Mufti Menk – Where Are These Men Today

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallali alaihi was allam has spent 100% of his wealth on Allah's teachings, which means he will spend it for the next meal. The Prophet sallali alaihi was allam asks him what have you left for your family members, and he says, O Messenger, I have left half of my wealth for them. And the Prophet sallali alaihi was allam asks him what have you left for your family members, and he says, O Messenger, I have left everything I have left for you."
AI: Transcript ©
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Umar ibn Khattab radiAllahu anhu came in with

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wealth. And he was so happy that day

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because there was competition in goodness. You know,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala teaches us that if

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you want to compete with one another, you

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compete with one another in doing good deeds,

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not in materialistic

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items. So this was to spend in the

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cause of Allah, Umar ibn Kathab

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said, Today, I'm going to beat Abu Bakr.

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Which means I will be spending more than

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this day. So when the Prophet

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asked Umar ibn Khattab radiAllahu anhu, What did

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you spend?

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What have you left for your family members?

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He said, O Messenger, I have left half

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of my wealth for them.

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And he was happy because he made a

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dua to Allah, You Allah accept it from

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me. And in his heart he said, Today

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I will have spent more than Abu Bakr

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because I have spent 50% of all my

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wealth. And later comes along, Abu Bakr as

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Siddiq, Abdullah ibn Uthman

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he comes along and he says,

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Here is what I have to donate for

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this particular battle, O Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam asks him,

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O Abu Bakr, what have you left for

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your family?

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And he says,

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O Messenger

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I have left Allah

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and His Messenger. Subhanallah.

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Which means this is 100%

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of my wealth. I've put it in front

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here. 100%. What we are going to have

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for the next meal, Allah will provide. No

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problem. SubhanAllah.

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Look at the conviction the man had. This

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was the best of those to tread the

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earth after the prophets of Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala. One narration says that Abu Bakr as

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Siddiq radiAllahu anhu will be the first to

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enter Jannah from amongst the men of my

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