Serena Hotel Banquet Kampala Uganda 2024
Mufti Menk – The Youth in Current Times

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The speakers discuss the importance of love, embracing one's own success, respecting others, and balancing reality and happiness. They emphasize the need to be mindful of one's words and engage in positive conversations to build community. The speakers also emphasize the importance of investing in oneself and others, being aware of trends on social media, and helping others instead of criticizing them. They encourage people to use technology for their own benefit and to focus on what they want.
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Smilla he will Hamdulillah he was salatu salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah He was rbh mine.
I want to welcome my brother Dr. Muhammad Salah back on the stage. He had a live session where he was teaching a lesson to people across the world and it was at 830 He went, it was an hour and now he is back. So you are welcome. Protocols observed.
I want to also welcome the High Commissioner of the of Nigeria.
The reason is
I met him yesterday.
And you know what? It's not fair. We welcomed everyone else. But we said we are going to miss you know, my brother, we will never miss you. We are also Nigerians by the way.
Mashallah, there are some other Nigerians on the left. You see, that's the beauty of it, we find out nonetheless, let's get to the topic itself. The youth You see, brother while Ibrahim addressed the matter of movies, do you agree? He spoke about what people are watching. We cannot deny we are living in an age of social media. I cannot tell you do not be on social media. But I want to start off by congratulating all those who are creating beneficial content, we need you, we need you. If you are creating beneficial content, that is helping someone I've seen so much content, people are telling others how to earn money, how to do business, how to earn the pleasure of Allah, something
religious, something to do with empowering others. Wallahi I congratulate you, you are the hidden gems who are on social media using it for the right reasons. So we can never say that we condemn social media in totality, because not to be on it is missing out on your generation. That's what it is. But to be disciplined and to know how to use it. And what you want to use it for, is what we are trying to remind you to do. For example, there are some I remember a sister who told me I lost my job because of my hijab. Now you and I know hijab.
For a lot of those who are Muslim, it's a struggle at times, especially in an environment in the Western world, sometimes where perhaps, as much as they may say, freedom, freedom, they are perhaps more freedoms in our nation's than some other nations where they claim it, but they will fire you from your job for just wearing a piece of cloth on your head. I want to shout out to those sisters, congratulations to you for standing up for what you are just like
it is a sacrifice, to stand up for who you are. In whatever way it may be. I love the way I look. And I want to tell you, liberation. true independence is to love yourself how your makeup made you, with your hair, with your complexion, with your height, with your size, with everything that you have come with as a package, learn to look in the mirror and say I love myself the way my lord made me. That is the day you have been released. And you are independent. For as long as you are enslaved. By wanting to look like someone whom you are not. You're not going to go very far in life. Learn to love yourself. This is me. Those who love me for who I am. I love you back. Those who
don't. I used to say fly a kite. I've run out of kites don't fly anything you can go to *.
How can you dislike a person that the Lord who made you has made brother I love you how you are I will not maltreat you based on what you look like and what you've chosen. I for one do not judge anyone who appears in front of me no matter how they appear, because I want there to be hope. This is a person they are being themselves. Am I being myself? Why should I swear them, insult them and belittle them if I need to guide them? Because perhaps maybe I might want to tell them there is a better way that I believe that you can dress it can happen sometimes. We have our children, young children are telling their parents who gives you the right to tell me how I should dress. Now
they've come to me as a counselor and say you are going around telling people to be themselves here is my daughter
She doesn't want to wear anything, anything. And she is telling me chef moved. He said that, you know what? I said? Wait, wait, wait, hang on, hang on, you are a parent, you have been given a position by God Almighty.
He says he has created those children through you.
He chose you. None of us here chose our parents, but Allah chose them.
In fact, I want to say one other thing very interesting. None of us are on earth. Because we asked to be on Earth. Is anyone from amongst you here? Because you said you want to be here on earth? No, you were brought here by force?
Am I right? In the same way, you are going to go back by what? By force, whether you like it or not, you have to go back. So who brought you someone who's going to take you back? The same someone who is he the Creator, He chose a path for you to come on Earth, those who are connected to you have a right to guide you with love. Today we spoke about addictions, one of my colleagues, brother, while Ibrahim spoke about addictions, what is he talking about losing yourself, sometimes losing yourself, you lose focus
from reality, and you have now focused on something that is not real. When it gets to a point where you have unplugged from reality, then you are heading intended into in a direction perhaps that is destructive.
