Mufti Menk – The Surah for Orphans and Widows

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of Islam and the need for people to be mindful of their responsibilities. They also talk about the crisis on the Muslim Um indicators where widows and divorced women are being kept in marriage, and the importance of helping them. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to be prepared for a situation like this and offers a solution to the crisis.
AI: Transcript ©
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So widows and orphans come first. And Allah

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has revealed a whole surah, surahun Nisa, dedicated

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to widows and orphans

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and the women.

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That's why he says right at the beginning,

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don't eat their wealth. Be careful. Don't cheat

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them. Look after them. Take care of them.

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There will come a point when you have

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young widows.

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Initially, they might say, you know what? I

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never want to get married again. Wallahi, it

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is the duty of the family and the

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community to ensure that they encourage them to

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get married and to help them in that

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I know of families who don't want their

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sons, widows to marry again simply because

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they don't want the children perhaps to be

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in the care of another man.

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What selfishness

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is this? When the prophet salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam himself

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did the most noble thing by marrying only

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widows and divorced women besides 1.

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You had a greater chance of getting married

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to the prophet of Allah, salallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, if you were a widow than if

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you were a virgin.

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And nowadays, people make it difficult. They it's

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taboo. Widow wants to get married, they say

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What's so astaghfirullah about it? Say masha Allah,

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Allah grant us ease.

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We should be helping them. I know of

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so many who probably shy away from the

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My beloved sisters, it's about time we open

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our hearts. We have a crisis on the

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globe at the moment in the Muslim Ummah

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where we have hundreds of widows, if not

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thousands. Hundreds are just here in our own

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1000 across the globe

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who don't know where the next

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rental is going to come from.

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And here we are stopping our men from

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even assisting,

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from even trying to be

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We need to think about it. Do you

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know why?

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I could be next. That's why.

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I could be next.

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It's a serious matter. It's easy for people

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to just brush it under the carpet,

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but it's a crisis. Look at the Ansar

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and Muhajireen.

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At the time of the prophet it was

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not about being widowed.

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It was more about

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being driven out of your home

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and your belongings taken away.

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The Ansar of Madinah opened their homes and

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they shared half of their wealth

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with the Muhajireen who were total strangers besides

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for the Shahada,

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besides for being Muslim,

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besides for being followers of Nabi Muhammad salallahu

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alaihi sallam.

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They were strangers.

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They opened their houses. They shared half of

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their belongings. In some cases, much more than

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that happened.

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We're not even prepared to do a portion

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of that for someone whom we grew up

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with. In our community, our society, we saw

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the loss they suffered, but no, we don't

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have a big enough heart. And guess what?

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Then it happened to us,

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and the rest of the community did exactly

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the same to us. But we did it

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to someone else before, so it's just a

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circle. Break it.

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May Allah forgive us.

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