Mufti Menk – Why Allah Gives You Illness

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The speaker talks about a woman who met a brother for the first time in Qatar and eventually passed away. She found out about the illness of the woman and the importance of preparing for death. The speaker encourages people to be convinced of their likelihood of being cured by Allah by finding a way to make their lives better.
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I met a brother, one of my beautiful,
beautiful brothers called Azhar Safwan.
I met him for the first time in
He facilitated so many Islamic programs, massive, huge
5-star events.
And I found out some time back, he
has cancer, shafa'u Allah wa'afa.
Allah grant him shifa.
I was passing, coming here, and I decided
to go and see him at the hospice.
He's not doing well at all.
Doctors have already given him a period of
time that has expired.
But nonetheless he's alive, he's doing well.
And I went there and I said, you
know what?
I said so many things.
We have hope in Allah.
We have conviction in Allah.
While it's important to prepare in case you
pass away, your will and a few loose
ends and so on, because you have to
do that, you're a human.
You can't not do that.
You can't let your relatives say, shut up,
don't talk about death because he might not
We want him to be cured.
Do you know what?
Let him prepare.
Allah has given him an illness so that
he can at least prepare.
Sometimes people go with no notice whatsoever.
In this case at least, you know, we're
hoping that he's going to be cured, but
there's no harm in tying all loose ends
and making sure everything is going to be
You know, your children, your whoever, your grandchildren,
your business, your work, your passwords and what
You can have a moment to delete a
few things and so many other things, right?
Hey, at least Allah has given you.
So, I said we should be preparing to
meet with Allah.
Yes, correct.
But at the same time, we have full
hope that Allah will grant you a miracle.
I am convinced that you are going to
be cured by Allah.
And I ask her, Oh Allah, I know
you're going to do it.
I'm convinced.
Allah will either grant him because he has
granted people, so many people whom the doctors
have said six hours to remain.
I know someone who was given six days
here in London.
Wallahi, it's been more than six years.
The guy is as fit as a fiddle.
I meet him and see him and I
say, Good example, subhanAllah.
How you've been given this time and you're
still alive.
That's Allah.
What happened?
The miracle, the dua, all of the combination
of everything.
When the doctors gave up and said, You
can go home, palliative care and whatever else.
And you know what?
Next thing, this guy starts healing.
How did he heal?
By the miracle of Allah.
Allah wants to show you, when everyone's given
up, see what we do, subhanAllah.
See what we do.
Allah can, He has.
But if Allah has written that you're going
to go, what happened to you?
You have hope.
You kept on saying, Allah, I know you're
going to let me live.
I know you're going to cure me.
I know you're going to give me.
I know you're not going to let me
go just now.
I'm convinced, Oh Allah, I call out to
I gave a sadaqa, I did this, I
did that.
Allah says, Do you know what?
The fact that you made all these duas
with such conviction in me, believing in me,
that belief has plugged in on a level
that will deserve you my mercy, that will
grant you entry into Jannah.