So if you are using social media,
to lead people astray, my brother, my sister, you need help. Even if you're making money out of it, that money will not be blessed, because you are using the platforms that the Almighty has given you to lead people astray. Today we are struggling because we are living in an age of immorality. And when we say what is immoral, guess what? The answer of it is changing every year. There are things that were not acceptable last year that are becoming acceptable this year, and they are things that are not acceptable today, after a year or two, they will be more acceptable. And they are things that were considered totally taboo in the past. Today, it's considered recommended as tabula. And
sometimes there are things for example, let me give you one quick example. Can I
in fact, there are a few things that have just come to my mind. Look, I tell you,
my mother, my grandmother, I can never imagine them in a tarp and droughts. Never.
I'm not saying it's wrong to wear a top and trousers, but it's how you wear it. That would show the world that this is a different generation altogether. Right?
When they wore clothing, no one told them anything.
But what was the norm there?
And what was considered taboo.
What was considered wrong became considered as okay in the next generation. The problem is, let's when we move from here to the next one, what's going to happen
Wallahi I was in a country a few days ago without mentioning it because what I'm about to say is not so nice.
A very advanced first world country. And there was a lady walking totally naked.
Totally. And you know what, I didn't notice her. But the driver told me he just said La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. And I thought he was about to bump someone but I didn't get the break. And I said what happened? He said there was an absolutely naked woman walking across. I said, you know, maybe she's not well in her mind. He said, No, they have a right to walk like this. Now they just come out. And they and they just walk you know. So I remember the story.
The story of a staffer Allah, would you like to hear it?
They say there was a man. It's a true story.
He visited a country where there is a beach now you know, the beach is a problem because why? In some places, they have a * beach, you just remove everything and do whatever you need. Look. With all due respect, we as believers, we have a dress code. I be honest with you, we as believers, we have a dress code, we are proud of it, we stick to it. We actually have paid the price for having stuck to our own dress code. We are believers, as much as we will not impose our faith on someone else but we have a right amongst in our circles to discuss the matter and to be able to encourage our children and everyone else to do
Live on that level of morality.
So anyway, this visitor came from a Muslim country. And he is never used to seeing * of that nature. So, what happened is,
every time his eyes fell on something he was not supposed to see.
What did he do?
What did he do what he's supposed to do?
Lower his gaze. So he said, stop for Allah and he looks down. Right? So the driver, he was quite surprised. pleasant surprise, start with Allah, he looks down.
So the next day the driver was with him. Same thing happened, he said stuff Allah about 10 times slower than Allah, so for Allah, and then the driver notice it started getting on the drivers tongue. So what happened is on the third day
the driver saw something and he said, start with Allah. This Brothers is way, way, way.
So which means he started becoming accustomed to now looking you lower your gaze, once you lower your gaze twice, you lower your gaze thrice, you lower your gaze four times after that, what happens?
It becomes tough. You and I are living
in a time on Earth, where the East and the West have differed on the dress code.
They have different and where certain cultures are trying to impose their worldview on the rest of the world. And saying that if you don't adopt this worldview, you are actually backward, we are here to tell you please stick to your own morality and your values and hold them dear and close to you. Because those that were taught by Jesus and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Moses May peace be upon them all our morals and values that are very high, they will carry you into the hereafter into paradise, whereas they are chunks of people who don't even believe that there is a hereafter and we tend to follow them. Where is Mohammed in your life? Where is Jesus in your life? Where is
Moses in your life? May peace be upon them all?
made peace be upon them all.
We are people with high values and morals. I am standing here I am so well dressed. They asked me Why do you wear a scarf? I say to inspire the sisters
if I can wear one, why not? Obviously that is just said on a lighter note, but it means something look at my dress code Subhan Allah in my country, Zimbabwe, when they see me you can ask Omar, they say, Jesus, Whoa, yeah.
What does that mean? That means Jesus has come.
Let's say this man looks like because we are dressed according to what we were taught. Right? This is the dress code of those who would like to get closer to the Almighty, it is not a compulsory thing to wear as a Muslim. No, Islam does not tell you with this or that it tells you what to cover and how to cover it and then it leaves it to you do it how you want your cover. That's it, you are a good person.
But nowadays, we are paying a price to cover I want to tell the youth we are talking to at times it's worth paying that price. So if paying the price, I don't mind threatened to lose the job. I lost it no problem. Let me go guess what happened. I told you there was a sister who lost a job because of her hijab. That's where we were the story. Remember?
