Mufti Menk – You Forgive But You Don’t Forget

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness and limiting interactions with toxic people. They explain that forgiveness is a act of worship, and accepting and forgive is a separate act. The speaker also emphasizes the stress of avoiding interactions with toxic people and limiting one's relationships with them.
AI: Transcript ©
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A quick question.

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You achieve forgiveness

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more readily when you are prepared to forgive

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And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says it in

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Surah An Nur as well, You

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know, forgive and embrace. Would you not like

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Allah to forgive you? For indeed Allah is

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most forgiving, most merciful. Now, Allah knows we

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are human beings and he knows we have

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a heart and he knows we feel hurt

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and he knows that we might find it

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difficult to forgive,

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he asks us to look into the matter

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You may forgive and you should forgive and

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you should try and forgive.

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But the question is, what if I can't

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forget what was done?

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You never ever need to forget what happened.

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You don't need to. If over time you

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have forgotten it was good because the relationship

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might have built and you forgot what happened,

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or it slipped your mind or it's no

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longer in the front of your mind. But

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initially it's very difficult and

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you know, sometimes you don't even need to

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interact with the people you've forgiven, but you've

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let go.

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This is something that many people don't understand.

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I've spoken about it in the past

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and I'm speaking about it again because someone's

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asked me a question and this is the

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answer to it. You forgive, but you don't

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That's it. And you forgive. It doesn't mean

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you need to embrace. To forgive is 1

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act of worship, which is more important.

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To embrace is another act of worship, which

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is not as important

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as the forgiving. Because sometimes you might have

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a person who's really a nasty person. You've

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forgiven them. They may not be genuine in

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seeking that forgiveness. You may you may not

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know you're a human being, but you've let

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it go. But you want to limit your

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interactions with them. Bravo.

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That's actually a good thing. SubhanAllah.

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It's good to limit your interactions with those

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who may be toxic.

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Those who may not have changed their ways.

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I can't

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handle being in their company. It's very stressful.

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My mind,

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has a pressure on it whenever I'm with

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this person.

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I feel so,

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you know, strongly about not being with them.

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And it just stresses me and gives me

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the jitters or I I get depressed, whatever

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else it may be. You just don't want

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to be with them. No problem. There's nothing

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that says you have to be with them.

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They've wronged you in the past, they belittle

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you, they mock at you, they lie about

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you, they cause problems for you, you can

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minimize your relationship with them, but

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you've forgiven them. What am I gonna hold

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it in my heart for? It's okay, I've

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That's a very important lesson. I thought I'd

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share that with you.

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