man the Abu Bakr, radi Allahu and praised the very man, the Amara, the Allahu and praised the very man, Allahu Akbar, who was undefeated in 100 battles, who was undefeated in 100 battles, who was undefeated in 100 patterns.

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This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that do not say anything about Khalid bin Walid why, because he's a sought from the source of a loss. So Angela, this is why Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah would say

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your lion has attacked another lion, and today is the day that he has overpowered him. Today is the day that no woman will give birth to the likes of Khalid bin Khalid or their loved one.

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This is why the Prince of Persia would say that I know more about Khalid bin Walid than any one of you guys.

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No man is fortunate than he, no man is equal in Ward and he be powerful and strong or be weak or pathetic, but they are but they are defeated when your loved one comes in front of them.

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This is why

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the priests of Byzantine would say there is the standard of this only a black one is the commander tall and powerfully built with broad shoulders with a white beard and few books on his face. If this is the case, then beware of fighting with his own.

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This is why Omar rhodiola one would say that, may Allah have mercy upon Abu Bakar rhodiola one why, because he was better Judge of a man than me when it came to the likes of clearly being a leader of your loved one.

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This is why aroma rhodiola one would say the flippin Waleed is indeed a commander.

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This is why aroma rhodiola one would say the left of women's cry over the lights have clearly been relieved of your loved one. This is why the mother of Gallipoli will say

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that you are better than a million men when they face is what don't cost brave you were more brave within a pica generous you were more generous than unstoppable river running between mountains. Why? Because this is the commander, this is the Conqueror, this is the ruler. This is the general this is the warrior This is clearly been the leader of the loved one.

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Because come the Battle of

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the Muslims are 3000 the enemies 200,000 picture this in your mind and you will come to a reality.

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Safe in harissa rhodiola one he has a flag with him dashing on the battlefield. The enemy see him they charge towards him. They overpower him. They strike him with a severe strike and it drops to the ground.

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When the Muslim saw the leader has dropped when the Muslim saw the commander has dropped when they move

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them so that the general has dropped. Did they lose hope?

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No. Why? But they're alive on a loss sustained. without any hesitation.

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He takes the flag dashing on the battlefield. The enemy's seen the charts towards him. They overpower him. They strike him with a severe strike and outcomes his right arm.

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He takes the flag with the left the enemy seam, they charge towards him. They strike him with a severe strike and outcomes his left arm. He hooks the flag, the flag must not drop, he holds a flag, he hooks the flag, the flag must not drop. There is no right term. There is no left arm, he's hooking the flag. The enemies seem they charge towards him. They seem one robot, they see him bleeding, they seem struggling, they charge towards him, they overpower him, they strike him with a severe strike and it drops to the ground.

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When the Muslim saw that the leader has dropped, did they lose hope?

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No. Why? Because Allah says, that do not think those who are slain in the path of Allah as dead, but they're alive on the love sustains them. without any hesitation.

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He takes the flag dashing on the battlefield, they charge towards him, they overpower him, they strike him with a severe strike and he drops to the ground.

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When the Muslim saw that the first commander has dropped when the Muslim saw that the second commander has dropped when the Muslim saw that the third commander has dropped, they have no commander, they have no leader, they have no general word run through the mind that do not think those were slain in the path of Allah as dead, but they're alive on the law sustains them without any hesitation, zeta rhodiola. He takes the flag confusion on the battlefield, who is to be the new commander, who is to be the new leader. He looks towards Khalid Ali, and he gives the flag to have been a leader of your loved one. Now comes the general now comes the warrior now comes the

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undefeated fighter he rearranges the whole army on the battlefield, the enemy seem thinking you know what we have dealt with the first commander, we have dealt with the second commander, we have dealt with a third commander. Let's attack this man. But what did they know about?