She started online doing something. And this is one example of many.
Some time later, she told me you know what I've made so much of money, more than a salary that I would ever have gotten. And at the moment, we have business upon business upon business. I was talking to brother while about another sister who started selling hijabs and she has a multi million dollar business in how long short short time, right?
Wow. without even mentioning who she is, okay, let's leave it. But it's a multi million dollar business in such a short time. What did she do? She started selling things online and it went on to stores and so much more. You know what you can do it, you need to be determined. You need to be focused, you need to keep trying, you need to contribute maybe in Uganda and in Zimbabwe, it might not be that a certain type of technologically advanced sale may work but in whatever way it's working, let it work here in our country. Sometimes maybe online sales might not be working as
much as other countries, but at least you can advertise on tick tock, you can advertise somewhere on social media, they will see your product and who are you, you are a person who hasn't even come out of your house.
You could be
and how much did you make? You paid millions Subhanallah you could have,
by the way, not in shillings in dollars.
May Allah bless you and your nation and your economy and your country may Allah Almighty grant you peace and stability, peace and stability is a favor of the Almighty that He has bestowed upon those upon those who care for it. And if you want to care for it, let me tell you what needs to be done.
You need to respect each other with your differences. That's when you will have peace and stability.
If you don't respect each other with your differences, look at the example of what has happened in other places where they started bickering and hating each other in this country. There are people from all walks of life, no one can actually look down upon the other and insult without being a full themselves.
If you love your nation, you need to know I'm different. I belong to another faith. But I will not say a word that is belittling to a person who's you following a different faith altogether, even though I disagree with Allah. Mulleavy, nya, their own dune in line via Subala. Either one will be valued here in here is the Quran talking to you telling you do not insult those who are calling out today it is besides Allah besides God Almighty, because they will then insult you as a result or market you as a result, and it will create chaos, who created the chaos, the foolishness of the one who thought he was right, so he could mock it others as much as I have seen people of other faiths
come in, look at the Muslims. Look at the comment section on some of the posts that emerge in some beautiful nations. It is worth concern. It is a worthy meaning it is a matter of concern, where we see comments of people who say these people are satanists. They worship the devil they do this. What are these people who Allah who we are teaching goodness, purity, harmony, coexistence, love, peace, stability, security, growth? What else are we teaching? Have we come to this nation to preach any hatred? Never have we come to any nation to preach that you should fight with one another? No way. We are honorable people who will come and tell you please, let's live all together as humankind,
because we need to celebrate the difference and at the same time, discuss it if it may be in a respectful, honorable manner. But I am also a citizen of the nation.
I'm a citizen of the nation.
If you do not learn to respect one another, with the differences and why why do I say differences? We will never be the same amongst each religion, or each denomination, there will be differences. And then there's bigger differences between the different faiths. Among the Muslims. There are denominations, not all are one. Sometimes you sit in as you are flicking. I do spend a certain time of the day to find out what's going on. I have a very good FYP. You know, what's an FYP? Yes. See, the older people who are sitting near the front probably don't know,
the younger ones at the back and the even younger ones at the top, you know what I'm talking about, right?
So when you use your phone in the correct way, normally what is suggested to you by artificial intelligence is clean things, things that you are normally interested in what you've spoken about the minute you do some dirty things on your phone, or things that are this way and that way. That is what it keeps on telling you. I had someone recently they say I went to propose to Mary. So the girl asked me Can I see your phone? Why? I just want to go through your Tiktok FYP?
What's the big deal? Okay, look at it. You're not going through anything. I know, just FYP there were so many dirty things. One after the other. She said look, I'm not interested in marrying you. So I said how can you use it against me? Because it's just a phone. It's a suggestion. She said I have studied algorithms. And I can tell you that your mind is dirty La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah the brother is saying please can you talk to her and convince her that the way she judged me is haram
so I said to him, I said my brother please please
If someone doesn't want to marry you, you can't force them, I cannot shove it down your throat, you know, I cannot shove it down your throat. But what does it teach us? It teaches us that the world has changed, the world has changed. You use your phone in a good way. Wallahi it will guide you in a good way. I was saying sometimes when you are flicking you notice some of the comments. Are they not alarming to show you how we have degraded across the globe, there is a lot that needs to happen. We need to be vehicles of spreading goodness, we need to spread values, we need to spread mutual respect. Because you know what? Look at the wars happening across the globe. Many of them what are
they connected to? Yes, politics if you ask me, but also connected to the fact that people are not prepared
to respect differences.
