Mufti Menk – Try Not To Deny Them

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how people are upset about them because they have caused harm to others. They suggest that people should not deny their behavior and that it may be difficult to digest such behavior. The speaker also talks about how people are upset because they have caused harm to others, and suggests that people should not deny their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum. It could change their lives

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because they've looked up to you. That's 1

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of the reasons why when someone says, Sheikh,

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can I have a photo with you? I

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try not to deny it. I know it's

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very difficult. I know sometimes

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you have to make a plan. You know,

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you have someone. And, look, It it it

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may not be ideal, but sometimes you have,

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a woman there. Like I said, it may

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not be ideal. There could be people saying,

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no. You're sheikh. You shouldn't even be doing

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that at all. But look.

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When someone's really been impacted by you all

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their lives, so many things have changed. 1

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day, they suddenly see you. They want to

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capture the moment. Nothing more. It's captured. There's

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no halwa, meaning there's no seclusion. You're not

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with them alone. There's it's in full view

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of the public. Everyone is there, and they

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want to be to to have the opportunity

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to say, you know what? I actually met

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this person who's my teacher, who taught me

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knowingly, unknowingly for decades or for a long

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I think to deny them that would probably

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be more,

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difficult for them to digest at times

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than to say, okay. You know what? There's

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a table between us. There's a few other

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people here. There's so much here. You can

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take a quick picture and move on, you

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know. And what what's the quick picture all

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about? It is capturing

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the real life moment that did occur.

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Mhmm. It's not like I'm doing something

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absurd. This thing happened in full view of

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the whole public, you know.

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