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Why? Because this guy is a source from the source of Allah. He takes the first word dashing towards the battlefield, the enemy's charging towards him. Anything that comes in his way he smashes, he takes the first sword he strikes, it breaks, he takes the second sword dashing towards them, the enemy's fighting him, he strikes with the second slot and the second sword breaks and the third foot breaks, he strikes and the fourth sword breaks. He takes the fifth thought he strikes, it breaks. He takes the sixth thought he strikes, it breaks. He takes the seventh thought he strikes it breaks. He takes the eighth thought he strikes it breaks. He takes the ninth thought he strikes it breaks into

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the enemy run and the Muslims retreat from that day. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave him the title, the source from the source of a lot.

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This is called it's been the leader of the long run.

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Because come up

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with one of the superpowers call it rhodiola. He levels up with a Roman commander, the Roman general and he looks him in the face. The Roman commander says to him

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they looks like poverty.

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nakedness. starvation has compelled you to come here.

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He says if you wish I will give you well. If you wish, I will give you clothing. If you wish. I will give you food I will give you and your army everything you return. You come back the following year and I will do exactly the same thing. Holy moly. The sort of the sloth of Allah looked him in the eye and you know he says

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he says you food.

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We ever come here because we are hungry. We have not come here because we are starving. We have not come here because we are naked. We have come here to drink your blood as we heard that the blood of the Romans is sweet.

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This is called rhodiola one. Why? Because come to battle with one of the super powers.

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rhodiola Warren, he's on the front line. The enemy's holding strong, they look unstoppable. They look untouchable in the middle of the battlefield. They deserve

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Stone, bend reality. In the midst of this form, there is a person on horseback dressed all in black with his face covering with a shield and a sword in his head, dashing towards the enemy heads towards the Roman front, striking them one by one, people are dropping left, right and center.

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One of the companions says that a person points like clearly been bullied, but he's not hardly been bullied.

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Early on, he levels up with this person on horseback, and it says stop.

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And he stops. Tell me who you are. And the person on horseback says that you are the great commander, you are falling

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out of modesty turn away from you clearly say that tell me who you are. And the person on horseback says that I am Hola. I am the system. My brother has been captured by the enemies and I must fight to free him clearly through the law. One says join us everyone free your brother. This is clearly the law one. This is the commander This is the son of Walid This is called police. This is the source the source of Allah azza wa jal.

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Because come the battle with one of the superpowers

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rhodiola one he's on the front line. He's standing there with his army on horseback all of a sudden, the Roman commander on his horse, he leads from his post, he heads towards elite levels up with

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the Allahu and he's looking in the eyes of polyphenylene rhodiola one and he says to Holly, tell me the truth.

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For the free to not lie, the noble do not deceive. Is it true that Allah Almighty has sent a sword from the heavens and he's given it to your prophet? And your prophet has given it to you? As soon as you unleash it, it is you destroy the enemy?

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says no.

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But the reality was this commander, this general he knew it was known for his plan of attack. He knew it was known for his general ship. He knew it was known for his leadership he knew early

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on was the undefeated commander.

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So he looks towards him.

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And he says, tell me what do you want me to do? And he

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says, that testify. There is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah.

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He says if I disagree,

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he goes them give the payment of jizya. He goes if I disagree, he goes in face of sword flowing on the lips of his Roman commander is I testify. There's no God worthy of worship except Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a messenger of Allah. He joins the army of the Muslims. The enemy see that he's the old commander has rebelled against them.

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The battle takes place dashing towards the enemy lines. The Roman commander who has just become a Muslim heads towards him, striking them, they overpower him, they strike him with a severe strike, it drops to the ground and he sold extracts. This is Khalid bin Walid rhodiola. Why?

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Because the news was traveling all around the peninsula, that you know what clearly is a warrior clearly been bullied is a undefeated commander, the voices echoing in the Roman generals ear. Why is this man so powerful? So he sends a spy?

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The Spy returns? And the Roman commander says that tell me what did you see he goes, You know what, by night, they like monks by day. They like warriors. If the some of the leaders were to rub, they will take their hands off, and they established righteousness amongst themselves.

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flowing on the lips of the Roman commander is that I rather be in the belly of the earth and beat such people for battle. He writes to the Persian Empire before destroying them to bits. He says that accept Islam and you will be saved or give the payment of jizya you and your people will be under our protection. If you disagree, then we know men who desire death just as your people desire life. This is a sword from the swords Have a look as though a jungler

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Why? Because come to battle with one of the superpowers clearly

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Hello, one whitespace command and he says, Wait a while and you shall see I shall send lions unmanned, with Shining Armor battalion followed by battalions. This is hardly been the leader of your loved one.