Brother, I'm deaf don't shove your opinion down my throat, please let me dress how I want, I will care for you. I will contribute towards your success. But I am not going to remove my clothing. Thank you very much.
I promise you,
my sisters, it's a challenge. It's a challenge to dress decently you know why there is peer pressure and pressure of societies and communities. I started off by congratulating those who create content that is positive. I started off by congratulating them because for the content that puts pressure on you to behave like it, you end up doing things that you don't realize are actually silly at times. very silly. Where did you get it from? I got it from the phone from social media. Surely we should be investing in those who are doing the right thing. That's why I say anytime you are on social media and you see a good post, interact with it, because the algorithm works in a way that the more
interactions, the more that post will be beamed.
So you like it, you forward it, you comment even if you just put a little heart
good teachings, you get a reward, you contribute towards communities development, in the true sense, what's the point of having people who are maybe earning, but they have no values, not at all. So they will not be contented they will not be happy. They have no God in their equation at all. Because once you remove God from the equation, your hereafter is canceled, it's canceled.
To put Allah in your equation is very important. I said a few days ago in a speech in another country, that if someone were to ask you, is Allah in your equation? The correct answer is Allah is my equation.
That's the answer. Allah is my equation. Everything else is by the way.
We are here to tell you to live in harmony. We are here to tell you to empower others and you will be empowered. We are here to tell you to live together with one another in a way that you care for each other. You know, Islam gives great importance to the neighbor. So much so that the Prophet peace be upon him says
the companion said that he was speaking so know the Prophet peace be upon him says that when Angel Jibreel came to him and spoke so much about the rights of the neighbor that he actually said I thought he might say when you die, some of your wealth needs to go to your neighbor, but that didn't happen.
Why the neighbor? Because a community is made up of neighborhoods, the neighborhoods, each one has a neighbor, if you are good to your neighbor, your neighbor is good to you and you are good to one another. You are living in a community where you love to live. Have you not seen those who live in certain suburbs, each one takes care of the other right or wrong. But when you live in a suburban community where they don't care for each other, they hate each other. They talk bad about each other. You are driving home and you can see the eyes on your car are sticking onto your shoulders. That's how bad some people's eyes are. They are looking at you as though they would love to see your
tire punctured. And brother I'm only driving a Toyota we are not the fortunate few who might be driving a Rolls Royce. Right.
And they are wishing that my tires are flat just by their eyes the way they look like this.
I don't like to live in that neighborhood. I want to live in a neighborhood where mashallah, how are you brother Everything okay? Like they say when you go to the mosque to pray for Allah. If you ever see someone come to the mosque, make them feel comfortable. Welcome them there. Because don't say negative words that how
does not belong to you, it belongs to the Almighty. When you welcome someone there, you have developed community and society brought people closer to God Almighty. They feel like coming. They will come for the next prayer because they say, those are my brothers. I miss them. Wow. Subhanallah I missed them. But when you go to a place where they are looking at you, Oh, what happened to this guy? To look who's here today? Can you see this guy? He actually came here to the mosque to pray. I'm sure he has a problem. Did you read the newspaper? Did you read? Did you see the article online? He has a court case. That's why he's here. All these comments, what are they for? If there is a
court case that brought you to the mosque, you are more than welcome? I really don't. I will pray for you. And we love you. And we trust you. And we hope that everything goes well.
So this is the thing, are we going to be a force of positive growth and positive contribution? Or are we going to contribute negatively?
It's important for us really, it's important for us really to consider what we would like to be and what we would like the generations to come to be with just before I came, I'm thinking of my father. And I was thinking to myself, my father, a very disciplined person. He gets up every morning very early, he sets a time for prayer. He has a time for this. He has a time for breakfast, in fact, a little tea with some small biscuit or two in a certain way. And he's been doing it ever since I know. And then he has his breakfast he does a little bit he washes up, cleans up goes to work. He now he's retired, but he used to go and he works very hard comes back in the afternoon for lunch. He
has a little nap after lunch, gets up and teaches the children I was among those whom he taught chef Homer period was among those whom he taught as well. My father has taught us He is my colleague, and my senior. And to be very honest with you, I tell myself, where is that generation of dedication? We've lost it.
Don't you agree? Your fathers were more dedicated than you? They were discipline they worked harder. Don't you agree? They were more focused.
