Mufti Menk – Why Did You Choose Islam

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of knowing the principles and regulations of Islam, as it is a fundamental part of Islam. They explain that while some may not understand certain concepts, it is important to have knowledge and enlightenment to build one's faith. The speaker also emphasizes that while some may not understand certain aspects of Islam, it is important to have a clear understanding of the principles and regulations.
AI: Transcript ©
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A question

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that we may be asked,

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why are you a Muslim?

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Why is it that you have chosen the

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faith of Islam?

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Many people born Muslim have probably not even

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thought about it. It.

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But a day may come when someone might

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ask you

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and you might not have thought of

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the deep reasoning,

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and so you may not have at times,

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due to lack of knowledge, a convincing response.

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And if you have embraced the fold of

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Islam later on in life, masha'Allah. Congratulations.

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May Allah bless and grant goodness, not just

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to you, but to all of us. And

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may Allah bless humanity at large and guide

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us all. Ameen.

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we need to know when we say La

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Iqraha Fid deen,

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repeating the verse of the Quran, the words

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of Allah,

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There is no compulsion

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in deen in the religion. What does it

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mean? It means no one can force you

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to enter the fold of Islam.

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Once you enter the fold of Islam,

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you have

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through your own free will

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that you have chosen as your faith.

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And there is a set of rules and

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that are unaltered,

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not changed.

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You have no right to come and start

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changing things and chopping and still call it

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Islam is a religion

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that has been set by Allah,

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the Creator, the Maker.

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And the messenger, peace be upon him, related

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it to us.

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Those rules and regulations

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collectively are known as Islam. But if I

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come and I say

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I'm a Muslim,

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I am

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required to follow that set of rules and

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If I think that, no,

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I don't agree with x y z, then

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is it fair to call yourself a Muslim?

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That's the question.

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Because people come and try and change things

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bring that which goes against the Quran and

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the sunnah of the prophet Muhammad, peace be

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upon him. And they say, no, but I

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am Muslim by the way. By the way,

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by what way?

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You'd rather be honest and say, look, do

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you know what?

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I don't agree. And that's it. Yes. If

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there is a question in your mind and

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you are inquisitive,

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it happens to everyone with ignorance

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that sometimes you are a Muslim, but there

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are a few concepts you may not have

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grasped so well. So all you need is

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and all you need is a little bit

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knowledge and you will get the answers.

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So that doesn't make you a non muslim

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simply because you haven't understood a thing or

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2 or you haven't grasped some aspects and

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concepts of Islam. But

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as time goes on and you learn and

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you continue to ask and you find out

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and you begin to grasp it better, you

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become consolidated

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in your faith.

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And this is why it's important to have

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Yes. The pillars of Islam,

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those are known

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as you were entering the fold of Islam

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or if you were a born Muslim, as

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you grew older

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and you became a teenager, you became an

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adult. It was your duty to start

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finding out even prior to that actually.

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So the pillars,

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no compromise.

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When it comes to the in-depth teachings, you

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may not understand some of the concepts

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because not everyone is that knowledgeable. So Allah

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If you're unaware of revelation, if you don't

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know and you're ignorant and you don't understand,

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perhaps ask those with knowledge. Ask those who

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They will respond to you with evidence. And

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at the same time, it will enlighten you

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from the ignorance that you had of the

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