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Because come the Battle of your moon

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rhodiola Juan, he's standing on the front line, the enemy's holding strong, they look unstoppable. They look untouchable. Allahu Akbar, all of a sudden, one of his companions have clearly been bullied. rhodiola one says that look at the size of the army. Look how powerful they are. Listen to the wording and clearly believe

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this should be written in gold. Why? Because Holly

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says the victory lies nine the number of men by lies in the hands of a law as the word gender.

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This is clearly been Waleed rhodiola who and why?

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Because one of the battles

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is informed that you know what the enemy will poison. You clearly can Walid rhodiola and says bring this poison to me. The poison is presented to Khalid bin Khalid rhodiola Juan, he takes this poison, right? he recites and he drinks this poison, no effect is taken and hardly been relieved of the loved one. This is Khalid bin Walid rhodiola. One way before destroying one of the superpowers the superpower was run and Harlequin walidah rhodiola one announces that you know what, if you were in the clouds, and we were on the earth, a lot the Almighty will raise us towards you or he will lower you towards the four button. This is why I say

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and I asked why would

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the Allahu and say the man intends one thing? A law intends another? Why would call it the law one say that I dedicated my life in the way of a law as our agenda.

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Why would

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rhodiola one say

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that I like it on the battlefield? More than I like it on my wedding night.

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Why would call it rhodiola one say

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that you know what?

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On a rainy night, I'm wearing my shield with my sword with my armor, looking again and again and again at the horizon, waiting for the sun to rise so could jump on the battlefield for battle. Why would

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rhodiola one say in the middle of the battle when the battle is fierce? I am the son of bullied. I am Holly been bullied. I am the pillar of Islam. I am clearly been bullied, I am the sword from the source of a lot of zoa gender. Why?

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Because he understood in the premise.

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He understood the law says that do not think those were slain in the law as dead, but they're alive and

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he understood. The law says that you are the best of nations that have been raised for mankind to enjoying what is good and forbid wise even.

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He understood that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the Muslim Ummah is like one body, if one limb is in pain, then the entire body is in pain. He understood that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. He understood that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this, this may

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call it will lead to long run into the source from the source of a lot.

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This is why he was the undefeated commander. This is why he was undefeated drooler This is why he was the undefeated general this is why he was the undefeated conqueror. This is why he was the undefeated fighter. This is why he was known for his plan of attack. This is why he was known for his ploy. This is why he was known for his technique. This is why he was known for his leadership. This is why he was known for his courage. This is why he was known for his fortitude. This is why he was known for his military expeditions. This is why he was praised by the Persian governor. This is why the Prince of Persia would praise him this

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Why the priest of Byzantine would praise Him? This is why he was undefeated in 100 battles. This is why he broke nine shorts in a battle. This is why the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him a title. This is why Abu Bakar Allah one praised him. This is why aroma rhodiola one praised him. This is why he was the conqueror of Sham. Why?

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Because this is the commander. This is the Congress. This is the ruler. This is the general this is the son of Walid This is called the lead. This is the sword from the swords of a law as someone

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who's the commander,

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who's the general call it who's the ruler Khalid bin Walid, who's the soldier of Allah Khalid bin Walid, who's the destroyer of firm clearly been Walid, who's the destroyer of the Persian empires.

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Who is the destroyer of the Roman Empire, clearly been bullied, who is the conqueror

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of the entire

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area of Sham, it's clearly been the leader of your loved one.

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And this is why my brothers

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I say, if this is the commander,

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if this is the rule, if this is the general, if this is the warrior, then why a man's mentioning Ronaldo Ronaldo and Rhonda Dini.

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If this is Holly pin Walid, then why are people talking about some books out from UFC fighter? If this is called elite, then why a man's talking about some rap artists. If this is clearly been bullied, then why a man's talking about others.

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Then the conclusion of some called leader, the loved one.

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And this is why I say

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this day and age, we want to walk like them, we want to talk like them, they use they want to be like them, they get a buzz when someone says you know what you look like Tupac, you look like biggie. But let me tell you something. The reality is, if your mother or your father or your daughter or your any of your family members want cancer, and you want to give one of the footballers a call and say you know, give me a couple of 1000 pounds, help me out one minute By Allah, they will respond to you, they wouldn't give a about you. If this is the reality, then why are you trying to be like them a walk like them and talk like them when you know, they don't want to be like you. They

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don't want to poke like you and they don't even look like you Then why are you following their ways when you have the best of commanders called the leader of the long run to take as an example.

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And this is the reality

00:33:16 --> 00:33:34

done the day of judgment on the plane of resurrection, when they will be the fountain of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam colder than ice sweeter than honey. So many cups, they will outnumber the stars in the sky.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:37

And may Allah save us from this.

00:33:38 --> 00:33:40

That will be a group of people who will be born

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and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will say to them be off, be off, be up.

00:33:49 --> 00:33:50

And this

00:33:51 --> 00:33:55

means that it could be a group of people

00:33:56 --> 00:34:04

who left the way of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companion. A May Allah save us from that.

00:34:06 --> 00:34:15

And this could be the outcome of abandoning the ways of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions but the reality is

00:34:17 --> 00:34:59

when it comes to the likes of clearly been bullied, when it comes to the likes of Abu Bakar when it comes to the likes of Omar, when it comes to the likes of Horace Mann, when it comes to the likes of our league, when it comes to the likes of Hassan when it comes to the likes of Hussein, when it comes to the likes of the lepen abass when it comes to the likes of lepen Omar, when it comes to the likes of Abu hanifa when it comes to the likes of Imam Malik, when it comes to the likes of him separately when it comes to the likes of him when it comes to the likes of Tamia when it comes to the likes of Eminem, when it comes to the likes of Imam Bukhari when it comes to

00:35:00 --> 00:35:31

likes me my Muslim when it comes to the likes of Imam Timothy, when it comes to the likes of Abu Dhabi, when it comes to the likes of hijab, when it comes to the likes of great scholars like this, you and I we don't have a leg to stand on, but when it comes to Rivaldo, when it comes to Ronaldo, when it comes to Newmar, when it comes to Rooney, when it comes to any of these UFC fighters and boxers, people day in day out, they will know every single thing about them.

00:35:32 --> 00:35:39

But when it comes to the likes of Harley rhodiola, one man's to have a leg to stand on.

00:35:42 --> 00:35:45

And the end of called leader is

00:35:47 --> 00:35:49

that he's on his deathbed.

00:35:51 --> 00:35:52

And he's saying

00:35:53 --> 00:35:56

the word man not die in a battle.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:00

And one of his companions says,

00:36:01 --> 00:36:02

oh, clearly.

00:36:05 --> 00:36:08

How can you die in a battle?

00:36:09 --> 00:36:10

When you know,

00:36:12 --> 00:36:18

the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam named you the sword of Allah.

00:36:20 --> 00:36:22

And if you had been defeated,

00:36:23 --> 00:36:24

it would have meant

00:36:26 --> 00:36:31

the sword of Allah has been broken. And that could never, ever happened.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:34

Holly's been

00:36:36 --> 00:36:38

on his deathbed saying

00:36:39 --> 00:36:41

that I die insane.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:45

I die as a camel dies.

00:36:47 --> 00:36:57

I die in shame. May the eyes of a coward, never close, even in sleep and his soul extracts

00:36:59 --> 00:37:01

and this is the end of call it

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

live like a warrior.

00:37:07 --> 00:37:08

Walk Like a warrior

00:37:10 --> 00:37:12

and died as a warrior.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:15

And this is why

00:37:17 --> 00:37:17

my brothers

00:37:19 --> 00:37:20

we pray to a law

00:37:22 --> 00:37:24

that the next woman

00:37:25 --> 00:37:27

that gives birth to a child

00:37:28 --> 00:37:30

make it so

00:37:31 --> 00:37:35

that she gives birth to the likes of a leader or a loved one.

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