So what happened to us? We are working hard, according to us, but we are less focused with me I need a little bit more sleep sometimes I need to rest so I will get up for solitude Fajr reading then I will tell the guys you know what I need to rest Give me at least one hour I need to knock out my father never did that. But I'm doing it shows that what I'm not on that level. Those machines you know those old motor vehicles 1970 When they bash into a Toyota Corolla 2024 The 2024 is almost finished and that thing has a small bump on it like this. Have you seen that?
Have you seen that? His brother while Ibrahim drives a Tesla in Perth, a Tesla? I don't even want to say what might happen to your car share. May Allah protect you and your vehicle share. I mean let me say mashallah Tabata kala so its aim is not from me inshallah Allahumma barik level
but with people, the next generation, our fathers have invested in us and our mothers have invested in us with us. We are still busy enjoying the world, but we have kids who are crying for us to invest in them, but we are busy enjoying life. What am I doing?
Wallahi people are busy taking pictures of themselves and posting online and their children are crying for attention. It's not fair. I need to realize what is the balance here. I cannot be a person who is living a fake life. I have to live reality. Your children you need to invest in them. We are young here. As you grow older, be discipline. Get up on time, work hard, go to work, come back. Money will not come to you so quick like this. You need to work hard. When you earn money by your sweat. It is the most blessed money you ever have.
You don't need to be the richest man. But May Allah make you rich. You don't need to be the richest woman. But May Allah make you rich in your path. You will find contentment when you have the correct values and morals and you have a connection with your maker.
You will live a life of happiness and joy and contentment but you have a small home
Alhamdulillah I have a small home but I'm happy. But when we live a fake life, we forget that for you to be where you are someone invested in you. Who are you investing in so that the next generation can lead a better life.
I am here today because my father invested in me he's
Time, his money, his effort, his dedication, his guidance. I did not like some of the days I wanted to run away from home some of the days today, I appreciate him completely, it is my duty to, to really pray for him and to do even better with my own kids.
That's why they say marriage is a sacred union. Because the person whom you choose to marry will shape your future. Don't just choose to marry someone who looks nice. Looks are important. Mashallah, but more important than looks? Is it a person you want to be the mother of your children, the father of your children, a blessed person, they might not be the most prettiest, but you will learn to love them more than the prettiest. Sometimes you see pretty or handsome people when I see someone looking really amazing. I tell myself Wallahi I have something at home better than this.
one day, there was a lady who was very arrogant on an aircraft, very arrogant. And she was so arrogant that I thought to myself, You know what I normally don't like to say much. I'm quiet. But I told her sister. I just want to tell you something. If you think that you're going to impress me by your looks, what I have at home, you can never compete with it.
It's reality.
She was just looking down.
I don't care what you look like if you have to do a job respect the people. We paid the airline ticket we at least deserve a little bit of a greeting Welcome, sir. Or whatever. If not, you are serving food. You can't miss me because I have a beard. No. If anything, you spoke to me perhaps that beard, you might realize that that's the reason why. That's the reason why we are even more helpful than others. Wallahi I tell you, when there is turbulence on the flight, what happens? The only people who are come are those who are connected to God Almighty. Do you not agree? They are connected. They're just sitting and chill. They say you know what, what's going to happen to this
flight? It's shaking. Well, you know what, we either going to make it on the ground or we're going to make it into heaven. What else? Right. But a person who's got no connection to God, they start screaming, yelling, they don't know what's going to happen. And it was only turbulence. If you ask me I fly a lot. When there's turbulence, just take it in your stride 99.999% of the time, nothing will happen. It's just movement. It's nowadays it's a bit more because of the global warming and whatever else it is. So the young man says what about that naught point naught naught 1%. I said, Look, we are looking at the positives, you're looking at the negatives. That's the generation today.
The worst case scenario I don't want to look at worst case, I want to look at best case scenario. And if the worst case scenario happens without me having looked at it, it happened and I'm already in Jannah sitting and chilling, waiting for awhile, Ibrahim
May Allah grant you goodness, it's a sign of lovehabibi the sign of love Mashallah.
Dr. Muhammad is feeling left out. Okay, you can join us here.
These are my brothers, my brothers and sisters who Allah He the whole purpose of my
coming here is only to remind you and I Wallahi we should be responsible. The youth who are here be responsible. I know. It's exciting. Sometimes I know. People want clicks and likes and follows they feel validated. Don't drop to the degree where your wrongdoing seems validated to you because of likes. I tell you something, social media, you all will agree that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to social media. I'm sure you would agree based on how how much we've used it and how we've used it. I can tell you when you do something silly, perhaps you might get a million and a billion likes. And when you tell people the right thing five people will say yes you are right. Some
people might even shout you and admonish you to say you are living in the 60s. It's okay. Does that mean that you need to start doing silly things for validation? That's what the new generation think so we are here to tell you Don't think like that because you are going to waste your real life. Based on the fake online life. The people you are comparing yourself with they themselves do not exist. Because you know what? There is something called filter They filter the filter what the other day I saw I was showing why ellebra him I said why? Look someone looks unwell here. It was a guy who wanted to look like a girl and he made his lips like 20 times the size that it is and he's just I
said what what was the point? What do you want? It's because the trend that is created makes you feel like your lips are not good enough.
I promise you they are you can also kiss inshallah it will work don't worry.
So long as you kissing the right
IT person agreed.
But don't fall for the trends that are silly just to get likes, because you will end up losing yourself. The person whom you are comparing yourself with, that person doesn't exist. Because they themselves are filtered. They are looking at you and saying, Wow, look at how good looking this person is. And you are looking at them and saying, Wow, look at how good looking this person is, without realizing that it's happening both ways. It's happening both ways. I remember a couple that I met and this is a true story. And I want to end, right.
They were having major problems. And they came to me again in a first world country, and they said, you know, we have this issue this issue. I said, but you guys are on you guys on social media. You are so happy on social media, showing the world how you are hugging, you are kissing you are walking together. They said no. It's just a business partnership. Because we need to earn money from social media. We pretend like everything's okay. But in reality, this marriage is almost broken. We are here to ask for help. So I'm telling myself, hang on, hang on, hang on. You mean the whole world has in the comment section. goals, goals, have you seen the word goals? They say goals, you know what
goals means. For those who might not be Gen Z, let me tell you what it means. It means we want to be like that. That's what it means. Well, if you want to be like that come to me, I show you who they are, and what the real life is. You don't want to be like that. You get my point. So remember, live your life, my small heart to Allah He that I own, that is better for me than looking at someone else's palace and losing sleep over something I'm never going to get. Let me enjoy my little heart for now. It's an amazing thing.
And that's why sometimes when people do not have God Almighty in the equation, what happens they can't sleep at night, they cannot sleep. But someone who has a connection with God Almighty, they hit the pillow. And in two, three seconds, they are knocked out completely. May Allah give us all good and sound sleep say I mean, Allah hates a gift. So in sha Allah, we should all be responsible, we should all help one another, contribute towards causes that serve morality and values and faith and belief in the one who made us contribute towards
understanding each other,
protecting one another,
being there for one another, and learn the art of difference of opinion. I have dealt with so many people who don't agree with me in so many things. Every time I've been very respectful. Sometimes you sit and you watch people, the only thing they can do online is
talk a load of rubbish about others. That's all.
They say so many things, one after the other, a third, a fourth. You know what? Study their lives. They're doing nothing. That's what Allah chose them for. Allah chose them to talk about other people who are doing the hard work. That's what it is. So what should you do? Don't focus on them. Haters will hate any of any one of us when you are successful. A sign of success is that someone has to be jealous of you. Why are they jealous? They're jealous because you have something they want and they don't have it. If they had it, they wouldn't even be jealous. So you have something thank Allah. Don't be depressed regarding jealousy. Thank Allah, Oh Allah, you gave me something. At least I
know. That's why they are jealous. Nobody is jealous of a person who has nothing. So if you are saying people are jealous, it means that you have something from the Lord Almighty.
So thank Allah for that.
My brothers and sisters, I haven't finished seeing what I want to say. So guess what? Can I give you the good news or the bad news? What do you want first?
The bad news is I have to end my talk now. But do you want the good news now?
Because I haven't finished I have to come back to Uganda.
That's the good news. Right?
And the question I leave you with is when should that be?
Why not today? You let me down so I'll keep it next year inshallah.
Now May Allah bless you all, I love you all for the pleasure of Allah. And I really truly feel a connection. I am a person. I pray What You See Is What You Get Inshallah, and we should all be even better than that. I don't claim to be the best of people, but I try hard. If we try hard, we will always be good people, even those who hate you. Excuse them, they don't know they are not in your equation.
At times they can hate while we continue with love and with love we shall change the world
So may Allah Almighty bless you all Akula kolayca wa sallahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato